Gujarat Nursing Council’s ERP System...Here You Fill New Exam Form and Submit to GNC. Exam Form...

Gujarat Nursing Council’s ERP System Wel Come to,

Transcript of Gujarat Nursing Council’s ERP System...Here You Fill New Exam Form and Submit to GNC. Exam Form...

  • Gujarat Nursing Council’s ERP System

    Wel Come to,


    Step 1 : Click on ‘User Login Activation’


    Step 2 : Enter the Given User Name & Mobile No in the given boxes. Then Click on Get OTP Button.


    Step 3 : Enter OTP Received on your mobile via Text Message and click Activation Button.


    Step 4 : Enter Your new Password two times and click Save Password. This will be your new password for Login.


    Step 5 : Now Enter Your User Name and Password and Click Login.

  • Module Selection

    Upon Login, You will be redirected to Module Selection page. Select Module to Proceed further.

  • Dashboard

    On Selection of Module, You will be redirected on Dashboard. Where Summarized details will be shown.

  • Institute Profile

    This will be Your Institute Profile. Where all the Basic Details will be saved and updated.

  • Student Profile

    Students Data List will be here. You can search with different criteria here. Also You can Add, Edit and Delete Students.

  • Student Profile

    Student Profile Part 1 : Student’s Basic Details Entry

  • Student Profile

    Student Profile Part 2 : Student’s Academic & Course Details Entry

  • Exam Form Filling

    Here You Fill New Exam Form and Submit to GNC.

  • Exam Form Filling

    You need to Select Exam and Enter Enrollment No. in order to Fill the Exam Form.

  • Internal Marks Entry

    Select Exam, Course and Subject and the Students list will be loaded. Just Enter Obtained Marks and Save.

  • Reporting : Exam Form Criteria

    To View and Print Exam Forms, Enter Criteria as given and Click Show Report.

  • Reporting : Exam Form Preview

    Your Exam Form Report will look like this. You Can Print it or Export to PDF, Excel.

  • Reporting : Hall Ticket Criteria

    To View and Print Hall Tickets, Enter Criteria as given and Click Show Report.

  • Reporting : Hall Ticket Preview

    Your Hall Ticket Report will look like this. You Can Print it or Export to PDF, Excel.

  • Reporting : List of Numbers Criteria

    To View and Print List of Numbers, Enter Criteria as given and Click Show Report.

  • Reporting : List of Numbers Preview

    Your List of Numbers Report will look like this. You Can Print it or Export to PDF, Excel.

  • Reporting : Result Sheet Criteria

    To View and Print Result Sheet, Enter Criteria as given and Click Show Report.

  • Reporting : Result Sheet Preview

    Your Result Sheet Report will look like this. You Can Print it or Export to PDF, Excel.

  • Log Out

    Click on Logout as shown to Log Out from the System.