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    13th Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2011 (MFA2011)

    criteria and other technical matters with the aim to introduce a single currencysimultaneously.

    Between 2005 and 2010, the GCC members shall strive to fulfil the criteria.

    In January 2010, a single currency shall be introduced.

    However, the goal towards monetary unification hit a snag when Oman announced in2006 that it would not be able to meet the target date and proposed that other GCC membersto move ahead with the monetary union; with Omans intention to join at a later date. Later inMay 2007, Kuwait decided to abandon their US dollar peg in their attempt to reduceinflationary pressure at the time. Kuwaits decision to abandon the US dollar and move to pegthe Kuwait dinar to a basket of international currencies was seen as a blow to one of thedeclarations made at the Muscat summit; i.e. all national currencies of GCC countries shall

    be pegged to the US dollar. In November 2007, the UAE central bank announced that theUAE would consider switching from a US dollar peg to a currency basket if the US dollarcontinues to weaken (Buiter, 2007). The UAE then pulled out of the project in May 2009 in

    protest to the proposed site of the new joint central bank in Saudi Arabia. On 16 March 2010,

    Reuters reported that Omans central bank Executive President Hamood Sangour al-Zadjalias saying that Oman is not reconsidering joining the Gulf monetary union.

    Obviously it has not been smooth sailing for the Khaleeji, and it came as no surprisethat when 2010 came, the Muscat declarations seemed far from being a reality. In fact,Mohamed al-Mazrooei, GCC Assistant Secretary General for Economic Affairs told Reutersthat I personally expect the single currency to be launched in 2015, if we step up the effortsand the work of various committees.3 With the pullout of Oman and UAE, it is now in thehands of the other four GCC members to push through with their agenda. The proponents of aGCC monetary union may be feeling a little bit too optimistic for the prospect of its ownmonetary union by looking at the success story of the European monetary union (EMU), butone has to remember that the European Union (EU) was founded more than 50 years ago

    before the Euro currency came into existence. (Buiter, 2007)This paper analyses the issues surrounding the planned implementation of the Gulf

    dinar among the GCC members. Assessment on the plan for the Gulf dinar, its state ofreadiness, as well as issues surrounding its delay in introducing the dinar will be covered inthis paper. Comparisons to the EMU experience will also be made especially in the area ofeconomic convergence. Suggestions will also be included in the paper with respect to thecurrency peg of the Gulf dinar. Lastly, the political implications under fiat money system andunder real commodity peg will be included in the paper as well.

    2. Overview on the GCC member countries

    This section reviews the main features of the six GCC countries economies that may impactthe planned monetary union. They are among others, discussions on the state of economy ofthe GCC as a unit vis-a-vis the global economy, economic openness of these economies,similarities and differences between the GCC economies, level of intra-trade activities

    between the GCC economies, oil and gas dependence and the level of financial marketssophistication between the six GCC countries.

    2.1. GCC in the global economyAs of 2009, the GCC as a whole has a population of 41 million and an average GDP(Nominal) per capita of USD35,496 (CIA). In terms of the number of inhabitants, the GCC

    pales in comparison to the worlds 6.8 billion population. However, in terms of GDP per3 Reuters, 2010


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    13th Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2011 (MFA2011)

    capita, the combined average of the GCC GDP per capita is more than 3 times the worldsGDP per capita of USD10,500. Even the Euro zones GDP per capita in 2009 is lower thanthe GCC at USD32,700. In terms of the combined GDP in the GCC, it has increasedtremendously from USD11 billion in 1971 to USD821 billion in 2007 (Alreshan, 2010).Recent growth for the GCC has also been rather commendable amidst the bleak global

    economic landscape last year., the GCC recorded a decent economic growth of an average1.6 percent compared to the global economic contraction of 1 percent and the Euro zonegrowth of -4 percent last year4. See Table 1 for selected key economic data for the GulfStates.

    2006 GDP1

    (USD billion)2009

    Population22009 GDP

    (Nominal) percapita (USD)3

    2009 GDP(real) growth


    UAE 168 4,789,395 46,584 -4

    Bahrain 178 728,709 24,355 2.9

    Saudi Arabia 450 28,686,633 14,871 -0.6

    Oman 36 3,418,085 18,718 2.6

    Qatar 42 833,285 75,956 9.2

    Kuwait 90 2,692,526 32,491 -0.7

    Table 1: Selected key economic data for the GCC member countries

    Sources: 1(Buiter, 2007), 2(CIA), 3(International Monetary Fund, 2010)

    2.1.1. Oil and gas

    Statistics show that as at the end of 2008, the Middle East has about 60 percent of the worldsoil reserves; and GCC collectively accounts for about 40 percent of the worlds proved oilreserves. So naturally the Middle East controls the lion share of the worlds oil production at

    31.9 percent and within the Middle East, GCC produces 22.6 percent of total global oilproduction as at end of 2008 (BP). Therefore, since oil and gas plays an extremely importantrole in the GCC5, member countries have consciously taken steps to diversify their economiesas they look at other sectors of the economy such as tourism, manufacturing and banking.Among the factors6 that made policy makers in the GCC realised for the need to push foreconomic diversification are:

    The fact that oil resources will not last forever and the never-ending search foralternative energy will put pressure to carbon energy.

    Realisation that oil will not be able to continue to boost economic growth at the samepace it did in the 1970s and the start of 1980s within the GCC region.

    2.1.2. Wealth

    Without doubt, much of the Gulfs wealth is due to its exploits of rich natural resources in oiland gas. Since the GCC has relatively smaller population with the lions share of the globaloil and gas reserves, it makes the GCC has the highest energy reserves on a per capita basis.Where per capita oil reserves are more than five times higher than in Venezuela, over 30times higher than in Russia, and over 150 times over than the United States (Siegfrid, 2005).As such, due to GCCs dependence on oil and gas, their combined wealth is highly correlated

    4 According to CIA Factbook 2009 statistics5

    Oil and gas contributes more than one third of GDP in the GCC. See (Siegfrid, Regional Monetary Integrationin the Member States of the Gulf Cooperation Council, 2005).6 See (Alreshan, GCC monetary union, 2010)


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    13th Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2011 (MFA2011)

    with oil price as well. Chart 3 shows the level of dependence of each GCC country on oilrevenues in terms of percentage over total revenue.

    2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

    Bahrain 73.0 72.6 75.7 77.1 80.1

    Kuwait 88.7 91.2 94.4 93.6 93.1Oman 70.1 71.9 70.1 64.8 62.1

    Qatar 64.1 66.0 67.1 64.6 60.7

    Saudi Arabia 78.8 84.1 89.4 89.7 87.5

    UAE 73.7 77.4 69.4 81.9 77.1

    Table 2: GCC oil revenue to total revenues (percentage)Source: Gulf national central banks

    2.1.3. Trade

    As far as international trade is concerned, the GCC economy as a whole is a rather open

    economy with certain countries like UAE and Bahrain registering trade surpluses between2003 and 2007. See Table 3 for degree of economic openness for each individual GCCcountry. This degree of openness is valued by the percentage of import and export valuesover the countrys GDP.

    2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

    Bahrain 128.5 133.0 145.9 150.7 136.2

    Kuwait 66.1 69.4 75.1 70.5 76.6

    Oman 85.5 89.4 89.5 91.3 101

    Qatar 76.9 77.1 83.4 88.9 90.1

    Saudi Arabia 62.9 69.3 76.1 78.8 84.3

    UAE 134.0 152.0 145.2 149.7 164.3Table 3: Degree of openness in GCC countries (percentage)Source: Gulf national central banks

    As we can see from Table 2, easily more than half of the revenues for each GCCmembers are from oil and gas; as such we can deduce that the GCC exports mainly oil andgas to register the trade surplus. In fact, over 65 percent of total GCC exports are oil and gas

    products. Meanwhile, the GCC imports a high proportion of consumer and capital goods as aresult of the scorched climate condition and the low share of manufacturing. In terms oftrading partners, Asia especially Japan, South Korea, Singapore and China are top exportdestination with more than half of GCC exports goes to Asia; followed by the EU and the USat 11 and 12 percent, respectively (Siegfrid, 2005).

