Group presentation one=mcc

Group Presentation on E = MC sq Group presentation : Julius Shrestha Manisha Kharel Monita Gurung

Transcript of Group presentation one=mcc

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Group Presentation on

E = MC sq

Group presentation: Julius Shrestha

Manisha Kharel Monita Gurung

Ramesh Shrestha

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Biography of Albert Einstein:

Born March 14, 1879 Ulm, Württemberg, Germany

Died April 18, 1955 (aged 76) Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Residence Germany, Italy, Switzerland, US Citizenship German (1879–96, 1914–33)

Swiss (1901–55) American (1940–55)

Ethnicity Jewish Fields Physicist Known for General relativity ,

Special relativity , Brownian motion , Photoelectric effect , Mass-energy equivalence , Einstein field equations , Unified Field Theory , Bose–Einstein statistics , EPR paradox

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Notable awards Nobel Prize in Physics (1921) Copley Medal (1925) Max Planck Medal (1929)


Einstein memorial at national academy of science ,washington ,D.C

Young Einstein at age 14 at the yr 1893

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SOCIAL CONDITION: During the late 18 th century a lot of things were

happening in the country.though he was born in Germany he still wasn’t able to stay there as he was a jews and pacifists.Thinking of people were narrowed at that time.this could be clearly known as Einstein's mother had objected him marrying Mileva because she had a prejudice against Serbs and thought Marić was "too old", and "physically defective.“The main even that happened was the nuclear bomb attack in hirosimaand nagasaki. War in Europe had ended, but fighting with Japan continued. The Allies – particularly the Americans – were suffering heavy losses in the Pacific and the US decided to use the greatest force at its disposal.

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Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 and Nagasaki three days later. Japan surrendered and six years of conflict was over. Upwards of 80,000 people were killed

War in Europe had ended, but fighting with Japan continued. The Allies – particularly the Americans – were suffering heavy losses in the Pacific and the US decided to use the greatest force at its disposal. Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 and Nagasaki three days later. Japan surrendered and six years of conflict was over. Upwards of 80,000 people were killed

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Affect on hirosima after the nuclear attack

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Pearl harbour after attack

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Economic condition:

Well einstein life seems to be very luxious and fulfilling in his early childhood.Due to econimic problem and his father’s failing business they had to leave Munich and moved to Milan,Italy.In 1902 he began working as aclerk at the swiss patent office.though it was a low paying job he loved it.his life style satrted getting betterin prague,bohemia.

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POLITICAL CONDITION: With increasing public demands, his involvement in

political, humanitarian, and academic projects in various countries, and his new acquaintances with scholars and political figures from around the world, Einstein was less able to achieve the productive isolation that he needed in order to work.Due to his fame and genius, Einstein found himself called on to give conclusive judgments on matters that had nothing to do with theoretical physics or mathematics. He was not timid, and he was aware of the world around him, with no illusion that ignoring politics would make world events fade away. His very visible position allowed him to speak and write frankly, even provocatively,

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at a time when many people of conscience could only flee to the underground or keep doubts about developments within their own movements to themselves for fear of internecine fighting. Einstein flouted the ascendant Nazi movement, tried to be a voice of moderation in the tumultuous formation of the State of Isarel and braved anti-communist politics and resistance to the civil rights movement in the United States. He participated in the 1927 congress of the League against Imperialism in Brussels.During his era there were Cold War era, Zionism, Anti-Nazism , world war 2 happening.

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Mathematical Interpretation

Principal of Conservation of Energy:

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be changed from one form to another i.e. magnetic energy can be converted to electric energy, and the latter can again be converted to heat or light energy.

Example- the torque produced from turbine converts magnetic force to electric energy .When the electric energy is used by bulb then the form of energy changes into light energy and heat energy.

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Change in the forms of Energy

If the adjacent diagram is considered as the system where the energy is constant. The pendulum has the mass M and height be h.

During oscillation, at the extreme point A & B ,mass (m) as higher by h then at C.

When mass (M) reaches at point C from extreme A & B it gradually looses highest (h) and gains velocity (V).

