Guía Tictogramas EN V2

Teacher’s guide with resources for the formative action Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world IC TO GRA MS Illustrated by iiago for En Babia Comunicación Social, 2015.

Transcript of Guía Tictogramas EN V2

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Teacher’s guide with resources for the formative action

Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world








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Learning materials edited by Ayuda en Acción for the Educational Programme RIGHT NOW...Contents and design by En Babia Comunicación Social for Ayuda en Acción. Illustrated by iiago for En Babia.

Reproduction, dissemination and non-profit use of these educational materials are authorised, provided that the use of such information is accompanied by an acknowledgement of their source and authors.

TOPIC AND INDEX Right Now… ICTOGRAMS contains various suggested activities based on promoting interculturalism and integration through using educational technologies. .

The proposal includes some participatory exercises based on online tools and resources, which given the subject and in the specific case of this guide, require a computer and internet connection in the school or classroom, and is also recommended for the suggested activity to do at home with the family.

The index is as follows:

1. ADDRESSING THE ISSUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2. IDEAS TO DO IN CLASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

• Objectives and dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

• Pre-school education (from 3 to 6 years) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

• Primary education (from 6 to 9 years) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

• Primary education (from 9 to 12 years) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

• Secondary education (from 12 to 16 years) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


4. FINAL COLLECTIVE ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Your opinion is important to us. We encourage you to assess the material at

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Right Now… ICTOGRAMS 3

From multiculturalism to interculturalism: a mix of cultures based on respect, tolerance and coexistence

At Ayuda en Acción we believe it is important in all societies to promote knowledge of different cultures and different social realities that children experience around the world.

In this way, we must overcome the idea that presents the world as made up of many cultures (multiculturalism) to give way to an interdependent world, where cooperation is developed between countries and people can enjoy the benefit of mutual gain thanks to exchange (interculturalism).

In this context of cultural diversity, it is essential to transmit the values of respect, tolerance and coexistence to students. As well as the idea that if we take the best from each culture, that which most enriches and best represents humanity; between us we will be able to create a new culture based on a more just and equal society, which shares the same planet and conserves it for future generations.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT):Towards a world of knowledge without borders

People are moving around more than ever. Advances in transport and communication have revolutionised our world in a very short space of time. However, at the same time, armed conflicts, famines and natural disasters are also forcing millions of people each year to leave their homes and move to other countries where they are not always welcomed.

This fact should make us think about the possibilities of living in a connected world, but also about the lack of opportunities for millions of children who not only don’t have access to technology (digital divide), but who also don’t have access to basic rights, such as education.

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Right Now… ICTOGRAMS contains a collective action for the whole centre that includes an activity to do at home with the family and which requires at least one preparatory session in the classroom. The idea is to reflect with students on interculturalism and integration of people and communities using ICTs.


• Promote respect, coexistence and pacific resolution of intercultural conflicts.

• Encourage dialogue where children develop empathy in order to understand their classmates who are from a different place or culture.

• Promote children’s understanding and respect for different social realities, from a human rights and children’s rights perspective.

• Identify school as the ideal space to build intercultural coexistence and develop values such as respect for diversity, equality and personal autonomy.


We suggest that you could work on this proposal around 16th November, which is the International Day for Tolerance; although there are also other appropriate dates to address this subject: 21st March, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; 21st May, World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development; and 18th December, International Migrants Day.


Interculturalism and integration in a connected world4

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1. Wedu has friends all over the world

For this activity, you will find three sheets each with an extract from the Wedu comics, where he appears accompanied by different people.

Help the class to see the differences in relation to their own surroundings, making them look at different aspects of the picture: where they are, how they are dressed, what they are doing, etc. Identify on a map the different places they are referring to.

Further research by using the Internet: look for the meaning of the words that appear in bold and complete the sheet answering the question shown on each page.


Wedu has friends all over the world

Pre-school Education (from 3 to 6 years)

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Draw Wedu dressed as…

Interculturalism and integration in a connected world6

2. Draw Wedu dressed as…

Using the sheet you will find as a template, ask your students to draw Wedu dressed for a special occasion, with special clothes that are representative of a culture, country or region (it does not have to be a culture that the child themselves belongs to).

Help them to think about what he could wear and to identify which culture it belongs to. Show them typical clothing from other cultures and eras. You can consult Wikipedia for resources on this topic ( You can also talk about the difference between “costumes” and “typical or traditional clothing.”

