HAHN ETF Managed Portfolios - An Introduction

1 First In Actively Managed Global ETF Strategies Q1 2015

Transcript of HAHN ETF Managed Portfolios - An Introduction

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First In Actively Managed Global ETF Strategies

Q1 2015

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HAHN Investment Stewards

Global macro investment manager Thematic. Opportunistic. Pragmatic.

Longest track record managing global balanced portfolios exclusively utilizing ETFs

“One of the best and brightest” working in the ETF industry (Source: ETF.com)

Member, CNBC’s ETF Advisory Council (est. April 2013)

Established track record, low “draw-down” style

Institutional process - documented, disciplined, proven

Key Distinctives

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HAHN Investment Stewards

HAHN: Founded in 2001

Owned 72% by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. (IA) and remainder by key employees

Part of the IA family of wealth management companies, together serving $102.7B in client assets

IA (listed as IAG on TSX) Founded 1892 Canada’s 4th largest life & health insurance

company Operations across Canada and the United States

History and Ownership

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HAHN Investment Strategy Committee

Seasoned, Global Macro Team

Wilfred J. Hahn, Chairman and co-Chief Investment Officer Over three decades of international investment industry experience as global strategist, portfolio manager, business head. Former Head of Royal Bank Global Investment Group, managing pension, mutual and private client portfolios with global assets > $13 Billion (CAD).

Mark Arthur, CFA, Chief Executive Officer and Director Mark Arthur is the President of IA Private Wealth Management. Prior to this, Mr. Arthur was the President of predecessor company Jovian Capital Corporation. Up until 2002, Mark was President, CIO and Director of RBC Global Investment Management Inc., Vice President Investments and Director of Royal Mutual Funds and Chairman of RBC Investments Global Investment Strategy Committee. Tyler Mordy, CFA, President and co-Chief Investment Officer Recognized innovator in the design and application of “global macro” managed ETF portfolios, and widely quoted and interviewed by the financial media for his global investment strategy views as well as ETF trends. Recently, ETF.com profiled Tyler Mordy as one of the “best and brightest” working in the ETF industry. CNBC has also called him one of the “best independent ETF experts”. Formerly with Deutsche Asset Management in London, UK. Ken Hawkins, Research Manager Ken Hawkins has over 25 years experience in the investment management industry, including roles in portfolio management, investment consulting, quantitative research and investment strategy. Prior joining HAHN, Ken was Chief Investment Strategist at Weigh House Investor Services responsible for setting asset mix policy, due diligence and selection of investment management firms used by clients.

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Global Macro ETF Strategies Core and Focus Strategies Tailored to Client Need

HAHN Core Strategies HAHN Focus Strategies Conservative Core Global Income Focus

Moderate Core Global Balanced Focus

Aggressive Core Global Growth Focus

Special Opportunities Focus

CORE Diversified solutions

SATELLITE Completion solutions

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Attractive Long-term Record

HAHN Moderate Core Portfolio

Out-performance through Downside Protection

1. Benchmark performances do not include the impact of any fees. The composite benchmark for this portfolio is comprised of the following indices and weights: CAD 90-day Treasury Bill Index (5%), MSCI ACWI Index in $Cdn (25%), S&P/TSX Composite Index (25%), Citigroup World BIG Bond Index in $Cdn (22.5%), and FTSE TMX Canada Universe Bond Index (22.5%). 2. Performance statistics for Managed ETF Portfolios are calculated from documented actual investment strategies as set by HAHN’s Investment Committee and applied to its portfolios mandates, and are intended to provide an approximation of composite results for client separately-managed accounts. Actual performance of individual separate accounts may vary with average gross “composite” performance statistics presented here due to client-specific portfolio differences with respect to size, inflow/outflow history and inception dates, as well as intra-day market volatilities versus daily closing prices. Performance figures provided are net of total ETF expense ratios and custody fees, but before transaction costs, withholding taxes, and other investment management and advisor fees. Past investment results provide no indication of future performance. Future returns are dependent on the general financial investment environment, the nature of the portfolio mandate and active investment strategies and risks. World Equity Index - MSCI Developed World Index TR (CAD). World Bond Index - Citigroup World BIG Bond Index TR (CAD). Volatility measured as standard deviation.

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Philosophy & Portfolio


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HAHN Philosophy

Global Macro (Thematic) Portfolio risk and return are increasingly globally connected and driven by macro-economic themes. A global perspective is essential in all investment decisions and provides the broadest opportunity for return potential and risk reduction.

Actively Managed (Opportunistic) HAHN actively shifts and tacks portfolio asset-type exposure to take advantage of well-priced opportunities and avoid pronounced risk. The result is stable performance and low downside risk.

ETF Portfolios (Pragmatic) HAHN uses ETFs to gain diversified access to the broadest possible range of asset types globally. ETFs’ liquidity, cost-effectiveness and transparency make them ideal portfolio management building blocks and facilitate HAHN’s active asset mix approach.

Thematic, Opportunistic, Pragmatic

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Risk Sensitivity is in Our DNA

“All the classical signs of a financial bubble are clearly evident today. The whole story about extraordinary productivity and profit growth in today’s economy is mostly a fable.”

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Tactical Asset Mix Changes Global Balanced Benchmark Portfolio - June 2003 – December 2014


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ETF-only Portfolio Construction The Pragmatic Choice for Global, Active Management Since 2003

ETF Selection Criteria • Strategy Mapping • Index Construction • Diversification • Low Tracking Error • Liquidity • Expense • Unique Factors

Portfolio Management Benefits • Diversification • Liquidity • Tax efficiency • Low cost • Transparency

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HAHN Moderate Core Portfolio Tactical within Defined Policy Ranges

1. Current strategies represent actual investment policies, including opportunity assets, implemented in the portfolio.

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HAHN Moderate Core Portfolio Global, Multi-asset

1. Current strategies represent actual investment policies, including opportunity assets, implemented in the portfolio. 2. The total weighted portfolio yield is calculated by multiplying the weight of an individual ETF by its 12 month yield for equity ETFs and yield to maturity for fixed income ETFs and summing the results for the total portfolio. The 12 month yield is the sum of an ETF's total trailing 12-month interest and dividend payments divided by the last month’s ending share price (NAV) plus any capital gains distributed over the same period. Data supplied by Morningstar.

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HAHN Website

Presentation Notes
In November we proudly launched our new website, featuring our core values of globalism, stewardship and personalized asset management. Our new site features video of key personnel explaining the fundamentals on which HAHN was founded.
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Thought Leadership On ETFs and Macro Strategy

Presentation Notes
Our new website is also a hub for thought leadership on ETF portfolios and global macro strategy. Through blogs, newsletters, articles and white papers, HAHN communicates and defines the growth of the ETF strategist space. Our recent webinar, “How to Spot a Bubble in Advance” hosted by Wilfred Hahn, attracted our largest advisor audience ever.
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Quarterly Strategy Updates Fact sheets/Portfolio Update

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HAHN in the News Media Follows the Story of Leading ETF Strategists

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Media coverage has been extensive this year, as journalists cover the growing ETF strategist phenomenon. HAHN has been featured numerous times in recent months in on-line, print and television, including Investment Executive, BNN, the Toronto Star, MoneySense and GoldenGirl Finance. What began as an ETF story has now evolved into a story about portfolio management and how ETFs have revolutionized the asset management industry - creating a better way to invest.
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Thematic. Opportunistic. Pragmatic.