GTA III FAQs from GameFAQs

GRAND THEFT AUTO FAQ’S: FROM GAMEFAQ’S VISIT for more. Grand Theft Auto III GENERAL FAQS FAQ/Walkthrough by Adrenaline SL / Nexxt Version: 2.32 | Updated: 04/21/03 | Printable Version %@@@%% @@@@@@ %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% @@@@@@@%@@@@@@ %%%@ %@ %@% %@ @@ %@ @ %@% %@ %@ %@ %% @ @ %@ %@ @ %@ @@ %@%%@% @ @ @ @ %@ %@ @ %@ %@% @ @ @ @ %@ %@ @ %@ @@ @ @ @ @ @ %@ %@ %@ @% %@ @ @ @ %@ %@ %@ @% %@ @ @ @ %@ %@@@@@ %@@@@% %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% %@ @@@@@@% @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ %@@@@@@@@% %@@%@% %@% %@% @% %@@@@ %@ @% @ @ % @ @ %@% %@@@@% @ @ @ @ @@@@@% %@@@@ @ @ @% @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @% @ @ @@@@@ %@@@@% @ @ @ @% @ @ @ %@@@@% @ %%@@@@@%%@@@@@%@@@@%@%%%%@%%@@@@% %@%@@@@@@@@@%@@@%@% %@ @ @ %% %@@@@@ %@@% %@ %@ @ @% % @ %@@% %@ %@@%%@ @ @% %@ %@@@@ @% %@@@@ @ @ @@ %@ @ @% %@ @ @ @% %@@@@ @ @ @@ %@ @ @ @% %@ @ @ @% %@@@@ @ @ @@@ %@ @ %@ @ %@@% %@ %@ @ %@ @ %@@% %@ %@@@@@@@%@@@@@@@%%@@@@@@@%%@@@@@%% %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


These are the FAQs and Guides on all the stuffs from the world Grand Theft Auto III and the entire Liberty City including the Game Script, selected Radio Scripts and their Radio Commercials Script.Visit for more questions and FAQs on all of the gaming.

Transcript of GTA III FAQs from GameFAQs


Grand Theft Auto III

GENERAL FAQSFAQ/Walkthrough byAdrenaline SL/NexxtVersion:2.32 |Updated:04/21/03 |Printable Version

%@@@%% @@@@@@ %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% @@@@@@@%@@@@@@ %%%@ %@ %@% %@ @@ %@ @ %@% %@ %@ %@ %% @ @ %@ %@ @ %@ @@ %@%%@% @ @ @ @ %@ %@ @ %@ %@% @ @ @ @ %@ %@ @ %@ @@ @ @ @ @ @ %@ %@ %@ @% %@ @ @ @ %@ %@ %@ @% %@ @ @ @ %@ %@@@@@ %@@@@% %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% %@ @@@@@@% @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ %@@@@@@@@% %@@%@% %@% %@% @% %@@@@ %@ @% @ @ % @ @ %@% %@@@@% @ @ @ @ @@@@@% %@@@@ @ @ @% @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @% @ @ @@@@@ %@@@@% @ @ @ @% @ @ @ %@@@@% @ %%@@@@@%%@@@@@%@@@@%@%%%%@%%@@@@% %@%@@@@@@@@@%@@@%@% %@ @ @ %% %@@@@@ %@@% %@ %@ @ @% % @ %@@% %@ %@@%%@ @ @% %@ %@@@@ @% %@@@@ @ @ @@ %@ @ @% %@ @ @ @% %@@@@ @ @ @@ %@ @ @ @% %@ @ @ @% %@@@@ @ @ @@@ %@ @ %@ @ %@@% %@ %@ @ %@ @ %@@% %@ %@@@@@@@%@@@@@@@%%@@@@@@@%%@@@@@%% %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ for Playstation2 console Grand Theft Auto III Strategy Guide and Walkthrough Written by AdrenalineSL & Cell (Bonds Legacy) Version 2.32: Released April 20, 2003

The very latest versions and updates can be found at GameFAQs:


This is currently [Version 2.32] of Adrenaline's and Ryan's Grand Theft Auto 3 Strategy Guide for the Playstation2 console.

Hi kids! Do you like eyelids?

Adrenaline has learned to suppress her killing urge whenever her inbox is flooded with tons of 100K+ attachments, along with other stupid game questions and spam. Despite all that, her computer still hasn't been smashed to pieces. And you people think she is such a monster. Ryan is being reasonably patient with all the 10-year-olds he must put up with despite his deepest desires. But that's not the point! Here's the deal: if you e-mail us, please, please make sure your question cannot be answered in the guide.

We are not accepting any more contributions, unless it is a completely newlydiscovered secret, like finding a way to play as Pogo the Monkey or something.

Contact us: toiletrabbit(at)hotmail(dot)com (Adrenaline) thesilvercell(at)hotmail(dot)com (Ryan Kavanagh)

-------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW, WHAT'S GONE --------------------------------------

Version 2.1 | November 3, 2002Hello there, videogamers! Come one, come all to probably the last update you will see for this guide. Vice City is out now, and people won't be paying much attention to GTA3 or this guide. They have all flocked to Rockstar's latest masterpiece. In this update, I've proofread what I could. (I was actually getting really annoyed, so it was a bit rushed. Excuse the remaining errors and jargon you will run across.) In addition to that, I've finished listing the Police Bribe and Heart locations. Any contributions that I have gotten in the last 2 months have been added in. What else? Nothing really. Just because I claim this might be the last update the world will ever see of this guide, it doesn't mean I won't update when there is a NEED to. It's been fun, guys, but it's time for me to move on.

Version 2.0 | September 2, 2002By VERY dreadful misfortune, I've managed to screw up my old hotmail account and practically lose 80% of all GTA3 contributions that were sent to me in the past 9 months! It's a big loss. I sincerely apologize to everyone who has sent me something within that timeframe. Now, this should be a mixture of good and bad news: I've went and completely re-did some sections, like the Hidden Packages, Rampages, etc. The information is accurate and nigh-flawless. I actually wanted to send in this update back in April, but I just never got around to it. Now we're in the month of September. In short, I've spent nearly 6 months on this update!!!! AND STILL, I AM NOT DONE. I need to proofread and spell check it, then finalize it with some secrets and better organization.

So why don't I just finish it up? Well, unlike you just taking advantage of my hard work and sitting there, I unfortunately must go back to school and do other things. So I thought I should just hastily slap together what I have and send it in to let everyone know I haven't completely abandoned this guide. Expect that the next update will the last. And yeah, this is pretty long, so I should go now.


[Old updates deleted.]_____________________________________________________________________________

==--==--==--==--==--== TABLE OF CONTENTS==--==--==--==--==--==

01. Introduction02. Chapter One: Game Basics Controls Basic Shiznat Methods of Mayhem Car Handling The Authorities Gotta Have The Right Stuff! Other Stuff03. Chapter Two: Game Walkthrough Portland Staunton Island Shoreside Vale 04. Chapter Three: Urban Chaos RC Toyz Missionz 4x4 Offroad Challenges Import/Export Garages Emergency Vehicle Crane Vehicle Missions Rampage Locations Unique Stunt Jumps Hidden Packages05. Chapter Four: Miscellaneous Weapon Locations Item Locations Vehicle Database Secret Vehicles Tips & Tricks Game Enigmas Cheat Codes Frequently Asked Questions06. Chapter Five: Outro Legal Junk Special Thanks Sources Contributor Credits


Just a note:************

I want to apologize for the wordiness of those features which describe the locations of special items, weapons, etc. It is kind of hard to make them as concise and clear as possible when the GTA3 world is so stupendously HUGE. You'll see what I mean when you finally get to the Hidden Packages, Rampages,and Unique Stunt Jumps sections. And um, look over there...a goat! _____________________________________________________________________________

______ ________________________________________________________________ / ___ \ ______________________________________________________________ \ / / / \ \ \ \| | -/ /-| | - - - - INTRODUCTION - - - - \ \ \ \/ /_/ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______/_________________________________________________________________/

"I play violent video games! I can snap at any moment!" -- Penny Arcade

Killing isn't a laughing matter. Except when it's done in Grand Theft Auto 3.Grand Theft Auto 3 (hereby referred to as GTA3) isn't what you call just any game. It's more like a film--underground life lifted straight from a gangster movie. Think The Godfather or Reservoir Dogs. Yeah, now you've got it. With this game, Rockstar was trying to blot out the line separating cinema and video gaming and intertwine them. The final result is what has become one of the hottest selling games in video game history.

