Email: [email protected]

    Email: [email protected]


    Barry Marynick &

    Larry Palmer

    The annual report is always a

    compelling reminder of the spirit of

    companionship that thrives at Camphill.

    It is also a celebration of the past but

    equally so an opportunity to talk about

    where we are heading. We think the

    pictures tell the real story!

    We must again say goodbye and thank

    you to some friends who helped make

    this past year a good one; Kevin

    Jackson, Hugh Forrest and Paige

    Souter whose contributions to our

    Board will not soon be forgotten.

    We began the year with the creation of our Strategic Plan. This was the exciting culmination of discussions with companions, co-workers, families and friends, and will guide us through 2016.

    One of our primary goals is establishing

    co-operative and collegial connections

    with other community service

    organizations. The spirit of that

    objective can be seen throughout this


    In March we honoured the Barrie Mayor

    Jeff Lehman with the first annual CCO

    Community Action Award.

    This was a wonderful celebration of

    community and without the

    contributions of Treasa O’Driscoll,

    Scott Hurst and Mike Beard, could not

    have been as successful!

    Once again we would be remiss if we did

    not acknowledge the dedicated support

    of the Ministry of Community & Social

    Services and in particular that of our

    Program Supervisor, Chris Battler!

    Chris has been a tireless advocate of

    CCO for a number of years and we are

    deeply indebted for the Ministry’s

    support in assisting with ongoing

    companion needs.

    Lastly, we thank our companions for the

    grace of allowing us into their lives; the

    co-workers for their steadfast dedication

    to helping companions achieve their

    dreams; families for their support of our

    ideals and indeed all the volunteers who

    give so graciously of their time.

    Camphill is an extraordinary place

    because of your spirit!


    Emily Alward &

    Fatima de Vasconcelos

    Ministry of Community & Social Services

    78% Room & Board


    Camphill Foundation Grants


    Day Program Income 3%

    Fundraising Donations 1%

    Subsidies for Small Capital



  • We are fortunate to welcome Joe Lang to our

    administrative team. Joe has taken on the role of

    Program Manager for Camphill Communities. Joe

    comes to us with over 25 years experience in the

    social services, and has known us at Camphill for

    a few years.

    Ode to our Founders… Larry Palmer

    Some 35 years ago, Chuck and

    Diane Kyd happened into the lives

    of a group of child companions

    living together in a house in rural


    Serendipity reared its head and

    Chuck & Diane soon found

    themselves at Beaver Run near

    Philadelphia and immersed

    themselves in the understanding

    of anthroposophy and values of

    being a Camphill. They studied and

    learned there for about 3 years

    and returned to Caledon in 1983.

    Realizing now that they wished to

    dedicate themselves to the lives of

    this small group of children they

    decided that they needed a new

    place to live.

    After quite a search they

    discovered the plot of land in

    Angus that would eventually

    become known as Nottawasaga

    and become home to 22 other

    adult companions and a host of

    life-sharing co-workers and international students.

    So, in 1983 Camphill Communities

    Ontario entered its infancy, with

    Chuck and Diane supplying the

    leadership, passion and

    commitment to this important


    Under their guidance they applied

    to the Camphill Association of

    North America and were granted

    official Camphill status in 1986.

    Many others joined as life-sharing

    co-workers and as families learned

    of this amazing place, new

    companions were invited to join

    their lives. Chuck and Diane began

    life-sharing at Algoma, which was

    CCO’s first Village home.

    In 1997 Chuck and Diane’s vision

    moved outward and they decided

    that an urban community could

    blossom in Barrie. Once again their

    dedication to Camphill values

    resulted in the creation of the

    Sophia Creek community.

    Many others have certainly made

    extraordinary contributions to

    this place Camphill but Chuck

    and Diane have long been the

    heart and soul that surrounds

    and envelops the spirit of

    Camphill Communities Ontario.

    Last summer we celebrated

    Chuck’s move into retirement,

    and Diane has now decided to

    join her dearest companionChuck. Those many, many of

    us who have been touched by

    their care and love know full well

    that retirement for them is not

    what it means to most. For Chuck

    and Diane it only means a slightly

    different way of living within


    Chuck and Diane's presence hereis far more than their home in

    the heart of Sophia Creek. It

    resides in the core and value of

    companionship that makes this

    place extraordinary; that makes

    both of them irreplaceable, now

    and always.


