Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday,...

Hammond, Michelle From: Sent: To: Hammond, Michelle Thursday, November 15. 2012 8:36 AM '[email protected]· Subject: Attachments: Re: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION image001 .png License No.: Docket No.: Control No .: 50-02430-07 030-01179 579173 Dear Ms. Martinson: This is in reference to your amendment request received September 25, 2012 requesting to re move a location on Nuclear Regulatory Commission License No. 50-02430-07. In order to continue our review, we need the following additional information: 1. Please provide a diagram of the trailer showing where each of the swipes were taken. 2. Please provide the make, model and last calibration of the LSC and/or any other survey instrumentation you used to determine no contamination. 3. Please provide waste information regarding the muscle tissue samples that were used and analyzed for C-14 and H-3 uptake studies, including the disposal of any residualfextra tissue not processed for liquid scintillation counting. We will continue our review upon receipt of this inf ormation. Please reply to my attention and refer to Mail Control No. 579173. If you reply via email, please attach the requested documentation in PDF format or you may fax your response to (817) 200-1188. Please respond to my request no later than December 3. 201 2.. so that I may process this amendment. If you have any technical questions regarding this deficiency letter, please call me at (817) 200-1127. Best Regar ds, Michelle M. Hammond, M .5c. Health Physicist Region IV-D ivisi on of Nuclear Materials Safety, Branch B off ice) 8 17-200-1127 fax ) 817- 200-1188 PUBLIC g. ImmedIate Rr Jc N,Jrmal Rel eas", NON.PUBlIC o A.l Senlftive.S e< 'j' I. o A.7 SeneIItw fmc: ""-- - D." {)'/I )./!;L

Transcript of Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday,...

Page 1: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR

Hammond, Michelle

From: Sent: To:

Hammond, Michelle Thursday, November 15. 2012 8:36 AM

'[email protected]·

Subject: Attachments:


image001 .png

License No.: Docket No.: Control No.:

50-02430-07 030-01179 579173

Dear Ms. Martinson:

This is in reference to your amendment request received September 25, 2012 requesting to remove a location

on Nuclear Regulatory Commission License No. 50-02430-07. In order to continue our review, we need the

following additional information:

1. Please provide a diagram of the trailer showing where each of the swipes were taken.

2. Please provide the make, model and last calibration of the LSC and/or any other survey instrumentation

you used to determine no contamination.

3. Please provide waste information regarding the muscle tissue samples that were used and analyzed for

C-14 and H-3 uptake studies, including the disposal of any residualfextra tissue not processed for liquid

scintillation counting.

We will continue our review upon receipt of this information. Please reply to my attention and refer to Mail

Control No. 579173. If you reply via email , please attach the requested documentation in PDF format or you

may fax your response to (817) 200-1188.

Please respond to my request no later than December 3. 201 2.. so that I may process this amendment.

If you have any technical questions regarding this deficiency letter, please call me at (817) 200-1127.

Best Regards,

M ichelle M. Hammond, M .5c.

Health Physicist

Region IV-Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, Branch B

office) 817-200-1127

fax) 817-200-1188

'-~US_NRC ~"':". )<""" bl~' <:~~.


PUBLIC g. ImmedIate Rr Jc N,Jrmal Releas",


o A.l Senlftive.Se< 'j' I. ,",',w~ d o A.7 SeneIItw fmc:

COther~ ""--- D." {)'/I )./!;L

Page 2: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR



Nuclear Materials Licensing Section

U.S. NucJear Regulatory Commission, Region IV

1600 E. Lamar Blvd. Arlington, TX 76011 -4511

Dear Ms. Hammond,


and RISK MANAGEMENT 1855 Marika Road

PO Box 758145

Fairbanks, Alas«a 99775-8145 (907)474-5413

(907) 474-5489 fax -w,ua1.edUlsa!etx


NOV 3 0 2012


'This letter is in response to your Request for Additional lnfonnation (Mail Control No. 579173)

regarding our request for an amendment to our Type B Broad Scope license, #50-02430-07.

docket # 030-0 1179. The request specifically outlined three items, which J address below.

