Grounded in Christ Building Relationships …...St. Armands Key Lutheran hurch March & April 2020...

Grounded in Christ Building Relationships Transforming Lives Within our Walls and Beyond 40 North Adams Drive, Sarasota, Florida 34236 941.388.1234 /

Transcript of Grounded in Christ Building Relationships …...St. Armands Key Lutheran hurch March & April 2020...

Page 1: Grounded in Christ Building Relationships …...St. Armands Key Lutheran hurch March & April 2020 Keynotes Grounded in Christ † Building Relationships † Transforming Lives Within

St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

Grounded in Christ † Building Relationships † Transforming Lives

Within our Walls and Beyond

40 North Adams Drive, Sarasota, Florida 34236

941.388.1234 /

Page 2: Grounded in Christ Building Relationships …...St. Armands Key Lutheran hurch March & April 2020 Keynotes Grounded in Christ † Building Relationships † Transforming Lives Within

St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

from Pastor Ken

Things are happening at St. Armands Key Lutheran Church! I don’t know about you, but

I’m still on a wee bit of a Christmas high; with lingering memories of Christmas on the Circle,

and the beautiful worship services of Christmas Eve. The joy of

the arrival of our seasonal members, and watching worship

become increasingly well-attended is exciting. The Dixieland

worship services still have my toes tapping.

Walking through our building in the daytime and the evening

reveals just how busy we are in this place: multiple AA groups;

fitness classes; the book group; movie night; Bible study groups;

committee meetings galore planning, dreaming and

implementing our ministries; new connections to our neighbors

through SURE; a new refugee ministry growing by leaps and

bounds; the sound of piano, organ, bell and choir practices fill

the air with music; watching visitors, residents and workers as

they sit in or stroll through our meditation garden; reading letters and cards from people

and groups in the Sarasota/Manatee community who have been blessed in some way by

the tens of thousands of dollars we gift through the SAKLC Foundation and our Social

Ministry Committee; Saturday runners taking a well-earned pit stop thanks to SAKLC’s Oasis

Ministry; the humbling experience of working with an absolutely awesome team of Stephen

Ministers (some in-training) as they share their hearts with their congregation; the behind-

the-scene work that goes into preparing the altar for worship, and the kitchen for

fellowship; marveling at the team of volunteers who work to keep our office working

through its challenges; Sunday School in all its cuteness and wonder; recent workshops

addressing some of the mental health issues faced by many families; the sight and sounds

of families and friends sharing breakfast together each Sunday…. Yikes, the list goes on!

To be sure, there are many things that SAKLC used to do that are no longer part of our

ministry. There is always room for improvement in what we do (as brother Martin would

say, “this is most certainly true!”) And, there are opportunities that will come our way

which we must be prepared to take full advantage of. But, I am in awe of what this

community of faith does – day in and day out. My heart is continually moved by the

lives that are touched and transformed in this congregation, and by this congregation.

And, I am excited by the next chapter of our life together in this place.

Pastor Blyth

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

A Note from Bob Stobaugh — Our New Congregation President

As I write my first Keynotes entry as SAKLC Congregation President, I’m

blessed to have the dual perspective of being a Church member these past

twenty years, and the most recent past Vice President of the Church

Council. As such, I approach my new role with a sense of calm, patience

and perspective.

Recognizing the tasks ahead of the council this year, I agree with Pastor Ken

and Michael Bodnyk that if there is not a fire, we do not need to pull the fire

alarm. As John Wooden said so well, “be quick, but don’t hurry.”

The focus and goal of our council will be to control the things we can

control and be prayerful about the rest. My pledge is that we will tackle first

the things that require our immediate and undivided attention, while also

being open and responsive to other needs as they arise.

Feel free to reach out to me through: [email protected], or my cell

phone at 941-320-6350. I will do my best to be attentive and responsive.

Yours in Christ,

Bob Stobaugh

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

March & April 2020

February was another busy musical month here at SAKLC.