GTA3 sets its course in the heart of Liberty City, where all things know no bounds, and a bloody death site is never too far away. You, as the nameless main character, conspire with your girlfriend and another law-breaking hooligan in an attempt to rob a bank in Carser City. It was the perfect heist. Or so you thought. Things go as planned until you find that a method of egress seems nearly impossible. The victim of a treacherous double-cross, you find yourself sprawled out on the street while your girlfriend escapes with your other partner-in-crime. The police comes with cuffs and pins the entire robbery on you. Your trip to prison introduces you to a fellow convict that goes by the name of 8-ball, with whom you eventually escape. The two of you head into Liberty City. There, you are introduced to your first of many crime bosses. Your quest for revenge starts here. And so begins your immersion into Rockstar's world.

For an enterprising criminal, you have a huge task ahead of you. This guide will help make things like, whacking a crime boss, obtaining a Hidden Package, overcoming a Unique Stunt Jump, finding the best rides, and many other things, seem like pie. We do not guarantee this guide alone will help you attain that elusive 100%, but it will help you achieve it little by little. This guide shines from the vantage of having spent 80+ hours alone on the game to compile all non-mission based information (Hidden Packages, item and weapon locations, etc.) contained in this document. You don't want to know the TOTAL amount of time (hint: averages 200 hours). We hope you will find it an invaluable resource for your Grand Theft Auto III needs. Thank you for choosing this guide. It's time to get on with it!

______ ________________________________________________________________ / ___ \ ______________________________________________________________ \ / / / \ \ \ \| | -/ /-| | - - - - CHAPTER ONE: GAME BASICS - - - - \ \ \ \/ /_/ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______/_________________________________________________________________/

Welcome to Liberty City. Please enjoy your stay. There's a map of the citypackaged with the game. Your only ticket out now is to walk the path of a criminal and embark on a spree of wanton violence. Your past, identity, and everything you thought you had is up in smoke and being blown away by a light swirl from the harbor.

What do you think takes to be a gangster? With GTA3, you have plenty of time to refine your car-jacking skills, selective guns from a wide arsenal for gun fights with the local gangs, cars upon cars, and more. If you need fast cash, feel free to beat down common citizens and steal their money. Just don't get busted by the cops. Not everyone is who they appear to be. If you do what you're told, you'll earn quick cash and pave your way to the easy life. Just remember not to double-cross your mob boss. Fooling around with gangs isn't the right way to make friends. And lastly, don't leave home without a bat or some semi-automatic. Learn fast and you'll survive. The theory of Natural Selection begins here. This is what "survival of the fittest" is all about. Enjoy your stay.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -= CONTROLS =- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

D-Pad - * Move your character around * Steer vehicle

Left Analog Stick - * Move your character around * Steer vehicle * Honk car horn (depress analog stick)

Right Analog Stick * Look behind you * Pan around the area * Activate community service missions

Square Button - * Jump * Brake & reverseCircle Button - * Use weapon or punch when you have no weapons equipped * Drive-by shooting (with Uzi)

Cross Button - * Sprint * Accelerate

Triangle Button * Enter/hi-jack vehicle * Get out of vehicle

L1 Button - * Adjust third-person angle * Change radio stations in vehicleL2 Button * Scroll through weapon inventory (going left) * Change to side angle of vehicle/rear angle (with R2)R1 Button * Target an enemy (with gun) * Handbrake (instant stop)R2 Button * Scroll through weapon inventory (going right) * Change to side angle of vehicle/rear angle (with L2)

START Button - Open main menu

SELECT Button - Change camera modes

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -= BASIC SHIZNAT =- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

--- MANAGING GAME FILES --------------

Unlike most games, in which the title screen gives you the options to start a New Game, Load Game, etc., GTA3 just kicks into the game engine immediately. If you've just begun a game, the system will automatically start a new game so you could build up your empire from scratch. If you already have a save file, the system takes you to the point where you last saved. So how in the blue hell do you start a new game? I'm glad you asked that. When you gain control of the character, pop into the menu screen and scroll through the pages until you come across "Load Game, New Game, and Delete Game". Select whatever command and...kapow! There you have it.

--- HIDEOUT --------------------------

Every criminal has got to have a hideout, right? Well, you're a criminal, and you've got a hideout. Your ex-convict pal will introduce you to your hideout in Portland. It appears on your radar as a green icon. Each island will provide a hideout. When you move to your new hideout, the old one is still accessible. With the hideout, you can save your current game progress. Though if you die and didn't save beforehand, you will still be able to continue your game. That's the beauty of GTA3. Game overs don't exist. Anyway, by heading into your hideout, you will advance the clock by 6 hours. The Hideout isn't used only for saving. It also serves as a refuge from the cops, and as a repair shop for your car. It is also home to an array of regenerating weapons. See Hidden Packages section for details.

--- RADAR ----------------------------

On the lower left corner, you will find a circular map with icons. The white dot represents your current location and shows where you're headed. The red or green dots that appear on the outer rim of the circle mark your next destination. These appear only when you are currently on a mission. Other icons, like an 8-Ball, a spray can, a phone, etc., will mark the locations of special shops and places you need to visit. Your radar is indispensable; it's your ultimate weapon to survival in Liberty City.

--- BLUE ARROW ----------------------- GTA3 is a vast, 3D world with millions of things to do and see. So how is it possible to determine which person, car, or any object is the real deal in a mission? That's quite simple. A large, blue arrow will point down on the object (usually a vehicle) or person. It will become more apparent as you get nearer. Watching for this indicator is very crucial in some missions.

--- REAL TIME ------------------------

Time does elapse in Liberty City. Time affects how the city functions. Some mob bosses won't give out jobs until a certain time. More police cars patrol each area of town near the wee hours of the night and early dawn. More prostitutes prowl for business during the night. Scores of gangsters come out of hiding to rendezvous with one another. Before you know it, night becomes day, and day becomes night. What you do with your time is up to you. As far as I know, there is no foreseeable goal in GTA3, other than to beat the living crap out of people.

/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/[TELLING TIME]

Look in the upper right corner of your screen. You will see a timer. It's the time of the day. The reason it might seem as if it's not is that it goes from 13 to 23. It's military time. So, 23:47 would be 11:47 PM and 13:01 would be 1:01 PM, etc.

Submitted by Kevin Melnick. Extra thanks goes out to: Eminem41188, J.Shipley, The Doctor What, and Danny "LaCe" as a little nod for helping out.

/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/[TIP] Submitted by SSMGSNY60

My way of telling military time is this: take 1600, take away the 1 and two0's, and you get 6. Now subtract 2 from that that number. You'll get 4, then add the two 0's back on and you'll get 4:00PM.


--- WEATHER --------------------------

"Today's forecast--Sunny. High in the upper 70's with a cold front swirlingslowly overhead. Looks like we're gonna get a slight drizzle in the evening, folks." While you won't have an anchorman reporting the weather in Liberty City, you will, indeed, witness some of the coolest weather effects a game has to offer. In the world of GTA3, the weather is always unpredictable, and you will get what you least expect. However, the weather doesn't really hinder your motives--it's just there for pretty looks. When the fog rolls in, it'll impair your vision. Other neat weather effects can cause the citizens of Liberty City to react differently--not by much, though.

--- WASTED ---------------------------

Getting wasted is like dying in other games. However, it doesn't trigger an instant game over. That's the cool thing about GTA3. You simply get transported to the nearest hospital to get your wounds treated. After being discharged from the hospital, you'll have to pay up $1000 to compensate for the medical bills. You'll also lose all your weapons, and consequently fail any mission you were attempting at the time of your "demise".

--- BUSTED ---------------------------

Getting Busted is not as bad as getting wasted. It's less painful. Basically,you get arrested and taken to the nearest police station, where they will deduct $400 and confiscate all your weapons. You will automatically fail any mission you were attempting at the time of your arrest. You don't get Busted for nothing. You have to have a wanted level of at least 1 and be pulled over and dragged out of a car.

--- AEROBIC EXERCISE -----------------

Your character is capable of sprinting for a short distance. At first, he can get tired very easily. His muscles need an abundance of oxygen to keep them working. If he keeps exercising his intake of oxygen, he can eventually build the stamina to run a greater distance. By exercising, your character will be able to run as far as a few blocks nonstop! Be sure to give him dailyexercise. Once he's able to run farther, he will, consequently, take longer to recuperate when exhausted.

--- WEAPONS --------------------------

As you find and add weapons to your inventory, you can decide which to use at any time. The weapon which you are currently equipped with is displayed in the orange box on the top right corner. You can find weapons from power-up's, or by picking up the weapons of fallen gang members. They always tend to drop weapons (if they are carrying any). The weapons range in weight anddestruction power. Like real-life weapons, the armaments in GTA3 have recoil times and mass, too. With some weapons, you will be able to run with them in hand. With other weapons, you may have to remain in a stationary position to fire.