    2.2. Similarities and differences between GCC countriesThe six GCC countries share the same Arabic language, religion, geographic location andtopography, and to certain extent culture and history. The GCC also shares similar economicstructure that is blessed with an abundance of oil and gas reserves, which translates intotrading nations that depends heavily on oil and gas (even though at varying degrees betweenthe 6 countries). As the GCC are rather heavily dependent on oil and gas as exports, they alsoshare the same structural economic problems; hence creating the similar need for economicdiversification. Human capital seemed to be a similar problem within the GCC where their

    private sector depends rather heavily on foreign expatriates, who are less costly thanemploying nationals. It is estimated that the number of foreign workers in the Gulf to be in


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    13th Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2011 (MFA2011)

    the region of 13.9 million in 2007 (Alreshan, 2010). As the GCC pushes for morediversification in its economy from oil and gas, it is conceived that the level of sophisticationof its financial market is rather low. It was only in recent times that countries like Bahrainand UAE (Dubai) put in commendable and serious efforts to be at the forefront of Islamic


    There are of course some differences between the economies of the GCC that mayimpact the monetary union. One of them is size and population, Saudi Arabia is by far thelargest with population size of 28 million and accounting for more than half of total GCCGDP. The other five countries are considerably smaller in terms of population and output.Another difference is the level of oil and gas reserves between the GCC members. Moreimportantly, the projected depletion of reserves varies between these countries. Bahrain andOman top the list as both are projected to fully deplete their oil reserves the fastest by 2011and 2022, respectively and gas reserves by 2012 and 2060, respectively. (Siegfrid, 2005).These differences brought about another differing factor between the GCC members that theeconomic diversification efforts are at varying degrees. As such, we can see a more advancedfinancial market in Bahrain and more intense tourism promotion by Oman.

    2.2.1. Oil and gas endowment by country

    Compared to the other GCC members, Saudi Arabia leads the charts in having the most oilreserves. In fact, from Chart 1 we can see that Saudi Arabias oil reserves constitute morethan half of the GCC oil reserves. If we look at oil reserves per capita, Oman and Bahrainhave the lowest. But more importantly, at current production levels, oil will be depletedsoonest in Oman and Bahrain, during the next two decades. Meanwhile Qatar tops the chartsof having the most gas reserves at about 18 percent of world reserves with its projectedreserves to last until the next 800 years, at current production level. Bahrain again facessevere depletion issues as its gas reserves will run out within an estimated less than ten years.

    Even though the GCC as a whole rely heavily on oil and gas, if we look individually, theamount of reserves and projected depletion of its oil and gas reserves differ between the GCCmembers. As such, GCC governments have started to diversify their economies into banking,tourism, and manufacturing but at varying levels of intensity.

    2.2.2. Trade patterns of GCC member countries

    Since the GCC members produce largely the same competing products rather thancomplementary ones, they tend to look elsewhere than the GCC itself as export destinations.This scenario resulted in rather low intra trade activities between the six GCC members. Itwas suggested that since intra-trade is low between the GCC, it would then be goodmotivation for the GCC to push through the successful introduction of the Khaleeji as the

    monetary union would then be able to promote more intra-trade activities. See Table 4 forintra-trade ratios among GCC members.

    Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi


    UAE Average

    2003 15.4 4.8 17.3 7.5 4.8 5.5 9.2

    2004 16.6 4.6 16.3 8.4 4.9 4.4 9.2

    2005 18.5 4.4 16.4 10.0 4.6 4.5 9.7

    2006 18.6 4.6 15.2 10.0 4.8 4.7 9.7

    2007 19.2 4.7 15.0 8.6 5.1 4.7 9.6

    Table 4: Intra-trade ratios among GCC membersSource: Directions of trade statistics, IMF


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    13th Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2011 (MFA2011)

    As far as economic openness is concerned, the GCC as a whole is a rather openeconomy with average trade surplus of 20 percent of GDP over the last five years (Siegfrid,2005). See Table 3 for degree of economic openness in individual GCC countries. As pointedout earlier, GCC exports mainly oil and gas and imports high degree of consumer and capitalgoods. The gulf states imports about one third from the Euro zone and over one third from

    Asia, while only 9 percent from the US.

    2.2.3. Financial markets

    The level of sophistication of the financial market within the GCC varies largely due to thediversification efforts by each member. As explained earlier, the different levels of intensityin diversifying each members economy partly due to the level of oil and gas reserves and

    projected depletion of the oil and gas reserves. As such, it came as no surprise when Bahrain,which will use all its oil and gas reserves the earliest, is seen to serve as the regional bankinghub. In fact Bahrain has been positioning itself as an Islamic banking centre competinghead on with Malaysia. Bahrains banking assets exceed 800 percent of GDP, well surpassingGCC average bank asset over GDP of only 122 percent. Saudi Arabia, which has the largestoil reserves within the GCC, has only about 62 percent Bank asset over GDP.

    The stock market also saw Bahrain being one of the leaders as total marketcapitalisation (stock market capitalisation to GDP) is 163 percent, only to be topped byKuwait at 171 percent. Unlike the stock market, the bond market is still at its infancy stage.Bonds issued by entities within GCC were only recorded at less than 3 percent of GDP.(Siegfrid, 2005).

    In the next section, we attempt to analyse the Gulf monetary union in terms of costsand benefits for the GCC member countries and the GMU as a whole.

    3. Assessment of the Gulf Monetary Union

    3.1. General costs and benefits of a gulf monetary unionUsing a single currency in GGC countries will bring in many advantages beside reducingsuch unnecessary cost involved in using different currency. Mundell (1961) stated thatadopting a single currency enables countries to eliminate transaction costs and uncertaintiesof exchange rate movements in the market and helps predict future exchange rates. Most ofthese costs are associated with exchange rate transaction of bid-ask spreads. A singlecurrency will provide a significant result to small open economies to trade among each othersand reduce barriers between them. Cost saving could result in more output and more Varityof products and gains customers satisfaction and needs.

    According to Alkholifey (2010), the foreign exchange rate risk could be eliminated by

    adopting a single currency in majority countries, which is considered a major obstacle totrade between different markets. Additionally, the common currency will contributeeffectively to the development and integration of financial markets, especially the bondmarket and the stock market. Furthermore, this pure integration would result in a positiveeffect at the level of monetary and fiscal policies that will infuse transparency and financialdiscipline at the regional level, which is a necessary condition for financial stability in theregion.

    Kenen (1996) argued further that trade in goods and services especially among smallfirms will be enhanced, this would lead to intensify competition among the firm operating in

    producing same products and increase allocative efficiency. Rose (2000) found out a largepositive relationship in his research regarding the countries using common currency among

    them in export and import activities, which could help them reduce their exchange risksometimes to zero, beside fixed exchange rate regime. In this system, transparent pricing


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    13th Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2011 (MFA2011)

    would be favourable to many small firms to operate without no peruse of large firmscompetitors. When adopting a GGC common currency as stated by Frankel (1999), monetary

    policy makers would gain more credible and strong exchange rate commitment, furthermore,monetary union arrangements are less subject to attacks by speculative practices.Benbouziane, Benhabib & Benamar (2009) mentioned that as well, common currency has all

    advantages of being a major attribution to all money function in general such as being anacceptable medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value. Furthermore, eliminate acapital flows between the partner countries and discourage speculative attacks. There will beno more need to save some international reserves for transaction within the zone.

