Hajj,significance and lesssons learned


Transcript of Hajj,significance and lesssons learned

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• The initial letter, laam, is called laam at-ta‘leel –which is used to explain the reason behind something

• Word manaafi‘ is plural and indefinite. It means there exist specific benefits – religious and worldly

• Ibn Abbas explained, "As for the benefit of the Hereafter, it is the pleasure of Allah and the benefit of this world include the meat obtained from the sacrificial animals on that day, as well as engaging in trade and commerce.” (Tafseer Ibn Abi Hatem)

• Mujahid explained,” “reward in the Hereafter and trade in this world.” (Tafseer Tabari)

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Sahih Bukhari

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When Amar Ibn Al Aas (RA) accepted Islam, the Prophet (SAW) said to him:

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(Muslim, reported by Abu Hurairah (RA))

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Sunan An Nasaee, Tabarani in Al Kabeer

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“Look at My servants! They have come to Me –unkempt, dusty, and exposed to the heat of the sun – from every deep valley and distant mountain pass. Bear witness that I have forgiven them.”(Ibn Khuzaimah in his Saheeh. Similar narration by Abdullah Ibn Umar Ibn Aascollected by Ahmad and Al Haakim in his Mustadrak)

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• Prophet (SAW) said,” Pilgrims (Hujjaj) and visitants (Mutamir) are the guests of Allah. If they make dua He gives what they ask. If they seek His forgiveness, He forgives them. If they call upon Him, He answers their call. If they seek intercession, it is granted.”

(Ibn Majah)

• “If someone leaves home as a Pilgrim or Visitant (Mutamir) and then dies, he is granted the reward as Pilgrim or Visitant till the Day of Resurrection. Anyone who dies either in Makkah or Madina is not subject to accounts and is told to enter Jannah.”


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• Haj journey is intended solely for Allah, and for fulfillment of the duty prescribed by Allah

• Whoever undertakes this journey, has love and fear of Allah in his heart and feels strongly that the Fard (obligation) ordained by Allah is incumbent on him

• He possesses the strength of faith to leave his home, for the cause of Allah

• He can face hardships and willingly sacrifice his wealth and comfort for the pleasure of God

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• Blessings for individuals: Together with piety and virtuousness, the incessant remembrance of God and the longing and love of Him pervading the mind of the pilgrim, all leave a firm impression on his mind which lasts for years to come

• A Collective Ibadah: By formulating the rules for all the Muslims of the world to perform it together at one time, its benefits have been increased to a limitless degree

• Growth of piety: In this journey the virtues of fear of God, piety, penance, Istighfar, and good morals begin to cast their influence on him; when he says farewell to his family.

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• Hajj is a magnificent institution of education for the soul

• Muslims receive tremendous lessons and beneficial admonitions in every aspect of the religion:

• A-General

Aqeedah (creed and beliefs)

Ibadah (acts of worship)

Sulook (character and personal conduct)

Lessons for the Ummah

• B-Specific to various parts or manasik of Hajj

• Individuals vary greatly in terms of how much they gain and how well they learn – some learn much while others take away only a little – and

• All success lies in the hand of Allah alone

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of Shirk

3-Submitting to Allah with

love and devotion

4-Adhering to Prophet’s



6-Zikr 7-Dua 8-Istighfar9-Good

Morals and Manners

10-Reminder of death and Hereafter

11-Universal Muslim


12-Unity of Ummah

13-Equality of mankind

14-Awakening of Ummah with movement and


15-Gathering for one purpose

16-Prepare to fight Satan

17-Begin new life

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I obediently answer your call, O Allah! I obediently answer your call. I obediently answer your call testifying that You have no partners. I obediently answer. To you belong all praise, favor and dominion. You have no partner.

1-He repeats these words audibly again and again2-He affirms that Allah (SWT) is the only one worthy of worship 3-He affirms that complete reliance and trust are to be placed only in Allah4- This affirmation covers Tawheed of Allah in His Ruboobiyyah(Lordship), Uloohiyyah (right to worship), and Asmaa’ wa Sifaat(Names and Attributes)5-To Him belongs praise such that He would love and be pleased with.

