Guidance on Indicator Definitions, Data and Evidence ...

Welsh European Funding Office Guidance on Indicator Definitions, Data and Evidence Requirements ERDF: Priority Axis 3: ENERGY Version: 1.2 March 2016

Transcript of Guidance on Indicator Definitions, Data and Evidence ...

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Welsh European Funding Office

Guidance on Indicator Definitions, Data and Evidence Requirements

ERDF: Priority Axis 3: ENERGY

Version: 1.2 March 2016

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Version Control

Version 1.0 - First Published – April 1st

Version 1.1 - Minor Amendments:

Page 3 - [email protected] changed to

[email protected]

Version 1.2 March 2016

Page 9: Clarification of ‘Number of Enterprises receiving non-financial support’.

Page 10: Clarification of definition ‘ new to firm’ products

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Glossary ............................................................................................... 1

Thematic Objectives and Investment Priorities ........................................... 3

Result Indicators and Specific Objectives ................................................... 4

Specific Objective 3.1 (WWV) ........................................................................................... 5

Specific Objective 3.2 (WWV) 3.1 (EW) ............................................................................ 6

Specific Objective 3.3 (WWV) 3.2 (EW) ............................................................................. 7

Indicator Definitions..................................................................................... 8

Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support ....................................................... 9

Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the firm products ........................... 10

Additional capacity of renewable energy production ......................................................... 11

Number of pilot projects completed .................................................................................. 12

Community energy schemes ........................................................................................... 13

Energy support site preparation schemes ........................................................................ 14

Number of renewable energy prototypes tested ............................................................... 15

Number of households with improved energy consumption classification ......................... 16

Estimated decrease in GHG ............................................................................................ 17

ANNEX A: Enterprise Data Requirements ................................................ 18

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1 EC Concepts and Recommendations ERDF March 2014 2 C(2014) 3282 Framework for state aid for research and development and innovation

3 S 82 Energy Act 2004


Organisation producing products or services to satisfy market needs

in order to reach profit. The legal form of enterprise may be various

(self-employed persons, partnerships, etc.) 1




Consultancy, assistance and training in the fields of knowledge

transfer, acquisition, protection and exploitation of intangible

assets, use of standards and regulations embedding them.2



The use for the generation of electricity the capacity of which

does not exceed 50KW3

Scheme Systematic plan, organisation or arrangement for achieving

specified objectives

Site A specific identifiable area or physical place/space relevant to

the project.



The provision of office space, data banks, libraries, market

research, laboratories, quality labelling, testing and

certification for the purpose of developing more effective

products, processes or services.2

SME As defined recommendation 2003/362/EC. A category of

micro, small and medium-sized enterprise employing fewer

than 250 persons and which has an annual turnover not

exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet

total not exceeding EUR 43 million.

SMEs can be autonomous, partner or linked enterprises.

Guidance on the definition of these categories and on

calculating headcount and turnover can be found at:


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An enterprise with primarily social objectives whose surpluses

are principally reinvested for that purpose in the enterprise or

in the community, rather than being driven by the need to

maximise profit for shareholders and owners.

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Thematic Objectives and Investment Priorities



4. Supporting the Shift to a low-carbon economy in all sectors


Priority 4a)

Promoting the production and distribution of energy

derived from renewable sources

SO 3.1

SO 3.2



Priority 4c)

Supporting energy efficiency, smart energy

management and renewable energy use in public

infrastructures, including public buildings and the

housing sector

SO 3.3




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Result Indicators and Specific Objectives

The result indictor is intended to represent the change anticipated as a direct

consequence of the intervention(s) linked to each specific objective. The rationale for

the selection of the result indicators and programme targets are set out in the

respective Operational Programmes.

Operations, in accordance with their operation logic tables, should focus on their

contribution to the result indicator associated with the specific objective.

The selection of output indicators, as defined in this guidance, should be derived

from the intervention logic for each operation and be aligned with the respective

result indicators, specific objectives and investment priorities.

Evidence will need to be provided to demonstrate the links between the aims and

objectives, activities and indicators. The evidence that will be provided will be set out

and agreed in the Business Plan.

Monitoring Data:

Data will need to be provided to support claims. Annex A sets out the mandatory

data requirements for WEFO funded operations.

Beneficiaries should collect additional monitoring data to enable evaluation of the

effectiveness and impact of the Operation.

The data should be uploaded via WEFO online as a part of the claims process. A

template for provision of data is available on the WEFO website.

The Operational Programmes are available at:

These set the overall aims of the programmes within which operations will take

place, and in many cases will provide examples of the types of activities envisaged

under each SO.

