Hack your business android+beacons+big data

Hack your Business with android + beacons + big data Tushar Choudhary Mobile consultant, Xebia


Businesses large and small are fast realizing the importance of big data and are investing huge amounts of time and money to gather it. For retailers, the ROI potential from unified big data collection is exponential. After all, retailers collect online sales data, mobile and apps data, customer footfall data, as well as enterprise integration’s for loyalty, CRM and ERP. Beacons provide businesses with endless opportunities to collect massive amounts of untapped data, such as the number of beacon hits and customer dwell time at a particular location within a specified time and date range, busiest hours throughout the day or week, number of people who walk by a location each day, etc. This data then allows retailers to accordingly make improvements to products, staff allocation in various departments and services, and so on

Transcript of Hack your business android+beacons+big data

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Hack your Business

with android +

beacons + big data

Tushar Choudhary

Mobile consultant, Xebia

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What, Why & How

Bluetooth versus BLE

Beacons & GPS

Case Study

Android & Beacons

Dummy App

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Beacons : What They Are ? How They work ? Why They are Important ?

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What are Beacons ?

• Beacons are small piece of hardware devices that can emit and receive BLE signals.

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Bluetooth Technology ?

• Radio

• Software Stack

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Bluetooth LE : What is it ?

A Specification With

A New Radio, New Software stack & New Profile Architecture

• Used to create Bluetooth LE chipsets - e.g. contact chipsets

• Chipsets are embedded in the devices

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Bluetooth Classic Vs Bluetooth LE

Voice Data Audio Video State

Bluetooth X Y Y X X


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Bluetooth Classic Vs Bluetooth LE

Bluetooth BLE

Connection Connection Oriented Connectionless

Data Payload 2 Mbps ~ 100 Kbps

Power Consumption

High Low

Transmission File Transmission State Transmission

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Currently Supported by devices :

GOOGLE Nexus 4,5,7,10

GPS Cameras

Security Equipments Laptops

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90% of devices will be BLE enabledby 2018

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Beacons/BLE : How They Work ?

• BLE enabled devices or Beacons can transmits small packets of data.

• This wakes up a “listener/receiver” to let it know that it’s there.

• Which then lets you calculate the proximity to the Beacon and show relevant information to visitors.

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Beacon Data Packet

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Why are Beacons important ?

Advantage to Developers

Before BLE After BLE

An app would need to be running

in the foreground or background

to communicate with a BLE


An app can be launched into

background if a specific BLE

device is recognized.

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Beacons & GPS

• Beacons can be thought as an extension of location technology.

• It’s lot like GPS but uses a lot less battery.

• GPS does not work well once you go inside but Bluetooth LE works.

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Beacons & GPS

GPS is a Location Technology

Bluetooth LE is a Proximity Technology.

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Beacons : Proximity

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Why Proximity Matters ?

We can now deliver the content and experiences to users based on precise proximity to things in physical world

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Customer Passes By a Retail Store

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Customer Receives Notifications and Offers

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Indoor Navigation : Showing the Route

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Indoor Navigation : Showing the Route

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Indoor Navigation : Showing the Route

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Indoor Navigation : Showing the Route

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Indoor Navigation : Showing the Route

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Presence Detection via Proximity

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Navigating Customer

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Showing Other Offers

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Pushing Notifications

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Case Study : Retail Business

• Greet Customers when they arrive.

• Send special offers and coupons at specific locations on store.

• Offer personal pricing.

• Implementing proximity driven ad-screen.

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Real-TimeAnalytics & Statistics

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Real-TimeAnalytics & Statistics

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Statistics & Analytics : Retail Business

• Aggregate and analyze behavior and traces of the customers.

• Analyze interests and shopping decisions of your customers -‐ in your shop but even off location.

• Be able to take action on customers behavior and feedbacks.

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• Increase in-store visitor experience.

• Optimize Target Online Marketing.

• Have meaningful dashboards at your fingertips

• Run cross-dataset analysis, do peer comparisons, and generate actionable report

Statistics & Analytics : Retail Business

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Android BeaconsSupported on Android API >= 4.2

• All android devices above 4.2 have BLE enabled in itselves.

• They can act as a Receiver/Listener and can wake up once supported application receives a signal

• Android Devices having version > 4.4 i.e. Android-L devices can also act as a BLE Transmitter

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Android Beacons & Support Libraries

Android Beacon Library:https://github.com/AltBeacon/android-beacon-library-reference

Smart Gatt Library:


Bluetooth LE Library Android:


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Practical Use Case

Luggage Tracker

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Use Case : Luggage Tracker

1. Implement a broadcast receiver to catch broadcasts for turning bluetooth on and off.

2. Start a service when bluetooth turns on.

3. Stop service when bluetooth turns off

4. Register a listener to listen for nearby beacon devices

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Implementing Broadcast Receiver@Override

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_STATE_CHANGED.equals(intent.getAction())) {

int state =

intent.getIntExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_STATE, -1);

Intent i;

switch (state) {

case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF:

if (MyBeaconService.isStarted) {

i = new Intent(context,






Log.i(TAG, "Bluetooth State : OFF");


case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON:

Log.i(TAG, "Bluetooth State : ON");

if (!MyBeaconService.isStarted) {

i = new Intent(context,







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Registering Ranging Listener in

Service’s onCreate() method@Override

public void onCreate() {



BeaconManager.MonitoringListener() {


public void onExitedRegion(Region arg0) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


"Alert Luggage Tracker",

notificationManager, 1,




public void onEnteredRegion(Region arg0, List<Beacon>

arg1) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub



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Connecting to BeaconManager’s Service

in Service’s onStartCommand()@Override

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {


BeaconManager.ServiceReadyCallback() {


public void onServiceReady() {

try {


} catch (RemoteException e) {

Log.e(TAG, "Cannot start

ranging", e);

} catch (Exception e) {







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Technical pitfalls of Beacons ?

• Bluetooth must be turned on.

• Your app must be installed on users devices.

• You can't trigger mobile beacon or iBeacon to trigger installation of an app.

• Location services must be enabled for the specific application.

• To download real data we must have an app connected via internet connection.

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