Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun

[Issued with Army Orders for May, 1024. GUN DRILL iroIl GUN. LONDO~( L rUBLIOJIED BY M~Jl~s1’X’~ STATIONEII! ~.b. pnre1~sed alr.’otiy fro~n lOX. S~VATIOYB1tY OFFiCl~ .~ th~ foll~..1n~ .4Or..i~ø iln~ut’S~ fl none, X~ng~~v~y, Ln~Iott, W.U 2 28. -~ ~ r,t, ioIo~, ~. ~Y.1, ~or~ St~ee0 11an~h~~u-r; 2, St. Andr~wi ~ C~dUl~ 120, U.~rg~ Stret. 1C.IInht~rg0 orthro~gh~ny 0ooke~i1.. 1024. 49 W.O. VU?S [Crown Copyright Re3erved. 47-inch Q.F. (LAND SER~ Price 4d. Net.


Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun

Transcript of Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun

Page 1: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun

[Issuedwith ArmyOrdersfor May, 1024.




L rUBLIOJIED BY M~Jl~s1’X’~STATIONEII!~.b. pnre1~sedalr.’otiy fro~nlOX. S~VATIOYB1tYOFFiCl~.~th~foll~..1n~.4Or..i~ø

iln~ut’S~fl none, X~ng~~v~y,Ln~Iott,W.U 2 28. -~~ r,t, ioIo~, ~. ~Y.1,~or~ St~ee011an~h~~u-r;2, St.Andr~wi ~ C~dUl~

120, U.~rg~Stret. 1C.IInht~rg0




[Crown CopyrightRe3erved.

47-inch Q.F.(LAND SER~

Price 4d. Net.

Page 2: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun

[Issuedwith Army Or~1er~Jo~May, 1024.7. ~- -.



GUN DI~1~’iron -

4’7-inch Q.F. GUN.(LAND SERVICE.)



Tol-~pnrclns-tT iirrlfyfrnns 22... .tT(O~C2tV orl-2c-Irotthr foiltn~lg a4lrr,s~J2iperlal I onlor E iigooov Loin. W U 2 ?8. A Illt,ltr 0i-rot. l.oadot, S.W.1,

York OLORUS SI anti St yr I. Si Aol rr , ,;rr,rrnt, Cardiff;225, I’S ogr tAr 0 lilt log)

or tb oogh sty liookeculrr


Price 4d. Net.

Page 3: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


By Cotnonaitil of the Army Council.

I”iti~ \VAn OF’lJu!i,



AlShreVilLtIollA .. ... ... ... ... ... 5UCuIMal InbltrUCtiuOlA ... ... ... •.. ... 6



1. The (IctaClilnelIt ... ... ... ... ... 72. l)uties of 1 .,. ... ••. ... 8

3. Dutiesof 2 •.. ,.. •.. ... ... .., 104. Duties of :1 ,. ... ... ... ... .~ 13

- l)utics of 4 -. ... ... ... ... .., 14(3. Dutiesof 5 and 7 - ... ... ... ... ... 157. Duties of 6 and8 ... .,,~... ... 158. 1)utics of Layer ... ~. ... ... ... 169. Duties of Setter ... ... ... ... ... 17

Page 4: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun

10. Procedure ...

11. Reports- ...

12. Duties of sectioncominandet-13. Inspection by sectioncomniander


GUN DR [LI.,.14. Generalinstructions15. The detachment16. To fall in17. To tell off18. Positionsat detachmentrear19. To form detachmentrear20. To prove.21. To standfast22. To changeround23. Positionsundercover24. To takepost undercover25. Positions in action26.

tro take post in action

27. To test circuit28. To load29. To make safe:10. To lay and fire:31. Missfires

32. To stop firing33. To empty guns

~4.To unload(Cartrid~csonly)



• . . . • . • . . 292329






Page 5: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun

4Suc. PAO]i

Gun drill—continued.35. To ceasefiring ... - • • • •. ... ... :3536. Casualties ... .,. .. • - • • 36:17. Mishapswhich may occur,,Scc ... ... :3638. Instructionsasto firing salutesandblankainmuni•

lion ... ... ... .•. ... ... ... :37


39. Recessesand depots... ... - • - • •. ...


40. Introductory ... .•. ... ... ... ... 4041. Syllabusfor examinationin gnu laying ... ... 40


42. Clinometers ... ... . . • .• ... ... 5043. Care of sightsand telescopes - •. ... ... 5044. Testsfor bendin Y.hraekets • • •.. •.. 5145. Testsfor sightingtelescopes - -. ... ... 5246. Test andadjustmentof rocking liar sights •. 5347. Generalinstructions for I esting and adjtistitog

onto-sights •.. •.. •.. • -. •.. 5448. Testfor verticality of pivot with auto-sights ... 51349. Mechanical test with auto-sights - .. • •. . - - 5750. Testof zero of deflectionscaleof auto-sights • . 5951. To datumtheauto-sight ... ... . ... .•. (3052. Testfor backlash • -, - • • • •. ... ... 6253 Test,&c., for verticality of pivot with elevationft~djçator , -•. . £2

Page 6: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


SEC.54. Guns .,. ... ...

55. Mountings ... ...


5(3. Generaliiist,t’iictiotis ... ... .

57. Charges,detonat,ni-s,anil fuze . .

58. To prepare a chaige ...

59. To fire a charge. ...


A.T.C. ... = Anti-Torpedo craft.B.C. ... ... Battery Commander..D.A. ... ... = 1)ireetAction (Fuzes).B. and P. ... = Electricand Percussion.F.S. Exploder = Field ServiceExploder.iI.E ... =o high Explosive.i.O.M. ... =o Inspectorof OrdnanceMachinery.I.T.P.B. ... = Instrument Testing Primary Batteries,L.B.M. ... = Lever BreechMechanism.M.P.I. ... =o Mean I’oint of Impact.M.S.L. ... Mean SeaLevel.M.V. ... ... Muzzle Velocity.Q.E. ... ... = Quadrant Elevator.Q.F. ... ... = Quick Firing.R.G.C.F. ... — Royal GunCarriageFactory.R.A.O.S. ... Regulations for Army Ordnance

Services.S.C ... = SectionCommander.

(a 27/107)1’

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Practicalinstructionin the equipmentshould be giventoeachrecruit beforeany attempt is madeto instruct him ingun drill.

In teachingthedutiesof eachmanat thegun,theinstructorshouldtry to do so by rebsoningratherthanby a longexplana-tion in words. By meansof questionand answerhe shouldtry to draw from tho recruit the correct solution as to loisduties, being careful to lead the man’smind into the desiredchannelof thought. Should this attemptfail, the instructorshould give a demonstrationto einphasisothe points therecruit has not grasped. Such demonstrationsshould dealwith the work of eachnumber in the detachment,and allmete under instruction should, in turn, carry out the workof eachparticular number.

Instructionin gun drill shouldbeginassoonasthemenareconversantwith all parts.of the equipment,and can handlein tile best and quickestmannereachof the working partsof the gun. Once the work of each number has beenthoroughly mastered,it should not take long for a recruit tolearnthe actualdrill. -,

It is important that a markeddistinctionshould bedrawnbetweeninstructionand drill.

During the former the languageusedshould be as simpleas possible,and the meaning of all technical terms whicharenecessarymustbecarefully explained. A conversationaltoneshouldbeadoptedandunder no circumstanceswhatevershould anything in the nature of long quotation from, drillbooks be allowed. The mete should ho permittedto assumean easyattitude and their interest should not be allowed toflag. They should be encouragedto ask questions.

Page 8: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


At drill, on the contrary, rigi(l discipline must bt main•tamed,ordersmustbeclearlyanddecisiveandthedetachmentho made to work steadily, smartly and rapidly. . At thesametime theutmostaccuracyis essential,andanydeviationsfreonthe methodslaid downmustat once be checked.

It is advisablethat a portion of the drill should besuchasto give instruction in firing at long ranges.

With certain guns thesupply of ammunition is the mostdifficult and laboriouspart of the serviceof the guns. Thiscan best be taught by meansof the “loading teachersand the dummy ammunition supplied for the purpose.




This chapter summarizes thee duties of each individualnumberin the detachment. It is intendedonly as a guideto theinstructor,who shouldusehis own wordsincxplainingthe various duties to the men.

Thedetachmentis composedof ten numbers. The serviceof time gun is divided betweenthem as follows

1. ... ... ... ... ... in command.2. . ~. ... .,, ... ... the breech.3 and4. ... .., theloading. -,

(a 27/107)T

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5 and7. ... . . . •.. ... the shell.6 and8. ... ... - ... ... thecartridgesLayer ... ... ... ... ... the sights.Setter ... ... ... ... ... the clicking

- indicator anddeflectionscale.

Theduties of each individual numberareas follows :—


1. He COMMANDS and is entirely responsiblefor timeserviceof his gun.

2. He gives the WORDSOF COMMAND detailedfor himin Cieaptcr III. His ordersmust be given clearly, but notlouder than is necessaryto enablethe detachmentto hear.Before giving a word of commandhemust repeatthe letterof his sectionand the numberof his gun.

3. He is responsiblefor ensuringthat his gun is laycd ontime target ordered.

lie must be prepared-to perform the duties of sectionconmneamlerwhen necessary.

Ho is responsiblofor seeingthat time BORE of his gun isCLEAR, before evemi drill ~heh1and cartridge are usedthis precauttomeis particularly necessaryat night and beforefiring blank.

When a tube of primer is fired in preparingfor action, Itowill seethat no oneis in fm-omit of time muzzle,andin all easeshe is reponsiblethat no chargeis in the gun.

Noru.—All breech‘numbersmustbewarned thatundernocircurn-~tance8maytht sri~crbesnappedunle~ca cartrid


Page 10: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


andtube,or afired (or drill) tubeare in tine gun; that shouldit be necessaryto easesprings it should be donegentlybyhand; also that the breech of the gun, if empty, saud beclosedgently.


i. Satisfies himself that time BUE~FERis properlyconnectedup, not leaking at time glands, andcontainstime correct amount of oil.

ii. Seesthat the RUNNING-OUT RO1)S are properlysecured.

iii. &esthat theCA[°SQIJAIIES areproperlysecuredandthat the lubricatoron top m)f cradleis filled withoil.

iv. lie marks the CORRECTIONS for SECTIONDIFFERENCE iii time most convenientposition

- for time Setterto see theta, and includes “ guncorrection“ if ordered.*

v. Supervisestime work of time restof time detachment..

5. Ome time order “ LOAI) “he RAMS Imome.

6. During ACTION, at PERCUSSION FIRING heattachestime lanyard and eails “ Ready,’’ amod, 0mm tiu~order

Fire” irons time Layer, pulls the lanyard andFIRES thegun.

Gun eorreetiona, if orlereS are u(ramaltg apptiJrt On rte trir ron5

s~dia1s.If rznqe ind~eatorlists ars bein~i,~r are tikrtte to be ,mard, it map be co~tenle~tfo s1~owthemwIth erou~differcmwc corrrctioei.,.

Page 11: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


7. During ACTION, ho :—

i. PASSESon ORDERSto theLAYER whennecessary.ii. Carriesout time 1)ISTRIBTJTION OF FIRE SCHEME,

subject to correction by the S.C., directing timelayerof his gun on to targetsin accordancewiththat scimemoby time order “Trail right (or left).”

8. respomesibieforfire control, amid, if present,givesorders for tho commencementof fire. Fire control alsoincludes distribution of fire, but during an action tieo S.C.should not as a rule give direct ordersas to distribution offire, unlessabsolutelymmecessary,astimeseordersareembodiedin the distribution of fire scheme.


1. lie opensand closes the BREECh and is responsiblefor time breechcover. -

2. He brings up the TRAY STORES complete, electricandpcrcussiommtubes,spareleadsandlanyardsandwaste,andfor drill a drill tube.

Contentsof TraIl stores:— - - Number.Boxes,tube,garrison (1 to imold spareparts) ... 2Can,lubricating, No. U ... ... ... ... 1Cieaik,piece ... ... ... ... ... 1Extractor,cartridge,hand,Q.F. small ... ... 1Lanyard(rear),firing, No. 8 ... ... ... 1Screwdriver,G.S.,4-melt ... ... ... 1Spanner,adjustable,15-incim ... ... ... 1Spanner,No. 150 -.. ... ... ... ... 1Striker, E. andP. ... ... .... ... 1

Page 12: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


Contentsof TrayStores—continued. Number.Wrencim,breccim mechmammism,N. 67 ... 1

,, ,,‘ ,, ,, 70 - ... ... 1-,, ,, ,, ,, 71 ... ... 1,, ,, ,, - ,, 78 ... ... 1


i. hands time electric tubes to the cartridge miunmbers(onlyif adaptersandcleetricstubesarebeingused).

ii. Fills time percussiontube box and attaehe~it to theleft sideof time mnouimt-utgjim a convenientpositiommfor use.

iii, Placestime spareleadson therighmtsideof themountingin a eomevcnientposition for use.

iv. Teststime lanyardsamid attachestimcns loosely to timeright side of time mnoummting.

v. Opensthe breechmby taking imokl of time leverwith hisright handand pulling it towards imint its far as itwill eoimme. Exaimmines the breeclm screw amidthreads of time breecim, seesthmat timey arc cleanand free from burrs,and lubricatestime threadswith a sligimt film of oil. Lubricatesthe breechmnechmanismnthoroughly amid placesthe striker inposition. -

vi. Placestime cartridgeextractor omm the gun floor underthe breech,his oil cams and waste in a convenientpositionome theright of time gun andtheremainderof Imis storesin a convenientposition ummder coverin time tray of stores.

