Group 4 Presentation Lets shoot out poverty!!!

Lets shoot out poverty!!!

Transcript of Group 4 Presentation Lets shoot out poverty!!!

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Lets shoot out poverty!!!

Page 2: Group 4 Presentation Lets shoot out poverty!!!

The Egalitarians



Imran Khan



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Triumph Fighting poverty, injustice

and hopelessness

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The problem

With an estimated population of 2,50000 spread in 15 UnionCouncils, Murree is one of the seven tehsils of districtRawalipindi.

Bestowed with immense natural beauty and being a matchlesstourist destination, Murree attracts millions of hearts and mindsevery year. Each and every eye witnesses the charming queenof hills with tranquil breathe, but their souls seldom realise thedilemma faced by the dwellers.

With the exception of some villages, the community of Muree isfaced with staggering abject poverty and a sizeable part ofthe population lives below poverty line. One of the indicators ofthis social disparity is the overwhelming existence of beggars inthe marketplaces of Murree. This does not only depict the harshreality of social inequality but also brings negative effects ontourism in this beautiful hill station. Just imagine a welcomingand friendly Murree with no beggars at all!

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Vision, Mission and Objectives

Vision: A prosperous, healthy and egalitarian Murree triumphant over fear and symbolising hope.

Mission: To eliminate poverty, social injustice andsuffering while engaging the local communities inhealthy economic and social activities with aneverlasting positive impact on the environment.


To evolve social enterprises engaging the mostvulnerable and disadvantaged groups

To introduce small scale investments commensuratewith the skills and abilities of the most deservingindividuals/groups

To impart new skills with an objective of engaging thebeneficiaries as potential entrepreneurs

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The theory of change

The disadvantaged, down-trodden and have-

nots become part of the mainstream society while

making dignified earning and bringing value to

the economy, society and the environment. The

small scale activities of social entrepreneurship

have the power to transform our society from an

uneven and disjoined society to an egalitarian

society where human life becomes invaluable.

In out country, begging is now a profession which

needs to be discouraged so through corrective

measures and engaging the potential beggars in

positive economic and social activities.

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Motivate the beggars to be the change agents and form an informal group to begin with.

Assess their current capacities and potentials of acquiring skills with little cost or no cost

Agree on ideas for small scale enterprises, skill based investments and need based skills

Hold meetings with the hotel owners and shop keepers

Initiate small scale ventures while engaging individuals according to their capacities, skills and motivations.

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Potential enterprises

Making small

paper bags for

local shops,

medical stores

News paper


Selling bouquets, Boutique stands for

a group of females

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Modus operandi

Form an association of the individuals

concerned (20).

Assess their skill levels and potentials

Assign two of the group members with the role

of planning, coordination, reporting etc

Develop a mechanism of daily interaction

amongst all the members

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Social impact

This project will bring a ray of hope for the

poorest of the poor.

This will also bring a positive sign of social


The project can be scaled up to other areas

and the model can be replicated in rest of the


This will also mobilize the government machinery

to come forward to support

The visitors to Murree will be thrilled to see a

beggar free Murree!!

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Finance Officer


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Financial sustainability

No. of people to be engaed Unit cost Total

1 Bouqet 4 2000 8000

2 Paper bag 8 15000 120000

3 Stand boutique 4 10000 40000

4 News paper stand 4 8000 32000

20 200000

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Investment: 200000

Projected sales revenue: 750000

Costs: 250000

Profit: 300000

Payback period: 6 months

ROI: 150%

Sustainability: entrepreneurs self-motivation

Engage government and public leaders

Engage local entrepreneurs