    On the other hand the costs of adopting a single currency, are mainly relinquishingmonetary autonomy. There will be less autonomy control by monetary and exchange policyover members countries. These costs are more likely to be disapprobatory to these dissimilarshocks to member GGC economies. In other word, costs tend to lower the flexibility of factormarkets, as this implies a difficulty of adjustment to shocks. Benbouziane, Benhabib &Benamar (2009) argue that fiscal policy is fully effective under fixed exchange rate regimeand not true policy implementing in GGC countries due to their isolation economy. There is

    possibility of increasing unemployment rate within the countries, when adopting suchcommon currency. This is due to the assumption of low inflation and external surplus, whichcould stabilize the economic condition in one hand and cause a problem on the other hand forlong- run. With the monetary union there would be no need for action by central bank ormonetary policy maker to interfere in the policy or take unilaterally initiative to alteringexchange rate in single currency or changing the interest rate.

    3.2. Business cycle synchronizationThe synchronization of member countries business cycles is probably one of the mostevocative concerns in adopting single currency in GCC. According to AlKholifey (2010),countries with highly correlated business cycles tend to have a higher propensity to join in amonetary union for their response to shocks which tend to be symmetric too. Joining amonetary union could help a country which most likely to be affected by shocks, to soften itfor instance. Since majority GCC countries are the main producers of Oil and gas in theregion, which is highly exposed to the shocks. The similarity functions of GGC economiesand nature of their geography which sum them into the same conclusion and results.

    3.3. Intra-regional tradeWith intra-trade agreement, GCC countries will have more advantage in diversifying theiroperation risk and generate high revenues by developing more industrial sectors and produceunder cost management due to the use of same currency. The implementation of common

    currency would encourage the trade among the GCC countries to produce competitiveproducts with high quality.Operating cost in GCC countries which used single currency would be low compared

    to other countries which operate under pressure of high cost. Monetary union gainseconomies of scale when the border barriers are eliminated and whole region becomes onemarket. As result of more competition between suppliers whom compete among themselvesresulting in a high benefits to consumers. In addition, there would be more flexibility toward

    price set by the suppliers in the market.The main factors influencing implementation of common currency in GCC countries

    is the benefits that could be generated from transaction costs reduction due to one economy.Economies of GCC countries are similar in nature, and would be a common advantage to

    trade more effectively when adopting single currency. The citizens of GCC countries would


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    enjoy more luxury and friendly atmosphere and would be able to strengthen their economiescompared to outside countries.

    3.4. Stable exchange ratesMajority of GCC countries have pegged their currency to US Dollar to eliminate exchange

    risk and have more flexibility in foreign market. GCC countries have to keep some reserveamount of US dollar for their transaction settlement in US Dollar. As result of the pegging,GCC currencies were demonstrated by a history of synchronization of exchange ratemovement against US Dollar and stable cross exchange rate

    Adopting a single currency could totally eliminate a risk involved in exchange rate ofcurrency. It seems that a single currency could promote a better trade efficiency between theGCC member countries. Therefore, GCC countries will have over control of maintainingcredibility of their fixed exchange rate arrangement by avoiding the devaluation option even in

    periods of very real depressed oil prices.

    3.5. Labour and capital movement

    One of GCC countries call for freedom to work in any GCC country without restriction ordiscrimination. This will provide an easy movement of capital and labour among thecountries, beside same languages and cultural advantage which allowed a flexibilitymovement of labour easily as compared to the European monetary union for instance wherethere are many different spoken languages. On the other hand, AlKholifey & Alreshan (2010)argued that most of labours in GCC countries are foreign expatriates, who are claimed lesssalary and cost. Furthermore, he estimated that the number of foreign workers in the Gulf atabout 13.9 million in 2007.

    Recently, GCC government has spent much capital to educate their citizens to fit theneeds of market labours; therefore, they could manage to reduce the foreign workers byreplacing them with citizens. GCC countries can adopt one salary system approach whereby

    all governments should pay similar salaries to workers. This will allow them to have fairsalary payment to the workers in the GCC countries. The movement of labour would be easy,when there is an increase of production in one particular country and call for more labour.The size of GCC countries is reflecting actually the demand of consumption of each citizen.

    3.6. The political willOverall experience of GCC politics, there were not much conflict among them. This shows astrong relationship and support to unite under single currency. When looking at European

    political aspects as stated by Wyplosz (2001) who declared that Europes lesson number 1 isthat what matters is a political will to seek closer economic and financial integration, but nottied to any precisely defined plan and schedule.

    GCC could learn more from European political and adopt different methodology toavoid political conflicts that may arise from different thoughts and beliefs, but since theyhave the same languages, culture and open economy among them. Therefore, this will reducethe barriers.

    In the following section, we will discuss the convergence criteria set by the GulfMonetary Union as well as their implications in contrast with the convergence proceduresettled by the European Union.


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    13th Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2011 (MFA2011)

    4. The Gulf monetary union convergence criteria as compared to

    the European Monetary unionA monetary union in the classical literature as well as in the contemporary practice is a

    successful and beneficial process, in the sense that it solves many problems and

    encourages the social and economic well being not only within the member countries ofthe union, but also in these countries economic partners, as well as the in the developingcountries that may benefit from the improvement of the economic conditions within theleading countries in forms of financial aids for instance. Though, we should recognisethat monetary unions involve some issues that may arise because of several reasons, oneof which is the economic convergence and the way it was planned, that is why in thenext section, we will highlight the criteria of convergence set by the GMU membercountries and their implications especially in regards to the monetary and fiscal policies,the regional central banking with a unified central bank, the exchange rate regime andthe foreign exchange reserves requirement as well as the issues related to the seignioragerevenue and how it should be allocated among the GMU member countries.

    To enrich the analysis and make it more significant, we will try to make a constructivecomparison with the EMU which was considered a successful experience until now, inspiteof the recent debt crisis in Greece.

    4.1. Assessment of the convergence criteriaIn the context of the EU, the nominal convergence established by the Maastricht treaty is

    based upon four main criteria; the first is the inflation rate which should not exceed thelowest inflation rate among the first three members by more than 1.5%. The second criterionis regarding the interest rate i.e. the long-term nominal interest rates should not exceed theaverage interest rate of the first three member countries by more than 2%. The third criterionemphasises the exchange rate stability whereby the normal fluctuation margins expected by

    the exchange mechanism of the European Monetary System should be maintained for at leasttwo years before the assessment. The fourth and last criterion is in regard to the public deficitand debt, whereby the deficit of each and every member country should not exceed 3% of thereal GDP, and on the other hand the public debt should not exceed 60% of the GDP of eachmember country. However, an exception has been made regarding the last criterion i.e.countries with a deficit exceeding 3% of the GDP are allowed to join the EU if it is proventhat this excess is just temporary and will not continue further.

    The Maastricht treaty refers only to the nominal convergence, however in the case ofCentral and Western Europe countries wishing to join the EU, with different economic and

    political structures, it is necessary to consider the real convergence as well; the latter includesthe degree of openness of the economy, the weight of the bilateral trade with the EU as a

    portion of the total external trade of the respective country, the economic and politicalstructure, the GDP per capita, etc.

    The strongest refutation however against the Maastricht convergence strategy is that itmay make convergence of countries with weak currencies more difficult to achieve. Inaddition, the criteria are interrelated in some way. A country that fails to undertake a credibledisinflationary strategy, because of its infamous record of inflation, is more likely toexperience an increase in its real interest rate, as the decline in the observed inflation is notmatched by a decline in market expectation of inflation. This in turn will increase the debt

    burden, which might force the authorities to increase taxes in order to meet the debt GDPcriterion (De Grauwe, 1995).

    As for the Gulf Monetary Union, it has adopted the same convergence criteria statedin the Maastricht treaty in for the EU, namely, interest rate, inflation rate, public debt as well


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    as the public deficit, taking into account the same convergence benchmarks, in regards to theinterest rate, public debt and public deficit, however, the GMU opted for 2% as inflation rate

    benchmark instead of 1.5%, furthermore, GMU has opted for the foreign exchange reserve asa way to ensure the monetary convergence and stability instead of the exchange rate itselfused in the case of the EU.

    In the next sections we will discuss every convergence criterion in the context of theGulf Union as compared to the EU.

