Hairy facts - › bitstream › ... · Imperial Partial Beards category...

Centralian Advocate, Tuesday, November 13, 2012 — 19 PUB: CADV DATE: 13-NOV-2012 PAGE: 19 COLOR: C M YK Our link is: Check out the Mo’s on display! Ph: 89 530 530 4/81 Elders Street Araluen Plumbing has a extremely dedicated staff member growing a mo to help with the issues of men’s health. Make a call and you might have the lucky chance to see him in the wild! Please help out and donate. Any donation is appreciated Isaac Stahl Inside the walls of HAS, the men are starting to look considerably more fuzzy than they were just last week. “We’ve got five blokes from HAS and two from ShortlandCo vying for the best mo and we’re starting to get a little competitive,” Loader states. With awareness of men’s health the main aim everyone wins but that doesn’t mean that internal sabotage hasn’t been considered. “Sabotage? What sabotage?” Loader states as he surreptitiously slides a box of razors under his desk. - Hairy HAS Boys Check out the Mo’s on display! Ph: 08 8951 0100 Address: 2/73 Hartley Street (cnr Stott Terrace) 1043756 Our link is: Check out the Mo’s on display! Ph: (08) 8952 5588 12 Elder Street, Alice Springs NT 0870 Blake Thomson, Glazier at Neata Glass and Aluminium has only been growing his moustache for a week and has already outdone people with permanent facial hair. 1060502 Blake Thom Glazier at Neat Ph: (08) 8952 1702 Address: 21 Ghan Road, Alice Springs “Prostate Cancer is present in my family history, men’s health is very important to me. Movember is a great cause and I want to help in any way I can especially helping others become more aware.” Dean “I have friends that have overcome Prostate Cancer so it’s my way of helping the cause. It may not be present in my family currently but you never know what the future holds. Hopefully this encourages others to become proactive in the cause of men’s health.” Wayne C h Our link is: Check out the Mo’s on display! Ph: 8950 9777 2 Gap Road, Alice Springs Check of the progress of Warren Thomson (Wazzleigh) each week for Movember, our special advertising feature. We’ll track the progress of generous members of our community lending a hand to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and male mental health. It’s one year on, he’s a year older, can Wazzleigh triumph as Mo King? Warren MHACA is pleased to support MOvember and to facilitate community awareness of men’s mental health in Central Australia. Many men over the course of their lives will experience a mental illness and many don’t seek help because they are worried about stigma or don’t know where to find support. You don’t need to tough it out alone, MHACA provides support to recover from mental illness call us on 8950 4600 1076730 Our link is: Check out the Mo’s on display! Ph: 8955 5969 Lot 3697, Sth Stuart Hwy, Alice Springs As you can see my top lip is scantly clad with a light smattering of hair growth. I’m thinking about transplanting some from my lower back. If you have misplaced admiration, or pity, for my ‘Slow-Grow-Mo’, please sponsor me and help the wonderful Movember cause! Lachlan Wills All is progressing well in the mo department. If you know someone who is participating this year, don’t forget to make a donation. 11 RAILWAY TERRACE ALICE SPRINGS NT 0870 PH 8950 3200 1109342 Lindsay Carey Real Estate Hairy facts Karl-Heinze Hille, of Germany, after winning the Imperial Partial Beards category at the Beard and Moustache World Championship 2011 ACCORDING to the bi- ennial World Beard and Moustache Champion- ships, there are only six official different types of moustache. They are Natural,English, Dali, Imperial, Hungarian and Freestyle. But there is a world of moustache choice out there just waiting to be discovered. The Centralian Advo- cate has compiled a list of the most popular moustaches. The Chevron A thick, wide moustache grown to cover the top border of the upper lip and seen as a symbol of sex and confidence. The Dali A narrow moustache with the ends bent or curved upward, named after artist Salvador Dali. The English A nar- row moustache. The Fu Manchu A moustache on the up- per lip that is grown very long to extend down each side of the mouth to the jaw. The Handlebar Characterised by its bushy texture and length, with enough curls at the end. The Horseshoe A full U-shaped mous- tache with vertical ex- tensions on the corners of the lips and down the sides of the mouth. The Lampshade Resembles the shape of a lampshade. The Mexican Big and bushy starting from the middle of the lip and pulled to the sides of the face. The Pencil A thin and narrow, closely-shaven moustache that out- lines the upper lip. The Pyramidal A moustache shaped nar- row on top and wide on the bottom. The Toothbrush A thick moustache shaved to an inch wide in the centre. The Walrus A bushy moustache that hangs down over the lips, covering the per- son’s entire mouth. This mo’s a big deal BLAKE Thomson (pic- tured) is a glazier at Neata Glass and Aluminium, and when his boss asked the male staff if anyone wanted to participate in Movember, he immedi- ately put his hand up. ‘‘When the boss asked us all about it, I said ‘yup, I’m up for it’,’’ he said. Although Blake grew his moustache out last year for Movember, he didn’t raise any funds, so when he was given the chance this year, he jumped at the opportunity. ‘‘It’s a big thing around town ... Around the world really. I’m originally from New Zealand and they go big over there, so it’s a good thing to see,’’ Blake said. ‘‘I’m the only one from Neata Glass participating but a few of my mates, my brother and a few of his mates are doing it. ‘‘They have got a team for Annie’s Place and they are all doing pretty good.’’ To donate to the worthy cause, check out Blake Thomson and Neata Glass’s website at neataglass. Baby-face does his bit Warren Thomson OUR sports journalist Warren Thomson has never been the most hirsute of writers, a fact made obvious to his col- leagues and readers when he gallantly vol- unteered in last year’s Movember. Despite a herculean effort by our scribe, it seemed like months passed before even an embryonic ‘‘upper-lip caterpillar’’ appeared. Undaunted, Warren has again volunteered to take part in the char- ity event which is about ‘‘changing the face of men’s health’’. ‘‘After my terrible ef- fort last year, I was a bit hesitant,’’ Warren said, ‘‘But I managed to get a small mo at some point this year when I didn’t shave for three months. I just hope this mo grows a lot faster.’’ Perpetually baby- faced Warren has been joined by the Advocate’s newest advertising guru — the red-haired Jim Woodlock. The facial hair- impaired duo are advo- cates of men’s health issues raised by the charity event. Warren was left red- faced last year when his colleagues outdid him — even though they weren’t campaigning. ‘‘Movember is a great way to raise awareness and money for men’s health,’’ he said. ‘‘It’s fantastic to see men from all walks of life get behind the cause and it’s something all men should be involved in.’’ To donate to the worthy cause, check out our team’s website at ralianadvocate.

