Guidelines for temperature mapping study and qualification of cold rooms, ware houses,...

  Vacker LL C l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group Phone : (+971) 4 2 66 11 44 l Fax : (+971) 4 2 66 11 55 Our offices : UAE (Corp. Office), India, Oman , Kuwait, USA email:[email protected]  DETAILED PROCEDURE AND GUIDELINES ON TEMPERATURE MAPPING STUDY & QUALIFICATION OF COLD ROOMS, WAREHOUSES, VANS, TRUCKS, REEFERS, REFRIGERATORS & BOXES FOR PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY  Revision History: Revision no. Date of issue Description 0 16 Nov 2014 Original Issue 1 2 Jan 2015 Sl. No. 3 and subheadings added. Sl. No. 5 and subheadings added. Sl. No. 7 and subheadings added. This document is copy righted to Vacker LLC, Dubai and no part of this document may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without permission from us.


Vacker UAE has issued these guidelines for temperature mapping study and qualification of cold rooms, ware houses, refrigerators, vans etc. for pharmaceutical and life care segment.

Transcript of Guidelines for temperature mapping study and qualification of cold rooms, ware houses,...

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA









6ei)ion 7i)tor

Rev)*)o+ +o. Da,e o- )**e De*cr)/,)o+

$& :o 2$4 Ori5inal -))ue

$ 2 ;an 2$( l+ :o+ 3 an. )ubhea.in5) a..e.+l+ :o+ ( an. )ubhea.in5) a..e.+l+ :o+ # an. )ubhea.in5) a..e.+

T0)* 1ocme+, )* co/2 r)g0,e1 ,o Vacker LLC# Dba) a+1 +o /ar, o- ,0)* 1ocme+, ma2 be

re/ro1ce1 )+ a+2 -orm w0a,*oever w),0o, /erm)**)o+ -rom *.

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


<AB=E O' *O:<E:<

$+  <e/perature >appin5 tu. ? <e/perature @ 7u/ >appin5 )tu. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 

$+$+$+  h 1oul. ou reuire <e/perature >appin5 tu. !aka <e/perature Di)tribution

)tu.%C 3 

$+$+2+  7o1 .o 1e carr out te/perature /appin5 )tu.C +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 

$+2+  hat i) te/perature an. hu/ /appin5 )tu.C ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 

$+2+$+  Do ou reuire a te/perature /appin5 or te/perature @ hu/ /appin5C ++++++++++++++++++++ 4 

$+2+2+  hat i) the reco//en.e. hu/ leel for )tora5e of /e.icine)C ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ( 


7o1 to re.uce the hu/ for col. roo/) an. 1arehou)e) for /e.icine )tora5eC ++++++++++++ ( 


Docu/entation reuire. prior to co//ence/ent of a /appin5 )tu. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ( 

$+4+   Acceptance criteria for the /appin5 )tu.C ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ & 

$+(+  7o1 to .eci.e the )a/plin5 interal of .ata collection for the /appin5 )tu. ++++++++++++++++++++ & 

$+&+  7o1 to u)e the re)ult) of te/perature /appin5 )tu. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # 

$+#+  <e/perature /appin5 )tu. ? <e/perature @ 7u/ /appin5 )tu. for ariou) a))et) ++ # 

$+#+$+  <e/perature /appin5 )tu. of 6eefer truck) @ an) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # 

$+#+2+  <e/perature /appin5 )tu. of a 1are hou)e ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # 

$+#+3+  <e/perature /appin5 )tu. of *ol. roo/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8 


<e/perature /appin5 )tu. of a refri5erator +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8 

$+#+(+  <e/perature /appin5 )tu. of a )hippin5 box +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8 

$+8+  6eport) 5enerate. in <e/perature >appin5 )tu. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8 


hat i) <e/perature ualification )tu.C !or <e/perature @ 7u/ ualification )tu.% 9 

2+$+  Difference bet1een <e/perature /appin5 )tu. an. <e/perature ualification )tu. +++++++ 9 

2+2+  7o1 to .eci.e 1hether ou nee. <e/perature >appin5 )tu. or <e/perature ualification

tu.C $ 

2+3+  Do ou reuire a <e/perature ualification )tu. or <e/perature an. hu/

ualificationC +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $ 


 A.anta5e) of a <e/perature ualification )tu. oer a /appin5 )tu. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $ 

2+(+  Docu/entation reuire. prior to co//ence/ent of a ualification proce)) +++++++++++++++++++++ $ 

2+&+  6eport) of a <e/perature ualification )tu. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $$ 

3+  7o1 to carr out a ualification )tu. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $$ 

3+$+  7o1 to carr out ualification of a box ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $$ 

3+2+  7o1 to carr out ualification of a *ol. 6oo/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $2 

3+3+  7o1 to carr out ualification of a Van or reefer ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $2 


6ea)on) for failure of a >appin5 )tu. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $2 

4+$+  6ea)on) for failure of /appin5 )tu. of a an ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $2 

4+2+  6ea)on) for failure of /appin5 )tu. of a col. roo/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $3 

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


4+3+  6ea)on) for failure of /appin5 )tu. of a are hou)e +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $3 

4+4+  hat i) the perio. of a te/perature /appin5 )tu. an. te/perature ualification

)tu.C $4 


6ea)on) for failure of a ualification )tu. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $4 

(+$+  6ea)on) for failure of ualification )tu. of a an +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $4 

(+2+  6ea)on) for failure of ualification of a col. roo/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $4 

(+3+  6ea)on) for failure of ualification of a pa))ie box ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $( 

(+4+  6ea)on) for failure of ualification of an actie box ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $( 

&+  7o1 to i/proe the re)ult) of the te)t an. eli/inate chance) of failureC +++++++++++++++++++++++++ $( 

&+$+   A.anta5e) of a trial )tu. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $( 

&+2+  7o1 to carr out a trial )tu.C ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $& 

#+  hat i) Vali.ationC hat i) .ifference fro/ ualificationC ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $& 


Docu/ent) relate. to >appin5 )tu. @ ualification ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $# 

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


<e/perature /appin5 )tu. an. <e/perature ualification )tu. are carrie. out 5enerall in

phar/aceutical in.u)tr+ <here are .ifferent kin. of /e.icine) an. accine) 1hich nee. to

be )tore. an. tran)porte. at certain te/perature)+ >aorit of the)e /e.icine) an. accine)are t1o cate5orie) iF+ <ho)e to be )tore. bet1een 2 to 8 De5ree *enti5ra.e an.

