Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance...

Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance Trials 200 Dr. Dan D. Fromme Assistant Professor & Extension Agronomist

Transcript of Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance...

Page 1: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated

Gulf Coast Sorghum HybridPerformance Trials


Dr. Dan D. FrommeAssistant Professor & Extension Agronomist

Page 2: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated

Table of Contents

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1 Table 1. Participating county Extension agents and producers……………………………………………3 Table 2. Participating seed companies and hybrids entered by county in the upper gulf coast region…………………………………………………………………………………4 Table 3. Participating seed companies and hybrids entered by county in the rio grande valley region…………………………………………………………………………………5 Table 4. County trial information…………………………………………………………………………………………6 Table 5. Hybrid rankings based on yield across all counties in the upper gulf coast…………..7 Table 6. Brazoria County Sorghum Hybrid Trial……………………………………………………………………8 Table 7. Matagorda County Sorghum Hybrid Trial……………………………………………………………….9 Table 8. Jackson County Sorghum Hybrid Trial…………………………………………………………………….10 Table 9. Victoria County Sorghum Hybrid Trial…………………………………………………………………….11 Table 10. Calhoun County Sorghum Hybrid Trial………………………………………………………………….12 Table 11. Willacy County Sorghum Hybrid Trial……………………………………………………………………13 Table 12. Cameron County Sorghum Hybrid Trial…………………………………………………………………14 Table 13. Hidalgo County Sorghum Hybrid Trial……………………………………………………………………15

Page 3: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


2009 Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance Trials

Dr. Dan D. Fromme, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist

Rudy Alaniz, Technician Clinton Livingston, Technician

Texas Agrilife Research and Extension Center Corpus Christ, Texas

Variety selection is the most important decision made during the year. Unlike herbicide or insecticide decisions that can be changed during the season to address specific conditions and pests, variety selection is made only once and that selection will dictate the management of that field for the entire season. Select sorghum hybrids on proven performance records, not solely on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated superior yielding ability across multiple locations and/ or years is likely the one that will perform consistently on your farm. To assist producers with variety selection, trials are conducted annually in counties located throughout the Gulf Coast region. Testing hybrids across many locations and/or years exposes them to a diversity of growing environments such as may occur on your farm over many years. We believe this approach provides a good foundation of information that can be utilized to begin the decision making process for the upcoming season. If possible, do not rely on results from a single location in a single year. There is no guarantee that conditions will be similar in future years or at other locations. Each year review as many public and private tests within your region as possible before making a decision. In 2009, eight trials were conducted throughout the region. Trials were located in Cameron, Hidalgo, Willacy, Victoria, Calhoun, Matagorda, Jackson, and Brazoria counties. Also included in this report is current year summary that combine the yield results for counties located in the upper coast. Table 1 includes the participating county, Extension agent, and the producer who planted the trial. Table 2 includes the participating seed companies and the hybrids entered by county and region. Table 4 lists the agronomic information for each trial location. Table 5 is a summary of results across all locations in the Upper Gulf Coast region. Six of the eight trials were replicated in a randomized complete block design which enables the data to be analyzed statistically which gives one greater confidence in knowing if there are truly any statistically differences in hybrids. The statistical analysis at the bottom of the table presents a general overview of the uniformity of the test conditions (soil type, cultural practices, insect damage, etc.). Trial locations with large LSD’s (more than 500 lbs./acre) generally offer little useful information due to non-uniform conditions (higher degree of variability).

Page 4: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


The cv indicates the degree of precision with which the varieties are compared and is a good index of the reliability of the trial. It expresses the experimental error as a percentage of the mean; thus, the higher the cv value, the lower is the reliability of the trial. A cv value of 10 or less for yield is considered excellent or very reliable data. Hybrids that are statistically different from one another will not have the same letter next to the corresponding number value in a column. Conversely, hybrids that are not statistically different from one another will have the same letter next to the corresponding number value in the column. Means separation were performed at the 0.05 level of probability as determined by fishers protected LSD. Statistical analyses were performed in ARM.