(Time breecimis to be left in time openposition..

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4. On the order “LOAD” -

i. At ELECTRIC FIRING he opens time breech, ifit has been closed, by taking hold of the leverbreech mecleammism witim his right iian(l (palmto tho left) amid pulling it towardsleim as far asitwill comrme,takingcarenot to jar timecarrieragaitesttime gnu. lb closes time hreecht witim his rightlmammd, as soon as “ 1mm” hints beoni called by 3 or4~placeshi is right wrist elm tIme clii nomet,erplane,the oxtemided fitmgers toughmimmg timo layer lightlyon time shoulder,and calls “ Ready.”

ii. At PE1WUS~S’IONFIRING.—As above withthee followimmg exceptions

After 3 or 4 has entered the cartridge withadapter,but witimout tube,2 closestimo breech,toasccrtaimmthat time chargeis house,then openstimebreechcarefully, so as not to work time gums ex~tractor,andwhen3 or4 hasput in time tubeclosesit carefully to avoid jarring tIme tube. 2 timencockstime striker.

NOTE 1.—Atpercussionfiring the lead to the striker should bedetachedas it might causea misafire.

Noru 2.—Whenfiring blank time felt jacket u’ill on no accountbe removedfront time filled cartridge bog.

5. As soon astIme gums has fired 2 graspstime lever brcccimmechanismwith his right hand(paInsto time left), and openstime breechwithoutjarring timecarrieragainstthegun. holdingthe extractor in his left hand, closedforcfinggr amid thumbcloseup to thehones,lie appliesit umider timeprimer or adapterand witle a quick jerk ejectstime empty cartridgecaseover

Page 14: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


hmis left hmammd. (1mm using time extractorho niustavoid turninghis wrist and so timrowing empty casesomit sidewaysand endover end,as theymay injure time imunmbers in rear.)

Time gun is at ommoo to ho reloaded.

4. DUTIES OF 3.1. lIe LOADS altermemitivelywith 4 and is respoimsiblo for


2. lie bringsup knee capsantI 1)RILL CAIITRII)GFi withprimer andadapter. (The drill cartridge is broughtup atall times for carrying omit time “Safety andEfliciemmcy Test”of time striker).

3. At PREPARATION FOR ACTION hoi. Gives eachgums floor nunmbera kmmeo cap,placesthe

drill cartridge(~m-ithmprinmer andadapter),amid timeloading tray omm time gumm floor, to time left rear oftime breech.

ii. Assists2 in lubricating time breechmechanism.

4. Onthe order“LOAD”(a) At ELECTRIC FJIIING.—3 ,mr 4 Immucaps tIme fmmze,

- picks imp projectile, keeping C.G. supported onhug left hanml and stcadyimmg basewith his righthand,fist clenchmed. As breechscrewswingsopen,

- ho slides projectiie into eiiammuln’r by Icattingforward. andswings rrnmmiml err his hips t a his mightto rms-.:iven—art rides- iianrric-il to irijim liv ‘~m, olin linusreceived it from 6. lb takes the eam-tridge,holding the adapter between the thumb amid~oreflnger of imis right. mmd, his left hmammd under-

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neatim at time centreof time cartridge. He loads- cartridge and calls “In.” After loading lie

stepsback. -

In this way 3 and4 loadalternately.

(b) At PERCUSSIONFIRING.—Timo cartridge is fittedwith an adapter,but witimout tube,arid is loaded

- into time gun as above, amid time breech closed.It is openedagain carefully by 2, and3 or 4 thenputs a percussiontubeinto theadapter.


1. lie LOADS alternatelywith 3.

2. At PREPARATION FOR ACTION hmci. Placesrammer in rear of thee breech,head to timo

front. -

ii. Brimmgs up time SECTION and BATTERY STORESandplacestlmeni wimere ordered. -

Sectionand Battery Stores. - -

(Takenup by 4 after imo hastaken up imis gun stores).Hammer,claw - ... ... ... - 1 for cadssection.l’hicrs, side-cmmttimmg,8-inch ... ... 1 ,, ,,

iVimistle ... ... ... ... 1 ,,

Bar tcstimig sigimt ... ... ... 1 - - ,, work.Chinometer,large ... ... ... 1 ,,

4. On theorder “LOAD” lee takesup thepositiommvacatedby 3 andloads asdetailedfor 3.

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1. Timey attemedto time PROJECTILES.

2. They bring upGreasebox, brush, 2 keysNo. 5; for drill, a drill shell

ammd such extractor.


i. They prepareto issue projectiles fromn recessesordepots as ordered. Time projectiles are feuzed

ii andcleaned.ii. 5 handsa fuzc key to 3 or 4.iii. For drill, they place the drill shell and extractor

itt a conevemmiemitpositionfor use-.

4. On time order “LOAD” 5 or7 placesa projectile omm timegume floor.

5. During ACTION 5 and 7 keep 3 amid 4 supplied witimprojectiles. -

N0TE.—Whenusing I!.E. shell 5 and7 unpin timefu~e-sbefore~: placing the~helton time grin floor.


1. They attend to the CARTRIDGES.2. They bring up

Keysof cartridgeandsuch recesses; bracesmimagazineamidbit, 1 key No. 24—adapterpr primer, 1 he’

1- No. 25

—adapteror primer, amid cartridge holder ; fordmihi, a drill cartridgeanddrill primmeeror adapter.

3. At PREPARATION FORACTION theyi. Unlock recesses. -

Page 17: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


ii. Prepareto issuecartridgesIrons recessesor depotsasordered.

A proportion of -time cartridgesshould be pro.paredfor percussionfiring mm caseof breakdownof electricfiring.

iii. For drill theyplacetimo drill cartridgein aeomeveniermtpositionfor use.

N0TIn—Carlridgesshould aiu’oys he e.xum-ined,e7atiirml (f (illtitling, anti gaugedis time gunsin which f/icy arc going to beused.

4. On the order‘‘ LOADi. 6 holds thee cartridgeat thee ends,imis riglmt handover

the primer or adapter,amid hmaiedsit to 4.ii. 8 keeps6 suppliedwitim cartridges.

5. DuringACTION 6 keeps3 alit! 4 suppliedwitlm cartridges.


1. lIe LAYS, and at ELECTRIC FIRING FIRESthe gun.

2. He brings up sighmt bar and telescope,amid assiststimesetter to takeup andfix in positiontIme electric firing batteryif it isnot alreadyon themounting.

3. At PREPARATION FORACTION lie :~i. Fixes imis sight iii time cradle mind seesthat it fits and

works properly amid that timo sight-carrier orbracketis firmly mitt-achedto tho imiommietinig.

ii. TESTStime SIGhT and if it ho found out of adjust.mmient m-epontsto theS.C. aridunderhis supervisionrcadjmists.

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- liL Seestiemit time ELEVATING GEAR is oiled -and is ingood working order and that the mnountingtraverseseasily. - -

iv. Connectsimp amid exammuimec-stime ELECTRIC FIItIN(,bCIRCUIT amid tightens up amid exammuirmes mmiibinding screws, terminals, spare leads- andeoimtact,s. - -

v. I)i~i’Uh1Sfun AlI’l’O-Sl(ibi’l’ mmmmihm- flu’ r-nrrpen-’isiormof the S.C. . . -

.I)uriumg actiomm lie :— - - . -


iL OBSERVEStime fire of his gnu omu the target givenhim by time setter amid - ORI)ERS time necessaryCORRECI’IONS for LINE, - which aro thenapplied by time setter. Should thmo laVer failsoto correcthis fire, time S.C.will ordercorrections.

iii. At ELECTRIC FIRING heFIRES mis soonas hehasaccuratelylaid time- gone and after 2 has called“ Ready.”

iv. At PERCUSSIONFIRING Imo ORDERS“FIRE”assoon aslie hasaccuratelyiaycd time gun.

NOTE 1.—Thewords“yards,” “ clicks,” and “ deflection” areunderstoodand are ncr-ergiven.

No’rs 2.—itis roostioi-porta-nt that layers -ri-ho ore beingtrainedfor nightfiring shall at all timesbemadeto etc-setheir eyesonfiring.


(if miot alreadyon time mommmmting). -

Page 19: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


No’rn.-~—Thelayer and setterwill takeup and set in positio?m theelectricfiring batteryif n~talreadyon themounfing.


i. Placespistol grip in positiomm. -

ii. Uncoversor placesin positiontime rangedial, seesthatit is properlyconnectedupand clmecks it underthesupervisionof theS.C.,assistslayer.


- RANGE and LINE orderedby time S.C. Correc.tions ordered by the layer aro never repeated

-but are applied at omece.ii. Whermrepeatingimmitial correctionshewill facetowards

- the- S.C. Corrections are to be repeated inorder from righit to heft throughout thee section.

iii. Alterations in dehlectiomi are cr.imemlative ann! are to- begiven in chicks moreright (or moreleft), thus,

“Right two.” -

iv. Setterswill apply deflectionon tlme~deflectionclicker.One click, i.e., a quarter turn of time deflectionwheel,- gives 5 minutes. To ensurethe correctnumber of clicks being applied time setter willcounttime clicksastheyarebeingput en, e.g.

S.C. “Right - four.”- Setter “ One, two, three, on.”

S.C. “Left two.”Setter “ Once, on.”

The words “ yards,” “~lick~,”and “ deflection,” are under.8tood arid - are never given.

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(SeeSees.41,42and196 CoastArtilleryTraining, Vol. 1., 1921.~

~O. PROCEDURE.- -- - - -,

1. On the order from tho BatteryCommnanmderto “ Pneparofor action,” time detachmentis movedinto thework, andhaltedin the position of “Dctneimmnmentrear.” Rifles mire placedintime arm racks, accoutrementsand jackets are removed,allgun floor meumbersremovetheir boots andphaco them tindercoveraridput onglmn floor shmoesamid kneecaps. Timedetach--rent themefalls in as before.

If more thanone gun of a sectionis beingmanned,cacheNo. I marcheshis detachmentto’ his gun as above, or t-osuchotherconvenientposition under cover as time S.C. maydirect. - -

2. The S.C. details ivhieh detachmentwill be remmpoxmsiblofor taking up SectionandBatterystores,andorders“ A SectionPreparefor Action,” the No. I marchesthe detachmnecxmttotime storeand supervisestime issueof the storeslain! down forcachemeuniber. - -

The S.C. provides himself with amid takes up (lie gauge-

protrusion striker and imistrument testing primary batteriesor volt-ammeter. (Time latter is “a Batterystorm..”)

NoTE.—When1/mere is more 1/ran onesection i-n th-e battery, thesenior S.C. will take up time-in8trunrent testing primarybatteries or volt-ammeter, lie will al-so detail one of irisdetachmentsto takeup the BatteryStores.

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3. Time No. I thmen marchesIris detachmentto tire gun, amidon arrival at time emplacement floor all storesare put dowmm,aned tho detachmentstandsroundand uncoversthe gun. 2removesbreechcover,3 muzzlecover,andtheremaindertheegun cover. After this ieas been clonic “Detachnmentrear” isformed.

if InstructionalDrill is beingcarriedomit time No. I thereorders“Take Post,” and the mmmmebcrsdouble to their positions.

4. The No. I then ordei-s “ A. I P-rcpare~forAction.”

Th~grin is thon pnepnnenlfor aetiomm, eachnumbercarryingout-theeduties laid downe ime Cheapt-ersI and II.

After cachenumberhasconmepletedhis work lie takespostathis position ire action. I


The No. I whenlie seesthat thmó work hasbeenmcomnpleted,mined that the numbersare mm their positionsin action callshis detachment to “ Attention,” am! collects reports asfellows :—

No. 1 “ A. I, Attent-iorm—lleport-s—Tnn-o.” 2, “ Corrector otherwise. “ Three‘‘ 3, “ Correct,” or otherwise, ann!80 0mm timronmgim time wimolo detauhmnment,fmmmisimimng with timoLayer.

Re then poimits emit to his detacluuennt-tIme posit-bin of tImeSection and BatteryStoresand0mm-n Store-c,seesthat the boreisclear, amid orders mis dctachmrnenitummder cover.

Thenumbersdoubleto andsit on theeformson the emplace-ment floor.

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During thepreparationof tine gun for action, time S.C. per’sonahlyexaminesthestudon thebreechscrewand makessurethat it is sound.No’rs.—Afaulty studmaycausecmi accident if resortis madeto

percussionfiring.Ho personallyexaminesamid gaugestheprotrusionof all time

strikers (including spare)in his section.NOTE.—To examine the striker, disconnectthe lend front time

striker, open the breech mind takeout (he ~s(riker. See1/natlime striker is correctlyassenthied,insulating measlier-sin posi.