Transcript of Hairy facts - › bitstream › ... · Imperial Partial Beards category...

Page 1: Hairy facts - › bitstream › ... · Imperial Partial Beards category at the Beard and Moustache World Championship 2011 ACCORDINGtothebi ennialWorldBeardand

Centralian Advocate, Tuesday, November 13, 2012 — 19





















Our link is:

Check out the Mo’s on display!

Ph: 89 530 530 4/81 Elders Street

Araluen Plumbing has a

extremely dedicated staff

member growing a mo to help

with the issues of men’s health.

Make a call and you might have

the lucky chance to see him in

the wild!

Please help out and donate.

Any donation is appreciated

Isaac Stahl

Inside the walls of HAS, the men are starting

to look considerably more fuzzy than they

were just last week. “We’ve got fi ve blokes

from HAS and two from ShortlandCo vying

for the best mo and we’re starting to get

a little competitive,” Loader states. With

awareness of men’s health the main aim

everyone wins but that doesn’t mean that

internal sabotage hasn’t been considered.

“Sabotage? What sabotage?” Loader

states as he surreptitiously slides a box of

razors under his desk. - Hairy HAS Boys

Check out the Mo’s on display!

Ph: 08 8951 0100

Address: 2/73 Hartley Street (cnr Stott Terrace)





Our link is:

Check out the Mo’s on display!

Ph: (08) 8952 5588

12 Elder Street, Alice Springs NT 0870

Blake Thomson,

Glazier at Neata Glass

and Aluminium has

only been growing

his moustache for a

week and has already

outdone people with

permanent facial hair.





Blake Thom

Glazier at Neat

Ph: (08) 8952 1702

Address: 21 Ghan Road, Alice Springs

“Prostate Cancer is present in my

family history, men’s health is very

important to me.

Movember is a great cause and

I want to help in any way I can

especially helping others become

more aware.” Dean

“I have friends that have overcome Prostate Cancer so it’s my way of helping the cause. It may not be present in my family currently but you never know what the future holds. Hopefully this encourages others to become proactive in the cause of men’s health.” Wayne


Our link is:

Check out the Mo’s on display!

Ph: 8950 9777 2 Gap Road, Alice Springs

Check of the progress of Warren

Thomson (Wazzleigh) each

week for Movember, our special

advertising feature. We’ll track the

progress of generous members of

our community lending a hand to

raise vital funds and awareness for

men’s health, specifi cally prostate

cancer and male mental health. It’s

one year on, he’s a year older, can

Wazzleigh triumph as Mo King?

