Guia Ingles Writing_Assignment

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UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de ingls Curso: Ingls 3 - 90121 Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn Tipo de curso: Terico-Prctico Crditos: Dos (2)

UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de ingls Curso: Ingls 3 - 90121 Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn Tipo de curso: Terico-Prctico Crditos: Dos (2)

UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL Programa: Programa Nacional de ingls Curso: Ingls 3 - 90121 Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn Tipo de curso: Terico-Prctico Crditos: Dos (2)

WRITING ASSIGNMENT - ENGLISH 3 ACTIVITY GUIDE AND RUBRIC General Objective: To express ideas and real situations effectively in writing through the use of grammar and vocabulary learned in the course. Objectives: To read comprehensively different readings in order to identify important and key information. To show the use of writing skills learned through a text where the student tells a real situation happened in the past. To write a short text in which the student shows the use of the grammar and vocabulary learned through the units and levels. To stimulate the writing skill as an organized process. Topics: 1. Compound Adjectives 2. Modal verbs 3. The Past Progressive 4. Use of ING forms 5. Prepositions and phrasal verbs 6. Past perfect tense Learning strategy: To write a text in which the e-student shows the handle of the grammar and vocabulary acquired during the English courses and through accompany of the e- tutor and e-students. During the development of the writing the e-student acquires the skills according to writing following a series of steps to complete the final product, in which the skills acquired will be evident in their writing competences such as: style, creativity, coherence, cohesion, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation. Score: 100 points

Activity Schedule: According to the Course Agenda. Instructions: In order to develop this writing process, students must study Unit 1 and 2, and then follow the step by step guide: Expected outcomes in the forum (30 points): STEP 1 1. Each student must select a role and do it through all his/her participations. You can see the roles and responsabilities in the box below.

2. Read the text anecdote example (page 4) and answer the following questions:

Do you like to read or listen about people anecdotes? Why? Write your reasons!

Rta: I like to read, count and hear the stories of the people. That besides being a story of an interesting event or incident, some are very funny and the imagination lead us into the past.

In your opinion, which tittle could be given to this anecdote example? Rta: Commuter calm in a frightening incidentla calma del viajero en un alarmante incidente STEP 2 1. Each student must choose ONE of these words and create an acrostic: ANECDOTE STORYTELLING INCIDENT EPISODE - NARRATIVE.

I will put my best to achieve what I want.

Nothing is impossible even if incidents occur. If you Can dream it, you can doIt is very interesting learn English, andDiscover new possibilities in lifeExpressing in a different language, Never too late to startThe best experiences in English.

STEP 3 1. Each student must write a text describing an anecdote of his/her life which must consist of 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph must have minimum four (4) sentences and maximum six (6) sentences. The text must have a tittle and it is necessary to highlight with different colors the verbal tenses required: Simple Past Past Progressive Past Perfect You can select one of these possible topics for your anecdote: A holiday you had. A difficult journey you had. A perfect day youve had. A special event in your life. A birthday you remember. A time when you lost something important. A time when you gave someone a surprise.

En una ocasin, cuando yo tena 7 aos y mis hermanos de 8 y 10 aos y mi hermana mayor de 15 aos que le estaban celebrando el cumpleaos ese da en la finca, haba invitados especiales familiares y amigos. Mientras mi madre atenda a esos invitados, mis hermanos y yo nos fuimos a jugar al cielo raso encontrando unas mazorcas, las bajamos de all y las llevamos para la brasa donde asaban la lechona. Despus de que la primera mazorca estaba asada nos fuimos para donde mi hermana mayor y le dimos para que comiera y nos dijo que la acomparamos un rato porque estaba apenada de los invitados.A la media hora nos fuimos a buscar las otras mazorcas y nos dimos cuenta que ya se nos haban quemado, nos devolvimos para donde mi hermana y notamos que estaba como mareada y plida y le estaba saliendo mucha saliva. En ese momento nos asustamos y nos fuimos corriendo a llamar a mi mama para que viera lo que estaba sucediendo con ella, al momento de llegar dijo esta intoxicada preguntndole que haba comido, le respondimos con gran nerviosismo que una mazorca que habamos encontrado en el cielo raso entonces ella dijo que esa mazorca tenia remedio para las ratas. Se alarmaron todos y como no haba un centro de salud cerca hicieron un batido de aguamiel y le dieron hasta que le dio vmito y diarrea dandole la fiestecita.Al da siguiente mi hermana ya se senta un poco mejor y pens tomar venganza regando un poco de ACPM en el pasillo al frente de la habitacin para el primero que se levantara pegarle un susto. Dada la casualidad yo fui la primera que Sal de la habitacin y cuando iba pasando, mi hermana encendi un fsforo y lo boto, prendindose toda mi pijama con el fuego que sala, Sal corriendo y me vote abajo del pasillo y el fuego se apag pero me quede con el pelo, las cejas y pestaas quemadas y hasta 2 aos despus me volvi a salir bien.

This is an anecdote example: I remember an inconvenience I had once. This happened about five years ago. I was coming back home from Santa Marta where Id been on holiday with some friends, who had rented a cabin near Sierra Nevada. Anyway, we were on the plane and had just taken off when there was a loud bang from the right hand side of the plane and I could see a lot of smoke coming from one of the engines. Of course, everyone started looking around but the plane carried on flying normally. And then a few minutes later the pilot came on and said there was a problem with one of the engines and we would have to return to the airport. I felt pretty nervous, I can tell you, but I tried to concentrate on my book and about ten minutes later we landed without any problems. We had to wait for about an hour, and then we got back on the plane. Actually it was a different plane, and I was pretty relieved that it was. One of the girls started crying and feeling as if she was going to faint and everything. One of the flight attendants try to calm her down. All the participations must be written directly in the forum. Please do not attach any files because they wont be taken into account! STEP 4 Consolidation of the texts participations of the group to send just a final file which must have these pages: Front page. The texts identifying the name of each participant. Final outcome (70 points): The leader must submit the group final product taking into account this: PDF file which will be sent to in the corresponding link (Evaluation and Monitoring Environment) File Name :(Final Writing Product_group) Example: (Final Writing Product_135) These web sites can help you during your writing process: How to use of the present perfect and simple past Online Dictionary Check your vocabulary and grammar: 1