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Transcript of GREJULY

  • 8/4/2019 GREJULY


    riends the database is repeating do learn these words with keen attention

    WORDS :


    dulterate = make impure or of poorer quality by adding inferior or tainted(contaminated) substances

    ffected = deeply moved or hurt emotionally; changed in a bad or artificial way (Opp. Artless,


    nnihilate = destroy (Opp. fabricate)

    ntithetical = contrast, direct opposite of or to (Opp. congruent, congruous)

    ntithesis =

    ssail = assault, attack with words

    ssuage = make less severe; ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) (Opp. unsatisfied)


    elie = contradict; give a false impression; disguise; Ex. The poor sales belied our high hopes; Ex. Her

    mile belies her true feeling of displeasure (Opp. show to be correct)

    elligerent = warlike

    ionics = application of biological principles to the study and design of engineering systems

    larney = flattery, adulation, exaggeration

    light = disease, destroy

    ristle = short stiff hair; V: (hair or fur) stand up stiffly (Opp. cower)

    rowbeat = intimidate, bully (Opp. may be boost, coax, compliment, praise)

    ully = blustering, quarrelsome

    yzantine = intricately involved , labyrinthine, characterized by a devious or surreptitious manner,

    onvoluted (Opp: apparent, discerning, evident)


    adaverous = like a corpse; pale

    anon = rule, edict, a body of the most important, influential or superior works in music, literature, or art

    Opp. apocryphal)

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    areen = lurch; sway from side to side; move with irregular swinging movement; stagger

    essation = stoppage (Opp. commencement, start, continuation)

    ompunction = (Opp. to have no feeling of misgivings )

    onscientious =

    ondensed = (Opp. unbridled)

    onserve = save, protect, preserve, safeguard, support (Opp. Exhaust)

    raggy =jadded, asperous, broken, cragged, harsh, precipitous (Opp. Smooth, flat)

    ursory =


    ank =

    auntless = bold; fearless

    eadpan = wooden; impassive; with no show of feeling; with an expressionless face

    eceleration = slow down

    eference = courteous regard for another's wish; courteous yielding to another's wish or opinion (showing


    eride =

    isaffected = discontented as toward authority, rebellious, malcontent (opp. contended, beloved, happy,


    iscreet = separate; unconnected (Opp. Unjudicious, brash)

    isengage = uncouple; separate; disconnect; stop fighting; (Opp. engage, bind, fasten)

    isgust = loathing, aversion, repulsion, dislike (Opp. admiration, appeal, desire, esteem, fondness, like,

    king, loving, respect, reverence )

    in = continued loud noise; V: make a din; instill by wearying repetition (Opp. hush)

    off = remove, cast off, disrobe, peel, shed, take off, undress (Opp. don)


    manate = to come or issue forth, emit (Opp. take withdraw)

    mpirical = based on experience (Opp. hypothetical, impractical, speculative, theoretical, unobserved)

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    nsconce = settle comfortably; place comfortably (in a secure place)

    phemeral = short lived, fleeting (Opp. Lasting, eternal)

    rgonomics = Human Engineering; The technology concerned with the design, manufacture, and

    arrangement of products and environments to be safe, healthy, and comfortable for human beings

    xculpate = clear from blame or guilt

    xtol = praise very highly; glorify


    acile = easy, easily mastered (Opp. Profound)

    ecundity = fertility, fruitfulness (Opp. may be futility, infertility, aridity)

    laccid =

    lannel = a soft, slightly napped fabric of wool or wool and another fiber, used for trousers, jackets, shirts,tc.

    lint = A very hard, fine-grained quartz that sparks when struck with steel; stern; hard like rock (Opp.

