GSA GrantProposalTips

Writing a Successful (GSA) Grant Proposal Grants In Aid Of Research Committee, Geological Society of America 10.21.2014 Sarah Hayes Paul Wetmore Madeline Gotkowitz



Transcript of GSA GrantProposalTips

Writing a Successful (GSA) Grant Proposal Grants In Aid Of Research Committee, Geological Society of America 10.21.2014 Sarah Hayes Paul Wetmore Madeline Gotkowitz Funding Funding rate ~50% Most awards $1,000- $2,500 In 2014 52% funded, average award $1,680 Specialized awards Exxon Mobil $7,500 Study area (geography or discipline) Demographics Applicant Requirements GSA Member Enrolled at a US, Canadian, Mexican or Central American university in an earth sciences program with a geologic component Only two GSA student grants during academic career Advisor appraisal Progress report BY THE BOOK: Follow the Rules & Submit on Time Proposals due Monday February 2, 2015 by 7pm EST Proposal format 2014 1. Present the problem and the overall objectives of the project.2. Discuss the disciplinary and regional context.Importance of the project and state testable hypotheses.3. Figure. 4. Concisely state the plan to address the problem(s) and test the hypotheses.5. Budget and budget justification. 6. Additional funds, CV, references Proposal format 2014 1. Present the problem and the overall objectives of the project.2. Discuss the disciplinary and regional context.Importance of the project and state testable hypotheses.3. Figure. 4. Concisely state the plan to address the problem(s) and test the hypotheses.5. Budget and budget justification. 6. Additional funds, CV, references Broader Impacts Testable Hypotheses Effective Figures BudgetsBroader Impacts: Why is your research worth doing? Put your project in a broad context Demonstrate that you have done your homework; citing relevant publications Clearly state the significance of the topic You dont need to solve the entire problem, but demonstrate that you are aware of it Help the reviewer understand how the proposed work fits into the larger context Example A study of sodium and chloride levels in a local stream Not: The residents would like to sue the developer to recoup costs for new storm water management plans. Instead: Winter deicing chemicals are used extensively across the northern United States. Example Using a EM31 to map depth to bedrock across a large area in the township down the road. Not: The town board wants to evaluate a landfill expansion, and the EM31 will be an inexpensive way to collect this data.

Instead:Many engineering and resource evaluation projects require accurate estimates of the thickness of unconsolidated materials. However, the expense of drilling limits its utility. The EM31 offers Example Paleoseismology of Rose Canyon Fault Not: The seismic history of Rose Canyon Fault has not been studied previously Instead: The seismic history of fault zones are critical to developing accurate hazard assessments. The magnitudes of prehistoric earthquakes, their timing, and their recurrence intervals are significant in developing such assessments. Examination of mass balance of tellurium during copper extraction. Not: tellurium is important to solar panels. Instead: Availability of critical elements is a key source of uncertainty in large-scale deployment ofemerging energy technologies.Accurate assessment and optimization of future supply depends on functional exploration models and optimization of extraction technologies. Example Posing a Hypothesis A phenomenon having been observedthe investigator invents ahypothesis in explanation.He then devises and applies a test of the validity of the hypothesis.If it does not stand the test he discards it [the hypothesis] and invents a new one.If it survives the test heproceeds at once to devise a second test.And he thus continues until he finds a hypothesis that remains unscathed after all the tests his imagination can suggest. -G.K. Gilbert(copied from Lock, 1990 Geology) Hypotheses: Statement and Testing Strong proposals seek funding to test multiple competing hypotheses that can realistically explain/answer the broader problem/question you will have raised in the first section of the GSA proposal. Hypotheses: Multiple and Realistic Hypotheses: Multiple and Realistic A hypothesis should have a realistic chance of answering the question raised. No straw men No