In you will find facts, comics

and photos of Wedu visiting different places and people.

You can use these resources to complement

your lesson.


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1. Same as…

Use the digital whiteboard or projector to play a game with the class. It consists of 2 rounds of slideshows and the aim is to identify and group together the images that are the same in both rounds.

In the first round, the images mix landscapes, animals, things and mostly people. Although different associations can be made, the idea is that the class pick the photos of people as the same.

In the second round, only photos of people are shown. Given the diversity of the people in the photos, the peer groups proposed by the class will be very different (according to age, sex, skin colour, dress, etc.) and it will be necessary to explain and help them understand concepts such as nationality, race, culture, social level, etc.

Among this block of contents you will find a folder of images called “Same as…” that you can complete with local photos and others relating to the background of the children in class.


Same as...

Primary Education (from 6 to 9 years)

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Interculturalism and integration in a connected world8

In you will find facts, comics

and photos of Wedu visiting different places and people.

You can use these resources to complement

your lesson.

2. The colour game

You will need the same number of stickers as participants, divided into 4 different colours: for example, red, blue, yellow and black. And 3 more stickers in different tones of a fifth colour, for example green. You can make your own stickers by colouring white sticky back paper and then cutting them out.

The exercise is simple and consists of forming groups based on the sticker stuck to their forehead. To do this, sit the class down in a circle with their eyes closed and randomly put a sticker on each child’s forehead. Then ask them, without talking, to form groups according to the sticker they have been given, without making reference to the colour, or any possible criteria for order.

When the groups are formed, you can start a debate:

• What was the criterion for forming the groups? Why?

• It’s normal for groups to be formed based on colour and being the same colour, but aren’t there also other possible criteria, like for example a rainbow?

• Why do we gravitate towards those that look most like us?

• It is likely that those who have green stickers will be outside of the groups and won’t make their own group because they do not see themselves as the same. What do those children who don’t have a group think and feel? What do the others think? Did they realise? Is this what happens in real life: discrimination, etc.?

Source:Paco Cascón y Carlos Martín BeristainLa alternativa del juegoISBN: 84-8198-065-X


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1. Film-Forum PDA

Screen a film in class, with a selection of short films from the project “Little Animated Doodles.”

We suggest 4 titles that show reality through the eyes of a child from 4 very different cultures and places:

• “Children of Ayllu” Peru.

• “Children from the Batey” Dominican Republic.

• “The marvellous and dirty city” Algeria.

• “Another tall tale” China.

After watching the film, open a debate with the class about what they have seen: are the children the same as them? Are they different? Why? You can ask those students who come from similar countries to those shown in the short films to contribute.

Use the sheet with the two activities we have suggested to complement this exercise: “Can I interview you?” and “Film posters.”


Film-Forum PDA

Primary education (from 9 to 12 years)

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Interculturalism and integration in a connected world10

2. The oldest words in the world

The “Lista Swadesh” was created by the linguist Morris Swadesh in 1950 and contains 100 common terms that exist in any human language, which have been used since the beginning of our species up until today by all the world’s cultures:

Ask the class to work out what they think these 100 words are. When they have done it, compare the words that the class have chosen with those that are on the list. What do you observe? Help them to understand that many of the terms, which seem common to all cultures, have been borrowed by people throughout history. For example, until the arrival of Christopher Columbus to America, the word “horse” had never been known on the American continent, because those animals did not exist there. At the same period in time, the European continent was discovering the “potato” and “tomato.” Look for other examples together.

Lastly, ask them to compose a list of twenty words they think can help encourage coexistence and respect among people who come from different cultures.

To finish, ask them to make an eye-catching presentation using the online tool for creating and editing word clouds: “ABCYA Word Clouds”:

In you will find facts, comics

and photos of Wedu visiting different places and people.

You can use these resources to complement

your lesson.


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11Right Now… ICTOGRAMS

1. Video DJ Clandestino

Organise a music and video session with your class, inviting them to create a new version of the video “Clandestino” by Manu Chao, by mixing different videos from Youtube.

In order to do this, you will need various computers connected to the Internet, a projector and some speakers.

Organise the class into groups around each computer and ask them to search for the song’s lyrics and read it without the music. Ask them about its content: Who is it talking about? Which people is it referring to? What places and origins does it mention? Where is Babylon? etc.

Afterwards, project the official video made by the artist. In it appear the faces of people who look very different, some who are typically identified as immigrants and others who are not. Ask them to reflect on this topic and let the students express their views.