- lion-, needlenetstightenedup, cockinghandlescrenmedironicand seenred by Replacethe striker and see thati/ic point of theness/icis ui/lila i/refaceof 1/re breechscrew.Connectup the leadto the strikeragain.

To gauge the protrusion of tine sled-er. With tire breech stillopen releasetime catch retaining breechsereneby hand, andhem the sereneinto 1/re locked]sosrtìon. J’-eill i/me .sird’er totug rear wit/u onlyjust sufficientforce to take up only el-ear.oncedime to wearin thethrustcoilon-s, and opply lire ‘‘ gauge/iro(rnswu striker.”

Iln~ tn-mIs lIne1

njstnd grip mnnnl nnne-mnsnnmt-s tine m-edt;n-gn of linemm-unit at- finn’ p~immtunf the sImilar with Ii,,- l.~_i’.I.. in- finn-amperagewith the volt-anuneeter,with thee pistol grip inposition, time No. I marking in chalk an t-ho left ~imleof thegum time voltage or amperageobtznnnemh.

NOTE.—Shoethlthe r-ollage be less 1/man 1, or lime umpemmmgsIc-mathan 4, the battery Will be tested cell by cell, and time badcell or cells mudegood, or removedeail replacedbyfreshcells. - -

(mc27/107)’v .4-4

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Ho supervisesthe datuming and adjustmentof time sight.

He gives orders to the ammmeunitionneumberswith regardto thearrangementand disposalof cartridgesand projectiles.

Tine No. I sits his dctaehmnemetat easeamid reports to theeS.C. “ A. 1. Bore Clear—lleemclyto Load.”

The S.C. whenhehma~finmishedhiswork, goesto thegemneand- saysto time No. I, “I will inspectA. 1.” One this the No. Icallshis detaehmeietto at-temmtiommandgivestime order, “ Lmiyer,2, and3—TakePost.” - Time No. I, Layer, 2, and 3 doubletothicir positionsin action.

~3. INSPECTION BY SECTION COMMANDER.~ s~c~makessure that time Recoil, Laying, Firing, arid

Anmmeeunitionarrangementsof time gun are correct, by askinmgtime numbers,and by inspectionif necessary.

Ho tieen orders3 to load a drill cartridge, fitted with anelectric primer or adapter and electric tube, the Layer topressthe trigger firmly, and2 to closethe breechby pushingtheleverfrom him witim his riglmt handuntil thebreechscrewis locked, i.e., whenmthelower studon time turning leverof timesafetystop is half.way dowmm time safetybracketome the leverbreecie mechanism. In this position thee primer (or tube)should not fire, as tire striker is meld back from snakismgcontactwith time primer (or tube) by time action of theesafetystop. Time final movementof time lever in fully closing theebreechshouldfire time primer (ortube). 2 openstime breech amidextractstime cartridge,using time extractorwith imis left hamed.Time fired electric tubeis then extracted,or, if a primer hasbeen fired, an adapteris fitted.

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The S.C. then orders 3 to reloadand2 to closetho breechandopenit again,taking caremmotto work thme (gun)extractor.lie orders3 to inserta pereimssionetubeiii time adapter,and.2to close time breech carefnnhiy. lie therm orders2 to cock timostriker, ammd I t-o attachithe lanyard,arid fire time tribe. Timebreeelmis thenopened,time cartridgeextractedanne! time chiammibertlmoroughiy cleaned.

After time immspeetionthe No. I orders “Layer, 2, a-nd 3,Under Cover,” aned sits imis detacieneentat ease.

N0TE.—Ail -spare strikers al-so should be s-rubnnttedto thefore.going tests under time S.C. ‘a supervision, and tite drillcartridgeplaced clear on one side.

Time breccim of areunloadedgun is to be left opemmunlesstineS.C. orders it to be closed, e.g., wimeme loamling will not takeplacefor someconsiderabletime.

Time S.C. timen reports “ A Section—Ii comfy to- Load,” or,if lee haspreviously beenorderedto load, lie orderstime gunsto be leaded, and reporter “A Section—Readyfor Action.”

NoTn.—Iru1/nick weatheraind after preparationfor actionfor tinenight theS.C. will aluuysorder his gaits to be loaded,andhis gun look-outs to take post.

11i report underline circuunstancesme’ill be “ A Section—Readyfor Action.”

(n27/107)T -

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CoastAm-tillem-y T-raimninngmi-a downtime principlesof fightingtime armmeammienl.of a coast- fortress. ‘lime gun drill with eacim -

natureof armamentis laid nlowme in thee respectiveGun Drillpamphlets. This chapter detailsthe ordersgiven, and the -

procedureby wieich theseordersare carried out In time caseof the 47-ineie Q.F. gun (hand service).

The wording must be memorizedannul strictly adheredto,with the exceptionof Section 38, and all NOTES in italics.

The executiveorder is shown thmroeiglmout as being givenby the S.C., as will normally be time caseduring training.

Instructors cviii invariahdy employ thee ordersdetailedfortIme S.C., even whe’m drilling a singledetachemenit. -


The detachmentconsistsof a No. 1, a Layer, Setter andsevenother gun numbers.


Time detachementfalls in two deep,one pacebetweenranks,I on time left of thefront rank, coveredby thmo Setter.

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17. TO TELL OFF.Section commander. -

“A Seclion—Telloff.”I numbershimself1, theright handmanof therearrank2,

hisfront rankman3, andsoon. TheeLayerdoe-snotnumber.I Layer 8 7 5 3 (Front rank).Setter 6 4 2 (Rearrank).

-~ After telling off, if theweatheris cold, all men arc warned~to keep their handsas uarmas possibln,mis c-old hands load~ to slow ratesci fine.


<~- Formedimp anmml told ofT asin See.17 above, lealte(l in line~facing theefront, one the emplacementliner at time rear of tIme~,mmnounting.


-~ (From positions of “mane/er cover” or “in action”.)a S.C. I No. 1.

A Sec!ion—Deterclnmentj “ A.1—DonhleMarch.”Rear.”

I doublesto lmis place(in rear of the gun on theemplacementfloor, facing t-he front), and gives the order “ A.l—DoubleMarch.” At the orderfrom 1, time remmeainderdoubleto theirplacesand halt.

20. TO PROVE.To ascertainthat themen are in their correct placesthe

detachmentmaybeprovedas followsNo.1.

A.1.—Proveyournumbers.”~‘ ~ 3,’’ ~kc. ‘‘

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rflle number called one will raisehis rigiet armn, amid extemed

it smartly to tieo front, hatedopensandasleighastime shoulder,thumb upwards; wI-men time next rmumnber is -called, ho willdrop his arm; at “Down,” time last necmmbcr called willdrop his arm. -

21. TO STAND FAST.S.C. No.1.

“ A Section—StandFast.” — -

All standfastwlmateverthey aredoing. At time order “ Goon,” work is continued.NoTa.—lnpeacepractice tine bugle call “ StandFast” is acted

uponat oncebycc-eryon-eandisfoilouedby theorder “Make- Safe“from the S.C.


S.C. No.1.“ A Section—C/mangeRound.”Thefront rank takesonepaceto theeleft. I takesonepace

to his rear,thus lie-conning time Setter. 2 takes onepacetohis front, thnns becoming3.

(The detacimmentis time-n agaimmtold oil.)

23. POSITIONS UNDER COVER.I and2 on righmt of gun.3, 4, Layer and Setter on left of gtnnm. -

5, 6, 7 and 8 mm rearof time gun.24. TO TAKE POST UNDER COVER.

(From “ detachmentrear “ or “in action.”)S.C. No.1.

“ A Section—Undercover.” —

All doubleto time-jr position~sundercover.

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27 -


I on the- left of time rammer.Layer in rearof tine erimonniderpie-co.Setter on the left of tine Layer, except whmeme Auto.sight

fitted with Error of Day drumis La-imig used,when lme will beon time Right of thegumm insidethe~heield.

2 in rear of breechin prolongation of righetsideof gun facingtime Layer. his feet~hou1dbewell separate-miandkneesbentslightly. He shmnid stamedat such a distance timat whcnmopeningthe brecclm to tI-no fnnhlest extentwith mis right hand(palm to the left) closedover lever breech neeclmammisnme,timecarriercvill just mint jan againsttine gun and timrow the Layeroff time target. lie hoimis time extract-or in mis heft hand.

3 closeup to brce-eim on left sink.-, andfacing2.4 to rearof 3.5, 6, 7, annul8 atrecessor depotaserdereml.


S.C. No.1.“ A Section—TakeI’ost.” —

All doubleto theirpositiomis in action.


NoTmn.—Tlnis testis necessaryonly u-lmen gunsFnOc’C beenpreparedfor aeticnm sonneconsiderabletinie before the order to load i-~

given.S.C. - - No.1.

“ A Section—TestCircuit.” “ A. 1—TestCircuit.”2 openstIme breech,ii closed, short circuits the striker to

somepart of time gun, amid calls “Test-,” time Layer pressesthe

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lever immdieator,amid, if time-re inn a deliectiomm calls “ Correctif time-re is no deflection,ime calls “ No Circuit.”

If the-re is meo time- to oven-haultime circuit, the S.C. orders“ A. 1—Changeto Percussion.”

28. TO LOAD.S.C. No.1.

“A Section Load.” “A. I Load.”

N0TE.—TheS.C. doesnot give this order -until thenumbersorestandingsteadyin their places,or until thecircuits havebceinreportedcorrect.

Electric iiri~g-~----2 opeimsthe bce-ce-In,if it Innsbeenclosed.5 or 7 place-sprojectile one gmnmi Iloor.3 loadsshmell.1 canneshmommeu inc onemotion,out-erhandbackup, mimerImand

leach down. Withdraws rammersmartly a-nd standsby ton-annenext rm)und with ramnnierlie-ad just clearof recoil.

3 after loading sine-il slime-sroomedto receivecartrinlgefromni 4,leadsit, gives “ In “ mendstepsback.

4 chose-sup wit-in nextshell.

2 clans tine l~ccchi. ldmne-e-s mis rigid, inn mini nnmn clinn’nnnnntcrplane, oxtemidenI lii ngem-s tone-ming Lmnvcn- onm simotiltier, amimicalls “ Ready.”

Layer lire-s tin, gene assnoni aslie hmasae-cnnratel layed.5, 6, 7 and 8 keep imp line nnmnmmnnninit-inmi snipjniy.

Percussionfiring— -

As above-with time following exceptions:—

After 3 or 41mascute-re-mitime cartridgewith adapterandwith nmo tube,2 closestuebce-ce-lito ascertnimethat time

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ehmargois home,thenopenstime bce-eelscare-fully so as- not to work the gun extractor, amid wine-mm 3 or 4

leas put in 1-ho tube-, closes it carefully to avoidjarring time tube.

I time-nm pm’oc’in!es lminmself with a lamnyard amid 2 cocks thestm’ikcm-.

I attachesthe lanyard, calls “ Ready“ and stands byto liz-v on I-ho ernie-c ‘‘ Fire ‘‘ fronn thelayer.

At lint tony fine, or BatteryFire---- Fire by order,tine Imemivardis not attachedliar Jte’nnlmj ‘‘ n-al nd mm nit i - F-ire- ~l . I ‘‘ hasbce-miordem-ed by time- S.C.


S.C. - No.1.A Section—diakeSafe.” “ A. I—JIe,heSafe.”

Electric firing—2 pulls the lever towards him sufficiently to break the


Percussionfiring—I detaehesthelanyard,2 openstine breecimandreleasestine

striker. -

Nom.—’J’o continueafter “Mahe Safe” /u-n8 been ordered, 2closes the breech carefully to avoidjarring the percussiontubeand recocics,I attachesthelonyard.


AUTO-SIGHT.Positions. -

Layer and Setterat time- siglnt.

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Initial Corrections.S.C. “-A SectionTide Levers Ft. Rise(or Fall).”Layer. “ A. 1, Tide Lever El. Rise(or Fall).”S.C. “ A SectionAdd(or Drop) [yards or clicks]Setter. “ A. 1 Add(or Prop) [yards or clicks]”S.C. “ A SectioTi[deflection] i


t(or Left) [c-licks]

Setter. “ A. 1 [deflection] flight (or Left) [clicks]Layer and Setter apply correctiomnsthmoy leave repeated,

and repeatand apply all subscqucnmtcorrectionsordered bythee S.C. Chmamigesof deflectioneorderedby theLayer arenotrepeatedby tineSetter, bsmtareappliedasquickly aspossible.

No’ru.—If sights home been dntmmnneml, corrections are appliedsinnrt-imm-gfromrnthefalse zeronmarL-s, if snn-ch havebeen~namle.

To Lay.

Layer laysfor elevationandline andfire-s,or orders“Fire.”

To Fire.

At BatteryFirewhen time S.C. orders “Fire A. 1,” 2 closestimebreechandcalls “ Ready,” anmdtine Layer,whenaccuratelylayed,fires.