Sincere thanks to the Lido Beach Commodores for leading our Dixieland worship on

February 23rd. The congregation loved singing the

old favorites: “In the garden”, “When the saints go

marching in”, “What a friend we have in Jesus”, and

others. It was wonderful to look out at the smiles in

the congregation, and to see all the toes tapping


That same afternoon, we presented Ring Sarasota in

a special concert to celebrate their 10th anniversary.

This professional handbell ensemble wowed the

audience with a variety of musical pieces.

Dedicated to enhancing handbell ringing as an art

form, the Sarasota‐based group under the direction of former Navy bandleader Rick

Holdsworth showcases over 200 bells rung by 15 ringers to create a symphony of sound

with special effects mimicking the piccolo, percussion, chimes, and trombone, even the

Tibetan singing bowl, Ring Sarasota attracts member ringers from as far north as Tampa

Bay and as far south as Fort Myers.

I want to sincerely thank everyone who supported our

special Ring Sarasota concert by attending the

program (we had a great audience!) and who made

contributions towards the cost of the concert.

Earlier in the month, we were so fortunate to have

Carey Morrisson and her sister, Rhoda Olson, beautify

our worship with several piano duets during worship.

We are so fortunate to have such talented musicians in

our own congregation!

Do you also notice that time seems to be flying by so quickly? It feels like Christmas was

just yesterday, and here we are entering the season of Lent; Easter Sunday is just over 40

days away!

I do love Christmas. Right after Halloween, the Christmas CDs and radio stations start

playing in my car (Shhh! Don’t tell the pastor!). But as much as I love the joy and

celebration of the season surrounding Christ’s birth, the season of Lent and Easter is, for

me, the most moving season of the year.

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

When I was teaching, my younger students would tell me that Lent is the “sad time

before Easter”. In some sense, there is a sadness during this time; I might also say a

starkness and uneasiness, too. Many churches across denominations try to reflect this by

using the organ and instruments less - and some not at all! We are no longer allowed to

use the word “Alleluia” in worship (our SAKLC young people buried the ‘Alleluias’ on 2/23

during worship). Some churches veil their crosses.

For myself, I like the image of Lent as a journey. It is a 40 day trip through the wilderness

that culminates in baptism (at the great Vigil of Easter) and resurrection (Easter Sunday).

Along the way, we are invited into a time of self-reflection, prayer, fasting, and the

practice of charity. At SAKLC, our hymns and anthem texts will examine themes of a

journey, wilderness, prayer, mercy, and others. “There in God’s Garden” (ELW 342) is a

hymn we will introduce to the congregation this season. Referencing the journey (or

search) we are all about to embark on, in the 4th verse, we will proclaim:

This is my ending, this my resurrection;

into your hands, Lord, I commit my spirit.

This have I searched for; now I can possess it.

This ground is holy.

There is some wonderful music to look forward to in the next two months.

Our Sounds al Fresco series will resume during the months of March and April. Watch the

church bulletin, Connections email, and Facebook page for information and dates.

There will be several special weekday afternoon concerts during Lent.

On Wednesday April 1st at 2pm, our SAKLC ensembles (Team Spirit, Chancel Choir,

SAKLC Ringers) will perform a special Lenten concert. These musicians work so hard all

throughout the year to beautify our liturgies. Please plan to attend this program!

On March 23 at 7pm, our four Choral Scholars will present a special evening concert in

Fellowship Hall. These four young people give so much to our church / music program

each week. I hope you’ll consider coming out to support them!

The Chancel Choir will be performing movements from Gabriel Faure’s “Requiem” on

Palm Sunday.

