Hand In Hand E-News

A Collaborative Effort of the Regina Literacy Network and Balcarres Communities Literacy Network Hand In Hand Literacy Partnership What’s Happening? Thanks to everyone who helped get us through to Round 2! It is not to late to show your support! Start today and help the Balcarres Communities Literacy Network (BCLN) and Regina Literacy Network (RLN) to bring award winning author tours and trainings to South Central Saskatchewan! Gordon Li, Regina Literacy Network Board Member and Learner Leader accepted the Saskatchewan Senior Volunteer Award for his work in promoting Life Long Learning and Education in our province. Congratulations Gordon! Aviva Community Fund—Round 2 Voting Started October 25th! Volume 1, Issue 1, October 25, 2010 www.rfln.ca Click the link below http://www.avivacommunityfund.org/ideas/acf5481 In the Spotlight...


The Hand In Hand partnership was developed between the Regina Literacy Network and the Balcarres Communities Literacy Network.

Transcript of Hand In Hand E-News

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A Collaborative Effort of the Regina Literacy Network and

Balcarres Communities Literacy Network

Hand In Hand Literacy Partnership

What’s Happening?

Thanks to everyone who helped get us through to Round 2! It is not to late to show your support! Start today and help the Balcarres Communities Literacy Network (BCLN) and Regina Literacy Network (RLN) to bring award winning author tours and trainings to South Central Saskatchewan!

Gordon Li, Regina Literacy Network Board Member and

Learner Leader accepted the Saskatchewan Senior

Volunteer Award for his work in promoting Life Long

Learning and Education in our province. Congratulations


Aviva Community Fund—Round 2 Voting Started October 25th!

Volume 1, Issue 1, October 25, 2010


Click the link below


In the Spotlight...

Page 2: Hand In Hand E-News

Upcoming Learning Opportunities...

Description of program:

This 6 hour training provides the foundations for Family Literacy and is open to anyone wanting to facilitate, coordinate and/or develop family

literacy programming. Organization staff, facilitators, coordinators,

teachers, parents and anyone else interested in learning more about

Family Literacy should consider this training. The Intro is a pre-requisite for many other Family Literacy Programs available in Saskatchewan, such as

Assets Alive!, Music and Movement, and Come Read With Me.

Objectives of training: • To demonstrate the principles of Family Literacy programming in


• To introduce participants to Family Literacy and guiding principles. • To introduce participants to components within Family Literacy


• To introduce participants to the connection between Family Literacy and Community Development.

• To provide direction for starting Family Literacy activities and programs

• To provide information on further training.

• To provide an overview of Family Literacy within our province.

Description of training:

Course covers the following topics at varying lengths:

• Introduction to Family Literacy

• Family Literacy Philosophy and Guiding


• Family Literacy Standards

• Classifications Of Family Literacy Models

• Key Elements Of Family Literacy Programs

• Family Literacy In Saskatchewan

• Child Development

• Emergent Literacy

• Oral Language Development

• Storytelling

• Learning Styles

• Program Formats

• Icebreakers And Energizers

• Literacy Activities

• Plain Language

• Program Planning

• The Proposal

• Funding Sources

Introduction To Family Literacy Certificate Training

Where: Lestock Community Hall

322 Touchwood Hills Ave. Lestock, Saskatchewan

When: Friday, October 29th (9 am—4 pm)

Cost: FREE!

Hosted Muskowekwan School and

Community Family Resource Centre Inc.

Where: Regina Literacy Network (located

inside Trinity Lutheran Church Hall)

1909 Ottawa Street, Regina, Saskatchewan

When: Saturday, October 30th (10am—5 pm)

Cost: FREE!

Hosted by Regina Literacy Network and

Balcarres Communities Literacy Network

Angie Hengstler,


Community Family

Resource Center INC.

Lestock, SK


[email protected]

To Register Contact:

Hilary Dahnke, Executive Director

Regina Literacy



April Dahnke, Executive Director



Literacy Network


[email protected]



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[email protected]

Description of workshop: Want to celebrate family literacy and not sure how to do it? Join us for a workshop filled with ideas for your special event including literacy games for all ages! Set up a read-a-thon or DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) Challenge! Learn about these sample events as well as the intricate details of event planning from establishing a planning committee to sending out the press release…If you can dream it…you can do it!