hypotheses that have already been discounted While you may only be able to test one hypothesis in your proposed study, you would be wise to at least discuss other competing hypotheses. Hypotheses: Logical connection to proposed test(s) Before you can reasonably discuss your test(s) you will need to detail the logical connection between your hypothesis and your proposed test. Hypothesis X predicts that Y will happen because Therefore, it follows that test Z could be applied to learn if Y actually happened. Dont leave it to the reviewer to connect these dots. Hypotheses: Logical connection to proposed test(s) From Aranda-Gomez et al-2003 Hypotheses: Logical connection to proposed test(s) From Caplinger, 2012 A good figure helps explain your research Your proposal must contain a figure This is a GREAT opportunity!PDF format no larger than 5 MB Do: Make figure focused, clear Minimize clutter Dont: Cut and paste a figure from apublication or your advisors grant! Effective Figures are worth Somethi ng? What kind of figure is most effective? 1. What is the purpose of your figure? Help explain some complexity- save text Conceptual model youre testing Highlight impact of your research 2. What kind of figure might be appropriate? Picture Map Conceptual model Flow chart of research plan Your figure can (and should?) have multiple parts A good figure helps explain your research question. 3. Building and refine your figure Title- orient your audience Images- cartoons, pictures, schematics, maps, etc Caption Details: Legend, scale bars Annotate figure to highlight key elements Easy to read all text Visually appealing Use colors to make understanding intuitive Mineral transformations as a function of depth in the Iron King mine tailings as demonstrated by XRD. Figure 1: Site map. Iron King mine tailings are located in semi-arid central Arizona and contain elevated levels of toxic metals.(A) Mine tailings are located adjacent to the town of Dewey- Humbolt. (B) Dust emissions is the principal mechanism of metal transport off site.(C) Tailings were sampled as a function of depth.Redox boundary at ~35 cm indicated by change in color (grey to orange) and pH. Town of Dewey-Humbolt B C Figure 2: Historic tailings at Delamar, NV. A) Study site is located in Southern Nevada, B) Regional context of site showing streambed transporting tailings to playa and nearby riparian corridor, C) Two tailings piles at the site sampled as a function of depth, locations designated by red stars, D) Tailings depth profile. Images: Google maps, Photos: S.Hayes. consolidated unconsolidated BA C D Streambed RiperianCorridor Site 2 mi Figure 3: Conceptual model of efflorescent salt formation 1. Wetting2. Drying Translocation Evaporation Precipitation Capillary action Pb2+ SO42- PbSO4 Wetting Drying PbSO4 Pb2+ SO42- The formation of efflorescent salts in mine tailings results in the accumulation ofbioavailable, transportable forms of toxic metals at the tailings surface.They form through (1) water infiltration into pores during wetting cycles that dissolve minerals, liberating ions to solution.(2) During drying cycles, evapotranspiration translocates these ion rich pore waters to the surface.The water evaporates, concentrating the solutions until salt formation occurs. Budget and Budget Justification Budget Dos and Donts: Things you can ask money for: Travel and lodging for field work (including per diem, mileage) Analyses Consumables in the field/lab Field assistant expenses Equipment rentals Things you cant ask money for: Travel to or registration for meetings!!!!! Personal equipment (e.g. boots, tents, sleeping bags) Standard equipment (e.g. Brunton compass, thin sectioning machines) Your project can cost more than $2,500, but you should tell us how you are going to pay for the remainder. Your project must be distinct from larger projects funded through another agency (e.g. NSF). Funds can not already been allocated for this research. Budget Dos and Donts (cont.): Budget Dos and Donts (cont.): The budget you request will need to be: Justified Explicitly tied to the research you outline in the project description section Reflect accurate prices for the services and commodities you need, and to sum properly. Example: Collect data at Stanfords SHRIMP lab Flight$817 Ride share2@ $30$60 Lodging7@ $137$959 Per Diem8@$59$472 Lab supplies and