1. Please provide a diagrdlll of the trailer showing where each of the swipes was laken.

A diagram of tbe trailer with each of the locations marked is attached to this document.

Severa1 of the items (Pipetman P-200, rack, centrifuge, and clip) were sitting on the

.benches. Work was done on both benches, and both were wiped with the same wipe.

2. Please provide the make, model , and last calibration of the LSC and/or any other survcy

instrumentation you used to determine no contamination.

Wipes were counted on a Beckman LS 6500. It was calibrated on June 24, 20 10 by the

Beckman-Coulter service technician, when it was installed in the trailer. The wipes wcre

counted on August 27, 2011.

The vials containing the wipes were transported to Fairbank.$ and stored in the radioactive

materials bunker behind the Arctic Health Research Building. Due to extensive

construction in the area over the past two swnmers, I have not yet incinerated any of the

wastes generated by this project. Hence, I was able to retrieve the wipe test vials and

count them on another Beckman 1.8 6500, located in room 403 of the Irving I building.

"Ibis scintillation counter had been calibrated on July 27, 2012, and 1 rccalibrated it again

on November 26, 2012. 'lbe results are shown in the following table. Opm values for

tritium and 14C were calculatcd usin~ 61.5% and 96.4% efficiency valucs, respectively.

These were measured using 3H and 4C standards and the efficiency testing parametcrs

recommended by Beckman.

Page 3: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR

Table I. Wipe test results counted on November 27, 2012 in the Irving I building at the


Location Sample N H (dpm) "Ci 'H 'c (dpm) "Ci .. c Blank nJ. 710 3.2 X 10~ 29.0 1.3 x 10->

P-200 pipetman I 198 8.9 x 10'> 26.0 1.2 x 10->

Cli~ 2 442 2.0 x 10 22.8 1.0 x 10"'

Rack 3 470 2.1 x 10 24.9 1.1 x 10"'

Centrifuge 4 309 1.4 x 10-4 18.2 8.2 x 10~

Bench tOJ>ffi 5 323 1.5 x 10 17.1 7.7 x 10-"

~r 6 567 2.5 x 10 27.0 1.2 x 10-

Waste bucket 7 393 1.8 x 10 31.1 1.4xl0-

Box (transport) 8 490 2.2 x 10 31.6 1.4 x 10-

These values are higher than the values obtained in August 20 I I, but aU of the sample

values are below the blank value, and all are below tbe limit of 0.0005 J.lCi per wipe. The

higher values could be due to changes in the light transparency of the filter media used

lor the wipe, ao:; the wipes had been in the cocktail for over 15 months.

No work has been d(me at the trailer since August, 2011. 'I"he next trip to the trailer is

planned for January 2013 (for non~radioncti ve work). If necessary. another set of wipes

can be collccted at that time. These can be counted on the Beckman LS 6500 at the

trai ler (after it is recaJibrated), and also brought to Fairbanks and counted on the

Beckman LS 6500 in room 403 of the Irving 1 building. Please advise if you wish us to

collect additional wipe samples.

3. Plcase provide waste infonnation regarding the muscle tissue samples that wcre used and

analyzed for 14C and 3H uptake studies, including the disposal of any residual/extra tissue

not processed for liquid scintillation counting.

As mentioned above, due to extcnsive construction in the West Ridge area of campus the

past two summers, I have not incinerated any radioactive wastes. The scintillation vial

wastes and the low-level solid wa<;tes (gloves, small tissue samples, and paper) are still in

storage in the radioactive materials bunker behind the Arctic Health Building. This

bllllker was inspected on November 7, 2011 by the NRC, and there is still plenty of space

for thc wastc materials that we have coll ected. Now that outdoor construction activities

have ceased, an incineration of low-level wastes is planned for December, weather

pennitting. We do not incinerate during periods or extreme cold (colder than minus-20

OF) due to temperature inversions that are not conducive to atmospheric mixing.


