Guitar Scale

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Transcript of Guitar Scale

  • 7/23/2019 Guitar Scale



    The minor pentatonic guitar scale is a five note scale used often in rock lead guitar riffs and soloing, and is

    usually played over chord progressions that start with a minor chord. The Minor Pentatonic Scaleuses the

    1, 3b, 4, 5, and 7b notes from the maor scale. The diagram below shows the 5 Minor Pentatonic Scale

    Patternsspread over the length of the guitar neck. The diagram shows the patterns for the F Minor

    Pentatonic Scale.

    The formula for the minor pentatonic scale in steps is 1 and half whole steps, 1 whole step, 1 whole step, 1

    and a half whole steps, 1 whole step.
  • 7/23/2019 Guitar Scale


  • 7/23/2019 Guitar Scale



    The !aor "entatonic #cale is a 5 note scale. The maor pentatonic guitar scale is usually played over maor chor

    and is used in rock music as well as country music. The Major Pentatonic Scaleuses the 1, $, 3, 5 and % notes

    the maor scale. The diagram below shows the 5 Major Pentatonic Scale Patternsspread over the length of

    guitar neck. &otice how the patterns connect to or overlap each other. The diagram shows the A flat (Ab) Ma

    Pentatonic Scale.

    The formula for the !aor "entatonic #cale is 1 whole step, 1 whole step, 1 and a half whole steps, 1 whole step, 1

    and a half whole steps.
  • 7/23/2019 Guitar Scale


  • 7/23/2019 Guitar Scale


    Natural Minor Scale for Guitar

    The Natural Minor Scale is plaed b starting and stopping on the !th note of a Major scale. The natural min

    scale is also "nown as the Aeolian Modeor #elati$e Minor scale.

    The ' &atural !inor #cale ()elative !inor #cale of the * !aor #cale+

    The &otes of the * !aor #cale showing its )elative !inor scale, the % Natural Minor Scale.

    * - / ' 0 * - / ' 0 *

    1 $ 3 4 5 % 7 2 $ 3 4 5 % 7 2

    The Formula for a Natural Minor Scale&whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whol

    step ) by lowering the 3rd, %th, and 7th notes of the maor scale a half step.
  • 7/23/2019 Guitar Scale
