Greylock's Jerry Chen: On Scaling Units of Value



Heavybit Talk: As a Partner at Greylock, Jerry invests in new enterprise apps, and cloud and application infrastructure including distributed app platform Docker. Prior to joining Greylock, Jerry was VP of Cloud and Application Services at VMware for 9 years and has also worked for Bain, Accel, and AEA. In this Heavybit talk, Chen discusses his thoughts on scaling units of value for startups. For the complete video check out

Transcript of Greylock's Jerry Chen: On Scaling Units of Value

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Everything  in  this  talk  is  my  personal  opinion,  theory,  conjecture,  and  probably  wrong.  In  the  event  that  anything  is  right,  it  is  either  pure  coincidence  or  I  blatantly  stole  the  idea  from  someone  much,  much,  smarter.  

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Greylock Partners

Jerry Chen VMware 2003-2013 •  250 to 15k people, IPO, and $5B •  Virtual Desktop Infrastructure •  Cloud Application Platform

•  Cloud Foundry •  Spring Framework •  vFabric •  Data products (Gemfire,

Postgres, Hadoop)

Enterprise team focused on cloud and application infrastructure •  Docker •  Awake Networks


[email protected]

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Unit  of  Value  

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David  versus  Goliath    

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Tech  vs  DistribuBon    

“The  race  between  startups  &  incumbents  is  a  race  between  technology  &  distribuBon.  Startups  have  beFer  tech;  incumbents  have  distribuBon.  Can  a  startup  build  distribuBon  before  the  incumbent  builds  or  acquires  tech?”            –Aneel  Bhusri,  CEO  Workday  &  Greylock  

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Why  Does  GTM  MaFer?    •  It’s  the  “hyphen”  in  “product-­‐market  fit”  •  Impacts  how  much  money  to  raise  •  Determines  profit  margins  at  scale  •  Cost  of  distribuBon  must  match  what  

customer’s  willingness  to  pay  •  How  and  who  you  sell  to  will  change  as  

you  scale  

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Things  to  think  about  GTM    

•  Channel  •  Field  operaBons  •  Pricing  &  Packaging  •  Partnerships  •  Awareness  &  Trial  •  UNIT  OF  VALUE  


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Unit  of  Value  

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Unit  of  Value  Defined    

Noun  1.   Smallest  measurable  unit  at  which  

your  product  or  service  delivers  value.  

2.   Unit  of  scaling  your  product  at  a  customer.  

3.   It’s  what  your  customers  pay  for.  

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Single  Units      

•  DropBox,  one  user  •  VMware,  one  server  •  Docker,  one  container  •  Office  Suite,  one  user  

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Small  (Teams?)      

•  Salesforce,  3-­‐4  sales  reps  •  Box  or  SharePoint,  team  or  

department  •  Atlassian  and  GitHub,  dev  team  

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Big  Units  of  Value    

•  Hadoop,  Big  data  e.g.  terabytes  •  Mesos,  enBre  cluster  of  servers  •  Workday,  Human  capital  management  

for  the  enBre  company  •  SAP,  ERP  for  enBre  company  or  LOB  •  Oracle,  Financials  for  enBre  company  

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Bigger  doesn’t  mean  BeFer    

•  The  bigger  the  unit  of  value  1.   Longer  sales  cycles  &  big  deals  2.   How  to  build  a  cost  effecBve  direct  

sales  force  3.   Big  deals  doesn’t  mean  big  market  

•  Smaller  unit  of  value  1.   Shorter  sales  cycle  &  small  deals  2.   How  do  I  create  cost  effecBve  

channel?  3.   How  to  scale  up  the  value?  

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Developer  Technologies    

Small  •  Dev  Tools  •  API  /  services  Medium  •  CollaboraBon  tools  Large  •  Cloud  Plaeorms  


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Economics  —  Rules  of  Thumb  for  $100M  

$100K+  $10-­‐20K+  $100  

outside  self-­‐serve,  

assisted  inside  






consumer  service  

5,000-­‐10,000  >10,000  1M  

dead  zone  


API  call  

1B  calls  

(but  what’s  the  distribuBon  of  your  revenue?)  

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Few  Customers  Can  Drive  $$$    •  Company  A:  API  Service  •  API  service  <  $0.10  per  API  call  •  50%  of  bookings  are  from  

customer  doing  $25k+  

•  Company  B:  Cloud  app  infra  service  •  50k+  users    •  Average  monthly  customer  <  $50  •  5%  of  customers  50%  of  MRR    

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Sum  of  units  


CreaBng  Non-­‐Linear  Value  

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Going  Non-­‐Linear    

•  The  more  your  customers  consume  the  more  value  they  receive  

•  Selling  addiBonal  products  at  scale  (e.g.  management,  monitoring,  security)  

•  Selling  to  a  different  /  addiBonal  buyer  (CTO,  CIO,  CFO)  


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Ways  to  Increase  Value    

•  Network  effects  •  StandardizaBon  •  Plaeorms  

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Network  effects    

•  Metcalfe’s  law  the  value  of  a  network  is  proporBonal  to  the  square  of  the  number  of  connected  users  of  the  system      

•  CollaboraBon  tools  •  Email  •  Slack  •  GitHub  


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•  Technical  standards  vs    de  facto  standards  •  It’s  why  many  tech  market  shares  end  up  

at  60/30/10  at  maturity  •  Reduce  complexity:  Languages  and  

frameworks,  databases  •  Value  to  a  single  standard:  NewRelic  &  

AppD,  MS  Office  •  De  facto  standards  can  change  (e.g.  

browser  wars)  

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•  System  of  record,  data:  Salesforce  and,  Workday  and  HCM  &  Financials  

•  “Glue  layer”  for  infrastructure,  storage,  networking,  monitoring,  management  

•  ApplicaBon  &  cloud  plaeorms  try  to  be  both  storage  (data)  and  glue  

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Sum  of  units  


CreaBng  Non-­‐Linear  Value  

 customer  standard  

 sell  addi/onal  products  

 create  pla1orm  ecosystem  

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•  What  is  your  Unit  of  Value?  •  How  do  you  increase  the  value  as  

customers  scale?  •  What  go  to  market  matches  this  Unit  of  

Value?  •  Can  you  achieve  this  in  one  product  or  

need  mulBple  products  sold  together?  

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Thank you



Jerry Chen

Follow us: Contact me:

[email protected]