Page 5: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 1. Particpating Extension agents and producers.

County Town Extension Agent Producers

Jackson Edna Mike Hiller Steve Andel

Calhoun Port Lavaca Phoenix Rogers Sam Nunley

Victoria Victoria Joe Janak Marshall Lange

Matagorda Bay City Brent Batchelor Zernicek Farms

Brazoria Angleton Corrie Bowen Jakubec Farms

Hidalgo Edinburg Brad Cowan Tim McDaniel

Cameron Brownsville Enrique Perez James Bauer

Willacy Raymondville Lucas A. Garcia Israel Salazar

Page 6: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 2. Upper Gulf Coast Region, participating seed companies and hybrids entered by county.

Company Hybrid Brazoria Jackson Victoria Matagorda Calhoun Wharton1

DeKalb 53-67 X X X X X X

Terral 94S91 X X X X X X

Garst 5308 X X X X X X

Dyna-Gro 771B X X X X X X

G. Acres 3696 X X X X X

B-H Gen. 5522 X X X X X

Triumph TRX85002 X X X X X X

Integra NK7829 X X X X X X

Pogue 222A X X X X X X

B-H Gen. 5566 X

Garst 5464 X X

G. Acres 3552 X

X =entered in trial. 1was not planted due to dry conditions.

Page 7: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 3. Rio Grande Valley region, participating seed companies and hybrids entered by county.

Company Hybrid Cameron Hidalgo Willacy

B-H Genetics 3822 X X X

Golden Acres 3545 X X X

Terral 92S82 X X X

Asgrow 571 X X X

Dyna-Gro 771B X X X

Sorghum Partners NK7633 X X X

Pogue 222A X X X

DeKalb DKS37-07 X X X

Garst 5556 X X X

X = entered in trial.

Page 8: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 4. 2009, county, planting date, harvest date, row spacing, plot dimensions, area harvested, and harvest method.

County Planting Date Harvest Date Row


Plot Dimen.

(rows by feet)

Area harvested/plot

(rows by feet)

Irrigated Replicated

Calhoun March 29 July 25 38 in. 6 by 1726 6 by 431 no 3x

Victoria April 2 July 27 38 in. 6 by 2000 6 by 815 no 3x

Matagorda March 26 July 15 38 in. 8 by 425 8 by 425 no 3x

Jackson March 23 July 13 40 in. 8 by 2615 8 by 2615 no no

Brazoria March 22 July 20 40 in. 8 by 1802 8 by 600 no 3 x

Hidalgo February 19 June 25 42 in. 12 by 1284 12 by 1284 yes no

Cameron February 17 July 1 40 in. 12 by 1485 9 by 1485 yes 3x

Willacy March 21 July 10 40 in. 8 by 1240 8 by 1195 yes 3x

Page 9: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 5. 2009 Upper Gulf Coast Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials Across Locations, Texas AgriLife Extension Service.



Matagorda Lbs/acre

Victoria Lbs/acre

Brazoria Lbs/acre

Calhoun Lbs/acre

Jackson Lbs/acre

Average Lbs/acre

DeKalb 53-67 5109 4551 5576 6044 5837 5423

Terral 94S91 4862 4734 5657 5464 5785 5300

Garst 5308 4804 4450 5632 5918 5104 5182

Dyna-Gro 771B 4689 4632 5308 5976 5268 5175

G. Acres 3696 4926 4167 5973 5234 --- 5075

B-H Gen. 5522 4900 4159 5697 --- 5316 5018

Triumph TRX85002 4758 3413 5162 4729 4664 4545

Integra NK7829 4951 2762 4083 3590 4068 3891

Pogue 222A 4774 2956 3986 3214 3218 3630


4864 3980 5230 5021 4908

Page 10: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 6. Brazoria County Sorghum Hybrid Trial, 2009 Cooperator: Jakubec Farms