At “ Gun Fire,” the- S.C. orders “Fire “* the breech isclosed,the- gone is fired assoon as possibleafter “ Ready” isgiven,and fire is continuedasrapidly aspossible.

Percussionfiring—Similal’ to Electricfirimmg, excepttimat I attacimestime lanmyarnl

and calls “ Ready,” medonetime order“Fire” fi-onn theLayer,1 pulls time lanyardamedfires thegun.

* Tine order “ Fire” from the s.c. is not necessarywlneuchanging/rem ‘‘ BafleryFire “to “Gun Fire.’’

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31 -


Positions. -

Layer and Setter at time Sight.

- Initial Corrections.S.C. “ A SectionAdd(or Drop) [yards]Setter. “A. 1 Am/nI (or Drop) [yards]”S.C. “ A Section[n/cf lediome] [mininles] Right(or JAft)Setter. “ A. 1 [deflection] [minutes] Rig/nt (or Left).”

- Setter applies corree-tiunns 1mm hasrepeate-mIatmd repeatsandappliesall smmbenoqenenitcur re-ctions. -

To Lay.Settersetsroekimng barcombine-mi sigint to time rnmmge-.Layer lays for elevationsandline- mind fires.

Noru.—Rangesset by Setterinclude Gnnnand SectionDifferenceCorrections,if any.

To Fire.Similar to Auto.Sight.

- 31. MISSFIRES.Electric Firing.

If, wise-n the Layer pulls time trigger, tine gun fails to fire, horeleasesthe trigger amid calls out “Close thebreech.”

2 gives tine L.B.M. a smart tap with his right hand,amidascertainsby inspection.that it is Inonmo ; lie time-n calls

Ready.” Time Layer tine-ni again pulls limo trigger, and, ifthe gun againmissfmres,lie moldstime trigger pulled wlmile liecounts“ One,Two,Three,Four” aloudimm slow time if it stillfails to fire, herelcas~stime trigger and ca-his “ A. 1, Z&tis-nfire.”

TheLayer continuesto follow the target.

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I time-nmorders“Standclear,” amid all the- nmmnmnbersstmmme(lclear.1, 2, amed3, look routedthecircuit, keepingclearof recoil.They carry this out asfollows :—

i. If no deflection is given by the pistol grip they lookfor a breakin tlso circuit, and see if thefault canbe found and remedied (such as lover brace-Inmechanismriot home,contactsor binding screwsloose). The- fault, if found, is remediedand fire-continued.

ii. If a deflectionisgivenby thepistol grip they look fora short circuit, and,if found, theyremedyit and.continuefiring.

Nom’.—lf time fault is found anemi cannot be quickly remedieda changeis at oncemadoto percussionfiring.

If tine fault cannot be found the mletacimmne-mmtexcepttheeLayer need Setter “ Tmike eom’er” by on-mier of No. 1.Noru.—-----” ~I’akecover“ doessnot sn-meanlmnkinnqnp ‘‘ i’ositimnn-s-nn-,nmlm’r

corer “ limit nnammm-nmsqon’-m/ to jnosi(immeof sofet!, ~honn-idtin-c njunhappenIcfire. Cartridges -ivill cites’ bepni inn mm -position qfmifety. A sentry s’monn-lml inn me-lditiOnm be n/etailed to prevenntperson.sinmterferiruj with time gun.

.Ini peace-practice the Layer keepstime genelayed in a safedirection. (1mm war time safe-stdirection is thmit of the vesselbeing engaged.)

After em pu useq/’ fine -natenile-s I placeshinmmsciF dunm of, anmlin Ire-tnt- of, fhmm~ breechcmi the- left side mmml omensf-lee bce-ce-inby applying the loading tray to time lever brace-limmiechaniisxn.

After a/artherpauseof oneminute1, still keepingclear of thehmcecleremovestime cartridgewit1~extractorandhasit placedon one side clear of time gun.

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No’ra.—Durisn-yany losnypausein- thefiring (or in peacepracticeattine conclusionofpractice)Ihaprimeris removedandexamined.If it hasnotfired it is exchanged,and set ez8idefor specialexamination; if it hasfired, tine cordite i~destroyedand thecase with primer returned in the usual way. A cartridgefitted with amadapterand electriclubeis treatedin. th~san-neway.

Instructionsfor thedestructionof cordite are contained in theRegulationsfor Army OrdnanceServices.Pert II.

The Layer and I then test the circuit as followsI removesthe- striker anedlooks for a blowback, reneedicsit

if founed, and-re-placesstriker.I time--n closestheleverwith the- bce-ce-inin theopenposition

amid calls “ Test.”Layer pressestime lever indicator of pist ol grip.if time-re- is a deflection Layer calls “Deflection.” This

mle-notesa simort dye-emitand 1 orders C/mannye to Percussjoin—Gartridge only Loud.”

if tine-i-c is no deflection Layer calls “ No deflection.” ‘I’hisis corn-eel-.

1 tIne-n iuhioit circuits imeedleto bre-eclm sn-rein-annul nmgaimm calls“Test.”

If time-re- is no mb fine-tie-ni Layer cmdbs No nn’efiectinnn,’’ ‘l’Jmisdeimotesa breakiii tine- circuit annul I ordcr~ (J/nannye to /‘cr—cnnsno,z—-(~-rlrin/gcrun/n, ./~ie,’n/.”

If tine-re is a. uletlectiomm Layer cauis lkffrctiou.’’ This iscorrect nnmml I orders “ L’lcctrnc Piring—c’ar(ridge only LcxmNOT.u.—lt is mostunmportammtthat pcrcmnssiomfiring shouldnot be

resortedto exceptas a last resource,and every care shouldconsequentlybe takenof thefirinmy circuit. At the sametimeit iseven-innore importantI-hut gainsshouldbekeptin action. If,

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therefore, a missfire occurs, steps should at once be talceato see whether thefault lies in tine pruner (or tube) or thecircuit, and (p the latter (if not immediately remediable)changes/mould at once bemade to percussionfiring, and atthefirst pausein thefiring tine fault should be discoveredand rectified.


If whenI pulls time laimyard time-gnmne fails to fire, I calls outClosetine Breech.” I givestheL.B.M. a tapwitim theramnneer,

ascertainsby immspectionethat it is home,mmmd cocks thestrikerwith th~hook on tine end of the rmnmnner.

I re-attaches the lanyard amid calls “ Ready.” TheLayer thenagain orders “Fire,” mmcd if the gumm again amiss-fire-s I. calls “ A. I, iifissfire.”

Tine I time-xe orders “Take Cover” and time detaôhment,excepttheeLayer and Setter,take cover. -

Time Layer keepsthe- gune keyed in a safedirection.The-procedurethe-nis thesameasfor electricfiring. After

the cartridge has been extracted the striker mmmd tube- areexamined. If time tembe has not been struck, time- striker ischanged,if the tube has beenstruck, a new cartridge are loaded,time bree-cieclosed, andtime cactridgotried.Should this also missfirc, after a fun-thempauseas for elect-n-ic,the- striker is removed and changed.


“ A Section—Stop.” - -

The detachmentcontinuetheir duties, but time gun is notfired until the order “ Go on-” is given.

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“A Section—Emptyguns.”Any gun loadedis laycd amid fired.If asafetypineor cap hems bee-nere-unmovedbefore-time orderis

give-n, the- loading is completednoni time gun fired.N0TE.—In peacepractice tine layer keepstime guise layeni in a safe

direction. (In u’ar, the safestdirection is that of 1/ne c-es-eelbeingen-gm:gmid.)


A SectionCartridgeonty “ iLl, Cartridgeonly Usnload.”Un-loud”

2 opens thee breech, 3 or 4 takesomnt cartridge, tnnrns amidleanmdsit to 4 or 3, who Imands it to 6, wIno replacesit in itsbox.NoTln 1.—A No. I before givi-nng the order to io~dat might shnonnlml

alwayssearch thegunwith the taneof tine rammer,andif hefeelsa hell in the boreshouldmt onscc oem/er “ CartridgeonlyLoad” analkeepth~headof thera,nnnnner inn tin-c breechopeninguntil me seesthe cartridgeup ext thegun readyto be loanlemi.Thisprocedureprevent-sdoable shelling. In I/nc daytinnelieshomnlnlalwayslock to see that tine bore i-s clear before givingtine order to load.

NoTE 2.—UnIon-clungthe cartridge i-n n-merely a further safelyprecamntionu’hichnunyberenderednecessaryat i-ncace prsmclce.

35. TO CEASE FIRINGlIe-fore “Ceasefiring” is orderedgerms mustbee-mpty.

S.C. -

“ A Seclion—Eniplygurne Ceasefining.”(At drill thegun, if loaded,is unloaded.)

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The Layer depressestime gun. Time gun is stripped of itsstoresby thenumberswho put them on, i~time-n washedout,if necessary,and the breechclosed. Time detacimmentstandsround and replace-sthe covcrs—2 the breech cover, 3 thesnnnzzlocover, time remainder tine- gnun cover.

Tine numberspick up timo stores they inronigint up wine-mnpreparingfor action, fall in at “Detachment Rear,” and aremmmarebed back to time stun-c. St-na-esare Imanide-ni inn, nine-eked,mini Line ~i. I en lice-Is n-ennui report-sne-n i-nj ninlin innnen-s. -

36. CASUALTIES.(Seealso CoastArtillery Tramming, Vol. I, 1921, Se-c.55.)Casemaltieswill ho replaced as followsS.C. by the seniorNo. I in time group.No. I (or Setter), Layer, and leading mmumbe-rsby named

successorswino are generally e-mneployedin time detacimmmmcntamongthe Imighernummeberssupplyingammunitionundercover-

Nom.—Anystoreswhichare beingusedby a numberwho becomesa casualtyare left by him on the gunfloor, or are takenfromhim, e.g., at percussionfiring the lainyard used by 2, theextractor usedby 2, the loadimn.g tray usedby 3. - -


Dropped shell.—If 3 drops a projectile when loading it, 4 handshim the

cartridgewieieh he (3) turnsendfor end. 4 thenpicks up hisshell and loads it, and 3 having in the meantimewalkedround in re-arof 4, handshinethe cartridgeback again. Thedroppedsine-Il is pickedout of the way net tine first convenientpause.

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Dropped cartridge.— -

If a cartrid~o is dropped, another cartridge is mit oiic~handedup.

NOTE.—A droppedprimer or electric tube shouldneverbe useduntil it haspassedtime (JontinuilyTent.


I. Intu’ru’ul.-—ln firimng sneinnies them wilt inc nmun inntn-rvai ofsmut less tlmamm 15 secommnls he-twe-cnn ruin InnEu.

2. Numberof guns.—AQ.F. gnnn will not ho reloadedwithin15 secondsafter firing, and mmot even tin-tm until tine- chamberand bore- have bee-ne spongedout, mmmd examinedliv 1. Con.seqnicretlywith Q.1u’. guns smut lessthan four gnmns will beusedfor a salute.

3. Detachment.—Tleeparty detnnik-d to fire a salute- willcomesistof -threenumnberspe-~gtmmn, of wimonetime-re mustbe atleastone nmenm-comrajssionedofficer t-o every two guns. Thewholewill be under the commandof an officer assistedbya serge-ant,or by time neastergmnnnierin chargeof the work.

NOTE.—No officer, N.C.O. or gunnerwho hasnot be~sntrainedand passedin. gun drill is to cornmn-nanrt a section or fan-nepart of a gun. det’tcln,nent firing blank annmunitiosn atsalutesor at training.

4. Drill.—I commandsandfires.

- 2 opensandclosestine breechand sponges. -

3 loads.

5. Loading.—All the guns will first be loaded by order ofthe officer in charge-; eachgun, after it hasfired, will imme.

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38 -

diately be spongedout and reloadedby order~ofthe mastergunneror scrjeant,who will beresponsiblethat time-minimuminterval prescribedin pam.2 haselapsedsincothe gun waslastfired.

Before giving the- order- to reload he wlfl - place imineseliimmediatelyin re-ar-ofthee-gun to wleicim time orderis give-nm. -

6. Firing.—TIee guns will be fired in successiormfrom aflank by orderof tho officer in charge,who is respomesiblefortheinterval orderedbetweenrounds(seepara.1).

Be-fore giving time order to fire-, Inc will placehimself imnic~diatcly inc re-ar of time gun to which tine orderis give-mm.

7. Spangn-n-g.--—Sidoarmsand bucketswill beprovided foreachginu. 2 is responsiblethat thee sponge is ice-pt dampit shouldonly be sprimmklcdwith water,notsatum-atcdby beingdippedinto time bucket.

S. Misnfires.—In the eve-ntof a misslire, tiee- gun next insuccessionmwill at once-c be ordemedto lime. A fart-herattemptto fire tlee- gun at which the misslire occurredwill be neadewhenits turn-n againconiesround.

In theeve-mit of a nmni~sfiretime- breech will nt-nt be- opemmedforat least one- minute when firing powmie-r, and teme mineuteswhen firing smoke-lesschearge-s. No omie must be- ime rear ofthe- breecimwise-n it is opened.

