Hand - Night & Day

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Transcript of Hand - Night & Day

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Night & DayPlanetary Sect

in Astrologyby

Robert S. Hand

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T abl e of Contents

Introduction . . . .

Introduction to Sect ........ • . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Basic Definitions . . . .

Additional Basic Definitions Concerning Sect

Other Sect Issues . . . . . . . . .

A SampleCha

rt -FDR






The Meanings of the Planets in Diurnal and Nocturnal Charts . . 12

General Natures of the Planets According to Sect 21

Other Manifestations of Sect. . . . . . . . . 27

Lots and Sect . . .................. . . 33

Sect and the Hyleg or Apheta

Sect and Firdar ....... .

Sample Charts ......... . . . . . .

Chart # 1: Adolf Hitler





Chart #2: Eleanor Roosevelt . . . . . • . . ........ • . . . . • . . 47

Chart #3: President Clinton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 52

Chart #4: Ric hard M. Nixon

Chart #5: Charles Dederick

Chart #6: Tony Costa . . .

Concluding Remarks . . . .

References . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

........... . . . . . . . . . . . 60




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Introduct ion

This is the first of a se ries of short works designed to assist both students

and more advanced astrologers in understanding particular features of

traditional Western astrology, features that are either unfamiliar to modem

astrologers, or that are employed in ways in traditional astrology that are

unfamiliar to modem astrologers.

Those of us who have been working with the original writings of

ancient and medieval astrology feel very strongly that the best way of

becoming familiar with their teachings is to read them directly. However,

we also recognize that the language, even in translation, of these works is

difficult, and the concepts often unfamil iar. We, who have been doing the

actual translations, have had, and continue to have in some cases, our own

struggles with their language. Therefore we are writing these short works

to provide the reader with assistance based on our understanding of the

major principles in traditional astrology derived from our work.

The reader must be aware of several matters, however. First of all,

this and all subsequent booklets in this series must be regarded as

preliminary. Neither we, nor anyone else that we know of, has fully

mastered all of the concepts involved in ancient and Medieval astrology.

We are learning as we go just as the reader is. As we wo rk more withthese texts, it is safe 10 say that we wi ll learn more, and Ihat some of what

we learn will force us to modify what we say here now in these booklets.

As we learn more, we will make the proper changes in these texts.

Therefore these texts are of necessity somewhat fluid, for now is not the

time 10 try to make definitive statements.

Second, the reader shoul d be aware that these booklets will suffer

from the same flaws as other secondary sources, namely, that there is a

layer ofperception, that of the author, between the reader and the original

authors. Whatever may be our point of view, whatever may be ourlimitations, these will be imposed upon these writings however much we

may try to prevent it. Therefore we urge our readers to use these booklets

to assist in reading the original works, and not to use them as a substitute

for the originals. Only the original works can serve as a corrective to any

errors or distortions that may arise within these booklets. We will do the

best that we can to be adequate guides, but we are only guides. The

original authors themselves are the territory.

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Introduction to Sect

To an astrologer of the late classical period one of the most important

questions that influenced the interpretation of the chart was very simple

and yet very fundamental: was the native born by day or by night? In

other words, was the Sun above or below the horizon? This simple

criterion affected the computation ofJife expectancy, the computation of

most orthe lots (known to us somewhat incorrectly as "Arabic Parts"), the

succession ofplanetary rulerships in time ' and the rulers of he triplicities.

However, what was even more important than any of Ihese is that eve!),

planet, every aspect, and every house position was interpreted differentlyaccording to whether the chart was ofa day or a night birth! Nor was it so

that the day birth was more powerful and benevolenl than the night birth.

In fact this was not true. Day births and night births were equally

powerful, but had to be interpreted differently, with the planets having

different capabilities, powers, and functions in the two types of charts.

This monograph deals with the changes that occur in planetary symbolism

in night and day chans, and is intended to provide the reader with the

basics for applying this teaching to modem interpretations.

Basic Definitions

Sect or Condition - In Greek this was hairesis, in Latin condido or

conditio_The English word 'sect', however, comes from the Latin seco

which means 'to cut' or 'divide'. A sect is therefore a division. In the case

of the planets there are two divisions.1 All of the planets are either of the

I This refers to two systems, the first of which will be touched upon

somewhat in this work, triplicities and their rulership over the thirds of life, and

the second of these systems Firdar or Aljridaries, a system of planetary period

rulerships simi lar to the Hindu dasa system. These will be taken up only briefly

in this monograph, but will be taken up in greater detail in a latcr onc.

1 This derivation is from the standard Lewis and Short, A New Larin

Dictionary, originally published by Oxford University. However another

derivation is given by the OED. It states that the En glish word 'sect' comes fromthe Latin secta, a point on which both sources agree, but that the Latin secra

comes in tum from seCl jtus, the past participle of the sequor, 'to follow ', The

problem that I have with this etymology is that a stressed 'u', such as in secutus,


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solar, diurnal secr or of the lunar, nocturnal sect. The sect of a planet is

independent of its sex. I

The following passages from PtolemyTetrabiblos,

Book l, refer tothese matters. Chapters 5 and 6 provide introductory material that IS

useful fo r understanding the logic of sects set forth in chapler 7.

5. Concerning Benefic and Malefic Planets

With these things being so, since of the four fluidities two are the fertile and

productive ones, that of the hot and that of the wet (for, everything is

compounded and increased by them), while two arc destructive and passive,

that of the dry and that of the co ld (through which all things are in tumseparated and destroyed), the ancients accepted two of the planets, the star

of Zeus {Jupiter] and the star of Aphrodite [Venus] , and the Moon as well ,

as being benefic because of being temperate and having their surplus in the

hot and the wet. But they accepted the star of Kronos [Saturn] and the star

ofAres (Mars] as being productiveof the opposite nature, the one on account

of its excessive coldness, the other on account of its excessive dryness. And

they accepted the Sun and the star of Hermes [Mercury] as being capable of

both because of he commonality of their natures, and as changing in keeping

with that planet which they should happen to be attending.

6. Concerning Masculine and Feminine Planets

Again, since the pr imary genera of natures are two, the masculine and the

feminine, while, of the powers mentioned above, that of the wet essence

happens to be especially feminine (for, in general this part is innate to a

greater degree in all females, but the others arc more in males), they have

fairly handed down to us that the Moon and the star of Aphrodite [Venus]

arc feminine because of having their excess in the wet . But the Sun, the star

ofKronos [Saturn1, the star ofZeus [Jupiter], and the star ofAres [Mars] arc

traditionally masculine. And the star of Hermes [Mercury] is common to

tends not to be dropped as a word evolves, so that it seems to difficult to sec how

secuws could have become 'sect'. Otherwise this etymology is plausible.

I Actually the division of planets into diurnal and nocturnal may be a rival

system of polarity to the division into masculine and feminine, rather in the way

that sign-rulerships and exaltations may have originated as rival systems of



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both ge nera, in accordancc with which he is productive eq ually of the dry

essence and the wet essencc.

And they say that thc stars are being made ma sc uline and femini neduring their fi gurations to the Sun. For, while they are cast relative to the

Sun and preceding' him, they are becoming masculine, but while they are

west relative to him and fol1ow ing/ they are being made feminine. This also

happens during their fi gurations relative to the horizon. For, in the

figurations from rising up to culminating, or from setting up to

anti-culmination under the earth, they are becoming masculine, since theyare

eastern; but in the remaining two quadrants they arc being made fcminine,

since they are western.

7. Concerning Diurnal and Nocturnal Planets

Similarly, since the two most conspicuous of the intervals which make up

time are these, and the interval of the day happens to be more masculine

because of the heat and vigor in it, but night is more feminine because of its

moisture and gift of rest, they have accordingly handed down that the Moon

and the star ofAphrodite [Venus] are nocturnal , but that the Sun and the star

ofZeus [Jupiter] are diurnal , and the star ofHermcs [Mercury] common in

regard 10 these, being diurnal in the morning figure and noclUmal in the

evening figure .l And they also assigned to each of the sects the lWO planets

of the destructive essence, not howcver for the same physical reasons but for

the opposite ones. For, when stars that are similar to stars ofa good mixture

become familiar with them, they make th eir beneficial character greater,

though when unfamiliars to the destructive stars hold in tercourse wi th them,

they undo much of the aillict ion.' Whence, since the star ofKronos [Saturn]

I That is, earlier than the Sun in the ordcr of the zodiac.

:! That is, later than the Sun in the order of the zodiac.

The preceding references to figures are to the Greek word, schema, and the

phrasing is translated literally. However, we and virtually everyone else assume

that morning figure .. morning star, and evening figure = evening star. Also

Ptolemy in th e Phases defines ' phase' as a 'figure' , so that we can mentally

subsl ilUte 'phase' for 'figure', which makes it even clearer

• This implies an interesting defini tion of what other astrologers call

"benefic" and "maldie ." A benefic is a planet which improves its nature when thatnature is reinforced, whereas a malefic is a planet whose nature is improved when

it is counteracted.



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is productive ofcold, they apportioned it to the heat of day. But sinee the star

of Arcs {Mars] is dry, they apportioned it to the moisture of the night. For,

thus each star, in meeting with due measure by mixture, is made akin to thesect that provides the tempering.

The table at the right shows the planets in order of

sect from most diurnal 10 mosl nocturnal although

there might be some question as to whether the Moon

or Mars is the mosl nocturnal.

Additiona l Basic Definitions C oncerning Sect

As already staled a chart is diurnal if the Sun is above

the horizon, i.e., in houses 7 through 12. The chart is

nocturnal if the Sun is below the horizon, i.e., in

houses I through 6.

Signs are also diurnal or nocturnal. The diurnal

signs are the same as those signs which are called

masculine or positive, T, n, Q. ~ , ; t , =, while the

nocturnal signs are the same as those which are called

feminine ones, ts. 0, T1], ffi. 1"l. H.

Solar &



"- ~ -9d}

Lunar &


A planet may be placed diurnally or nocturnally in a chart regardless

ofwhethe r the planet is diurnal or nocturnal according to its own nature,

and also regardless of whether the sign in which the planet is located, or

the chart itself, is diurnal or noc turnal. Any planet is placed diurnally

when it is above the horizon in the daytime or below it at night. Any

planet is placed nocturnally when it is below the horizon by day or above

it by night.Therefore we have three facto rs which can relate to the sect of a

planet: I) Whether the chart itself is diurnal or nocturnal. 2) The nature of

the placement, that is (whether the planet is diurna lly or noc turnally

placed). 3) The sect of the sign (whether the sign is diurnal or nocturnal).

A diurnal planet is most benefitted when it is in a diurnal chart

diurnally placed in a diurnal sign. Similarly a nocturnal planet is most

benefitted when il is in a noclurnal chart nocturnally placed in a nocturnal


In Medieval astrology this set of relationships was one of a set of

conditions pertaining to a particular planet that was generally known as

"being in its own similitude." In addi tion to sect a planet's similitude also


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included agreement between its sex and the sex of the sign, which is the

same as agreement between the sect of the sign and planet for all planets

except Mars, which is masculine but nocturnal. There was also possible

agreement in sex between a planet and its quadrant. (See Ptolemy Book

J, chapter 6 quoted above.) The quadrants in the southeast between the

Ascendant and the Midheaven and opposite in the northwest between the

Descendant and the I.e. were considered to be masculine. The quadrants

in the northeast between the I.e. and Ascendant, and the opposite in the

southwest between the Midheaven and the Descendant were considered

to be feminine . As will be seen below, the conflict between the sex and

sect of Mars has given rise to some ambiguity.

Although no ancient writing ever states this explicitly, it would seem

from these writings that the most important of these relationships is that

a planet is of the same sect as the chart. Diurnal planets work best in

diurnal charts and nocturnal planets in nocturnal charts. That the condition

of the chart is the most important of the three sect factors can be inferred

from the fact that many of the Greek texts only mention the chart's diurnal

or nocturnal status in relation to the sect of the planet. Little is said about

the agreement of the sect of the planet with that of the sign or placement.

Second in importance is that a planet is correctly placed above or

below the horizon; diurnal planets are best above the horizon in thedaytime or below it at night, while nocturnal planets are best above the

horizon at night or below it by day. A planet whose sect is not in accord

with the chart is more effective than it would otherwise be if it is correctly

placed by hemisphere within the chart.

Last in significance, a planet is reinforced somewhatby being located

in a sign whose sect agrees with its own.

I f a planet's sect is not in accord with anyone of these three factors,

the planet is to that degree out ofsect and is to that extent altered in its

expression in the chart. The manner of the alteration as we have inferredit from the ancient writings seems to be a mixture ofquantity and quality,

that is, in some ways a planet out of sect seems to be merely inhibited in

I The logic of this seems to be as follows : Planets in the southeast and

northwest quadrants are either ascending to their extreme high altitudes or

descending to their extreme low altitudes. This seems to have been perceived as

masculine. The planets in the other 1\.,.0 quadrants are corrung back toward the

horizon from their upper and lower extremes ofaltitude. This seems to have beenperceived as feminine.


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its expression, as if its power were lessened; but some planets, especially

the malefics, seem to be made more malefic in quality, and not lessened

in quantity of power at all.

Similarly if a planet's sect is in acco rdance with the chan, itsplacement in the chart, and the sect of its sign., it is a quite powerful

dignity which was called Ha yz, Haim, or Aym,1all of which are Latin

corruptions of the Arabic word Hayyiz. There was one curious exception

to the definition of Hayz, however. Mars, while nocturnal in sect is and

was considered masculine in sex. Mars was considered to be in Hayz only

when it was in a nocturnal chart, above the horizon (nocturnally placed),

in a masculine (diurnal) sign. The logic of sect suggests that this is a later

change from an older doctrine in which Mars should have been in a

nocturnal (feminine) sign. However, this has not yet been completely


The opposite condition in which a planet is completely out of sect has

no traditional name. However, it seems to be an important debility,

especially for the malefics. Therefore I have taken the liberty ofgiving it

a name derived from the Latin word for sect mentioned above , condicio

or conditio. I prefer the second spelling of the word as it is more familiar

to us through the English word 'condition ' . I have simply translated the

phrase 'outof

sect ' into Latin as extra conditione. The pronunciation canbe considered close enough if it is pronounced exactl y as written except

that the 'e ' at the end is not silent. Whenever the English word 'condition '

by itself occurs in this text it should be understood in the conventional,

general sense, not having any technical meaning with regard to sect.

One last basic matter pertaining to sec t has to do with the phase of he

Moon. The Moon is always at its root a nocturnal planet. However,

according to Julius Firmicus Maternus, it is favorable applying to diurnal

planets when it is waxing and unfavorable when applying to nocturnal

planets. Similarly the waning Moon is favorable when applying tonocturnal planets and unfavorable when applying to diurnal planets. There

is no one place in his writing where he states this principle, but one finds

examples of it all over his work. It is as if he assumes that the reader is

familiar with the idea. I have found this distinction between the

applications of the waxing and waning Moon to be useful in my work.