Sincere thanks for your continued support of SAKLC’s Music Ministry,

Michael J. Bodnyk, Minister of Music

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

A Little Night Music

featuring SAKLC’s Choral Scholars: Nina Vannucci, Miranda Mertens,

Bronson Byerly and Kevin Moroney

Monday, March 23rd at 7pm St. Armands Key Lutheran Church • Fellowship Hall

Enjoy music from the Broadway stage, the silver screen, and from the opera

Free Admission

Join us in September for a Classical Danube

River Cruise from Budapest to Prague

**Only 8 cabins


September 1-11, 2020

Leave from any airport in the country

Contact Michael for

more info: [email protected]


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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes


with Pastor Mohlenhoff

Attendance at SAKLC’s mid-week {Thursday morning} Study Fellowship has hit record highs

this educational season! There has been great interest shown in an on-going video lecture

series entitled ‘The Apocryphal Jesus,’ a recent {2018} production of the Great Courses Plus

program. Distinguished scholar Dr. David Brakke {currently Chair of Christian Studies @ Ohio

State University) is the presenter. SAKLC member Herb Mohlenhoff (retired Lutheran Pastor)

is group facilitator. Pr. Herb writes and publishes {via email & by request} a weekly Study

Guide containing overviews of each video lecture, including translated excerpts from, and

comments about, most of the ancient texts. The current study series continues until the end

of April, following this published schedule:

March 5 – “Social Disruption in The Acts of Paul.”

March 12 - “Thecla: Independent Woman of the Apocrypha”

March 19 – “Miracles and Magic in the Acts of Peter”

March 26 – “Peter versus Paul in the Pseudo-Clementines”

April 2 – “Spiritual Love in the Acts of Andrew”

April 9 – “Forged Letters of Jesus and the Apostles’

April 16 – “Revelations That Didn’t Make the Bible”

April 23 – “Tours of Hell before Dante”

April 30 – “Apocrypha after New Testament”

All church members and friends are welcome participants at CONVERSATIONS! A rich

benefit, in addition to study, is sharing good fellowship within a congenial group of friends.

OGRAM HALL is the place of meeting. THURSDAYS - 10:00 to 11:30 AM is the appointed hour.


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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes


Very soon our congregation will undertake a commissioning!

Joining the SAKLC Stephen Ministry team will be: Nancy

Cooperrider, Eleanor F. Schaefer. Robert Schmidtke, and Jackie


Throughout history, when God has called people to special ministry, members of their

community have commissioned them for the important new work they are taking on.

During March/April we invite you to help carry on that biblical tradition by being a part of

commissioning those who have responded to God’s call to be part of our congregation’s

Stephen Ministry program.

Our Stephen Ministers have already completed substantial training {50+ hours} to equip

them for their task. We will now lay hands on them, pray for them, and send them out to

minister, asking for God’s blessing and the Spirit’s wisdom and power. Commissioning offers

an opportunity to show your support for this ministry. Our Stephen Ministers will be

depending on that support in the time ahead as they assume the duties of their ministry.

How can we help? First of all, we can pray for our Stephen Leaders, our Stephen Ministers,

and their care receivers. This ministry calls for both time and effort. At times they may feel

tired, discouraged, or convinced that they are not accomplishing anything. The assurance

of our prayers and appreciation will help them keep moving forward.

We can also affirm and show our appreciation for this valuable ministry. We can tell them

how much their hard work means to us, tell others how much we value our Stephen Ministry,

and focus attention on our Stephen Ministers to bless and affirm them in special ways. We

can become involved in this ministry in many ways. Some of us may recognize a call to use

our special gifts in this ministry and may apply to be part of our Stephen Ministry team.

Others may accept the care of a Stephen Minister. We can be ministers of referral,

watching for people in need and suggesting a Stephen Minister’s care.

As our newly trained Stephen Ministers are commissioned, let us thank God for all that they

will bring to this congregation in providing care to others, and let us promise them our daily

prayer and support as we send them out to minister among us! Welcome: Nancy, Eleanor,

Bob, and Jackie!

SAKLC’s Stephen Ministry Team will meet for Supervision and Continuing Education on

Mondays March 16th and April 20th @ 6:30 PM.

— Pastor Mohlenhoff

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

Sharing and Serving

There’s a Lutheran congregation in Houston, Texas named Christ the Servant Lutheran

Church. (It’s been Louise’s and my church home since 2004.) The mission statement of the

congregation is “Living our name with passion and purpose”.