--- STATISTICS -----------------------

An in-game diary keeps track of everything you do. Simply pop open the pause menu, and wait for the stats to scroll up. It's a great way to see what you've been doing and what you need to do. Sprinkled throughout Liberty City are items, jump ramps, and many other things that this journal tallies.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -= METHODS OF MAYHEM =- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Many ways to deal with everyday life in Liberty City starts here. Everything you need to know to become a Scarface-wannabe.


Grab a baseball bat, a handgun, a flamethrower, your fists or anything that can knock a common citizen dead on the concrete of urban streets, and whack an unlucky bystander. Inciting a royal rumble with citizens can cause them to chase after you and fight back, or turn tail and scamper away. Once the victim starts to cower on the floor, hover over him and kick (or beat) him 'til he screams in agony. That's when you know he's had enough. At this point, he will have also dropped all his money. Bounce around to the green power-ups to collect the cash. Each stack is worth either $25 or $50. A single person could drop a whole vault of money. What a great (and dirty) way to earn fast cash.

--- YOU STEAL MAH CAH! ----------------------

Stop a car or just press Triangle to attempt to open the vehicle door. If you press Triangle as a car slowly passes by, you will chase after it, but it is unlikely you can catch up to it unless it stops. Anyway, by entering a car or any other vehicle, you will pull out the driver and put yourself behind the wheel. Some drivers will be overcome with fear and run away, screaming. Angry drivers tend to be persistent with pulling you out of their car and beating you to a bloody pulp. Gangsters show a disposition to drag you out and pull away with their own car.

To avoid getting thrown out of a car, immediately after you're set behind the wheel, step on the reverse or acceleration gear and get the hell out! If you attempt to hijack a police car with the officer inside, you'll automatically secure a wanted level of 1.

--- HIT-AND-RUN -----------------------------

Don't like to stain your hands with blood? Then why not just run pedestrians over and stain the wheels instead? Yes, that will do. Simply hop into a car and start squashing innocent civilians, but don't let the cops catch you. However, if you run over too many at one time, you'll be awarded with 1 star (on the Wanted Level meter, that is).

This method is better than whacking people with your bat since they will not hold a grudge against you if you run them over. Direct contact with the wheels instantly kills them, but if you just gently tap them with the fender or whatever, they will miraculously survive! Mow them down several times to wring their cash or weapons. Then hop out of the car and collect the goods. Yes, we are truly evil. Some civilians are quick on their feet and will leap to the side. There are even some suicidal people who will dive onto the road when you drive toward them. I can tell you now that the average life span in Liberty City is about 30 years of age.

--- CAR EXPLOSIONS --------------------------

Once the car is caught in flames, park it near a congested area of people andrun away! When the car lets out a large boom, nearby civilians will let out a scream of pain, as they feel the wrath of a poorly managed car. If an explosion occurs, and it injures (or kills) an innocent civilian, surrounding bystanders will be curious and crowd around the crash site. Better yet, this act of defacing property doesn't penalize you!

--- GUN FIGHTS ------------------------------

If you attack a gangster armed with a weapon, his back-up will appear and gun you down. If you don't have an automatic, you'd better run for your life. Brawls with gangsters fascinate the cops, and they will come to break it up and chase after only YOU. Not the big, faceless cretins. That's the twisted part about Liberty City. Other people can fight with the cops and not get arrested, but if you merely point a finger, they will jump down your throat and be all over you.

--- HOLD-UPS --------------------------------

With a gun, simply target someone, preferably a mafia member, where he can see you, and he'll put his hands up. However, he won't stay in place too long, especially if he has a gun. He will draw his own gun and be gun-blazin' mad! If he targets you at close range, you'll receive double the damage. If you hold anyone else up, they'll just run away screaming and call you names.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -= CAR HANDLING =- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Ah, one of the greatest aspects of GTA3--car-jacking, and then some.

--- SO MANY CARS, SO LITTLE TIME ------------

There's a point to being selective in which cars you'll hijack since each one has individual performance and handling attributes. Vans tend to be clumsy, but they do not flip over as easily as certain muscle cars. Each car has its advantages and fallbacks. Need a fast car? Just pull over any of the Cheetahs. Need a durable vehicle? No problem. Just grab a Flatbed, or if you're lucky, get your hands on a Rhino. If you're looking to ditch the cops nipping on your ass, fast cars don't necessarily boost the success rate of escaping. Once you move to other places, you will find more than enough fast cars to go around (and other cars, too).

--- DRIVING ---------------------------------

Driving is not really the problem; controlling the car is. If you put on the full throttle on a long straightway, the car's speed will hit its peak, which will make it harder for you to control. It's always good to slow down. Not only for turns; you can also avoid banging up the traffic and road kill. Going fast won't help you escape the binding of the law enforcements, so don't think everything you do needs to be done apace. You can, however, power slide and do crazy stunts, which are recorded in the statistics journal.

--- RADIO STATIONS --------------------------

Head-bang to dope beats and mad vibes. You can set your radio to the radio station that gets your adrenaline pumpin' while driving. Each station was individually programmed to have DJs, commercials and their own songs. There are 10 stations in all, each are likely to suit your tastes in music. When you enter a stranger's car, it will already be tuned to a certain station.

--- CAR TROUBLE -----------------------------

Never worry about scraping your car against walls, crashing headlong into a brick wall at 120MPH, colliding with other cars, or knocking down lamp postsand other street objects. That is, until you start to see heavy smoke billowing from the engine. This indicates the car is letting out an enraged roar of pain. Still nothing to worry about. However, once the engine shoots up in flames, bail out NOW! The cars about to explode, and if you're in it, you have just ordered an instant WASTED! Scramble out of the car and get as far away as possible. If you are caught in the range of explosion and sent to kiss the floor, expect to watch your health meter lose some points.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -= THE AUTHORITIES =- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

The Liberty City Police Department are sworn to oath to keep the city a safe place, to help old ladies cross the street, to care for stray dogs, to put criminals to justice, and to give up their donut-eating habits for crime-fighting...Yeah, right.

They're not interested in the local gangs, or even street brawls with other people. They have only one goal in mind: to annihilate you.

--- BAD COP, NO DONUT -----------------------

Police cars and single officers cover every street in the city. So if you see a corpulent fool in blue, swinging his baton like an idiot, that's your cop from the friendly neighborhood. If you do anything devilish while they're around, they will give chase. They are persistent bastards, and if necessary, they will not hesitate to shoot you dead.

--- WANTED LEVEL ----------------------------

There are six star slots right below your health meter. They represent your Wanted Level, or the rating of criminal behavior. By deviating from missions and putting others in danger, you can easily get one star for a wanted level of 1. The six wanted levels make it increasingly harder for you to be safe from the cops. As physical stars begin to fill in the blanks, the police force will do whatever it takes to detain you. They will resort to shooting you and even calling in the army. The police start to get dangerous at level 2. Below is a chart of what the police force will deploy depending on your delinquency.

Level Reinforcement Team----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Single police officer or car. Any other policeman who sees you will attempt to knock you out. ** Policemen will shoot and become persistent. Many police cars. *** Numerous police cars that come from many directions. A helicopter is searching overhead. **** SWAT team. Skilled drivers. ***** FBI--Fast and extremely skilled guys. Two helicopters. ****** The army rolls in with a tank. Start running...

--- INCREASING WANTED LEVEL -----------------

Increasing your wanted level is very simple. Simply hijack a car, go on a massacre, start a gun fight, murder someone, etc. when an officer is around for an instant level 1. Target a police officer with your gun for an instant level 2. No questions asked; no warning. Continue to take out the police numbers to increase your wanted level like crazy. So basically, start tapping into your criminal mastermind and wreak havoc.

--- DECREASING WANTED LEVEL -----------------

Now that the heat is all over you, how are you going to handle it? First, the fundamentals. Plan your getaway in a car, unless you have only 1 star, thentravel around on foot. The police can pinpoint exactly where you are if you seem to be out in the open. So make scarce appearances in busy places. Even then, the police will still somehow be able to track you down. I do not know how they do it, but I think real-life police officers should learn from them.

If you have a wanted level of 3-6, lying low will not help at all. They will track you down and nail you. The only way to lose them is to use the paint shop (Pay 'n' Spray) and give your car a new engine and paint job. The cops won't recognize you thereafter and will cut off all pursuits. An alternative is to collect an item called a Police Bribe, an icon that embodies a yellow star. You can find these scattered around each district (See Item Locations). These bring down your Wanted Level one at a time.

