GST Quick Facts

GST Quick Facts Here are some quick facts about India’s biggest tax reform since Independence.

Transcript of GST Quick Facts

No Tax – 0 %

GST – 5 %

GST – 12 %

GST – 18 %

GST – 28 %

Points to Remember

Key Facts

GST – What’s UP, What’s Down

Sector What’s Got Costlier What’s got Cheaper

GST – What’s UP, What’s Down

Sector What’s Got Costlier What’s got Cheaper

The GST Club

▶ 160 Countries have GST

▶ India’s rate among the highest (28 % of the top slab)

▶ Scandinavian countries have highest single rate of 25 %

▶ Uruguay & Argentina follow with 22 % and 21 %