Whe-me firimeg salutesanofficer or seniorN.C.O. shouldbedetailedfor the specialduty of timnning tine interval aftcr amissfire,andinforimeinig I of timat gum ivlnemt the breechmay hoopened. - -

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39. FROM RECESSES(NORMAL METHOD).Cartridge recessesare on tho emplace-me-ntfloor. Time

cartridgesareremovedfrom their boxesby 6 and8, wlno handtime-rnup to 3 and4omsthegin mm floor.

Projectile recessesareore time emmmpmaccnmcntfloor. l’rojc’ctiinnsarc kept unfazedinn peace-time, bent on hostilities be-conningnmminenet,and dinriog inostihiticns, the recessesare lee-pt filledwith hired she-hi. 5 amnd 7 lift projectile-ni one to the- gun floorfor 3 arid 4. With II.Id. shell 5 and7 unpin tho fnmzesbeforeplacing thee-rn os-n time gnmnm floor, 3 ann! 4 unmeap. Faze capsshouldho tlnrowmm into a bucketorotherreceptacle1-0 preventtheir littering imp tine gun floor.

- From Depots.Cartridge and projectile depotsare arrangedin time- most

shelteredplaces cnn time- level of time- emplacementfloors.Supply from depotsis similar to tleat from recesses.

The aboveforms of supply musf be madeintelligently, asthegunis traversed,from time mostconvenientrecessordepot.

Aproportionof cartridgesshouldbe-preparedfor pcrcnmssionfiring (i.e., if electric prinme-rs are- being usedthey should bofitted with adapters)andplacedon one- side.

Theserecessesand depotsarc amply filled beforeanactionbrone the shell and cartridge st-oresbelonging to ti-no section,amid arrange-me-mits nmtnst be madeto re-supplytime-in quicklyshouldti-no quantity of anemimimition on the emplace-mice-ntfloorbe-gin to run low, by detailing the ammunition numbers,assistedby gun nurnbee-s,if necessary,for this duty.

Empty cart-n-idgo casesare removed and stackedduringany pausesin the firing.

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- ‘eQ. INTRODUCTORY.Time rulesfor laying, the syllabus for traineingof gun layers,

andtlee generalinestructiomesfor carryingout the examimmationin gunlaying arelaid downi in CoastArtillery Training, Vol. I.

The tests and the method of carrying theme-n out are as -

follows :— -


1mm order to qualify, 75 pe--r ce-met. of the total marks sniustbe obtainedwith not less thanfit) per ce-sit, in any am-netest.Tests. Total

I. snarks.Generalknowledge—i. Climnomnete-r. Use-, setting, s-e-acling and

imso of calibration scale.ii. Telescope. Focnissing. testing for

panitlax, name!cull innatinnmI - -

iii. Rmc-kimng bar sight. Teatlag analmndj mnstinmg; setf-iung hi. V., amid changetcnmmperatnmrecom-reetiummson readerofIlk. 11.

iv. Trenimmimig arc. lJnno ; test-lug ninljemnit-mmmcnnt of p~mmn1-e-t.

v. Ann tun-sight-un. ~anmne-sin mu I n mae-s mf var inn nun

- part-un I-eating anid adjustmnenit-datuming; tasting for hinee evitlnadjustments.

vi. Primersarid tube-s. Identificationsanddescriptione; Contimeuitytests 35

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- Totalnnarke.

II. Meansfor firing.i. Strikers.Removing,stripping,adjusting

an-nd re-placing; gauging protrusion.ii. Rifle meeimanism.Fitting anmdadjustimmg.iii. Breech mechanism. Assembling (For

i, ii, andiii, 10 nearks).iv. Electricapparatus—

(a) Description anal te-stinmg of cells;faults and tineir remedies; ciscof voltamiceter and I.T.P.13,fitting up and testing lightingcircuits ... ... (15 nmarks)

(b) Battery, box, circuit, and pistolgrip; overhianhimig, commnectimmgimp, nunni testing .. (15 marks) 40

III. Lmmyinn~jfine line—i. Telescopic siglmtun. ‘two mats of siglntns

will lie used.Tine heyen,mmmd mng nine set,will keep thegemim layedfor line ann mmnmeovimg targetfor uric nueiumut-c. Tineoflicer, by ole-nuns of tine- other setofsight-un, will elneck time laying five-I homes ilnmminig tlni~jmuinnnnh—. Wine-un

- ehe-cked, thin line, mnmnmst lie- wit lninm2 ~ minutes of the correct line,otherwiseno markswill bescoredforthat occasion ... ... (5 marks)

ii, Opensight-s. As above ... (5 marks)

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Test.- / TotalIII. - Lasj-ingfor line—continue-cl. neark8.

iii. Training are. Traireimsgswill be calledout by thesetterfor line to representtime uniform move-me-mitof a target.Theelayerwill keeptime gun layedbymeansof the training arc for oneminute, moving time gun, evenlybe-tweemethe graduationson tine arcat mepproxinnatclythe rateof changeof training. Tine officer will checkthee laying fl~e tinees daring thisminute.

Wleencimecke-d,tlee laying mustbowitleine ~O of time correct training.-

(10marks) 20IV. Lagingfor elevation—

Elevation indicator. Ranges will becalled by ti-ne setter for range,nme-cleanicalandelectricaldials beingused; the rangeswill be thoseatwide-he the Q.E. correspondsto arange of 7,000 yards, or there.about, for neediurn guns witle fullcharge-,and 9,000 yards, or there-about, for heavy guns with fullcharge-.

i’hie- gun shouldbebalancedasfor- firing.

A layer will be statiommedat thepistol grip to call “Fire,” or to ringa bell (insertedin the circuit) at the

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Test3. Total -

IV. Layingfor elevation—continued. - - marks.word “On” from the layer under

test. Time- officer ivill order “Passranges.” After five cur six range-shave- bee-mi called, tine officer willorder“ Gunfnre-—connmencofirimng.”

A nuneberstationedat the- breechwill time-ni give “ Ready,” anal tinelayerundertestwill call” 0mm “ wine-smtine gun is lnnyed.

Re-achy“ will subsequentlybecalled at intervals correspondingto thee-rate- of fire of ti-ne- gun ensed.

Time- above - proeedumre will becarrie-cl out five time-us ‘with asbon-tenimmg ramige, amnd live timnee-niwit-In a lemmgtlmenned rammge-. Witimthe- shortemiimg range, thee- averageof time times freon Renidy” to“ On “ must not exceed 4 seeommds,andwith tine le-rngtlnemminmgrammgcmustnot exceed 0 seconds. The- gunmustbe-depressedeachtime- timroughat least ~lOOyards, nod nnnist hoaccuratelylaye-d to witimin 10 yards,the- layer allowmnig for time rate ofchangeof range. - : -

Tine rate of chang~of rangeshcoild not be slower than 50 yherdsin 20 s~oonmds. - -

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- 44

Tests.IV. Layingfor elevation—continued.

- If ti-ne- layer elevatesbefore thelayer for line- Inns fired or hascalled“Fired,” no nearks will be scoredfor timat round.

With gunsfittedwith brakes,if thelayerfail to apply tine brakesbeforetalfineg ‘‘ Onn ‘‘ no nimnnrkswill he-se-ore-nilint- I-lint nn,nmnnnl . ... . . 31)

V. Roclnngbar sights—Eachcompetitorwill set therangedrmimme

- to tine range-indicnet-e-don tho electric dial,five tinne-s with rangedecreasing,and fivetimeswitim rangeme-leasing. One- marktobe- deducted for eacinerror hum setting, or forfailure to take- up any l,acklasle in thesiglmt 10

VI. Auto-sights—i. Target. A well-defined stationary

target in the water will be chosen.If none- be available, an acme-leeredtarget will be used. Time rangeimeust be long enoughfor the ratioof movementof gun and sight to bemorethan3 to 1, but reducedchargeor aiming rifle cams may be used.

ii. Layimeg. Telescopesshould be used.When testing trained layers, each‘will lay once- slowly and carefullyon the water-line of time target,anti

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Tests. - - TotalVI. Auto-sights—cosmtinmue-nl. unnarke.

thee nice-an-n of I-he-solayswill be thkenas ti-ne “standard lay.” In the- caseof classes under instruction, the“standard lay” will bedeterminedby theinstructor. Whemnqualifyinggun layers, if there be a rapidvariation in rise- and fall of tide,candidatesshouldbe tested in smallgroupsat a time-,and a ~iso (or fall)cii tide diagrambe kept in order toascertain the true standardlay foreach competitor. Where- possible-,tests shmoulnl be- carried omit at shackwater.

line-in connpet-itom-will layfive tuneson tine- water line of the targm’t. -

lIe-fore’ mae-h lay tine gun will betraversed,so that- tine t-amget is ele-nerof time lie-Id of time fe-In-scope, amidthem gain wil( be ehevatcdainove the,timngm-t I nib nn’e- 11mm-nc i’! Ii iso lays,

ann’! nlmlnic~mwdInc (n’rn- I In- nntimn-r Sue,two orsnoretue-usof tleeimanidle beinggivenin eachcase-,in additionto anyf-moans rc-qcnin’ed to absoili liacklasleinn time elevatinggear.

The officer will order ‘~ Lay.”The competitor will than lay, call

Fired,” and ste-p clear. Theintervttl be-twct~mm “Lay” anti

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40Tests. Total

VI. Auto-~s-iglmts—eontinue-d. - marks.“Fired” will be- measured eachtimne-. Duringtwo of theseintervalsdeflection ‘will be changed by tinelayer, accordingto directions give-nby the officer beforo tho order“Lay.”

iii. Glee-eking the- layimeg. Time officer willnote if once-in lay be within 2~minute-sfor line. A ehinomnetcrwillhe kept on thee- gun, amid the Q.E.,after cachelay, will becare-fuhhyreadammd noted,bent time gcmmm layershouldnot be- told theeresultof aneylay untilh-ne hens fmmiished. ‘rice sum oftime-se lays divided by the numberof them is tile- nneanlay. Time differ.emceebetweencadslay and themeanwill thmen be taken, and the sum ofthesedifferences,irrespective-of sign,divide-cl by the muncherof lays, istine layer’s macaa error along the gun.

\‘Tithe every auto-sight a “Tableof Angle-s “ is issued,showingeorre--spomedingan~lcsof QE. andof sight.If two angie-ni of Q.E. be- chosen,oneore eaclm sideof time Q.Es.of thegunduring tho test, and the differencebetween them be take-n, and alsotine difference between the corre--sponclimig angles of sight, then the

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47Tests. Total

VI. Auto-siglcts—continmucd. marks.ratio wimich thee- difference in Q.E.bearsto time- difference imm anglo ofsighnt snaybe take-mm as the ratio ofmove-me-nt at tine range, or theratio of moveneentmay be- ascer-tained as descrihicd inc Sec. 215,Coast Artillery Training, Vol. 1,1921.

If the- layer’s mean error bedivided by the- figure expressingthisratio, time- re-suit will be the- layer’snnea-n erroralong tine sight.

Thedifferenceime betweenthe-layer’s mean Inny and the standardlay, divided by the- ratio of move-~me-nt, will give- the layer’s differ-ence-fron time standardlay alongthe-sigh-nt.

iv. Qualifying. To qualify, every laymntnst be witimin 2~mnimimstes of tineproper line-. Tine layer’s meanerror along ti-ne sight must be- lessthan 0 .4 mninmutc, n-nod tinis mncan layalongti-ne- sigh-nt memst be within 0~4mineute of the standard lay. Thetotal of ti-ne- times takenfor five laysmeist not exceed one mimmute for6-me-in guns ncned upwards, nor 45se-conmdsfor guns of less calibre-.

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Tests.VI. Auto-sights—continued.

v. Record. The lays sleouklbeplotted ona diagram ; - eachlayer’s proficiencycan the-n heseen.

ci. Syste-am of snnankimng. 10 smtmenks forcusnsistcnmcy,10 loi accuracy,anti It)for time.

- Consictenci~—Layer’s errors in minutes along line of


0 . - - ~.. .-. 100-1 ... ... ~. 90~2 ... ... .. 8

70~4 ... ... .. 6

Acecurocy—Layer’s differenceinc minutesfrom standard

lay along line of siglmt—Marks.

0 .~. ... ..- 100.1 ... .~ ... 90.2 .. .. ... 8O~3 ... ... 70.4 ... ... ... 6

Full markswill begivenfor time, if thelimitslaid downin (iv) abovebe not exceeded,otherwiseno marks ‘will be- given, andthe candidateswill fail to qualify .. 30

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Dials— - marks.

Preparation for action; connectingup electric dials; reading electric rangeand training dials; applying corrections,group difference, nnnd convergence onnnmovm~ldin face-s nf l innIs ; ncymnehmcmiixinmgelectric dials inn pm’eparat-ionu for ebnncmmgeto CaseITT; applying deflection to train-ing pointer, mind cornce-f iomn.~ to drift- andconverge-ecu scab; reading ramege- andtraining indicator dials ... ... ... 15

(NoTE—The examiner will pay particularat(rattan to details of drill, amid to clear-nessin calling ranges.)