--- DITCHING THE COPS -----------------------

As explained above, you can either collect the Police Bribes, remodel the caror just lie low until the madness abates. For people who have 1 star, it is very easy to curtail. But if you constantly bump into patrolling officers and law enforcement vehicles, it may be harder. Hop into a car and drive away anywhere like mad (and do so before a cop pulls you out of the car). You can also run into alleyways and onto roofs. If you are being chased by a single officer, outrun him and turn a corner. They never follow you for too long. When the police find that you are impossible to catch, they will just forget about you and move on until you stir up some trouble again.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -= GOTTA HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF! =- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

If you're gonna be bangin' it up in Liberty City, you gotta have and know the right stuff!

--- WEAPONS ---------------------

Every criminal needs something for protection from the law enforcements. GTA3 has just the things you need. Need a rocket launcher? No problem. Need explosives? You got it. Need to let out some steam on the local citizens? We're with ya.

______________| Baseball Bat | Don't count on a baseball game going on anywhere, so take off the Yankee's hat, and start clubbing people! The bat is a short-ranged weapon; it's great for reaping dough the dirty way. It hurts more than planting your fist in someone's face, and it doesn't take as many hits to knock him dead either. Of course, this weapon is not preferred when you're up against a gun...It's common sense, ya know?

_________| Handgun | While it's a gun, and guns are cool, the Handgun isn't really reliable. Ifyou were engaged in a gun fight with the FBI, for example, you will drop dead on the concrete before you could open fire. The Handgun is generally weak in fire power, but it _does_ get the job painfully done. It's also light and travel friendly, so you could run and shoot with it. You don't need a Rocket Launcher to shoot down the local citizens, do you?

_________| Shotgun | The Shotgun is your friend. It packs a punch. It kills a person at moderatelyclose range with one shell. Helluva lot better than the handgun. The impact can also drop other civilians surrounding your target. Because of its heavy nature, the shotgun will allow you only to walk with it in hand. It's bad for long distance sniping.

______________| Sniper Rifle | The Sniper Rifle works best when you are ensconced somewhere, where you won't be disturbed while you get a bead on unaware citizens. When you press the aim button, it goes into a first-person viewyou will be looking through the scope. Use the cross-hairs for precise shooting. Sniper Rifles are to be used from afar on slow-moving targets.

_______________| Flame-thrower | Toast to the new millennium, or something. This bad ass, portable hipster is sick. Pull the trigger, and a stream of roaring fire will shoot out. You must stay in place for the flame-thrower to ignite and incinerate all those around you. Just remember that anything you set ablaze, the fire could be spat right back at you.

_________| Grenade | Bah. We always hate these things; other people seem to find a lot of uses for them, though. By holding circle, you will pull your arm back, and the longer you hold it, the further the grenade will go. Sounds cool, huh? Well, there's a catch. If you hold on to it for too long, then it will blow up in your own hands! That can never be too good. You also have to be careful when throwing them. They might hit an object and bounce back at you. You can buy them from the Ammu-nation shop in Staunton Island.

__________________| Molotov Cocktail | A classic weapon that still works like a charm. The Molotov is a glass bottle filled with corrosive, inflammable liquid with a damp rag that's soaked in fuel stuffed in the neck. When thrown, the ground or object will swell up in a huge fire and set everything around it on fire. You can't get careless when using these. You might end up setting yourself ablaze. By the time you relieve yourself from the fire, you will probably have very little health points left.

_______| AK-47 | The AK-47 is an automatic weapon that works well against a flock of agitatedgangsters, and in fairly close-combat. However, it loses its accuracy over long distances. Its awesome fire power is too heavy for you to be able to run and shoot with it at the same time, so it restricts you to walking only, or standing still. Fear not, you can still blast ugly scumbags into oblivion.

______| M-16 | A pretty bad-ass assault rifle that's used by the army guys when they come after you in the game. When you use it and try to aim, you will immediately zoom into first-person perspective with a center cross-hair, with which to aim. When you pull the trigger, a crazy barrage of bullets will drown its victim to death. It's so sick, it will probably become your favorite weapon. You cannot move or do anything active while firing this weapon. It is veryeffective against the police.

_____| Uzi | The Uzi is awesome. This rapid-fire machine gun pumps out shots faster than the AK and is always great to have around when angry mobsters start to get rowdy. The Uzi is the only weapon that can be used for drive-by shootings, which is done by driving by in a car...and shooting. To do this, enter any car. When you do, the Uzi will be automatically equipped. Then press L2 or R2 to stick your arm out, and press the Circle button to let the chaos ensue!

_________________| Rocket Launcher | No one is brave in front of a Rocket Launcher. When crooks see you waving the weapon menacingly anywhere, they will steer clear of you and wouldn't touch you with a 40-foot pole. This massive weapon needs the support of your shoulder to aim and fire. Therefore, you won't be able to move at all, and you will be vulnerable when this is equipped. The impact of the missile spells disaster. Short-range use is never recommended. Fire too close, and you can ensure a free ride to the hospital. The Rocket Launcher is generally used to obliterate helicopters, or to torch the civilian cars and stuff.

--- ITEMS -----------------------

There are only a few items that help you through the tough times in Liberty City. Let's not get too greedy.

_______| Heart | Hearts fully restore your health only when you're injured. When you find one of these charms, your health will instantly be nurtured to max. Otherwise, you won't be able to pick it up. Hospital entrances usually carry these around. Other times, they are well hidden in alleys and apartment corners.

________________| Hidden Package | When you first pick one of these up, you'll think "I have to pick up 100 of these g'damn suckas?!" Yeah. "What do I get out of it?" You can check that out in the Hidden Packages section for more information. When you amass them in tens, you will earn special items or weapons that will be produced at your hideout. You also earn $1000 for each Hidden Package you find. Not a bad deal. So, $1000 x 100 = Lots o' dough. You do the math.

______________| Police Bribe | As explained in the Authorities section, you can use these to curtail your Wanted Level by one. If you don't have a Wanted Level, you will not be able to pick them up. I recommend getting one only if you have a Wanted Level of 4 or higher. The Police Bribe icon is recognized by a yellow star in the center of the icon.

_______________| Rampage Skull | Pick up a Rampage icon when you're not currently on a mission to initiate a "side mission", which generally involves assassinating a set number of gangsters of a certain group, within the allotted time. As you begin the challenge, you are provided with a pre-selected weapon. You will not be ableto cycle among the other weapons you have. Complete the mission to earn some extra cash. Fail, and the icon relocates. See Rampage section for details.

_______| Armor | An armor is basically what it implies; it protects your health. When you find an armor, a second meter--this one is green--will appear to the left of your health meter. Now that you have a safeguard, the armor will absorb any damage done to you, leaving your health untouched. However, once the armor begins to deteriorate, you will begin to take direct damage again.

_________________| Adrenaline Pill | These pills slow down movement, but allows for insane jumps. Punching people won't be a problem anymore. The pill gives you superhuman strength to knock people 10 feet into the air and 20 feet away. Unfortunately, they won't instantly be killed. You could even tow cars with your bare hands. Think Matrix, where the impossible is made possible. This item looks like a Tylenol pill, but works better. The effect will wear off after about 40 seconds.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -= OTHER STUFF =- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

--- CAR ALARMS ---------------------------

Parked cars are usually ripe for the taking. However, some cars have alarms installed into it, so that if you try to steal it, the alarm goes off. The blaring sound will attract nearby law officers, or if you drive it onto the busy streets, you'll eventually get a Wanted Level of 1. If you drive them around long enough, the alarm will eventually stop ringing. It usually lasts for about 10 seconds.

--- NO LAWS ------------------------------

Don't worry about running red lights or defacing property. The police don't like to concern themselves with such petty misdemeanors. If you really want to get their attention, you should try murdering one of their men. If you are posing a threat to the society and corrupting the tranquil flow, they will take the bait and hunt you down. While the attention to detail is great, the citizens of Liberty City won't report any potential criminals to the police, even if there were 20 witnesses who watched you run over a helpless elderly lady.

--- HONE YOUR DRIVING SKILLS -------------

Trying to get away from the authorities will quickly become a daily chore if you're feeling evil and constantly causing trouble. A getaway by car will need exceptional car handling skills. So when you're not bogged down by a mission, or frolicking off to explore, hop into a car and touch up your driving skills. Learn to pull away from a corner without losing too much speed, and play with the cops so that they get blown to bits by obstructions.

--- AMMU-NATION --------------------------

Ammu-nation is a special store that carries fire arms. As you complete more and more missions, the store will begin to sell better weapons. Otherwise, they will just be "Out of Stock". You can also use Ammu-nation as a safe house to hide from the police...when you have a Wanted Level of 1, that is. Aside from Ammu-nation, there are two other places, at which you can purchase weapons: Phil's Army Surplus Store and an independent shop set up in Shoreside Vale--it's behind the police station. Each shop offers different weapons for a set amount of money. Just walk into the power-up, and money will automatically be subtracted from your wallet. A few seconds later, the power-up will have regenerated. Now that's what I call service! Here are the prices for all the weapons you can buy.