tho)e to be )tore. bet1een $( to 2(*+

-t i) i/portant for the efficac of the /e.icine that the

)a/e be )tore. an. tran)porte. at the reco//en.e.

te/perature li/it) a) aboe+ -f the /e.icine or accine

5oe) aboe the)e te/perature li/it), the /e.icinal

propertie) 1ill be 5ra.uall lo)t an. /o)t i/portantl

the pro.uct) 1ill not )ho1 an in.ication that it ha)

been co/pro/i)e.+ -n )uch ca)e the ulti/ate .i)tributor

an. u)er 1ill be una1are of the efficac of the /e.icine+

<he )tora5e i) .one in 1arehou)e), col. roo/) or

refri5erator) an. tran)portation i) carrie. out in boxe),

an), reefer) an. container)+

<he 1hole )et of )tu. i) carrie. out to analFe the te/perature .i)tribution in a 1arehou)e,

col. roo/, refri5erator, an or reefer truck) to fin. out 1hether the te/perature in)i.e )uch

facilit i) al1a) /aintaine. bet1een the .e)ire. te/perature+


Tem/era,re Ma//)+g S,12 4 Tem/era,re %m)1),2 Ma//)+g*,12

<hi) article brief about /appin5 )tu. for <e/perature @ 7u/

3.3. Tem/era,re Ma//)+g S,12 4 Tem/era,re 1)*,r)b,)o+ a+al2*)*

'ir)tl 1e 1ill explain about te/perature /appin5 )tu. an. thereafter about

te/perature @ hu/ .i)tribution+

3.3.3. $02 wol1 2o re5)re Tem/era,re Ma//)+g S,12

6aka Tem/era,re D)*,r)b,)o+ *,1278

-f ou are inole. in /anufacturin5, tran)portation, )tora5e or .i)tribution of /e.icine) an.accine), ou 1ill be intere)te. to kno1 /ore about te/perature /appin5 )tu.+ -n all the)e

ca)e) our /e.icine i) kept in)i.e an enclo)e. area )uch a) a 1arehou)e, col. roo/,

te/perature controlle. an, reefer truck, refri5erator, in)ulate. boxe) etc+

-n )uch ca)e) ou nee. to en)ure that the te/perature in)i.e the enclo)e. area i) 1ithin the

.e)ire. li/it)+ e5+ -f ou 1ant to keep the /e.icine bet1een 2 to 8 * an. ou are keepin5

in)i.e a col. roo/, ho1 .o ou en)ure that all the entire col. roo/ i) bet1een the)e

te/perature li/it)C Hou /i5ht be keepin5 the /e.icine at one )helf in)i.e the col. roo/+ Hou

1ill not hae an i.ea 1hether thi) particular place i) 1ithin the li/it)+ Generall ou 1ill hae

an in.icator connecte. to the coolin5 unit to .i)pla the current te/perature+ <hi) .i)pla

pick) up the te/perature u)t fro/ one )en)or place. at a certain location near the .uct

openin5 of the coolin5 unit, ba)e. on 1hich the coolin5 unit ha) it) )1itch O: an. O'' ccle)+

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


<hi) /i5ht be in.icatin5 a te/perature bet1een 2 an. 8 *+ >o)t of u) ten. to beliee that

thi) .i)plae. te/perature i) the te/perature acro)) the entire col. roo/+

7o1eer ho1 about ariou) )hele) an. corner) of the

col. roo/ 1here ou are keepin5 our /e.icine) 1hichare far a1a fro/ thi) particular )en)orC

7o1 .oe) a thir. part like an au.itor can check 1hether

the entire col. roo/ i) correct te/peratureC

7o1 can ou en)ure that the .i)pla at the front .oor i)

exact in relation 1ith the corre)pon.in5 )en)orC

7o1 .o ou kno1 about the ariation) 1hen a .oor i)

opene.C <he )en)or /i5ht be far a1a fro/ the .oor an. hence /a not reflect an ariation+

7o1eer it reall happen) that the area near the .oor )u..enl 5oe) aboe 8*+

 All the)e .oubt) can be clarifie. onl throu5h a te/perature /appin5 )tu.+

3.3.9. %ow 1o we carr2 o, ,em/era,re ma//)+g *,128

-n principle a te/perature /appin5 )tu. inole) recor.in5 the te/perature of the col.

co/part/ent ariou) con.ition)+ <he .ata 1ill be recor.e. for .a) or 1eek) a) per

the nature of the a))et+ :u/erou) te/perature .ata lo55er) 1ill be place. in)i.e the te)tin5

area at ariou) hei5ht) an. .ata 1ill be continuou)l recor.e.+ Depen.in5 on the nature of

the propert, the follo1in5 con.ition) 1ill be te)te.

a+  <e)tin5 e/pt con.ition) to analFe the .i)tribution of te/perature 1hen there

are no loa.) in the area+b+  <e)tin5 &I loa.e. con.ition to analFe the .i)tribution 1hen the area i) loa.e.

up to &I of full capacit+

c+  <e)tin5 $I loa.e. con.ition to analFe the .i)tribution 1hen the area i)

loa.e. in full capacit+

.+  Door openin5 te)t to the effect) on te/perature .urin5 an. after a .oor


e+  Po1er failure te)t to analFe the effect) in the eent of a po1er failure+

f+  tartup te)t to check the ti/e reuire. for )tabiliFin5 of the te/perature in)i.e the


5+  6ecoer te)t to check the ti/e taken for te/perature recoer after a .oor openin5+

3.9.  $0a, )* ,em/era,re a+1 0m)1),2 ma//)+g *,128

<he /etho.olo5 i) )a/e a) a te/perature /appin5 )tu.+ 7o1eer in thi) ca)e hu/

al)o 1ill be recor.e. for the )a/e .uration an. 1ill be analFe.+ -f there are .ehu/i.ifier)

alrea. in)talle., the )ettin5) of the )a/e al)o 1ill be recor.e. to co/pare a5ain)t the actual

re)ult)+ :o1a.a) for /an of the )tora5e area), hu/ al)o i) i/portant an. hence nee.