Useful Contacts for queries and advice:

[email protected] Queries relating to Research Monitoring and


[email protected] Queries relating to Cross Cutting


[email protected] Queries relating to audit and evidence

If a query relates directly to an approved operation then the first point of contact

should be the project development officer.

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Specific Objective 3.1 (WWV)

4 Digest of UK statistics table 6.4

5 Tons CO2 equivalent

To increase the number of wave and tidal energy devices being tested in Welsh

waters and off the Welsh Coast, including multi-device array deployments, thereby

establishing Wales as a centre for marine energy production.






Installed capacity in wave and tidal (MW) Additional


Additional capacity of renewable energy production (MW) 20

Number of pilot projects completed 4

Energy support site preparation schemes 2

Number of renewable energy prototypes tested 8

Estimated decrease in GHG5

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Specific Objective 3.2 (WWV) 3.1 (EW)

6 The OP excludes micro-generation. Sites must be generating electricity. 7 DUKES (DECC) Report on Renewable electricity in Scotland, Wales, NI and regions of England.

Measured as increase above baseline figure sin OP

To increase the number of small scale renewable energy schemes established









Number of sites6 generating electricity from

renewable sources (excluding PV)

+ 377 + 3-6



Number of enterprises receiving non-

financial support

150 70

Number of enterprises supported to

introduce new to the firm products

75 35

Additional capacity of renewable energy

production (MW)


Number of pilot projects completed 4 3

Community Energy Schemes 37 3

Energy support site preparation schemes 2 1

Number of renewable energy prototypes


8 3

Estimated decrease in GHG

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Specific Objective 3.3 (WWV) 3.2 (EW)

8 Increase energy performance by 2 EPC ratings

To increase the energy efficiency of the existing Welsh housing stock, particularly in

areas of fuel poverty







Energy Efficiency rating of households facing

severe fuel poverty

+ 10%8


+ 10%8




Number of households with improved energy

consumption classification

5,500 4,200

Estimated decrease of GHG 10 5

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Indicator Definitions

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Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support

The number of enterprises receiving support that is neither ‘grant’ nor

‘financial support other than grants’. The support can be standalone or as part

of a cooperation. Enterprises can only be counted once for each operation.

The amount of support should be calculated on a cumulative basis. The

support encompasses only advisory work and does not include travel time.

A minimum of 1 day (6 hours activity) which was delivered through a business

diagnostic or equivalent that results in an action plan OR 2 days (12 hours)

support through active innovation advisory or innovation services. A business

diagnostic should result in an action plan.

An enterprise recorded as receiving support under this indicator can also be

recorded as receiving grants and receiving financial support if they receive

relevant support through different activities. Enterprises can also be counted

as ‘enterprises cooperating with supported research institutions’



Data Requirements:

Data on all enterprises supported should be submitted when they are included

on a claim. Evidence should be available when the claim is made. A

complete list of fields is given in the Annex.

Suggested Evidence:

The evidence of eligibility, activities and outputs should be set out within the

Business Plan and agreed with WEFO. Evidence will need to be provided of

the SME status of every enterprise receiving support.

ERDF supported enterprises can use the model declaration form in the EC

SME user guide to establish SME status:

n/renditions/pdf . Alternatively, evidence might come from company accounts;

companies house records; databases such as MINT; cross-reference to other

information held by WG or in the public domain etc.

Evidence should be provided with details of the supported enterprise’s

activities prior to the support, details of the support activities undertaken and

how these relate to the outputs and results.

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Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the firm products

The indicator measures the number of enterprises that have received support to

develop a 'new to the firm' product. This includes process innovation as long as the

process contributes to the development of the product. Projects without the aim of

actually developing a (new to firm) product are excluded. If an enterprise introduces

several products or receives support for several projects, it is still counted as one

enterprise. In the case of cooperation projects, the indicator measures each

participating enterprise.

A product is new to the firm if the enterprise did not produce a product with the same

functionality or the production technology is fundamentally different from the

technology of already produced products. An example of ‘new to firm’ might be the

purchase/licensing of IP which is then used to improve the enterprises’ products or


Products can be tangible or intangible (incl. services and processes).

If a product is new both to the market and to the firm, the enterprise should be

counted against both new to firm and new to market indicators.

Enterprises included in this indicator should also be recorded as receiving

grants/financial / non-financial support and new enterprises.

While most classic innovations lead to products new both to the market and to the

firm, it is possible that the product is new to the firm but not new to the market, e.g.

certain technology transfers.



Data requirements:

Data on all enterprises supported should be submitted when they are included on a

claim. Evidence should be available when the claim is made. A complete list of

fields is given in the Annex.

Suggested Evidence:

Baseline diagnostic evidence at the start of the support to identify current enterprise

activity and products and processes followed. Detailed documentary evidence of

what changes in process and/or products have developed as a result of the support

and activity of the project.