    exible, soft, supple)

    lunk = fail to reach a minimum required performance

    oment = stir up; incite; instigate; promote the growth of (something evil or unpleasant) (Opp. pacify)

    orbearance = refraining from something, patient endurance , self-control (Opp: indulgence, pursue)

    orm =

    raudulent = proceeding from fraud


    ainsay = deny (Opp. assert)

    all= n. bitterness, nerve ; v. annoy, chafe(make worm by rubbing hands)

    ossamer = light, filmy, delicate,translucent fabric, any light, thin fabric (Opp: Ponderous, coarse, thick)

    ripe = n. complaint (Opp. compliment, flattery, praise); V. pain, annoy (Opp. soothe, please)

    rouse = complain; fuss; grumble; grouch; N: plump chicken like game bird


    angdog = shamefaced, browbeaten, defeated, guilty, intimidate,sad (Opp. Buoyant, Cheerful)

    asten = speed something; hurry (Opp. go slow, lag, linger, loiter, procrastinate, rest, tarry)

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    aven =

    ebetudinous = lethargic, sluggish

    em = surround tightly so that movement is impossible; Ex. hem in;

    ermit = person who chose to live alone

    ustle = hurry; work hurriedly (Opp. stillness, tranquility, dally, delay, procrastinate, slow, wait)


    ctus = a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease, a stroke or seizure

    ndolent = lazy

    nnocuous = harmless

    ntermittent = periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals (Opp. Incessant)

    nsulate = narrow mindedness, isolation

    rresistible = compelling; inescapable (Opp. avoidable, escapable, resistible)

    tinerary = plan of a trip; record of a trip


    aded =dulled or satiated by overindulgence, worn out or wearied, dissipated

    est =joking, for fun or to mock, sometimes inappropriately


    eel = founder, plunge, fall, blackout, capsize, collapse

    ey = essential, important (Opp. insignificant)

    osher = legitimate, ritually proper, apropos, genuine


    ackluster = lacking luster(shine; gloss); dull

    achrymose = producing tears; tearful (Opp. cheerful)

    ambaste = beat, thrash verbally

    ambent = softly bright or radiant

    ap = take in food or drink with ones tongue, splash gently

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    assitude = languor; weariness; listlessness

    atent = hidden (Opp. manifest)

    avish = ( Opp. may be hoard, conserve or prohibit )

    urk =


    acrocosm = universe, nature, totality, world, cosmos (Opp. microcosm)

    eet = proper, apposite, appropriate (Opp. Inappropriate)

    endacious = false, untruthful (Opp. Candid, Frank, truthful, veracious)

    ercurial =

    onopoly = something held, owned exclusively (Opp. distribution, joint-ownership, scattering, sharing)


    adir = (Opp. Celestial)

    ebulous = vague; hazy; cloudy; of a nebula; Ex. nebulous proposal (Opp. clear cut, pellucid,

    nambiguous, distinct, limpid)

    estle = curl up, lie close, take shelter

    ether = located below or beneath something else (Opp. celestial, may be above, higher)

    ihilist (Nihilism) = one who considers traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless;

    bsolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist;

    otorious = known for a trait, often an


    bdurate = stubborn; refusing to change one's belief

    bfuscate = confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make needlessly complex; make so confused as to be

    fficult to understand

    bsequious = slavishly attentive; servile; full of servile compliance; sycophantic

    minous = threatening; of an evil omen


    allid = pale; wan; Ex. pallid complexion (Opp. colorful)

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    arasite = animal or plant living on another; toady; sycophant; (Opp. host)

    arsimonious = stinginess, excessive frugality (Opp. Lavish)

    ervasive = spread everywhere

    lacate = soothe, pacify, appease, assuage, conciliate, mollify, pacify (Opp. Rile, Roil, aggravate, provoke)

    luck = courage

    olemic = attack or defense of an opinion; controversy or refutation; argument in support of point of

    ew; N. polemics: art of debate or controversy (Opp. compromising, conciliatory, congruent)

    onctificial = speak in a pompous way which indicates that you are superior(Opp. comment tentatively,

    peak differently)

    opulous = packed with inhabitants, crowded, dense, multifarious (Opp. deserted)

    relude = introduction; introductory performance or event; forerunner; (Opp. conclusion, ending,

    pilogue, postlude)