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Potential Energy : Energy possessed by rest object (has volume and mass).

Pe= mgh

Where m=mass; g=acceleration due to gravity; and h=height

Kinetic energy: Energy possessed by moving object.

Ke = ½(mv2)

Where V=velocity

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This phenomenon can be expressed thus

At C potential energy =mgh……….1

At B Kinetic energy = ½(mv2)………2

When mass moves from A to C; ½(mv2)= ½{m(g*2*h)}=mgh =

Pe [here a=g and g=(v2-

u2)/2h where u=initial velocity

=0 @extreme v=final

velocity] This gives v=g*2*h

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When mass moves from C to B;

mgh = {m(v2/(2*h) }h= ½(mv2) = Ke

[here a=g and g=(v2-u2)/2h

where u=initial velocity =0 @extreme

v=final velocity]

This gives g= v2/(2*h)

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From above slide we conclude that at any point pe is equal to ke.

mgh + ½(mv2) =mechanical energy

Which is ;

pe and ke both are the forms of energy and gets continuously change into one another as mass oscillates.

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It can be considered when all other forms are kept constant but in nature there is no absolute system. In this system energy continuously dwindle. Because frictional force exist among them .And if frictional force prevails in system ,energy gets new form as heat .

The nature of heat energy is to transfer from hot object to the cold one and thus all energy later transforms into heat and transfer to the surrounding leaving null energy in the system because surrounding is much cooler.

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And here Einstein explains this state as fusion of the conservation of mechanical and thermal energy. This fusion now created physicists to evolve new hypothesis about conservation of energy into other forms and its application in other field like chemical to electro magnetic field.

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When Physicists accepted this principle they lacked the relation between mass and energy. There was some agent missing which was ready to connect the special theory of relativity. Thus later it was merged with energy, the new agent.

E = MC2

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where E= energy (kg m2 s-2 ) M=Mass (kg) C=speed of light(3.3*108 ms-1 )Here, energy is directly proportional to speed of

light and mass E∞M E∞C2

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Einstein gives the genuine example among the relation between energy ,mass and speed of light .According to him when any object of mass (m) is heated by 10 degrees, then increase in the mass (Δm) is equal to energy at current state divided by square of speed of light . The concern about the increase in mass can be expressed as


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But, the mass or increment (Δm) can not be detected as Δm is negligible compared to the original mass (m).

From this example he wants to show the validity of the theory in every aspect and in every field.

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If mass is to be measured then one should search such a system where change of energy per mass unit (E/m) must be enormously large. This system is only possible at QUANTAM LEVEL( the state where every things are in motion).

Taking the example of system where unit atom is present.

(consists of electron(-ve), proton (+ve) and neutron (neutral)) .

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Viewing closely radioactive disintegration

His example of mass disintegration is actually based on the splitting of Uranium into Krypton and Xenon

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Uranium containing mass when it gets stricked by neutral particle neutron it splits into Krypton mass and Xenon mass .where both are stable atoms.

When sum of both new atom are measured it is always less than Radioactive atom. Because lost mass gets dissipated into rays (C) (beta, gamma) and lots of energy (E).

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E=Mc2 is an informative essay by Albert Einstein which is assisted by illustrations, diagram, questions and analogy.

Einstein often writes of “physicists" or “the physicists” thereby to distance himself from them. He does this probably due to one of the following reasons:

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I. This particular essay is taken from “Out of My Later Years“, after Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been doomed by two atom bombs ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat Man'. And Einstein at that time was advocating in the favor of disarmament and peace.

II. Or, he alienates himself from his own identity as a physicist because this essay is aimed at common people.

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Similarly, Einstein uses the analogy of rich man( paragraph 9) effectively and logically to show radioactive disintegration where M is disintegrated. Through this analogy ,Einstein reaches to the main idea of the essay in the last line:

“Averting that threat has become the urgent problem of our time.”

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The title of the essay is the most talked about mathematical formula of the past millenium.Einstein chooses this title to make clear the relationship between mass, light and energy to common people (shown by example of rich man) outside of his own primary discourse community of theoretical physicists.

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In the end Einstein’s voice