1 The 'm' at the end of the last two variants of the word may be a

typographical misinterpretation . In Medieval calligraphy thc terminal 'm' and thc

letter 'z ' were nearly identical and easily confused.


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Examples will appear the sample charts.

Other Sect Issues

In addition to the above there is another kind of placement that is

sometimes related to sect It is also sometimes related to masculine and

feminine. This has to do with the morning star, or matutine phase, as

opposed to the evening star, or vespertine phase. It is generally held by

the old astrologers that a star rising ahead of the Sun, a morning star, is

either in a masculine, or a kind of diurnal, placement. Similarly a star

setting after the Sun is held to be either feminine or nocturnal. This has

very old roots. In Babylonian astrology, according to Knappich, amorning star Ve nus was considered to be a warrior goddess, whereas the

evening star Venus was the very feminine goddess oflove. ' This idea is

preserved in later associat io ns with Latin version of the Greek name for

the morning star Venus, Phosphoros. which in Latin is Luciferl

Closely related to this is the idea that planets that rise ahead of the

Sun, especially within one or two signs of the Sun, are better and more

effective if they are diurnal planets. Planets that set after the Sun or Moon

are better if they are nocturnal planets.

However, as the doctrines relating to sect were passed to the MiddleAges, the relationship between the phase of a planet with respect to the

Sun was related to the masculine and feminine sexual polarity rather than

to sect, and only the three basic principles mentioned above remained

connected to the diurnal-nocturnal polarity of sect.

1 Wilhelm Knappich, Die Geschichteder Astrologie, chapter 2. "The divinity

most revered in the Near East was Ishtar (Phoenician Astarte), who also was

reputed to be the daughter of he moon god and revealed hersclfin the shining star

of Venus. Her identity as the morning and evening star was recognized in the

earliest times and interpreted as a polarity. In the morning fonn she had a more

masculine character and was known as lshtar ofAkkad, a goddess of war. In the

evening position she had a more feminine character and as Ishtar ofUruk she wasthe goddess of the sensual life and priestess of the gods." (Translation by the



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A Sample Charl - FDRI

ID23" II 17<' ID 55' R 12


6" 'no

o n15' 01'


10 9


We present here a chart to illustrate the basic defmitions of sect. We are

1 The binh data are obtained from the Blackwell Data Base as follow s:

"1882, Jan. 30 at 8:45 p.m. L.M .T. (0 I :40:56 U.T., Jan. 31) in Springwood, near

Hyde Park, NY (Hyde Park: 41N48, 73W56). Binh data of the U.S. president is

from father's diary entry according to The Rooseve/ts by A. Churchill (F. Muller

Ltd ., London, 1966)."

This same infonnation is repeated in a number of other biograph ical

references as well.

All chans given in th is book use the Koch house system. However, this has

little effeet upon the matters that we arc d iscussing in this text.


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not yet concerned with what these may mean. That will come later.

The chart itself is nocturnal with the Sun in the fifth house. Therefore

the diurnal planets are all out of sect in the most important of the three

ways, while the nocturnal planets are all in their proper sect in the mostimportant of the three ways. But let us take each planet and examine its

si tuation according to sect one at a time.

The Sun - The Sun is the ruler of the diurnal sect, and being below the

horizon, its sect is not accord with that of the cha rt. It is in Aquarius,

however, which is a diurnal sign. This gives back a linle of the Sun's sect

dignity; it is not completely out of sect. However, Aquarius is also the

sign of the Sun's detriment, so the Sun still has problems. This does not

mean that FOR necessarily had problems because of his Sun; it onlymeans that his Sun was not terribly solar.

The Moon - The Moon is nocturnal as is the chart. It is above the

horizon and therefore correctly placed. The Moon is in Cancer, a

nocturnal sign. Therefore the Moon is completely in proper sect (or Hayz)

and very powerful. It is also in Cancer, its own sign, and in the tenth

house which is a powerful placement. This is an extremely strong Moon!

Mercury - Mercury sets after the Sun and is an evening star, therefore

it is nocturnal in thi s chart. Since Mercury cannot get very far from the

Sun, it is unusual for Mercury to be nocturnally placed in either a diurnal

or nocturnal chart. This can only happen if the arc between Mercury and

the Sun straddles the horizon. An example of this would be Mercury in

the first house with the Sun in twelfth (or vice versa), or Mercury in the

sixth house and the Sun in the seventh (or vice versa). In FOR's chart

Mercury is near the Sun and on the same side of the horizon as the Sun.

Therefore Mercury is diurnally placed and is outof

sect in its placement.It is also in a diurnal sign. In FOR's chart Mercury's being in sect

according to the chart is neutralized by its being out of sect by sign and

hemisphere placement. However, Mercury is restored to considerable

power in the chart by the fact that it is emerging from the Sun's beams

(greater than 16°) which the ancients believed was an extremely powerful

placement. Mercury is also in its own triplicity. So while Mercury is more

or less neutral in dignity by sect, it has considerable dignity from these

other sources.

Venus - Venus, a nocturnal planet, is in sect according to the chart, but,


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like Mercury it is usually near the Sun. This makes it unusual for Venus

to have its proper sect by placement. It does not have it here. Ln addition

Venus is combust and in a diurnal sign. Venus' strength is more than

neutralized; it is debilitated by the combustion. This is clearly reflected inhis marital life.

Mars - Mars is a nocmmal planet. It is nocturnally placed. If the Arabic

astrological criteria are correct, then Mars should be in a masculine

(diurnal) sign. Since Mars is in Gemini, a masculine sign, it is, according

to the Arabic system, in Hayz. It is also in the tenth house, very close to

the Midheaven. This makes Mars strong even though Mars ha s little

dignity in Gemini (it is its own bounds or term according to Ptolemy's

system). Mars is also trine to Mercury, its dispositor, which makes up for

Mars' lack of dignity in Gemini.1Mars is very powerful in FOR's chart.

This is very appropriate for one who was Under-secretary of the Navy at

qui te a young age and also the Presidentof he U.S. during one of its most

dangerous wars.

Jupiter - Jupiter is a diurnal planet. It is in a nocturnal chart , nocturnally

placed (above the horizon while the Sun is below) and in Taurus a

nocturnal sign. Jupiter is completely Ollt ofsect or extra conditione. It is

also in the eighth house ruling the seventh house2 and the fourth house.

This tells us that he was likely to have at leasl a modest inheritance from

his father, but signifies difficulty for his marriage.

Saturn - Saturn is also a diurnal planet and has all of the same problems

as Jupite r. It is nocturnally placed in a nocturnal cha rt in a nocturnal sign.

It is also completely Ollt of sect or extra conditione. Its being squa re to

Venus contributes further to Venus' difficulties in the chart.

The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, were nOI known to the

ancients. Therefore we have no lore concerning their sect. For the present

we wi ll pass over them in ollr disc llssion of planetary sect. Further on in

this monograph we will do more work wi th sample charts, but for the

moment we must tum to interpretation.

1 This is one fonn of an accidental dignity known as ' reception ', a more

complex fonn ofwhich is the familiar mutual reception.2 We are using the traditional rulers of the signs here, so Jupiter rules Pisces.


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The Meanings of the Pla nets in Diu r nal and Noe.turnal Charts

In this section we will show some examples of how various ancientwriters made distinctions between the effects of planets in their own sect

and those out of their own sect. In ma ny of these writings the author

seems exclusively concerned with the sect of the chart and not very much

with the sect of the sign or placement. The grading of planets in sect into

a system of being in or out of sect in varying degrees seems to have

developed a bit later, but we do see mos t of it already in place by the time

of Vettius Valens' Anthology, Book Ill , and repeated in Antiochus of

Athens late 3rd Century C.E.I But in the pa ssages that I will be quoting

from Ptolemy, Julius Finnicus Matemus, the Liber Hermetis, and Pa ulusAlexandrinus a planet being in or out of sect wi ll refer only to the planet's

sect being in accord with the chart.

Example I - Matemus, Book III, 2.

By day Saturn located with respect to place in the Horoscope, that is , if

[Saturn is] in that part in which the Horoscope is, causes one 10 come forth

from the birth with a great cry. He who is born, moreover, will be the elder

of all of the brOlhers, or, if one shall have been born before him, he is

separated from the parents. Always, however, by day this god in all of the

four an gles wi ll make those who are born the firsl·born, or the first to be

nourished or [it deslroys]Zthose brothers who will have been born before

him. [Saturn in this position] makes them inflated and lifted up in the spirit

of pride. But if, when Saturn is located in the Horoscope by day, Mars

possesses another angle in the geniture, it signifies the advent ofmany evils.

For it will make the greatest dangers and the destruction of the patrimony;

frequently in fact, if no benevolent star joi ns itself to these by a strong ray,

located in a good place in the geniture, and if Mars accepts the rays of the

waxing Moon, it makes a violent death.

If however by night Saturn is placed in the region of the Horoscope,

that individual who has it thus is hindered by the grcatcst weariness and is

always pressed down wi lh great labo r. For some it will give a profession

I The relevant passages are qUOIed below. See page 19.

2 There is a lacuna which probably contained the verb. Ho wever, thiscombination is found in many works and always wi th [he proviso that elder

brothers die before the native. Hence this is a very likel y reconstruction.


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concerning water, however in slich a way that they are always worn down

with laboriolls usages.

In this example the sect of the chart and its effect on the planets is

illustrated in several ways. But first of all we must remember these few

points: I) Saturn is a diurnal planet. 2) Mars is nocturnal. 3) The waxing

Moon is malefic when applying to a nocturnal planet.

First of aU , we must note that Saturn in the first house is quite

positive if the chart is diurnal. If Saturn is not afflicted in this house, it

means that the native will most likely be the one to inherit the father's

estate (assuming a patrilineal system with primogeniture). Notice also that

Saturn seems to make the native arrogant, a quality not often associatedwith Saturn in modem literature. However, Saturn in this position does

frequently confer a quality of self-righteousness that could easily be seen

as arrogance.

Mars' affliction ofSaturn from an angle undoes all of the good things

of the diwnal, first house Saturn not merely because Saturn and Mars are

naturally hostile to each other, but because Mars is nocturnal and out of

sect in a diurnal chart. In fact any combination between Mars and Saturn

must take place with one of them out of sect. Ancient astrology does not

merely assert that Mars and Saturn are hostile, it explains why.

When we add the waxing Moon to the combination of a diurnal

Saturn afflicted by a nocturnal Mars in a diurnal chart, matters get worse.

The Moon is of course a nocturnal planet, but the waxing Moon is

somewhat diurnal and, therefore, does not make good combinations with

nocturnal planets (in this case Mars), especially a malefic. The

combination is sufficiently bad according to Maternus to indicate violent

death. It is probable that if the waning Moon made the application to

Mars, the violent death indication would be contradicted.


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Example 2 - Maternus, Book Ill, 4.

Ifhowever the Horoscope [Ascendant) is placed by night in the domicile of

Mars, namely in his masculine sign, I and Mars is found in that same sign,

that is, the Horoscope, and Jupiter is with him with respect to place in that

same sign or looks back at him with a finn ray, he makes leaders of wars to

whom all of the anny will be en trusted, lords oflife and death, and of whose

approach cities and the greatest provinces will always have a horror; lucky,

strong, serious men, whose wrath is ever brought forth by great

provocations. But placed thus, Mars permits him to love nei ther a wife nor

children with loving affection.

By day however if Mars in respect to its location is found in the

Horoscope, it makes men hot-tempered, rash, furious, and wandering, and

always unstable in everything, and those who, whatever they dare, can

complete nothing according to plan, but always whatever they have obtained

nows away from their hands; the inheritances of those who have Mars thus

situated are dispersed. But also they lose the substance of life, even wives

and children, an d nothing is saved either for them or by them from their

paternal substance, and they lose these things at the earliest age.

But if Jupiter looks back at Mars thus positioned by day, himself

located in his own domicile, or in his own exaltation, or in his own tenns,with a trinal ray, or if with respett to location, he is with him,l the evil of

this placement is mitigated to some extent. But [myselfknow,Just as I have

fo und in many genitures, that many persons with Mars located in the

Horoscope, who have been exiled, right ly and actively guided the state. )

Mars is a nocturnal pl anet. Therefore it works be tter in a nocturnal chart.

In this passage we have Mars aspected by Jupiter in both the nocturn al

and diurna l chart, but in the nocturnal chart it shows a great, if fe arsome,

mi li tary person, while in the diurnal chart it makes a general fai lure. Evena Jupiter aspect to a diurnal Mars only improves things somewhat, with

the likelihood of mi sfortune even when one does well.

I In other words in Aries not Scorpio.

2 That is Jupiter can be with Mars or trine to Mars. Bram misses this

completely omitting to translate the phrase, "aul si cum ipso partiliter juerit."

l It is not clear in the Latin whether the exile precedes or follows their

management of the state.


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Example 3 - Matemus, Book III , 6

In respe<:t to location Venus placed in the region of the Horoscope, if by

night she is in this place, will make men of divine intelligence, and renders

[them) friends of emperors and powerful men , and those to whom the

business of emperors and great men may be entrusted, [t also makes the

greatest orators and good men, according to the nature and qual ity of the

signs. For if in respect to location she is in the Horoscope in human signs,

she will make princes of the priesthood and those who themselves are

dressed in purple and gold priestly vestments, and who predict the future_

Moreover she will make a graceful, channing, wealthy man, ifno malevolent

star presents itself by some power of its rays to Venus so placed.lfhowever in respect to location she is found in a diurnal genilure, in

the Horoscope she makes notorious, libidinous, and impure men; they will

also be linen-weavers, or embroiderers, discoverers of tints, dyers, inn

keepers or tavern-keepers.

Venus is a nocturnal planet. However, recall the Baby lonian sources in

which the morning star and evening star Venuses are qu ite difTerent, the

morning star Venus being the warrior goddess aspect of ishtar, with the

evening star Venus the love goddess aspect of Ishtar. This distinction

survives in the diurnal and nocturnal Venus characteristicsl

described by

Maternus in the passages above. In other passages from Matemus a

diurnal Venus amicted indicates all manner of sexual deviations,

perversions and degeneracy.

Example 4 - Matemus, Book III , 13

The Moon located in the tenth house from the Horoscope, that is, the

Midheaven, if with respect to place she is found in a nocturnal geniture, in

this house in those signs in which she is exalted or in which she rejoices,

increasing in light, and Jupiter protects her with advantageous rays, will

make the greatest emperors and powerful administrators, to whom is

entrusted the power of life and death with good reason; when she is placed

thus, she also gives consuls elected regularly each year. If however she

precedes or follows the region of the Midheavcn, and is placed in the house

1 The reader should recall that a morning star placement is like a diurnal

placemcnt, whcreas an evening star placement is like a nocturnal placement.