    4.1.1. Inflation rate

    In the context of monetary unions, it is important to take into account the inflation rates of thepotential future members, in the sense that the increase in the general level of prices in amember country implies that the purchasing power in this countrys currency will decline,which may subsequently cause price instability within the union. This measure was put in

    place in order to prevent the monetary and price instability.The European Monetary Union was not made immediately after the establishment of

    the European Union in 1957. Since 1970, the establishment of the European Economic andmonetary union was considered, but starting from 1972, there was a huge monetaryinstability, this is why the monetary union has been postponed.

    The European monetary system in 1979 came out with ECU (European CurrencyUnit), which is a virtual money comprising a basket of values, in order to limit the exchangerates fluctuations among the member countries currencies, prior to the monetary union.The EMS with its ECU solution performed well, but it did not solve the issue of freecirculation of capital within the European zone, which is why in 1989, Delores reportrecommended the economic and monetary union to be made in three phases, whereby thefirst phase strengthens the monetary cooperation. The second phase emphasizes thecurrencies convergence and puts in place respective institutions and regulations, while in the

    third and last phase of course there should be the emergence and appearance of the Euro.For the inflation rate requirement as stated above and which should not exceed the

    lowest inflation rate among the first three members by more than 1.5%, it is set as part of thesecond phase. In the early years of the Euro adoption, the member countries inflation rateswere highly volatile, in the case of Portugal for instance, the inflation rate was between1.89% and 29.3% from 1980 to 1998. In 1999 when the country adopted the Euro as the solecurrency, the inflation rate was about 2.1% which matches the EU requirement and from thenon, it started to be less volatile. In the case of Greece the inflation rate was very highamounting to 24.7% in 1980, but the country could control it to reach 3.6% in 2001 when thecountry adopted the Euro, and since then it was maintained approximately at the same level.As for the countries that have not adopted the Euro yet, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania

    and Sweden fulfil perfectly the criterion of inflation rate, but on the other hand, Latvia,Hungary and Poland do not fulfil the price stability requirement.

    In contrast with the EU experience, the gulf union potential member countries haveregistered stability in terms of price levels, and this is mainly due to their flexible tradingsystem as well as the relative strength of the US Dollar, since all the GCC countriescurrencies are pegged to US dollar except Kuwait.

    If the inflation rate requirement is that it should not exceed the weighted averageinflation rate among the GCC countries by more than 2%, then only Qatar and UAE have notconformed to this condition, which is in fact due to the high spending by these two countries.

    Compared to the EU member countries before joining the union, the GCC membercountries inflation rates were less volatile, even though Qatar and UAE do not satisfy this

    requirement, this will be an incentive for them to control their inflation rates to see themmore stable after adopting theKhaleej Dinar.


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    4.1.4. Annual government deficit and debt

    The public deficit and debt convergence criterion which was required similarly by the EU aswell as the GCC union is to ensure overall stability and development as well as to preventdebt crises, in the sense that the public deficit in most cases is covered by public debt,meaning that a country with continuing deficits will tend to borrow more, causing manynegative consequences such as the intergenerational transfer of debt, the increase of

    borrowing cost, the opportunity cost incurred by missing the chance to develop the respectivecountrys own economy.

    In the case of economic and monetary unions, EU for instance, the unsustainable debtposition maybe fatal for the whole union, in the sense that the continuing increase in debt of agiven country will push the other member countries to implement deflationary policies, sincethe needy country will rely on the union financial markets to solve its debt problem, causingthe increase of interest rate in the other member countries. Furthermore, if a country which isissuing too much debt defaults, the other member countries will be forced to bailout by virtueof not been affected through a domino effect for example.

    For the European countries to join the EU and be part of the Euro users and for theGCC countries to join the GCC union and be part of the Khaleej Dinar users, their public debtand deficit should not exceed respectively 60% and 3% of the annual GDP.

    In order to reduce their net indebtedness, most of the European countries, notablyGermany, Austria, etc. Have taken draconian and serious measures, however some othercountries have resorted to creative accounting operations with all its negative effects on thetransparency of public accounts. Such operations are mostly based upon sale of assets,exclusion from public sector consolidated accounts, subsidies recorded below the line, ascredits or capital subscriptions and differences between accrual and cash accounts. Koen &

    Noord (2005) estimated that, thanks to such operations, over the years 1997-2003 Greece,Portugal and Italy were able to reduce net indebtedness respectively by 18,7, 5,3, and 4,7 of

    GDP. It is worth mentioning that currently, Italy and Greece have the highest debt to GDPratio within the EU amounting to 115 and 108 respectively.

    The same reasoning above mentioned for the public debt implies in the case of publicdeficit as both components are related, where some countries have converged properly, whilesome other have relied on creative accounting to adopt the Euro, which explains actually theexcess deficit in the case of Italy and Greece. As for the newly adhered countries, CzechRepublic, Hungary and Poland do not fulfil this criterion yet, the question at this level iswhether the convergence will be done in a total compliance with the general European andethical rules or a mere creative accounting will be utilized? This will be probably answered

    by the future events.For the GCC countries, they have done considerable efforts which have resulted in a

    full compliance regarding the public debt and deficit criterion, however they should maintainthis level of indebtedness and deficit notably by limiting external borrowing otherwise thewhole union will be affected.

    Having said so, it is worth noting that GCC incomes are strongly influenced byexogenous volatile oil prices; hence the deficit to GDP indicator might not provide asatisfactory gauge. GDPs in oil producing countries fluctuate widely from year to year, whichmakes a countrys deficit closer to sustainability in favourable oil price conditions even ifthere is no change of policy stance (Chalk, 2001).

    4.2. Convergence implicationsBeside the convergence criteria above mentioned and that is compulsory to fulfil in order to

    join the EU or GCC union, there are some other features that need to be fulfilled but with alower degree of importance, so to speak. These features will be discussed in the next sections.


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    4.2.1. Monetary and fiscal policies

    By definition, different countries will have different monetary and fiscal policies dependingon their circumstances, monetary and fiscal preferences and so on, however, in the context ofeconomic and monetary unions, the harmonisation and/or standardization is a must for thecountries willing to join an economic and monetary union especially regarding monetary and

    fiscal policies.The European Union countries were no exception of the general rule above

    mentioned, however, after the establishment of the European Central Bank, the monetarypolicy of the EU was based on a quantified definition of price stability and risk analysis asregards to the new monetary policy strategy adopted by the ECB as well as responsibility,independence, transparency and communication.

    The price stability consists practically in price index progression along a one yearperiod that should be maintained below 2% in the medium term. To achieve this stabilitylevel, the ECB has applied economic and monetary risk analysis by following the economicevolutions as well as monetary tendencies within the EU member countries.

    The ECB which is responsible for the price stability within the EU is recognized as anindependent entity which is not subject to any eventual pressure or influence by any possible

    parties. The independence aspect of the ECB is directly related to the ECB transparency andcommunication which will help the public at large evaluate the ECB performance and resultsas well as the decisions made by the latter.

    Regarding the fiscal policy in the EU, it is mainly concerned with indirect taxes i.e.VAT, special taxes on fuel, drinks and tobacco, etc. Since these have a direct and immediateeffect on the internal market. On the other hand, the intervention on the direct taxes is muchmore limited as compared to the indirect taxes.

    One of the objectives of the internal market is to ensure the free circulation of goodsand services as well as capital within the EU. Because of the independence and neutral fiscal

    policy applied in the EU, The member countries have heterogeneous fiscal policies,depending on their history and their national traditions. On the other hand, the decisions aremade based on the unanimity which actually limits the possibilities of harmonisation betweenthe member countries; however. The latter may deform the nature of this circulation andexchanges, but to prevent this risk, the member countries have decided to harmonize theirindirect taxes, since the fiscal competition among the member countries contributes to the

    progressive convergence of the EU in terms of fiscal policies.Harmonization of indirect taxes actually in this context does not mean

    standardization, since the rates are not similar in all the member countries. Every country isimplementing a standard VAT of at least 15% and a reduced rate of at least 5% applicable tosome activities or products with a social or cultural aspect. The standard rates are between

    15% in Luxembourg and 25% in Sweden. As in France for instance, the standard VAT rate isabout 19.6% and the reduced rate is 5.5%.