to be inclu.e. in the )tu.+

3.9.3. Do 2o re5)re a ,em/era,re ma//)+g or ,em/era,re

0m)1),2 ma//)+g8

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


 A) /entione. earlier, thi) nee. to be .eci.e. b the /anufacturer of the /e.icine) or a) per

our internal ualit polic+ 'or a 1arehou)e, 5enerall it

i) preferre. that hu/ al)o be inclu.e. in the )tu.

becau)e a 1arehou)e i) .irectl affecte. b the external

a/bient con.ition)+ 'or a col. roo/ the hu/ can 5o

to extre/e hi5h leel) of up to $I becau)e of it)

nature of operation+ Generall the .oor of the col. roo/

open) to a 1arehou)e 1hich i) at a hi5her te/perature+

ince the col. roo/ i) at a lo1er te/perature, it 1ill

attract the /oi)ture an. hence 1ill al1a) hae a hi5her

hu/ 7ence irre)pectie of the /e.icine bein5 kept

in the col. roo/, it i) i.eal that the col. roo/ be analFe. for hu/ a) 1ell+ 7o1eer thi)

can be .eci.e. b ou an. our phar/a /anufacturer+

e reco//en. that for 1arehou)e) an. col. roo/) te/perature an. hu/ /appin5 )tu.

nee. to be carrie. out+ 'or an), reefer), refri5erator) an. boxe), onl te/perature /appin5

)tu. /i5ht be )ufficient unle)) other1i)e )pecifie.+

3.9.9. $0a, )* ,0e recomme+1e1 0m)1),2 level -or *,orage o-


<hi) 5enerall .epen.) on the tpe of /e.icine an. the packa5in5 bein5 kept in the )tora5e

area either for col. roo/ or 1arehou)e+ 7ence thi) i) 5enerall reco//en.e. b the /e.icine

/anufacturer)+ Generall /o)t of the /anufacturer) are reco//en.in5 that the hu/

)houl. be /aintaine. a /axi/u/ li/it of &(I all con.ition)+


%ow ,o re1ce ,0e 0m)1),2 -or col1 room* a+1ware0o*e* -or me1)c)+e *,orage8

7u/ can be re.uce. /ainl utiliFin5 .ehu/i.ifier)+

<he)e are electrical .eice) 1hich ab)orb hu/ fro/

the air an. conert it into 1ater+ <he 1ater thu) extracte.

can be re/oe. either /anuall or auto/aticall+ -n the

auto/atic /etho. there i) a 1ater pu/p attache. to the

.ehu/i.ifier 1hich 1ill pu/p the 1ater to an external

outlet+ -n the /anual /etho. the 1ater 5et) fille. up in

a tr un.erneath an. ha) to be /anuall .raine.


-n to .eci.e the nu/ber an. tpe .ehu/i.ifier), )pecial calculation) nee. to be carrie.

out con)i.erin5 the pre)ent te/perature, hu/, .e)ire. hu/ etc+

Generall for 1are hou)e), .e)iccant tpe an. for col. roo/), rotar tpe .ehu/i.ifier) hae

to be u)e.+

3.:.  Docme+,a,)o+ re5)re1 /r)or ,o comme+ceme+, o- a

ma//)+g *,12

<he cu)to/er ha) to proi.e the laout .ra1in5 of the a))et inclu.in5 .etail) an. location) of

coolin5 unit) an. .ehu/i.ifier) if an+

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


Ba)e. on the)e .ocu/ent) a protocol 1ill be prepare. b u) 1hich ha) to be reie1e. an.

approe. b the cu)to/er+

<he te)t) 1ill be carrie. out b u) ba)e. on thi) protocol prior to co//ence/ent of the

te/perature /appin5 )tu.+

3.;.   Acce/,a+ce cr),er)a -or ,0e ma//)+g *,128

<he re)ult) of the .i)tribution )tu. 1ill be either pa)) or fail+ Al)o it can be fail or pa)) 1ith

)o/e .eiation)+ <he criteria for acceptance of the )tu. 1ill be .efine. in the protocol an.

tpical one) are a)

a+   All rea.in5) of the .ata lo55er) )houl. be 1ithin the .e)ire. li/it) of te/perature @



>ean 0inetic alue )houl. be 1ithin .e)ire. li/it) !e .o not encoura5e thi) criteria

unle)) in)i)te. b the client+ 7o1eer 1e 1ill in.icate the alue in our report)%

c+  Durin5 .oor openin5 te)t), the alue) )houl. be 1ithin li/it) an. )houl. return to

nor/alc 1ithin the .e)ire. .uration a) .efine. in the protocol+

3.<.  %ow ,o 1ec)1e ,0e *am/l)+g )+,erval o- 1a,a collec,)o+

-or ,0e ma//)+g *,12

a/plin5 interal i) the freuenc of .ata recor.in5 of

the .ata lo55er)+ Generall the .ata lo55er) can bepro5ra//e. to recor. the .ata at .ifferent interal) )uch

a) $)econ.), 3 )econ.), $ /inute etc+ -f the )a/plin5

interal of a te/perature .ata lo55er i) pro5ra//e. for

( /inute) it /ean) that the te/perature i) recor.e.

eer ( /inute)+

a/plin5 interal of .ata collection )houl. be kept i.eall

a) follo1) for a te/perature /appin5 )tu.

a+  3 /inute) for 2J8 * a))et) )uch a) col. roo/), ehicle), boxe), refri5erator) etc+

b+  ( /inute) for $(J2(* ehicle)+

c+  $J$( /inute) for 1arehou)e) /aintaine. at $(J2( *

<hi) i) /ainl ba)e. on the 5oo.) to be )tore. in)i.e the a))et+ E5+ -f a /e.icine 1hich )houl.

not 5o aboe 8* for 2 /inute) i) )tore. in)i.e a refri5erator, it /ean) that ou )houl. keep

a )a/plin5 interal of at lea)t $ /inute+ 'or a /e.icine 1hich i) per/itte. to 5o aboe 8*

for $ /inute), a )a/plin5 interal of 3 /inute) i) )ufficient+

<hi) al)o .epen.) on the ran5e of the te/perature+ 2J8 * i) a er narro1 ran5e an. can 5o

aboe thi) ran5e een for /inor fluctuation)+ 7ence i.eall a )a/plin5 interal )houl. not be

