HAARP Atmospheric Plasma Weapon - laydownlife.net Atmospheric Plasma W…  · Web viewThe Air You...

HAARP Atmospheric Plasma Weapon The Air You Breathe Is Being Used To Take Over Your Mind And Body I’ve been writing a lot about HAARP, and scalar technology in general, being used by America and Russia to destroy the earth from outer space, melt the ice caps of both poles, destroying our ionosphere and protective radiation belts, creating earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and cyclones, snow blizzards, floods, drought, tornadoes, “ball” lightening-created fires, and the scrambling of the human brain waves. It’s all part of Nichola Tesla’s research from the early 1900s. But, even Tesla admitted, as have a lot of scientists, he got his knowledge from “sky gods”. Satan stole this technology from the Creator, as in the days of Enoch. It is now being used against His Creation. Here is a shocking but accurate map showing the worldwide web of HAARP extra low frequency electromagnetic--e.l.f. pulse waves.

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HAARP Atmospheric Plasma WeaponThe Air You Breathe Is Being Used To

Take Over Your Mind And BodyI’ve been writing a lot about HAARP, and scalar technology in general, being used by America and Russia to destroy the earth from outer space, melt the ice caps of both poles, destroying our ionosphere and protective radiation belts, creating earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and cyclones, snow blizzards, floods, drought, tornadoes, “ball” lightening-created fires, and the scrambling of the human brain waves. It’s all part of Nichola Tesla’s research from the early 1900s. But, even Tesla admitted, as have a lot of scientists, he got his knowledge from “sky gods”. Satan stole this technology from the Creator, as in the days of Enoch. It is now being used against His Creation. Here is a shocking but accurate map showing the worldwide web of HAARP extra low frequency electromagnetic--e.l.f. pulse waves.

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This technology IS being used to change the way the human brain functions--to make it vulnerable to auto suggestion, so that it can be totally controlled by hypnotic power, putting people into a trance-like state. This weapon was used in Iraq, where the mighty Republican Guard of Saddam Hussein simply laid down their weapons in 2003 when America stormed Iraq.It will be used when the Beast (anti-messiah) comes to power, so that all the world’s people will bow to him. Resisters will be programmed mentally to commit suicide, betray others like

Page 2themselves to their death, and to kill others without feeling. It can altar natural human nature. This is why I stress so strongly

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that His real people learn to live out of the mind of their re-born spirit. [Refer to: “Living From the Eternal Mind”]For companion understanding of what has been, is being, and will be done to the human population of the world, be sure to read the documented information in my recent article: “HOW TO KEEP FUNCTIONING IN PEACE AND JOY WHEN PROJECT BLUE BEAM DOES EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO MAKE SURE YOUR MIND SHUTS DOWN FOR THEIR TAKEOVER!” This will give you simple truth as to how to keep from being taken over.

I’ve been noticing, and many others too, that mankind as a whole s returning to a depraved, base, animalistic nature. We are “in the days of Noah”, where violence covered the earth as demons mixed with humans. Messiah said in Matthew 24:12: “Because of the increase in lawlessness, the love of many shall become cold”. The word “lawlessness” in Greek is “anomia” – the equivalent of the Hebrew “Torah” – the teachings and instructions of righteousness of the Kingdom of heaven that govern all mankind. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) Thus, because of the methodical and systematic removal of the Torah of Yahuweh by Lucifer’s agents on earth, removing His right rulings and the teachings of His Spirit to mankind, is allowing demonic spirits (fallen angels of Satan) to come more and more into the bodies of the earth’s people. Because mankind is not shutting doors to their mind, the demons are speaking to their minds through many voices to turn them from the way of truth. Isaiah 59:14: “Right ruling is driven back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has fallen in the street, and right is unable to enter”.Just a few days ago a news article about the “Zombie Apocalypse” hit the “trending” list on Yahoo. These creatures, created by radiation mutating perhaps as suggested, or by biological DNA mixing, or cloning, or Nephilim being born into the earth once more, or humans totally taken over by demon forces, will be soon released onto the earth, and what the article warns about is not far fetched at all. Those truly born from above by the Spirit of Yahuweh, through faith in the blood of the Lamb, are transformed into totally “new creations” – “old things are passed away, behold, all things have become new”. (II Corinthians 5:17—Refer to: “The True New Birth”) Forty things happen at this transformation by the Spirit that change a person’s very

