Guidelines for Dissertation

Planning and conducting a Dissertation Research Project -an overview 1



Transcript of Guidelines for Dissertation

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Planning and conducting a Dissertation Research Project

-an overview

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What is a Dissertation?A dissertation is a particular kind of academic task.

You will usually be asked to generate a topic for yourself; to plan and execute a project investigating that topic;

and to write-up what you did and what your findings were. Important stages in the dissertation process include:

Choosing a topic

Developing a

research question


planning of the researc


Being organized and

methodical while

conducting your research

Reporting the


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Choosing a topic

1. Talk to others: what topics are other students considering?

2. Look at other writing: set aside some time to spend in the library

3. Look through the dissertations of previous students in your department

4. Think about your own interests?

5. Is there a related topic of interest to you that has not been covered in the syllabus

6. Be extra critical

7. Keep asking the question ‘Why?’

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What can a Research study do

Replicate an

existing study in

a different setting;

Explore an under-researched area;

Extend a previous study;

Review the

knowledge thus far

in a specific


Develop or test out a methodolo

gy or method;

Address a

research question

in isolation, or within a wider program

me of work; or

Apply a theoretical idea to

a real world


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Developing a Research Question

It is important that you

establish a research

problem at, or close to the start of, your


It is one of the key tools you

have, to ensure that your project

keeps going in the right


Every task you undertake should

begin with you checking your

research problem and asking “will

this help me address this problem?”.

The issue that you are going to be


Your argument or thesis (what you want to prove,

disprove, or explore);

The limits of your research (i.e. what you

are not going to be investigating).

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Planning and conducting a research project - Introduction

Sometimes writing is seen as an activity that happens after everything else:

“The research is going well, so the writing should be straightforward

- I can leave it until later”.

“I know I’m not good at writing so I keep putting it off”.

“I know I’m good at writing so I can leave it to later”.

“I want to get everything sorted out in my mind before I start writing

or I’ll just end up wasting my time re-writing”.

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These different perspectives lead to the following potential problems

Regarding re-drafting as a failure or a waste of time;

Ignoring the further learning;

Leaving too little time for effective editing and final proofing.

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Getting on with the writing

A research proposal;

A literature review;

A report of any pilot studies that you undertook;

An abstract for a conference;

Reports for your supervisors;A learning journal where

you keep ideas as they occur to you;

Notes for a presentation you have given.

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Check out what is required

The word/page limit

Chapters to be included

Appropriate Content

The marking scheme

or guidance

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The StructureTitle pageAbstract

AcknowledgementsContents page(s)

IntroductionMaterials and methods or Literature review

Results or Sources and methodsDiscussions or Findings


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Each section or chapter has its own particular function

The title itself is an important opportunity

to tell the potential reader what your research is about.

You will need it to be succinct, specific,

descriptive, and representative of the research you

have done.

There is likely to be a required format

for the title page in your discipline, so you need to check

what that is.

1.Title page

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Each section or chapter has its own particular function


One of the shortest

sections of your thesis

Is a succinct summary of

the research.

A stand alone representation

One page long, with a word


A document in its own right if

the thesis is registered within any database.

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Each section or chapter has its own particular function


This is your opportunity to

mention individuals who

have been particularly


Reading the acknowledgement

s in other dissertations in

your field will give you an idea of the

ways in which different kinds of help have been appreciated and


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Each section or chapter has its own particular function

The contents pages will show

up the structure of the


Any  imbalance in space

devoted to different

sections of content will

become apparent.

This is a useful check on whether amalgamation of

sections, or creation of

further sections or sub-sections is


4.Contents, and figure and table lists

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Each section or chapter has its own particular function


To expand the material summarized in the abstract, and

To signpost the content of the rest of the dissertation.

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Each section or chapter has its own particular function6.The literature review or context of the


Describe the current state of research in your defined area;

Consider whether there are any closely related areas that you also need to refer to;

Identify a gap where you argue that further research is needed; and

Explain how you plan to attend to that particular research gap.

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Each section or chapter has its own particular function7.Chapter(s) describing methods, sources,


A straightforward description

Describe equipment, process or materials  

Give enough detail for another researcher to replicate

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Each section or chapter has its own particular function8.Results / Findings

Check which style of reporting is preferred in your field.

A scientific dissertation would probably have very clear separation between the results and the discussion of those

resultsA social science dissertation might have an overall chapter

called Findings, bringing the results and their discussion together.

Decisions about style of presentation may need to be made about, for example:

Whether you want to begin with

The order you will be presenting results

What balance, in terms of word space, you want to achieve

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Each section or chapter has its own particular function


This chapter is not a mere ‘summary’ of your research, but needs to be



To be highly structured, and needs to include all of your references in the required referencing style.

As you edit and rewrite your dissertation you will probably gain and lose references that you had in earlier versions.

Check that all the references in your reference list are actually referenced within the text

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Each section or chapter has its own particular function


You need to check whether or not the appendices count within the word limit for your dissertation.

Items that can usefully go in the appendices are those that a reader would want to see, but which would take up too much space and disrupt the flow if placed within the main text. 

Again, make sure you reference the Appendices within the main text where necessary.

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Differences between Research paper and Students Project

Research Paper Students Project

Can be defined as the written product of a systematic research study of a well- defined issue.

Involves a significant academic and creative undertaking that demonstrates originality and independent thinking

Appropriate form and organization, and a justification

While integrating work from at least two of the three fields.

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Differences between Research paper and Students Project

Research Paper Students Project Integrates work from related fields of study

Will clearly identify the research


States the major theoretical


Explains the significance of the


review relevant literature

Identify and justify the sources

for and

methods of gathering information

Analyzes the information or data

Presents and discuss results

Offers a conclusion or


A project generally presents a


deliverable that is also a


scholarly effort.

Research papers and projects take a variety of forms, including the following:

Writing a typical research paper Writing a novel or short stories Designing a website Producing a film Developing an action plan for an organization Developing a course or instructional manual Displaying photos or paintings Developing a database

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