GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY (GU)/FLEMING COLLEGE, CANADA ... · - Accounting . 3 . Bachelor ofBusiness...

GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY (GU)/FLEMING COLLEGE, CANADA ARTICULATION ARRANGEMENTS NOTES: CP = Credit Pomts (80CP is the equivalent ofa full-time year of study). College Diploma = 2 years of study. College Advanced Diploma = 3 years of study. College Graduate Certificate = 1 year of study. Semester of Duration I I Duration of Credit Completion Fleming College I of College Griffith Degree/Campus GU degree Awardedl Time at GU Entry to Program of Study GU Program/Yrs Semestcrs/CP CP in Semesters *** See Note regarding AACSB Judgment Standards. Feb./July 2 Bach.elor of Business, Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 61240CP 120CP 3 Business FebjJuly 3 Bachelor of Business, Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 6/240CP 160CP 2 Business Administration Business Administration - Human Resource Mgt Feb./July - Marketlllg 3 Bachelor of Business (HRM), Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 61240CP 160CP 2 FebjJuly - Accounting 3 Bachelor of Business (MKT), Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 61240CP 160CP 2 Feb.lJuJy Gold Coast (## Australian Accounting Accredilation Bodies will recognize a maximum amount of f20C? only of credit transfer.) 3 Bachelor ofCornmerce (AccoW1ting), Nathan, Logan or 61240CP 160CP 2 Feb./JulY International Trade 3 Bachelor of International Business, Nathan and Gold Coast. 61240CP 160CP 2 July only Analyst Computer Programmer 3 Bachelor of Information Technology, Nathan, Logan and 6!240CP 160CP 2 Gold Coast. CorrectIOnal Worker Feb.!July i 2 Bachelor of Human Services, Logan. 6/240CP 80CP 4 I I (Community and Justice Studies) Social Service Worker Feb. only 2 Bachelor of Human Services, Logan. 6f240CP 120CP 3 Feb.!July (Community and Jusllce Correctiona I Worker 2 Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Cnminal Justice, Mt 61240CP 120CP 3 Gravatt. Studies) or Police FoundatIOns Feb.lJuly Gravatt. 2 Bachelor of Arts In Criminology & Criminal Justice, Mt 6/240CP 120CP 3 1 January, 2008. Grifiilh UniversityIFlemmg College, Canada, Articulation Agreement. ArtICuLation arrangements and completion pathways are located on the University's Credit and Articulation Precedent Database available at via a search of Fleming College. ***Note: These programs are subject to Ihe Griffith Business School (CBS) sallsfying I/,e prOVIsions relaling 10 quail!}' assurance coll/ained ill Standard /7 oflhe AA CSB JudgmclII Swndards

Transcript of GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY (GU)/FLEMING COLLEGE, CANADA ... · - Accounting . 3 . Bachelor ofBusiness...

Page 1: GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY (GU)/FLEMING COLLEGE, CANADA ... · - Accounting . 3 . Bachelor ofBusiness (MKT), Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 61240CP 160CP 2 . Feb.lJuJy Gold Coast (## Australian


NOTES: CP = Credit Pomts (80CP is the equivalent ofa full-time year of study). College Diploma = 2 years of study. College Advanced Diploma = 3 years of study. College Graduate Certificate = 1 year of study.

Semester ofDuration I I Duration of Credit Completion Fleming College I of College Griffith Degree/Campus GU degree Awardedl Time at GU Entry to

Program of Study GUProgram/Yrs Semestcrs/CP CP in Semesters

*** See Note regarding AACSB Judgment Standards.

Feb./July2 Bach.elor of Business, Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 61240CP 120CP 3Business

FebjJuly3 Bachelor of Business, Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 6/240CP 160CP 2Business Administration

Business Administration - Human Resource Mgt Feb./July

- Marketlllg 3 Bachelor of Business (HRM), Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 61240CP 160CP 2


- Accounting 3 Bachelor of Business (MKT), Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 61240CP 160CP 2

Feb.lJuJy Gold Coast (## Australian Accounting Accredilation Bodies will recognize a maximum amount of f20C? only ofcredit transfer.)

3 Bachelor ofCornmerce (AccoW1ting), Nathan, Logan or 61240CP 160CP 2

Feb./JulYInternational Trade 3 Bachelor of International Business, Nathan and Gold Coast. 61240CP 160CP 2

July only Analyst Computer Programmer 3 Bachelor of Information Technology, Nathan, Logan and 6!240CP 160CP 2

Gold Coast.

CorrectIOnal Worker Feb.!July i2 Bachelor of Human Services, Logan. 6/240CP 80CP 4 I I(Community and Justice

Studies) Social Service Worker Feb. only2 Bachelor of Human Services, Logan. 6f240CP 120CP 3

Feb.!July (Community and Jusllce Correctiona I Worker 2 Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Cnminal Justice, Mt 61240CP 120CP 3

Gravatt. Studies) or Police FoundatIOns Feb.lJuly

Gravatt. 2 Bachelor of Arts In Criminology & Criminal Justice, Mt 6/240CP 120CP 3

1 January, 2008. Grifiilh UniversityIFlemmg College, Canada, Articulation Agreement.

ArtICuLation arrangements and completion pathways are located on the University's Credit and Articulation Precedent Database available at via a search of Fleming College.