    rolific = abundantly fruitful(Opp. Unfruitful, barren)

    rohibit =

    rovident = (Opp. spendthrift)

    ulchritude =


    uell = suppress (Opp. incite, arouse, stir up, foment)

    uagmire = A soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot, precarious, or entrapping position

    uizzical = Odd, comical, teasing, bantering, perplexed, questioning (Opp. believing, certain,



    aft = flat boat, large amount

    ecuperate = recover; return to health; regain; Ex. recuperate losses

    eprobate = morally disapproved person; person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency;

    egression = moving backwards

    ollicking = (May database word)

    eticent = (Opp. loquacious)

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    alvation = rescue, saving, emancipation (Opp. Perdition, endangerment, harm, hurt)

    anitation = sanitary science, asepsis, cleanliness, hygiene (Opp. filth, dirtiness)

    ap = diminish; weaken; undermine the foundations of (a fortification); (Opp. build, help, increase, put in,


    equester =

    erene = calmness; placidity;

    hun = keep away from; avoid deliberately; Ex. She has been shunned by her neighbors. (Opp. seek out,


    lant =

    lovenly = untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod; N. sloven: one who is habitually untidy or careless

    olitude = state of being alone; seclusion; ADJ. solitary: existing or living alone (esp. by choice); remote

    r secluded; single; sole;

    ophomoric = Half baked, Inexperienced, Callow

    pare =

    partan = Simple, frugal, or austere (Opp. Sybarite)

    tasis = equilibrium (Opp. unequillibrium)

    tickler =

    toic = stoical; impassive; unmoved by joy or grief;

    trewn = Spread randomly

    tumble = walk unsteadily, slip, stagger, blunder, bumble( Opp. lose, overlook)

    under = Break apart or in two, using violence (Opp. can be reconcile, unite, join)

    uppress = (Opp. stimulate)


    aciturn = habitually silent; talking little

    angible = able to be touched, real, palpable ( Opp. Incorporeal, Intangible, Unpalpable)

    antrum = fit of bad temper; fit of petulance; caprice; Ex. The child went into tantrums.

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    aut = tight; strained; tense; ready; (Opp. loose, slack)

    eem = move in large numbers, be in abundant, full (Opp. be lack, need, want, be short, be scarce)

    emerity = boldness; nerve; rashness; Ex. temerity to ask for a pay increase after only three day's work

    end =

    ender = offer, extend, affectionate, loving (Opp. may be Castigated, retract, withhold the consideration,

    ardy, insensitive, no consideration)

    ractable = (Opp. intransigent)

    ransparent = easily detected, permitting light to pass through freely (Opp. Deceitful)

    ransmogrify = change completely the nature or appearance of, transfigure

    reasonist = someone who betrays his country by committing treason (Opp. may be loyalist)

    rite = common (Opp. Original)


    naccountable = inexplicable, unreasonable, mysterious (Opp. may be accountable, comprehensible,

    xplainable, responsible)

    nbridled = violent; uncontrolled; Ex. unbridled rage/greed

    ncanny = Extraordinary (Opp. Simple; Earthly)

    nimpeachable = that cannot be impeached; beyond doubt or question; blameless and exemplary

    nsubstantiated = Questionable (Opp. agreeable; incontrovertible; undisputed)


    agrant = stray, random, slack, wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support

    Opp. constant,fixed, taut)

    erbal =

    erdant = green, lush in vegetation (Opp. Barren)

    ile = despicable, unpleasant, disgusting (Opp. Gentle; Kind; Nice)

    itality = Energy (Opp. Apathy; lethargy; sluggish)

    ouchsafe = to allow or give as by graciousness, favor, or sometimes with condescension, to grant

    Opp. withhold)

    ociferous = clamorous; noisy; V. vociferate: cry out loudly (Opp. silent)