TrarZ~~~'flMYL--Radiation Safety Officer

Attachment: 1. Diagram of trailer. showing locations of wipe tests.

Page 4: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR

~ G .' 2 "'!I:."f::' 5 1 LU

(j) 6 7 Storage

Biosafety 5 ~ r-a binet

l ocation Sample # ' H (dpm) "( (dpm) !lei lotc

" Blank ...i~ n/a """--- -. .. 16.59 II 7.5 x 10.6 14.55 6.6 x 10.6

P·200 Pipelman 1 16.91 7.6 x 10.6 12.42 5.6 x 10.6

! Clip 2 .Ji 18.79 8.5 x 10'6 " 15.56 7.0 x 10.6 .-___ c_. _ '----- - ----'""- ~ -Rack " 3 22.68 1.0 x 10·' 17.G8 8.0 x 10.6

~ - - ..... _- .. -Centrifuge j~; 4 II 17.62 .. 7.9 x 10·' 11.58 8.0 x 10.6

Bench top 5 14.99 6.8 x 10.6 14.26 6.4 x 10·'

; Floor 6 Ii 21.94 9.9 x 10.6 " 16.63 .:-0

1111 7.5 x 10" , --', ..... i-..

.... 1· ___ "" _____ ..... '-- _ I

Waste bucket 7 22.:t3 1.0 x 10-5 16.2 7.3 x 10·'

Box (transport) 8 L 15.33 -, 6.9 x 10·' 0> 13.22 6.0 x 10·'

Page 5: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR



Nuclear Materials Licensing Branch

U.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV

1600 E. Lamar BouJevard

Arlington, TX 76011-4511

Dear Ms. Hammond:


and RISK MANAGEMENT 1855 Marika Road

PO Box 758145

Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-8145 (907) 474-5413

(907)474-5489 fax

November 29, 2012


NOV 3 0 2012


This letter is in response to your Request for Additional Information (Mail Control #579303)

regarding our request to amend our Type B Broad Scope license No. 50-02430-07, docket

number 030-01 179.

I have attached a copy of the FedEx Air Waybill and Shipper's Declaration for the shipment

containing the 50 mCi radiumJbcryllium source to Mr. William Schuck of National Security

Technologies, LLC

I have attached. a copy of the email from Mr. Schuck dated August I, 2012, which states that

they received the source on July 18, 2012. Mr. Shuck indicated they found some mdium

contamination on the threads and the interior of lid of the lead pig that contained the source (70

dpm, or 0.00003 J-lCi). J have attached the wipe test of the souree that I performed in January

2012. When r conducted the wipe test, I wiped the exterior of the lead pig, not the interior

surfaces. At the time, I thought that the item was the actual source, and that the orange cord

attached to it was for lowering it into the moisture/density gauge (sec attached photo). This

explains the discrepancy between my wipe test results and those of Mr. Schuck.


(l~~!.~ Radiation Safety Officer

Attachments: I. FedExAirWaybill#80096194564

2. Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods, dated July 17, 2012

3. Email correspondence from William Schuck, dated August 1. 2012

4. Stan Huber wipe test report for 50 mLI RaBe source (referred to as SHIP-II)

5_ Photograph oflead pig holding the 50 mCi Raile source.

Page 6: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR




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Page 7: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR



UAF EH"RM 1855 Manka Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 (907) 474-6771

Schuck Bldg. 1783 Arnold Ave. Andrews AFB, MO 20762 (30 1) 221...4113

Two compIoted and signfKf copies 01 this DedlUOOon fflU$l

be h6nded to lhe opeRI'f\x.



Airport of Destination:


Air Waybill No.