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• Muslim must know the reality of Shirk, comprehend its dangers, and stay completely away

from committing it or taking any path to it.

• It is the greatest sin by which Allah can be disobeyed

• He has set a punishment for it in this world and the Hereafter which no other sin carries

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• He loves them and they love Him. (Al-Ma’idah5:54)

• Allah took Ibrahim as a friend. (An-Nisa’ 4:125)

• Hajj is a ceremony of love and devotion to Allah

• Hajj is deeply associated with Prophet Ibrahim and his life-story.

• He established shining example of sacrifice and submitting to Allah with love.

• Hujjaj follow the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim during Hajj to learn way of submission and devotion to Allah.

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Sunan Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah

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• And take provisions, but indeed, the best provision is fear of Allah (piety). And fear Me, O you of understanding.} [Quran 2:197]

• Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you.}[Quran 22:37]

• That [is so]. And whoever honors the Symbols of Allah - indeed, it is from the piety of hearts.}[Quran 22:32]

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• Zikr is the greatest aim of all acts of worship and

• It is greatly manifested in Hajj.

• This is because Tawaaf, Sa‘y and throwing the pebbles were all legislated in order to remember Allah.

• When pilgrims remember Allah performing these acts of worship, they have peace of mind and draw closer to Him

• This will get them accustomed to remembering Allah The Almighty after Hajj.

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Reported by Ahmad and Tirmidhi

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1. At Arafah

2- At Mash’ar Al Haram

When you leave ‘Arafah, remember Allah at Mash‘ar Haram. 2:198

3 & 4- On as-Safaa and al-MarwaalMarwah

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• We endure tiredness because we know that Hajj is performed during a limited days and we can not nullify our Hajj by obeying evil desires.

• Pilgrims are the guests of Allah so, honoring them and being patient with what some of them do is a sign of glorifying Allah

• When we endure hardships during the Hajj days, we would maintain good morals during the rest of their lives.

• We learn to be generous, righteous and merciful.

• We see generous people who spend on the poor, forgive people who abused them, people who are dutiful to their parents and kind with their old mothers.

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• Decency and chastity. “Hajj is *during+ well-known months, so whoever has made hajj obligatory upon himself therein [by entering the state of ihram], there is [to be for him] no Rafath…” (2:197)

• Ar-Rafath is sexual intercourse or what leads to it from sayings or actions.

• Suppressing anger, leaving argumentation and disputes. Allah says, “and no (Jidal) disputing during Hajj.” (2:197) `Ataa' said, Al-Jidal is that you dispute your companion until you anger him and he angers you.

• Gentleness, softness and calmness. When he heard strong rebuking, hitting and shouts at a camel while moving from Muzdalifah, “O people, you must be calm, for rush and hurrying is not righteousness.” (Bukhari)

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• We remember death when we leave our families, homes and business to go for Hajj.

• When we see the crowds of people surging over each other at one place while wearing the same type of clothing, uncovering their heads we remember the Day of Judgment

• Hajj, therefore, prepares us for the journey of Hereafter as we abandon the joys of life and its pleasures.

• Plain of Arafah reminds us the Day of Judgment.

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• The believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers: And fear Allah that ye may receive Mercy. (Hujurat,49:10)

• During Hajj, pilgrims have one Qiblah and one Lord.

• They share the same feelings, clothing, rites and times.

• This makes them feel that they are brothers who know each other and must cooperate in all fields of life

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• And hold fast all together Allah’s rope and be not divided.. (Aal `Imran 3:103)

• The spirit of Hajj is to foster unity and universal brotherhood and sisterhood among the believers.

• We have one Qiblah and that is our direction for worship.

• We should also have unity of purpose and mission in our life.

• Muslims should be the people of a focus and direction, not a confused people or a people without any orientation and direction

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• The pilgrim keeps on moving all the time, with Tawaaf, sa`ee, going to Mina, `Arafat, Muzdalifah, Mina again, around the Jamaraat and other places.

• It is a dynamic ceremony and this is the way a Muslim’s life should be.

• Motion, action, and sacrifice – these things bring success in this life and salvation in the Hereafter.