Page 3nature, thinking and ways, by opening the spirit-portal to the eternal realm. Thus what we are about to see very blatantly and openly is the division between the two natures in mankind – those being taken over by demonic forces and possessed, and those take over by Yahuweh and filled with His Spirit. The tares are rising above the wheat and

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being exposed. What is in a person—the spirits of demons, the spirits of human sin, or Yahuweh’s Spirit—is being openly manifested. The masks are coming off, and mankind is becoming more and more haughty and proud in their identity with the kingdom of darkness. The ones transformed by Yahuweh’s Spirit think differently, act differently, and have a nature totally contrary to the ways of the world. They are becoming more and more set-apart, more and more humble, yet more and more bold in the “power of His might”. Their faith is increasing, they are instant in obedience, they are being transformed into the image of Messiah. As you will see, HAARP’s pulse waves are transforming the minds and bodies of those who are not born of the Spirit, from above (John 3:3).But, also the “sound of silence” through the TV, movies, video games, novels, and the Internet, is opening up the minds of people to receive hypnotic suggestions, and submit to what they’re told. The public school systems of many nations are also programming youth into this “world brain” mode, as well as the diabolical Luciferic teachings that are now moving through Christian and Messianic groups, designed to take Yahuweh’s people into the lake of fire. Through this mind programmed “even the elect, if possible, will be deceived”. Whatever you open your mind and emotions to, can and will take you over--for good or for evil. Cut all “soul ties” of the mind and emotions to anything that could prevent you from totally following the Master, overcoming all, so that you stand before Him blameless. Most of our human love is in the realm of the soul – emotions, feelings -- which are volatile. The “love of the Spirit” is eternal. You must prepare yourself mentally and emotionally by strengthening your spirit, to let go of any and all fear, grief, and remorse (human emotions of the soul) regarding the future of your family and friends, for we are in a time when to stop for grief and sadness, will make us like “Lot’s wife”. Fear paralyzes and cancels out faith, and fear has the potential of leading one to damnation (Revelation 21:8). [Refer to: “Linked Arm and Arm”] Yes, we can pray. But, we must leave our loved ones in the hands of Abba, if they are old enough to be responsible for themselves. More and more mankind is becoming cold (no compassion, no mercy,

Page 4no feelings of tenderness, kindness, gentleness), defiant, proud, haughty, and arrogant – all characteristics of Satan/Lucifer. Man’s lust for power and control over others is reaching an all-time high. These are characteristics of witches, warlocks, jezebels, and all those controlled by Satan. The loathing of anyone weaker, and the sadistic treatment of what one considers “beneath them” is also rising—cruelty, sadism, perverted lusts, and a driving desire to put down all who oppose are becoming more and more prominent. The abuse of

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little children and the elderly is increasing because they are weak of body. The spirit of the Nephilim has returned to cover the earth, as well as their coming in person once more. The Word is filled with information on them – the “shades” that do not rise in any resurrection. Mankind is becoming more and more mindless. This article will clear up the reason why. Mankind is becoming more and more angry, hate-filled, bitter, disturbed and violent. PEACE IS BEING TAKEN FROM THE EARTH! READ THE BOOK OF REVELATION … READ DANIEL. Revelation 6:4 – the Red horse is running over the earth! The planned World War III is close – in Israel, in America, in the world.I was in my local grocery store in the US on a Sunday morning. I heard people being angry, verbally abusing their spouses, yelling, saying hateful things--not just one couple, but every one in the store who was with someone. People behind me in the checkout line were demeaning each other--anger was prevailing. I was so shocked. Out in the parking lot a man was pushing his empty basket back to the store. He looked straight ahead, and said nothing to the man by me who was closing his van. As the man passed with the basket, the man by the van became yelling hateful things at him, even raising his fist. I was glad to get out of there. But, I’ve seen in homes when everything was peaceful, then all of a sudden people start getting mad at each other for no reason, making silly accusations, accompanied by bitter anger, and sadistic actions. This article below will explain a lot--even let you know what is happening to you that is out of your control. Thus, today we are seeing so many who have masked themselves as “believers” now showing their true nature of darkness. They have no repentance for anything cruel that they do against another. They have the Harry Potter spirit of Satan – “do as thou wilt” is his only command.The spirit of rebellion and defiance is increasing greatly. Te spirit of witchcraft is rising to blanket the earth. Lucifer will soon be cast out and empower his son to take the throne in Jerusalem. That is very close. (Revelation 12) In other words, people are polarizing quickly.