    As the EU member countries are related among them, no one of them can modify thetax rates unilaterally, for instance, a country wishing to reduce its VAT tax rate should firstask for the accord of his economic partners. If for example Spain wants to reduce the VATtax on restaurant services, then it should take permission from all the EU member countries.

    For the direct taxes as mentioned earlier, the harmonization still very limited. Themain European rules regarding the direct taxes has been put in place in order to avoid thedouble taxation on companies especially for the mother companies having subsidiaries inother member countries. The direct taxation is meant also for the harmonization of savingsfiscal policy, since the European citizens are benefiting from the free circulation and are free

    to deposit their money in any of the member countries since the launching of the EU. But


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    overall, the fiscal policy harmonization in terms of the direct taxation is applied in order toestablish a European cooperation and fight against fiscal frauds.

    However, in the case of GCC, it is worth mentioning that the Khaleej countries can beseen as less effective as compared to countries with floating exchange rates mechanisms, andthis is not due mainly to the exchange rateper se but it may be due to the economic features

    of these countries, for instance, crude oil and natural gas constitutes the main source ofincome and foreign exchange reserves which is one of the main convergence criteriadiscussed above, furthermore, as compared to some developed countries such as US, GCCmember countries do not possess a developed and established secondary capital market whichconstitutes a weakness of the union.

    As it was in the case of EU, the main objective of the monetary policy of the GCCunion is to achieve price stability within and between the member countries, even though thecurrent monetary instruments are not as efficient as they normally should be. And this pricestability of course should be controlled by the GCB.

    When looking to the fiscal policies of the GCC countries, it is noteworthy that theyunanimously have a high degree of expenditures, which may in some years reach 71% of the

    total spending, on the other hand, the high dependence of the GCC countries on the oil andgas revenues makes their economic and political as well as fiscal situation subject to the oiland gas price fluctuation.

    Since the monetary and fiscal policies are highly related and given that the GCB willbe responsible in controlling the price stability within the union, then as matter of fact,collaboration in terms of fiscal policies would help the GCB achieve successfully itsobjectives, otherwise, monetary and fiscal problems may emerge with the adoption of the

    Khaleej Dinar.In this context, AlKholifey and Alreshan (2010) stated that there are a number of

    fiscal issues that need to be addressed by GCC countries:

    With the efforts being made by some GCC countries to ameliorate their overall taxsystems, issues of tax coordination might arise.

    To maintain harmony over various expenditure policies especially the rising currentspending (e.g. direct and indirect subsidies) and avoid unbalanced economic growthamong GCC economies, ex ante coordination is considered necessary.

    To bring stability to GCC revenues and suppress GDP volatility, an issue of creating amultilateral oil stabilization fund could be viable.

    4.2.2. The Central Banking System (CBS)

    When opting for monetary and economic union, the issue is not only how to settle the unioncentral bank that will replace the countries central banks, but also to look into the structure

    of central banking to be implemented which includes the union central bank as well as thenational central banks.

    In the case of the EU, the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) comprises theEuropean Central Bank (ECB) as well as 27 National Central Banks (NCB) representing the27 member countries of the EU. The ECB directory members are nominated throughunanimous agreement, by the member countries or governments presidents withrecommendation of the European Union Council.

    One of the main functions of the ESCB is to elaborate the monetary policy in the Eurozone. Subsequently, the ECB executes the decisions made by the ESCB while the NCB aremeant to make these decisions applicable nationally. Thus, as stated above, the mainobjective of the ESCB is to maintain price stability in the Euro zone as well as ensure a stablegrowth of the EU. Furthermore, the ESCB holds and manages the official resources of themember countries that have adopted the Euro especially the foreign exchange reserves.


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    The monetary policy of the ECB is based upon three main rates, from the lowest tothe highest rate, namely, deposit rates, refinancing rate which is the most important one, andthe last is the marginal loans rate.

    A subgroup of the ESCB has been created and named Euro System; it includes thecentral banks of the Euro zone and it has been established because most of the European

    countries that had reputation of being Euro users, actually have not adopted it yet.The GSCB will normally follow the model established by the EU i.e. a central

    banking system including the Gulf Central Bank (GCB) as well as the National Central Banks(NCB), even though there is quite a number of differences between the two cases, the mainone being the political orientations of the GCC member countries as compared to the EUmember countries, where the former are mainly sovereign countries, that may want to make a

    pressure for the monetary policy to be decentralized, and which may actually constitute athreat to the stability within the EU.

    For that matter, GCC member countries are required to settle this issue and determineclearly the structure of the GSCB, and the bodies it will include as well as the functions ofeach of them and all the details as regards to the nomination of the GSCB members.

    Another important issue is regarding the independence of the GSCB which we havehighlighted earlier and which is actually common between the EU and the GMU, since forthe central bank or the system of central banks to achieve successfully its pre-determinedobjectives, there should be a total independence from any possible influence. At this level,some authors consider that the political influence is the highest threat to the CBSindependence, meaning that a total separation between politics and the monetary policies willgive a higher performance of the GSCBs.

    Pooling Foreign Exchange Reserves

    In addition to the foreign exchange reserve requirement above mentioned and which is a

    formal procedure prior to the GMU adhesion, the GCB requires the contribution in terms offoreign exchange reserves whereby every member country should contribute based on itsweight in the union, and this is due mainly to the fact that the fixed exchange rate regimesforces the central banks to hold enough reserves of foreign currencies allowing them tointervene in the market to maintain the considerable and suitable level of exchange rates.

    As we have mentioned earlier when we have discussed about the CBS, the EuropeanUnion basically has followed the same reasoning and has allowed the European Central Bankto manage the foreign currencies reserves of the member countries in order to maintain thestability of the overall economy.

    Seigniorage revenue distribution

    Seigniorage is usually defined by reference to a supposed earlier stage in which full-bodiedcoins were minted by the State. Each coin would contain an amount of precious metal equalin value as a commodity to the coins exchange value as well as to the value stamped on thecoin. The States mint would accept gold for coining, assessing a fee, called a seignioragecharge. So long as that fee exceeded the mints costs, the State would receive net revenuefrom its minting operation i.e. seigniorage revenue (Wray, 2002).

    In the case of the European Union, the seigniorage revenue generated from the Euroissuance is distributed to the national central banks of the member countries that have alreadyadopted the Euro based instantaneously on their GDP as well as their respective population

    proportions, which means that it is maybe subject to review in case the member countriesagree to do so. As for the countries that have newly joined the Euro zone, it is expected that

    they will get a higher benefit as compared with their current seigniorage revenue, Hansen andKing (2004) follow the same reasoning and state that currency demand in the new member


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    countries is expected to increase relative to the present group of euro countries. This basicallymeans that the demand will increase also outside the EU with its new members given theeconomic and trading partnership of the EU member countries with other non membercountries.

    As for the GCC countries, they are expecting to base their seigniorage revenue

    distribution on the monetary base growth, which is subject to debate since member countriesmay find it easy to increase their monetary base in order to get a larger share of theseigniorage revenue.

    As far as the seigniorage revenue distribution for both the unions is concerned, the EUmethod has more significance and seems to be more reasonable, on the one hand because it is

    based on the real GDP and the populations proportions that cannot be falsified or manipulatedby member countries, and on the other hand because this basis is subject to change anytimethe member countries find it adequate to do so.

    The exchange rate regime

    The choice of the exchange rate regime is highly important especially in the case of economicand unions. It considers the economic policy of the countries as well as their macro-economicmodes of adjustment. It considers also the economic partners of these respective countriesthat are sensitive as regards to the consequences of the potential exchange regime on theirrelative competitiveness, thus, the exchange rate regimes determine the conditions of theinternational integration of the economies.

    The member countries of the EU have chosen a flexible exchange rate regime, andthey seem to be convinced with the adequacy of their choice, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi7stated inthe 2007 annual Meeting that this was the obvious decision to take and he added that it wouldhave made no sense at all to create the euro and then subject its monetary policy to externalrather than internal requirements.