    Accessible Van $30 000.00

    Vacation/exchange and extra support needs for companions $30 000.00 per year

    Ongoing education and training for our staff and educational exchanges to other

    Camphill communities $25 000.00

    Improving and expanding administration space (the old barn just doesn’t work

    for us anymore) $60 000.00

    Land Developmento Hoop Barn for sheltered workspace for the farm crew $55 000.00o Land Centre to accommodate farm, garden, herbery work and sales to

    public $250 000.00 for the year of 2016

    Housingo Increasing options for current companions through renovations in

    existing homes $30 000.00o Creating housing opportunities in the wider community $50 000.00

    VOLUNTEERS We need you!

    There are opportunities for volunteering at Camphill;

    job coaching, gardening, giving tours at both locations,

    helping with our events and joining fundraising

    committees to address needs and opportunities. Please

    contact Sandra Mucci at 705 424 5363

    Thank you to our Supporters

    We are deeply grateful for the ongoing support from Camphill Foundation

    Canada, Camphill Foundation USA, Harrison McCain Foundation, Mulock

    Foundation, Trillium, and many faithful donors.


    Living the good life with friends

    A place of my own:

    Six of our companions have moved into

    apartments that are attached to our homes.

    This has been a positive development,

    providing more personal choice and

    additional space. There is still the security of

    the community, with friends and supporters a

    few steps away.

    Ask Jamie, Leah, Annette, Sandra, Terri and

    Rachel about their apartments, they have

    some great stories to tell.

    Welcome to new residents: Tournesol housecommunity welcomed Josh and Sean this year. Josh comes from

    Midland area and Sean from Barrie. Both gentlemen love the

    rural life, and it feels like they have been around forever!

    Rachel came to us last summer, and lives in Crystalline

    apartment. Rachel is transitioning out of high school this year

    and fully into Camphill life. Watch for “Rachel’s report” on our

    website. She has a school project taking photos and telling stories of her Camphill life. Welcome Rachel!

    John Stuparyk has joined Raventree house. John moved here

    recently, and seems very at home at Camphill. John has many

    talents to bring to the community and we look forward to getting

    to know him better.

    Cohousing project at Nottawasaga

    Planning has been underway for the past year

    for a cohousing project at Camphill. We envision

    20 – 25 units of housing being constructed for

    anyone who would like to be part of it. Families,

    seniors, people with support needs, individuals

    looking for a rural community setting are all

    welcome to join the initiative.

    Our housing consultant Ed Starr and his

    associates have been taking us through the

    process, and after a lot of work to determine

    the level of interest and needs we are moving

    towards a design concept with architect Charles

    Simon. Stay tuned!







    Living the good life with friends

    A place of my own:

    Six of our companions have moved into

    apartments that are attached to our homes.

    This has been a positive development,

    providing more personal choice and

    additional space. There is still the security of

    the community, with friends and supporters a

    few steps away.

    Ask Jamie, Leah, Annette, Sandra, Terri and

    Rachel about their apartments, they have

    some great stories to tell.

    Welcome to new residents: Tournesol housecommunity welcomed Josh and Sean this year. Josh comes from

    Midland area and Sean from Barrie. Both gentlemen love the

    rural life, and it feels like they have been around forever!

    Rachel came to us last summer, and lives in Crystalline

    apartment. Rachel is transitioning out of high school this year

    and fully into Camphill life. Watch for “Rachel’s report” on our

    website. She has a school project taking photos telling stories of

    her Camphill life. Welcome Rachel!

    John Stuparyk has joined Raventree house. John moved here

    recently, and seems very at home at Camphill. John has many

    talents to bring to the community and we look forward to getting

    to know him better.

    Cohousing project at Nottawasaga

    Planning has been underway for the past year

    for a cohousing project at Camphill. We envision

    20 – 25 units of housing being constructed for

    anyone who would like to be part of it. Families,

    seniors, people with support needs, individuals

    looking for a rural community setting are all

    welcome to join the initiative.

    Our housing consultant Ed Starr and his

    associates have been taking us through the

    process, and after a lot of work to determine

    the level of interest and needs we are moving

    towards a design concept with architect Charles

    Simon. Stay tuned!






  • The Transform and Empower course,

    a six block course given in five day

    units over two years is led by Julia

    Wolfson. Staff, board members,

    parents, and coworkers from other

    communities are engaged as

    students in the course, and join us to

    learn how to support people with

    challenges to have safe and happy

    lives. This course inspires and

    supports our work. Our companions

    take part in some aspects of the

    course where their talents as

    teachers and as participants can be

    experienced. In between blocks, our

    students are engaged in project work

    in smaller groups to deepen the

    content of the courses. These

    courses are at the heart of our learning together at Camphill.