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Additional capacity of renewable energy production

Increase in energy production capacity of facilities using renewable energy

resources, built /equipped by the project. Includes electricity and heat energy.

Renewable energy resource: Any energy source that is not fossil or nuclear.

This indicator should be used with Estimated Decrease in GHG.



Suggested Evidence:

The data should be provided upon completion of the project, i.e. the

installation is operational.

Baseline evidence of renewable energy capacity.

Evidence of procurement process, technical specification for capacity of


Evidence that installation has been completed and is operational.

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Number of pilot projects completed

A project planned as trial designed to test a given approach for a limited group

of beneficiaries over a limited period; intended to attract future activity in the

field/discipline or sector. 9

A pilot project can be deemed to be completed when a technical assessment

has been completed.


Pilots completed

Suggested Evidence:

The data should be provided upon completion of the project.

Baseline evidence – proof of concept.

Cooperation agreement

Evidence of procurement process, technical specification

Evidence that pilot and technical assessment. have been completed


9 (DCLG ERDF 2007-13 Output Definitions)

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Community energy schemes

Community based collective action to reduce, purchase, manage and

generate energy.

Activities envisaged under this definition include: capacity development for

local groups; advice and guidance on setting up small scale renewable energy

generation schemes; support for collaborative working with developers on

community supported schemes; investments tailored to address barriers to

accessing finance for small and community schemes supporting a low carbon

transition and development and implementation of low Carbon strategies

supporting the demonstration of benefits for a specific geographical area.


Number of schemes

Suggested Evidence:

Business Plan, terms of reference or articles of association demonstrating the

activities undertaken.

Evaluation to demonstrate how activities link the objectives to the aims and

the impact of the funded operation.

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Energy support site preparation schemes

Schemes for the installation and commissioning / deployment of pre-

commercial wave, tidal and renewable electricity generating devices. The

emphasis is in preparation of the ground for significant long term private

investment in the sector.

Infrastructure investments and preparatory work to remove barriers, reduce

risks and maximise investor confidence. These investments should be aimed

at encouraging deployment of pre commercial marine devices for testing and


For example: site preparation, shore-based facilities, connections, access,



Number of Schemes

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Number of renewable energy prototypes tested

This indicator is intended to measure activities to support the deployment of

marine energy technology (tidal, wave and wind).

The types of action supported under this indicator are set out in the

Operational Programme.

Business Plans should outline the testing activity.



Suggested Evidence:

This output should be recorded upon completion of testing.

Baseline: proof of concept.

Environmental impact study; documents evidencing the procurement process

Evidence of contract for works and authorised certificated payments.

Documentary evidence of completion of testing

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Number of households with improved energy consumption classification

Number of households with an improved energy classification as a direct

result of ERDF funding10.

Non - ERDF funded works must be excluded.

The increase in energy performance should be by 2 ratings.



Suggested Evidence:

Baseline evidence of energy classification (Energy Performance Certificate)

Evidence of works carried out; tender documents, contract award.

Evidence of completion of works

Evidence of revised energy classification (Energy Performance Certificate).

10 Directive 2010/31/EU

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Estimated decrease in GHG

This indicator is applicable to interventions directly aiming to increase

renewable energy production and is mandatory where ‘additional capacity of

renewable energy production’ or ‘number of households with improved energy

consumption’ are used.

The indicator will show the total estimate of annual decrease by the end of

the period, not the total decrease throughout the period.

In case of renewable energy production, the estimate is based on the amount

of primary energy produced by supported facilities in a given year (either one

year following project completion or the calendar year after project

completion). Renewable energy is supposed to be GHG neutral and replacing

non-renewable energy production. GHG impact of non renewable energy is

estimated through the Member State MS total GHG emission per unit of non-

renewable energy production.

In the case of energy saving measures, the estimate is based on the amount

of primary energy saved in a given year by supported operations (either one

year following project completion or the calendar year after project

completion). Saved energy is supposed to be replacing non-renewable energy

production. GHG impact of non-renewable energy is estimated through the

MS total GHG emission per unit of non-renewable energy production.

Calculations for energy savings measures are based on the energy

performance certificate (EPC) of buildings (see Art.12.1.b of Directive

2010/31/EU). Value will be calculated from the energy certificates issued

before and after the measures are installed.


Tons CO2 equivalent

Suggested Evidence:

Tonnes of carbon saved should be measured using Department for

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Department of Energy

and Climate Change (DECC) GHG Conversion Factors for Company


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ANNEX A: Enterprise Data Requirements

Current versions of the Enterprise micro-level database (PDF and Excel

versions) can be found using the following links:





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Enquiries Helpdesk 0845 010 3355

For more information:

@wefowales / @wefocymru