/ore than 3 /inute)+

'or a 1arehou)e, $(J2( * i) a ran5e an. the ri)e in te/perature 1ill be )lo1+ 7ence a)a/plin5 interal of $ /inute) i) )ufficient+

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


3.=.  %ow ,o *e ,0e re*l,* o- ,em/era,re ma//)+g *,12

'ro/ the )u//ar of the report) of a te/perature /appin5 )tu., the follo1in5 .etail) 1ill

be u)eful for our practical application)

$+  hen ou .eci.e to place /onitorin5 .eice) )uch

a) .ata lo55er) or real ti/e /onitorin5 .eice),

tho)e )houl. be place. in 7ot an. col. point)+ 7ot

an. col. point) 1ill be /entione. in our report)+

2+  <he report 1ill in.icate the .uration 1ithin 1hich

the te/perature 1ill excee. the per/itte. leel)

upon .oor openin5+ e5+ if )uch .uration i) (

/inute), ou )houl. take care that the .oor

openin5 )houl. be for a er )hort .uration+


<he report 1ill in.icate the .uration 1ithin 1hich

the te/perature 1ill excee. the per/itte. leel)

in the eent of po1er failure+ o in ca)e of a po1er failure, ou )houl. not open the

.oor an. )houl. be in clo)e. con.ition if ou expect that po1er 1ill be re)tore. 1ithin

)uch a .uration+ -f ou .o not expect po1er re)toration 1ithin )uch a .uration the

/e.icine) )houl. be )hifte. to an alternate facilit )uch a) a te/perature controlle.

an or reefer+

3.>.  Tem/era,re ma//)+g *,12 4 Tem/era,re %m)1),2

ma//)+g *,12 -or var)o* a**e,*

Brief .etail) of the )tu. for ariou) kin. of a))et) are .etaile.

3.>.3. Tem/era,re ma//)+g *,12 o- Ree-er ,rck* va+*

'or all tpe of ehicle), pri/aril the follo1in5 te)t) are carrie. out

a+  Di)tribution anal)i) e/pt con.ition) !24 hour)%

b+  Di)tribution anal)i) &I loa.e. con.ition) !24 hour)%

c+  Di)tribution anal)i) full loa. con.ition) !24 hour)%


Po1er failure te)te+  Door openin5 te)t

<he percenta5e loa.in5 can be .eci.e. b the client a) per hi) u)ual loa.in5 pattern+

3.>.9. Tem/era,re ma//)+g *,12 o- a ware 0o*e

'or a 1arehou)e the follo1in5 te)t) are carrie. out a) part of a te/perature /appin5 )tu.

a+  <e/perature an. hu/ .i)tribution anal)i) i) carrie. out loa.e. con.ition)+

b+  Door openin5 te)t) to analFe the effect)

'or an exi)tin5 1arehou)e it 1ill be .ifficult to carr out other te)t) )uch a) e/pt te)t, po1er

failure te)t etc+ )ince it /a be .ifficult to re/oe the exi)tin5 5oo.) for/ the 1arehou)e+ 'or

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a 1arehou)e the .i)tribution anal)i) i) carrie. tpicall for #J$4 .a)+ <he te)t) )houl. al)o

inclu.e holi.a) )o that the pattern) can be analFe.+

a/plin5 interal of .ata collection )houl. be kept i.eall at $J$( /inute)+


Tem/era,re ma//)+g *,12 o- Col1 room

'or all tpe of col. roo/), pri/aril the follo1in5 te)t)

are carrie. out

a+  Di)tribution anal)i) e/pt con.ition) !24


b+  Di)tribution anal)i) &I loa.e. con.ition)

!24 hour)%

c+  Di)tribution anal)i) full loa. con.ition) !24



Po1er failure te)te+  Door openin5 te)t

<he percenta5e loa.in5 can be .eci.e. b the client a) per hi) u)ual loa.in5 pattern+ a/plin5

interal 1ill be 5enerall kept at 3 /inute)+ 

3.>.;. Tem/era,re ma//)+g *,12 o- a re-r)gera,or

'or refri5erator), pri/aril the follo1in5 te)t) are carrie. out

a+  Di)tribution anal)i) e/pt con.ition) !24 hour)%

b+  Di)tribution anal)i) &I loa.e. con.ition) !24 hour)%


Po1er failure te)t.+  Door openin5 te)t !for .ifferent .uration) )uch a) & )econ.), $2 )econ.), $8

)econ.) etc+, )ince for a refri5erator the .oor openin5 1ill be /ore freuent co/pare.

to other a))et)%

<he percenta5e loa.in5 can be .eci.e. b the client a) per hi) u)ual loa.in5 pattern+ a/plin5

interal 1ill be 5enerall kept at $J2 /inute)+ 

3.>.<. Tem/era,re ma//)+g *,12 o- a *0)//)+g bo?

'or )hippin5 box, the follo1in5 te)t) are carrie. out

a+  Di)tribution anal)i) e/pt con.ition) !24 hour)%

b+  Di)tribution anal)i) &I loa.e. con.ition) !24 hour)%

c+  Po1er failure te)t !for actie coolin5 boxe)%

.+  Door openin5 te)t

e+  'or actie boxe), the te)t) 1ill be con.ucte. in)i.e a an a) 1ell a) in)i.e a 1arehou)e

<he percenta5e loa.in5 can be .eci.e. b the client a) per hi) u)ual loa.in5 pattern+ a/plin5

interal 1ill be 5enerall kept at 3 /inute)+ 

3.@.  Re/or,* ge+era,e1 )+ Tem/era,re Ma//)+g *,12

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<he report) of a /appin5 )tu. 1ill inclu.e the follo1in5 .etail)

a+  <e/perature .i)tribution K Pa)) ?'ail

b+  7u/ .i)tribution K Pa)) ?'ail


7ot an. col. point) of the a))et+ <he)e 1ill be thehotte)t an. col.e)t point) of the area+ Data

lo55er) nee. to be place. in the)e area)

.+   Analtical 5raph) for all the te)t)

e+   An reco//en.ation) for i/proe/ent

f+  <i/e taken to reach the .e)ire. te/perature after

)tart up

5+  Duration for 1hich the te/perature re/ain)

1ithin the li/it) after a po1er failure

h+  Duration 1ithin 1hich the te/perature excee.) the li/it) .urin5 a .oor openin5