    Transform and Empower

    course at Novalis Hall

    Student Practicums at Camphill

    Students are coming to do their

    practicums at Camphill. In the past two

    years we have welcomed over 20

    students from York University and

    Georgian College. The nursing students

    have contributed substantial projects in

    health related subjects. The

    Developmental Service, Social Service

    and Personal Support students all

    contribute to the life of the homes and in

    the work areas. Our connection with the

    local high school, Nottawasaga Pines is

    growing and they have sent us a first

    student for her social practicum this

    year. All the students report that

    Camphill is a great place to be, and to

    learn. We are grateful for the projects,

    the support, and the ongoing

    friendships. And it was fun!



    We have welcomed twelve

    participants from Barrie, Orillia

    and Angus to our Day Program

    activities in 2012/13.

  • The Transform and Empower course,

    a six block course is given in five day

    units over two years is led by Julia

    Wolfson. Staff, board members,

    parents, and coworkers from other

    communities are engaged as

    students in the course, and join us to

    learn how to support people with

    challenges to have safe and happy

    lives. This course inspires and

    supports our work. Our companions

    take part in some aspects of the

    course where their talents as

    teachers and as participants can be

    experienced. In between blocks, our

    students are engaged in project work

    in smaller groups to deepen the

    content of the courses. These

    courses are the heart of our learning

    together at Camphill.

    Transform and Empower

    course at Novalis Hall

    Student Practicums at Camphill

    Students are coming to do their

    practicums at Camphill. In the past two

    years we have welcomed over 20

    students from York University and

    Georgian College. The nursing students

    have contributed substantial projects in

    health related subjects. The

    Developmental Service, Social Service

    and Personal Support students all

    contribute to the life of the homes and in

    the work areas. Our connection with the

    local high school, Nottawasaga Pines is

    growing and they have sent us a first

    student for her social practicum this

    year. All the students report that

    Camphill is a great place to be, and to

    learn. We are grateful for the projects,

    the support, and the ongoing

    friendships. And it was fun!



    We have welcomed twelve

    participants from Barrie, Orillia

    and Angus to our Day Program

    activities in 2012/13.

  • The Camphill Communities Ontario 2012-16 strategic plan was developed in

    three stages.

    First, the Board of Directors, along with the Executive Director and

    Administration Office Manager, met on April 19, 2012 to produce a first draft

    of the plan. Discussion covered both the organization’s positioning statements

    (its vision, mission and values) and strategic directions. The six strategic

    directions were each accompanied by goals and key steps.

    Attending from the Board were Directors Ron Parsons, Janet Scarfe, Barry

    Marynick, Kevin Jackson, Jansje Holmes, Hugh Forrest, Susan Graham-Clay and

    Paige Souter. Staff were Larry Palmer and Sandra Mucci.

    Then the Board asked a selection of stakeholders to review and comment on

    its work. This group included companions, co-workers and volunteers. Three

    Board members attended to listen to the input and to add their perspective.

    Two of the three offered a family point of view as well. The stakeholders came

    together on May 1st and engaged in thoughtful discussion that resulted in a

    number of recommendations for change.

    On May 26th the Board convened again, and considered the ideas of the

    stakeholder group. In the end the Board adopted many of the stakeholders’

    suggestions, confirming the quality of input provided.

    Camphill’s 2012-16 strategic plan will be implemented by developing and using

    a multi-year work plan that documents the directions, goals and key steps on a

    year by year basis. It will also include indicators of success, timelines and

    resources needed. The work plan will identify responsibility for action, which

    will fall either to staff through the Executive Director, or to the Board.

    The Plan


    A community where people of diverse

    abilities enjoy quality of life and

    personal growth in a rich social and

    cultural environment.


    Camphill’s mission is to enrich

    society by creating meaningful

    opportunities to live, learn, and

    work together.

    1. Service CapacityCamphill Communities Ontario will enhance

    its service capacity to the benefit of both

    current companions and those not yet

    receiving services.

    2. Utilization of CamphillProperties

    Camphill Communities Ontario will maintain, andoptimize the utilization of, its properties, ensuring that each asset is contributing to the quality of life and programs at Camphill to its fullest potential.

    3. Revenue GenerationCamphill Communities Ontario willincrease revenue through the enhancement of its relationship with Camphill Foundation Canada and throughindependent fundraising.