hourly use fee$150 Total$2,458 Justification: 7 days instrument time scheduled February 3-10, 2014 Alaska Airlines FAI SFO FAI (only carrier servicing FAI, priced 10-20-2014) Eco-lodge ($137 per night) cheapest option available within walking distance of SHRIMP and several restaurants, meaning no rental car is necessary. SHRIMP lab requires users purchase their own epoxy for mounting grains ($30) and use of heavy liquid separation lab (~4 hrs @ $30/ hr). Other Justifications Hertz Rental Car: 9 days at $89. Pickup with 4WD is required to carry field equipment and reach remote mountain field sites. Gas: 357 miles Denver to Gunnison (357 x 2), 50 miles per day to field site (50 x 8).1,114 miles x gal/18 mi x $4.15/ gal= $257 Samples must remain frozen prior to analysis, requiring storage in dry ice (30 lbs @ $5.00/lb) and overnight shipping (3 coolers at $45 ea). WD-XRF 12 samples @ $16 at Activation laboratories Shipping to Activation laboratories via Fed-Ex $35 Arizona Laboratory for Emerging Contaminants: 55 element ICP-MS 12 samples @ $37 Acme labs: Radiogenic nuclides 12 samples @ $150 Writing Quality: It is never too early to start writing! If I had more time I would write a shorter letter Samuel Clemens Dont write in a vacuum.Seek out others to review your writing, especially your advisor(s). Write for the appropriate audience.In this case professional geologists who may not be in your field. Make sure you have addressed the question(s) asked in each section. You may know what you want to say, but have you actually said it clearly? Keep your writing simple and in the active voice.Actor then action/description: Pedro ate two tortas. (Active) Two tortas were eaten by Pedro. (Passive) Writing QualityClarity: Avoid excessive jargonkeep in mind that your reviewers, while they will be geologists, may not be specialists in your field. Minimize the number of acronyms you employ (e.g. San Andreas Fault (SAF)).dont make your reviewers have to memorize more than one or two for these short proposals. Writing QualityClarity: Make sure your paragraphs start with a strong topic sentence!Let the reader know where you are going in each paragraph.Dont start in the middle of an idea. Make sure your paragraphs stay on topic!Avoid non sequiturs. Writing QualityClarity: Avoid the rookie mistake of providing too much background. You need just enough to provide context and to convince the reviewers that the area you have chosen provides you with a good chance of successfully answering your question. Avoid using full citations (e.g. Harries and others, 2009). Instead, number your references in the order they are used the text, following Science or Nature styles.We promise not to tell GSA. Writing QualityShort and to the point!: It is a damn poor mind indeed which cant think of at least two ways to spell any word. -Andrew Jackson Be sure to spell check your proposal before final submission.Check to be sure youve used the correct forms of homonyms (e.g. Their, there, and theyre; its and its) Writing Qualitybefore you submit Make sure your proposal has logical flow. From bottom to top: The budget you list covers all, and only, the methods you outline in the proposal. The methods you list will test the hypothesis/hypotheses you have outlined to explain your problem. The hypothesis/hypotheses you list do actually address the problem you described. Writing QualityClarity: Logical flow (a very simple) example: BUDGET Funds to map individual intrusions in pluton X METHODS Mapping individual intrusions will allow us to constrain the number and volume of melt pulses HYPOTHESES 1)Plutons can be constructed by many small melt pulses, or 2)a small number of very large pulses PROBLEM/QUESTION How are plutons/magma chambers constructed? In case you napped: Start early READ and FOLLOW the rules!!!! Get help, feedback, revise! Reread the rules- be sure you addressed every question appropriately! Budget realistically Put thought into your figure- its worth it! Writing quality is key! Results will be sent via email in mid April and award checks will be mailed by the end of April Good luck Proposals due Monday February 2, 2015 by 2pm EST Results and reviews are sent in mid April Award checks will be mailed by the end of April Good luck Results and reviews are sent in mid April Award checks will be mailed by the end of April