GTSP Newsletter 1

 The Gower Tree The Gower Tree The Gower Tree The Gower Tree Sparrow Project Sparrow Project Sparrow Project Sparrow Project Newsletter Number 1, Autumn 2007 THE GOWER TREE SPARROW PROJECT The Gower Tree Sparrow Project (GTSP) was established at the end of 2006. The GTSP’s main aim is, with the help of local landowners and managers, to aid the conservation of Gower’s own tree sparrows - a species of high conservation concern (see below). Now with its first full year drawing to a close, we thought it was a good time to update everyone involved and say “Thank You!” for all your help. Our special thanks goes to all the farmers and other landowners that have allowed us access to their land, and continue to be of a great support. WHY TREE SPARROWS? Tree sparrows used to be a fairly common farmland bird, but the species has declined in Britain by around 97% since the 1970s. The main reasons seem to be a loss of insects (fed to the chicks), and a decline in winter seeds and the number of nest sites in old trees. There are now a number of projects across Britain trying to conserve the remaining populations of tree sparrows. One of the most successful is the Carmarthenshire Tree Sparrow Project, based in the Tywi Valley. Tree sparrow used to be quite common in western Gower, and still get seen occasionally, so we know they are here somewhere. However, until this year, tree sparrow had not be confirmed breeding on Gower for fifteen years. THE PROJECT SO FAR In order to effectively target our efforts, and before any field worked started, it was important to find out where the birds had been historically found on Gower. Four key sites were selected where tree sparrow had been recorded in the last 20 years, were selected: Weobley Castle, Burry, Newton Farm and Kimley Moor Farm. These four sites formed the nucleus of the GTSP and nest boxes were put up in earnest in the autumn of 2006. Approximately 60 nest boxes were placed at these key locations and our thanks go to the Environment Department of the City and County of Swansea for supplying the GTSP with the materials to build these. A lt houg hnotreesparrowwererearedinboxes,plentyof  greattits, (abov e)were!   One of over 40 n est boxes bei ng put up by a GTSP’s Andrew Lucas Unfortunately no tree sparrow used the boxes this summer, although we do seem to have been very successful in boosting the Gower blue and great tit populations!

Transcript of GTSP Newsletter 1

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The Gower TreeThe Gower TreeThe Gower TreeThe Gower Tree

Sparrow Project Sparrow Project Sparrow Project Sparrow Project Newsletter Number 1, Autumn 2007 


The Gower Tree Sparrow Project (GTSP) was established at the end of2006. The GTSP’s main aim is, with the help of local landowners andmanagers, to aid the conservation of Gower’s own tree sparrows - aspecies of high conservation concern (see below).

Now with its first full year drawing to a close, we thought it was a goodtime to update everyone involved and say “Thank You!” for all yourhelp. Our special thanks goes to all the farmers and other landownersthat have allowed us access to their land, and continue to be of a greatsupport. 


Tree sparrows used to bea fairly common farmlandbird, but the species has

declined in Britain byaround 97% since the1970s. The main reasonsseem to be a loss ofinsects (fed to the chicks),and a decline in winterseeds and the number ofnest sites in old trees.

There are now a numberof projects across Britaintrying to conserve the

remaining populations oftree sparrows. One of themost successful is theCarmarthenshire TreeSparrow Project, based inthe Tywi Valley.

Tree sparrow used to bequite common in westernGower, and still get seenoccasionally, so we knowthey are here

somewhere. However,until this year, treesparrow had not beconfirmed breeding onGower for fifteen years.


In order to effectively target our efforts, andbefore any field worked started, it wasimportant to find out where the birds had beenhistorically found on Gower.

Four key sites were selected where treesparrow had been recorded in the last 20years, were selected: Weobley Castle, Burry,Newton Farm and Kimley Moor Farm.

These four sites formed the nucleus of theGTSP and nest boxes were put up in earnestin the autumn of 2006.

Approximately 60 nest boxes were placed at

these key locations and our thanks go to theEnvironment Department of the City andCounty of Swansea for supplying the GTSPwith the materials to build these.

Although no tree sparrowwere reared in boxes, plenty of great tits, (above) were!  

One of over 40 n est boxes being put 

up by a GTSP’s Andrew Lucas

Unfortunately no tree sparrow used the boxesthis summer, although we do seem to havebeen very successful in boosting the Gowerblue and great tit populations!

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Several posters will beput up around Gower toencourage people toreport any sightings. If

you know of any goodspots for posters, thenplease let us know! 

However, we were very pleased to discover that treessparrows were still breeding on western Gower, in oldbuildings at Newton Farm. This is the first confirmedbreeding for the species on Gower since 1992,coincidentally also at Newton Farm.

Newton farm where tree sparrowwere found 

At least two, possibly three, pairs were breeding inholes in the buildings of the old farm, but although theadults were frequently seen carrying food, the nestswere well hidden and we were unable to find them tocheck on the progress of Gower’s next generation oftree sparrow. Hopefully the tree sparrows will get thenest box habit in 2008 and make things a lot easier!


A feeding station has been set up at Newton farm, withthe generous support of the Environment Department ofthe City and County of Swansea. Within a few of hoursof the colossal feeders being put in place, tree sparrows

were seen using them!

Up to five tree sparrows have been seen using thefeeders on numerous occasions, along with goodnumbers of other species.

We hope to monitor the feeding station over the wintermonths to see how many tree sparrows may be in thearea.

Plans are also underway to ring the tree sparrows usingthe feeders to follow their progress and movements,

and help estimate the number of birds using thefeeding station.



Thank you to everyone who hashelped with the first year of theGower Tree Sparrow Project. If youwant any further information, orhave seen tree sparrows anywherein Gower, please contact us:

Andrew Lucas

C/o CCWLlys Tawe

King’s RoadSwanseaSA1 9FG

Or email [email protected]


Tree sparrow (left) are most easily confused with male house

The tree sparrow is sometimes confusedwith the male of its more familiar cousin, thehouse sparrow. However, with a little knowhow the two species are easy to separate.

The tree sparrow has a completelychestnut head, white cheeks and collar,and a conspicuous black cheek spot.

On the other hand, male house sparrowshave a grey crown, with dusky greycheeks. Male house sparrows also lack theblack cheek spot of the tree sparrow.

Tree sparrow (left) are more easily confused with male house sparrow