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next to it or in th e nearby regions, she will bring about tribunal leaders and

administrators; genemlly however, if she is located in the same sign in which

is the Midheaven, she renders persons great in all professions and adorned

with varied kinds of happiness. Ifhowever the Moon, when she is so placedis carried toward Saturn, or Saturn possesses an angle in the gcniture, decrees

hatreds and unhappiness with repeated cause.

By day however the Moon, when placed in the Midheavcn, will make

persons who are middling in life in every profession and those who are

accustomed to be deceived often. lfhowever when the Moon is placed in this

manner, the Sun is found with respect to his location in the Horoscope in his

own domicile or in his own exaltation or in the domicile of Jupiter, he will

make great administrators of the largest provinces or the largest cities ,

proconsuls, but inspiring fear in their administration; but if, when the Moon

and the Sun are thus located (to wit, the Sun in the Horoscope in the signs

about which we have spoken, the Moon in the Midheaven) it protects both

equally or one of the two with a prospering my, it will make emperors very

potent in [creating] happiness and justice and those whom everyone

acknowledges with the trembling offear.

The Moon of course is nocturnal. Notice the contrast between a tenth

house Moon by night and one by day. The nocturnal placement COnfers

power on its own without requiring assistance from anmher planet. But

the diurnal Moon has little power unless assisted by the Sun or Jupiter,

both ofwhich are diurnal. However, unlike Mars , the Moon is not malefic

in a diurnal chart, merely less effective.

Example 5 - Liber Hennetis, Chapler XXVI


The Sun in the Ascendant, not made unfortunate, in a diurnal nativity,

especially in his own house or triplicity or exaltation, shows the native bornofa noble father and the nalive in his own country, glorified wi th riches and

possessions. Many kin gs have been made cosmocrators, i.e., those holding

the world, or regents, but some are made dukes or presidents. But if Mars

shall be present, or altain the M.e., or be in the opposition of it , or in the

west, and aspect [the Ascendant], they will hold [their] kingdoms or [thcir]

populations with treacheries and conflicts and dangers. But if the Sun is in

Libra in the Ascendant, or in some other sign alien to him, in no way does

it si gnify the noble birth of the father, nor does his fortune [look at Latin?]

have beauty of this kind; but minor good things do happen.Bu! at ni ght , the Sun being in the Ascendant shows that the native is of

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a poor fa ther, either ignoblc or one expelled [from his homeland] , or asia e,

or th at hc destroys his paternal house ; but sometimes [it shows] the

orphanhood from the father, and it makes the life of the native laborious and

without glory. Especially if an evil [planet] should aspect from an angle, it

makes the evil double, and the father dies before the native, and, regarding

his offspring, it makes a signification of sorrows and deaths.

Here we have two delineations of the Sun in the first house, one for

diurnal charts and one for nocturnal charts. How can the Sun be in the

first house and above the horizon (i.e., diurnal)? The Liber Herrn etis, like

many ancient works, uses whole sign houses, in which the first house

extends from 0° to 30° of the rising sign and the other houses are counted

similarly. Therefore the Sun may be either above or below the Ascendant

in the first house. In fact, in modem astrology many astrologers begin the

first house above the Ascendant by something on the order of 5°, so that

even in modem astrology a first house Sun can be above the horizon.

In the case of the diurnal Sun the reader should notice the degree to

which an aspect from Mars in an angular house can mitigate the good

significations of the Sun. Remember that Mars is nocturnal and is more

malefic when in a diurnal chart. Of course a diurnal Sun means that the

chart is diurnal.The nocturnal Sun in the fust house loses almost all of its power

according to the Liber Herrn etis. Obviously this is not in accord with the

modem experience of a fust house Sun, but the reader should observe the

nature of the effect of a nocturnal placement on the Sun, not necessarily

the severity of he effect as described here. Ancient descriptions ofeffects

often seem designed more to illustrate the principle of a combination by

exaggeration than to present an actual and probable manifestation . At the

very least, it is clear that the extreme delineations cannot be expected to

manifest unless there is ample reinforcement in the chart, in other words,unless the chart itself is extreme.

Example 6 - Libel' Hermetis, Chapter XXXI

The Sun conjunct Mars at night, in its own signs or in a violent [sign], shows

that the native and those born are violent, thoughtless, daring, hot,

dangerous, of short life, and of violent death . But in the day the evils are

made worse.

Here we see the effect of sect upon a conjunction of two planets of


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different sect, the Sun being diurnal and Mars nocturnal. Neither

conjunction is very benefic, but the Sun's debility by sect at night is not

as severe in its effect upon the Sun as the debility ofMars by sect is upon

Mars in the day. Here again we see how much worse Mars is supposed to

be when it is out of sect. The Sun is only weakened when out of sect.

Mars is made much more malefic when it is out of sect.

Example 7 - Paulus Alexandrinus, Chapter 24

[The following text refers to planets in the fourth house.]

When Kronos [Saturn] is truly of its sect in this place, it indicates those who

become rich and possessors of property from middle age; and sometimes itbecomes the bestower of windfalls. But whenever Kronos is out of its sect,

it bestows all bad things. At night, it diminishes one's patrimony and

estranges from the father, or it makes for orphanhood, indicates that youth

will be sickly, and contributes to ill-repute.

When the star ofAres [Mars] happens to be upon this place in the day,

it produces those who are sickly and have the falling sickness. At night, it

will make for less sluggishness, and sometimes it will even bring the native

into military service; except it afflicts the determination concerning nuptials

and children, and makes those who are more often wronged and treated

altogether ungratefully by women.

Here again we see the effect of sect on the malefics. Saturn in the fourth

in a diurnal chart is quite positive, but almost completely negative in

nocturnal chart. Similarly Mars in the fourth is almost wholly negative in

the diurnal chart and somewhat positive in the nocturnal.

However, in both of these examples, and also in most of the other

examples, all we see is the sect of the placement as determined by the

chart itself, that is , the chart is diurnal or nocturnal. We do not see here

any reference to the sect of the placement, or the sect of the sign as

mitigating or supporting the results of the sect of the chart. However, we

do have ample evidence that these two other aspects of sect were taken

into consideration in ancient times. First of all we have the word 'truly'

in the passage above, which suggests that the best result may require more

than the sect of the chart being correct. I t may mean that the sign should

also be of the proper sect. The sect of the placement however cannot be

an issue with these because Saturn cannot be diurnally placed in the fourthhouse in a diurnal chart and Mars cannot be nocturnally placed in a

nocturnal chart in the fourth house .


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As evidence of the importance ofnocturnal and diurnal placement we

have the following passages. The fi rst is from Valens' Anthology, Book

III, chapter 5, circa 175 CE.

It is also necessary to consider the sect of the stars; for the Sun , Zeus, and

Kronos rejoice when they are above the earth during the day, below the earth

al night. But the Moon, Ares, and Aphrodite rejoice when they arc above the

earth at night, and below the earth during the day. Hermes goes with the sect

of the ruler in whose bounds illie5. 1 Whence, farthase who are born by day,

ifsomconc should be found to have Zeus, the Sun, and Kronos well-figu red

above the earth, it will be better than having them beneath the earth.

Similarly also for the nocturnal planets, if someone should have them above

the eanh [at night], il will be expedient. Aphrodite rejoices morc when it is

marking the hour or culminating, and thc remaining stars rejoice when

marking the hour or setting. l

The second passage is from Antiochus of Athens, Chapler 44 (circa 250


And during the day the diurnal planets rejoice when they are above the earth,while the nocturnal planets rejoice when they arc bclowthe earth. And again ,

during the night, the nocturnal planets rejoice when they are above the earth,

while the diurnal planets rejoice when they arc below the earth.

Example 8 - Paulus Alexandrinus, Chapter 24

The twelfth widion [sign] from the H6rosiwpos [Ascendant] ,which is the

true place of Kronos [Saturn], is called Evil Divinity and pre-ascension of

the l/orosiwpos. When the star of Kronos occupies a masculine w idion for

a diurnal birth, it alone rejoices in this place. And it will always make those

who prevail over their enemies and oppress them, and those who arc proudly

1 The more common rule stated mostly in later sources is that Hermes is

diurnal when it rises before the Sun as a morning star , and nocturnal when it sets

after the Sun as an evening star. However the principle stated here is consistent

with the general principle that Mercury, having no real qualities of its own , takeson the character of whatever it is connected to.

l This is condition of sect detennination that we have not seen elsewhere up

to this time.


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confident in the ir own work. For, it shows region al governors, magistrates,

those who perform great deeds, and those who dictate manners. This place

gives signs for the determination that concerns sufferings, childbirth,

enemies, male slaves, and quadrupeds.

This example is interesting because a placement that might otherwise

seem to be completely negative is salvaged by the correctness of sect

placement. Also we see here the sect of he sign, because a masculine sign

is also a diurnal sign. Saturn in this example is completely in sect. It is

diurnally placed in a diurnal chart in a diurnal sign. It is in its Hayz.

Presumably Saturn in Aquarius would be the best of all in this placement.

Example 9 - Various Aphorisms from Renaissance sources.

Gauricus, chapter 20.

Saturn in is own house by day grants the friendship of nobles and great men

ofwealth, And especially in the Ascendant with the Part of Fortune, it makes

serious men, wise, proud and melancholic, and he will be the first born or

will be the more noble among the brothers. But by night, he gives many

infirmities and labors.

Gauricus, chapter 20.

The Sun in the house ofSa tum by day signifies that the native will be perfect

in all of his works. And by night he wil! be unstable.

Gauricus chapter 20.

The Sun in his own [sign] in an angle or a succedent house by day makes a

king or a great prince, or he wil! be a most powerful rich man of strong body

and he will have riches not planned, and he wil! have good fortune on

journeys. But by night, it signifies grief [for the native] , and the quick deathof the father.

Schoener, Book IV, Canon VI.

For ifa fixed star is in the Ascendant, or the tenth, or the seventh, or with the

Sun by day or the Moon by ni ght, or with the Part of Fortune, because in

these places it has the greatest influence, even if you find a fixed star on the

cusp of other houses, say that the accident will be of that naturc, the

influence of which is of that house.

All of these serve to illustrate the fact that the sect of the planets was not


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unknown in the Renaissance. However for the most part the survival of

the sect doctrine takes two forms. In most writers sect survives as a minor

accidental dignity as in the doctrineof

Hayz, whichwe

see in Schoener's0pusclIlum Astrologicum. One does not see the basic principle of sect,

that diurnal and nocturnal charts are to be read quite differently. In

Gauricus we see the survival of the sect doctrine in particular aphorisms

which involve the sect of the planets and in which the effect of sect is

taken into consideration on a practical level, but the theoretical foundation

appears to have been lo st. In later works, about all one sees are occasional

references to Hayz, and the acknowledgement without commentary or

elucidation that all of the planets and signs are diurnal or nocturnal.

General Natures of the Planets According to Sect

In this section I will attempt on the basis of what we already know to give

the reader a summary of the effect on each planet of its being in or out of

sect. The principles discussed here are still tentative and should be taken

by the reader only as guidelines for his or her own research. However,

having said this, it is clear that we are beginning to have some real idea

of the importance of sect and how it affects planets.

Saturn - Saturn, like Mars, is one of the planets for which the

correctness of sect placement is most important. Saturn in a diurnal chart

or diurnally placed in a chart with all other things being equal produces

the best qualities of Saturn, discipline, order, and respect. It is even

capable of indicating great success and social standing. In no way did the

ancient writers consider such a Saturn to be unlucky. It is not in any real

sense a malefic. This of course assumes that Saturn is not itself afflicted

or essentially debilitated. The following passage from Antiochus, Part I,chapter 2 demonstrates this.

But concerning the benefics and malefics . they said that they arc "so-hcld,"

{i .e., the terms are conventions only] since when the malefics arc well

situated in phase , sect, and place for a certain birth, they often magnify the

fortun es; while if the benefics are badly situated . they hinder them.

However. Saturn in a nocturnal chart, or nocturnally placed is another

matter entirely. This is the truly malefic Saturn according to the ancients.

It is intrinsically unlucky and malevolent, producing doom and disaster


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quite gratuitously. To the ancients such a Saturn was not merely the result

ofthe native's ··not handling the energy properly." II was intrinsically and

inevitably evil, or at least so it seems at first reading. However we must

also remember that to the ancients, at least as exemplified in the Hermeticwritings and in Vettius Valens, Saturn's malefic quality was ignorance or

agnoia which led toanangkeor necessity. We also have to remember that

the principle of day is light, and light is consciousness itself or nous, the

first principle of the Sun. It may be that the theoretical principle involved

in all of this is that Sarurn in the daytime is most completely illuminated,

and therefore its workings are capable of being made conscious. This

would eliminate the negative effect of Saturn, that the individual is fated

because he or she is unconscious of how matters really are. This is

especially interesting in view of the modern astrological observation that

saturnine types often believe thai they are the only "realists." What kind

of "reality" are they being realistic about?

The nocturnal Saturn, according to this principle, had nothing to aid

the native in overcoming agnoia and anangke. Consequently the native

was doomed to live out his fate unknowing that necessity was an illusion.

Also we have Ptolemy's statement in Book I, "Whence, since the star

of Kronos is productive of cold, they apportioned it to the heat of day."

So both Ihe heat and light ofday are beneficial to Saturn.

Jupiter - In the case of Jupiter we fmd a problem that is obviously as old

as astrology. Astrologers are much more eloquent describing difficulty

than success. What we find about Jupiter is that, being a diurnal planet, it

works better in a diurnal chart than in a nocturnal chart, but the details are

not all that well worked out. But in general Jupiter in a diurnal chart or

diurnally placed within a chart with all other things being equal produces

the best manifestations of Jupiter, success, power, wealth, elc. But if a

malefic aspects a diurnal Jupiter, its benefits are reduced somewhat butnot eliminated. So we learn thai a diurnal Jupiter is quite capable of

withstanding some affliction.

Based on the principle that we discussed above, that daylight is a

symbol of consciousness, we would expect Jup iter to be diurnal because

it too is a symbol of knowledge and awareness. II is hard to read a book

in the dark! Therefore, we would expect Jupiter at night to be less

effective. Jupiter in a nocturnal chart or placed noctllrnolly does not

I See Matcmus, Book III , 3.


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totally lose its efficacy according to the ancient writers. Bu t it does lose

the ability to withstand an affliction by a malefic. When Jupiter is out of

sect and afflicted, almost all of its villUe is lost, according to the ancients.

The mechanism of this is not clear.According to modem notions of astrology an afflicted, nocturnal

Jupiter might lose its power because in some way the effect of Jupiter is

softened. Recall that Jupiter is traditionally considered to be a wann and

moist planet. The heal provides its active and somewhat assertive nature.