Corrie Bowen, County Extension Agent-Agriculture and Natural Resources, Brazoria County Dr. Dan D. Fromme, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist


Moisture (%) Bu. Wt. (lbs.) Lbs./Acre1 Value $/Acre2

Golden Acres 3696

14.30 a

56.17 ab

5973 a

337.50 a

B-H Genetics 5522

14.33 a

55.33 bc

5697 ab

321.88 ab

Terral 94S91

13.10 a

55.00 bc

5657 abc

319.59 abc

Garst 5308

13.40 a

57.17 ab

5632 abc

318.22 abc

DeKalb DKS5367

14.00 a

58.00 a

5576 abc

315.02 abc

Dyna-Gro DG 771B

13.90 a

56.83 abc

5308 bc

299.90 bc

Triumph TRX85002

14.73 a

57.33 ab

5162 c

291.66 c

Integra NK7829

14.87 a

53.50 c

4083 d

230.67 d

Pogue 222A

15.03 a

55.83 abc

3986 d

225.22 d

Mean 14.18 56.13 5230 295.52 P>F 0.0516 0.0383 0.0001 0.0001 LSD (P=0.05) NS 2.491 517.10 29.22 Standard Deviation 0.708 1.439 298.73 16.88 CV% 4.99 2.56 5.71 5.71

Means in a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different by ANOVA. 1Adjusted to 14% moisture. 2$5.65 per cwt was used to determine value per acre. Planting Date: 3/22/09 Harvest date: 7/20/09 Row spacing: 40 inches Each hybrid was replicated three times in a RCB design.

Page 11: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 7. Matagorda County Sorghum Hybrid Trial, 2009 Cooperator: C&T Farms

Brent Batchelor, County Extension Agent-Agriculture & Natural Resources, Matagorda County Dr. Dan D. Fromme, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist

Hybrid Moisture (%) Bu. Wt. (lbs.) Lbs./Acre1 Value ($/Acre)2

DeKalb DKS5367 13.73 bc 57.0 a 5109 a 288.66 a

Integra NK7829 13.83 bc 56.0 a 4951 a 279.71 a

Golden Acres 3696 13.73 bc 57.0 a 4926 a 278.34 a

B-H Genetics 5522 13.93 b 55.7 a 4900 a 276.85 a

Terral 94S91 13.73 bc 56.7 a 4862 a 274.72 a

Garst 5308 13.90 bc 57.0 a 4804 a 271.40 a

Pogue Seed 222A 13.53 c 56.7 a 4774 a 269.71 a

Triumph TRX85002 14.07 ab 56.7 a 4758 a 268.81 a

Dyna-Gro DG 771B 14.37 a 57.0 a 4689 a 264.91 a

Mean 13.87 56.6 4864 274.79

P>F 0.0190 0.6145 0.6941 0.6680

LSD (P=0.05) 0.393 NS NS NS

Standard Deviation 0.227 0.94 61.41 14.45

CV% 1.64 1.66 5.12 5.26

Means in a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different by ANOVA. 1Adjusted to 14% moisture. 2$5.65 per cwt was used to determine value per acre. Planting date: 3/26/09 Harvest date: 7/15/09 Row spacing: 38 inches Each hybrid was replicated three times in a RCB design.

Page 12: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 8. Jackson County Sorghum Hybrid Trial, 2009 Cooperator: Steve Andel

Mike Hiller, County Extension Agent and Natural Resources, Jackson County Dr. Dan D. Fromme, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist


Moisture (%) Bu. Wt. (lbs.) Lbs./Acre1

Golden Acres 3552




DeKalb DKS53-67




Terral 94S91




B-H Genetics 5522




Dyna-Gro DG 771B




Garst 5308




Triumph TRX85002




Integra NK7829




Pogue Seed 222A








1Adjusted to 14% moisture. Planting Date: 3/23/09 Harvest Date: 7/13/09 Row Spacing: 40 inches Strip trial or each hybrid was planted one time.