Now each group must make a new video. They must search for clips from other videos, not necessarily music ones, that help to understand and represent the meaning of the song “Clandestino” which will be playing in the background.

Each group must agree on the approach of their video (informative, artistic, creative, literal, etc.) and note the order of the videos they will show whilst the song is playing. The best way is to open as many windows in the browser as videos they are going to use, and pause them at exactly the moment when they want to show them. The original video keeps on playing underneath without showing the image and while it plays, the other images are projected from the chosen videos.

If there are not several computers in the classroom, you can listen to the song, write the lyrics on the blackboard and create each video-clip thinking about its content in groups and drawing its storyboard or sequence of scenes.

Secondary Education (from 12 to 16 years)

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Interculturalism and integration in a connected world12

2. Manipulated reality

The object of this exercise is to visualise the standardised western culture that is transmitted through advertising and the media, in order to understand that these images are not a good example of the reality in which we live.

Also in groups and with each group using a computer connected to the Internet, use an online image bank for professional use, such as “Fotolia”:

In the search engine, tick the box “photos” and search for different terms that include people. For example, “happy family,” “executive team,” “doctor,” “teacher,” “children playing” …

• What do nearly all of these images have in common?

• Have you found many people of different races or ethnicities?

• And from different cultures or social realities?

• Do you think these images would transmit the concepts that you have found to people from other cultures or that they experience different realities to ours?

Repeat the experiment with textbooks. Look at the images and analyse the degree of cultural and functional diversity they reflect.

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13Right Now… ICTOGRAMS


Where do names come from?

In our society, the name our family gives us when we are born is a choice that almost always corresponds to personal taste (because it sounds good, it’s short, it’s beautiful, etc.) or it has an emotional attachment (because it was the name of a relative, because it’s a name that comes from a certain region, because we liked that person, etc.).

All names have their own origin and meaning that go back in time and invite us to think positively about a world with people from different places and cultures, coming and going, mixing, lending and borrowing names to call their descendents.

In Spain, we find names from ancient cultures that no longer exist (Celtic, Roman, Mozarabic, Mayan, etc.); names created recently, inspired by literature, cinema or videogames; and names of settlers who keep travelling all over the world for different reasons.

This is why we think it is a good exercise to ask families about names, to show that at least in this aspect, our society is already immersed in an enriching interculturalism.

Ask your students to take home the sheet with the suggested activity to do with the family and bring it back completed. Once all the sheets have been handed in, you can create an online book ( or notebook that will serve as an inspiration to all those people who are looking for baby names.

In our educational programme we would love to receive these lovely notebooks. You can write to us at [email protected] and we will share them on the blog.

You could also make a small and presentable edition to sell in exchange for a donation and contribute towards the many projects Ayuda en Acción carries out in Spain and in other numerous countries.

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Interculturalism and integration in a connected world14

Ictograms as a universal language

Right Now… ICTOGRAMS contains a collective action, based on promoting interculturalism and “expanded education,” which is a trend that raises the possibility of “learning at any moment and in any place.” So that education combines elements of formal education, non-formal education and collaborative tools that arise thanks to the use of ICTs.

Using this final collective action, it proposes to overcome language as a sign of identity and in many cases, exclusion, to map a space through simple icons, also called pictograms, that define objects or actions that are associated with it.

To understand the objective of this action, show the class the video of the social and collective project, “The Noun Project” which you will find translated on the next page. *

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15Right Now… ICTOGRAMS

The Noun Project is a digital community where any person from any culture can publish icons to express different ideas, things or situations without needing words.

Ask your students to choose the same place in the educational centre (classroom, dining hall, playground, gym, library, etc.) and create a list of words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) that help to describe this space and then, try to translate each word into an icon, using only a black marker.

It doesn’t matter if other classes or groups do the same thing, because afterwards it can be interesting to compare icons that each one has done from the same idea.

When they are ready, signpost the space by placing the icon sheets so that they can be seen, and if possible, near what they are describing.

Invite other people to visit the place: they can be from other classes or courses, your families or people from the community if you have decided to extend the exercise outside of the centre.

Lastly, we propose that you create a profile on The Noun Project website and publish your own icons, explaining in your profile who you are and what the Right Now… educational programme is… and we invite you to share it on the educational programme blog by sending an email to [email protected].

