GVPT Brochure



Research and faculty highlights from the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland.

Transcript of GVPT Brochure

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BE Civil

College of

Behavioral & Social ScienceSthe Solution

department of

Government & Politics

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Governments are the backbone of organized societies, regulating money,

education, health care and social programs, as well as providing for public

safety and national defense. In the department of government & politics at the

University of maryland, we give ordinary people the tools and information they

need to improve the quality of their government—and thus their lives—and we

provide the expertise and data for policymakers to address social problems

and societal conflicts. We offer new insights about strife in the middle east and

minority political participation in the United States through funding from and

partnerships with leading research organizations such as the national Science

foundation and the pew Charitable trusts. our location, just a metro ride from

Washington, d.C., allows our students and faculty to connect with key players

in governments and in organizations around the world.

throUgh oUr reSearCh, We’re brIngIng neW UnderStandIng to the ComplICated

politics that govern our world.

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Sticky Note
Design should match other brochures, with "big word" starting out paragraph?
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The Latino population is on its way to becoming the

largest minority ethnic group in the United States,

increasing from 12.5 percent in 2000 to 16.4 percent in

the 2010 census. Stella RouSe explores Latino public

opinion on issues such as immigration reform and

education, as well as how effectively government policies

represent these interests. She also looks at other ways

Latinos participate, such as through community activism

or religious affiliations or by contacting lawmakers.

Whether developing an online system to make it

easier for military members and citizens abroad to

vote or educating the public about super PACs, Paul

HeRRnSon’S cutting-edge work is making us a better-

informed nation. He directs Maryland’s Center for

American Politics and Citizenship, which conducts

research and provides education and outreach on hot

topics such as money and politics, voting systems and

negative campaigning, and trains future leaders to

address the critical issues of tomorrow.

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American Politics » We study the highest levels of

the U.S. government and the behaviors of everyday

citizens, from partisanship and ideology in Congress

to voting patterns based on age, race and geography.

As changing demographics transform the political

dynamics of our country, the work of our engaged,

diverse faculty plays an essential role in influencing

policy and informing the public.

“Working at the center for american Politics and citizen-ship, i co-wrote two reports on state politics and participated in several caPc events con-necting the university to state policymakers. This gave me a chance to see firsthand how professors and graduate stu-dents conduct and prepare academic research while also honing my practical database, presentation and writing skills.”Alex Knobel ’13

16%of the U.S. popUlatIon

IS latIno, aCCordIng to the 2010 CenSUS.

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Without international laws or oversight, what makes

global companies play by the rules? Virginia Haufler

examines the role of these businesses in new efforts to

set international standards, as pressure from non-

governmental organizations, consumers in different

markets or even other corporations lead them to change

their behavior. For example, she’s evaluating the success

of the certification process designed by activist groups

in collaboration with governments and the diamond

industry itself to keep “blood diamonds” out of the global


Paul HutH studies why countries go to war and how

negotiations and international legal processes can bring a

peaceful end to conflicts. He looks at territorial disputes,

such as the extended struggle between India and Pakistan

for Kashmir, to determine under which conditions they

escalate or are settled without arms. He hopes to provide

policy guidance so decision-makers can anticipate when

these parties are willing to turn to institutions such as the

International Court of Justice or arbitration panels.

International Relationships » All countries have

relationships with others, whether it’s a peace treaty

with a neighbor or a valuable trading partner an

ocean away. Even a determinedly isolationist coun-

try, such as North Korea, must interact with

outsiders. We’re analyzing those links, with an eye

on not only the nations themselves, but also the

major organizations and corporations that influ-

ence those connections.


member StateS In the UnIted


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the u.S. haS the largeSt economy

in the world, followed By china.

As China’s global influence grows, so does the significance

of the U.S.-China relationship. Margaret Pearson

studies the effectiveness of the country’s industrial

policy—the funding of state-run companies to dominate

sectors such as electricity and telecommunications—in

achieving governmental goals of producing innovation

and upgrading technical capacity. Her work provides new

understanding of China’s domestic economic policies that

seek to balance state intervention and market forces.

Kanisha Bond is demystifying the shadowy players

in inter- and intrastate conflicts: terrorists, guerrillas,

paramilitaries and other violent extremist groups.

Through her research on alliances and collaboration

among them, individual governments and the

international community can better understand the role

that violent non-state actors play in modern-day conflicts.

Global Governance » Every state has its own way

of governing and its own political culture. We’re discov-

ering how each country is similar—and how they’re

drastically different. We compare electoral institutions

and bureaucracies, and their impact on the quality of

government and on the role of religion and race in

homogenous and heterogeneous societies—all to

draw out common themes and create greater under-

standing in our increasingly globalized world.

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In the aftermath of tragedies, such as the terrorism of

Sept. 11, 2001, leaders may take advantage of a nation’s

fear. Fred AlFord, who studies moral psychology, says

they must guard against that temptation because humans

are capable of great hate—but also love and reparation.

His work on trauma, including extensive studies of

Holocaust survivors, brings new light to the motivations

of the Nazis and those who cooperated with them.

Is a democratic state necessarily a secular state? IAn

WArd brings together religious and political studies

to show how a deeper understanding of their relationship

can help governments make better decisions. Whether it’s

the American concept of “separation of church and state,”

the French ban on religious head coverings in schools or

the Lebanese requirement that leaders come from certain

sects of Christianity and Islam, he’s examining how elected

governments interact with religions in their countries.

a well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people . —JAmes mAdIson

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Human nature & Civil society » What does it

mean to be free? What actions are “right” or “good”?

What are the responsibilities of a citizen? Political

philosophers theorize on human nature and the

ideas behind the organization of government. Draw-

ing from human experiences around the world and

from the depths of history, we seek to understand

the morals and ethics that guide our actions and

their implications for civil society.

“as an intern in congressman Steny hoyer’s (D-Md.) office, i learned about the day-to-day operations of a legisla-tive office while gaining valuable policy research experience. it was an amazing opportunity for me to apply what i had learned in class to the real world.”nirAnjAn MurAli ’13 / M.P.P. ’14

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afrICan amerICan StUdIeS be eMPowered

anthropology be culturAl

CrImInology & CrImInal JUStICe be just

eConomICS be efficient

geographICal SCIenCeS be globAl

government & polItICS be civil

hearIng & SpeeCh SCIenCeS be heArd

JoInt program In SUrvey methodology be counted

pSyChology be understood

SoCIology be sociAl

www.gvpt.umd.edu P 301.405.4156 » f 301.314.9690


The department of Government &

Politics is one of the college of behavioral

& social sciences’ 10 diverse,

interdisciplinary departments and

programs, all committed to investigating

and improving the human condition.

College of

Behavioral & Social ScienceSthe Solution

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