Guidelines for Profile Creation & Application Submission ...

1 | Page Guidelines for Profile Creation & Application Submission in Online Admission System Visit Sukkur IBA website i .e. for Admission Fall 2020 advertisement. Click “Apply Online” option and follow the steps (1-10) 1. Account Creation 1.1. Enter a valid Email address where you will receive an activation link.

Transcript of Guidelines for Profile Creation & Application Submission ...

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Guidelines for Profile Creation & Application Submission

in Online Admission System

Visit Sukkur IBA website i . e . for Admission Fall 2020 advertisement.

Click “Apply Online” option and follow the steps (1-10)

1. Account Creation

1.1. Enter a valid Email address where you will receive an activation link.

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1. Login your Email account and follow the instructions provided in email:

1.3. Once the account is activated, the page will show success message “Account Activated

successfully. “

1.4. Follow ‘Click here’ option to login into admission system.

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1.5. Once you Login the following page will be displayed.

1.6. Application status page will appear, mentioning applicants tracking id and application status.

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2. Enter “Terminal Degree” information

2.1 Enter details of last terminal degree as per program selection.

2.2 Save and move to next screen as follows:

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3. Select Program of Study

3.1 Select ‘Program’ and ‘Campus’ and click on add to list and set preference as 1. Click on save and

complete Section.

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4. Fill Personal Information Section

4.1 Enter personal information on the page and click on save.

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5. Fill Guardian Information Section

5.1 Enter guardian information and click on save.

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6. Fill Academic Record Section

6.1 Add your SSC ‘Secondary School Certificate’ /Matric marks details.

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7. Fill Test Record Section

7.1 In case, the program you applied requires for test then fill this section, otherwise mark undertaking

and complete the section.

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8. Complete Photograph & Documents Section

8.1 Upload the photograph, CNIC, Guardian CNIC and academic records/certificates.

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9. Submit application and mark undertakings

9.1 Once all sections are marked as complete, select the undertakings and submit application.

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10. Download fee voucher

10.1 Once application is submitted, fee voucher can be downloaded in pdf.

Good luck!