But at night the moisture would be emphasized. This is not especially bad,

in that the native's ability to exhibit compassionate understanding is

increased. However, Jupiter would have less energy (wannth) to assert

itself against a malefic. Its increased sensitivity might actually make even

it take on the quality of the malefic to some extent. Also if Jupiter is a

planet of conscious knowledge and awareness, and a nocturnal placement

tends to diminish this, then the moistness, its compassion and sensitivity,

would tend to operate without forethought. A nocturnal Jupiter would be

more like Pisces and a diurnal one like Sagittarius. We have no actual

evidence of this from the ancient writers because they did not usually

describe planetary placements in terms of psychological traits. However

this could be the underlying mechanism. This might be the symbolic

origin of he Pisces wanting to save everyone and everything when it does

not ha ve the power.

Mars - The effect ofMars is also heavily dependent upon its placement

by sect. Mars in a diurnal chart or diurnally placed in a chart operates inthe worst possible way, assuming that there is not something to mitigate

its action. One might expect that light, being consciousness, would

improve any energy, even Mars. But all things in the cosmos must have

their due according to the ancients. There are things in the world that are


the natureof

nous and this does not make them evil.It

is simply theway things are. It would seem, reading between the lines, that no amount

of light can really illuminate Mars. It is a raw, instinctual energy that is

never really conscious. All that one can hope for of Mars is that it is

restrained by a sense of compassion or feeling. The daytime is hot and

dry. So is Mars. The daylight only makes Mars more active and less

feeling. The perfectly diurnal Mars is one that is ferociously active, but

has its feelings completely in check so that it can with perfect discipline

and order create mayhem It is therefore unlucky and unfollUnate.

But Mars in a nocturnal chart or nocturnally placed is anothermatter. As Ptolemy says, "But since the star of Ares [Mars] is dry, they


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apportioned it to the moisture of the night." Here we see wha t the vi rtu e

of the ni ght is. The day may be consciousness, but the ni ght is moist, i.e. ,

connecting, feeling, se nsing, and nurturin g. The moisture of the night

cools Mars down and connects it. The nocturnal Mars is not a wholly

benevolent energy, but it more often manifests, according to the an cient s,

as a defensive, sustaining energy, fo r example, the military man who is

not interested in attacking other nations, but only desires to see to the

sa fety of his own people and nation. In general we will see that the

noctu rnal planets are those whose vinue relies on feelings of

connectedness, relatedness, support , and nurture, in other words, moisture.

Mars may seem strange in the company of Venus and the Moon, but it

does belong with them, not because it is like them, but because, like them,it is at its best when it subject to positive, nurturing energies.

The Sun ~ The Sun is nOllS itself, or at least its visible representative in

the physical world. It is th e diu rnal principle. Therefore one would expect

it to be at its best when it is above the horizon. Also the Sun is the only

planet for which being in a diurnal chart and being diurnally placed are

the same thing. Unlike the other planets the Sun cannot be diurnally ..

placed in a nocturnal chart becauseits

posi tion defines whether the chartis diurnal or nocturnal.

When the Sun is diurnally placed in the chart above the horizon it ha s

its maximum power, assuming of course that it is not in the eighth or

twelfth houses. This should not be a surprise to modern astrologe rs.

Modem sources indicate that the Sun is mu ch more powerful above the

horizon. But the most modem view is that the Sun is not as weak below

the horizon as tradition would seem to say. However the apparent conflict

between modern astrology and tradi tion may be more apparent than real.

When something is judged to be weak, we have to ask in what way is itweak? Is it lacking in effect; does it work strongly but badly; or does it

work strongly but in such a way as to endanger the native? These are three

quite different sets of criteria all ofwhich ha ve been used as the basis for

a judgmem of "badness" by astrologers of various epochs. Also what is

"bad" from the poim of view of an mdividual planet may be quite useful

fTOm the point of view of the chart as a whole.

When th e SlIn is nocturnally placed ill a chart, we do no t know for

certain which criteria of"badness" are most applicable to a Sun below thehorizon, but it would seem that it is most probable that such a placement

would interfere with the most characteristic features of th e Sun, its

tendency toward show, th e desire to achieve dominance in the outer


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~ . ---world, and so forth. However, as nous, the Sun below the horizon ought

logically to be very useful in illuminating the inner life of the native.

Certainly the most important effect of the placement of the Sun is II I

establishing whether the chart itself is diurnal or nocturnal.

Venus - It is not actually clear that Venus in a diurnal chart is all that

difficult intrinsically. It seems more a maner of the ancient writers

thinking that the diurnal Venus behaved in a manner that was not

appropriate to Venus (or to women either for that matter, at least from the

point of view of the ancients). However, for the moment we should look

at this from the ancient point of view while keeping in mind thai thisprobably has to be modified according to our point of view.

When Venus is in a diurnal chart or diurnally placed in a chart, it

indicates a rather strong kind of feminine sexua lity which in a traditional

patriarchal society wou ld incline a female native toward immorality and

lascivious behavior, (I must say that however sound the logic of this may

seem from the ancient point of view, J have not seen this born out in

practice.) In modem times I would expect the diurnal Venus in a woman's

chart to indicate a woman who would have difficulty accepting the

traditional female role either in society or in sexual relationships.

However, as these expectations are no longer actually that widely

expected, such a Venus would not be a serious barrier toward successful


In the chart of a male native the ancients would have expected a

diurnal Venus to indicate one who was soft, effeminate and prone toward

sexual deviation. From a modem point of view, I would expect a diurnal

Venus in male nativity to indicate a preference for strong and assertive


Venus in a nocturnal chart or nocturnally placed in a chart would be

the more traditional Venus, soft, feminine, etc. A woman with such a

placement would be such a woman. A male with such a Venus would

have a preference for such women.

However, it is clear from the ancient writings that Venus is not

especial ly difficult when it is out of sect. This could be due to the fact that

Venus is the most diurnal of the nocturnal planets, in the Iisl just below

Mercury which can be either diurnal or nocturnal.

Mercury - Mercury can be either diurnal or nocturnal as indicated

_ previously. However, we do not have any examples of delineations that

clearly distinguish between the diurnal and nocturnal placements of


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[ercury. Everything that we say here is somewhat conjectural and not

deri ved from actual experience or ancient sources. However, having said

this, there is a distinction that might be derived from Paulus and othersources.

For this star, having been allotted a common nature, seems to be good with

the benefic stars and mean with the destructive ones.

This quotation from the Paulus translation by Robert Schmidt also

contains a footnote to the word 'mean' which I append below.

We would expect the word 'bad' (kakos) here in opposition to 'good'

(agathos). It is significant that Paulus shifts to pilau/os, which means 'com

mon ' in the sense of ' vulgar' or ' base. ' This makes us consider the word

'good' all over again. In the Platon ic tradition, the One itself, which is the

principle of sameness and commonality, is identified with the idea of the

Good. Thus, the common nature of Hermes may manifest in two ways,

depending upon whether it is configured with benefics or malefics. With

benefics it is common in the good sense of unity; with malefics it is common

in the debased or promiscuous sense of common to all.Thus for Paulus at least, Hermes does not merely take on the benefic or

malefic character of the other planets, as seems to be the case in modem

astrology. It is not just neutral. Its common character is not in relation to the

other planets, but lies in its very nature. Compare the Latin words communis

from which comes our 'common' as opposed to vulgaris from which comes

our 'vulgar.'

While we do not have any examples from our texts as yet, it is reasonable

to expect that Mercury out of sect might tend toward the phaulos forms

of manifestation. However the lack of references to Mercury either being

in or out of sect suggests that Mercury, true to its common nature, is not

strongly effected one way or another by being in or out of sect.

The Moon - The Moon is the most nocturnal of all bodies, being the

leader of the nocturnal (also called lunar) sect. The examples from the

ancient writings suggest that when the Moon is placed properly according

to its sect, it is as strong as the Sun in a diurnal nativity. However, theMoon placed out of sect seems to be either quite weak or a source of

difficulty. The Moon is an instance where we can find either a

quantitative or qualitative effect from its sect situation.


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The Moon in Q diurnal chart or diurnally placed in a chart is at a

severe disadvantage. This is born out by experience. Even when it is

strongly placed by house, those aspects of the native's chart that arc

connected to the Moon are a source of difficulty. For example, the Moonin the tenth house in a diurnal chart, a diurnal placement in a diurnal

chart, may indicate difficulty with female persons in the pursuit of one's

career. It may also indicate some problem with the mother. The examples

from the ancients given above also suggest that such a Moon is less able

to withstand impediments from various sources.

The Moon in a nocturnal chart or nocturnally placed in a chart is a

strong Moon. Whatever the Moon signifies in a chart is a source of

strength for the native assuming that theMoon

is not severely impeded.The Moon in Hayz in the tenth has been observed to signify a very strong

mother, and the native has considerable professional success ifthe Moon

is not impeded. However, the style of such a Moon is quite different from

the Sun. The Sun, when it indicates success, does so by means of the

native's own personal strength and ego. However, a strong Moon of this

kind indicates an individual who succeeds by embodying the aspirations

ofothers and serving their needs.

Othe r Manirestations or Sect

In this section I would like to present the reader with other parts of chart

ana lysis, besides the ones described above, in which there are distinctions

made between diurnal and nocturnal charts. The materials contained in

this section should give the reader some idea ofhow important a principle

sect is.

Triplicities and Triplicity Rulerships - The four niplicities have

traditionally been considered to be ruled by two or more planets that have

the highest d ignities in them and are also of the same sect. This is the

system advocated by Venius Valens, Dorotheus ofSidon and others in the

ancient world, and by most of the Arab Era writers, and Guido Bonatti.

These triplicity rulerships are derived as follows:

In the fire niplicity the sign rulers are Mars, the Sun and Jupiter. The

only exaltation ruler in this triplicity is the Sun. Fire is of the diurnal sect.

Of the aforementioned rulers the Sun and Jupiter are diurnal; Mars isnocturnal. Therefore Mars cannot be a triplicity ruler in fire. Of the two

remaining potential rulers the Sun is the more diurnal, therefore it is


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assigned the rulership of the fire triplicity for diurnal charts while Jupiter

becomes the nocturnal ruler. Saturn has no dignity in fire , but it is diurnal.

Therefore Saturn becomes the third ruler of fire , having an equal share in

the rulership of [lie by day and by night but always in a subordinateposition to the Sun by da y and Jupiter by night. So [lie always has these

rulers in this order; by day S ~ Jupiter, Saturn; by night Jupiter, Sun,


In the earth triplicity the sign rulers are Venus , Mercury and Saturn.

The exaltation rulers are the Moon, Mercury and Mars. Of these Venus,

the Moon and Mars are of the proper, nocturnal sect. Mercury, as we

know, can be of either sect, but it is usually considered to be somewhat

more diurnal than nocturnal. Saturnis

clearly diurnal and could not betaken as a triplicity ruler of a nocturnal triplicity. This leaves Venus, the

Moon, and Mars. Of these Venus is the most diurnal and is given the

diurnal rulership of the earth triplicity. The Moon is given the nocturnal

rulers hip and Mars the common rulership . Thus in the day the earth

triplicity is ruled [list by Venus, then the Moon, and last Mars . By night

earth is ruled by the Moon, then Venus, last Mars.

In the air triplicity the sign rulers are Mercury, Venus, and Saturn.

The only exaltation ruler is Saturn. Saturn is the most diurnal of these and

is given the diurnal rulership of the air triplicity. Mercury is given the

nocturnal rulership. Venus has to be rejected because it is nocturnal and

air is diurnal. The only remaining diurnal planets are the Sun and Jupiter.

The logic of the final assignment is not entirely clear, but the common

rulership of air is given to Jupiter. We do not know for certain, but this

may be due to the fact that Jupiter was the air planet par excellence. The

Sun was considered to be too much of the nature of fire.

In the water triplicity the sign rulers are the Moon, Mars and Jupiter.

The exaltation rulers are Jupiter and Venus . Of these Jupiter has to berejected because it is diurnal, whereas water is nocturnal. Venus being the

most diurnal of these becomes the diurnal ruler of the water triplicity.

Mars is given the nocturnal rulership, even though the Moon is the most

nocturnal of the three. For reasons that are not completely clear the Moon

is the common ruler. Water, therefore, has exactly the same triplicity

rulers as the earth triplicity, but in a different order. In fact the reason for

the order of the rulers in water being different from those of earth may be

only to differentiate the two triplicities, just as [lie and air are

differentiated by having different planets.

Ptolemy presents a slightly different system. His system has two

rulers instead of three, but they are still assigned according to whether the


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chart is diurnal or nocturnal. Except fo r water, Ptolemy's triplicity rulers

are the same as the three ruler system, however the common rulers are

omilted. In water Ptolemy gives rulership of the rriplicity both day and

night to Mars, although he grants Ve nus and the Moon a share. The

following table summarizes the two systems.

Three-Ruler System Ptolemy

Element Day Night Com. Day Night

Fire 0 ,~

0 ,Earth ~ } a' ~ }

Air ~ ~ , ~ ~Water ~ a' } a' a'

The Ptolemaic triplicity system was employed by Lilly and the other

English writers of the 17th Century. In that system the triplicity is simply

an essential dignity used to establish the strength of a planet in its own

position, and to establish rulerships of planets over house cusps and other

planets. However, the three rulership system has a much more important

role in reading the chart, one where sect is of great importance. And this

role is one that dates from the earliest texts in astrology. The following

passage is from Venius Valens, Book II.

Now, for those who are born by day, it will be necessary to consider in what

trigon the Sun is found, and the ruler of this trigon by preeminence,1

1 The first ruler of the triplicity, the diurnal ruler in the dayor the nocturnal

ruler in the night.


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and the co-workerofthis trigon, whether they are upon a pivot point [angle]

althat time, or post-ascensional [suceedent] or declining [cadent], rising or

setting or in their own dJidia, and whether they are witnessed by benefics or

malefics, and to make the declaration accordingly_ For if they should be

marking the hour or culminating, or should be found upon another of the

advantageous dJidia, they will show beforehand nativities that are fortunate

and bright. And if they should be found in the post-ascensions, they will

show them to be middling. But ifin the declines, depressed and unfortunate.

We also need to look at how the Sun is situated and by what stars it is

witnessed. And for those born at night, it will be necessary to consider the

Moon in a similar fashion , and the ruler by preeminence of its trigon, and thecommon ruler of\his trigon, with regard to ho w they have been figurated,

just as we have set out above.