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    Wax =






    base/debase: Stature :: Chill:temperature

    bstemious: indulgent :: intransigent:acquiesce, austere:decorate

    ggravated: worse :: alleviate/attenuate:reduce/weaker

    ggressive: Bully :: Distrustful:Cynic (Bully is by nature, aggressive)

    ntidote: Poison ::

    ppellation: Misnomer :: Appellation=(formal) a name or title :: Misnomer = a name or a word that is

    ot appropriate or accurate

    propos: Irrelevant :: Apropos things are not irrelevant

    stral: Star :: Terrestrial:Earth

    ugment: Extent :: reinforce:strength


    ent: Rigid :: submerge:buoyant (buoyant means able to float)(bent is something that is not Rigid)

    larney: Obsequious :: Blarney is used or is a sign of an Obsequious person.

    ravado: Credulity :: An act of Bravado lacks Credulity

    ully: Aggressive :: cynic:distrustful

    urgeon: Defoliate :: burgeon is growth whereas defoliate is destroy (Burgeon (to grow rapidly): Grow ::

    alpitate (to beat rapidly) : Beat)

    uoyancy: Sink :: rigid:pliable

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    anon: Principles :: cannon (generally accepted principle, or rule) OR canon can also be a collection of


    areen: Keel :: chortle:glee (Chortle is the sign of Glee)(careen (to lean, sway to one side while in

    motion): keel (to capsize))

    ast: Spell :: Spell is brought to effect by Casting (throwing) (cast is action, spell is outcome of the action)

    ensorship: Communication :: Preservative:decay

    eremony: Sermon :: Sermon (speech about moral/religious subject) is given during a Ceremony

    hoir: Singer :: Troupe:Performer or Instrumentalist:orchestra (Choir is a group of singers)

    onvoluted: Simplicity :: Timeworn:Novelity (sth convoluted lacks simplicity)

    urator: Museum :: Curator is the in-charge of museum.

    ynic: Sycophant :: ( A cynic is a sycophant. A cynic believes that every human being works for selfish

    motives and a sycophant flatters to gain personal motives)


    eadpan: Stoic :: both are related to being emotionless/impassive. [Syn]

    oor: Wall :: pore:membrane (Door is an opening in wall)


    nfeeble: Strength ::

    nsconce: Nestle :: Synonym, both words mean settle comfortably

    rgonomics: Bionics :: Ergonomics is inclined to human body: Bionics is inclined to whole biology.


    uphemism: Offensive :: expedition:foot-dragging( marked this one not sure)

    x-cogitate: Introspect :: Ex-cogitate (to think out, devise, invent; to study intently and carefully inrder to grasp or comprehend fully): Introspect (to look into or examine).[Synonyms]

    xemplary: Imitation :: Notable:Attention

    xiguous: Minuscule :: Moist:Saturated (exiguous is small and minuscule is extremely small)


    abricate: Confabulate :: To Confabulate a story is to Fabricate it. [Syn]

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    ilmstrip: Frame :: Medley:Melodies

    irm: Obduration :: Cynical:Sarcastic

    laccid: Firmness :: still:motion, imperishable:decay (sth flaccid by definition lacks firmness. [Ant])

    lannel: Cloth :: linen:fabric

    leece: Ewe :: ewe is a female sheep:fleece is wool of a sheep

    lippant: Meticulous

    oundation: Structure :: Premise:Argument, Pedestal:Statue (Foundation is the base of a Structure ::

    remise is the base of an Argument)


    aucherie: Urbane :: guileless:chicanery

    ratuitous: Solicitous :: A solicitous (concerned for well being) person is usually gratuitous (generous)

    rimace:pain :: gnarl:anger/chortle:amusement/flinch:fear(dont know exactly one of them is correct )

    grimace is to make a pained expression on face)

    rind: Mill :: Scissors:Cut

    ripe: Contempt

    ripe: Grouse :: Grouse is the expression shown for or effect of Gripe

    rouse: Ornithologist :: Grouse is abird with a fat body and feathers on its legs whose nature is studiedy Ornithologist


    arbor: Evict :: harbor(to hide or protect sth): evict (to force sb to leave) [Ant]

    em: Edge :: hem is by definition an edge (hem = edge of piece of cloth that has been folded over and



    amatology: Remedies :: iamatology is the branch of therapeutics which treats of remedies.