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• Muslims come from different countries and locations of the world to gather in one sacred place

• They gather with one purpose, i.e., to submit to Allah’s commands, fulfill their obligation and achieve the pleasure of Allah and success in the Hereafter.

• This gathering is based upon sincerity, mutual love, brotherhood, real unity of objectives.

• There is no other annual global gathering with so many material and spiritual benefits other than Hajj.

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Indeed Satan is to man an avowed enemy. (Yusuf,12:5)

• Hajj prepares us to fight our eternal enemy- Iblis or Shaitan.

• When we throw pebbles on the Jamaraat, we do it in submission to Allah

• We also think about our father Ibrahim (AS) whom Iblis tried to misguide when he was going to submit to Allah’s command

• Allah commanded Ibrahim to throw pebbles at him in order to repel him

• When we comply with all the commands of Allah, we deal Iblis a mortal blow and gain the strength to fight his evil designs for the rest of our lives.

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• When we have finished all the rituals of Hajj as they were prescribed by Allah and in the manner that He loves, we hope that our Lord will forgive all our sins

• Now we must start a new page in our life, free of sin. • We must maintain the spirit of Hajj• Every night and every morning Allah gives us a new

chance for forgiveness whether we went to Hajj or not, we just have to grab it

• Allah, the Exalted, stretches His Hand during the night so that those who commit sins by day may repent, and He stretches His Hand in the day so that those who commit sins by night may repent. He keeps doing so until the sun rises from the West”.*Muslim+

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1-Ihram 2-Entering Makkah

3-Seeing Kaaba4-Talbiya

5-Tawaaf6-Kissing black

stone7-Drinking Zamzam

8-Sayee Safa and Marwah

9-Stay in Mina10-Day of



12-Rami or throwing pebbles

13-Sacrifice14-Shaving or

cutting hair15-Coming out

of Ihram16-Visiting


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• When you put on the two garments of your ihram, you are reminded of the shroud (Kafin) in which you will be wrapped [after you die].

• Daily remembering death helps you to fight disobedience and sins.

• Just like you have given up your regular clothing [for Hajj] and put on two clean, white garments, you have to make your heart clean and white [pure], by polishing it daily by dhikr and seeking forgiveness.

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• “Labbayk” is said to someone who

has called and invited you. This affirms

the attribute of Allah’s speech

• Labbayk” is only said to someone whom you love and revere.

• Labbayk means,”I am firmly established upon your obedience Ya Allah!”

• “I am mulabbin before you,” meaning that I come before you with humility and submission.

• Sincerity. This comes from “al-lubb” – the untarnished, pure essence of something.

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• Affirmation that Allah hears.

• Drawing near to Allah. This stems from “al-ilbaab” which means drawing near to something.

• Talbiyah is a distinguishing mark of Hajj which is said when moving between rites. Just like one performing prayer says, “Allaahu akbar”.

• It is the key to Jannah, and the gate through which one enters Islam

• Praise for Allah (al-hamd)

• Recognition that all blessing and favor is from Allah

• Affirming that all dominion (al-mulk) belongs to Allah alone

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• When Prophet (SAW) came back to Makkah, he said, “You are the best spot on Allah’s earth, most dear to me of all the cities of Allah. If I did not have to leave you, I would have never left you.”(Tirmizi)

• DUA on entering Haram:

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• First glance at Ka'bah is one of the occasion when duas are accepted.

• As soon as you see the Ka'bah stop and stand on a side still seeing Ka'bah and then

• Say Three times Allah u Akbar,

• Then Three time La illaha Illallah

• Then raise your both hands and do salat o wassalam on prophet and then any Dua you want.

• Imam Abu Hanifa advised this dua " Ya Allah! Make me mustajab ud dawa"

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Bukhari and Muslim reported by Aisha (R)

This is a deed which brings one closer to Allah This is act of obedience to Allah and His Messenger (SAW)It is beloved to Allah.Allah designated it as one of the rites of HajjThere is no other place on earth where Tawaaf is allowed

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• Prophet (SAW) said, “ Make frequent Tawaaf for this

will be among the glories of your records on the

Day of Resurrection, and the most fortunate action

credited to you.” (Hakim)

• “ To do Tawaaf seven times barefoot or bare headed is as meritorious as feeing a slave. He who does Tawaaf seven times in rain is forgiven all his sins.”