Page 5They are either now manifesting the spirit of Lucifer or the Spirit of Yahuweh. Even doctors say that there is a physical transformation of the brain when one is truly born of the spirit—the whole nature (soul and spirit) are transformed as they grow in the Word and align with the Kingdom of heaven. Therefore, I strongly believe that today’s technology can detect the difference in the very DNA of the born again ones – apart from the natural man. When the Word says “all things become new”, it means it. Even the prophets, and others who were born from above in the Tenach, and filled with His Spirit, like Ezekiel, had a totally different mind-set than the rest of the people. My son-in-law was born again one year ago May 14th – and my daughter still

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reports his changed nature. The mind (soul) and emotions have to be re-programmed by the Word, but the nature change is of the Spirit. In movies like I Am Legend, and movies about zombies and mutates, and demonic creatures, they are showing us things that are all around us, but masked. The HAARP technology I write about here, will unmask all mankind. Mankind indeed is become more and more like a ravenous wolf, or a lion that goes about seeking whom it may devour (Ezekiel 22:25-27; I Kepha/Peter 5:8). The spirits of the evil ones are in the earth, covering it like a blanket. A great majority of so-called believers are no different than the world’s people. Some have outward actions making them look set-apart, but their hidden agendas and secret ambitions and sin natures are becoming more and more intense, so that we will soon be shocked at how all the nice people we think we know are not nice after all. Just recently friends here in Israel – prominent people with influence over others, along with friends in the US – have denied Messiah as the suffering Servant and Savior. Many are demoting Him in different ways, which is just another type of denial. Their minds are totally given to the evil one’s input, because they have no life in themselves. A truly born again person is very different – their nature is that of Messiah: meekness (gentleness), humility, contriteness, fear of Yahuweh, obedience as a bond servant, full of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, faith, goodness, and self control. Their focus is on what pleases the Master. Knowing Him is the most important thing in their lives, so they make His Word their priority. These are not characteristics of religious people or the masked tares. Their nature aligns with the spirit of Lucifer, overflowing with open pride or hidden pride. But, the masks are coming off.II Kepha 3:3: “…mockers shall come in the last days with mocking, walking according to their own lusts”. They have no fear of His

Page 6judgment. They mock the set-apart ones. But, the day will come when their mocking with turn to murderous cruelty. Jealousy, part of a jezebel spirit, is a supreme characteristic of Satan/Lucifer-Helel) Lucifer was so jealous of the worship that Yahuweh received that it drove him insane. He had to do everything he could to bring Yahuweh down and make himself rise to the throne.(Isaiah 14:12-15) Jealousy is part of the basic human nature that is manifesting more and more across the globe. I could write a book on jealousy. Song of Songs 8:6: “…jealousy is cruel as the grave, the coals of it are coals of fire that has a most vehement flame”. It has no repentance. The spirit of repentance is granted to the humble of heart who are tender towards Yahuweh. Jealousy does its evil to remove what it thinks is a threat to its existence or its promotion in the