So, names and their meaning have great importance to many people. When we’re intro-

duced, we may say (for example), “My name is Edwin, but you can call me Buzz.” What-

ever our own name may be – Bill or Bob or Buzz – there’s one name we share, and that is

“Christian”. In the words of a children’s hymn, “I was made a Christian when my name was

given, One of God’s dear children and an heir of heaven.”

Knowing that our name is Christian, what does that mean for us? What does claiming that

name require? As followers of Christ, we look to Him and find that Jesus made it both sim-

ple and difficult. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,

with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27

NRSV, citing Deuteronomy 6:5). In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the “enemy” turned

out to be the neighbor, as the Samaritan shared what he had (time, attention, money for

treatment and care), thereby serving the injured traveler’s needs.

How do we Christians share and serve? It’s not a question I can or will answer. Each of us

must look inwardly and remember that we are named Christian. May we all live that name

with passion and purpose.

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,

and favor is better than silver or gold. (Proverbs 22:1, NRSV)

— Nick Hauser

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

Social Ministry

"For I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and

you visited me, naked and you clothed me… " Matthew 25:35

Social Ministry serves as a liaison for our congregation as we strive to live out God’s

instruction to help and love others as he would. This year with your support, we hope to

serve two additional new agencies in addition to the eight agencies we have served in

the past:

Second Chance - Last Opportunity – provides clients with essential skills so they can

manage their lives more productively. SCLO programs include life-management skills

training, parenting skills training, counseling, mentoring, HIV-AIDS education and

counseling, summer and after-school youth programs, food, clothing and shelter referrals

and food distribution. The positive effect this organization has had on the people of

Newtown is remarkable and demonstrable.

Suncoast Center for Independent Living – Empowers people with disabilities to

Independence. Their goal is to help people live independently and with dignity by

offering programs that support employment, economic self-sufficiency, independence

and inclusion in our community. Their services are offered free of charge regardless of

age, education or disability.

Social Ministry funds come from congregational gifts/donations as funding is not

included in the church’s annual budget. With your support, we can do much to help

those less fortunate in our community. Social Ministry donation envelopes are available

in church pews, the bi-monthly envelope mailing and individual checks dropped in the

collection plate or mailed directly to the church. Please make checks payable to SAKLC

and enter Social Ministry in the memo section.

— Carilyn Reiter

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

Refugee Committee Funding and Initiatives

The Refugee Committee has received a $6000 grant from the

SAKLC Foundation as seed money for its initiatives to help ref-

ugees resettle in our community and become self-

sufficient. The Committee is coordinating with Lutheran Ser-

vices Florida (LSF) in Sarasota in these efforts. LSF provides an

array of services, including assistance with housing, finding

and retaining employment, learning English as a second lan-

guage, orienting to our culture, obtaining work permits, and navigating the

immigration process towards US citizenship.

Ways SAKLC can help refugees:

It can be a financial burden for refugees to pay the federal filing

fees related to work permits and other processes leading up to ob-

taining their citizenship (e.g., $1170 for Certificate of Citizen-

ship). SAKLC funds may help pay up to 50% of fees for refugees

identified by LSF as needing assistance.

As refugees establish or move to their new homes, they may need

furnishings and other household items. As we learn of needs from

LSF, members can assist with donating items.

Learning English as a second language (especially conversational)

enables refugees to adapt to their new environment and find em-

ployment. Members can arrange to tutor refugees at the LSF office

or meet informally with them for conversations, or accompany them

to do shopping or other activities.

For Christmas 2019, we donated baskets of household items and chil-

dren’s toys to LSF to distribute to refugee families. There may be other oc-

casions when we may assist LSF with special projects or activities they pro-

vide to refugee families.

— Ruth Cooperrider

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

Library News….

Looking for a good read during this Lenten Season? Our library shelves are filled with a

wide variety of books for your reading pleasure. Listed below are some books relating to

Lent that might interest you.