9.  $0a, )* Tem/era,re !al)-)ca,)o+ *,128 6or Tem/era,re

%m)1),2 !al)-)ca,)o+ *,127

<e/perature ualification )tu. i) a er .etaile. )euence of te)t) an. anal)i) to en)ure

that the a))et i) .e)i5ne. an. in)talle. in )uch a 1a that it i) capable of /aintainin5 the

.e)ire. te/perature+ After the)e )erie) of te)t an. erification the a))et i) certifie. to be

ualifie. for achiein5 an. /aintainin5 the .e)ire. leel) of te/perature an. hu/ leel)+

<he ariou) te)t) coere. the ualification proce)) in 5eneral are a)

a+  De)i5n ualification proce)) K to erif the euip/ent are .e)i5ne. to 5enerate the

.e)ire. te/perature an. hu/ con.ition)

b+  -n)tallation ualification proce)) K <o erif 1hether the in)tallation i) carrie. out a)

per the .e)i5n an. a) per the in)tallation proce.ure) reco//en.e. b the re)pectie

/anufacturer) of critical euip/ent+

c+  Operation ualification proce)) K <o erif that the operation) are carrie. out a) per

the reco//en.e. proce.ure) of the /anufacturer) of the critical euip/ent

.+  Docu/ent erification K <o erif 1hether all .ocu/ent) are /aintaine. b the u)er

inclu.in5 OP, calibration certificate) etc+

e+  <e/perature /appin5 )tu. !an. 7u/ if reuire.% K <hi) te)t i) /ore or le)) )a/e

a) .efine. in the fir)t part of thi) article+

9.3.  D)--ere+ce be,wee+ Tem/era,re ma//)+g *,12 a+1

Tem/era,re 5al)-)ca,)o+ *,12

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

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-n a te/perature /appin5 )tu., onl .i)tribution of

te/perature @ hu/ are analFe.+ <hi) )tu. /ake)

)ure that the .i)tribution i) al1a) 1ithin the per/itte.ran5e of te/perature an. hu/ a) applicable+ 7o1eer

the /appin5 )tu. .oe) not check ariou) criteria )uch a)

OP, 1hether in)tallation ha) been .one correctl,

1hether the /achine) are 1orkin5 a) per the .e)i5n,

1hether 1ritten proce.ure) are /aintaine., 1hether

the)e 1ritten proce.ure) are )ufficient etc+ All )uch

para/eter) are coere. in a te/perature ualification


 A te/perature ualification )tu. incu.e) /appin5 )tu., but not ice er)a+

9.9.  %ow ,o 1ec)1e w0e,0er 2o +ee1 Tem/era,re Ma//)+g

*,12 or Tem/era,re !al)-)ca,)o+ S,128

-f ou 1ant to check onl .i)tribution of te/perature @ hu/, a /appin5 )tu. i) )ufficient+

-f ou 1ant to check 1hether the 1hole a))et i) .e)i5ne., in)talle. an. operate. correctl, it

i) .e)irable to carr out a te/perature ualification )tu.+

 A ualification )tu. i) con)i.ere. to /ore of international acceptance+ An au.itor fro/

another part of the 1orl. /a not be fa/iliar 1ith ariou) in)tallation an. operational

para/eter) of the a))et+ -f an a))et i) ualifie. the a))et i) con)i.ere. to be a full )ati)factor


9.:.  Do 2o re5)re a Tem/era,re 5al)-)ca,)o+ *,12 or

Tem/era,re a+1 0m)1),2 5al)-)ca,)o+8

Plea)e )ee our explanation for )i/ilar uer te/perature /appin5 )tu.+

-f our /aor para/eter i) onl te/perature, the ou /a li/it to a te/perature ualification

)tu.+ -f ou al)o reuire hu/, a te/perature @ hu/ ualification )tu. 1ill be



 A1va+,age* o- a Tem/era,re 5al)-)ca,)o+ *,12 over ama//)+g *,12

<he te/perature ualification )tu. i) con)i.ere. /ore of international acceptance+ o if our

client) an. )upplier) are fro/ ariou) countrie) it i) preferre. to hae a ualification proce))

.one+ A) an exa/ple each countr ha) their o1n tpe of .e)i5n, in)tallation an. operation

proce.ure) for a col. roo/+ 7ence our client fro/ another countr /a not be fa/iliar 1ith

)uch para/eter) in our countr+ -f a te/perature ualification )tu. i) carrie. out on thi)

col. roo/, the client nee. not check an .etail) at all )ince the col. roo/ i) full ualifie. to

en)ure full co/pliance to keep a te/perature bet1een 2J8*

9.<.  Docme+,a,)o+ re5)re1 /r)or ,o comme+ceme+, o- a

5al)-)ca,)o+ /roce**

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Prior to co//ence/ent of a te/perature ualification )tu., 1e reuire the follo1in5

.ocu/ent?.etail) fro/ the cu)to/er+

a+  <he cu)to/er ha) to proi.e the laout .ra1in5 of the a))et

b+   All .etail) of coolin5 unit) )uch a) )l+ no)+, .etail) of )en)or), operation /anual), .e)i5n

.ra1in5) etc+ hae to be proi.e.+

c+  i/ilar .etail) of .ehu/i.ifier) al)o hae to be proi.e.+

.+   All .etail) of te/perature /onitorin5 ))te/) !if an% to be proi.e.+

Ba)e. on the)e .ocu/ent) a protocol 1ill be prepare. b u) 1hich ha) to be reie1e. an.

approe. b the cu)to/er+

<he te)t) 1ill be carrie. out b u) ba)e. on thi) protocol+

9.=.  Re/or,* o- a Tem/era,re 5al)-)ca,)o+ *,12

<he report) of a te/perature ualification )tu. 1ill

contain the follo1in5 .etail) in 5eneral+ Plea)e note

the)e /a ar .epen.in5 on the nature of the a))et+

a+  De)i5n ualification proce)) K Pa)) or 'ail

b+  -n)tallation ualification proce)) K Pa)) or 'ail

c+  Operation ualification proce)) K Pa)) or 'ail

.+  Docu/ent erification K Pa)) or 'ail

e+  E/pt /appin5 )tu. K Pa)) or 'ail

f+  =oa.e. /appin5 )tu. K Pa)) or 'ail

5+  Po1er failure te)t re)ult)

h+  6ecoer te)t re)ult)


tart up te)t re)ult) +  7ot an. col. point)

k+  Deiation if an

l+  6eco//en.ation)

/+  *orrectie action)

-f all the aboe te)t) are pa))e. )ati)factoril .urin5 the te/perature ualification )tu., 1e

i))ue a certificate in.icatin5 that the a))et i) full ualifie.+ <he .etail) of the a))et 1ill be

in.icate. in the certificate+

:.  %ow ,o carr2 o, a !al)-)ca,)o+ *,12

<hi) )ection briefl .e)cribe) /etho. of ualification )tu. for certain a))et)+ Hou /a oncea5ain note that a /appin5 )tu. i) part of a ualification )tu.+ But the ualification)

proce)) inole) certain other proce.ure) a) explaine. in preiou) )ection)+

:.3.  %ow ,o carr2 o, 5al)-)ca,)o+ o- a bo?