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eyes of men. Jealousy is one of the most prominent traits among women, and men, in the religions of Christianity and Messianic Judaism. It is very common in ministers – pastors, teachers, and Messianic rabbis. But, it is also a major trait in Judaism and Islam. It is the spirit of Lucifer who was jealous of the praise given to Yahwueh. If a person thinks another is a treat to their advancement and promotion among men, or a threat to their gain, then they do what they want to do to change that situation to their profit. I’ve seen it all. I was an ordained Christian minister for a lot of years. I have had many vicious attacks because of a jealous root in someone, or because they couldn’t “piggy back me” to get what they wanted. People want power in the eyes of men—this is witchcraft. In 2008, a witch, but also a respected “Messianic” lady, try to kill me after getting me into a remote area of Europe away from anyone I knew. I became very sick, and had a huge pressure on my chest that pressed downward. I began, through gasping for air, to do spiritual warfare. When I called off the spirit of witchcraft, it felt like the giant boulder was lifting off my chest. I was very weak for days. When she saw that her attempts didn’t work, she tried all she could to get me to violate Shabbat. It drove her crazy that I wouldn’t. She was tormented about it. She began doing such nasty little cruel things to me, even in the presence of another lady who was naïve of what was going on. When she found that she could not make me sin against Yahuweh, she, and her witch friend (accomplice) in Wales, put out slander against me all over the UK and north Israel among Messianic groups, saying I was a witch, practicing incantations in her house. Even to this day some still believe her, thinking at the least I had a mental breakdown. She had been trying to isolate me for this scenario a long time. Mindless cruelty – it

Page 7is a satanic spirit! But, more and more who are hiding in respectable religion are manifesting these traits. We must prepare to be uncompromisingly righteous! [Refer to the article “Betrayal”] Now you can see clearer how nice people, even family members, will betray each other to survive. Their minds will be taken over totally by the evil one. Mankind is becoming more and more twisted in thinking. Some of you can relate to this very much. ----------------------------------------------As you look at the information below, you will see more of why the set-apart ones must learn to live out of their re-born spirit.The very air you breath is filled with electromagnetic waves that have the potential of talking to your mind and placing you in a hypnotized, zombie state. You say “NOT ME!” Oh yes, you. If you are not truly born of the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, led by the Spirit, taught by the Spirit, empowered by the Spirit, and living out of your reborn spirit in the loins area of you, submitting daily to the will of Yahuweh, you are in

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grave danger of being taken over in mind, emotions, body and even spirit. What you really will come out …

The talk about chemtrails is not a hoax – it is very real. It is part of lacing our very air with deadly components to destroy not only the body, but to also take over the mind, emotions, and will (soul) of every person on earth—if possible.

----------------------------------------------------------------Chemtrails are global covert operation for total control-Part

3 March 1st, 2011 12:21 am PT

>>> http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/exopoliticstv-aerosol-war-crimes-clifford-carnicom-alfred-lambremont-webre-video-2

NOTE: This is Part 3 of a 3-part article on the war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide now talking place as a result of the covert global operation of spraying aerosols into the Earth’s atmosphere, also known as “chemtrails”.

Read Part 1http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/expert-chemtrails-are-global-covert-operation-for-total-control-detecting-ufos

Page 8http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/chemtrails-are-global-covert-operation-for-total-control-detecting-ufos-part-2Clifford E. Carnicom, an acknowledged expert since 1999 on the global covert spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere operation (also known as “Chemtrails”), stated in a March 1, 2011 exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the covert aerosol-spraying operation had transformed the Earth’s atmosphere into a plasma for carrying out weaponized applications such as bio-warfare (including Morgellons disease), electromagnetic operations such as HAARP, weather warfare, tectonic (earthquake) warfare, mind control, advanced surveillance technology, and detection of advanced propulsion technology including UFOs.The over-all purpose of this covert operation of spraying aerosols into the atmosphere and converting it into plasma

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was to achieve “absolute control” over the global human population. This total control is accomplished using the combined effects of seven weapons-like applications that use the plasma-like atmosphere with weaponized effects on the environment, the biosphere and the human population.Although Mr. Carnicom prefers to use the term “aerosols”, the global covert operation spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere is also known as the “chemtrails program”.In a Jan. 10, 2011 assessment of the current impact of the global aerosol-spraying program, Mr. Carnicom stated, “The vitality and viability of human existence and life on this planet, as it has been known to exist, is under threat.”View ExopoliticsTV interview with Clifford E. CarnicomExaminer readers can view the exclusive interview with Clifford E. Carnicom and Alfred Lambremont Webre embedded in the article above or at the URL below:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTVpsmBNvL8The HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system, aerosol-spraying (chemtrails) and mind controlThere is prima facie evidence that the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system and aerosol spraying (chemtrails) are carrying out mind control against the human population on a global (as well as national, regional and individual) scale.