Page 1 of Pages

Shlppet's Reference Number r_


For optional use for

Company logo name and address

Failure 10 comply in aU respects with the applicable

Dangerous Goods Regulations may be in breach of

the applicable law, subject to legal penalties.

- - - - - -- -- - - - - --- - - -- - -- - - - 1- - - - - -- - - - - -r- - r - -- ---

~ Goods 1defl1IficeIion . • •

- -- r - - - -- - - - ------,---,---. • , UN 1 , CIim ' Pack~ , QJanlityand ,PttdU"II1 Au\tIorIzaIion

ot I Proper Shipping Nama I or 0M5i0n I Ing I typI:! of ~ I !mot. •

/0 .(Sub5iciatyr Group J

No.. ,Ri&k). , 1 J

- - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - .., - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UN2915. Radioactive matenal, Type A • 7 , , Ra-226, SO~d,O.OO1 85TBq: 11- :

I package •• • (50 mCI) • YeUow.

I I I • ,TI: O.6 .

, Dims ' 1(0)37 ' I cmx • ' (H)66 1 I an I I ,

, , , ------- ------------ --- --

Additional Handling Infonnation

1 2'''",", em.~.~'Y Ie<. no.: (907) 474-7721

Prepared in accordance with IATAJlCAO Dangerous Goods Regulations

I henoby declare that the contents of th. conaignment are fully and Namenltle at SIgnatory

accurately described above by tha Propel' shipping name, ."d are Tracey Martinson, Inclustrial Hygienist

lOizIaeif"ied, ~ltae-d. marbd and labeilltdlplacarded, and are In all

respects In proper condition for tran&port accon:tlng to appIk:abJt 17, 2012

lnt8rnadonaJ and national governmental regufatkms. I dKlare that all

of the applicabht 81r ttanspoft nrquir.menta howe been .....

Page 8: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR

l ofI


FW: Neutron sources

Schuele, William H (CONTR) <[email protected].~v>

To: Trncey MarUnson <[email protected]>


Tracey Martinson <[email protected]>

Wed, Aug 1. 2012 at 9:52 AM

I'm sorry I h3ven't gonen back to you. The source ildually arrived 7/18. I w .. s on mV way out of the office for a week off and my

counterpart was handling it.

Unfortulliltely the source ~s to be leaking. We unscrewed the top of the pig and swiped the threads and the interior part of the

pig's lid and got alxlut 70 dpm alpha.

We sent the swipes off to our lab in Nevada and it looks like it Is Radium.

00 you have any history on the shield pig? WitS that radium source a lways in mere?


From: Tracey Martinson (lMilto:[email protected]]

sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 5:38 PM

111291201212:32 Pt

Page 9: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR



200 NORTH CEDAR ROAD - NEW l..£NOX IL 60451-1751 - PHONE 815-485-4161








.. .... ....


University of Alaska Fairbanks

Fairbanks N<







226 Ra-Be Nol provided mGI Notpravided NOlprovided Nolprovided Not provided SHlP1 1


.. '"'


0.842 15 •

M~ "M "" N o ' CPM DPM " ~c ' , I , ~, ""

.,r< '40 " 0 " <"

"'" ""et 136 0 < 0.000001


Packard Auto-Gamma SCintillation Spectrnmeter Model 105003 Serial#<t06282 and' Of

Packard 1900CA Tri-Carb Liql.!ld Scintillation Analyzer ModelfA1900 SerIal ',01464

ANAL Y51S OF RESUL T5: Sources are not leaki'lg at this time

Removable contaminatioo i& less than 5E·3 uCl. (0.005)




January 19, 2022

Tracey Martinson

Glenn Huber ttA.e1f-

DATE: 111912012

DATE: 1/3112012


Page 10: Hammond, Michelle Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November ... · Ham mond , Michelle Thursday, November 15 . 2012 8 :36 AM 'FNTAM@UAF .EDU· Subject: Attachments: Re : REQUEST FOR