For if the ruler by preeminence by day or by night should fall amiss

upon the badly situated ztjidia, while the ruler by proxy! should be found

upon a pivot point and well figured, then after the native has had his ups and

downs in his early years until the ascension of the ztjidio,,' or until the return

of the circular period ,S he will later be active, except that he will spend his

life without stability and in fear. But if the principal ruler should fall well,

while the fo llowing ruler should fall amiss, then after having been carriedforth well in his early years, he will later be reduced from the time of the

ascension of the dJidion in which th e following ruler has fallen amiss. We

I The second ruler of the triplicity, the diurnal ruler in the night, or the

nocturnal ruler in the daytime.

1 In the first house.

l The second ruler.

4 The number of years that corresponds to the ascensional time of the sign.

As each sign rises a certain number of degrees of right ascension pass over the

meridian. In signs oflong ascension this will be greaterthan 30°, in signs ofshort

ascension less than 30° in the northern hemisphere. The precise number ofdegrces

depends upon the latitude. Whatever this number degrees may be, one year is

given for each degree. This is the ascension of the sign expressed as time.

S We cannot be completely confident of this interpretation, however this

seems to be its meaning based on the methods used in the sample charts given by

Valens. He routinely computes periods in two ways. First he will use the minor

orother period of the planet that rules a particulardJidion. Often in sample chansthe period will either eome from a planet, or from the sign it rules, [as in the

previous note) but that introduces ambiguity into the situation in that most planets

rule two dJidia.


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will e"plain how to judge the times more precisely at the proper moment.

And if both should fall well, the circumstances of good fortune will persist

and he will become estimable (unless a malefic should have opposed it or

should have a superior position), nor will the circumstances of the nativity

reverse_ But every star, when it has the rulership and is actually in d ~ h n e ,will b ~ o m e an impediment and a despoiler. For, it makes those who arc

subordinate to others, those who have ups and downs or those who arc

reduced in reputation, those who encounter injury and suffering and

accusations or want of livelihood.

If, then, for those born in the day, the Sun should be found in Aries,

Leo, Sagittarius, it is better for it to be upon a pivot point. Ifits co-sectarians'

should likewisebe

found upon the post-ascensional places, whileAres is

notopposing or squaring, it will bejudged indicative of good fortune_ If they

should be the reverse, impediments will result. And if the Sun should be

found byday in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, it will be necessary to seek fo r the

star of Aphrodite in the first place, and for the Moon in the second, and for

Arcs in the third, how they arc figured and what they arc witnessed by_

Simi larly also, when the Sun is found by day in the following

trigon-Gemini, Li bra, Aquarius - i t will be necessary to consider the star

of Kronos and that of Henncs and that ofZeus_ In the same way also, when

the Sun is by day upon Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, it will be necessary toconsider whether the star of Aphrodite and that of Arcs and the Moon are

upon pivot points, and in this way to show the decisive one. Also, in the

same account it behooves us to consider the Moon by night.

Here is a second passage from Guido Bonan i, Second Tractatus whi ch

describes the same method.

The lord of the tri plicity of the [natal] Ascendant or of the question

universally disposes the life of the native or the querent according to three

divisions from the beginning ofthe native's life all the way to the end of his

natural life. The firs t lord of the triplicity of the Ascendant of the nativity

disposes the fi rs t one-third part of the native's life. The second disposes the

s ~ o n d one-third part of his life and the third disposes the third [one-thi rd]

part of the native's life all the way to the end of life.

The lifetime is of the na tive is treated as be ing divided into three portions.

, Other planets of the same sect.


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The first period is ruled by the diurnal triplicity ruler of the Sun's triplicity

in diurnal charts, and the nocturnal triplicity of the Moon's triplicity in

nocturnal charts. The second period is ruled by the nocturnal triplicityruler of the Sun's triplicity in a diurnal chart or the diurnal triplicity ruler

of the Moon's triplicity in a nocturnal chart. The third period is ruled by

the third or participating ruler.

According to Bonatti each period is 30 years corresponding to the

lesser years of Saturn. The passage quoted above from Valens indicates

that the length of each third of life depends upon either the lesser years of

the particular triplicity ruler in effect in that period or upon the

ascensional time of the s ign occupied by that ruler. At this point we do not

know how Valens determined which of these should be used.

I Each planet has periods associated with it, a lesser, a mean, and a greater

period. The lesser period is a recurrence cycle, a period of time which elapses

between two conjunctions of a planet in the same degree of a sign, or at least the

same sign. The greater periods are of uncertain origi n, but they are equal to the

number ofdegrees that each planet bas in its terms, except for the Sun and Moon.

The Sun's greater period is 120 years which was believed to be the largest semi arc

possible for the Sun in the inh abited world. The Moon's greater period was 108years which was the Sun's period minus 12 degrees, the distance that the Moon

has to get away from the Sun before it can become visible at sunset after a new

moon. The mean years are the mean ofthe lesser and greater years. The follov."ing

is a table of the years of the planets according to most ancient and medieval


Planet Min. Mean Max.

Sun 19 69 .5 120

Moon 25 66 .5 108

Mercury 20 48 76

Venus 8 45 82

Mars 15 40.5 66

Jupiter 12 45.5 79

Saturn 30 43 .5 57


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In either case the condition ofthe native in each third oflife depends

upon the aspects, house placement and other indicators of he cosmic state

of the triplicity ruler. The following is a rather terse but illustrativeexample of the methodology from Masha'allah,

A Nocturnal Nativity

Aquarius 25'

Capricornus 22'

Lu na 3'

Capud 8'

Pisces 4'

Tau rus 11'

Gemini 6' Cancer 22'

Cauda S'

Gemini 28'

Sagit t ar i us 28'

Satu rn us 14 '

Sagit t a riu s 5'

Pars Fortune 6'

Scorp i us 11 '

Men:urius 4'

[upit er 16 'Libra 4 '

Leo 26 'Sol 17 '


Venus 25'

I looked at the fortune of his native in accordance with the lords of the tripli-

city ofthe Moon, the first ofwhich is Mars, and he is under the rays of the

Sun in a quartile aspect.

This indicates loss and evil in the first time of this life; and in the

second part of life it indicates good, however, because Venus is the second

lord, and she is in good condition; and this signifies that in the second periodof this life he will have good on account of much work, However, Jupiter

and Mercury are in the sixth house from the part of fortune; I this signifies

that he has honor and prospect. It was so,

Lots and Sect

The Lots are what modem astrologers know as Arabic Parts, The Greek

I Actually they are in the sixth house from the Ascendant.


,- "1 ' ,

. .-" ',

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word is kleros. plural kleroi. This word means precisely 'lot' in the sense

of an allotment. It is essentially synonymous with moira which also

means '1m' and 'fate'. The Latin word pars also has a similar range of

meaning. However, the English 'pa rt ' has only the most literal of the old

meanings of klifros. The adjective "Arabic" is even less appropriate.

While the Arabs did considerably extend the use of he lots, they certainly

did not invent them. The lots date back to the earliest texts we have on

astrology. The Liber Hermetis, parts of which may date back to the 3rd

Century B.C.E ., has extensive lore on lots. They are also very much in

evidence in Vettius Valens in the late 2nd Century C.E.

The confusion over their origin undoubtedly comes from two sources.

First of all the Arabs did make the most extensive use of lots. SecondPtolemy mentions only the Lot of Fortune. Later astrologers in the West

tended to believe that what was not in Ptolemy must have been "added"

to astrology by the Arabs. They were thus identified as Arabic and mostly

dropped, even though a large number of the lots thus attributed to the

Arabs were in fact Greek in origin. I

However, it is not our intention to enter into a lengthy treatise on lots

here. That should be left for another booklet. What we want 10 investigate

here is the relationship of sect to lots.

The basic principle of lots and their relationship to sect is quite simple.

All lots are points of the form L = A + B - C where L is the longitude of

the lot, Band C are the longitudes of planets or other points, and A is

either the Ascendant or some other major point in the chart. The central

idea is that one computes the arc from C to B measured in the order of the

signs, and extends that arc from point A, the result being point L, the lot.

The arc from C to B is measured by computing B - C. This gives rise to

the formula L=


B - C.But the interesting question is which planet is B and which planet is

C. An examination of the ancient texts clearly indicates that C is almost

always the planet which accords in sect with the chart itself, and B is the

planet that accords with the sect of the chart to a lesser extent. So if the

chart is diurnal, and one planet is diurnal and a second nocturnal, then a

lot composed OUI of the two planets will be composed with the first planet

as C (the planet starting the arc) and the second as B (the planet

1 Actually as late a text as Gadbury's in the 17th Century contains dozens of

lots, but he does not seem to know what to do with them.


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Courage becomes a contributing cause of boldness, treachery, might ,

and every villainy.

Victory becomes a contri buting cause of trust, good expectation,

contest, and every association; but sometimes it contributes to penalties and


Nemesis becomes a contributing cause of subterranean fates and of

everything which is ice-cold, ofdemonstration, impotence, exile , destruction,

grief, and quality of death .

Before we try to analyze the significance of these formulae, let us present

more formulae from Paulus and other sources.

Title Diurnal octurnal

Father Ase. + ~ - O Ase. + 0 - ~Mother Ase. + )) - ~ Ase. + - ))

Brothers (Siblings) Ase. + q - t, Ase + q - ~Children Ase. + - '4 Ase. + - '4

Male Marriages Ase. + - t, Ase. + ~ - ~Female Marriages Ase. + - ~ Ase. + ~ - ~

Lots from Vettius Valens

Title Diurnal oeturnal

Debt Asc. + - I j l Asc. + t,-Ij l

Theft t , +d ' - I j l t , + I j l - d '

Treachery Ase. + d' - 0 Asc. + 0 - d'

Necessary House2

Ase. + d' - t, Asc. + t, - d'

The preceding is not an absolutely complete list of the lots from these

authors, however, they are numerous enough to suggest some principles.

The lots we have listed here fall into two categories, those that are

I The Part of Downfall in the Liber Hennetis.

2 From the Liber Hermetis. The ecessary House or Place is a lot which

determines a housc that is of special difficulty for the native, indicating

disappointment , imprisonment, calumny from others and so forth .


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different day and night, and those that are the same both day and night.

Let us first look at those that change.

Many ofthe lots that change as described by Paulus involve the Lots

ofFortune or Spiril. In order to make any patterns clearer, let us look first

at those lots that do not in vo lve other lots, ones composed only of planets

in combination with the Ascendant.

In this category from Paulus we ha ve the Lo ts of Fortune, Spirit,

Father, and Mother. In three of these we ha ve something in common. In

all but the Lot ofSpirit, the first planet, the one beginning the arc, is either

the one of the two planets that is sect with respect to the chart, or the one

that is nearer to being in sect. The second planet, the one to which the arc

is mea sured in the order of the signs, is either out of sect or more so than

the first planet. For example the Lot of Fortune is measured from the Sun,

a diurnal body, to the Moon, a nocturnal body, in a diurnal chart , but the

other way around in a nocturnal chart. In the Lot of the Mother one

measures from Venus to the Moon in a diurnal chart, and the other way

around ina nocturnal chart. Both of hese planets are nocturnal, but Venus

is mu ch less nocturnal than the Moon which is the most nocrumal of all

planets. In the Lot of the Father one measures from the Sun to Saturn in

a diurnal chart and the other way around in a nocturnal chart. Bothof

these are diurnal bodies, but the Sun is more diurnal than Saturn. Only the

Lot of Spirit is different in this respect, being the opposite of the Lot of

Fortune both in the day and night, and therefore always based on an arc

that is against the order of sect. Is there any observable difference in the

symbolism between the Lot of Spirit and the other three Lots of this


I believe there is; the Lot of Spirit is the only lot of this group that

pertains to subject matter that is not of the phys ical world. One's physical

possessions and one's parents are all entities that can be seen and observedin the exterior world. The maners associated with the Lot of Spirit are not

from the phys ical world but from the psychological or spirirual wo rlds.

Ifwe look at the lots from Valens and the Liber Hemletis we ha ve

three more lots that change from day to night, Theft, Treachery, and the

one associated with the Necessary House or Place. These also are based

on arcs that extend from a planet in sect or more in sect to the one out or

~ more out of sect. And these three are also related to issues that are

involved with the phys ical or external world.

lfwe look at the rest of the lots that switch between day and night,


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what do we see?1 Before we can answer that question, there is one fact

that has to be established, the sects of the Lots of Fortune and Spirit

themselves. There is no clear lore on this subject, but the Lot of Fortune

is considered to be the lot of the Moon, while that of Spirit is considered

to be the lot of the Sun. In later works from the Middle Ages they are

actually called the Lots of the Moon and Sun respectively. The Lot of

Spirit is also called the Pars FUlIIrorum or "Part of Future Things" by

Guido Bonani. Based on this we can regard the Lot of Fortune as being

of the nocturnal sect, and that of Spirit diurnal.

With that consideration we find that all of these are also based on arcs

measured from a point that is more in sect to one more out of sect. This

might seemto be

an inconsistencyif

we considered only the namesof

these lots. But if we examine the interpretations given by Paulus we find

that all of these also relate to external world matters. The Lot of Spirit

remains the only switching lot that is based on an arc measured in the

wrong sect order.

Do we see a pattern when we examine the lots that do not switch? I

believe that we do. In the Paulus list we find four lots that do not switch,

but these come in two pairs such that the planets ofeach member of either

pair are the same as the other, but reversed, as ifone were the nocturnal

counterpart ofthe other. In one of these pairs, that of the Lots of Brothersand of Children, there is no obvious connection with sect. But the other

pair, that of the Lots ofMale and Female Marriage, the male and diurnal

planet ~ leads the arc for the Lot of Ma le Marriages and the female and

nocturnal planet !j! leads the arc for the Lot of Female Marriages. This

suggests a principle similar to the one observed in the case of the

switching lots. That principle can be stated as follows:

For lots that switch the position of the component planets or points from

day to night, the arc between the component planets is measured from the

one that is more in sect to the one that is more out of sect if he lot is

connected to external orphysical plane matters. In the case oflots that do

not switch between day and night, if the lot pertains to some issue that is

clearly related to either sect or sex, then the arc is measured from the

planet whose sect or sex clearly agrees with that of the matters of the lot

to that planet wh ich does not or does so to a lesser degree. The

I Since this was written we have found more lots in Vettius Valens that

switch between day and night. These seem to reinforce the thesis presented here.


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fundame ntal point is that in the formula L = A + B - C it does maner in

which order planets are assigned to positions B and C.

Why did Ptolemy not define the Lot of Fortune as switching between day

and night? We cannot say for ce rtain, but in general Ptolemy of all the

ancient authors paid less attention to sect than any other author. He a lmost

seems to have been unaware of the importance of seet except as an issue

distant from hi s own concems, but one that is important to o ther people.

In fact his deemphasis of sect may very well have been the cause of the

later tendency to deemphasize it. However, given this deemphasis or

failure of recognition on Ptolemy's part, it is not at all strange that he

should not reverse the positions of the Sun and Moon in the computationof the Lot of Fortune.