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When the Prophet (SAW) arrived at Makkah, he went to the Black Stone, touched it,then walked to his right; he walked briskly for three rounds and then walkednormally for four. (Muslim reported from Jabir Ibn Abdullah)

(Statement of Omar (R) reported by Bukhari)

Umar wished to clarify to the people that his kissing of theBlack Stone was done obeying the Messenger of Allah(SAW)It is not because the Stone inherently causes any benefit or harm. ( Ibn Jareer At Tabari)

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• Ibn `Abbas (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: “The Black Stone came down from Jannah (Paradise).” (At-Tirmidhi)

• Ibn `Abbas (RA) related that the Prophet (SAW) said: “By Allah, Allah will bring it forth on the Day of Judgment, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favor of those who touched it in sincerity.” (At-Tirmidhi)

• Ibn `Umar (RA) quoted the Prophet (SAW) as saying: “Touching them both *the Black Stone and Ar-Rukn Al-Yamani+ is an expiation for one’s sins.”


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• When you drink the water of Zamzam you are reminded of the blessing which Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon mankind in the form of this blessed water, which has never dried up.

• Water plays a central role in our daily life. In fact you are made from water!

• And what about the daily amount of water which you so easily drink at home?

• Recognize and thank Allah (SWT) daily for the blessing of water in general

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• Sa’ee means effort.

• When you do al-Saa’ee, running between al-Safaa’ and al-Marwah, you are reminded of the trial of Hajira, a mother who was patient in the face of adversity.

• She didn’t just sit down but trusted her Lord AND got into action!

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• When you leave the Ka’bah in the direction of Mina to begin your Hajj, you are moving away from The House

• This indicates that The Lord of The House is everywhere, and is closer to man than he is to his own jugular vein. [Qaf, 50:16]

• Mina is the first temporary station after leaving Makkah• Here one stays as a stranger and a traveler like the Prophet (SAW)

said,” Live in this world as a stranger or a traveler. • One is to engage in Zikr and Ibadah of Allah here • One is to observe the restrictions of being in Ihram. So it provides

training to restrict one in the limitations of Allah.• The gathering in Mina reminds you of the throngs of people on the

Day of Judgment. • If you feel tired from being in this crowd , how will it be in the

crowds of barefoot, naked, uncircumcised people, standing for fifty thousand years?

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Saheeh Muslim (1348

Ibn Abdil-Barr (RA) said, “This shows that they have beenforgiven, since He does not speak proudly about sinful people except after they repent and are forgiven.”

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• To Allah belongs that momentous standing which

• Resembles the Day when all will be presented, or even greater.

• Al-Jabbar, may He be exalted, will be near,

• Speaking proudly of them before His angels, for He is the Most Noble.

• He says, “My servants have come out of their love for Me,

• And I shall be kind to them, generous and merciful;

• Bear witness that I have forgiven their sins,

• Granted them what they hoped for, and blessed them with more.

• Glad tidings for you all, standing at the spot where

• Allah forgives all sins and bestows His Mercy.”

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“The best supplication is the one made on the day of ‘Arafah, and the best thing I and the other Prophets before me have said is, ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah alone, having no partner. To Him belong all dominion

and praise, and He is over all things Omnipotent.’ ( Tirmidhi)

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• But when you depart from 'Arafat, remember Allah at Al-Mash'ar Al-Haraam.[2:198].

• Leaving Arafat, the pilgrim then heads towards Muzdalifah, repeating the Talbiyah

• Prophet stood in Muzdalifah and said: "I stood here, and the entire Muzdalifah is a place to stand in". [Ahmad, Abu Daawood)

• It is Sunnah to stand facing the Qiblah and to make a lot of dua, often repeating the dua most said by the Prophet(SAW):

• Our Lord, give us the good matters in this life, and good things in the Hereafter and protect us from the torture of the Hellfire.

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• When you throw the pebbles at the Jamaraat, you realize Ibrahim’s trial.

• He knew that the one who was preventing him from obeying the Orders of Allah was the devil or Shaitan

• He was embodied for him three times to prevent him from slaughtering his son.