*Building a global visual language

In the beginning, humans created symbols.Symbols that explained their world, recorded history and stood the test of time. Then we created languages and things got complicated. Many words, one symbol. Symbols have shared culture and spurred innovation, they’ve helped us understand the Universe and make our planet a better place. The Noun Project community is building a global, visual language that is helping to unite the world.A language understood in New York, Tokyo, Bangladesh and Brazil. A language that allows easy and quick communication, no matter who you are or where you are.A language that connects people and saves lives. A language that encourages progress and inspires hope and equality. We are building a silent language that speaks louder than words. A silent language visible to the world. One word, one symbol at a time.

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Wedu has friends all over the world

Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world

Extract from the comic, “Wedu discovers sport” by Gallego Bros for En Babia Comunicación, 2014.

Wedu is in New Delhi (India) playing a game of polo with his three friends Balu, Kalu and Devendra. Wedu’s friends speak Hindi. What do you notice most about this picture?With the help of your teacher, search the Internet to find out how to say GOOD LUCK in Hindi and write it here:

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Wedu has friends all over the world

Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world

Extract from the comic, “Wedu teleports the World Bank” by Gallego Bros for En Babia Comunicación, 2013.

Wedu is in Janamora (Ethiopia) with his friend Andoalem and his father.Wedu’s friends speak Amharic.What do you notice most about this picture?With the help of your teacher, search the Internet to find out how you say GOOD DAY in Amharic and write it here:

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Wedu has friends all over the world

Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world

Extract from the comic, “Welcome to Wedu’s World” by Gallego Bros for En Babia Comunicación, 2012.

Wedu is in the Andes (Peru) with his friend Shulla.Wedu’s friend is Quechua.Look at how she is dressed. What do you notice?With your teacher’s help, search the Internet to find out how you say HELLO in Quechua and write it here.

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Dress Wedu as…

Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world



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I have drawn Wedu in the traditional dress of ________________________________ .

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Same as... (second round)

Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world

Photos from Josep Giralt and Fernando del Prado (Etiopia), SMPUP (India), Ana García (Nicaragua), Iciar de la Peña (Vietnam) for Ayuda en Acción and Pexel Archive (Belgium).

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Same as... (first round)

Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world

Photos from Josep Giralt and Umar Farooq for Ayuda en Acción and Jay Mandri and Sarah Klockars from Open Photo.

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Film-Forum PDA

Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world

Can I interview you?Turn the class into a film festival. In pairs, one will be the director of the short film you have just seen and the other will be the journalist.

Each time a short film finishes an interview must be performed in front of the class, where the journalist asks the director what their reasons for making the film were and what they had hoped to achieve.

Film postersAsk the class to get into groups and design a new poster for the short film of their choice, using collage and photographs instead of drawings.

To do this, they will have to search the internet for images related to the place that is mentioned in the short film and the different aspects it shows: local expressions, the families’ occupations, children’s games, traditional foods, etc.

The posters can be made using a digital format, with an editing images, drawing or design programme.

Created by Takao Umehara from the Noun ProjectCreated by Takao Umehara from the Noun Project

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Suggested activity to do with the family

Right Now… Interculturalism and integration in a connected world

Ahora Toca… is an educational programme made by Ayuda en Acción, which tries to involve the whole educational community (pupils, teachers, families and non-teaching staff), in building a fairer world through different awareness raising activities focused on reflecting on and promoting Human Rights.

ICTOGRAMS addresses the topic of interculturalism and integration through technology and wishes to highlight the need of coexisting in a world where the origin, culture and beliefs of all people are respected.

Your son or daughter is working on this subject at school. This is why we are inviting you to continue this reflection at home through this simple activity. Thank you for your help!

You can tell us about your experience of participating in this activity on our blog:

Fill out the form writing your name(s), origin and what it means.

Cut the form along the dotted line and on the other side write why you were given your name.

Ask your family and search on the Internet.

Write your name in capital letters:

Tick what kind of name it is:

Masculine Feminine Both

My name comes from:

My name means:

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Ayuda en Acción is an international development co-operation organisation.

We have been working for 34 years to improve the living conditions of the most impoverished communities and to promote effective enforcement and protection of human rights.

We have more than 100 programmes for sustainable and comprehensive development, and carry out awareness raising and advocacy campaigns, which benefit more than 2.5 million people in 22 countries throughout Latin America, Africa, Asia and also Spain.

In all our programmes, education plays a key role given its importance in the process of social change and developing fair-minded and caring people.

EducacionAeA @EducacionAeA

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