Hadoop Cluster Configuration and Data Loading - Module 2

Hadoop Cluster Configuration and Data Loading

Transcript of Hadoop Cluster Configuration and Data Loading - Module 2

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Hadoop Cluster Configuration and

Data Loading

Page 2: Hadoop Cluster Configuration and Data Loading - Module 2

Hadoop Cluster Specification• Hadoop is designed to run on commodity hardware• “Commodity” does not mean “low-end.”• Processor• 2 quad-core 2-2.5GHz CPUs

• Memory• 16-24 GB ECC RAM1

• Storage• 4 × 1TB SATA disks

• Network• Gigabit Ethernet

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Hadoop Cluster Architecture

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Hadoop Cluster Configuration filesFilename Format Description

hadoop-env.sh Bash scriptEnvironment variables that are used in the scripts to run Hadoop.


Hadoop configurationXML

Configuration settings for Hadoop Core, such as I/O settings that are common to HDFS and MapReduce.


Hadoop configurationXML

Configuration settings for HDFS daemons: the namenode, the secondary namenode, and the datanodes.


Hadoop configurationXML

Configuration settings for MapReduce daemons: the jobtracker, and the tasktrackers.

masters Plain textA list of machines (one per line) that each run a secondarynamenode.

slaves Plain textA list of machines (one per line) that each run a datanode and atasktracker.

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Hadoop Cluster Modes• Standalone (or local) mode

There are no daemons running and everything runs in a single JVM. Standalone mode is suitable for running MapReduce programs during development, since it is easy to test and debug them.

• Pseudo-distributed modeThe Hadoop daemons run on the local machine, thus simulating a cluster on a small scale.

• Fully distributed modeThe Hadoop daemons run on a cluster of machines.

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A Typical Production Hadoop ClusterMachine Type Workload

Pattern/ Cluster Type

Storage Processor (# of Cores)

Memory (GB) Network

Slaves Balanced workload

Four to six 1 TB disks

Dual Quad 24 Dual 1 GB links for all nodes in a 20 node rack and 2 x 10 GB intercon nect links per rack going to a pair of cen tral switches.

Compute intensive workload

Four to six 1 TB or 2 TB disks

Dual Hexa Quad 24-48

I/O inten sive work load

Twelve 1 TB disks Dual Quad 24-48

HBase clus ters Twelve 1 TB disks Dual Hexa Quad 48-96

Masters All work load pat terns/HBase clusters

Four to six 2 TB disks

Dual Quad Depends on number of file system objects to be created by NameNode.

References : http://docs.hortonworks.com/HDP2Alpha/index.htm#Hardware_Recommendations_for_Hadoop.htm

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MapReduce Job execution (Map Task)

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MapReduce Job execution (Reduce Task)

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Hadoop Shell commands• Create a directory in HDFS at given path(s)

Usage: hadoop fs -mkdir <paths> Example: hadoop fs -mkdir /user/saurzcode/dir1 /user/saurzcode/dir2

• List the contents of a directoryUsage: hadoop fs -ls <args>Example: hadoop fs -ls /user/saurzcode

• Upload and download a file in HDFS.Usage: hadoop fs -put <localsrc> ... <HDFS_dest_Path>Example: hadoop fs -put /home/saurzcode/Samplefile.txt


Usage: hadoop fs -get <hdfs_src> <localdst>Example: hadoop fs -get /user/saurzcode/dir3/Samplefile.txt /home/

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Hadoop Shell commands contd..• See contents of a file

Usage: hadoop fs -cat <path[filename]>Example: hadoop fs -cat /user/saurzcode/dir1/abc.txt

• Move file from source to destination.Usage: hadoop fs -mv <src> <dest>Example: hadoop fs -mv /user/saurzcode/dir1/abc.txt /user/saurzcode/dir2

• Remove a file or directory in HDFS.Usage : hadoop fs -rm <arg>Example: hadoop fs -rm /user/saurzcode/dir1/abc.txt

Usage : hadoop fs -rmr <arg>Example: hadoop fs -rmr /user/saurzcode/

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Hadoop Shell commands contd..• Display last few lines of a file.

Usage : hadoop fs -tail <path[filename]>Example: hadoop fs -tail /user/saurzcode/dir1/abc.txt

• Display the aggregate length of a file.Usage : hadoop fs -du <path>Example: hadoop fs -du /user/saurzcode/dir1/abc.txt

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Hadoop Copy Commands• Copy a file from source to destination

Usage: hadoop fs -cp <source> <dest>Example: hadoop fs -cp /user/saurzcode/dir1/abc.txt /user/saurzcode/dir2

• Copy a file from/To Local file system to HDFSUsage: hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <localsrc> URI

Example: hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/saurzcode/abc.txt /user/saurzcode/abc.txt

Usage: hadoop fs -copyToLocal URI <localdst>

Example: hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /user/saurzcode/abc.txt /home/saurzcode/abc.txt

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