
Guatemala Foods Fashions Arts Traditions


culture, book

Transcript of Guatemala

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Guatemala Foods




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Guatemalan Foods

Did you ever wonder what Guatemalan

people eat? You’ll learn about their foods now

that you’re reading this.

In Guatemala, three meals per day is a

general rule for Guatemalans. Their everyday

foods they eat are corn, black beans, rice, and

wheat. But corn is

more popular in

Guatemala. The

foods and drinks

though are known

for the Spanish




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Fruits and Vegetables

The country, Guatemala, is known for their

fruits and vegetables. Avocados, radishes,

potatoes, squash, carrots, beets, onions, and

tomatoes are the popular fruits for

Guatemalans. For vegetables, Guatemalans

eat lettuce, snow peas, green beans, broccoli,

cauliflower, artichokes, and turnips. Fruits

and vegetables are important to

Guatemalans. Guatemalan foods are great to


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Many meals in Guatemala are similar to

Mexico. Their breakfasts are easy and simple,

eggs, tortillas, and beans. Meat stews and

soups are popular dishes in Guatemala. But

meat is very expensive for Guatemalans. But

Mexico and Guatemala have similar foods.

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Chilies in Guatemala are foods made by

gods. Chilies are enjoyed by gods. A bowl of

chilies has to be on a restaurant table in

Guatemala. A lot of varieties of chilies are

available in many Guatemalan markets.

Chilies are enjoyed by the first people too.

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Guatemala has a lot of tasty foods. They

have fast food restaurants that are also for

Guatemalans too. Guatemala

and Mexico have similar

foods and Guatemalan foods

are known from the Spanish

culture. They have tasty local

experiences for travelers too.

Guatemala has great foods to



Cite information:

- Cultures of the world (Guatemala) ISBN #: 9780761434122



Page 7: Guatemala

Guatemalan Fashion

Clothes from across the world very in

color, look, shape, and even size! Today I will

be writing about Guatemalan clothes! Here

are the “HOT” topics we will be talking about!

1) It is very hot in Guatemala! Heat means

special clothes!

2) Guatemala has some neighbors that

influence their clothing.

3) They have a pretty colorful tradition

does it show in their clothes?

Before we begin I have better tell you that

this is a culture and making rude comments

can and probably will cause problems related

to this culture, so if I could ask for rude side

notes be held within yourself. Thank you for

your kindness.

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Heat & How it Affects Clothes

Does a hot climate affect the clothes in

one’s area? Well, let’s find out! With a hot

climate many things come to mind. Some of

those things include flip-flops, sun glasses,

swimsuits, breezy clothes, dresses, and

summery things like that. Well even though

things like that come to mind when we think

of summer in the U.S. it’s a whole different


They still wear normal clothes in some

parts but they also wear more traditional

clothes as well.

Of course they are next to Mexico so they

get that really hot, humid, dry feel all year

round so that really puts influence to what

they clothe themselves in.

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When it’s HOT you GOT to get yourself into

some breezy, beautiful clothes.


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Mexico & Guatemalan Clothes

Being so close to Mexico, does Guatemala

get more than just the heat?

Well, like you kind of heard about in the

last paragraph, Mexico is right on top of

Guatemala. Why does that matter you ask?

Well not only does it specifically prove that

Guatemala is hot, but it also says that the

countries must have some sort of influence

over each other. One of the influences that go

on is the swapping of clothing ideas.

Indian clothing is a lot like Hispanic

clothing in the fact they are longer sleeves

with a very light material. The males also

wear pants and sometimes even skirts! While

woman still have some Mexican influence,

they mostly stick to traditional things.

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Traditional Guatemalan Clothes

Guatemalans have quite a colorful past,

does it show in their clothes?

Men have started to progress in the

subject of clothing. They have taken almost

all their fashion fron Mexico but woman you

could say have the old charm.Women take a

traditional approch in most of their clothing.

Women and girls wear their tradition.

Mexico inspires a lot of Guatmalan clothes.

Looks like those two places work together, so

they can “beat the heat.”In Guatemala you can

go to the market on a daily basis to buy

jewerly like jacle, gold, just like in the old

days. Woman’s clothing managed to maintain

a more traditional look with bright colors and


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The End!!!!!

Guatemalans have quite a colorful

traditon, does it show in clothes?

Different communtieties have different

patterns so its easy to tell waear a girl comes

from. Like most cultures, Guatemalans

clothes are becoming more and more modern

but there will always be people who shine

through with their very bright past.

Well, let’s look over at what we’ve learned.

Heat does affect but the clothes still manage

too look fabulous. Mexico may be close but

the culture still pulls through with girl

clothing.Clothes in Guatemala are very

different from here, in America.

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Cites for Information

- Cultures of the world (Guatemala) ISBN #: 9780761434122


- www.traditiondress/traje/

Page 17: Guatemala

Guatemala’s Art Culture

Dancing, masks, theatre, and paintings.

These are all parts Guatemala’s magnificent

arts culture. Dancing in Guatemala is a big

way they show their culture. There aren’t

many artists in Guatemala, but the ones that

do come from Guatemala are great. The

Guatemalans have found many ways to use

weaving and making textiles a beautiful part

of their art culture too. Theatre is also part of

their art culture and the Mayans used theatre

to tell or hide secrets. All together the

Guatemalan art culture is beautiful.