• Ibrahim threw seven pebbles at him three times and told him, “You will be thrown by me.”

• So, the devil was disappointed and turned on his heels.• We are dealing with devils daily who want to prevent

us from getting closer to Allah (SWT)• KNOW your enemy and be motivated by Ibrahim to

fight the attacks with yaqeen (certainty)!

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• Allah has prescribed for you to sacrifice these animals • So that you mention His name at the time of sacrifice, • Because He is truly the Creator and Provider. • It is not done so that any part of the meat or blood reach Him, • But it is Taqwa from you that reaches Him• This refers to having a sincere intention behind the act • Hoping for reward from Allah.

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• It represents placing one’s forelock before Allah in worship• One humbles before His Grandeur and Might• It is a profound manifestation of submission to Allah

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• When you come out of your ihram and things that had been forbidden become permissible again, it teaches you lessons of life:

• The consequences of patience are sweet.

• After hardship comes ease.

• The one who responds to the call of Allah (SWT) will taste the sweetness of obedience, which cannot be tasted through anything else.

• This is like the sweetness of joy you feel when you break your fast or when you pray qiyamul lail or after you have finished praying

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• Ibn Umar (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said,” He who visits me after my death, is just like him who visits me during my lifetime.”(Tabarani)

• ‘Whoever comes to me as a visitor and did not intend but to visit me, it will be the incumbent upon Allah to make me an intercessor for him on the Day of Judgment.” (Tabarani)

• Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet (SAW) said, ‘One Prayer in this mosque *i.e. the Prophet’s Mosque in Madina] is better than a thousand Prayers in any other mosque, except for Masjid Haram.” (Muslim)

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• “A Mosque that was founded on Taqwa from the first day is better for you to stand in” (9;108)

• ‘What is between my house and my minbar is one of the Meadows of the Garden (Paradise)’. (Muslim)

• Visiting Madina is not part of the actual rituals of the Hajj, but no follower of the Prophet (SAW) would even consider making the journey for Hajj without visiting the Prophet’s resting place in Madina

• Our love for the Prophet (SAW) demands that we visit his grave, offer our humble salutations and pray that we get Prophet’s intercession on the Day of Judgment

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• When you come back to your spouse and children, and experience the joy of meeting them again, this reminds you of the greater joy of meeting them in Paradise.

• This also teaches you that the greatest loss is losing oneself and one’s family on the Day of Resurrection, as Allah (SWT) says:

• “The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be a manifest loss!” *al-Zumar39:15].

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Positive Talk

Change in Life

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• Sincerity of intention should remain before and even after the performance of Haj.

• There should be no pomp or show.

• One should not wish to be called or recognized as a Haji.

• Some talk about the expenses incurred in the way of Allah, their charity for the poor and the needy, their devotion and worship, their assisting the weak and old, etc.; and all is mentioned only with the intention of gaining fame. It may lead to ‘Riyaa’

• This is a deceit from Satan who ruins the devotion without the person even knowing it.

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• Many pilgrims return with only the bad side of the journey and talk about the hardships they have encountered during Haj.

• These types of conversation become the cause of discouragement to others

• One should talk about the greatness of the sacred places, the spiritual gains, the enjoyment in devotions.

• In the journey of Haj one will find that the good things far outweigh the bad ones

• Moreover, the pilgrims are rewarded abundantly by Allah Almighty upon every difficulty encountered i

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• Person returns with resolve and determination to fulfill their duty to Allah in a pleasing manner

• Most significant sign of an accepted hajj (hajj mabrur) is that "one returns better than one was before (in Ibadah, Akhlaq and devotion to Allah)“

• He is more punctual in fulfilling the commands of Allah Almighty.

• His love and inclination toward the Hereafter increases and love for the worldly pleasures decline

• Ibn al-Humam explains it in Fath al-Qadir.[3.182]• The same is mentioned by Mawardi in Adab al-Dunya

wa'l Din, and • Ibn Abidin in Radd al-Muhtar.

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Allahumma jalhu hajjan mabrooran wazanban maghfooran wa sa'ianmashkooranO Allah, make this a blessed Hajj, with sins forgiven and effort that is accepted.

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