    For the European countries that have joined the EU lately, although their currentexchange rate regimes are totally different, this does not mean that they will certainly havemisalignment problems, by reference to the Portugal, Spain or Greece previous successfulexperiences.

    Although the GCC countries did not officially opt for either exchange rate regime, thefact that all member countries except Kuwait have pegged their national currencies to USdollar, is a sign that among other regimes, the dollar peg may be the preferable to the GCCmember countries, that have made their decision based on the assumption that the US dollarwill keep strengthening. This potential decision is also proven by the fact that the membercountries have put in place some measures that are compatible with the US dollar peg, suchas their fiscal policies or the accumulation of the foreign reserves for instance.

    This choice of the GCC member countries has taken into consideration not only theeconomic aspect of the regime but also the political dimensions that is basically why theGCC countries seem to be attached to this regime, where they have stated in severaloccasions that they are not willing to change their exchange rate regime unless the GCCunion decides on another regime.

    As stated earlier, since the GMU are more likely to opt for US dollar peg, then it isrelevant for them to understand the implications of their decision as well as implement

    properly the foreign exchange reserve requirement along with any other adequate measuresfor them to avoid shocks that may hit the US dollar especially in the current circumstances.

    Furthermore, the GCC member countries should make sure that the convergenceprocedure is done in the best manner, whereby there should be no creative accounting to skip

    7 Member of the ECB Executive Board


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    the official adhesion procedure. Greece and Italy lesson for instance should be learnt in orderto not commit the same fatal mistakes.

    In the following sections we will expose some of the suggestions that may be helpfulfor the GMU to enhance its formation in terms of exchange rate regime as well as in terms ofrisk management.

    5. Suggestions for improvement of the Gulf Monetary Union

    5.1 Suggestions in terms of the exchange rate regime

    5.1.1 Currency Basket Peg

    A basket peg could serve as a cautious strategy towards a more flexible exchange rate policy.With a basket peg, the main anchor properties of an exchange rate peg could be retained,while at the same time gaining some adaptability to the adverse effects of swings among thevalue of the major reserve currencies. The volatility of the nominal effective exchange ratewould be reduced, benefiting external trade and balance sheet stability. For example, a peg tothe SDR would result in lower volatility of oil export receipts relative to the dollar peg.

    Implementing a basket peg may be a useful way to introduce more flexibility of theexchange rate in a gradual manner, which would allow private market participants to learn tomanage and live with foreign exchange risk. Compared to fixing to a single currency,

    pegging to a basket of currencies has the disadvantage that traders will have to bear theexchange rate risk. And in relatively underdeveloped financial markets hedging exchange raterisk would be difficult and costly. On the other hand, pegging to a single major currencyallows market participants to take advantage of instruments available for that major currency.What probably matters most is the extent of the higher exchange rate risk versus the reducedcost from lower exchange rate volatility.

    One disadvantage of basket pegs is that they may reduce the microeconomic andinformational benefits of maintaining constant at least one bilateral exchange rate relevant forprice comparisons and economic transactions. Also, basket pegs tend to be less transparentand more difficult to explain to the public. The weights attached to the basket will have to bemanaged and lack of transparency could encourage speculative behavior, as the example ofKuwait shows.

    One simple approach would be to peg to a transparent basket consisting only of theUS dollar and the euro. It would be simple to interpret, would reduce monetary dependenceof the GCC on the US Federal Reserve, cover most transactions in goods, services, andfinancial instruments (now in the US dollar and the euro area), and allow for the use of bothdollar and euro hedging instruments to efficiently manage financial risks given the

    considerable depth in euro financial instruments (Khan, 2009).

    5.1.2. Pegging to the export price of oil

    Pegging the domestic currency to the export price of the main export product (PEP) hassometimes been suggested for small open economies that are relatively specialized in the

    production and export of a particular mineral or agricultural commodity. The argument forPEP is that it simultaneously delivers automatic accommodation to terms-of-trade shocks, asfloating exchange rates are supposed to do, while retaining the credibility-enhancingadvantages of a nominal anchor, as dollar pegs are supposed to do (Frankel and Saiki, 2002).A peg to the price of oil would allow the real exchange rate to move in line with the real priceof the main export commodity. Essentially, it would decouple oil exporters monetary

    policies from those of oil importers.


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    But there are several important qualifications and drawbacks attached to this type ofexchange rate policy. First, the GCC countries taken together account for a sizeable part oftotal world output and exports. Therefore, the small economy assumption is not applicable inthe case of the GCC, as the price of oil cannot be regarded as exogenous. Indeed oil can beseen as a major international currency in itself, and pegging their national (fiat) currencies to

    their own (commodity) currency would not anchor the GCC countries currencies tosomething truly exogenous.

    Second, it is questionable whether an automatic adjustment to terms-of-trade shockswould be effective under a PEP system. For example, an adverse terms-of-trade shock (adecline in oil prices) would, under the PEP, result in a real depreciation. However, with oil

    production in most GCC countries constrained by capacity and extraction limits, as well as bythe OPEC quota system, all adjustments would have to come through expanding non-oilexports or cutting imports. However, in the GCC, non-oil exports depend on hydrocarbon

    production for inputs, and are therefore not independent from the level of oil and gasproduction.

    Third, pegging to the price of oil would make import prices highly variable, as well as

    create significant volatility for other sectors of the economy. For example, a consequence ofhigh oil prices would be a real appreciation, which would raise the cost of other exports anddampen the diversification effort. In particular, the prices of non-pegged tradable goodswould be destabilized in terms of domestic wages and nontraded goods, which could lead toadverse Dutch disease effects when oil prices rose. In the event of a decline in oil prices, it isunclear whether the oil peg would permit sufficient depreciation of the national currency toaccommodate the adverse change in the terms of trade and stabilize export earnings. Further,it can be argued that a gradual adjustment in the real exchange rate may be preferable untilthe terms-of-trade shift appears permanent. In any event, with daily fixing of the exchangerate, PEP requires transparency and credibility that may take time to establish.

    5.1.3. Commodity basket peg

    Basically the alternatives above mentioned are more suitable and desirable as exchange rateregime for the expected launch of Gulf Dinar as compared to the Dollar peg regime. But incontrast with an oil backed currency, the latter is much more suitable for many considerationsespecially the Oil reserves that the GCC countries possess, however, a currency backed byonly one commodity can be more exposed to speculative attacks as compared to currency

    backed by a dozen or so of commodities. That is why we strongly recommend the GCCmember countries to issue their common currency in a commodity basket backed aspect.

    The implementation of GCCs commodity basket backed currency should be backed by a standardized basket of the most important commodities mainly Oil and other

    commodities (e.g., gold, wheat, copper, etc). It would, therefore, be conceptually similar to afully backed gold standard, but in the case of the commodity basket peg, the backing wouldconsist not of one single commodity but of a number of main international commodities,including gold. Since it is fully backed by a physical inventory of commodities, thecommodity basket peg would be a secure, robust and credible payment and provide a stableinternational mechanism for contractual and payment purposes worldwide.

    This kind of currency is designed as an inflation-resistant currency by its verycomposition. Inflation is always defined as the changes in value of a basket of goods andservices. By selecting the appropriate ingredients to be placed in the basket, the commodity

    basket peg can automatically protect and be protected against inflation. On the other hand, itprovides a robust international standard of value.

    The commodity basket peg automatically tends to counteract the boom and bustfluctuations of the business cycle, thereby improving the overall stability and predictability of


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    the worlds economic system. When the business cycle is weakening, corporationscustomarily have an excess of inventory and a need for credit. These corporations wouldimmediately spend the commodity basket currencies, say, to pay their suppliers, so as toavoid the demurrage charges8. Suppliers, in turn, would have a similar incentive to pass onthe demurrage-charged currency as a medium of payment. The spread of this currency (with

    its built-in incentive to trade) would automatically activate the economy at this point in thecycle.