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Guatemalan Artists

There aren’t many artists from Guatemala;

some artists are even influenced by

Guatemala, but the ones that do come from

Guatemala are amazing! The artist, Paula

Nicho Cumes, is one of the most important

self taught, women artist in Guatemala.

Another artist is Julian Coche Menchoza, he is

an artist influenced by cubism. A form

focused on abstract art. Miguel Angel Astrias,

is an artist focused on Guatemala, some of his

pieces are the novel, El Sènor and an epic

called Popol Vuh. All of connected with

Guatemala influenced or from the country

they are all amazing!

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Guatemalan Dancing

Dancing is a big part of Guatemalan

culture. Dancing at ceremonies can mean

many different things: fertility, a good

harvest, or it is used to scare away evil spirits.

Costumes are usually included in the dances.

One traditional dress is called a traje. The

traditional dress includes a blouse, skirt,

sash, hair, decoration, and a shawl. The most

common instument used with the dance is a

marimba, introduced by slave trade.

Guatemalas dancing culture facinate many

countries around the world.

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Weaving and Making Textiles

Weaving is also an important part of the

Guatemalan arts. One type of weaving in

Guatemala is backstrap weaving. This is done

by winding and weaving thread though a

warp, a loom like tool. Weaving in Guatemala

is used for many things, rugs, clothing,

baskets hats and more. The Guatemalans

pride themselves in their weaving and

textiles. Although there are many kinds and

types of weaving in Guatemala they all turn

out beautifully!


Page 24: Guatemala

Theatre in Guatemala

Theatre in guatemala was and still is

important to the people in guatemala. For the

Mayans, an ancient tribe in Guatemala,

theatre was very important and the used it to

celebrate almost anything. Theatre was part

of their culture. It was insourporated into

relious cerimonies too. Sometimes secrets

were hidden within the script of the play so

the Europeans couldn’t understand.

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Wrap Up

To wrap things up, Guatemala’s art culture

is beautiful. From the theatre to the paintings

and from the dancing to the weaving. Just

remember that their culture is different from

ours and they may have different beliefs but

we all live on the same planet so we need to

learn to accept different things.

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Cites for Information


- Cultures of the world (Guatemala) ISBN #: 9780761434122

Page 27: Guatemala

Traditions of Guatemala

These topics will give you a heads up on

the traditions in Guatemala. First, Guatemala

is a Christian country. Second, on December 7,

a deep rooted tradition takes place in

Guatemala. Third, great places to observe

how customs and traditions operate in

Guatemala are local markets. After reading

all these topics you should have learned at

least one thing about them.

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(Map of Guatemala)

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First, Guatemala is a Christian country.

Guatemala as a multiethnic country is a

syncretism between ancient Mayan practices

and the ancestral Christian belief. The Mayan

Indians worshipped many different gods and

even offered human sacrifices to them at

special fiestas. Religious traditions are part

of the spiritual culture and its manifestations

are carried out through activities at specific

times or for the holding of a predominately

religious event. Traditions are based in

sociocultural events formerly known as folk


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(Long-nosed God Stone Pendants from


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Burning of the Devil

Second, on December 7, a deeply rooted

tradition takes place in Guatemala. Where the

streets filled with bonfires and the sky is

covered by smoke. It is the traditional

Burning of the Devil. This is a way to expel all

the evil from people’s houses and lives. In

other words, this character is the face of all

negative things.

Page 32: Guatemala

Local Markets

Third, great places to observe how

customs and traditions operate in Guatemala

are local markets. One of the main productive

activities and cultural right in Guatemala are

tissues. The Mayans were popular for their

development of sciences such as

mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, and

architecture. The task of weaving is women

who develop an activity of belonging a labor

of love to their community. Guatemala is full

of villages of colorful costumes, magnificent

handicrafts and religious celebrations.

Page 34: Guatemala


After reading all these topics you should

have remembered a few facts from the topics.

Here were the topics. First, Guatemala is a

Christian country. Second, on December 7, a

deeply rooted tradition takes place in

Guatemala. Third, great places to observe

how customs and traditions operate are local

markets. Remember them.








Page 35: Guatemala

Cites for Information

Guatemala-Set ISBN: 0-7172-9324-6/Volume ISBN: 0-7172-9332-7


Page 36: Guatemala

EasyBib Page

Paige’s Cites

Sheehan, Sean, and Magdalene Koh. Guatemala. New York: Marshall

Cavendish Benchmark, 2009. Print


Meenan’s Cites

"Countries and Their Cultures." Culture of Guatemala. Web. 30 Mar. 2012.

Sheehan, Sean, and Magdalene Koh. Guatemala. New York: Marshall

Cavendish Benchmark, 2009. Print.

Page 37: Guatemala

Ya’s Cites

"All Travel Deals." Customs and Traditions in Guatemala. Web. 28 Mar. 2012.

guatemala.html .

Guatemala Traditions and Festivals. Print. TRAVELSGUATEMALA.COM."

Traditions in Guatemala. Web. 28 Mar. 2012.


Gracie’s Cites


Sheehan, Sean, and Magdalene Koh. Guatemala. New York: Marshall

Cavendish Benchmark, 2009. Print.

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