+----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+ | Weapon | Price | | Weapon | Price |+----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+| Handgun | $250 | | Uzi | $800 |+----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+| Uzi | $800 | | Grenades | $2000 |+----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+| Rocket Launcher| $25,000 | | AK-47 | $3000 |+----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+| Molotovs | $2000 | | Sniper Rifle | $10,000 |+----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+| Flamethrower | $25,000 | | Armor | $3000 |+----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+| Shotgun | $1500 | | M-16 | $5000 |+----------------+-------------+ +----------------+-------------+

--- PAY 'N' SPRAY ------------------------

Your life saver from the cops. It's a paint shop that could give your car a cosmetics make-over. Not only that, but it also helps completely wipe out all the current stars on the Wanted Level. Although each time you use it, it sucks up $1000 from your pocket. Once you get it repaired once, you can go into the Paint 'n' Spray an infinite number of times to get it re-sprayed to a color you like. A new paint job is complimentary as long as you don't damage the car in ANY WAY. Don't try to paint over police cars! They like it the way it is. The shop is labeled on the radar as a spray-can. Usually, a small shop called 8-Ball's Bomb Shop neighbors the Pay 'n' Spray. There, you can fit your vehicle with an explosive, which is triggered by the engine's ignition. Set the bomb with the Circle button.

8-Ball Garage Locations:````````````````````````

- Harwood, Portland In the back of the junkyard near the Easy Credit Autos.- Newport, Staunton Island In the alley behind the multi-story carpark, next to the Pay 'n' Spray- Pike Creek, Shoreside Vale In the building across from Liberty Pharmaceuticals.

Pay 'n' Spray Locations:````````````````````````

- Red Light District, Portland Near Luigi's Sex Club Seven- Newport, Staunton Island In the alley behind the multi-story carpark, next to 8-Ball's- Pike Creek, Shoreside Vale In the building across from Liberty Pharmaceuticals.

______ ________________________________________________________________ / ___ \ ______________________________________________________________ \ / / / \ \ \ \| | -/ /-| | - - - - CHAPTER TWO: GAME WALKTHROUGH - - - - \ \ \ \/ /_/ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______/_________________________________________________________________/

___________________ ____________________________/ \__________________________(____________________________ PORTLAND __________________________) \___________________/

Each district will lead to another. You will know if you have entered another district when the name of that area appears on the bottom right corner.


Hepburn HeightsHarwoodRed Light DistrictCallahan BridgeTrentonPortland ViewSaint Mark'sChinatownCallahan Point

-GIVE ME LIBERTY-Rewards: A hideout A new crime boss

This is your first mission, so obviously, it won't be very hard. Simply turn around and hop into the car with 8-ball. Now, a purple dot will appear on your radar. Head in that direction. In this time, get used to driving, because you'll be doing it a lot more than you think you will. When you reachthe dot, you'll find out that it is your new hideout. You can save here, but not right now, in the middle of your first mission. You and 8-ball get a change of clothing. Now, hop back in the car again and follow the new beepingdot. This will take you to Luigi's club. The bouncer will tell you to go around back, so head through the alleyway. After a cut scene, you'll have a new employer by the name of Luigi (no, not that Italian plumber).

_____________________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUIGI GOTERELLI -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The master pimp Luigi works the lowest step of the figureheads ladder. He owns and maintains a Sex Club in the Red Light District. The letter "L" will appear on your radar once you've started taking his jobs. Don't let him down, and he'll connect you to the bigger dough.

-LUIGI'S GIRL- Rewards: $1500

This is your first mission for a crime boss. To start with, steal a car. Whenyou do, a pink dot will appear on your radar. Head towards the dot. It turns out to be a blue circle. Stop inside the circle. The girl next to it, Misty, will climb in. Now, head back to Luigi's by following the pink dot (or L) on your radar. Stop in the blue circle. Mission Complete! How does it feel to be a well paid taxi-driver? :P

-DON'T SPANKA MA BITCH UP- Rewards: $4000

This can be easy or hard, it's your decision. First, grab a car. You need to drive towards the pink colored dot on your radar. It helps greatly if you have the baseball bat. When you can see the Blue Arrow hovering over a person, then you know you've found him. When you get out of the car, he will run at you. Use either your fists or a baseball bat to kill him. Or, you can kill him by running him over a few times with your stolen vehicle. It's cleaner, and you don't even have to get out of the car. Anyways, after he's dead, take his car. A new dot will appear on your radar. Follow it to find the Pay 'n' Spray, an autobody shop around the corner from Luigi's. Go insidethe garage. Exit the car and walk out of the garage to complete the mission.

-DRIVE MISTY FOR ME- Rewards: $1000 New employer

Hmm, yes, another easy mission. It seems you really are Luigi's personal taxidriver, aren't you? Anyways, grab a car and head towards the dot. Stop insidethe blue circle and honk the horn (L3) to let Misty know you're here. Misty will come, walking out of the building. After she gets in the car, a new dot will appear on the radar. Head towards it. Park in front of the blue light and a cinematic scene will take over.

Once you complete this mission, Joey will begin to provide you with jobs, but it's better to finish off Luigi's requests before going to a new boss. Also,during the time you've had Misty with you, she can help you fight with any punk ass bitches that try to pack heat. But don't let her die.

-PUMP ACTION PIMP- Rewards: $4000

Now, you need to get a "piece" in order to do this mission. First, follow the gun icon on your radar. It leads to a store called "Ammu-Nation", which specializes in selling fire arms. Talk to the shop owner. He says he's been expecting you and has prepared a piece for you ahead of time. You can find it waiting for you behind the shop.

Head outside and go down the alley behind the store. The gun is resting inthe center of a small, empty lot. There are a couple of targets here, in case you want to practice. However, in Liberty City, constant gun shots will attract the cops! Find yourself a set of wheels and head towards the dot on the radar. When you reach the car (a Diablo Stallion), ram it off the road and attempt to turn it over. Do anything in your power to try to lure the pimp out of his car.

Once the pimp is lying helplessly in the middle of the road, run him over a few times with your car. You can also start shooting him if you want more of a challenge. If you can lure him out of his car, it'd be easier and safer since he likes to brandish a good ol' shotgun.

-THE FUZZ BALL- Rewards: $2000 - $4000

Now, you have six minutes to run around town, pick up hookers and take them to a police ball. Sounds fun? Start cramming nearby girls into a VAN. Not a car. It'll take one passenger per ride. Go to the nearest green dot. Pick up the hooker and deposit her to the police ball--the pink dot. Pull into the Blue Marker, and the hooker will get out. Now, go and find a new hooker. You have to get at least four of them to the fuzz ball in order to complete the mission. Additional drop-offs can net your some extra cash.

/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/[FUN STUFF] Submitted by Diablo

And a fun alternate strategy for Luigi's The Fuzz Ball, before you start the mission go to Joey's part of the map and jack a Coach. Go back to Luigi's and start the mission. You can fit all 8 hookers in the bus, although it is slower than by using taxi cabs and cop cars like I usually do. And when you have all 8 and you park in the blue circle at the old school hall, when the first hooker gets out she usually falls down, and when the second hooker comes out of the bus she falls down and the first hooker gets up and walks in the school hall, and when the third hooker comes out of the bus she falls down and the second hooker gets up and so on and so forth.


_____________________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOEY LEONE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Once you've begun to take Joey jobs, a phone will sound nearby. It's the Bitch 'n' Dog Food Factory, and Marty Chonks, the owner, wants some businesstaken care of. You can choose to take them by approaching the phone booth on the other side of the street.

-MIKE "LIP" LAST LUNCH- Rewards: $10,000

This is one of my favorite missions just because the idea of it makes you a bit giddy. You have to steal a guy's car, put a bomb in it, then return it to where you've found it. Well, to start, steal a car and head towards the pink radar dot. It'll lead you to the diner. Enter the vehicle with the blue arrow pointing down on it. Now, you have to be really careful when taking it to 8-Ball's (the new pink dot on the radar) because if you damage it, then you have to make a special trip to the Pay 'n' Spray to repair the damages, fool!

When you get to 8-Ball's, drive into the garage. When the garage door opens, your car will be fitted with a brand spankin' new bomb. Press circle to activate it, but don't do that just yet. Drive all the way back to the diner; the way is marked on the radar. When you get there, you have to park the car how you found it, right between the lines. Afterwards, press circle and exit the car. Now, just stick around until the timer reaches zero. Then watch Lips splatter his food all over his car.