Page 13: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 9. Victoria County Sorghum Hybrid Trial, 2009 Cooperator: Brian Adamek

Joe Janak, County Extension Agent-Agriculture & Natural Resources, Victoria County Stephen Biles, Extension Agent-IPM, Victoria, Calhoun, and Refugio Counties

Dr. Dan D. Fromme, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist

Hybrid Moisture (%) Bu. Wt. (lbs.) Lbs./Acre1 Value ($/Acre2)

Terral 94S91 13.17 a 53.3 e 4734 a 267.45 a

Dyna-Gro DG 771B 13.40 a 55.0 d 4632 a 261.73 a

Garst 5464 13.03 a 56.3 abc 4562 a 257.74 a

DeKalb DKS53-67 13.67 a 57.3 a 4551 a 257.14

Garst 5308 13.33 a 54.7 d 4450 a 251.42 a

Golden Acres 3696 13.27 a 54.7 d 4167 ab 235.42 ab

B-H Genetics 5522 13.20 a 55.3 cd 4159 ab 234.99 ab

Triumph TRX85002 13.57 a 55.7 bcd 3413 bc 192.82 bc

Pogue Seed 222A 13.67 a 56.7 ab 2956 c 167.00 c

Integra NK7829 13.50 a 55.0 d 2762 c 156.05 c

Mean 13.38 55.4 4039 228.18

P>F 0.1392 0.0032 0.0020 0.0020

LSD (P=0.05) NS 1.33 805 55.14

Standard Deviation 0.282 0.94 568.88 32.14

CV% 2.11 1.7 14.09 14.09

Means in a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different by ANOVA. 1Adjusted to 14% moisture. 2$5.65 per cwt was used to determine value per acre. Planting date: 4/2/09 Harvest date: 7/27/09 Row spacing: 38 inches Each hybrid was replicated three times in a RCB design.

Page 14: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 10. Calhoun County Sorghum Hybrid Trial, 2009 Cooperator: Dennis Klump

Phoenix Rogers, County Extension Agent-Agriculture & Natural Resources, Calhoun County Stephen Biles, Extension Agent-IPM, Victoria, Calhoun, and Refugio Counties

Dr. Dan D. Fromme, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist

Hybrid Moisture (%) Bu. Wt. (lbs.) Lbs./Acre1 Value


DeKalb DKS5367 15.03 a 59.3 a 6044 a 341.48 a

Dyna-Gro DG 771B 14.60 b 55.7 d 5976 a 337.64 a

Garst 5308 14.57 b 56.7 bcd 5918 a 334.39 a

Garst 5464 14.73 b 58.3 ab 5689 a 321.43 a

Terral 94S91 14.23 c 56.0 cd 5464 ab 308.70 ab

B-H Genetics 5566 14.30 c 57.7 a-d 5373 ab 303.58 ab

Golden Acres 3696 14.63 b 58.0 abc 5234 ab 295.73 ab

Triumph TRX85002 14.77 b 58.7 ab 4729 b 267.19 b

Integra NK7829 14.63 b 58.3 ab 3590 c 202.85 c

Pogue 222A 14.57 b 58.7 ab 3214 c 181.58 c

Mean 14.61 57.73 5123 289.46

P>F 0.0004 0.0314 0.0001 0.0001

LSD (P=0.05) 0.262 2.19 923 52.13

Standard Deviation 0.153 1.28 537.85 30.3879

CV% 1.05 2.21 10.5 10.5

Means in a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different by ANOVA. 1Adjusted to 14% moisture. 2$5.65 per cwt was used to determine value per acre. Planting date: 3/29/09 Harvest date: 7/25/09 Row spacing: 38 inches-each hybrid was replicated three times in a RCB design.