These mind control operations include: • Biological operations, including the use of apparent bio-warfare

Page 9mind control agents, in the covert global aerosol spraying program (chemtrails), and through • Electromagnetic Operations, including HAARP mind control weapons applications constituting war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions.Mind control: Biological operations and covert global aerosol spraying (chemtrails)

According to one source, “The term [Mind Control] has been applied to any tactic, psychological or otherwise, which can be seen as subverting an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making.” By this definition, a powerful global covert mind control program is being carried out against global, national, and regional populations as well as individuals through the

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biological operations of covert global aerosol spraying chemtrails.Specifically, as demonstrated in Article #1 of this Examiner.com series, the sprayed aerosols (chemtrails) contain the following amounts of toxic chemicals.  The effect of these toxic chemicals on the mental, psychological and emotional functioning of the target human population is to “subvert the individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making.”2010 Air Particulates: Antimony, arsenic, iron, and manganeseThese figures indicate how many times they are over the “allowable” toxic limit:Aluminum: 15.8Antimony: 63.3 [This is not a typo]Arsenic: 418 [This is not a typo]Barium: 5.3Cadmium: 6Chromium: 6.4Copper: 9Iron: 43.5 [This is not a typo]Lead: 15.7Manganese: 513.8 [This is not a typo]Nickel: 10.7Zinc: 7.5

Page 10

Global aerosol spraying has transformed the atmosphere that our human population breathes into a plasma  Breathing this plasma with the above toxic concentrations of chemicals has been shown to lead to the following behavioral abnormalities that “subvert the individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making,” and hence can be considered a mind control program.The following mind control impacts of aerosol spraying (chemtrails) are drawn from Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri’s Carnicom Institute Board of Advisors Feb. 3, 2011 preliminary report of the impacts of the covert aerosol-spraying program as a bio-warfare program.

Mind control impacts of manganese (aerosol spraying - chemtrails)1. “Hallucinations, forgetfulness, schizophrenia, dullness, headaches, and insomnia; languor; sleepiness; weakness; emotional disturbances;”

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2. “How many people who have caused ‘public’ disturbances and/or have ‘behavioral outbursts’ are actually suffering from environmental chemical brain injury, due to poisoning from heavy metals or other toxic chemicals, but are being treated like criminals?”Cognitive impairment and brain damage3. “It is well know that Aluminum causes cognitive impairment and brain damage. [America unnecessarily puts aluminum in over 350 products that Americans use daily, like underarm deodorant and baking powder. It is known to cause Alzheimer’s Disease]. It takes years for this damage to become evident. During this time, it works its slow, but insidious, destruction on the brain. But, even in the beginning, muddle thinking is noticeable.  Why are so many people acting odd? Many more people appear to have a very short fuse. 4. Why do our children have an epidemic of autism, ADD, ADHD? Why are so many of our young children on long-term prescription drugs for behavioral/cognitive troubles? Why are millions of adults on years of anti-depressant drugs? 5. Four impacts: Attention disorder, Forgetfulness, Short-term memory, Impatience

Page 11

Four things are very obvious:1. Human attention span has dropped dramatically2. People are very forgetful3. Short-term memory has been affected4. Far too many people are impatient, and have very ‘short fuses’”6. “For many people, thinking and thought processes are very difficult issues to contemplate or even discuss. No one wants to be told that s/he is not thinking clearly. Even if there are scientific data to support this, it is a concept that goes right to the very heart of who we think we are! It is not you. It is the result of what is being done to all of us! However, it is easier to attack the messenger, than comprehend the enormity of military/government involvement –especially since nothing is reported by mainstream controlled news. It is easier to dismiss valid information, or be on the defensive, rather than take personal responsibility for critical issues that already are detrimentally affecting our lives.”