-FAREWELL "CHUNKY" LEE CHONG- Rewards: $10,000

This mission is easy. It helps if you have a gun, so head over to Ammu-Nation and grab the pistol set out for you from the back. Now, head towards the pink dot. You can't drive there because there are poles that prevent cars from going in. So get out and run through them to start a cutscene. It will show Chunky managing a noodle stand (Chow mein, anyone?).

This is where it can get difficult. See all the guys standing around wearing blue? Those are Triads, and they don't like you. Some will pull out Uzis on you, while others will run at you with baseball bats. You can stand there and kill them, but then Chunky might slip away. To avoid raging Triads, enter Chinatown without becoming an instant hit; don't try to target Chunky, as you might accidentally target a grumpy Triad instead.

Run towards his stand, and he will flee into an alley, towards his car. Try to kill him before he gets there. If you don't get to him in time, grab the nearest car and chase after him. Hunt him down, and ram him off the road, or some evil way to that extent. He killed himself in my game. He got run over. Yay.

/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/[ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Lardawg

In the "Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong mission, you can drive a car into the blocked off area. Steal a patriot and drive it up to the posts, then back up and get out. Then steal 2 cars, parking them side by side with the hoods touching the posts (the cars must be right next to each other). Get in the patriot and floor it right over the two cars. Now you can just run him down, a lot easier than on foot.

/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/[ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Brendan Marks

There is a car parked on the South side of the blocked off area. It's Chunky's. Steal it and have a bomb planted in it. Park it back where you found it. Be sure to come at Chunky from another direction so he doesn't run away from his getaway car and just wait for the explosion.


-VAN HEIST- Rewards: $20,000

This mission is pretty cool. You need to steal a Securicar and deliver it to the warehouse at the Portland Harbor. Let's get to work. Grab a nearby car, preferably a van, or some strong vehicle. Now, make your way towards the pink dot on the radar. It'll move, so move with it. When you see it, start ramming it. The damage meter displayed on the side tells you how much damage you're causing.

When the bar maximizes, the van stops and the security guards bail out. If the cops see you doing this, they will be on you like a rat to a moldy banana; it can easily bring your Wanted Level to 3. Take the security van. A new dot is on the radar, so head towards it. It'll take you to an abandoned warehouse. Park the van inside the garage and calmly exit. Cha-ching.

-CIPRIANI'S CHAUFFEUR- Rewards: $3000 A new crime boss Uzi in stock at Ammu-Nation

Start by driving out of Joey's garage. I hated the limo, but you may like it. It's big and clumsy. Now, head towards the pink radar dot; it's a laundry place. Park in the blue circle and a cut scene will take over. When it's over, Cipriani will be back in the limo. Why so obedient? Oh, crap! Looks like he intimidated a bunch o' Triads. Now the heat is all over yo' ass! Put the pedal to the metal and get the hell out of there. Drive Cipriani home as indicated on the radar. After the mission's over, a big T will appear on the radar, and the Uzi will be in stock at Ammu-Nation.

-DEAD SKUNK IN THE TRUNK-Rewards: $10,000 Start by stealing a car. Head towards the, you guessed it, pretty pink dot on the radar. It'll take you to a restaurant with a parked car out front. Getout of the car and take the one with the blue arrow marked over it. Doing so will trigger a cutscene, and the Forelli brothers will be coming after you. Back up onto the road and try to head down it. You might get banged up by the brothers, but keep on racing past them. When you reach the crusher, park the car in the blue circle, get out and run away. You can also stand there and watch the car get lowered into the crusher, if for some bizarre reason, you want to. But stay away from the Forelli brothers until the car gets eaten up.

/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/[ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Dave Goldberg

Before you get the car with the body in the trunk, you can ambush theambushers! You will find 2 black cars hiding near the diner. One near the entrance to the Callahan Point Tunnel and the other behind Greasy Joe's diner sign. They will ignore you even if you try to open their car doors. But grab a car, I suggest the 18 wheeler cab in the diner parking lot, and start ramming their cars until they explode. They won't go down quietly and will fight back so make sure your car has some muscle. You only have to take on 1 car at a time. After you have exploded both cars, then take the car with the body in the trunk and enjoy your quiet ride to the crusher.


-THE GETAWAY- Rewards: $30,000

Another one of my least favorite missions. Joey must be famous for this. Grab a car. Now, you have to head towards the pink dot on the radar. Be really careful that you don't get a wanted meter, otherwise, you'll have to find a way to get rid of it completely. Anyways, head towards the radar dot and park in the Blue Circle. Honk the horn and three guys will come running out. After they get in the car, take them to the new radar dot.

They'll hop out of a car and run inside the bank, when they come out and get back inside your car, floor it. You NEED to get out of here. The cops are after you! Head for Pay 'n' Spray and get your car repainted to diminish the wanted meter. Now, head back to the thieves hideout by going to the pink radar dot. Park in the blue circle to trigger a cut scene, and the end of the mission.

_____________________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TONY CIPRIANI -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

A total momma's boy. He listens to his bad-ass, elderly lady for tips on how to fare with the Triad sleazebags. Once you start taking jobs from him, Triadmembers will be hunting you down every time you catch their eye or step into their territory.

-TAKING OUT THE LAUNDRY-Rewards: $20,000

This mission is hard when you don't know how to do it. At the beginning, Tonysuggests that you stop by 8-ball's and get some grenades. Heed his advice and stop by 8-Ball's to collect the Grenades. They have no real use, but they will be added to your inventory when the mission is over.

Now, grab the nearest car and head towards any of the three green dots on the radar. It'll lead to one of three fish trucks owned by Mr. Wong. You need to destroy them. Park a car in front of truck. Toss the driver out and take off with your new wheels! At this point, you have a few ways of demolishing it. You can drive it around until it blows up, you can take it to the crusher, you can throw it in the lake; so many choices, so little time. Do the same to the remaining two.

-THE PICK-UP- Rewards: $10,000

The objective is to grab a suitcase full of money and bring it back to Tony's restaurant. What are you waiting for? Grab a car and drive to the pink radar dot. Get out of the car and run down the alleyway. As soon as you pick up the suitcase, a bunch of Triads barricade all the exits. I don't care how you do it, nor do I want to know how you do it, but kill all of them. The safest wayto do it is to floor the pedal and run them over. Before you breach the alley entrance back on to the streets, step in reverse and squish any remaining Triads. The last one can be found inside the Belly-Up truck, blocking one of the exits. Drag the driver out and beat him to death.

Once they're dead, head back to Tony's restaurant. Pull into the Blue Marker to claim your money.

-SALVATORE CALLED A MEETING- Rewards: $15,000 A new crime boss

Head to the pink dot on the you-know-what with a stolen car. Walk into the blue circle to trigger a cutscene. The limo in Joey's garage is ready and you climb in the driver's seat. As you pull out of the garage, head towards the new pink dot, Luigi's club. Pull up in front and honk the horn to let him know you're there. After he gets in the limo, head to Toni's. Pull up on the side of the road and park in the Blue Marker. Honk the horn to call Toni out.

As soon as he gets in, a couple of Triad trucks will appear from different directions and charge after you. Floor it towards the new pink dot. You'll have to go up a steep hill to get there. There is a Triad truck on the side of the road. Squeeze past the little space beside it and follow the dirt path around to find a house. Park the limo into the garage to escape the Triad rampage.


This mission is somewhat hard. You have to whack 3 Triad warlords. Take the car outside Toni's place and wait for his men to get in. Then, drive towards the pink dot. It's where you had to kill Chunky Lee Chong. Anyways, don't get out of the car just yet, there are a lot of Triads guarding their leader. Get out of the car and fire a couple of warning shots at them, then get back in the car. When the little punks come running at you, run them over. After a while, get out, grab their guns, and run into the area, firing at the leader.

Head to the second pink dot on the radar. There will be a warlord standing in front of a convenience store. He's just out in the open, all by himself. Sounds a little easy to me. When you get near him, a flock of Triads will appear from inside the building with their guns upholstered. The easiest way is to run them over with your car, but you can also put a couple of bullets through their head if you want. Afterwards, ditch your current car and grab the Triad truck (the one with Belly-Up on the side) and start driving towards the final dot.

This last warlord is hiding inside the Triad fish factory, and the only way to get in is to drive a fish van. Luckily, you've already stolen one. The gate will slide open when you get near it. The warlord inside is randomly placed; sometimes he'll be right in the middle, sometimes he'll be behind thebuilding. If you go to the left, there's a hidden package behind the building. Anyways, hunt around for the triad. He might be accompanied by other Triads, or he may be by himself. Simply run him over a few times or put some lead into him. When he's dead, you'll complete the mission and get your money.

/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/[OTHER TIPS AND STRATEGIES] Thanks to KingLink

On the "Triads And Tribulations" mission in the Grand Theft Auto 3 game, inPortland, there is an easier way and a harder way for you to kill the Triads in the compound. The easiest way we have found is to lob a grenade from the hill that faces the Triad leader into the compound. We found this to be quite simple once you know how.