    The demurrage feature of the commodity backed currency would provide a systematicfinancial motivation to realign financial interests with longer-term interests. This is in directcontrast with what happens today with conventional national currencies. The discounted cashflow of conventional national currencies with interest rates systematically emphasizes theimmediate future at the expense of the long-term. The same discounted cash flow with ademurrage charged currency produces the exact opposite effect. The use of the commodity

    basket peg for planning and contractual purposes will therefore reduce the conflict thatcurrently prevails between the stockholders financial priorities and the long-term prioritiesof humanity as a whole.

    By looking to the real aspect of the commodity backed currency backed by realcommodities- and its demurrage fees, as compared to the fiat money dominating nowadays,one can clearly perceive the long list of benefits that Khaleej Dinar backed by a basket ofcommodities can provide for the whole world.

    8 whose holding costs accumulate over time


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    5.2. Suggestions regarding risk preventing and rescue plans

    5.2.1. GCCs Crisis FundThe Geek debt crisis has bared a shortcoming of the EU's monetary union. While sound

    finances are needed to underpin the euro's stability, the rules limiting governmentdeficits have not been enough to keep some countries from running up large amounts ofdebt. Nor is there an oversight procedure to ensure sound policies are implemented. Inthe Greek debt crisis, Germany and other euro nations have urged Greece not to go to theIMF for a bailout loan. Such a possibility is widely seen as embarrassing in euro zonecapitals and damaging to the euro area's credibility.The crisis exposed severe defects ofthe euro zone, including lack of economic governance in the single currency club and nocollective solution to prevent a possible debt default in a member like Greece fromthreatening overall stability.

    The GCC should plan to create a Gulf Monetary Fund (GMF) to better coordinate theeconomies of the member countries that use the khaleej Dinar and prevent financial debaclessuch as the Greek debt crisis from undermining the credibility of Europe's single currency.

    The idea is that Greeces case must not happen with GCC and they must reinforce economicpolicy coordination.Gulf Monetary Fund have to establish details of how much money a future GMF

    could command or what its shareholders structure would look like based on their financialpledges to the fund.

    However, the questions of course must be asked: who pays in, how does one pay in,how independent is it from the (Gulf) Commission? And so on.

    Urging the idea for some time, Gulf Monetary Fund could bail out troubledgovernments, and then use the threat of cutting off rich member support payments to forcethem to bring spending practices into line.And the GMF could set up the possibility of anorderly default for an indebted state in which the GMF could offer Islamic bonds to holders

    of defaulted debt, limiting the crippling ripple effects of a default.

    5.2.2. GCBs Unit for monitoring and risk preventing

    GCC member countries need to co-ordinate their efforts to devise a new common bankingpolicy to enable national banks to face any fresh crisis in the global financial system or crisisof any member. Banks in the GCC should learn lessons from the latest global economicturmoil and stick to known investment standards and shun derivatives and other high riskinstruments.

    The GCC central banks should set up a unit to monitor and prevent any risk ofdefault, crisis, etc. They should work on the monitoring and assessment of GCCs membersand guard themselves against future crises. They have to abide by known investment criteria

    and avoid harmful speculation in the local and external markets, and in investing in high-riskderivatives.

    The GCC central banks should have somewhat sought to co-ordinate their effortsbefore the crisis, they should have expand this co-ordination and double their efforts tosupport protection in crisis. The GCC monetary authorities are urged to devise new banking

    policies that will open a wider horizon for financial and banking co-operation in the region.GCC central bank should control the impact of the crises and default problems. This

    mechanism would involve stronger governance of regional banks to ensure they are betterprotected against bad debt and other crises in the future. It should have joint plan to forceGCC banks to set aside sufficient provisions against non-performing loans to counter newdefault problems.


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    In the next sections we will discuss the political Implications under fiat money systemand real commodity peg for the Gulf Monetary Union to see the opportunities and threats inthe context of an unstable international environment.

    6. Political implicationsAs it was mentioned in the previous pages thatGulf Cooperation Council has agreed to issue

    a new currency namely Gulf Dinar by the end of 2010 after a long journey that hasstarted in 1983 when they signed in the first time a free-trade area. There is no doublesurrounding that Gulf Dinar will bring a lot of benefits to the GCC countries and its

    people in terms of cost reduction and cross border trades and it will eliminate riskexchange between local currencies. However the question is; whether it has to be flexibleor pegged to Dollar, a basket of currencies or oil market price. While some experts havesuggested that the new currency should be backed by oil since gulf countries control45% of the world's known oil reserves because this is high enough to gain people'sconfidence to accept Gulf currency as global currency as compared to U.S dollar.

    In this part, it is rational to focus in a more details on political implication of issuingGulf Dinar as Fiat money or oil backed. So, In the absence of Soviet, the United States ofAmerica becomes the only super power in the world and its eye has been focusing on gulfregion to put its hand on oil reserve of the gulf countries, therefore since the Gulf war two in1991 to rescue Kuwait, U.S has found a reason to stay in the Gulf region to secure itself theshare of oil. in the current political environment issuing a new common currency in Fiat formfor GCC union is much more applicable because the United States of America will move to

    protect the position of the Dollar as a global currency and as a medium of exchange ininternational trade transactions and it has a big influence on the GCC decision making to

    prevent the idea of Gulf Dinar backed by oil. So, in that sense, assuming that the gulf dinarwill be pegged either to Dollar or basket of currencies including dollar as it was proposed by

    the GCC countries and then, it will give a dollar the sustainability to remain a globalcurrency, moreover it will continue pricing oil in Dollar instead of Gulf Dinar. In this case,there will not be much fundamental economic and political changes in the region and the restof the world since it will be pegged to Dollar or basket of currencies. In other words, thedinar will lose its role to serve as means of payment intentionally for the reason that we areaccepting to price oil in Dollar rather than Gulf Dinar. It is useful to note that the momentthat they issue Gulf Dinar and link it to the price oil, it will attract the world financialinstitutions to accept it as a global new reserve currency because of the amount of oil and gasreserve that the GCC has.

    Hammoudeh (2007) stated that theresults from the assessments of both the effects ofthe Dollar and Euro zones suggest that the GCC economies seem to be driven by terms-of-

    trade and domestic shocks. In that sense, a more flexible exchange rate regime may be moresuitable to the GCC area. The study suggests that Gulf Dinar will better adopt flexible regimeinstead of pegging to Dollar or basket of currencies, so as above mentioned, one of thesuitable way for the GCC countries is to link the Gulf Dinar to oil price which will give thenew currency a chance to be accepted as global reserve currency and to gain a strong positionin the world politically and economically and that to bring justice to all citizens.

    6.1. Commodity basket peg

    The world has been seeking peace and equal opportunities to all mankind around the world.Under the fiat monetary system it is impossible to realize these objectives and the principle of

    Maqasid Shariah, causing the world to fall into several wars since the early twenties and evenbefore, until today. The history is a good teacher, according to Norburn (1975), if there is


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    peace in the world it must start in the United State of America with economic justice. Thefirst and the greatest step must be the establishment of a new monetary system, a system inwhich every citizen would have an equal voice in the issue of money and an equal benefitfrom that issue.

    Great Financiers have circumvented that right and have usurped that power. They

    create the nation's money by simply writing entries in ledgers. No longer is its standard ofvalue stable and used chiefly for their own private profit. Through their manipulations ofmoney, property is forcibly taken from the labourers and the wealth of the world isconcentrated into fewer hands. Achieve peace for mankind, requests not just to be just tocitizens of your country but also requests to let every country in this world free to design itsown monetary system that reflects its value and bring equality to its members. The main

    political implication in the case of a Gulf Dinar backed by oil, is the potential decline of USDollar and subsequently the emergence of china as global super power economically and itsnecessity of energy in the world.