“The Seven Words” (Clovis G. Chappell)

“The Day I Was Crucified” – As Told by Jesus The Christ (Gene Edwards)

“Christ’s Passion” -- The Power And The Promise (D. James Kennedy)

“6 Hours One Friday“ – Anchoring To The Cross (Max Lucado)

“He Chose The Nails” (Max Lucado)

“No Wonder They Call Him Savior” (Max Lucado)

“The Passion Of Jesus Christ” (John Piper)

“The Darkness and the Dawn” (Charles R. Swindoll)

“Reliving The Passion” (Walter Wangerin, Jr.)


“I, Judas” (Taylor Caldwell and Jess Stearn)

“Pontius Pilate” (A Novel by Paul L. Maier)

“Remember Me” (Don Richter)

“Malchus’s Ear” (A biblical novel by Arlon Stubbe)*

“The Outcast” (A biblical novel by Arlon Stubbe)*

*The Reverend Dr. Arlon Stubbe, (a retired ELCA Pastor and a member of SAKLC) has

written many books. One of his latest, “Surprised by God’s Grace,” is a collection of some

of his sermons which takes us through the whole church year. Because only one copy is

available (see Librarian), you may find it well worth obtaining your very own copy!

Our library operates under the “HONOR SYSTEM” and is very user friendly. You only need

to fill out the card in the back of the book and place it in the basket which is on top of the

credenza at the entrance to Ogram Hall. You will also see a white binder which lists all of

our resources, as well as a sign which explains our procedures. When you return the

book(s), just put them in the narrow space below the basket. IT’S AS SIMPLE AS THAT! If you

have any questions or would like assistance, please call Jackie Whalen at (941) 387-8001.


— Jackie Whalen, Librarian

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

Health Ministry Update — Kristen Bowman

The list of new activities for you to watch for in the upcoming season are

described below with more continuing to be added. If you have any other

thoughts or ideas, please contact Kristen Bowman at [email protected].

Blood Pressure, Pulse and Oxygen levels - Have yours checked on the first

Sunday of every month. The upcoming dates are March 1st and April 5th

between services.

Fitness Class Both classes are located in Fellowship

Hall with a suggested donation of $5. Thanks to

current class participants we were able to

purchase exercise equipment including hand

weights and bands. Classes will be finishing up at

the end of April and resume in the fall.

Tuesdays at 9:15 am there is an exercise class with

Kristen Bowman, PT, DPT.

Thursdays at 9:00 am Balance, Stretch and

Strengthen class with Allyison Kissel.

Lunch & Learn Series- Various topics will be covered starting at Noon on the

third Thursday of the month in Fellowship Hall. Lunch is provided. Mark your

calendars now and watch for more details. Please contact Kristen Bowman

at [email protected] if you would like to RSVP or look for sign ups prior.

March 19 - “Financial Health” with our own SAKLC member Brent

Campbell, a finan cial advisor at Edward Jones. Brent has a master’s

degree in business administration from USF in Tampa and Brent

can provide answers to your financial questions and impart some

knowledge about tax efficient charitable gifting strategies.

April 16 - TBD

CPR Class - Are you interested in becoming CPR certified and AED

trained? An upcoming class is being offered at SAKLC in March. Please

contact Kristen Bowman at [email protected]

Other activities of interest from the survey will become available as more

volunteers 'step-up' to help. If you have time and interest in health and

wellness activities, the ministry team would welcome your involvement. Call

Kristen Bowman at 757-503-5670 or email [email protected].

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF PROJECT “Comfort, O Comfort my people, says your God” Isaiah 40.1

A heart felt thank you to everyone.

The 2020 LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF Personal Care Kit project has been

successfully completed. Once again, we were able to provide 1,000 personal care

kits for worldwide distribution by Lutheran World Relief. Many thanks to

everyone that helped to bring a little comfort to 1,000 individuals.

“What you are doing is much more than a service that supplies God’s people with what they need. It is something that will make many others thank God.”