VIII. Drill— -

Preparation for action with guns at thestation; duties wheen cheangingfrom onemethod of laying to another; passing.repeating, and applyimig corrections antideflectiomis; duties of layers and settersin a Q.F. Section; blind setting; dis.tribution of fire scheme ... . . - - -. 20

Grand total ... ... ... ... 200

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- 50



- 42. CLINOMETEBS.Instructions regardingtine care, te-sts and adjustnmentof

clinomnctcrsam-c laid down in CoastArtillery Training, Vol. LClinometers must always be tested be-fore,beingused.


1. Siglmts should be ice-pt clean, oiled, am-nd free- from grit,They should orn no ace-ountbepolished.

2. Whenc n-not in actual use,ti-no telescope,tIme sight bar,and other fitttings attached,should be removedwhen cir-cumstancespermit and placedin a dry store. Tine removalof thesigintbarcanbeeffectedby re-movinga nut andwash-ncr,which will be found nuider the- pivot.

3. ‘With time auto-sight,the efficiency of time siglet depennlsupon the- accuracyof tine cam and moller. Specialcare menstbe take-ne that tlme-y receive- no damnge. They must on noaccountbe- polished, but kept cleana-nd free from grit amiddust, by wiping witht a cleanrag moistenedwith a few dropsof oil.

4. All partsare to be keptclean,working partswell lubri-cate-clwith cleanoil, amid (with theexceptionof thecaingrooveand roller) lightly smearedwith anmti-corrosivegreasewhennot in use-. Bath brick, emery,or othernbrasive substance-cmust not on any accountbe tnscdfor cleaning. -

5. TIme- sightgearshouldnot be takenapartunnecessarily,and adjustmentshould not be mado by scraping or filingexcepton special aimtlmority.

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- 6. In throwing time latch of a comnbined sight into ge-ar,care should be take-ntbmat it is opposite time jnnws in a camroller lever, inn orderto avoid injury to theparts.

7. Thuexteriorsurfacesof telescopesareto becleamiedwitha soft rag amid paraflime onily Time exterior surfacesof lennsesshouldbecleanedwith apieceof cimannoisleatiner,winicim snmnmstbekeptperfectlycleanmenddry, andusedfor this purposeommly.

8.- Tho bearingsurfacesof sighting telescope-snecmstbeverycare-fully protected. Any bnmrrs or die-nets on tine-se surfa-ce-sthmrow time telescopeout of adjustmt-nit.

9. Telescopesmust not he take-nto pieces,nor ti-ne lensesreneoved,nor adjdstmncmmtfor collimation attempted,exceptby a competentp~son. Wine-ne not inn cisc they should beclosed up, caps replaced, amid place-il is-n tlmeir eases. -Theyshouldbekeptin as dryaplaceaspossible.

44. TEST FOR BEND IN Y BRACKETS.In some-casesthebracketsin while-h atelescope-restsbee-once

be-net, and it nnay tine-ne be found tinat time- tclcscopeaht-erspositionwhenits bracketsareclampedon- unclamped.

In tleis casetime- sighmt shocmldfirst be laid, witln the bracketsunciampe-cl,one a fixed nnark. Itennore time telescope,place-in time “ bar, testing sigimtns,” amnd take the depressionangleof sight by clinome-tcr,

Then clamp time bracketsamid note whether ti-ne- ciimmonneterbenbble-re-mainsctnmetral. If it clues inot, bring it ee-ntrmnl byti-ne error-of-daydrum aned note time- reading. Time-mi rcnmnovotime ban-, testingsigimts, move time error-of-day drum back tozero, replacetime- telescope-,anedclamp time brackets.

If ti-ne pointeris i-not onethe fixed mnark, brimcgit on by meansof tine error-of-day drum-and neotn thno reamlisng. If tinereadingsarcalike no compensationis needed. If the-remcdismgs

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are differe-mmt nmnc adjust-mine-nit of ti-ne ce-ce-nitric connectedwithtime error-of day drumis required,thedrum beingseta~thereading as found when using the bar, testing sights, an-ndthetele-scopepointerbeingbroughton to the- object by meansof the Q eccentric.

In clamping up the Y brackets care should be taken totighten the clamps simultanieousiy, since, if tightenedseparately,variations in readings will occur according towhich clampis be-nt.

45 TESTS FOR SIGHTING TELESCOPES.L Telescopes- of re-ce-n-nt mnuueufact-ure are focussed for

individualeyesightby revolvingtheeyepieceuntil thepointeris clearly defined Sine-c with time-so telescopeschangesinfocal distance-esdue- to cimanegeof i-amigo are inappreciable,nomeansof focussingth~objectglassareprovided. Thepointeris placedat tine focal distmmnece of time object glass, and bothit amid thecjjstammtview shouldbee-unmet-cit-arat t-hte saneetime.An inmvertedimageof tine distanit view is form-n-ne-ti at time focaldistanitneof tine- olijeet glass. -

2. To test-if time point-en is net tinin pn’opi-r distancefronni tineolijt-ct glass, foe-ins it witim time eye-pit-tic, anti time-me lay so t-inmttmc ce-mymint-eli )nrigimt spnmtsnis left be-twit-mn flit- till (if 1-inn jnoinilc’ranti sminmnc clist mcmii cnhjntt- mmcnw nnwvt lIme- eye icc-imimn,I theeyepiece,amid nit-It if tine bright- nip-act c’ni-mmislm cmi changesize.If it doe-seither, ti-ne adjustmentof time- pointer is incorrect.Amu inaeeimraey,calledpncraliax,will time-mn lie causedby che-ningimigtimni position-n of time eye-, and, sinnee both poinnt-er ammmi list-nenntview cane i-no longer be focussedtogether, timni eye will be-strained and will tire rapidly~ Telescopesfound wrong inthisparticularshoembi l~e-~cnt for adjustmentto theimistrime-torinc gummnnery,

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- 3. Telescopesare is~nme-d,and should as a rule remaincorrectly eohlinmated. To test for collimation, time- telescopeis placedin its molders, foe-missed’and thesedirectedon a welldefinedobject not less ti-nan 400 yards distant. Wimen thetelescopeis turnedroundinn its brackets,tine tip of the- pointer

- shouldn-not moveoff ti-nepoinmilayodon. Care-shocdclbetake-nthat~in carryimegout this te-st, mnnovenne-md-sof tine game mere meat

i~ mistake-n for move-tue-netsof ti-ne- pointer. Telescopesfeint-cl~ incorrect,for collimation must ho adjustedby a properly~ qumniificd person. In &nmue- casesti-ne brackets in which~ ~-telescopesrest becomnobe-mit, and it mmeaythen be foummd that~ ti-no telescopealters positiomi wlmete its braehcetsare clamped

- or umne-lammeped. For procedmmreinn time caseof rockimng bar~ siglmts amid auto-sightsrespectively,-see Sees.46 ac-nd 44. -


1. Lay timegaulhorizontallyby simeamnsof aclinomet-cr,place~time bar, testingcciglmts, in thee Y brackets,bringing themarks

on it an-nd on-n time bracket to coincide so as to obtain correctcrosslevel ; bring time necking bar to angles of depressioncorrospommdimngto tine tangent elevntiommsfor various rammgescoin-i-ct-cm! for (-lie- height of time telescopealcovetime axis ofthio gmnnc, amid for refractionn,by wrinkling time imnmim(l wine-el, anndse-i if tine-soramuge-se-orrcmponmcl with timost on time sight nimumnn.f (-lay dii miot ccirresponnd,milacken I-i me mit-rows 0mm i-Inn, onitt- r

ciresmmufe-re-ne-oof tint- rmcmign mit-mini, nund t,nn’~m tIne- se-alt, cnnmt-iithe correctrangeis read,nftt-rwnurdstiglntemungtine seccmringscrews.

2. The sight may be datumedat—meansealevel (M.S.L.)0mm a dat-urn post by giving the- requisite Q.E. to the gun

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by clinome-ter,and turning theTangodrumof the sight tillthe telescopepointer is on time water-line of tine datum.The range drunmslmouldthe-nreadthetruerange-to thedatum.If it doe-s not, adjust as in pan-a. 1. This is ti-ne--most satis-factoryadjustmentin tine caseof inemmttelescopebrackets.

3. To test for deflection,- lay the gumm one a distant mark,obtaining a line of sight througim tine axial vent (or flrimnghole bush) andthee intersection of two fine cords mittetchedon the- axis lines on the muzzle. The sight, with clevationeand deflectionsetat zero,should be- on the samemark. Ifit is not, bring the sigimt on to tine reman-Ic witim tine deflectionge-arand adjustti-no readerof thedeflectionscab to zero.


I. The auto-sightsof all guns will be testedammnually byan inspectorof ordnancemnacieine-ryor by an officer deputedspeciallyfor tlmat purpose-by time- Superintendent,OrdmcancoFactories. The- testswill be such as are prescribedfor theoriginal settingup of ti-ne sight, and, if necessary,time- sightand cam will be- re-set. -

A testwill beneadeof all cams,wine-timer for full or reducedcimarge-s,or for aimuing rifles. -

2. Verticality of pivot and trutim of correctionalge-ar willbe testedaned, if mee-cessary,adjusted at the samno time bythee- Sameofficer.

A certificate from this officer timat imo hitspcrsonmallysetimp thinsight, anti that it is inc correct adjnmstment,will ho furnishedto the garrison comneanndcr. An entry sinowimmg date, andby whom tested,will be made one a form provided for thepurpose. - -

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These tests should be.ztarried out before the first seriesinthe annualpracticeis fired from the- gun. -

3. If the sightscannot be set up true for all range-s impto the- extremelimit ofrange-, as-nd thecarmm cannoteonveniemmtlybe- re-turned to be- -trued at tine Arse-nmal, time- InspectorofOrdnammceMaciminery (I.O.M.)will furmeish a table-simowing tIneerrors at eacim angieon time- Woolwichm tableof amcglcs. Thistable- will be- filed with time Woolwich table of angles. Inthe case-of gunsusedsolely for anti-torpedo-crafttie-fencethee-linmmit of rangewill dependoem thee-xte-ntof time ihlemminatedare-a.

4. After testing,theeccentricson thecarrierwill bepaintedover amid will one meo account be tamnpere-dwitim, exceptby ate I.OM or Royal Gun-n Carriage Factory(R.G.C’.F.)artifice-n-.

\Vith time- above- tests amed amijustnee-ntnc,time- re-sponmsibihity-of ti-ne I.O.M. or time Royal Gone aned Carriage-Factory witieregardto time sightsceases,exceptas regardssigimts wimichnnayagainrequire- to be setup during tint- ye-ar. -

5. Officers in chargeof gumis are e-cspommsiblefor the care-amid preservationof time siglmts, anedfor sue-In testsanti adjust-sne-ntsas can bin carried outwitimout ti-ne- assistanceof askilledanti fleer.

All officers shmoulml ho able to carry omnt simclm tests,arid sucimndjustnnentsasdo notrequiretheassistance-cof artifice-n-s. Theeccentric bmmshQ is the only. ce-ce-nitric wleicim mazy bemove-tIwitimout theeassistanceof an artif’mee-r.

6. Chnonieters,large,should be used for adjustingauto.sighets. It is very inneportammtthat these-slmould be in perfe-ct.adjustneentand be provided - witim calibration sheets (seeSe-c. 116, 10, Coast Artillery Training, Vol. I, 1921). Whennplacing thebar, testingsights, in the telescopebrackets,the

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marks on it arid on ti-no bracicets should coincIde, thus-ensuringcorrect crosslevel. -

7. The gainmust be balance-clasif loaded,andmustalwaysbe brouglmt into position by a large sweepof depression(oxoept in the caseof thosegmmnns with ~vhicimtime last ,nmotmoncsimoulti bo one of elevatiomm); time latter rule must also hoobservedevhene firing.

mi tIne caseof em mooniti nng wi tT~mug] mi-lung ste-ps it- meet-mt- he-iialammtmed liy lcee-~angmime-mi itt tine positions of the layer nmmulsetter dmmninng time test.

8. Wime-ni setting the error-of-day drum, botie for testinganmd putting on corrections,time last movementgive-n shouldbe one of ‘‘ add.’’ -

Wlmcmi setting the title-lever thee last move-me-ntshould bein the- directione of “ fail.” - -

9. Caneswill 1)0 e-lmange-d as se-inborn as possible-. Tleisoperation mazy be performed uneder the supervisionof the-S.C. Guns slmould, however, usually be fitted with timefull chargeeamme, anti in any casea full charge-cam matnst be

- fitted and testedanemmualiy.-

Wlmeneve-ra el-nat-geis madefromnon-ne caneto another,andalways in,pre-paningfor action, time siglmts will be care-fmmllytcnste-tI and adjustedby ti-ne layers ut-den- time supervisionoftine S.C.