    4. Connections with the

    Broader CommunityCamphill Communities Ontario will develop and

    strengthen external connections with individuals,

    groups and other service providers within our

    broader community. 5. Service QualityCamphill Communities Ontario will enhance

    the quality of the services it provides through

    training, accreditation and enrichment of co-

    worker and companion experience.

    6. Cultural/spiritual life ofthe community Camphill Communities Ontario will continue to

    enhance the cultural and spiritual life

    experienced by companions, co-workers,

    volunteers, board, families and friends.

  • The Camphill Communities Ontario 2012-16 strategic plan was developed in

    three stages.

    First, the Board of Directors, along with the Executive Director and

    Administration Office Manager, met on April 19, 2012 to produce a first draft

    of the plan. Discussion covered both the organization’s positioning statements

    (its vision, mission and values) and strategic directions. The six strategic

    directions were each accompanied by goals and key steps.

    Attending from the Board were Directors Ron Parsons, Janet Scarfe, Barry

    Marynick, Kevin Jackson, Jansje Holmes, Hugh Forrest, Susan Graham-Clay and

    Paige Souter. Staff were Larry Palmer and Sandra Mucci.

    Then the Board asked a selection of stakeholders to review and comment on

    its work. This group included companions, co-workers and volunteers. Three

    Board members attended to listen to the input and to add their perspective.

    Two of the three offered a family point of view as well. The stakeholders came

    together on May 1st and engaged in thoughtful discussion that resulted in a

    number of recommendations for change.

    On May 26th the Board convened again, and considered the ideas of the

    stakeholder group. In the end the Board adopted many of the stakeholders’

    suggestions, confirming the quality of input provided.

    Camphill’s 2012-16 strategic plan will be implemented by developing and using

    a multi-year work plan that documents the directions, goals and key steps on a

    year by year basis. It will also include indicators of success, timelines and

    resources needed. The work plan will identify responsibility for action, which

    will fall either to staff through the Executive Director, or to the Board.

    The Plan


    A community where people of diverse

    abilities enjoy quality of life and

    personal growth in a rich social and

    cultural environment.


    Camphill’s mission is to enrich

    society by creating meaningful

    opportunities to live, learn, and

    work together.

    1. Service CapacityCamphill Communities Ontario will enhance

    its service capacity to the benefit of both

    current companions and those not yet

    receiving services.

    2. Utilization of Camphill PropertiesCamphill Communities Ontario will maintain, and optimize the utilization of, its properties, ensuring that each asset is contributing to the quality of life and programs at Camphill to its fullest potential.

    3. Revenue GenerationCamphill Communities Ontario will increase revenue through the enhancement of its relationship with Camphill Foundation Canada and through independent fundraising.

    4. Connections with the

    Broader Community Camphill Communities Ontario will develop and

    strengthen external connections with individuals,

    groups and other service providers within our

    broader community. 5. Service QualityCamphill Communities Ontario will enhance

    the quality of the services it provides through

    training, accreditation and enrichment of co-

    worker and companion experience.

    6. Cultural/spiritual life ofthe community Camphill Communities Ontario will continue to

    enhance the cultural and spiritual life

    experienced by companions, co-workers,

    volunteers, board, families and friends.


    Last summer our gardeners had a booth at the Farmer’s Market in Barrie. It was a successful year,

    both from a sales and a friend raising perspective. Thank you to Allan and the gardeners for this

    wonderful initiative. Catch them at the Farmer’s Market in Barrie, on Saturday mornings.

    Land Development

    We are good stewards of the land at Nottawasaga. We

    are nourished by the beautiful landscape, the fields of

    herbs and vegetables, the fruit trees, and the forest

    that give us maple syrup. The forest also gives us wood

    for our woodshop, and for woodstoves. The work on

    the land has been going on for over 25 years. Our

    farmers and gardeners need to expand their work to

    include more products and more people. We look

    forward to a third greenhouse dedicated to the herb

    work and a hoop barn so our farmers have some

    indoor space for doing farm and forestry work in the

    winter. In the next three years, a land building needs

    to be developed where the work on the land can find a

    practical and social centre.

    We are always busy at Camphill.

    There are many activities and work opportunities; two

    potteries, a weavery, a woodwork shop, a café, and the

    studios all provide meaningful work and social life for all.

    Eurythmy, speech, drama, music, and art classes all are part of

    our daily life at Camphill.


    Last summer our gardeners had a booth at the Farmer’s Market in Barrie. It was a successful year,

    both from a sales and a friend raising perspective. Thank you to Allan and the gardeners for this

    wonderful initiative. Catch them at the Farmer’s market in Barrie, on Saturday mornings.