    6.2. The decline of the dollarThe U.S economy has gone through a deep recession since the collapse of Lehman brothersin the last quarter of 2008 after subprime mortgage crisis that led the whole financial systemto fall into systematic risk and then demise of major banks into bankruptcy. Furthermore theU.S current account has been experiencing a trade deficit since 1985, it means that U.Simports are far more than exports and it finances its deficit by issuing debt instrumentsdominated in U.S Dollar and its current account deficit has reached U.S $3 trillion with restof the world especially China and Japan.

    In addition every citizen today in the U.S is fully indebted, so no one is willing andable- to have a loan even though the interest rate is low. This leads to low production andincreasing unemployment rates, to mention but few. The failure of banks and financial

    institutions is another factor that gives a negative image. This indicates that the whole U.S.A-government, corporate and individuals- have been fully indebted. Duncan (2005:88) foundout that with the dept equivalent to 60% of GDP and huge unfunded contingent liabilities forthe social security system, the U.S government`s financial position is not good. The U.S.government can be relied on to spend enough to stave off economic collapse.

    During Great Depression, President Roosevelt addressed his nation, we have nothingto fear, but fear itself. Today, the only reason to fear is not fear itself. There is a high

    possibility that a derivatives market meltdown could cause a global systemic bankingcollapse that no government could afford to repair. These are a clear signs that the dollar isgoing to lose its value as well as its role for a world trade currency and medium of exchanges,so that when the people lose confidence in Dollar's purchasing power, the Dollar will collapse

    and the global economy will pay the price because of the Dollar's position as world reservecurrency.

    6.3. The emergence of China as the next super powerIn the recent decades, China has become one of the highest exporting countries in the world

    because of its comparative advantage of low cost of labour and its huge human capitalresources, therefore its economy has been growing within a double digital this will give chinaits powerful role to play in the world. Das (2006: xii) has predicted that the Chinese economyhas made the most rapid and far-reaching economic transformation in history. It is givingunambiguous and comprehensible indications of emerging as a key actor on the globaleconomic stage in the foreseeable future.

    Accolades from academics and business professionals are well-deserved. Some ofthem even see in it a rising, if nascent, economic super-power, which is gearing up for a new


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    geo-political role that is providing soft leadership to Asia in the future. There is no doubtabout the emergence of China where the average income of Chinese citizen has risen fromUS$717 in1980 to US$4,726 in 2003 and its exports and imports increased in average annualrate of 10.2 percent and 9.4 percent and the most important thing is that the share of exportsin gross domestic product augmented from 13.9 percent in 1985 to 30.1 percent in 2003.

    Edmonds et al(2008:169) stated that one of the challenges that China is facing is theshortage of oil supply that will affect its production that can further affect negatively itseconomic development to maintain its level of exports. Gokay (2006:141) mentioned thatChina becomes the worlds second largest importer after the USA. The Chinas governmentestimates that it will need 600m metric tons of crude oil a year by 2010, more than the tripleof its expected output because the rapid expansion growth requests increasing demand on oilto satisfy its need. In other words, Chinas economic growth which is more based onmanufacturing will be dependent mainly on oil.

    6.4. The big opportunity for GCC countriesGCC was established in 1983. The union has a vital position to play a better economic and

    political role in the world because of its huge hydrocarbon reserve and its geographicalposition. Moreover, the similarity of culture, language and economy should be positivefactors that can serve for a successful new currency. Taking into account all these factors, theGulf Dinar has a big chance to serve as the global reserve currency.

    Overall, In the light of a collapsing Dollar, the increasing energy need of China,recent problem that has been faced by Euro and the huge oil reserve of Gulf countries thatcan boost a public confidence in their new issued currency so the next debate should bedirected to the ideal decision of the gulf ruler, Whitman (2006: 28) stated that the reality isthat national economies are hostage of oil, and that oil has become the new commoditymeasurement of value. In these conditions, the ability of a state to hold oil in reserve by either

    actually possessing it or securing access to it, reflects the history of modern finance thatconditioned the value of a national currency on the ability of state to acquire and hoard goldand silver. Therefore, oil will set the value of the currency.

    Furthermore; the Gresham law says that bad money drives out the good one; or thatin a contrast with unsecured paper currency and a commodity based currency -the morevalued commodity- will be hoarded and tends to disappear. In other words, without any doubtoil will become a future currency in 21th century after people have lost confidence in papermoney. Therefore, the rational decision to be taken by GCC authorities is to decide its newcurrency to be backed by oil because of the huge oil reserve that they have and the experienceof unsecured currencies failure so, the moment Gulf Dinar is linked to oil, it can take positionof international currency and all central banks around the world will demand it as reserve to

    pay for trade transaction and it will serve as a good store of value and unit of account and thegulf countries will become one of the a key players economically and politically in the 21thcentury.

    7. Discussions and ConclusionThe GCC monetary union will bring many benefits not only to the GCC member countries

    but also to non member countries, especially Muslim and developing countries, in the sensethat many Muslim and developing- countries today are still not only receiving financial aidsfrom the United states, but highly depending on these aids9. This let these countries followingthe US rules to some extent, which means that for the time being they cannot enjoy a total

    9 Jordan is an example


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    independence, whether economically, financially, politically or even socially and culture-wise.

    Having said so, we submit that a GCC monetary union is a must, with a Khaleej Dinarbacked by a basket of commodities whereby Oil should have the greatest weight among thecommodities comprised in this basket so that Muslims will acquire back their bargaining

    power as it always was many centuries back, at the meantime, it is necessary for the GCCcountries to strengthen their economies by developing the other sectors as well, and stopdepending on the Oil revenue as Oil itself is not eternal.

    On the other hand, the GCC countries have the similarity advantage, in contrast withother regions where the economy, language, culture, nature, weather, etc...are totallydifferent, the GCC countries are very much similar, and this in fact is a tool that should beused by these countries in order to strengthen their economic and political cooperation in the

    benefit of their benefits as well as the tiers countries once again.The European monetary union should be a benchmark for the GCC countries, i.e. the

    latter should consider this experience with its pros and cons, negative and positive points. Forinstance the Greece debt crisis should be analysed, understood and subsequently the

    necessary measures should be put in place in order to prevent this from happening, eventhough some authors argue that the pre-announced bailout plan maybe fatal for a monetaryunion, in the sense that it will encourage the member countries to venture into high riskinvestments and subsequently become more exposed to default, we still believe that a wellestablished and regulated pre-designed bailout plan will have more pros than cons. One wayto do it will be to determine a maximum level of investment risk the member countries canventure in, as well as to fix a maximum amount to be given out to help the defaulting membercountries.

    Furthermore, the funds used to bailout should be contributed annually as percentageof GDP and invested by a special body under the Gulf Central Bank, notably in investmentswith relatively low level of risk. The profit from these investments will be distributed basedon the member countries contribution to the fund, and a determined portion of the profits will

    be kept by the GCB to rescue any of the member countries in case of financial problems.Another fact that the GCC countries should consider is the creative accounting

    practices that let some countries join monetary unions without effectively fulfilling theconvergence criteria decided by the union, which was the case actually for some of theEuropean union member countries prior to the adhesion10 and which is basically one of theroots of the problems occurring currently in the European Union. The GCC member countriesshould make sure that the convergence criteria should be satisfactorily fulfilled withoutrecourse to unethical practices that are actually a threat for the whole GCC union in the sensethat it may cause its collapse.

    With the current international circumstances, the world political and economic pictureis most likely to change. For many years we have been looking at the United States ofAmerica as the world superpower not only politically but economically and financially aswell with its currency which is so far highly demanded by the entire world. As we haveanalysed earlier, China is the expected emerging superpower notably to replace the UnitedStates of America. However, as the world become more and more depending on Oil and theglobal race to acquire the most possible of Oil reserves is becoming more and more ferocious,we submit that the GCC member countries have a very important role to play and a very highopportunity to be one of the political and economic leaders in the international levelespecially if their monetary union is done the way we have conceived it i.e. with a KhaleejDinar backed by a basket of commodity with notably the highest weight given to Oil.

    10 Italy, Greece and Portugal for instance, (Noord, 2005)


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