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Electromagnetic Operations, including HAARP-atmospheric aerosol weapons system mind control weapons applicationsThere exists prima facie evidence of HAARP-atmospheric aerosol weapons system mind control weapons operations against the global, national, regional populations and against individuals.

View videos on the mind control capabilities of the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons systemExaminer.com readers can view the following videos on different aspects of HAARP and mind controlDr. Nick Begich, Mind Control & HAARPhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6-5F4G4l6gHAARP Holographic Projections & Mind Controlhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqR2X1eOxiYHAARP ELF Mind Control Confirmedhttp://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/54289/Haarp_Microwave_ELF_Mind_Control_Confirmed/European Parliament Report against mind control capabilities of HAARP

There are multiple reports that exist of the mind control capabilities of HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system.  The following is from an official report of the European Parliament:"EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT WARNS OF DANGERS

Page 12"Awareness of the existence of mind-control technology, and hence its dangers and possibility for misuse, seems to be more prevalent than in Europe than in other areas.  The European Parliament recently passed a "Resolution on environment, security, and foreign policy". This document includes these articles:Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new 'non-lethal' weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered and regulated by international conventions...Calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings."The United States will ignore these resolutions, of course, as it has other EP requests; for example, as mentioned in the same document: Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and call for its legal, ecological, and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the

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public hearing or any subsequent meeting to be held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the HAARP programme currently being funded in Alaska..."

[This is the core understanding of Jeremiah 51:30-32] "One of HAARP's potential uses is a communications system.  The military officially acknowledges two communications-related applications:  (1) to replace the existing Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) submarine communications system now operating in Michigan and Wisconsin; (2) to provide a way to wipe out communications over an extremely large area, while keeping the military’s own communications system working. [19]"As we have seen, the mind-control subliminal messages are carried on radio-frequency broadcasts."The HAARP facility could be used to broadcast global mind-control messages, or such messages could simply be inserted into existing systems.

[When the world ruler comes to power, incarnating Apollyon/Osiris/Nimrod – the son of Lucifer – this is exactly

Page 13what has been planned for the take over of the minds of the world’s people. If you don’t act on this warning, then your mind will be taken over. You must re-program your mind by saturating it with the Word of Yahuweh!] (Italics mine)

"Dr. Igor Smirnov, of the Institute of Psycho-correction in Moscow, says in regard to this technology:  "It is easily conceivable that some Russian 'Satan', or let's say Iranian [or any other 'Satan'], as long as he owns the appropriate means and finances, can inject himself [intrude] into every conceivable computer network, into every conceivable radio or television broadcast, with relative technological ease, even without disconnecting cables. You can intercept the [radio] waves in the aether and then [subliminally] modulate every conceivable suggestion into it.  If this transpires over a long enough time period, it accumulates in the heads of people.  And eventually they can be artificially manipulated with other additional measurements, to do that which this perpetrator wants [them to do].  This is why [such technology] is rightfully feared." Why individuals and entities designing, ordering and carrying out the covert global aerosol spraying operation (chemtrails) are not prosecuted for war crimes

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As this 3-part Examiner.com article has demonstrated, there is prima facie evidence that the global covert spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere operation (also known as “Chemtrails”) that are directed against the human population constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions.There are several layers of reasons why individuals and entities designing, ordering and carrying out the covert global aerosol spraying operation (chemtrails) are not prosecuted for war crimes.These include and are not limited to the members of the executive branch of the U.S. and Canadian governments (and other governments), U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. Air Force, the Canadian Air Force, and unknown parties members of an international war crimes racketeering organization, both inside and outside government.Chemtrails & the international war crimes racketeering organization: The principal reason is that the constitutional governments in the major spraying nations of the United States of America, Canada and other nations are controlled by an international war crime racketeering organization that

Page 14has infiltrated constitutional government and overtaken the aims of constitutional government with an “invisible” HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system deployed to carry out a depopulation program that constitutes war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions.