    Land Development

    We are good stewards of the land at Nottawasaga. We

    are nourished by the beautiful landscape, the fields of

    herbs and vegetables, the fruit trees, and the forest

    that give us maple syrup. The forest also gives us wood

    for our woodshop, and for woodstoves. The work on

    the land has been going on for over 25 years. Our

    farmers and gardeners need to expand their work to

    include more products and more people. We look

    forward to a third greenhouse dedicated to the herb

    work and a hoop barn so our farmers have some

    indoor space for doing farm and forestry work in the

    winter. In the next three years, a land building needs

    to be developed where the work on the land can find a

    practical and social centre.

    We are always busy at Camphill.

    There are many activities and work opportunities; two

    potteries, a weavery, a woodwork shop, a café, and the

    studios all provide meaningful work and social life for all.

    Eurythmy, speech, drama, music, and art classes all are part of

    our daily life at Camphill.


    Save The Date!! March 20TH, 2014 Tribute Dinner

    MP Patrick Brown & Dr. Irvin


    The CCO Action Award celebrates the accomplishments of citizens whose visionary

    and practical contribution to community development significantly enhances our

    city’s cultural environment and makes for a richer social life.

    In March of 2013 we presented the first annual CCO Action Award to Barrie Mayor

    Jeff Lehman as part of a tribute dinner held at the Barrie Golf Club. Mayor Lehman

    became interested in the work of the Sophia Creek initiative when he served as a

    Barrie councilor. His ‘do as I do’ form of leadership is recognized by all of us as

    deeply inspiring and worthy of emulation. Over 150 people attended in honor of

    the Mayor while helping us raise much needed funds in support of all our services

    and supports.

    The Second Annual Award Tribute Dinner will honor Dr.

    Rick Irvin on March 20th

    , 2014 at the Liberty North

    conference centre in Barrie. Dr. Irvin and his wife were a

    driving force in raising funds to build Hospice Simcoe,

    and most recently he was one of only five recipients of

    the national Prime Minister Community Volunteer Leader

    Awards for 2012. Dr. Irvin has been a leader in palliative

    care and remains a tireless volunteer and ambassador for

    Hospice Simcoe. Artist Annette Parsons, presenting

    her work to Mayor Lehman


    Save The Date!! March 20TH, 2014 Tribute Dinner

    MP Patrick Brown & Dr. Irvin


    The CCO Action Award celebrates the accomplishments of citizens whose visionary

    and practical contribution to community development significantly enhances our

    city’s cultural environment and makes for a richer social life.

    In March of 2013 we presented the first annual CCO Action Award to Barrie Mayor

    Jeff Lehman as part of a tribute dinner held at the Barrie Golf Club. Mayor Lehman

    became interested in the work of the Sophia Creek initiative when he served as a

    Barrie counsellor. His ‘do as I do’ form of leadership is recognized by all of us as deeply inspiring and worthy of emulation. Over 150 people attended in honour of the Mayor while helping us raise much needed funds in support of all our services

    and supports.

    The Second Annual Award Tribute Dinner will honour Dr. Rick Irvin on March 20

    th, 2014 at the Liberty North

    conference centre in Barrie. Dr. Irvin and his wife were a

    driving force in raising funds to build Hospice Simcoe,

    and most recently he was one of only five recipients of

    the national Prime Minister Community Volunteer Leader

    Awards for 2012. Dr. Irvin has been a leader in palliative

    care and remains a tireless volunteer and ambassador for

    Hospice Simcoe. Artist Annette Parsons, presenting

    her work to Mayor Lehman

  • We are fortunate to welcome Joe Lang to our

    administrative team. Joe has taken on the role of

    Program Manager for Camphill Communities. Joe

    comes to us with over 25 years experience in the

    social services, and has known us at Camphill for

    a few years.

    Ode to our Founders… Larry Palmer

    Some 35 years ago, Chuck and

    Diane Kyd happened into the lives

    of a group of child companions

    living together in a house in rural


    Serendipity reared its head and

    Chuck & Diane soon found

    themselves at Beaver Run near

    Philadelphia and immersed

    themselves in the understanding

    of anthroposophy and values of

    being a Camphill. They studied and

    learned there for about 3 years

    and returned to Caledon in 1983.

    Realizing now that they wished to

    dedicate themselves to the lives of

    this small group of children they

    decided that they needed a new

    place to live.

    After quite a search they

    discovered the plot of land in

    Angus that would eventually

    become known as

    Nottawasaga and become home to

    22 other adult companions and a

    host of life-sharing co-workers and

    international students.