***Note: These programs are subject to Ihe Griffith Business School (CBS) sallsfying I/,e prOVIsions relaling 10 quail!}' assurance coll/ained ill Standard /7 oflhe AA CSB JudgmclII Swndards

Page 2: GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY (GU)/FLEMING COLLEGE, CANADA ... · - Accounting . 3 . Bachelor ofBusiness (MKT), Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 61240CP 160CP 2 . Feb.lJuJy Gold Coast (## Australian


Ecosystem Management Teclmiclan


Ecosystem Management Technology


Envuonmental Technician Environmental Technology



Environmental Technology Certificate


r.arly Childhood b.ducatl01l


Fish and Wildlife TechnIcian


Bachelor of Arts (Envirornnent), Nathan.

Bacbelor of Environmental Management, Nathan or Bacbelor of Science (Environment), Nathan majonng in Planmng or Ecology and Conservation Biology or Environmental Management and Policy only.

Bachelor of Arts (Environment), Nathan Bachelor of Environmental Management, Nathan or Bachelor of Sc ience (En vironmen I), Nathan, rnaJaring III Planning or Ecology and Conservatlon Biology or Envlfonrnental Management and Policy only.

Bachelor of Engi neering Technology (Envlronmental Engmeering), Nathan Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Environmental Engmeering), Nathan

Master of Environmental Management, Nathan

Bachelor of Arts ([Jucation). Mt Granln.

i'.utc: Gr~ldlJatcs l)fthc l3A (EdLJcLJllonJ mil}' be adrlllrted to the I H.::.Ir Graduate Diplom<J of EducatIOn (Prlm:.!ry). ;"'11 (ira'·3Il. \\·hi{-h IS J profession311y Ic,1l'hing quald"icalion.

Bachelor of Science (EnVironment), Nathan. Bachelor of Environmental Management, Nathan. **srudoots must major III either Ecology and Conservation BIology or Land and Water Bachelor of Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology). Nathan.


8/320CP 6J240CP

6J240CP 8/320CP 6!240CP





6/240CP 8/320CP



120CP 120CP

160CP , 160CP 160CP



Advanced Standing

I (JOel'

120CP 120CP



5 3

2 4 2






3 5

I 3


Feb.!July Feb./July

feb.!July Feb./July Feb.!July


I I Feb/July


Feb. only\


Feb./July Feb./July


I January, 2008. Goffith UruversitylFleming College, Canada, Arllculation Agreement.

Articulation arrangements and completion pathways are located on the Uruversity's Credit and Articulation Precedent DaLabase Available at Via a search of Flem111g College.

h*Note; These programs are subjecl 10 the Griffilh Business School (CBS) salisfyillg fhe prol'isions relating fo quality assurance contained in Standard /7 oftlte AA CSlJ Judgmenl Standards

Page 3: GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY (GU)/FLEMING COLLEGE, CANADA ... · - Accounting . 3 . Bachelor ofBusiness (MKT), Nathan, Logan or Gold Coast. 61240CP 160CP 2 . Feb.lJuJy Gold Coast (## Australian

Fish and Wildlife 3 Bachelor of Science (Environment), Nathan. 61240CP Technology (3 years) Bachelor of Environmental Managemenl, Nalhan.

**students must major in either Ecology and ConservatIon BIOlogy or Land and Water Management]


Bacbelor of Science (Ecology and Conservallon Biology), Nathan.


Geological Technician 2 Bachelor of Science (Environment), Nathan. 6f240CP Bachelor of EnvlJonme mal Manageme nt, Nathan. **students must major III either Ecology and Conservation Biology or Land and Water Management.


Geomalics Technician 2 Bachelor of Science (Environment), Nathan. 6/240CP Bachelor of Environmental Management, Nathan. ** students must major in either Ecology and Conservatlon Biology' Land and Water Management; or EnvlJonmental Planning.


Hotel and Resort Management

3 *** See Note regarding AACSB JUdgment Standards.

Bachelor of Busmess (Hotel Management), Gold Coast 6f240CP

Park Operalion and 2 Bachelor of Science (Environment), Narnan 6/240CP Outdoor Recreation Bachelor of EnvlJonmental Management, Nathan. 8/320CP TechniCian ** students must major in either Ecology and Conservation

Biology' Land and Water Management; or EnVIronmental Policy and Management;

I Bachelor of Science (Ecology and ConservatIOn I3iology),Nathan.


Bachelor of Arts (Environment), Nathan. 6/240CP


160CP 2 160CP I 4


Feb.lJuly Feb.!JLily


Feb,lJuly Feb./July

FebjJuly Feb./July


Feb.!July Feb./July




120CP 120CP

l20CP 120CP


l20CP 120CP




3 5

3 5


3 5



! i


I January, 2008. Griffith Universny/Flemmg College, Canada, Articulation Agreement.

AniculatlOn arrangements and completion pathways are located on the University's Credit and ArticulatIon Precedent Database Available at www via a search of Fleming College.

***Note: These programs are sllbJec( (0 Ihe Grifjilll Business School (GBS) satisfying Ihl' provisions relaling 10 quailly Qssurance conlamed In Standard /7 oflhe AACSB Judgment Srondards