Grit and growth mindset


Transcript of Grit and growth mindset


What is GRIT?

Grit was introduced by Angela Lee Duckworth, researcher and associate professor of Psychology at University of Pennsylvania.

It is the passion and perseverance for long-term goals

Passion comes from:

Interest — the subject captivates our attention and Purpose —the subject is worthwhile beyond casual interest.

Perseverance comes from:

Practice — the capacity for daily practice to get better at the subject and

Resilience or hope — the ability to overcome obstacles in the path of our goals instead

of letting them throw us off course

GRIT is…

a significant predictor of success, a better indicator than

intelligence (IQ) or talent.

• stamina – sticking with future plans and dreams day-in day-


consistency and how hard you’re working to achieve your


-Angela Lee Duckworth

In other words…

GRIT is the ability to stick to

committed goals and to work towards its fulfillment despite the struggles and

difficulties that gets in the way.


One way to build GRIT is to have a


is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed and improvement can happen through effort and


Applying GRIT as Student Teacher

I can apply grit as student teacher by sustaining my

passion for teaching. Teaching became my interest

because I have a sense of purpose in what I do. I know

that my students can benefit from me and I in turn can

learn something from them through my exposure in the

classroom setting. (Interest, purpose)

Gritty people persevere in the face of setbacks. I will

practice grit by persevering every single day. I will

persevere to be on time every day. I will persevere to be

patient and nurturing to my students especially when my

patience would be tested. I will persevere to learn and to

become better until the end of my student teacher


Applying GRIT as Student Teacher

I will keep in mind that failures or setbacks are a natural

part of learning. I won’t have to beat myself up for making

mistakes. Instead, I would learn from it and take actions to

correct it. Some things would be beyond my control and

the only thing I should focus is on the things that are

within my control.

Another way I can apply grit is by having a growth

mindset. By believing that I could change and improve

gradually. Given proper guidance from my critic teacher as

well as from dean, I believe that I can become a

competent teacher.

How do you practice Growth Mindset?



Persist in the

face of set backs

See effort as

path to mastery

Learn from


Teaching Strategies to show Growth Mindset and Grit

Praise students for their efforts and


Help students view challenges as


Use the word “yet”

Talk about Grit by sharing examples

Teaching Strategies to show Growth Mindset and Grit

Teach about “brain plasticity”

Cultivate a mastery goal orientation

Adopt the motto “Practice makes


Help students find their interests and

develop passion