    So, in 1983 Camphill Communities

    Ontario entered its infancy, with

    Chuck and Diane supplying the

    leadership, passion and

    commitment to this important


    Under their guidance they applied

    to the Camphill Association of

    North America and were granted

    official Camphill status in 1986.

    Many others joined as life-sharing

    co-workers and as families learned

    of this amazing place, new

    companions were invited to join

    their lives. Chuck and Diane began

    life-sharing at Algoma, which was

    CCO’s first Village home.

    In 1997 Chuck and Diane’s vision

    moved outward and they decided

    that an urban community could

    blossom in Barrie. Once again their

    dedication to Camphill values

    resulted in the creation of the

    Sophia Creek community.

    Many others have certainly made

    extraordinary contributions to

    this place Camphill but Chuck

    and Diane have long been the

    heart and soul that surrounds

    and envelopes the spirit of

    Camphill Communities Ontario.

    Last summer we celebrated

    Chuck’s move into retirement,

    and Diane has now decided to

    join her dearest companion

    Chuck. Those many, many of us

    who have been touched by their

    care and love know full well that

    retirement for them is not what

    it means to most. For Chuck and

    Diane it only means a slightly

    different way of living within


    They presence is far more than

    their home in the heart of Sophia

    Creek. It resides in the core and

    value of companionship that

    makes this place extraordinary;

    that makes both of them

    irreplaceable, now and always.


    Accessible Van $30 000.00

    Vacation/exchange and extra support needs for companions $30 000.00 per year

    Ongoing education and training for our staff and educational exchanges to other

    Camphill communities $25 000.00

    Improving and expanding administration space (the old barn just doesn’t work

    for us anymore) $60 000.00

    Land Development o Hoop Barn for sheltered workspace for the farm crew $55 000.00o Land Centre to accommodate farm, garden, herbery work and sales to

    public $250 000.00 for the year of 2016

    Housing o Increasing options for current companions through renovations in

    existing homes $30 000.00o Creating housing opportunities in the wider community $50 000.00

    VOLUNTEERS We need you!

    There are opportunities for volunteering at Camphill;

    job coaching, gardening, giving tours at both locations,

    helping with our events and joining fundraising

    committees to address needs and opportunities. Please

    contact Sandra Mucci at 705 424 5363

    Thank you to our Supporters

    We are deeply grateful for the ongoing support from Camphill Foundation

    Canada, Camphill Foundation USA, Harrison McCain Foundation, Mulock

    Foundation, Trillium, and many faithful donors.


    Barry Marynick &

    Larry Palmer

    The annual report is always a

    compelling reminder of the spirit of

    companionship that thrives at Camphill.

    It is also a celebration of the past but

    equally so an opportunity to talk about

    where we are heading. We think the

    pictures tell the real story!

    We must again say goodbye and thank

    you to some friends who helped make

    this past year a good one; Kevin

    Jackson, Hugh Forrest and Paige

    Souter whose contributions to our

    Board will not soon be forgotten.

    We began the year with the creation of our Strategic Plan. This was the exciting culmination of discussions with companions, co-workers, families and friends, and will guide us through 2016.

    One of our primary goals is establishing

    co-operative and collegial connections

    with other community service

    organizations. The spirit of that

    objective can be seen in throughout this


    In March we honored the Barrie Mayor

    Jeff Lehman with the first annual CCO

    Community Action Award.

    This was a wonderful celebration of

    community and without the

    contributions of Treasa O’Driscoll,

    Scott Hurst and Mike Beard, could not

    have been as successful!

    Once again we would be remiss if we did

    not acknowledge the dedicated support

    of the Ministry of Community & Social

    Services and in particular that of our

    Program Supervisor, Chris Battler!

    Chris has been a tireless advocate of

    CCO for a number of years and we are

    deeply indebted for the Ministry’s

    support in assisting with ongoing

    companion needs.

    Lastly, we thank companions for the

    grace of allowing us into their lives; the

    co-workers for their steadfast dedication

    to helping companions achieve their

    dreams; families for their support of our

    ideals and indeed all the volunteers who

    give so graciously of their time.

    Camphill is extraordinary place

    because of your spirit!


    Emily Alward &

    Fatima de Vasconcelos

    Ministry of Community & Social Services

    78% Room & Board


    Camphill Foundation Grants


    Day Program Income 3%

    Fundraising Donations 1%

    Subsidies for Small Capital







    Email: [email protected]

    Email: [email protected]

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