Box i) one )uch ite/ 1hich 1ill reuire a ualification becau)e box 5oe) throu5h .ail tou5h

han.lin5 an. hence a /appin5 )tu. alone 1ill not be )ufficient to te)t it) efficienc+ Al)o

for boxe) 1e reco//en. a )horter of one ear for a ualification+ A) the box 5oe)

throu5h tou5her con.ition), it i) preferre. to hae the ualification .one once eer ear+

 Actie boxe)

'or actie boxe), ualification inclu.e) the follo1in5

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


•  Define a <her/al profile ba)e. on 5eneral operatin5 con.ition)

•  <e)t the box a5ain)t thi) ther/al profile

•  *heck in)tallation an. operation of the coolin5 unit)

•   Verif the calibration of the )en)or) an. the coolin5 unit)

Pa))ie box

'or pa))ie boxe), there are not /a te)t) co/pare. to actie boxe)+

'or pa))ie boxe), 5enerall ualification nee. to be .one onl on a )a/ple piece an. not

on eer box+ E)peciall there are /an tpe) of )in5le u)e pa))ie boxe) an. hence one

fro/ each .e)i5n nee. to be ualifie. to proe the efficienc of the box+

-n to carr out the )tu. /ore efficientl, it i) .e)irable to kno1 the operatin5

eniron/ent con.ition) that the box un.er5oe) for each cu)to/er+

:.9.  %ow ,o carr2 o, 5al)-)ca,)o+ o- a Col1 Room

'or a col. roo/, the follo1in5 erification) nee. to be .one+

•   Verif the calibration recor.)

•  *heck the in)tallation of the coolin5 unit), )en)or), location of )en)or)

•  *heck entire operation of the coolin5 unit), control panel an. a))ociate.


•  *heck the /aintenance proce.ure) of the coolin5 unit)

:.:.  %ow ,o carr2 o, 5al)-)ca,)o+ o- a Va+ or ree-er

'or a an or reefer, the follo1in5 erification) nee. to be .one+

•   Verif the calibration recor.)

•  *heck the in)tallation of the coolin5 unit), )en)or), location of )en)or)

•  *heck entire operation of the coolin5 unit), control panel an. a))ociate.


•  *heck the /aintenance proce.ure) of the coolin5 unit)


Rea*o+* -or -a)lre o- a Ma//)+g *,12*o//on rea)on) for failure of a te/perature /appin5 )tu. or a hu/ /appin5 )tu.

are li)te. here

;.3.  Rea*o+* -or -a)lre o- ma//)+g *,12 o- a va+

e are /entionin5 of )/all an. /e.iu/ )iFe. an)+ <here are /an rea)on) for failure of

the)e ehicle) .urin5 a te/perature /appin5 )tu. an. te/perature ualification+ <he /ain

one) are li)te. here

a+  <he te/perature )ho1n in the .i)pla unit of the coolin5 unit /a not be /atchin5

1ith actual in)i.e te/perature+ Probabl the )en)or i) rea.in5 i) not correct+ <hi) can

happen for /an rea)on)+ Oer a perio. of ti/e the accurac of the )en)or /a be

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lo)t+ E5+ the .i)pla unit /i5ht be )ho1in5 (* an. the .rier 1ill be confi.ent that

the col. cabin i) at (*+ 7o1eer it i) po))ible that the in)i.e te/perature i) at #*+

-n to aoi. )uch a )ituation place a .ata lo55er next to the )en)or of the coolin5

unit an. recor. for fe1 hour)+ et the coolin5 unit at .e)ire. te/perature+ After couple

of hour) .o1nloa. the .ata an. analFe+ <he 5raph 1ill be in continuou) up an. .o1n

ccle)+ *heck the hi5he)t an. lo1e)t te/perature of the)e ccle)+ -f the)e alue) are

clo)e to the )et point, it /ean) that the )en)or an. .i)pla unit are 1orkin5 correctl+

E5+ if the )et point i) (*, the hi5he)t an. lo1e)t rea.in5) )houl. be #* @ 4*+ !<hi)

arie) ba)e. on the tpe of coolin5 unit, pro5ra//e. )ettin5 of upper an. lo1er cut

off li/it) etc+ 7o1eer thi) 1ill 5ie an in.ication about correlation of the .i)plae.

te/perature an. actual )en)or te/perature+

b+  <e/perature 5oe) to extre/e lo1 an. hi5h point) at all ccle)+ E5+ <he )et point i)

(*+ 7o1eer the te/perature 5oe) re5ularl to 9* an. 3* re5ularl+ <hi) happene.

becau)e the coolin5 unit i) pro5ra//e. accor.in5l+ ie+ -t ha) a hi5h cut off at 4*

aboe the )et point an. lo1 cut off of 2* belo1 the )et point+ <hi) can be pro5ra//e.for 2* for both hi5h an. lo1 cut off point)+ <hereafter the hi5her @ lo1er cut off 1ill

be # @ 3* re)pectiel+ !<hi) feature i) ba)e. on the /anufacturer an. /o.el) of the

coolin5 unit%

c+  <e/perature on one en. of the ehicle 5oe) beon. li/it)+ <hi) happen) /ainl in

ehicle) 1hich ha) one coolin5 unit an. hain5 fan onl at one en.+ -t i) po))ible that

the other en. of the col. cabin i) not properl receiin5 the air+ -f the fan unit i) not

pro.ucin5 )tron5 air flo1 it /a happen+ Other1i)e air flo1 .uct) 1ill hae to be

proi.e. fro/ the coolin5 unit to the other en. of the coole. cabin+ <hu) the air 1ill

be .ii.e. throu5h /ultiple .uct) an. .i)tribute. at front an. rear en. of the ehicle+