Examiner.com viewers can view a lecture given Alfred Lambremont Webre how to prosecute the international war crimes racketeering organization through a citizen’s war crimes tribunal.http://exopolitics.blogs.com/911/2009/12/googlevideo-why-we-need-a-911-war-crimes-tribunal-by-alfred-lambremont-webre-jd-med.html

How the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapon system (including chemtrails) constitutes war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanityThe prima facie evidence set out in Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this Examiner.com article as to the use against the human population of the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system, including the covert global aerosol spraying operation (chemtrails) demonstrates prima facie violations of Article 5(1) of the statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), to wit:(a) The crime of genocide

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(b) Crimes against humanity(c) War crimes

Under Article 6 of the ICC statute, the crime of Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:(a)  Killing members of the group;(b)  Causing serious bodily or mental harm (c)  Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d)  Imposing measures intended to prevent births within a group;The evidence set out in Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this Examiner.com article demonstrates prima facie commission of the crime of Genocide by those responsible for the planning, development, implementation and operation of the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapon system including aerosol spraying (chemtrails). 

Page 15Under Article 7 of the ICC, the crime of Crimes against Humanity means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:(a) Murder(b) Extermination(f)  Torture(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health, intentional starvation, etc., etc. etc.----------------------The article continues, but you get the idea. We’re under attack!I’m sure you know about chemtrails. They are evident everywhere in the skies over America. Some third world countries don’t have chemtrails, but the winds respect no borders.When you put this with the Project Blue Beam plans, and the takeover of our food supply, modifying it, and causing it not to

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reproduce itself, the wars being planned, and the eradication of Yahuweh’s people that is planned – you’d better prepare yourself to meet Elohim. Your eternal destiny is on the line, and the better your relationship with the Master, as a faithful, trusted, known and loved servant, is of prime importance. When the mind is shut down – the mind of the soul that operates through the brain – then you’d better know how to operate in the mind of the spirit and keep the portal open to the eternal realm of Yahuweh.Its getting rough and heavy, but then this Fall we’ll enter the 4th year of the final seven years before Messiah comes. We’re well into the 70th week of Daniel. It seems the whole international community at every level understand this, for they are doing all they can to prevent Messiah’s coming and prepare arks of safety for themselves, yet the fantasy-loving “believers” are off in Cinderella land, doing nothing to prepare themselves, believing in fantasy

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theology. I guess you heard about the California evangelist who predicted the end of the world on May 22nd, then, when it didn’t end, instead of humbling himself, he said his math was off and now it is October 22nd. And the fools who listened to him did not know the Word, which says the world will never end. But, I know they were talking about the pre-tribulation rapture (total hoax). People like this have no concept of being led and taught by Yahuweh’s Spirit, nor do they want to spend the time to hear Him.

Now we’re hearing of revival among the Jews in Jerusalem – those secular and religious Jews who are coming to know the Messiah of Israel--Yahushua. And He is doing miracles among the people like He did when He was on earth here. Some of this is being done sovereignty by the Spirit of Yahuweh, as they meet together in secret to find Him in the Scriptures. But, recently there was an evangelistic crusade in Tel Aviv, and many received “Yeshua” as Savior and some were healed of physical problems. They came forward to repent and weep and give themselves to the Messiah of Israel. The great revival of Zechariah 12:10-13:1 has begun already. Pray for Abba’s Spirit to move mightily over His people that they might return to their faith in the Elohim of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob by faith in the blood of the Lamb, and then obey the Torah of Yahuweh.

Shalom, Yedidah

Page 17: HAARP Atmospheric Plasma Weapon - laydownlife.net Atmospheric Plasma W…  · Web viewThe Air You Breathe Is Being Used To . Take Over Your Mind And Body. I’ve been writing a lot

May 25, 2011

PS: Strange that a year ago today at this very time, I, and a friend were at the Great Pyramid of Giza speaking judgment on the gods of Egypt that still rule the land. Now a year later, to cross the Sinai back and forth between Taba to Cairo in a mini-van by ourselves, like we did, would be insanity--that region is filled with terrorists.