The hardest way is to get a fast car and using the same hill, you mustaccelerate quite fast and hit the ramp and land inside the compound. Exitthe car and blow away any Triad men there (you should have the two guardsand a shotgun).

/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/Thanks to Astrologik (D-Ko)

Follow the directions on killing the first two Triad bosses, then for the third, park a Triad Fish Truck in the way of the gates. This effectively props them open for as long as you need. Run back down the road towards the hideout and grab the Semi truck at the store on your right. Drive it back to the last warlord and just run him and his cronies over after luring them off of the loading docks.

/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/[TIP] Submitted by James Light

Here's another strategy that I ended up figuring out, when I trashed myFish Truck, and was too scared to try and get another one out ofChinatown. Around the back of the compound is a hill high enough to seebeyond the walls. From here, you can aim with your AK-47, and pick theguys off when they're close enough. They won't (can't) return fire, andyou can easily kill the final Warlord. The only drawback is that theWarlord has to be standing in that area of sight, and not hiding aroundthe side.


-BLOW FISH- Rewards: $30,000

You never can get enough of these easy missions. Anyways, grab a car and get a move on over to 8-ball's. There is a Trashmaster marked with a blue arrow over it here. When you enter the vehicle, a damage meter appears. If you do enough damage to it, you'll blow yourself up! Don't worry though, unless you crash A LOT, you should be fine.

The idea of the mission is to drive this truck all the way back to the Triad Fish factory. It'll permit the Trashmaster to enter. Head around to the back of the building and park in the Blue Marker. Push circle and exit the truck. Your timer will shift to about 30 seconds. Start running for the gateEntrance while trying to avoid the flying gun shots. When you reach the gate, the truck will explode, taking the factory with it. Mission Complete!

_____________________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SALVATORE LEONE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The head of the Leone Family gang. Also the father of Joey. As soon as you start missions with this guy, you'll soon realize he pays the big greens around Portland. Working with him and doing the job right will get you well-deserved recognition everywhere. The Don is stirring up bad blood with the Columbian Cartels, then add along Toni's little skirmishes with the Triads. Anything involved with Salvatore will get you an instant hit with either of the opposing gangs!

-CHAPERONE- Rewards: $10,000

Stupid limo. You have to drive the limo for this mission. Well, actually, as the name implies, you have to bring Maria around town, basically, to where she wants to go. Head towards the pink dot on the radar. It'll lead to the reservoir, where Maria will purchase some hot SPANK from a her drug dealer, Chico. He also tips off that there is some huge party going on at Atlantic Quays and that she should check it out.

When she gets back in the car, head towards the new pink dot. It leads to the warehouse party. When Maria gets out and tells you to stay there, stay put!She will go inside, a few moments later, police will be everywhere. When she enters the vehicle, high-tail it out of there! There'll be gun fire every where and others trying to escape the scene. Head towards the pink dot. It's Salvatore's house. Park the car in the garage to complete the mission.

\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\[USELESS TRIVIA] Thanks to Steve Thomas

There's a Cheetah yours for the taking in Portland during the "Chaperone" mission. When you take Maria to the club, you can hop out of the limo and steal the Cheetah in the middle of the line of three club patrons' cars, and haul it back to your garage. Then get back to the limo in time to catch Maria exiting the club during the raid.

You end up with the Cheetah earlier than waiting until you get to Stauntonor Portside Vale. You can even race the other Cheetahs with it in theTurismo.


-CUTTING THE GRASS- Rewards: $15,000

I suggest grabbing a taxi for this one. It shouldn't be hard to find, since they're found just about everywhere. Anyways, when you get one, head towards Luigi's club, aka, the pink dot on the radar. When you get there, there'll be a taxi with a blue arrow hovering over it. Wait for Curly to come out of the club and get in the taxi. The object of this mission is to not let ol' Curly know he's being stalked. A Spookometer appears right below other statistics that reflects Curly's current paranoia.

The taxi won't show up on your radar, so you have to keep it within viewing range. Stay far back from the taxi and stop whenever the taxi stops. Curly eventually leads you to the Portland Harbor. After he's gotten out of the car, stop in the middle of the Blue Circle. After a cut scene, you'll be left playing again. There's a pink dot on the radar; it's Curly. Go around the building to find him. Try to run him over. He does have a shotgun though, so if he shoots the car, the engine might get caught on fire. Anyways, when he's dead, you'll receive your payment.

\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\[ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Thanks to Mercer Prescott

Steal a cab and when you get to Luigi's, park as close as you can to the cab already waiting there. There's a good chance that Curly Bob will jump in your cab instead so all you have to do is drive him to the harbor.

Extra thanks to Markus and IcemanX-treme.


-BOMB DA BASE- Rewards: $150,000

This mission is comprised of two acts. Act I occurs while you're at the don'splace receiving details of your new mission, and it ends as you leave the mansion. Act II requires you to amass $100,000 to cover the expenses of 8-Ball's insanely pricey explosives (which probably don't even cost half that much). If you have completed every mission up to this point, you should have more than enough money to fork over 100 grand.

You can find 8-Ball in the auto yard in Harwood. Go around the back, next to the bomb shop, to find a Blue Marker. Step into it to trigger the sequence, in which he asks for the money. If you don't have it, pick up a Taxi and earn some extra cash with the fares. Once you have the money, speak with 8-Ball again to begin the mission properly.

His hands are still bandaged, so he gives you the honor of beheading Cartel members with the Sniper Rifle. Take a car and smash through the glass windows of Easy Auto to pick up the Banshee. Hey, when you're doing a job this big, you'd want to do it with style.

Follow the blip to the Portland Harbor. Move into the Blue Marker, and 8-Ball will step out, instructing you to find a vantage point to snipe out the Columbians. As he leaves to the nearby freight crates to take cover, exit the vehicle and follow the building structure around the corner. Don't get too close to the Cartels, or you'll compel them to shoot. Climb the first set of stairs and stop at the top. This is the best spot since you won't be needing to adjust the altitude of your scope to compensate for every single Cartel member. TIP: If you want to stall 8-Ball, surround him with some cars, but at least leave an opening for him to get out.

Fire the first shot, and the game's on! Your first two targets are standing at the bottom of the ramp. Once they're out, move the scope up and adjust it so that it is always in level with the Cartel members. That way, you won't have to keep re-adjusting. Now you can move the sniper rifle to the right, while picking off the Cartel members one by one. You have to pin down every one of them, or they'll kill 8-Ball as he approaches. Once all the members on deck have been wiped out, it's all up to 8-Ball to plant the explosives and scram!

\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\[TIP] Thanks to goblin

I found that sniping the Cartels can be hard, so there is a pill just up the way inbetween the little portables (mobile home type-things) and I used that. It helps to slow things down when sniping.

\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\[THE HARD, BUT FUN WAY] Submitted by Liam Devlin

You're not going to succeed your first time, or I'm going to Hell for lying;the first thing you need to do is get out of your car, go on the roof and recon. Get an idea of who's where and a head count. 8-Ball is your liability here. To ensure that you don't do anything useful he immediately runs after your first shot. The car you are driving isn't particularly relevant, but, of course, the Banshee is faster and may give you more control over the situation. Drop off 8-Ball at the box and move up close enough that you can target the first two Colombians with your AK-47 (Doesn't anyone use later models yet?). Fire on the two guards and jump back into your car. Back up and run over 8-Ball to slow him down. Drive onto the ramp wedge it so 8-Ball can't get through. Take out your Molotov Cocktails and apply topically and liberally to armed Columbians.

Now the trick here is 8-Ball will eventually get past that car so you have to keep moving whip out your AK and move along, make sure you have everyone before you advance. There is one or two in back that don't come out immediately. I finally pulled all this off and missed him. He killed 8-Ball, nullifying my efforts and pissing me the bleep off. Again, it's not extremely necessary, but there is something poetic about beating this mission in a matter of 40 seconds, running in guns blazing with KMFDM - A Drug Against War as a soundtrack.


-LAST REQUESTS- Rewards: $20,000

Salvatore is pleased with your progress, so he gives you an easy mission. You need to grab a car from outside Luigi's and take it to a crusher. Well, grab the Mafia Sentinel outside Sal's house and head in the direction of the pink dot. When you get near it, a message will appear on your pager. It's Maria and she says she wants to meet with you. Well, ditch your current mission and head towards the new pink dot. It's a slip just under the Callahan Bridge.

Pull into the blue circle and a cut scene will take over. Head towards the pink dot . It's Staunton Island! A cut scene will appear when you pull into the Blue Marker. Afterwards, Asuka tells you about your new hideout. It'll be on your radar. A big "A" will also appear, representing Asuka.