.+  <e/perature 5oe) hi5h at certain point) .urin5 loa.e. te)t+ <hi) /a happen /ainl

.ue to li/ite. air flo1+ Durin5 a loa.e. te)t !an. .urin5 actual loa.e. con.ition)%,

5oo.) )houl. not be place. .irectl in front of the air flo1+ Al)o )ufficient )pace )houl.

be left on all )i.e) an. on the top for efficient air flo1+

;.9.  Rea*o+* -or -a)lre o- ma//)+g *,12 o- a col1 room

General rea)on) for failure of a col. roo/ are a)

<he .i)pla unit fixe. at the out)i.e of the col. roo/ /a not be .i)plain5 the correct

te/perature of the col. roo/+

<he loa.in5 an. .i)tribution of the )hele) /a not be unifor/ thu) hin.erin5 properairflo1

7u/ /a be hi5her than the per/itte. leel)

<he po)itionin5 of the coolin5 unit) /a not be in perfect location thu) affectin5

unifor/ .i)tribution

 Air curtain) /a be reuire. at the .oor)

;.:.  Rea*o+* -or -a)lre o- ma//)+g *,12 o- a $are 0o*e

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'or 1arehou)e) the /o)t co//on rea)on) for failure are

a+  <he nu/ber of coolin5 unit) or the capacit of the coolin5 unit) /a not be


b+  <he location of the .uct) /a not be proper

c+  7u/ /a be hi5her than .e)ire. leel)

;.;.  $0a, )* ,0e val)1),2 /er)o1 o- a ,em/era,re ma//)+g

*,12 a+1 ,em/era,re 5al)-)ca,)o+ *,128

<here are no 5eneral rule) applicable for the )a/e+ 7o1eer for a ne1 facilit 1e )u55e)t

that the )tu. report can be con)i.ere. ali. for a perio. of 3 ear)+

-f an /o.ification) are carrie. out relate. to )hape an. laout of the a))et, /o.ification or

replace/ent of coolin5 unit), rearran5e/ent of rack) etc+, the ori5inal report cannot be

con)i.ere. ali.+ <he rea)onin5 i) that an of the)e chan5e) 1ill affect the .i)tribution of

te/perature an. hu/

<.  Rea*o+* -or -a)lre o- a !al)-)ca,)o+ *,12

Een if a /appin5 )tu. i) )ucce))ful, the ualification /a fail for other rea)on)+

'e1 of the /aor rea)on) are li)te. here+ uch rea)on) are pointe. out a) .eiation)in the report an. /o)t of the /inor .eiation) can be clo)e. after rectification)+

7o1eer )o/eti/e) it /a happen that the .eiation /i5ht be /aor an. /a

reuire /aor rectification) an. rete)tin5 for )ucce))ful ualification+

<.3.  Rea*o+* -or -a)lre o- 5al)-)ca,)o+ *,12 o- a va+

>aor rea)on) for failure of a an are

•  'ailure to /aintain proper calibration report)

•  *ontrol panel of the coolin5 unit of the an i) not 1orkin5 properl

•  <he euip/ent are not in)talle. a) per /anufacturerL) reco//en.ation


<he euip/ent are not operate. a) per /anufacturerL) reco//en.ation•  <here are no clear 1ritten in)truction) to the operator) for proper

operation of the ehicle

<.9.  Rea*o+* -or -a)lre o- 5al)-)ca,)o+ o- a col1 room

>aor rea)on) for failure of a col. roo/ are

•  'ailure to /aintain proper calibration report)

•  *ontrol panel of the coolin5 unit inclu.in5 con.en)er, eaporator of the

col. roo/ i) not 1orkin5 properl

•  <he euip/ent are not in)talle. a) per /anufacturerL) reco//en.ation


<he euip/ent are not operate. a) per /anufacturerL) reco//en.ation

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


•  <here are no clear 1ritten in)truction) to the operator) for proper

operation of the ehicle


Rea*o+* -or -a)lre o- 5al)-)ca,)o+ o- a /a**)ve bo?

>aor rea)on) for failure of a pa))ie box are

•  Proper 1ritten proce.ure) are not aailable for in)truction) of operation

•  Proper i.entification inclu.in5 )erial nu/ber) are not aailable

<.;.  Rea*o+* -or -a)lre o- 5al)-)ca,)o+ o- a+ ac,)ve bo?

>aor rea)on) for failure of a pa))ie box are


'ailure to /aintain proper calibration report)•  *ontrol panel of the coolin5 unit inclu.in5 con.en)er, eaporator of the

col. roo/ i) not 1orkin5 properl

•  <he euip/ent are not operate. a) per /anufacturerL) reco//en.ation

•  <here are no clear 1ritten in)truction) to the operator) for proper

operation of the ehicle

=.  %ow ,o )m/rove ,0e re*l,* o- ,0e ,e*, a+1 el)m)+a,e c0a+ce* o-


-t i) i.eal that before carrin5 out the actual )tu., ou /a carr out a trial )tu. 1ith fe1nu/ber of .ata lo55er) to analFe the .ata+ <hi) trial )tu. 1ill help ou to ealuate /aor

proble/) if an+ 'or all contract) bein5 un.ertaken b u), 1e carr out a trial )tu. before

co//ence/ent of the actual te)t+ <hi) 1ill )ae aluable ti/e an. /one for the cu)to/er+

=.3.   A1va+,age* o- a ,r)al *,12

>aor a.anta5e of con.uctin5 a trial )tu. are

a+  ain5 ti/e an. /one K After con.uctin5 a full te)t ou /a en. up 1ith )o/e

.eiation)+ -n )uch ca)e ou 1ill hae to carr out a rete)t after un.ertakin5 the

correctie action)+ B thi) ti/e ou /a be in the /i.)t of a cli/ate chan5e an. hence1ill hae to 1ait for the next )ea)on+ -f a trial )tu. i) planne. properl, thi) can be


b+  *orrect )ettin5) for coolin5 unit) K )o/eti/e) u)t b chan5in5 the )ettin5) of the

coolin5 unit) ou /a hae better re)ult)+ Hou /a not hae notice. thi) )o far

becau)e our current recor.in5 .eice) 1ere not place. at the correct hot an. col.