Unmiecossaryadjustmne-nmtsof eccentricsshouldbe cacefcmliyavoided. -


1. With gncnsof wicicim tleo sightseat-not be correctedforwant of level immnie-~nenedemetlyof t-iio restof the mnoinmitimig

Page 58: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


Pia~ochiniomoteron gun and bring bubble central. - -

Traversethrough 1800, halting every 30°. The bubbleshould return to the same posit-ion each time time- gun ishalted. Time tramming of maximum tilt amid the amoummtthnoPivot is out of time vertical cami be determinedby this test. -

2. Me-amms are provided witim certaimm gumms for correctimngtime sigh-nt independentlyof the- rest of time mounting. Withgnmns tbmtms fitted, time buiihnlo of I-hi’ spirit level nnmn tine n-annesimommld comnme to time sat-mes

1iot, 310 nneattt’m’ im what positmm

time gut-n be malted.An alternative test is to place a clinomne-te-r on a bar,

testing sights,in the tele-scopobracketsand traversethrougim180°,imalting every30°. ‘I’lno gum-n simouldbebroughmtlmorizomm.tal en-ne-li time-, amid time anglo of dcpressioneof time sightshmouldtime-ri always be time- sanmee. If rapithity benecessary,mmmcd tine -

pivot onmiy slightly out of truth, i-ills testneay bemodified bygiving the gaine-xtre-neoeIe-vatiomm; mnnaii rnovemeimtsof thme-gun, dime to want of level, would mayo time-ni an inappreciableciTe-ct on tine sighmt, amid time elevationof thee gnmmm mice-il mmot beattemmdedto during time test.

3. Adjustmenmtsfor verticalityof pivot require- time servicesof aim artificer.

49. MECHANICAL TEST WITH AUTO-SIGHTS.1. If it be necessaryto useauto-sigintsbefore time neounting

can bere-store-ti to level, timis test simouldbo carried omit in ti-nemniddle of tine arcof fire.

2. Set time error-of-day drum arid deflection scaleat zeroamid title-lever at mean-nsealevel, and clmmmnp ti-ne bar, testingsigimts, in-n time- telescopebrackets; also,with a combinedsigh-nttiniow ti-ne catchunto tine fork. Wit-h 12 pdr. Q.F. the tn-un.niemessheouldbeclaneped. From timeWeolwichntable-of angles,

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58 -

suppliedwith eachauto-sigint,selecta suitablerange; bringthegun to thecorrespondingQ.E.; theangloof depressionoftime sight simouldnow be thee- one correspondingto this rammgc.For gumis use-cl at niglmt the n-amigo selectedshould be as nearthe “ tcst range“ as possible-. -

3. Time test rangefor guns usedat nigh-nt is therangewhenthe attack develops. This is the1-emmige- to the leadimmg vesselat ti-netime it hasjust enteredtime iliumninate-dare-a,or, in timecase of guns provided with fighting lig}mts, when first ade-quately illuminated by sue-Ic lights.

Time test rammgemust-n-not bebeyondti-neaccuracylimit of thoauto-sight.

4. If ti-nedepressionangle-is notcorrect,it mustbemadeso byton-icing tine ce-ce-nitriccot-nice-tedto time error-of-daydrum,afterfIrst sleme-icemeingits clampingnmut,or by turning theerror-of-daydrumand mmotingthe- reading,which will be- takenasthe zerofor - subsequentsettings. In some easesthis adjustment iscarriedout by turning thee error-of-daydrum, afterwhichtheenneovablo skimn is atljuiste-d to re-ad zero.

Thee sigint should time-n be set to extreme deilectiome caelmway in turn, amid time bubble of the clinometer should meotneove. If it does,thee servicesof ane artificer are necessary.

5. II time is available,this test maybe repeated for everyrangeinn -the table of anmgles; if, after adjtmstimng tine sightfor one of tleeseranges,the- remainingreadingsare incorrect,tine eccentrics one tine carrier require adjusimnemit; for thistime servicesof anartifiee-rmerenecessary.

For gunsused at meighmt, thesetestswill be carricml out atrangeson cacheside-of the test range; thee sightmaybecon-sideredcorrectprovided that no testwithin 500 yards of tuietest rangeshowsan errorgreaterthamm ti-nat corrcspondim-ngto

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otto mninicmto of Q.E. TI-no permissible-error in the -depression

anglo of the sight will the-re-fore be~-~-~- minutes (See

See.215, CoastArtillery Training, Vol. I, 1921.)6. In carrying out this test,wherelee-al conditionsmakeit

certain-n tleat time- variation in rangednmrimig actiorm with auto-sighmtswill be-small, thequadrantanglesshownin theeWoolwiehmtable of anglesshouldtin-st bo corf~mctedfor the variation innM.V. of thee-gamefrom timenormalM.V. for wimicie tifo camnswascut.

Such easesarei. Gunsmoumetedon low sites, when the- effectivehinuit

- of auto-siglmtsis imndcr 3,000yards.ii. Gnmns usedfor time- dc-femmco of narrow channels,time

shnapeof which make-s big variations in range- impossible. -

iii. Guns used at night, when tine rangeof time- guns islinniteni by that of the liglmts.

iv. Anti-torpedo-craftguns. - -

When this me-ti-nod is empho~ed,time rangese-lee-tedfor tinetost must be approximatelytime sameas thee test range.

It must be- clearly ummderstoodthat the alteration of I-heWoolwich table of angles makes ti-ne siglmt imnaccurate atall- range-sotimer ti-nan those tie-ar the test range,and ti-nattime-re-fore this me-tine-cl must bestrictly limited to guns whicimwill usetheauto-sightunderonly theconditiummsgive-ne above.


1. Inc the- caseof gumms fitted with rocking bar sightsandauto-sights,theeformmeeris testedfor line its describedin Soc.46,

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1)0 -

and the- latter is the-n clmecke-dagainstit by laying with theauto-sighton a distinct mark onthewater. If thedeflectionscalesof tine two sightsdo not now read alike, that of theauto-sightmustbefnadeto agreewitim ti-natof ti-ne- rocking barsight. -

2. When gumes have auto-sightsemily, the sight must betestedwith the bore of the- gun, but themark must be- nearenoughto allowboth gunandsight to be- layedenit for ahim-neand to eliMinate mostof the drift correctionwhich is auto.matically appliedon the sight.

51. TO DATUM THE AUTO-SIGHT.1. It is desirableto h-nave-a false datumman-It to which time

angle of depressionis time sameas that of the- test n-amigo atn-ne-am-n sealevel.

A false datum mark is ge-tee-rallypreferableto a water-linedatumwhen dmmtumingauto-sights,asthe operationcan tine-mibe- carried out for nmeansealevel at all state-sof tide-; alsoinaccuraciesdue to wave-s are clinecinated.- Such a mark should not be- less than400 yards from thegun, sincethe telescopewould thee-ni beeat for parallax.

F’aihimmg this, a nrmtnmrnmlmark ~hnomnldbeselectedtnt a rnmmngeasi-near time test rangeas possible.

2. Front ti-no datumslide rule or tableof Q.Es.ascertaintimeQ.E. necessaryfor calibration-nM.V., allowing for wearof gnmmesince cmiii hm--nmtionm, cimargo lenin pen-nd-nmn-c, nit id, if nnecessmmry,ft-n~m-iso iinr fail of tide, nm-nnnh Ion- raisimng tine- nmne-mmnm pommmt of innnlnact(M.i’.i.). - -

All breechfittings should be- on, shell amid cartridge in timebore, and, with 8 inch guns, all layers and setterson thesighting steps; thus balancingtine gun exactly as for firing

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Set ti-ne- tide--lover, test the elinometerfor index error, andtine-n lay time- gunat ti-ne- requiredQ.E.,takingcarethat the-lastmotion is one of depression.

If the tip of tine- pointer is mow baudto be very nearlyontime- datummark, it shouldbebrotngimtexactly onm by mice-aimsoftime error-of-day drumor clickinig indicator, tntkinmg care ti-nattime- last mi-notion-n is omie of “ add.”

If it is riot very mmearlyon, slack off thelocking mi-n-nt of ti-neeecennt-ricbmshQ, i-nice thmtnpotmntt-rwell abovotine datumnm~mninrkby tut-ning time- eccentricbimshQ,nmenl tiecnibring it clownnearlyas fat- as ti-ne mieai-k ; tiglmtcnmimeg u-np I-he fockinmg nmut will givetine- pointier a further motionof depression,but only constant

practicewill trait-n alayerto judge-theuitnal amountof depres-sion obtainedby tiglmteneing imp time locking nut.

3. After adjustimmgthe siglmt, time- layer mustlay tlme gun atleast threetinnes by time nmuto-sighit. If the- bubble of time-climnome-ter,setto time- requiredQ.E.,comescentraleach-ntime,tine sight is satisfactorilydatumned.

If time- bubble-doe-sriot conniecentraleachtime, atljuston thee-rn-or-of-daydrum or clicking indicator, and again try theethree- lays. -

Not till three consecutivelays arecorrect can ti-ne- sigh-nt besaidto be-properly datumed.

4. In datumninig, errors of collimation are automaticallycorrected. Once time- sight iias been datumrmed,tine telescopemust one ice accountbe shifted in ti-no Y brackets; if it ismovedat all, a considerableerror may ho intrednmcet1,due-to worn Y brackets,worn telescopeboarings,or botim.- 5. To determinethe position for the false dat-non neon-k.—Calculatethee depressionangle for thee-test range(seeSec.49,3), taking into commeiclerationtime- height of the axis of the

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telescopeabovetine trunniens,andti-nenecessarycorrectionforcurvature-andrefraction.- Seethat thepivot of themountingis vertical, andthat the telescope-is in correct adjustmentforcollimation andparallax. - Set the- sigh-nt to the- above-depres-sion angle, traverse en-n -to some object, and paint a markthee-c-eonin line with the- pointer of ti-nø telescope. If noi-natural objectis available-a post shouldbe erected. - -

A eonve-nniemnt mark may be used, should one- exist rep-proximately in line with thee- poiniter of the telescope,bent inctimi~casetue range-correspondingto the depressionangle tothis mark must ho calculated(see Sec. 221, Coast ArtilleryTraining, Vol. I, 1921).- In selectinga position for a false datunecare ~hoenldbetake-ntheat thee-re is no ground, sucim as sand, &c., be-tweemitine gumi amd ti-no mark, which nnniglmt causevariations inref-action,


1. Time sight should occasiormallybe testedby brinngimmg itto a ccrtaimnangle, first by a wide sweepof depression,am-ndti-ne-n by a wide sweepof elevation,amid n-noting ti-ne- differencebetweenti-ne- readingsof tine e-hinomeee-te-ron the gum on cacheoccasion. This should be domie at aingies correspondingtothree-or more is-idely chile-rent range-s.

2. When a considerable discrepancy is found betwee-mireadings, thee- sigimi require-s overhauiinmg. This will mostfrequentlyoccurwitim combinedsights. ‘rime-so sightsrequiretesting, both as auto-sighntsand rocking bar sights.


1. Verticality of pivot shouldbe- testedas iii See-. 48.

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- 63

- 2. Since time- elevation indicator indicate-s the elevationof the gun relatively to the mounting, it follows ti~natanyinclination of the- latter will causean-n equal angularerror inquadrant elevationm. Tue errorwill be — or + accordimngasthee tilt of time mountinngis to ti-ne front or rear.

3. Thee propercorrectioncanbeappiie-tl at any onme- trainingas follows —Lay the-. gnmn by elinonnee-terat ti-ne QE. for ase-lee-ted ranege-, and adjust ti-no elevation immdicator to rcanl -

the properramige. - This adjtmstnnentshoulmi be manic at thee-training wiie-n-e the-re is no tilt, or at what is consinleredtimemostimportamit training in time arcof fire- as dee-ide-ni locally,and the elevation indicator shmouid always be testedat ti-nosan-notraining. -

4. For furtiecr considerationof tine effect of tilt am-nd eon--nections required, see See-. 207, Coast Artillery Trainimig,Vol. I, 1921.



- 54. GUNS.

1. Gunswill, for storageandtransport,begreasemlitite-rnialiywitim “ composition pre-se-rvimug,” amid blocked witim painteddry wood blocks, the joinets being made tigimt witim ptmtty.Thisoperation-nshouldhecarriedout if possiblein-n dry we-at-her.The exterior of time- pie-ce-, including climeoniet-er pIano andall bright parts, will be paint-ed. Guns will be unblockedfor examinationevery12 months,

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64 - -

The bright partsof gunswill ho oiled andif not in frequentuse-will be- coveredwith red mince-ratjelly. Theeboreswill bekept cleanedand oiled.

- 2. Before-firing, thm “conmeponitionmpreserving” on-oil will bore-moved. -

After firing powderthee-borewill bewashedand, assoonasdry, will be oiled with a greasyclotheor pieceof old line-n tie-clover thepiasababrush-n.

After firinmg with cordite-charge-sthe- bore will be thoroughlywashedout and, wlmctm dry, coatedwith red mm-nine-n-al jelly.