Where: Regina Literacy Network (located inside Trinity Lutheran Church Hall)

1909 Ottawa Street, Regina, Saskatchewan

When: Friday, December 3rd (1 pm—4 pm)

Cost: Covered by the Regina Literacy Network

Hosted by Regina Literacy Network and Balcarres Communities Literacy Network

Family Literacy Day Special Event Planning

Got Game? This year's theme for National Family Literacy Day is Play for Literacy!

Ready, Set, Go! What are you going to play?

Where: Wakayos Building

Across From Balcarres Community School, Balcarres, Saskatchewan

When: Monday, November 8th (9 pm—12 pm)

Cost: Covered by the Balcarres Communities Literacy Network OR

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[email protected]

Description of program:

The Music & Movement program is an interactive musical experience for parents and their pre-school children. This 6 hour training provides practitioners with developmentally appropriate activities that support and respect the unique learning styles of very young children create a musical playground for them and their parents! In the program, parents can learn about making home-made instruments that can easily be reconstructed at home to further the learning experience. Learn about rhythm and songs and how they can actually help with the acquisition of pre-literacy skills for toddlers and pre-schoolers and since song and dance is not just child’s play parents also get involved to help children and parents have a blast! 1 Day Training― PRE-REQUISITE Introduction to Family Literacy Certificate

Music & Movement Facilitator Training

Where: Regina Literacy Network (located inside Trinity Lutheran Church Hall)

1909 Ottawa Street, Regina, Saskatchewan

When: Friday, November 19th (9 am—4 pm)

Cost: $100/person

Hosted by Regina Literacy Network and Balcarres Communities Literacy Network

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Description of program:

Facilitator Training provides the practitioner with a firm foundation of the 40

Developmental Assets. Participants will be provided with a manual that outlines the Asset

Categories and two sample session outlines and extension activities for each asset category. This is an

eight-week family literacy program designed by the Regina Literacy Network for parents and their

children. This themed family reading program uses children’s books that support the 4 External and 4

Internal Asset Categories to help parents and their children learn about the 40 Developmental Assets.

Extension activities such as songs, rhymes, finger plays and cooking activities help to reinforce the

learning for both parents and their children. The program may be adapted in length and style to be

utilized as a full 8 week program or session outlines could be used individually in a drop in program


1 Day Training― PRE-REQUISITE Introduction to Family Literacy Certificate The Regina Literacy Network has also used this program model to develop a one week Day Camp for

families and a 40 week After School Program, specifically for children ages 9—13. Once these models

have been piloted by our trainers, the manuals for these modules will also be available to trained

Assets Alive! Facilitators for use at their discretion.

The Regina Literacy Network has also started an Assets Alive! Youth Alliance, a youth group for young

people aged 11—17 that supports the acquisition of these assets. All people trained in the Assets Alive!

Program are able to utilise the name and logo to support their own Assets Alive! Youth Alliances


Program model was designed as part our Justice, Family Literacy Strategy as research shows that

increased assets = decreased risk taking behaviour and increased academic success.

Assets Alive! Facilitator Training

[email protected]

Where: Wakayos Building

Across from Balcarres Community School, Balcarres, Saskatchewan

When: Monday, December 6th (9 am—4 pm)

Cost: $100/person

Hosted by Regina Literacy Network and

Balcarres Communities Literacy Network



Boundaries &



Use of Time


To Learning

Positive Values



Positive Identity

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Upcoming Networking Session...

Community Networking Session

Please join us in sharing information on activities, events and resources in your community! Brochures and newsletters are welcome. All members are welcome to attend our regular Board Meeting following the session.

Where: Wakayos Building

Across From Balcarres Community School,

Balcarres, Saskatchewan

When: Monday, November 8th (1 pm—4 pm)

Hosted by the Hand in Hand Community

Literacy Partnership

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Opportunity to Purchase Low—Cost Family Literacy Resources!