==== AFTERMATH ========================

After this mission, you'll be at Staunton Island. Portland is now history. My friend, this is your new home for awhile. However, you can still access Portland via the Callahan Bridge and Subway. Many things open up for you like the Subway and Porter Tunnel to the commercial district. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the new surroundings. It's going to be a long stay. Why not do something heinous to kill time.

_____________________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARTY CHONKS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Owner of the Bitch 'n' Dog Food factory in Trenton. The payphone to receive his calls and missions can be found right at the entrance to his compound. His missions are no-brainers and they usually involve escort service for his pals.

\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\[USELESS TRIVIA] Thanks to Jacob Busby

If you put the titles of the four Marty Chonks missions together you get "The Crook, The Thieves, The Wife, Her Lover"--not a million miles away from the 1989 film starring Michael Gambon and Helen Mirren "The cook, the thief, his wife and her lover".


-THE CROOK- Reward: $1000

All of the missions with this guy are basically the same so get used to them. Approach the gate to the factory and they will open for you. Go to the back corner of the confinement and get into the car with the Blue Arrow over of it. Now, drive towards the pink dot on the radar. You will pull up beside Chonk's bank manager. When the manager gets into the car, bring him back to Marty's by following the radar. Park in the Blue Marker and a cutscene will begin.

Afterwards, deliver the car to the crusher to get rid of the evidence. Martyis a paranoid, little fellow.

-THE THIEVES- Reward: $3000

Enter the factory parking lot and jump in the Sentinel waiting for you. Go to the pink dot and pick up the two thieves for Marty. Drive them back to the factory and park in the Blue Marker. When that's over, head to Pay 'n' Spray by following the pink dot. Get the car repainted and drive it to the next dot to complete the mission.

-THE WIFE- Reward: $2000

Now, like the other two missions, go and get the car in the factory parking lot. Drive it to Classic Nails, where Marty's wife will be waiting for you. Escort her back to the factory and park in the Blue Marker. When the cut ends, you'll need to dump the car in some water. Well, go find a body of water. It's all around Portland. Park the car on the edge, so that the front of it is hanging over the edge. Get out of it and go to the back of it. Push it into the water, or get another car and force it into the water.

-HER LOVER- Reward: $4000

I bet you can't guess what you have to do next, huh? Once again, go into the factory parking lot and grab the car. Now, take the guy back to Marty's. Usually, Marty is still in the building, but this time, he's standing in the parking lot. The wife's lover gets out of the car and goes over to talk to Marty, wait, not talk to him. He pulls out a shotgun and blows Marty to hell. Oh well. You get paid, and there's also no more repetitive missions from Mr. Chonks.

_____________________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL BURRO-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Contact with El Burro of the Diablos can be made by stepping into the Blue Marker next to the payphone in Hepburn Heights. He is the first of many crime bosses to honor you for your rising status among the ranks. Yay for you!

-TURISMO- Reward: $10,000

For this mission to be successful, you need a fast car. I suggest either a Banshee, a police car, or a Mafia Sentinel. Once you have a good car, race towards the pink dot. Park in the Blue Marker and a timer will begin its countdown. Once the big zero flashes on the screen, floor the gas pedal andburnout! All the other drivers are lunatics driving Cheetahs. They will really mess you up, if you let them. The race goes through 18 check points scattered all around Portland. I suggest completing this mission before doing Asuka's first mission in Staunton Island. Otherwise, the Mafia and their nice shotguns will be after you when you drive through Saint Marks.

-I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM- Reward: $6000

After you've had your mission briefing, a pink radar dot will appear. Follow it around the corner to find a briefcase bomb! Hop out of the car and then hop right back in. A new radar dot will appear. Follow it to Saint Marks to find an ice cream truck. Get inside of it and a new dot will appear in Portland View. At the end, park in the Blue Marker. Now, push down the Left Analog Stick (L3) to blast the jingle. The Forelli brothers will comecrawling from behind the warehouse in a few moments. When they start shooting at you, hop out and run away. When you're at a safe distance, hold down Circle to detonate the bomb. If all the brothers aren't dead, then grab a car and run 'em over.

-TRIAL BY FIRE- Reward: $10,000

Finally, a mission that's as fun as it is, twisted. Head towards the pink radar. It will lead you to the end of Chinatown. Get out of your car and run down the alley. There's a flame-thrower here. Once you do, you'll have to do something like a Rampage mission--A Triad burn-fest. How much gas does it take to incinerate 20 Triad members, Mr. Owl?

You have two minutes to kill 20 Triads. Luckily, they don't have any weapons, so run around lighting up anything that moves. Or, if you're not quite that cruel, only go after the people dressed in blue overalls. When you've killed enough, the mission will be complete, but now the Triads will pull out their guns so I suggest hightailing it out of there.

-BIG 'N' VEINY- Reward: $20,000

This mission may have a gross name, but don't let it fool you. Wait, let it fool you. You might not be sickened by the thought of the mission then. Anyways, hop into the van with the blue arrow over it. Drive forward to find the first of the porn mags. You have 20 seconds to do so. Every mag you collect adds 1 second to your timer. Follow the trail of mags all around the city until you reach an alley. Pull up beside the guy here and the timer will stop. Kill the man by running him over. Next, hop back in the van and head to the "bookstore" by following the pink dot on the radar. You'll get paid.

___________________ ____________________________/ \__________________________(____________________________ STAUNTON ISLAND __________________________) \___________________/

Honestly, your hideout in Portland was much better and not to say, a lot more comfortable than some friggin' elevator shaft. The good news is that your car garage can now house 2 cars, but there are crazy ways to cram a few more in there. Staunton Island--the commercial district, where all the nice cars are found rippin' the busy streets. A lot more things to see, a lot more things to do.

Each district will lead to another. You will know if you have entered another district when the name of that area appears on the bottom right corner.


NewportFort StauntonBelleville ParkTorringtonBedford PointLiberty CampusRockfordAspatria

_____________________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASUKA KASEN-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Long-time friends with Maria, a sexy, new crime boss for you. A member of the Yakuza crime syndicate, she'll prove to you that she can do anything just as well as the big boys. Pretty soon you'll be wrapped around her pinky and she'll have you eating out of her palm. Working with Asuka eventually leads you to her brother, Kenji.

-SAYONARA SALVATORE- Rewards: $25,000

Before beginning this mission, I suggest you explore Staunton Island and take in the pretty sights. Also, make sure you know the fastest route from Asuka's condo to the Callahan Bridge. Chart a small route for yourself. This mission requires you to travel from Staunton to Portland in a certain amount of time.

I like this mission. Yep, I do...Grab a car and start heading towards the dot on the radar. Grab a Sniper Rifle at Ammu-Nation as you pass by it. Head back the bridge back to Portland. Continue to follow the dot to get to Luigi's club. If you hang around outside, the mission fail, so go into the alleyway beside the building, straight across from the club.

There is a flight of stairs here. Follow them to the roof. Position yourself in the corner, so that you can see the entrance to the club perfectly. Now, wait. Around the time that he's supposed to be leaving the club, several Mafia men will be filing out from the entrance. Soon after, Salvatore will follow. Before he enters the Mafia Sentinel, put one shot through his head and the mission will be complete. His body guards will just disperse and walk away. Hehe.

Since Salvatore is a chickenwuss, he'll order a slew of men toting automaticsto guard him. Don't let them see you before Salvatore leaves the club or they will bite onto your crotch and never let go.

\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\[QUICK ROUTE] Submitted by Derrick Chalom aka funkymushroom

In the mission "Sayonora Salvatore", you mention finding a quick route to Luigi's sex club. The quickest route I have found so far, is not to go by land, but to go to the harbor by Asuka's condo, and look for a boat called a Speeder, which is the fastest boat around. It then takes about 3 seconds to get to Callahan Point in Portland. From there, you run to the nearest road point, jack a car, and you are right on the main strip leading to Luigi's, leaving you enough time to setup.

\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\[ALTERNATE STRATEGY] Submitted by Charlie Williams

An alternate method is to start stealing cars and crash them into the driveway of his club (about six will really seal it). Wait for his convoy and lob a grenade at them, even if you miss his car with the grenade, the chain of explosions will get him eventually.


-UNDER SURVEILLANCE- Rewards: $15,000 New Crime Boss

I dislike this mission. I dislike it a lot. Start by grabbing the Stinger outside of a Asuka's. Go up to Ammu-Nation and get a sniper rifle. Now, head towards the dot on the far right hand side. It will lead you into the park. As soon as you can see a floating arrow in the distance, stop, get out of thecar and take aim with your sniper rifle. There's two of them there, so fire ashot at each