After umsineg an aiming rub in a gun, the bore of the- latterwill be- thoroughly cleaned as soon a-s possible after timeaimning ride practice and be-fore service ammunition is firedfromn the gun. -

3. Guns will be depressedto prove-nit rain or neoisturelod~ginginside-, the muzzle- amid breech endsbeing protectedIy covers. -

4. Wlme-n guns have to bekept loaded,bores arenot to be-lubricatedor wipedout from themuzzle, asa ringof lubricantmay me- heft at theeextremepoint reach-nednm-nd this maycause-a premature-. -

Gunsareto be- unloadedomie-o a month, so tinat boresmay•be clean-nodam-n-ni preventedIronic rusting.

5. Clinomnetor planes must n-not ho chnni-imed witim anyabrasivematerial.

6. As a generalrule- all B.L. nmnl Q.F’. gumesumedcr0-me-ucalibre-, when mounted in expose-ni positions and not infrequentuse-,will leaveall fittimigs remnoved.

Fittings wihi ho Ice-pt in stcre~the ~te-e-lportiQrms beingcoveredwith piintc~-a-ljelly,

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Fittings remainingwith-n time gnmnsivill betreatedin a similarmanner.

In the caseof guns usedfor drill practice-, all fittings mustbe kept freo from dust amid gm-it amid all working parts welllubricated.- 55. MOUNTINGS.

1. When mountings are being overinauled,all parts of aportable naturewinich are riot required for the immediatecontinuation of the work should ho place-ni iii ti-ne- artillerystore, em- other suitableplace, for safee-emstody.

2. A ti-ne-roughcleaningan-ni lemhiricatingof all working partsmust take place at leastonce a month. All greasemnnmst be-rennoved,if necessaryby scraping,thepartsbeingwipedcleanreach the-tm freshly greased. Jim tine caseof mounmtingswhicham-c meicimexposedandliable-to aucumulatedustandsand,the-partsshiouimlnotbe left with n-nine-h-ngreaseoroil upon-ntime-mn, butonly suuhicienetto coverthe parts. As a thin fihue servesaspretectiomefor only a simort time, tine partsof sueim nmountingsmnmmst so mnemchm the more often be- cleanedand freshly oiled.Specialcare-mnustbe- take-nto preventgrit from ti-ne- cradle-groovesamid gun slidesor othershidinigsurfaces.

Friction-n clutcines and brakedrums shnouid be kept clean,snnioothandsiigimtly oiled to preventseizinmg.

Ball bearings,rollersamid rae-esinca-st me keptwell innhricatod.3. \Vhe-me lubricating,theiubricatitnginok~sshiotmld becle-aneed

omnt with a wire and time-in filled with oil. Caremust-be take-nmto replacethee se-row-sof lubricating hiok’s ; the lie-ads of tinescrewsmustbe keptbrigiit, so asto ho reamlily seen.

After filling theeoil imolcs, amid wheneverfresim lubricant imasbeen applied, thee parts should be- well worked baekward,~~rm4forwards so ns to distribute- the- lubricant,

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- Traversing gears,if not workingfreely, shocildbeexaminedparticularly as regards the- ball bearings or rollers. Anybroke-nball-s should be replacedat once, and any burrs onrollers or roller pathsre-moved.

Holding-down clips amid clip rings shoenid be attendedto occasionallyto ensurethat theydo n-notaffectthetraversingand that they are in good order. -

Brake gearsshouldberegulatedby meansof theadjustingscrewsuntil the- tensionof tine- brakeband is just sufficienttodo thee work required.

Friction plates sheoulmi be tigbntenedimp by mean-s of the-adjustingnutssufficiently to allow of a slight slip in time ge-aron firing. All teethof are-sshouki be- free from burrs.

~,Vinenacljustimigti-no tm-nenitnionbearimigsof a heavyneountimngthe adjmisting screws should be screwedup gradually andevenlyon either sideuntil the elevatinggearcan be workedfreely by one- mane,carebeingtakenti-nat the- adjustingscrewsare not screwedup too fan-, and that tiney are- secure-mi bytheir setscrews.

Whennot im use,all be-am-inigscrewsshnouldbe-slackened.

4. Buffers must be ice-pt filled amid un good working order.Tlmey should be care-fully exaneinedbefore firing or drillin order to en-n-surethat tho cylinders con-nt-aim-n thee- requisitequantity ofliquid assimownentice-inscriptionplate ; ti-nattime-reis not- leakageat tine glands; and tie-mt time piston rods areproperly connected. -

All spare leather packing-s should be kept in store ar-ndoccasionallyrubbed with dubbin in ormier to preventthee-rnfrombecomingimard andbrittle-. TI-nesupplyof spare-paekingsshould neverbeallowed to run low. -

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it is n-no-st important that grit and dust shouldbe- pre-ventedfrom entering hydraulic cylinders. After drill or firing, awell-oiled twist of tow sheouldbeboundlightly roundtime- raincloseto the glandof time cylinder and left time-re till n-next timeof working, wimen it sinouldbe- carefullyrcneovedso asto clearaway any collectionof dust. Any grit or dust fomnndon ti-nenine durimng firing sinouidat once- be removed.

~: Electric firinig gearsandleads houhdbecarefullyclean-nedPermodicallyat the- joints.

Particular care should be- observed,~vhmenremoving oradjnmstingan-ny partsor gears,not to indemnt or damagepartsby roughusage. An iron imannmer hommid lie-yen- incusedunlesswith a pieceof woodor brassto trncmismnit tine blow.

6. Nts an-ni screwssbnoemld he- slightly oiled before beingapplied or iiise-rtenj, amid a few turns give-mi by hand beforeusingmm spamimmer. A hammemer houlml neverbeusedto tightenscrewsor nuts. -

7. The poimits of split pines which have beeni re-placedshould be vchl splayedout. -



56. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.Tine variousmethodsby whichn ordnance-maybe disabled

must i~eeon-side-redunder threelee-ads,accordingto circum-staneces,amid are as follows - -

Page 69: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun

i. Temporary dn~sal1ement.

(a) By removingessentialstores,sueieasBreechscrew. -

Siginting gear.(6) By putting buffets anmd recupernetorsout of


Release-air pressure.Ilemnove plugs anmi buffer mint-s.Eneptybuffer. -

(c) By dannucgingbreechmccheauismu

- Damagemaeelmanismnor screwthreadswitha crowbar or heavy hammer.

Nor~—Whentime-re is mm probabilitythat time gemnwill shortly be-regained,disable-n-ne-ntslmoeild be conefinme-d totine removal of essentialfIttings andstores.

ii. Completedisablement. (In casesof emergencyonly.)

Re-leaseair pressurefrom reeupe-rator.Dent time- spring caseswitie a piekaxe-,8cc.Removeplugsand buffernuts.Empty buffer.Lay the- gun ieorizommtal.Place-anobstruction in thebore-. (Seeii. (a) below.)Load with a roundof H.E. (am-nd in addition place

in the-clmambe-rtime greatestpossible-amountof explosive such as gun-cotton, or anyhigh explosive ti-nat nm-nay be available).(Seeii. (b) be-low.)

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09_ -

Fire time gun from under cover—electrically, ifpossible; if riot-, by nee-ansofa buglanyard.

(a) if si-nell are fnmzed with DA. or D.A. inmpactfuzes an olnintruetione piniceni in the-, bore-iii snicin a position as will ensureit beingstruck by time faze or anothershieliplacediii ti-ne muzzle will suffice-.

(b) With-n fuzes Imaving -sin-nit-ten-s fitted sue-li asNo. iOGsor it-It-n and E. The- 106 typo isfined with tapeandsplitcollar reneoved,and

- another~heil place-nh ime ti-n-nc muzzle mayfenmnetion, but lOla or ~ if available aremore- me-liable- if sinneilarly treated,detona-tion beinmg hrounghitnbc-nit by ti-ne- detonatiomiof tine game. -

iih Permanentdestruction—Iftime permits and materialis available-,thuscanbeeffectedbestby meansofgenncetton,asfollows

(a) A n~imeilimavimng bee-mmloadedin theordinmaryway, -

time 1-necessarycinnergeis packedit b,ehuimmdit,so as to be in chosecomet-netwitim ti-ne- shellan-ni wit-li tine sidesof ti-ne- elmaniher.

(b) Tine prince-n- is i-next- in-sen-tedin-n time guncottonslab. -

(c) Sods, earth, or other material, are- theme use-clto lcce-p the gmnnecettonin-n position-n.

(d) lFhne detomiator,witim time safetyfmmze- or electric- headsattache-ni,is place-mI Inc theprimer.

(e) Time- breecinblock is swumng to as far as timesafetymae or electriclead-s will allow.

(f) The cl-nan-ge is the-nfire-mi froneundercover.

Page 71: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun



1. The chargerequired (seeSee.56 iii (a) is as follows -

For a 4.7 inch Q.F. gun use0 lbs.

It is not absolutelynecessaryto usea sine-li, but time effect-of ti-ne explosion-nis there-byincreased.

Other high explosivesmay be- used insteadof gm-nm-ne-otto-ne,but in some-case-sspecialprecautionsImave to be taken, e.g., -~

dynamite-is often frozen, mmmcd mnust ho carefully am-nd slowIy~,thawed before being used. This mulmould be- done- in “paim~:-warming dymiamite-” ; if sine-be be- i-not available-the- dynamite-~

should be- place-tI inc a watertight tin amid surroundedby wan-nutwater until thawed. - -

2. Guncottonslab are 6 in-ne-hue-s by 3 inch-ne-s by 1~inches,wit-h one- pen-brat-bum for ti-ne- primer. Weight of slab, ItSounces. Slabsare-wet. Gmmne-ottonprimniers are- 1.35 jnichne~,to 1~i5inches in diameterto fit time perforation-n in tine slab -

and have one perforation-n for tine detonator. Weight of-primer, 1 ounce-. Primers are dry. - -

It i~difhicuit to detomcatewetgctn-ncottonby it-self. A primeris easily detoniate-d. To detonatea chargeof wet gutucottonaprime-ri-s pentin closeeon-nt-actwit-hi time wet slabs, tine primeris detonated,and this causesthe wet gtnmicottonmto detonate

3. There are- two kind-s of detonatorsin time service- for(ictomiating guncottomm :—

i. Detonator No. S for safety faze.

ii, Detonator No. 13 for muse wit-hi electrical firingapparat-ems,-

Page 72: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


The No. 8detomcator(Mark VII) comisistsof a solkh~drawnicoppertube- containing30-8 grainsof fuimninate-of nnercuryconiposition.

Time exteriorof ti-ne body i-s paintedred, amid a small labelbearingthe- niumbera-nednumeralof thedetonatoris attached.

Safety fuzeis paimite-d black and carried il-n tim cyiimncle-rs,mimi-ni will btmrn cinder water. The usual rate of burnmiemg is3 to 4 fe-e-t a mimiute, but if it hasbe-cnn kept- inn -store lonmg;

~peciahly in a tropical climate, it manyburn modequicker;~me-ncfore-a pieceshould be- tested.



To om-e-pareachargeto be fired by No. S detonnatori. See- timat time gunneot-tonislabs are jim close cenmtact

wit-li each-n other, am-nc! f-hat ti-ne primer is properlyinsertedin and touchimng a -slab.

Takea piece of safety faze of such le-nugtim ti-nat-timein-nm-ni-n lighting it will Inave tinee- to ge-I to a safe-diste-uce be-fore tine chain-ge is detonated. Cutone eu-nd squareand the otheron the slant.

iii. Insert- the squarecued of ti-ne safety fuze into timedetonator,taking care not to pressit down toofar one to the comnpo~ition;do riot hold the dote.mat-or by the em-nd containinmgthe fulminate. The-nicrimp tine- end of tuie detonator caseon-n to the -

- safety fuze- with the crinepitng pliers if available-,if not any pliers -will do ; suffie-ie-mnt force onlyshonmhdbe- applied to causethe de-tonmatorsto griptime fuze.

Page 73: Gun Drill 4.7in QF Gun


iv. Rectify timebob in theprinne-ranti insertti-ne mie-tomnator- carefully in-nt-c it. -

v. Light thee slaniting emid of ti-no faze. A fuze or port- fire is n-ne-re coneve-nient-than mmmc on-din-nary n-nate-i-n.

N0TE.—No. 8 detonatorsare. also issntemiwit/u 2 feelof safetyf-areattached. -


~ rj~ fire a chargeelectrically, the prince-i n-and slabs are

men-rangedas already desem-ibed; Tine No. 13 detonator isconnie-ct-edto tine he-ads amid is ti-ne-n insert--ed bum ti-no primer,mind is fin-ed by a F.S. Rxpboder.’ Careimist be take-in thatthe otleer endsof the leadsmire- n-not attachedto ti-ne- explodertill overythiimg is ready for firinng.

~n~c -

l’rmmmtcd nmnl(ler time autniormtyof nl-n~sMmJ-~e-e-sS-I-A-n-WN1-~nnYUi—n-me-mtBy UAaaisoNAND Seas,h—a., 4n—47, st, Morttii’~Loot-, Lone-fe-mn, W.c.2,

i’rntiters itt Ortitoory to cmii Nijm-sly.

(B 27—107)r Wt, c15e7—5-n02J1e-75ommo 0/2-n H & S Ltd. GD. 70 Gp.27