c+  6euire/ent of .ehu/i.ifier K -n /an ca)e) hu/ .i)tribution 1a) not properl

analFe. an. hence /a reuire in)tallation of .ehu/i.ifier)+ <hi) i) a proce))

inolin5 ti/e an. /one an. hence if at the proper )ta5e, )uitable action)

can be un.ertaken+

Page 17: Guidelines for temperature mapping study and qualification of cold rooms, ware houses, refrigerators, vans

7/17/2019 Guidelines for temperature mapping study and qualification of cold rooms, ware houses, refrigerators, vans 17/18


 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

Phone !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ 44 l 'ax !"9#$% 4 2 && $$ (( Our office) UAE !*orp+ Office%, -n.ia, O/an , 0u1ait, UA


=.9.  %ow ,o carr2 o, a ,r)al *,128

Before co//encin5 the actual te)t), 1e 1ill )ent ou )o/e .ata lo55er) for placin5 at certain

location) a) per the .ra1in5)+ <he .ata nee. to be collecte. for a certain .uration an. the

.ata lo55er) hae to be returne.+ e 1ill analFe the .ata an. 1ill proi.e )uitablereco//en.ation)+ Generall 1e inclu.e one trial )tu. in our )cope to a))i)t cu)to/er) !<o

be finaliFe. at the ti/e of finaliFin5 the

>.  $0a, )* Val)1a,)o+8 $0a, )* 1)--ere+ce -rom !al)-)ca,)o+8

 Vali.ation i) often confu)e. 1ith ualification an. often u)e. interchan5eabl+ -t

/a not cau)e a proble/ 1hile the ter/) ali.ation i) ualification i) u)e.

interchan5eable+ e hae )een e)peciall the follo1in5 ter/) bein5 u)e.

a+   Vali.ation of boxe) K <hi) i) 5enerall ualification of the boxe) onl unle))

.efine. )eparatel+ -f the .ata lo55er u)e. in the boxe) nee. to be ali.ate.,that i) a )eparate proce.ure an. i) not coere. ualification of the box+

Plea)e )ee ., e @ f thi) )ection for /ore .etail)+

b+   Vali.ation of col. roo/) K <hi) al)o refer to ualification onl+ -f the .ata

lo55er or real ti/e /onitorin5 ))te/ u)e. in the col. roo/ nee. to be

ali.ate., that i) a )eparate proce.ure an. i) not coere. ualification

of the col. roo/+ Plea)e )ee ., e @ f thi) )ection for /ore .etail)+

c+   Vali.ation of an), reefer) etc+ J <hi) al)o refer to ualification onl+ -f the

.ata lo55er or real ti/e /onitorin5 ))te/ u)e. in the ehicle nee. to be

ali.ate., that i) a )eparate proce.ure an. i) not coere. ualification

of the an or reefer+ Plea)e )ee ., e @ f thi) )ection for /ore .etail)+

.+   Vali.ation of real ti/e te/perature /onitorin5 ))te/ K <hi) i) not part of

ualification an. i) .one )eparatel+ -n )i/ple ter/) real ti/e /onitorin5

))te/ con)i)t) of electronic co/ponent), )oft1are, clou. )erer, local )erer

etc+ an. it nee. to be erifie. that all )uch co/ponent) are 1orkin5 correctl

en)urin5 correct recor.in5 an. rea.in5) acro)) all the)e channel)+ Al)o thi)

ha) to /eet *'6 Part $$ ) <hi) 1hole proce)) i) kno1n a) ali.ation

of the ))te/+ Once the ))te/ i) ali.ate., ou can be )ure that the

rea.in5) pro.uce. at .ifferent point) of the har.1are an. )oft1are are all

the )a/e+

e+   Vali.ation of a .ata lo55er K <hi) al)o i) in line 1ith l+ . aboe, but

applicable for the .ata lo55er an. it) )oft1aref+   Vali.ation of a )oft1are u)e. to /onitor the ))te/+J <hi) al)o i) in line 1ith

. @ e aboe+ <hi) i) 5enerall applicable for an )oft1are, but in our context

1e are referrin5 to an )oft1are u)e. for /onitorin5 of te/perature or

hu/ E5+ -f a cu)to/er i) u)in5 .i)po)able .ata lo55er) !or an other

.ata lo55er)% re5ularl, the report i) 5enerate. u)in5 it) )oft1are+ <he

)oft1are i) in)talle. in a co/puter+ :o1 ho1 .o 1e kno1 a) a u)er that the

)oft1are i) correctl pro.ucin5 all report) fro/ the .ata lo55erC -f there i) an

error in the )oft1are, the rea.in5) an. report) 1ill not be correct+ -f the

)oft1are i) ali.ate., 1e can be )ure that the report) are $I correct+ -n

thi) i) a oneti/e proce.ure for the )oft1are, until a /aor rei)ion i) carrie.out+

Page 18: Guidelines for temperature mapping study and qualification of cold rooms, ware houses, refrigerators, vans

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 Vacker LLC  l PO Box 92438 l Dubai l  UAE Part of VackerGlobal Group

@.  Docme+,* rela,e1 ,o Ma//)+g *,12 !al)-)ca,)o+

a+  *a)e )tu. of a te/perature ualification )tu. on a col. roo/  http??bit+l?$4(&<(


Protocol ? OP for <e/perature ualification )tu. of col. roo/ http??bit+l?$FH;no c+  Protocol ? OP for <e/perature /appin5 )tu. of 1arehou)e http??bit+l?$Ah2t- 

:B 'or ea)e of, 1e 5enerall /entione. about te/perature throu5hout the

article+ 7o1eer all /ention) about <e/perature /appin5 )tu. are euall applicable for

<e/perature @ 7u/ /appin5 a) 1ell+ i/ilarl all /ention) of a <e/perature ualification

)tu. are euall applicable for <e/perature @ 7u/ ualification )tu.+

 Al)o te/perature /appin5 )tu. i) kno1n a) <e/perature .i)tribution anal)i)+

Co/2r)g0, T0)* 1ocme+, )* co/2 r)g0,e1 ,o Vacker LLC# Dba) a+1 +o /ar, o- ,0)*

1ocme+, ma2 be re/ro1ce1 )+ a+2 -orm w0a,*oever w),0o, /erm)**)o+ -rom *.