Sect and the Hyleg or Apheta

One of the most important issues in ancient astro logy was the computation

of a planet or poi nt known as the aphela or hyleg. Th is was a point whose

primary directions told much about both the length or life and the basic

health of the native. The following passages are from Ptolemy, Book III

(Ashmand Translation) .1

Firstly, those places, only, are to be deemed prorogatory [hylegical or

aphetic], to which th e future assumption of the dominion of prorogation

ex clusively belongs. These several places arc the sign on the angle of th e

ascendant, from the fi fth degree above the hori zon , to the twenty-fifth degree

below it; the thirty degrees in dexter sexti1c thereto, co nst ituting the eleventh

house, called the Good Dtemon ; also the thirty degrees in dexter quartile,fonning the mid-heaven above the earth; those in dexter lrine making the

ninth hou se, called God : and lastly, those in opposition, belonging to th e

angle of the west.

Among the candidates for prorogation (aphetic or hy1egieal point] , as

before mentioned, by day the Sun is to be preferred, provided he be situated

in a prorogatory place; and , if not , the Moon; but if the Moon , also, should

not be so si tuated, then that planet is to be elected which may have most

claims to dominion, in reference to the Sun, the antecede nt new Moon, and

1We have not yet done OUT translation of this passage.


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the ascendant; that is to say, when such planet may be found to have

dominion over anyone of the places where these are situated, by at least

three prorogatives, if not more; the whole number being five. If, ho wever,

no planet should be found so circumstanced, the Ascendant is then to betaken.

By night the Moon is to be elected as prorogator, provided, in like

manner, she should be in some prorogatory place; and ifshe be not , the Sun:

ifhe also be not in any pro rogatory place, then that planet which may have

most rights of dominion in reference to the Moon, and the antecedent full

Moon and the part of Fortune. But, if there be no planet claiming dominion

in the mode prescribed , the Ascendant must be taken, in case a new Moon

had last preceded the birth; but, if a full Moon, the part of Fortune.

Very simply put, the first candidates for apheta (or prorogator, as

Ashmand translates it) are the Sun in diurnal charts and the Moon in

nocturnal charts, the lights of the chart's sect. The next candidate is the

light that is out of sect. But this is not the only difference between diurnal

and nocturnal charts and the reckoning of he aphetic point. If the Sun and

Moon fail to meet the criteria for aphetic point, then the next candidate is

the planet that has the most dignities in the positions of the Sun, the

Ascendant, and the prenatal ew Moon for diurnal charts. For nocturnalcharts it is the planet that bas the most dignities in the places of the Moon,

the Part of Fortune, and the Full Moon. This shows us that the Part of

Fortune is indeed a lunar, i.e ., nocturnal , point related to the Ascendant,

something we know from many sources including Ptolemy. It also shows

us that the New Moon is more diurnal and the Full Moon nocturnal,

something else that we see from other sources,2

and we also know this

because at the Full Moon the Moon is always in a nocturnal placement

with respect to the Sun because it is opposite it.

In other works the criteria for selecting the aphetic point or hyleg

vary, but they have one thing in common: the criteria are always different

I According to her position in the scheme of the nativity.

2 Earlier we described the waxing Moon as bcing more diurnal than the

waning Moon. Following the logic of thi s section, the Moon's application to

planets of the diurnal or nocturnal sect depends on which of the two phases has

last occurred. The Moon's applications are good to diurnal planets after the NewMoon which is diurnal, an d good to nocturnal planets after the Full Moon which

is nocturnal.


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for diurnal and nocturnal charts.

Sect and Firdar

The Firdar are planetary periods apparently ofPersian origin. Most of the

lists given in Medieval astrological works, both Arabic and Latin, give the

frrdar periods of each planet along with the lesser, mean, and greater

periods.1 The following is a table of the frrdar.

Table of the Major Periods of the Firdar

Diurnal Charts Nocturnal Charts

Planet Length Ends Planet Length Ends

Sun 10 10 Moon 9 9

Venus 8 18 Saturn 11 20

Mercury 13 31 Jupiter 12 32

Moon 9 40 Mars 7 39

Saturn I I 51 Sun 10 49

Jupiter 12 63 Venus 8 57Mars 7 70 Mercury 13 70

N. Node 3 73 N. Node 3 73

S. Node 2 75 S. Node 2 75

The frrdar are based on the descending Chaldean Order, i.e., iJ, 4-, d , 0.

JJ, but do not start with iJ. In diurnal charts the frrdar start with the

Sun, but at night with the Moon. We cannot go into detail here as to the


the fudar except to say that each planetary ruler governs the lifeof the native from the end of the previous ruler's period until the end of

the planet's own period. However, the sequence of rulers in diurnal and

nocturnal charts suggests that the fundamental unfolding ofa chart differs

considerably depending upon whether the chart is diurnal or nocturnal.

The light of the sect of the chart is the ruler of the frrst period in both

cases. The only thing that the two sequences have in common is that the

last two periods ofeach sequence are those of the North and South Nodes

I The use of these other periods are outside of the scope of this monograph.


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--- - --------------

of the Moon. These do not change between the diurnal and nocturnal


This completes the list of the various factors that are affected by the

diurnal-nocturnal polarity ofcharts. The remainder of his monograph will

be taken up with illustrations from charts.


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Sample Charts

Chart HI: AdolfHitler

, ( l

13° 16°

( l 0


"'. ""R

3 •

, ~6" 6"


'" I .

(l.4" = 48'

, T

This chart of Adolph Hitler is very slightly rectified from the usual given

time, but this does not affect anything that we are doing here,' We will

look at the planets in order and examine their sect status.

, The usual data are those given in the Blackwell Data Base as follows:

"1889, April 20 at 6:30 p.rn. L.M.T. (17:37:52 V.I.) in Braunau am Inn , Austria(48N 15 , 13E02). Birth data of the Nazi fUhrer from the civil register of births."

This chart is for 6:40:24 PM C£. T. rather than 6:30 L,M. T. As one can see

from the U.T. given above this is only a change of 00:02:32.


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The Sun - The Sun above the horizon makes the chart diurnal and by

definition it is diurnally placed. Being in Taurus, the Sun is not in a sign

ofthe same sect as itself. This is not a serious problem with regard to sect

placemem, although in Medieval astrology the seventh house was not

usually considered the most positive of placements for the Sun. Modem

astrologers would say that this is due to the analogy of the seventh house

with Libra. However, it has more to with the imagery of sunset and the

dying of the day. In Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, Book III, the primary direction

of the apheta to the Descendant, or Dysis, is an indication of death.

The Moon - The Moon is in Capricorn in its detriment, but it is below

the horizon in a diurnal chart, a nocturnal placement, in a nocturnal sign.

In terms of sect, the Moon is as well placed as it could be. But there are

some problems with the Moon even so. This is a waning Moon. The

waning Moon is more nocturnal than the wax.ing Moon and is best when

it is applying to a nocturnal planet. Unfortunately the Moon's first

applicat ion in this chart is a conjunction with Jupiter, a diurnal planet,

nocturnally placed in a nocturnal sign. Jupiter is also in Capricorn the sign

of its fall. This is not the most fortunate ofplacemems for the Moon.

Although this does not relate to sect as such, the third house is

supposed to be the Joy of the Moon. In fact the third house was called the

House of the Moon Goddess. This would suggest that the Moon should

be powerful in this house. There is certainly evidence for this in that

Hiller was a skilled orator. Still all of these problems indicate that this was

not a normal "benevolent" Moon-Jupiter conjunction.

Mercury - Mercury sets before the Sun in this chart, which means it also

rose befo re the Sun, making Mercury a morning star and thereforediurnal. It is in a diurnal chart and a diurnal sign. But being below the

horizon while the Sun is above means that it is nocturnally placed. As

mentioned previously, Mercury and Venus are seldom perfectly placed

with regard to sect. Both are usually quite close to the Sun. When

Mercury is a morning star above the horizon with the Sun, it can be

completely properly placed according to its sect. When it is an evening

star it is almost never completely properly placed because it is close to the

Sun and almost always diurnally placed. Only after sunset when the Sunis below the horizon and Mercury still above and in a nocturnal sign, can

Mercury be completely placed in accord with the nocturnal sect. Also as

we have previously mentioned, being in or out ofsect seems to have little

effect upon Mercury.


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Venus - In this chart it is diurnally placed in a diurnal chart in a

nocturnal sign. It is an evening star. OCali these factors the first two do

not assist or strengthen Venus. The fact that Venus is in Taurus is

definitely a help, but it is also retrograde, generall y regarded as a debilitybut not one that is well understood in modem astrology. 1Also Venus is

entering the Sun's beams, which means that by the time the Sun has sel far

enough to allow enough darkness for Venus to be seen, it will have set as

well. Although this has little directly to do with sect, vanishing into the

beams, also known as the heliacal setting, was regarded by the Greeks as

a major debility.

That Venus is an evening star has already been mentioned as a

condition regarded by the Greeks as favorable. However, as we have also

already mentioned, this may only be due to the fact that the evening star

Venus behaves more in accord with masculine expectations of the

feminine. The evening star Venus in its own sign Taurus otherwise poorly

placed could be read as an indication of his taste for conventionally

feminine women who were more than normally su bservient. The two

principle women in his life, other than his mother, were his niece Geli

Raubel and Eva Braun. The first committed suicide, apparently in order

to escape his affections. The second committed suicide with him in the

Berlin bunker. Venus in the seventh house also rules the eighth house in

his chart.

Mars - A nocturnal planet, it is diurnally placed in a diurnal chart and in

a nocturnal sign. Unfortunately the nocturnal sign is Taurus, the sign of

its detriment. Mars is also disappearing into the Sun's beams. Both it and

Venus are square Saturn in the tenth house, a fact which will be referred

to again when we discuss the aspects in this chart. Mars is almost

completely out of accord with its own sect. This is not a well-placedMars!

Jupiter- A diurnal planet, it is nocturnally placed in a nocturnal sign in

a diurnal chart. It is therefore not ent irely placed in accord with its sec t.

It is also in fall as mentioned above. Jupiter is not likely to work in this

chart at as high a level as it might if it were better placed in the chart.

Saturn - This is a diurnal planet diurnally placed in a diurnal sign. Saturn

I However, opinions abound.


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is in Hayz. This is the maximum degree to which a planet may be placed

in accordance with its sect. According to the ancients, this would make

Saturn work at its most positive. However, Saturn is in Leo, the sign of its

detriment. We have not gone into the matter ofwhat effect there is upona planet that is in its detriment, but it certainly affects the quality of the

planet's energy (using 'energy' in the loose sense of the word). This

would tend to work against the positively reinforcing qualities of the

planet's being completely in its sect. However, if as we have reason to

believe, being in sect also makes the planet's effects more quantitatively

powerful, this leaves a very strong Saturn, strong in a quantitative way,

which may be benefic enough so that Saturn is not a hindrance to his

success (at least initially); but it is also not as positive as Saturn in sect is

supposed to be. There are other problems with this Saturn placement as

well, but these are beyond the scope of this monograph.

However, Saturn's strength by sect has a strong effect upon its

squares to Venus and Mars. Mars and Venus are both quantitatively

weaker than Saturn. In the conflict between the various planetary energies

Satum wins out over Mars and Venus, both nocturnal planets in a diurnal

chart. We do not know enough about the actual effects of sect as yet to

say that this will always be the case, but one might expect it to be so on

the basis of what we do know now.

The Modem Planets - These will not be discussed individually with

regard to sect because we have no lore on the modem planets and sect.

However, as we come to understand sect and its effects, we may also

come to understand how the modem planets relate to it.


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Chart #2: Eleanor Roosevelt l

I do not want it to seem that sect only works for World War II leaders. It

is just that I have found that their charts represent the effects of sect

placement especially clearly.

The Sun - The Sun is above the horizon in the tenth house making the

chart diurnal. It is also in a diurnal sign. Strangely enough, like Hitler,

Eleanor Roosevelt's chart features a planet in its detriment which is also

I These are the data according to the Blackwell Data Base:

"1884, Oct. 11 at 11 A.M E.S.T in ew York City, Y (40 45, 73W57). Birth

data of the first lady. wife of President F.D. Roosevelt, is from a 'fami ly birth

record ' according to loan Negus in the Geocosmic News for Fall 198 1. "


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in Hayz. The effect is the same. The Sun in Libra is altered in its essential

nature. It is forced to deal with the issues of Libra, agreement and

compromise, rather than being its own, showy, solar self. But its being in

Hayz makes its effect quantitatively powerful and may serve also to

mitigate the inherent conflict between the nature of the Sun and Libra, and

allow the Sun to work more easily in Libra. Certainly Eleanor Roosevelt

did make a name for herself in the pursuit of social causes that

transcended her own personal objectives. She uncompromisingly

espoused causes that made her unpopular in her lifetime. Later in life after

FDR's death, she became our representative to the U.N., where more

conventional Libran skills came into play. The reader should also note

that the Sun is trine Saturn in Gemini which is also in Hayz, and Saturn

has rulership over Libra by exaltation and triplicity. This is an extremelyeffective combination!

The Moon - Oddly enough both Eleanor and Franklin had Cancer

Moons. But FDR's Moon was in Hayz. Eleanor's Moon is much less

positively placed. Her Moon is diurnally placed in a diurnal chart in a

nocturnal sign. Only the sign supports the Moon's sect, although as

Cancer, its support is considerable. The Moon is trine Mars, which is also

mostly out of sect. It is also square the Sun which is in Hayz. The Sun is

likely to be stronger in that interaction, even though the Moon is in its

own sign and the Sun is debilitated by sign. The Moon is also in the

eighth house (using Koch, the very late seventh., using Placidus),

traditionally not the most favorable of houses. However, it does seems to

have a positive side, an association with major transformation, which is

certainly appropriate for both her association with FDR and the changes

wrought by the New Deal, and also for her own reforming zeal.

Mercury - Mercury is a morning star rising ahead of the Sun, andtherefore of the diurnal sect. It is in Libra, a diurnal sign. Therefore it is

in Hayz also, like the Sun. It seems that it might be also peregrine, having

no essential dignity in its placement except that it rules the air triplicity by

night. But this is a day chart. Is there anything that mitigates this

placement? Yes, something that should be obvious even in terms of

modern astrology. It and Venus are in mutual reception. And Mercury

gets something of the better of the deal because Virgo is the sign of

Venus' fall, which nearly cancels out the dignity coming from the mutual


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reception for Venus. 1 The net result is that Mercury in her chart is

excellently placed according to all criteria, at least those criteria which

followers of Ptolemy wou ld respect, and I am inclined to be one of those

at least with regard to the issue of the ninth house,

The problem is that ancient astrology was of two minds about the

ninth house. To many ancient astrologersl it was primarily a cadent house

and therefore weak. But Ptolemy (and probably others before him) took

a different view. He saw the ninth house as being both above the horizon

and, therefore, strong, and also as being a house which aspects the first

house by trine, a benevolent aspec!. This view eventually became the

prevailing viewpoint until in modem times it is regarded as a rather strong

house. in any case Mercury is so late in the ninth thatit

is effectivelyconjunct the Midheaven.