2 Corinthians 9.12

We’re Helping Baby Basics of Sarasota!

Collection Begins on March 1

First comes the beautiful baby, then comes the need for diapers and baby wipes.

Won’t you please help us supply these critical items for Baby Basics of Sarasota. They

provide baby necessities and kindness to working, low-income families who do not re-

ceive any government assistance. Your Social Ministry Committee will offer a convenient

drop off location in our church lobby beginning in March 1.

Thank you for your donations!

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

A Note of Thanks to all who participated in our

Advent Dinner. It was a wonderful evening. The

charity chosen by all the women present was

“Mother’s Helping Mothers.” We raised $996 for

this charity. Thanks to all of you for your

generous donations!

Adult Forum Schedule

Please join us in Ogram Hall on Sundays between services at 10:15 am

-- you are encouraged to bring your coffee and breakfast.

We have a few open Sundays if you have a topic you would like

discussed or if your committee or ministry would like to present what

you are doing, please email Arlene at [email protected] or

call 609-203-1735

March 1 – S.U.R.E (Brandon Henshaw, guest)

March 8 - Refugee Ministry (moderator, Nona Arnholt)

March 15 - Lutheran Bible Translators: Rev. Dr. Tilahun Mekonnen Mendedo

March 22 – ELCA Statement on Sexuality

March 29 – OPEN

April 5 - Palm Sunday - No Adult forum (Amore Restaurant breakfast)

April 12 - EASTER - No Adult Form (Easter Egg Hunt)

April 19 - OPEN

April 26 - OPEN

Foundation Thank You’s Received!

Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Agape Flights,

ELCA Fund for Leaders, Florida Bahamas Synod for

Hurricane Dorian Disaster Relief.

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

Sarasota Meals on Wheels acknowledges SAKLC

Foundation in recent Herald Tribune article!

Margery Broughton, Executive, highlighted transformations of

the Meals on Wheels organization over the last five years. Two

specific things mentioned were the technology updates and

the new and improved kitchen equipment, both of which our

Foundation helped to support in 2015 and 2016. A grant was

also given to them in 2018 to their client assistance fund. Your

dollars, through our Foundation, are making an impact on the

capabilities of organizations addressing needs

in our community.

SAKLC Foundation News

SAKLC Foundation Trustees met on February 19th for the first meeting of the new year. Mr.

Brian Miller of Peninsula Asset Management gave the annual report of the earnings today

and reviewed the investment portfolio, which are 100% socially conscious in investments.

Fees have been waived to his firm since 2016.

Grants were awarded to:

ELCA Fund For Leaders - $10,000.

SAKLC Refugee Ministry-$6,000.

Did you know that your Foundation has two distinct endowment funds where gifts can be


General Endowment Fund

SAKLC Endowment Fund

Your gift will ensure the future of the Mission of the Foundation and SAKLC and will provide

a lasting legacy for future generations to share.

Contact Pastor Blyth or Bill Buttaggi, Chair for more information.

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Changes in Contact Info?

Have you changed your phone number, e-mail

address, or physical address lately?

Please be good enough to let the office know.


Please join us and 22 other Sarasota Congregations on March 23rd at

Sarasota Municipal Auditorium at 6:30 PM for the Nehemiah Action

Assembly! SURE (Sarasota United for Responsibility and Equity) will be

gathering together to present their findings and ask those with the power to

make the needed changes to do so.

“SURE is a faith-based organization that seeks justice for the poor, working

class and mixed income individuals/families living in Sarasota County.

Members of SURE congregations work hard to build relationships in their

congregations and their communities, discuss their concerns for the city and

county, research solutions to serious problems they select, present them to

the proper officials and work with them to make “sure” our

community is a just one.”


Please see Pastor Blyth, Nona Arnholt

or Ann Walborn for any additional questions.

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The Women's Book Group

will meet in Ogram Hall on

Tuesday, March 24 at 10:30 a.m.

to discuss

“The Radium Girls”

by Kate Moore

Come & join the conversation.

