Grow In Recession

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa Grow in Recession: Successful Execution as an untapped opportunity Special Presentation Dusseldorf, 12th of January 2010

Transcript of Grow In Recession

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa

Grow in Recession: Successful Execution as anuntapped opportunitySpecial Presentation

Dusseldorf, 12th of January 2010

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa

Your Roadblocks than impede results…


¨Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.¨

Albert Einstein

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa

Yes!!!, there are still opportunities to grow


…is THE core area

to improve


© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa


© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa

It is necessary to Change our Marketing Dynamics


The fundamentals of good

execution start with clarifying decision rights and making sure information flows where it needs to go…

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa


Clarifyng decision rights:

Who owns each decision:

Ensure that everyone knowswhich decisions and actions theyare responsible for

Who must provide input:Encourage higher-level managers to delegate operational decisions

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa

Change Marketing Dynamics

Use of WEB 2.0

Develop the new CRM Ecosystem

Learn from your customers

There are 4 key areas to be developed faster


Information Flow:

Make sure information aboutcompetitive enviroment flowsquickly to headquarters

Facilitate information flow acrossorganization

Help field and line employeesunderstand they day-to-day choicesaffect your bottom line results

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa

What´s you Current Organization Profile?


Passive-Agressive“Everyone agrees, but nothing changes.”Congenial and seemingly conflict-free, this organization builds consensus easily, but struggles to implement agreed-upon plans





Military Precision


¨We’re from Corporate, and we’re here to help.”Multiple layers of management create "analysis paralysis“ in a frequently

bureaucratic and highly political environment

“The good old days meet a brave new world.”Too large and complex to be effectively controlled by a small team, this organization has yet to "democratize" decision-making authorit.

“Let 1,000 flowers bloom.”This organization has scores of smart, motivated, and talented people, but they rarely pull in the same direction at the same time.

“Succeeding by the skin of our teeth…”While inconsistently prepared for change, this organization can “turn on a dime” when necessary, without losing sight of the big picture

“Flying in formation”Often driven by a small, involved senior team, it succeeds through superior execution and the efficiency of its operating model

“As good as it gets”Flexible enough to adapt quickly to external market shifts, it still remains steadfastly focused on and aligned behind a coherent business strategy

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa


“Everyone agrees on a course of action, but nothing changes.”

“There goes another opportunity, while we wait for a decision.”

“It’s a great idea; it’ll never happen.”

“The businesses and functions just aren’t working together to get results.”

“I don’t feel motivated to go the extra mile. What’s in it for Me?”

“ We have the right strategy and a clear implementation plan, but we can’t seem to execute.”

The main Roadblocks than impede results…

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa

Organization Trait: Be effective…


Everyhone has a good idea of the decisions and actions for which he or she is responsible

Important information about the competitiveenviroment gets to headquarters quickly

Once made, decisions are rarely secondguessed

Information flows freely acrossorganizational boundaries

Field and line employees usually have theinformation they need to understand thebottom-line impact of their work

Line managers have acess to the metrics theyneed to measure the key driver of their business





© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa

It is necessary to Change our Marketing Dynamics


© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa

It is necessary to Change our Marketing Dynamics


It is time for the peopleInternet 2.0 = to share

Tackle decisions rights and information flowfirst, and only then alter organizationalstructures and relign incentives to supportthose moves

© 2009 Jorge Serrano González-Barosa


Ensure that people reallyunderstand what theyare responsible for

…and who makeswich decisions