Mercury is of course trine to Pluto, of which it is also the ruier. This

indicates an extremely powerful desire to transfonn others through

communlcation and speech, something quite evident in her life. Mercury

by both essential (mutual reception) and accidental dignity (in Hayz and

conjunct the Midheaven) is clearly one of the most powerful influences

in the chart.

Venus - Venus, as has already been meOlioned, is not so well placed as

Mercury. It is in mutual reception by domicile with Mercury and in its

own triplicity, but is also in its fall Virgo. The net result is somewhat, but

not lTemendously, slTengthening. It is a morning star, which puts it iOlo

the warrior goddess category, and is in fact very near its maximum

elongation, having turned direct nOI too long before her birth. This is

believed by many rraditional authorities to be an accidental dignity.

However, it is largely out of sect. Only by sign is it in sect, Virgo being

a nocturnal sign. Otherwise it is diurnally placed in a diurnal chart. It is

also square Pluto. All of this serves to explain why her marital life with

FOR might not have been the happiest, at least according to lTaditional

criteria. Venus is a planet in which being out of sect does not seem to

make it weaker in a quantitative sense but rather makes it work in ways

1 Although Venus is also in its own triplicity. See below under Venus.

1 See especially Vettius Valens Book 111 , chapter I, Abu 'Ali AI-Khayyat,

The Jlldgment ofNativities (Holden trans.) and Masha'allah, Book o fNativities,where the ninth housc is trealed primarily as cadent and invalid as a placement for

the hylcg or apheta.


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that seem out of accord with its traditional function, but not necessarily

badly. This would seem to be a better way of approaching Eleano r

Roosevelt's Venus than to say that was "bad" or weak Venus.

Mars - By the Arabic criteria Mars is in the opposite ofHayz. However,

by Greek criteria it is in sect by sign . It is also in its own domicile. and

using Ptolemy's system, in its own triplici ty. (In the other system

promulgated by Dorotheus and the Arabs , Venus rules water signs by

day.) But Mars is diurnally placed in a diurnal chart, which is supposed

to bring about its negative side. It is also opposite Neptune which is not.

in the experience of modem astrologers, a strengthening factor for Mars.

Basically what we have here is a Mars that. being in its own sign, is a very

authentic Mars, i.e • Mars is truly Mars. but one which is not given very)

free expression by the chart (out of sect). Also it is rather near the twelfth

house cusp.

This may have had a rather benign outcome, however. In the charts

of women Mars is often expressed through men, which I think is

especia lly likely given the fact that Mars is large ly out of sect. FOR was

of course the principle man in her life. He was in his own way a very

strong male (Mars in Scorpio) but he wa s also a cripple, and it is

undoubtedly a fact that having to care for FOR after he was afflicted withpolio was a major factor in keeping them together. This is reflected in the

Mars opposition Neptune near the twelfth-sixth house axis.

Jupiter - Yet another planet in Hayz! It is diurnally placed in a diurnal

chart in a diurnal sign. I! is also conjunct the royal star Regulus. And it is

the Ascendant ruler in the ninth house. Whether one equates the ninth

house with Sagittarius as modem astrologers are wont to do. or not, it is

clear that there is a sympathy between Jupiter and the ninth house. Jupiter

is also sextile Saturn in Gemini. which is also in Hayz. This exerts

s ~ m e t h i n g of a t e m p e r i ! ! ~ e ~ 1 .on the Jupiter and.gives it Saturn's best

Side (although somewhat mlliblled by Saturn bellg retrograde). The

whole thing clearly indicates her breadth of interests and a mindset

dominated by the larger picture. Often her disagreements with FOR

revolved around his emphasis on practical politics versus her emphasis on

social principles.

Saturn - Saturn, as mentioned, is in Hayz. It is also in its own triplicityand angular. Its only real problem is that it is retrograde. I! is also trine the

Sun, also as mentioned previously. All of thi s suggests the nature of her


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marriage, enduring but not extremely happy, one that persisted initially

for practical reasons, but which also supported both of theif careers and

evolved into a great friendship, but with very little of a romantic eiemeO!,

a classic Saturn relationship. The sextile to Jupiter, previously alluded to,from the point of view of the seventh house also improves the marriage,

again not romantically, but rather through an affinity of philosophies and


The most remarkable thing about this chart is the number of planets in

Hayz, four, Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. This is reflected in the

eminence of her life and the level of success that she achieved in her life.

While it is true that she did not achieve quite the place in history that her

husband has, it is also true that as a woman she had much more to

overcome and for the most part she did. One wonders, given the man's

world thai she grew up in, what she would have accomplished if she had

been a male with this chart, or had grown up in a world which respected

talent in women more.


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3 ,. 0 6"': '22'6" 6 52'

Q ~ or11,,6 14'

? 23, ,6


Chart #3: President Clinton I





® ¥29" 2 1" 0[] [] 17"


49' 09' []




The Sun - Clinton's chart features a Sun in Hayz. It is in Leo, a diurnal

sign, above the horizon. It is also, of course, in its own domicile andtriplicity, a powerful Sun. Its only real shortcoming, not much of one at

that, is that the Sun is the eleventh house rather than the tenth, As we shall

see below in the discussion of Saturn, this placement of the Sun goes a

long way to mitigating the situation of Saturn in the chart. It is also in

sextile to Jupiter, which we will discuss under Jupiter. It is square the

Moon as well, which we will take up next.

I The data arc as follows: Aug. 19, 1946 at 8:51 A.M., C.S.T., Hope,

Arkansas, 33N40, 93W35. The data are widely alleged to be from a binh



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The Moon - The Moon is in exahation in Taurus but in the eighth house.

And it is square the Sun. This could go a long way to accounling for the

somewhat difficult marriage that he appears 10 have had with Hi llary, as

well as the allegations that have arisen in connection with other women.And the Moon is also out of sect in all regards except by sign. This

suggests that the Moon and what it symboli zes is powerful in its essence,

that is, the feminine is truly feminine, and the lunar truly lunar, but that

the expression of this energy in his life is not easy, nor totally to his

advantage. In other wo rds women in his life could be a considerable

sourc e ofdifficulty. Also as the eighth house is the house of the partner's

money, there is a suggestion of Whitewater about this placement. The

Moon is the ruler of the Midheaven by domicile, which suggests that the

square from the Moon to the Sun could be dangerous for his career. If thereader wonders how he go t to be president wi th this placement, the

answer comes from computing the Almuten of the Midheaven. It is

Jupiter, and how it becomes the Almuten of the M.e. we will discuss

under Jupiter.

Mercury - Mercury is a morning star and therefore diurnal . It is

diurnally placed in a diurnal chart in a diurnal sign. It is in Ha yz . Mercury

is in its own bounds, which preve nts it from being peregrine and gives it

modest essential dignity. Mercury sextiles the conjunction in the fi rst

house consisting ofMars, Neptune, and Venus. We will discuss this under

Mars. Bul in terms of ils dignity Mercury is a fairly powe rful planet in this

chart. This seems appropriate for a polilician. However, there is one

problem with this Mercury. It is about to make its heliacal sett ing and

disappear inlo the Sun's rays in the morning sky. This was reckoned by

the ancients as an extremely serious debility. Bul it is still almost 19°

away from the Sun and not yet gone into the rays.

Venus - Venus is in exce llenl condition by essential dignity. It is in its

own sign. But by sect it is a nocturnal planet in a diurnal chart and diurnal

sign. It is, however, below the horizon, a state which nocturnal planets

prefer in a diurnal chart, so it is no t by any means completely out of sec t.

Venus is an evening star approaching its maximum elongation. This is

feminine Venus as opposed to the wa rrio r Venus morning star. Thus even

though Venus is somewhat out ofsect, both the Moon and Venus, the two

l Or terms.


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major feminine planets, are presented in an extremely feminine manner.

Could it be that Clinton has rather traditional expectations concerning a

woman's role?

Mars - This nocturnal planet is in a diurnal chart and diurnal sign. It is

below the horizon but barely, and it is in its detriment conjunct eprune

and Venus. It is sextile Mercury, which serves to stabilize it somewhat,

but we do have a difficult Mars here . The chart does not support the

smooth functioning of one of its most powerfully placed planets, as any

planet on the Ascendant must be. This could go a long away to explaining

why Clinton has difficulty appearing decisive, confident, and in

command. Tills is one of the most difficult indications in the chart.

Jupiter - Jupiter is a diurnal planet in a diurnal sign, but it is below the

horizon. So Jupiter is not placed completely according to its sect. But it

does have a creative role in the chart. It is sextile the Sun from the first

house. This is not a bad indication in any case, but there is a greater

significance to tills placement. Jupiter is the exaltation ruler of the M.C.,

and the M.e. is also in the bounds of Jupiter in Cancer (using Ptolemy's

system). This makes Jupiter the Almuten or ruler of the M.e. over theMoon. So while the Moon signifies danger to his career, Jupiter as the

significator of the M.C., being sextile to a Sun which is very dignified,

signifies the likelihood of career achievement. Jupiter is in its own face,

which gives a little essential dignity. There are other factors which

improve Jupiter's essential placement, but these are beyond the scope of

this booklet.

Saturn - Saturn is most interesting. It has problems rather similar to

Hitler's, not that I am suggesting that there is any real comparison

between the two men. In fact the really interesting question is why they

are so different, especially in terms of the manifestations of the respective

Saturns. Clinton's Saturn, like Hitler's, is in Hayz, although in the very late

tenth house, almost the eleventh, rather than near the M.e., and it is in its

detriment, so that all of these things that were stated earlier about Hitler's

Saturn and its dignity apply to Clinton's as well. The main difference is

that aturn's ruler, the Sun, is dignified and well placed, which Hitler's

was not. It is also reasonably well aspected, willch Hitler's was not. There

are other important differences as well which are beyond the scope of this



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The end resu lt of the above is that Clinton's chart has three planets in

Hayz and several in high essential dignity as well, although only the Sun

is dignified both ways.

In the preceding cases we have shown charts in which one or more planets

were in Hayz, showing the effects of planets that were very much in sect.

Sometimes planets are also completely out of sect, a condition that has no

name in the tradition, a kind of contra-Hayz (a tenn that I do not

especially recommend) in which one has a nocturnal planet in a diurnal

chart diurnally placed in a diurnal sign. or the reverse , a diurnal planet in

a nocturnal chart nocturnally placed in a nocturnal sign. In the charts we

have looked at so far no planet has been completely out of sect. Even in

the most severe cases there has been at least one of the three factors with

which the planet was in accord, by the sect of the chart, the placement, or

the sign. And typically it has been the sign, the weakest of the three

potential supporting factors.

Now we are going to examine charts in which some prominent factor

is completely extra conditione.J

I See page 7.


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Chart #4. Richard M. Nixon}

The Sun - Nixon's Sun is below the horizon, which of course makes the

chart nocturnal, and his Sun out of sect. It is also in Capricorn a nocturnalsign. So our first planet extra conditione is the Sun! However, this is quite

a common condition. All it requires is that one be born at night with the

Sun in a feminine or nocturnal sign. This tells us that the Sun extra

conditione cannot be a terribly debilitating factor. But from what we

I The Blackwell Data Base has the following:

"1913 , Jan. 9 at 9:35 p.m. P.S.T. in Fullerton Township, CA (33N52, 117W50).Birth data of the U.S. President was recorded by the nurse in attendance, Henrietta

Shockney: 'Richard Milhous ixon, Thursday Nine thirty-five p.m.,

Nineteen-hundred-thirteen, eleven pounds. '"


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already know about the Sun, Moon, and sect, it is clear that an extra

conditione Sun would place emphasis on the Moon, the lady of the

nocturnal (also known as lunar) sect. Also, as any Arabic or Latin

astrologer would point out, the quadrant between the Descendant and theI.e. (houses four, five and six in quadrant-type house systems) is a

masculine quadrant (not, howeve r, diurnal). Us ing Medieval terminology,

the Sun may be extra conditione but is not completely out of its own

similitude. This could be a saving factor as well. However, I am still

reluctant to conclude that the Suo extra conditione and completely out of

similitude would be a particularly severe problem by itself.

The Moon - The Moon is of course placed in a nocturnal chart and is

therefore in sect in the most important way. However, it is out of sect in

both of the other respects. It is placed in the same hemisphere as the Suo,

diurnally placed in other words, and in a diurnal sign, Aquarius. However,

both of the lights are placed in signs ruled by Saturn. Therefore the state

of Saturn should be very important in this chart.

Mercury - Mercury is a morning star rising ahead of the Sun, therefore

diurnal. It is diurnally placed, being with the Sun, as Mercury almost

always is , but in a nocturnal chart and sign. I would not go so far as to saythat this was a major cause of his difficulties. The fact that Mercury is

conjunct Mars and Jupiter, and opposed by Pluto is much more indicative

of both strength and difficulty. Mercury's sect status, as already stated,

does not seem to be a major factor in Mercury's functioning because

Mercury has no inherent quality,2 and therefore cannot create a tension

between its inward qualities and those of its environs.

Venus - Venus is in Pisces, the sign of its exaltation.It

is of course anocturnal planet in a nocturnal chart in a nocturnal sign. It is however

diurnally placed, which is usually the case with Venus as well as Mercury,

because they are always close to the Sun. But Venus is in evening star

phase, setting after the Suo. It is at its most feminine, the love-goddess

phase. Aside from the sect of its placement Venus is quite well off

I See page 6.

2 In the technical sense of the word, 'quality' . Obviousl y Mercury has

characteristics. But 'quality' as used here means one of the qualities, hot, co ld ,

wet, and dry.


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(ignoring its cadency). It is even in sextile to its own sign-ruler, Jupiter,

which grants it further dignity. Jupiter itself is not quite so well off by

sign and sect, however, as we shall see.

Mars - Mars and Saturn are the two planets whose condition by sect is

most critical. If a planet being extra conditione could be a cause of

difficulty for one, Mars or Saturn would be the most likely candidates.

But Mars is not all that badly placed. It is a nocturnal planet in a nocturnal

chart. That makes Mars a symbol of the noble fighter rather than the

destroyer. It is in a masculine sign, but this only raises again the problem

as to whether Mars prefers masculine or feminine signs. Mars is also

diurnally placed, i.e., in the same hemisphere as the Sun. So it is in a

condition of mixed sect.

Jupiter - Jupiter is a diurnal planet in a nocturnal chart in a nocturnal

sign, but diurnally placed. It is also in the sign of its fall . So Jupiter is not ~very well-placed.

