Gulp v. Grunt

BUILD SYSTEMS Input file Exec. task Output file


Gulp and Grunt are very powerful and useful tools for front end web developers and designers. This talk aims to introduce each tool, explain their differences, and provide use cases for each.

Transcript of Gulp v. Grunt

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Page 2: Gulp v. Grunt +2 years old

npm install -g grunt-cli

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“Grunt is a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects.”

Original purpose of Grunt - 2012

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grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch');

1. Compile LESS to CSS 2. Concatenate and minify JavaScript 3. Watch source files for changes

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Simple Task

autoprefixer: { options: { browsers: ['last 2 version', 'ie 8', 'ie 9'] }, styles: { expand: true, flatten: true, src: '<%=src%>/assets/css/*.css', dest: '<%=src%>/assets/css/' }, },

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Complex Task

assemble: { options: { flatten: true, data: ['<%=site.source%>/data/*.{json,yml}', 'package.json'], plugins: [ 'assemble-middleware-permalinks', 'assemble-middleware-anchors', 'assemble-middleware-wordcount' ], helpers: [ 'handlebars-helper-compose', 'handlebars-helper-moment', './src/js/helpers/*.js' // Custom helpers ], assets: '<%=site.development%>/assets', partials: [opt.tpl + '/partials/**/*.{hbs,md}', opt.tpl + '/snippets/**/*.{hbs,md}'], layoutdir: opt.tpl + '/layouts', layout: 'default.hbs', collections: [ { name: 'post', sortby: 'date', sortorder: 'descending', pages: [opt.posts] } ], marked: { highlight: function (code, lang) { if (lang === undefined) lang = 'bash'; if (lang === 'js') lang = 'javascript'; if (lang === 'less') lang = 'scss'; return hljs.highlight(lang, code).value; } }, sitemap: { homepage: '<%=site.url%>', changefreq: 'daily', priority: '0.8', robot: true }, permalinks: { structure: ':basename/index.html' }, compose: { cwd: opt.posts } }, pages: { files: [ { src: opt.pages + '/*.{hbs,md}', dest: + '/' } ] }, posts: { options: { layout: 'layout-blog.hbs', permalinks: { structure: ':year/:basename/index.html' }, feed: { debug: true, prettify: true, dest: 'rss.xml' }, wordcount: { selector: '.article-content' } }, files: [ { src: opt.posts + '/**/*.{hbs,md}', dest: + '/' }, { src: opt.pages + '/index.hbs', dest: + '/index.html' } ] }, projects: { permalinks: { structure: ':year/:basename/index.html' }, files: [ { src: opt.projects + '/*.{hbs,md}', dest: + '/' } ] },

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npm install -g gulp

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“Gulp does nothing but provide some streams and a basic task system.”

- Eric Schoffstall

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Why are steams so great?Imagine the I/O and tasks of a build system

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Read file(s) Task 1 Task 2 Task 3



File system What you probably imaginedInput


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Read file(s) Task 1 Read

file(s) Task 2Writefile(s)


File system

Hopefully not what you imagined

Input Output


FilesystemFinal Output

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Plugins do more than one task

Plugins do tasks that shouldn’t be in a plugin, like tests

gruntfile.js is configuration, not code


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Build systems should empower, not impede

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GulpWith Gulp your build file is code and not config

Plugins are simple and do one thing —most are a ~20 line function

Tasks are executed with maximum concurrency

I/O works the way you picture it

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There are only five things you need to know to

understand gulp.

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gulp.task(name,fn)Registers the function with a name that can be executed from the CLI

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gulp.src(glob)Returns a readable stream

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gulp.dest(glob)Returns a writable stream

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.pipe()Node.js function that takes the readable source stream, gulp.src

and hooks the output to the destination writable stream, gulp.dest

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.pipe(foo) returns foo, e.g.,


is the same as

a.pipe(b); b.pipe(c); c.pipe(d);

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.pipe() in gulp

var a = gulp.src(‘styles.less'); // input

a.pipe(less()) // => compiled css .pipe(auto()) // => prefixed css .pipe(gulp.dest(‘styles.css')); // => output

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gulp.task('styles', function () { gulp.src('/less/styles.less')


.pipe(less()) .pipe(gulp.dest('/public/css'))

Page 25: Gulp v. Grunt,fn)Executes a function when a file that matches the glob changes

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gulpfile.js vs gruntfile.js demo

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gulp-less gulp-uglify

gulp-concat gulp-header


gulp-help gulp-notify gulp-autoprefixer gulp-recess moment

npm install

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One can use Node packages instead

of gulp plugins =

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npm install

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Gulp ain’t all awesome

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Error management ≠ good

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Use casesBecause build systems should

empower, not impede

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Continue using Grunt on pre-existing projects Continue using Grunt with dev teams that are used to it

Start using Gulp for personal projects Start using Gulp for work projects whenever possible

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Patrick Burtchaell