All women are welcome.

For details, contact Judy Matthies

at [email protected]

Mark your Calendar for April 21

When the Women's Book Group

will discuss “Before We Were

Yours” by Lisa Wingate. We will go

out to lunch afterwards.

Easter Lilies On Display

Sunday, April 12

Once again, we’ll beautify our church and

have the opportunity to honor our loved

ones with Easter lilies. Watch for purchase

order forms in upcoming weekly bulletins.

Thanks to all for your great generosity in

contributing to this year’s SouperBowl of

Caring! As you know, hunger relief

organizations receive 100% of your donations.

The need is great, both locally and globally so,

as in the past, we have divided the collection

between All Faiths Food Bank and ELCA World

Hunger. In 2021, we’re planning to collect

again on two Sundays – February 7 and 14.

Mark your calendars now!

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St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

March & April Celebrations

Happy Birthday

Sharon Lind 3/1

Elle Miller 3/1

Rebecca Taylor 3/1

Wahib Habib 3/2

Richard Mooney 3/3

Marie Watts 3/3

Chuck Reed 3/4

Rachel Settlage 3/4

June Benowitz 3/8

Ruth Cooperrider 3/10

Lena Olson 3/10

Bonnie Nulf 3/11

David Wagner 3/11

ElRoy York 3/13

Stephanie Bottenfield 3/15

Connie Hewitt 3/16

Mathew Pitchford 3/16

Jennifer O’Brien 3/17

Don Langlois 3/18

Becky Maiotti 3/18

Samaya Williams 3/18

Page Jackson 3/22

Glenn Ocock 3/23

Kathy Beardslee 3/24

Barbara Hilt 3/26

Bob Rowe 3/31

Marty Bechtel 4/1

Richard Lutz 4/1

Randy Clark 4/2

Pam Brenner 4/3

Marilyn Haglund 4/3

Arlene Webb 4/3

Louise Hauser 4/4

Sandy Yakes 4/4

Michael Dreger 4/5

Nina Kritopoulou 4/5

Lynette Salheiser 4/5

Richard Elliott 4/6

Earl Hunt 4/6

Marsha Dancigers 4/7

Kevin DePatie 4/8

Pat Karlsgodt 4/9

Donna Olson 4/9

Pamela Scheufler 4/9

Gary Yakes 4/9

Elliot Benowitz 4/10

Nancy Cooperrider 4/10

Frances Cooperrider 4/11

Karen Sievers 4/11

Emerson Baker 4/12

Owen Bowman 4/12

Abbie Koester 4/12

Denise Watermeier 4/12

John Eagleton 4/13

Joanne Smith 4/13

Margaux Arthur 4/14

Ray Serocka 4/17

April Wright 4/19

Marcie Burn 4/25

Russel Campbell 4/25

Kurt Wilkening 4/25

Janet Grottodden 4/27

Alex Hilt 4/27

Carilyn Reiter 4/28

Loren Longbons 4/29

Jemma Patella 4/29

Ed Fliss 4/30

Happy Anniversary

Thomas & Marge Jeffers 3/1

Kurt & Marlene Wilkening 3/1

Brent & Jaclyn Campbell 3/8

Bob & Jan Ortmann 3/14

David & Linda Werley 3/14

Dennis & Judy Matthies 3/21

John & Barbara Teller 3/26

Todd & Karla Heidtman 4/3

Bill & Pam Brenner, Jr. 4/4

Ernie & Roberta Barbaro 4/6

Russ & Mary Meloche 4/13

Robert & Beverly Burn 4/22

Gary & Barb Dzumela 4/23

Nick & Louise Hauser 4/24

Joe & Jackie Whalen 4/24

Steve & Lynn Blackledge 4/30

Page 20: Grounded in Christ Building Relationships …...St. Armands Key Lutheran hurch March & April 2020 Keynotes Grounded in Christ † Building Relationships † Transforming Lives Within

St. Armands Key Lutheran Church March & April 2020 Keynotes

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