Saturn - ow we come to it! Saturn is a diurnal planet in a nocturnal

chart, in a nocturnal sign, nocturnally placed in the hemisphere opposite

the Sun. It is also in a feminine quadrant, the quadrant between the M.e.and Descendant being feminine. We can therefore expect the more

difficult manifestations of the Saturn. But what are they in ixon's case?

Saturn is in the ninth house and sign, cadent, although this is a

cadency that most Medieval and Renaissance astrologers, as well as

modem astrologers, do not consider an especially difficult one. In the

Renaissance most astrologers concentrated on the aspect of the ninth

house that relates to travel. But in ancient times and to a lesser extent in

the Renaissance there was also the aspect of the ninth house as the house

of the Sun god, the Joy of the Sun. Here is Firrnicus Matemus on the

ninth house Saturn. [Matemus, Book III, Chapter 2]

If however [Saturn] is situated by night in the place, it will make the anger

of the gods and the hatred of emperors, especially if the Moon diminishing

in light is carried toward him in any way.

Oddly enough the Moon is moving toward Saturn in the chart, but it is a

I See page 6.


~ : J

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waxing Moon. Recall that the waxing Moon is more diurnal than the

waning Moon, and it makes the best applications to diurnal planets. This

is clearly a mitigating factor. However, Saturn is also the domicile-ruler

of the Moon, and the Moon is making its first application to it by square.Thus the Moon is about to be afflicted by its own dispositor. Also Saturn

is in Taurus, which is both the exaltation and the triplicity of the Moon.

The Moon is the Almuten of Saturn. Therefore this fonning square

represents an affliction of dispositors. We have an interesting ambiguity

here, however. Ifplanets are in mutual reception in any way, a square is

transfonned into a positive aspect. The only exception to this is with

squares between Mars and Saturn. However, this is not a mutual reception

but a mixed reception; Saturn disposes of the Moon by domicile, while

the Moon disposes ofSaturn by exaltation and triplicity. We do not know

what the tradition has to say on the subject of this kind ofmixed reception

between planets in square. If the square is cancelled by it, then this would

be a strong assist to Saturn. But whatever Saturn's strength, it is clear that

according to tradition ilS darker side should surface. Here is a Renaissance

description of Sa tum in the ninth house. [Gauricus, Chapter 24.]

In the ninth house he makes a man who is not very devout and he will be a

monarch or priest; hewill

not completely believeinhis own faith and he


be a hypocrite.

Now we begin to get some idea of the problem that this placement

presents. The phrase from Matemus, "the anger of he gods and the hatred

of emperors," obviously cannot be taken too literally (like many ancient

aphorisms). He was himself in fact quite close to being an emperor! BUI

the wrath of the gods is directed toward those who do not acknowledge

them. The passage quoted from Gauricus just above narrows it down a bit,

although Gauricus does not distinguish between Saturn in diurnal andnocturnal charts.

The problem is that Saturn in the ninth house in a nocturnal chart

would seem to indicate an attitude of irreverence toward the divine and a

tendency toward hypocrisy. The delineation in Gauricus is quite typical

ofpassages on this subject found in Renaissance texts. The clear meaning

of this is that these traits are ones that cause the native considerable


Summarizing the indications, it appears that Nixon's Saturn is a signal

that he would be damaged by his cynicism, skepticism, lack of belief inthe essential decency of others, and a tendency to see the dark side of


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every situation. These are all negative Saturn traits. And to make matters

worse, Saturn is the dispositor of Nixon's Sun, Moon, Me rcury, Jupiter,

and Uranus. This makes it one of the most important, if not the most

important dispositor in Nixon's chart. As such it is completely extra

conditione and out of similitude.

Chart #5: Charles Dederick'

The next chart is that of the founderofSynano n, Charles Dederick. Since

I According to Lois Rodden the data arc as follows: March 22, 1913 at 4:20

A.M . CS.T., Toledo, OH , 41N39, 83W33 from birth records, obtained by E.



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not everyone may be aware of him and his life, I have quoted the passage

from Lois Rodden's Astra-Data V, published by the Data-News Press. i

A reformed alcoholic, he founded a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program

in 1958 with fifteen members that evolved into Synanon the following year,

a controversial and utopian community. Thousands ofpersons went through

the rehab program during the following twenty years; in 1974 Synanon was

licensed as a religion. Dederick, a benevolent despot with incredible

charisma, bought a 1500 acre Marin county Organizational ranch and ruled

his empire from a million-dollar hideaway in Arizona. His third wife died in


On January 25, 1978, the media began to report massive purchases of

guns by the organization and Dederick resigned from the executive board

March \9 78. Various legal charges and problems began to accumulate. On

September 19, 197 8 a 5300,000 legal judgment came down against Synanon;

the attorney who won the casc opened his mailbox on October 10 to find a

rattlesnake coiled inside.

A Task Force opened a major investigation of Dederick. On Dec . 2,

1978, police found him dcad drunk at his home in Lake Havasu when they

arrived to arrest him. He was taken to a hospital jail cell, and on September

3, 1980, scntenced to five years probation, fined and forced to withdraw

from leadership of his empire.

The Sun - The Sun is in the lower hemisphere making this a nocturnal

chart. The Sun is in Aries its exalta tion, so this is not in itselfan especially

dire indication. But it does give Mars special significance as the domicile

ruler of the Sun.

The Moon - A Full Moon is about to happen so the Moon is at its most

powerful with respect to the Sun. It is out of sect in only one way; it is in

a d iurnal sign, Libra.

Mercury - Mercury is an evening star so that it is nocturnal. It is

therefore in sect as far as the chart is concerned, but out of sect by sign

and placement, a common condition for Mercury.

Venus - Venus is in evening star phase, hence at its most feminine. It is

I Used with the pennission of Lois Rodden.


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-also in Taurus, a nocturnal sign, as well as the Moon's own domici le. It is

of course diurna lly placed, a condition also common for Venus. But

Venus is in good condition and is also the domicile ruler oflhe Moon. In

addition it is applying to a trine of Jupiter. All of this might help to

explain the charisma refe rred to above.

Mars - Mars is rather well and powerfully placed. As a nocturnal planet

in a nocturnal chan , and nocruma lly placed, it is very much in sec t. It is

in Hayz according to the Arabic definition which wants Mars to be in amasculi ne sign in order to be in Hayz. It is of course not completely in

sect according to wha t we believe is the Greek definition. But its

placement on the Ascendant although in the twelfth house is a powerful,

if somewhat ambiguous placement. This would help to explain the boot

camp like atmosphere often attributed to Synanon training sessions. It is

also square both its and the Ascenda nt's ruler, Saturn. However, before

Mars makes the exact square, Saturn enters the next sign. This is supposed

to be a mitigati on of the affi iction in that when Mars squares Saturn,

Saturn is no longer Mars' domicile ruler.

Jupiter - Jupiter is a diurnal p lanet. It is noc tumallyplaced in a nocturnal

chart in a nocturnal sign. It is in a masculine quadrant so tha t it is not

completely out of similitude. However, it is completely extra conditione.

By degree it is also sesquiquadrate its own domicile ruler, Saturn. It is not

peregrine because it is in its own bounds, but it is in its fal1. So Jup iter is

not in very good condition in this chart. It is in the eleventh house which

is, among other things, the house of organizat ions.

Matemus in Book III, 20, 2 1 says the following about this placement.

Jupiter situated in the eleventh house from the Horoscope decrees the

greatest happiness and bestows great fame ; it also grants renowned powers

and hi gh office and it decrees the proconsular command if the Sun and

Venus join themselves to Jupiter by a good ray, and if the Full Moon

receding from the south joins itselr to Jupiter situated in the nonh, that is,

I se eOl1iunxeril. The verb here means literally 'to conjoin', which seems to

suggest the conjunction. However, in later Latin astrology all aspects are referred

to as conju nct ions, either by roy (aspects) or by the body (conjunctions). Therefore

we cannot safely assume that Matemus only means conjunct ions here.


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ifit is born along such a course as we described in the fifth hou se.' But all

of thi s is dimini shed and its efficacy destroyed if it is si tuated in this manner

in a nocturnal gc niture.

Not all of the conditions described in the passage are applicable to this

chan. But the nocturnal nature of the chan indicates the danger of

downfall from the heights he gained through his organization.

Saturn - Sa tu rn is diurna lly placed in a nocturnal chart and sign. It is

also in the lasl degree of the sign, which is not supposed to be the best

placement, and in this sign it is also conj unc t the Pl eiades, a rather nasty

star cluster, at least according to tradition.

I It is not especially important for our purposes if the reader understands all

of the astrology of this passage. There are some technical usages here whieh arc

not enti rely elcar.



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Chart #6: TOllY Costa l


~ o = 5'

I thought it might be interesting to include one last chart, which I wi ll not

go into in as much detail as the preceding charts, But it has a personalinterest to me because the events associated with this person occurred

quite near where I live on Cape Cod, and as such I know quile a bit about

the case. I was surprised to discover this chart in the same book by Lois

Rodden from which I took the data concerning Charles Dederick above.

Quite aside from any pe rsonal interest, this chart illustrates that a

planet in dignity in Hayz and angular is not necessarily a good thing. This

IThe data for thi s are al so from Loi s Rodden'sAstra-Data V: August 2, 1944

at 12: 33 P.M. E. W.T. , Cambridge, Mass., 42N22, 71W06.


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is the chart of one Tony Costa, who is something of a legend, in a very

negative sense, on Cape Cod.

In the late sixties Costa abducted, murdered, and dismembered

several young women whom he met in the Provincetown, Mass. area.Some of these were women who rented rooms in his mother's boarding

house, and some of the bodies were buried in his mother's garden. Others

were buried in the woods of nearby orth Truro.

Costa's last victims were abducted around Jan. 26, 1969, and he was

convicted on May 22 , 1970. He later committed suicide in his cell by

hanging himself on May 12 , 1974.

The chart features the un in Leo conjunct the M.C. in Hayz. From

what we have seen so far in our examples this should have been a positive

indication. Of course one could argue while that this otherwise utterlyunprepossessing individual did manage to attain considerable notoriety for

a while, this does not seem sufficient to account for the effects of the Sun

placement. So what went wrong?

First of all we have the Sun conjunct Pluto, not deadly in itself, but

clearly a sign of something complicated or possibly strange. Second,

taking a leaf from very modem astrology, the Sun is exactly on the

midpoint ofMars and Saturn. The combination ofMars, Saturn, the Sun

and Pluto is characteristic of murderers, especially mass murderers.

[While this combination is characteristic ofmurderers, its presence in a

chart does not necessarily mean that the native is a murderer. It can also

indicate a individual of enormous will, tenacity and resolve, albeit with

more than a little ruthlessness.] In addition the M.e. , the Sun, and Pluto

are located in the middle of the constellation of Cancer near Praesaepe

and the Asselli, a nebulous cluster and two fixed stars with a bad

reputation. In 1944 Praesaepe was at 6°Q24', the North Assellus at 6°Q46',

and the South Assellus at 7°Q57'. Robson in his Fixed Stars and


Astrology saysof


these that culminating they bothindicate "disgrace, ruin and violent death." When they are conjunct the

Sun (which in this chart would be a bit wide except for the fact that Pluto

conjunct the Sun is closely conjunct these stars), they indicate "blows,

stabs, serious accidents, shooting, beheading, hanging, murderer or

murdered, violent fevers, danger of fire, disgrace and imprisonment. ,,1

That about covers it!

Clearly Hayz does not always work out well. In this case the Sun's

I Rob son, p. 142 .


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Hayz involved so many other negative indications that whatever power it

had was turned toward the bad. Even without this sort of thing the reader

should be cautioned from concluding that Hayz is always good and that

planets extra conditione are always bad. We have to remember at all times

that all astrological indications are good or bad for certain reasons and in

certain contexts. It is these reasons and contexts that we must understand

so that we can make intelligent judgmems about whether an indication is

likely to be good or bad for a particular person and under what conditions.

Concluding Remarks

As I have already said, I believe that the understanding of planetary sect

may be the sing le most important area of interpretation to have been lost,

or at least mislaid, between the Greeks and modern astrology. And it is

fitting that it should resurface at this time when we are paying more

attention to the feminine and the positive aspects of darkness and night,

the realms of the Moon; for, the proper understanding of sect in astrology

restores these to equality with the solar and diurnal aspect of astrology

which has arguably been overemphasized in the period since astrology

came from the Greeks to the Arabs and thence back to the Latin West.But I have to warn the reader again. This is a very preliminary text.

Mo re amplified texts will follow, based on more practical experience, and

also based on a better understanding of what the ancients were trying to

say. This book is only a guide.

Is sect likely to tum out to be important? Obviously I would not have

written this booklet if I did not think so. But we have some confinnation

from the research community. Both Lee Lehman and Mark Urban-Lurain

have applied the doctrine of sect to the Gauquelin data by separating the

day and night births from each other in the studies. Both workers,

although adminedlyonly in preliminary research thus far, have found that

distinguishing between day and night births increases the non-randomness

of the planetary distributions. I am very encouraged by these findings

because when I first encountered sect in ancient astrology, I realized that

if day and night charts have to be interpreted significantly differemly,

then the ignoring of this difference might strongly affect or invalidate

most of the statistical research done thus far, especially those studies

which have had negative results. Oneof

the best ways to eliminate aneffect is to take two populations which have opposite natures and to

combine them without respect to the difference. This causes the two


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populations to cancel out the effect in each other and the net result is no

apparent effect. It appears at this point that day and night births may be

such a pair of populations. We need to redo most of the research in light

of this.



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Antiochus of Athens - All passages from his work are from the

translation by Roben Schmidt. Project Hindsigh t edition.

Gauricus - All passages from Gauricus are the author's translations from

the wo rk Tmctatus astrologiae iudiciariae de nativitatibus virorum et

mu/ierum, Nuremberg: 1540.

Guido Bonatti - All passages from Guido Bonatti are from the

translation by Roben Zoller. Project Hindsight edition.

Julius Finnicus Matemus - All passages from Matemus' Mathesis are

translated by the author from the Teubner Edition.

Liber Hermelis - All passages from this work are from the translat ion by

Robert Zoller. Project Hindsight edition.

Masha'allah - All passages from Masha'allah are from the Book of

Nativities translated by the author. Project Hindsight edition.

Paulus Alexandrinus - All passages from his work are from the

translation by Roben Schmidt. Project Hindsight edition.

Ptolemy - Passages from Ptolemy are either from Robert Schmidt's

translation of the Tetrabiblos, Book I, Project Hindsight edition, or from

the Ashmand translation of Booles III and IV.

Schoener - All passages from the Opuluscu/um Astr%gicum are fromthe translation by the author. Project Hindsight edition.

Vettius Valens - All passages from the Anthology ofVettius Valens are

from the translation by Robert Schmidt. Project Hindsight edition.