Page 15: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 11. Willacy County Sorghum Hybrid Trial, 2009 Cooperator: Israel Salazar

Lucas A. Garcia, County Extension Agent-Agriculture & Natural Resources, Willacy County Dr. Dan D. Fromme, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist

Hybrid Moisture (%)

Bu. Wt. (lbs.) Lbs./Acre1 Value ($/Acre2)

Golden Acres 3545 14.90 de 55.17 a 2102 a 118.78 a

Sorghum Partners NK7633 16.37 ab 53.50 a 1943 a 109.80 a

B-H Genetics 3822 14.93 de 54.17 a 1942 a 109.72 a

DeKalb DKS 37-07 14.83 e 55.83 a 1924 a 108.69 a

Dyna-Gro 771B 15.13 cde 54.33 a 1868 a 105.54 a

Terral 92S82 15.73 bcd 51.00 a 1861 a 105.17 a

Asgrow 571 15.97 bc 53.33 a 1371 b 77.48 b

Garst 5556 16.33 ab 52.33 a 1132 bc 63.96 bc

Pogue 222A 17.17 a 53.33 a 973 c 54.96 c

Mean 15.71 53.67 1680 94.9

P>F 0.0003 0.7598 0.0001 0.0001

LSD (P=0.05) 0.895 NS 383 21.6576

Standard Deviation 0.517 3.221 221.45 12.5118

CV% 3.29 6.0 13.18 13.18

Means in a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different by ANOVA. 1Adjusted to 14% moisture. 2$5.65 per cwt was used to determine value per acre. Planting date: 3/21/09 Harvest date: 7/10/09 Row spacing: 40 inches Each hybrid was replicated three times in a RCB design.

Page 16: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 12. Cameron County Sorghum Hybrid Trial, 2009 Cooperator: James Bauer

Enrique Perez, County Extension Agent-Agriculture & Natural Resources, Cameron County Dr. Dan D. Fromme, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist

Hybrid Moisture (%)

Bu. Wt. (lbs.) Lbs./Acre1 Value ($/Acre2)

B-H Genetics 3822 14.27 a 61.00 ab 4168 a 235.51 a

Golden Acres 3545 15.00 a 60.17 cd 4058 a 229.27 a

Terral 92S82 13.73 a 61.00 ab 3966 a 224.06 a

Asgrow 571 13.73 a 59.67 d 3917 a 221.30 a

Dyna-Gro 771B 13.57 a 60.33 bcd 3878 a 219.13 a

Sorghum Partners NK7633 13.70 a 60.67 abc 3873 a 218.83 a

Pogue 222A 13.63 a 59.67 d 3735 a 211.02 a

DeKalb DKS37-07 14.10 a 61.33 a 3717 a 210.00

Garst 5556 13.77 a 60.33 bcd 3517 a 198.71

Mean 13.94 60.46 3870 218.65

P>F 0.2184 0.0045 0.1192 0.1193

LSD (P=0.05) NS 0.820 NS NS

Standard Deviation 0.635 0.474 240.18 13.5715

CV% 4.56 0.78 6.21 6.21

Means in a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different by ANOVA. 1Adjusted to 14% moisture. 2$5.65 per cwt was used to determine value per acre. Planting date: 2/17/09 Harvest date: 7/21/09 Row spacing: 40 inches Each hybrid was replicated three times in a RCB design.

Page 17: Gulf Coast Sorghum Hybrid Performance on the recommendation of your local seed dealer. A hybrid with demonstrated


Table 13. Hidalgo County Sorghum Hybrid Trial, 2009 Cooperator: Tim McDaniel

Brad Cowen, County Extension Agent and Natural Resources, Hidalgo County Dr. Dan D. Fromme, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist


Moisture (%) Bu. Wt. (lbs.) Lbs./Acre1

Asgrow 571




Sorghum Partners NK7633




Terral 92S82




Golden Acres 3545




Garst 5556




DeKalb DKS37-07




Pogue 222A




B-H Genetics 3822




Dyna-Gro 771B








1Adjusted to 14% moisture. Planting Date: 2/19/09 Harvest Date: 6/25/09 Row Spacing: 42 inches Each hybrid was replicated three times in a RCB design, however data represented is from the third replication only, due to bird damage reducing plant stand counts following emergence to replications one and two.