Warren is pleased to support MOvember and to facilitate community

awareness of men’s mental health in Central Australia.

Many men over the course of their lives will experience a mental illness and

many don’t seek help because they are worried about stigma or don’t know

where to fi nd support.

You don’t need to tough it out alone, MHACA provides support to recover

from mental illness call us on 8950 4600


Our link is:

Check out the Mo’s on display!

Ph: 8955 5969

Lot 3697, Sth Stuart Hwy, Alice Springs

As you can see my top lip

is scantly clad with a light

smattering of hair growth. I’m

thinking about transplanting

some from my lower back.

If you have misplaced

admiration, or pity, for my

‘Slow-Grow-Mo’, please

sponsor me and help the

wonderful Movember cause!Lachlan Wills

All is progressing well in the mo department. If you know someone who is participating this year, don’t forget to make a donation.



Lindsay Carey

Real Estate

Hairy facts

Karl-Heinze Hille, of Germany, after winning theImperial Partial Beards category at the Beardand Moustache World Championship 2011

ACCORDING to the bi-ennial World Beard andMoustache Champion-ships, there are only sixofficial different typesof moustache.

T h e y a r eNatural,English, Dali,Imperial, Hungarianand Freestyle.

But there is a world ofmoustache choice outthere just waiting tobe discovered.

The Centralian Advo-

cate has compiled a listof the most popularmoustaches.

n The Chevron Athick, wide moustachegrown to cover the topborder of the upper lipand seen as a symbol ofsex and confidence.

n The Dali A narrowmoustache with theends bent or curvedupward, named afterartist Salvador Dali.

n The English A nar-row moustache.

n The Fu Manchu Amoustache on the up-per lip that is grownvery long to extenddown each side of themouth to the jaw.

n The HandlebarCharacterised by itsbushy texture andlength, with enoughcurls at the end.

n The Horseshoe A

full U-shaped mous-tache with vertical ex-tensions on the cornersof the lips and down thesides of the mouth.

n The LampshadeResembles the shape ofa lampshade.

n The Mexican Bigand bushy startingfrom the middle of thelip and pulled to thesides of the face.

n The PencilA thin and narrow,

c l o s e l y - s h a v e n

moustache that out-lines the upper lip.

n The Pyramidal Amoustache shaped nar-row on top and wide onthe bottom.

n The Toothbrush At h i c k m o u s t a c h eshaved to an inch widein the centre.

n The Walrus Abushy moustache thathangs down over thelips, covering the per-son’s entire mouth.

This mo’s a big dealBLAKE Thomson (pic-tured) is a glazier at NeataGlass and Aluminium, andwhen his boss asked themale staff if anyonewanted to participate inMovember, he immedi-ately put his hand up.

‘‘When the boss asked usall about it, I said ‘yup, I’mup for it’,’’ he said.

Although Blake grew hismoustache out last year forMovember, he didn’t raise any funds,so when he was given the chance thisyear, he jumped at the opportunity.

‘‘It’s a big thing around town ...

Around the world really.I’m originally from NewZealand and they go bigover there, so it’s a goodthing to see,’’ Blake said.

‘‘I’m the only one fromNeata Glass participatingbut a few of my mates, mybrother and a few of hismates are doing it.

‘‘They have got a teamfor Annie’s Place and they

are all doing pretty good.’’

To donate to the worthy cause,check out Blake Thomson and NeataGlass’s website at

Baby-face does his bit

Warren Thomson

OUR sports journalistWarren Thomson hasnever been the mosthirsute of writers, a factmade obvious to his col-leagues and readerswhen he gallantly vol-unteered in last year’sMovember.

Despite a herculeaneffort by our scribe, itseemed like monthspassed before even anembryonic ‘‘upper-lipcaterpillar’’ appeared.

Undaunted, Warrenhas again volunteeredto take part in the char-ity event which is about‘‘changing the face ofmen’s health’’.

‘‘After my terrible ef-fort last year, I was a bithesitant,’’ Warren said,‘‘But I managed to get asmall mo at some point

this year when I didn’tshave for three months.I just hope this mogrows a lot faster.’’

Perpetually baby-faced Warren has beenjoined by the Advocate’s

newest advertising

guru — the red-hairedJim Woodlock.

The facial hair-impaired duo are advo-cates of men’s healthissues raised by thecharity event.

Warren was left red-faced last year when hiscolleagues outdid him —even though theyweren’t campaigning.

‘‘Movember is a greatway to raise awarenessand money for men’shealth,’’ he said. ‘‘It’sfantastic to see menfrom all walks of life getbehind the cause andit’s something all menshould be involved in.’’

To donate to theworthy cause, check outour team’s website at