    bex: Feral :: Ibex (a mountain goat with long curved horns) is by character a Feral (wild) animal.

    ncrustations: Rectitude :: Incrustations (hard coating or crust) : Rectitude (uprightness; moral virtue;

    orrectness in judgment)

    nsinuate: Condemn ::

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    ntransigent: Acquiesce

    ntrovert: Introspective :: introvert is a person who is introspective

    rrigate: Water :: Fund:Money (To Irrigate is to supply Water to an area)



    osher: Slovenly :: Kosher (proper, legitimate, authentic): Slovenly (untidy, slipshod, careless).


    osher: Colloquialism


    ambaste: Extol :: lambaste (to attack or criticize somebody very severely, especially in public) : Extol

    o praise very much)[Ant]

    amatology: Remedies

    eaven: Rising ::

    eery: Paranoid

    eery: Sanguine :: leery (suspicious, careful of sth): sanguine (optimistic, confident of sth)

    evee: Stem :: Leeve:An embankment that is built in order to prevent a river from overflowing,

    tem:Stop the flow of a liquid

    urk: Wait :: conspire:plan


    achines: Chains :: Ropes:knots

    acrocosm: Universe :: Universe is an example/type of Macrocosm. [synonyms]

    onopoly: competition :: Unify:variance, varied:unity(Monopoly is control of sth due to absence of


    oribund: Festive :: Moribund (very bad condition): Festive (celebration). [Ant]

    ill: Grinding :: Scissor:cutting


    arcissist: Self-absorbed :: sycophant:obsequious

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    itpick: Criticize :: nitpick is to criticize unnecessarily or about petty details


    bstemious: Indulge

    verlook: Apparent :: enjoy:odious


    ainting: museum :: Manuscript:archive

    an: Flay :: pan (v)(informal) to severely criticize sth such as a play or a film / movie :: flay = (formal) to

    riticize sb/yourself severely

    arry:question :: shirk:duty

    ellucid: vague ::

    erturb: Serenity :: console:grief

    hilistine: Altruistic :: Philistine (person lacking or hostile to cultural values or intellectual, aesthetic

    ursuits): Altruistic (unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others).

    utty: Notice ::

    laque: Artery :: channel:silt

    rivy: Patent :: things which are privy are not patent

    rudent: Adept :: prudent = sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding

    nnecessary risks:adept = good at doing sth that is quite difficult


    uagmire: Stuck ::


    atify: Condemn :: Ratify = express approval :: Condemn = express disapproval

    ambunctious: Tranquil :: rambunctious (boisterous, cheerful in noisy way): tranquil (quiet and


    eprobate: Hermit :: Reprobate (a person who behaves in a way that society thinks is immoral): Hermit

    a person who, usually for religious reasons, lives a very simple life alone and does not meet or talk to

    ther people).Both are people who deviate from the norms of society. [Syn]

    esplendence: Auriferous :: void:empty, bootless:futility (something that is auriferous, is resplendent)

    uddy: Salubrious :: both means healthy. [Synonyms]

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    uffle: Shirt :: molding:cabinet


    cintillate: Asteroid :: approaching asteroids scintillate in the sky.

    cofflaw: Tribunal :: Scofflaw is a person who habitually ignores tribunal

    corn: Contempt ::

    nicker: Disrespect :: to snicker is a sign of disrespect

    pate: Dilapidated

    trike: Medal :: Mint:Coin (Strike is to get medals :: to mint is to make coins)

    uperfluous: Needed :: Superfluous is sth that is done more than Needed

    ymphony: Orchestra :: orchestra(large group of people who play various musical instruments)ays/creates a symphony(long complicated music)


    alisman: Object :: Tome:Book

    angible: Perceive :: Comprehensive:fathom

    eeth: Enamel ::

    ender: Acceptance ::exhibit:inspection

    rain: Camels :: modern:traditional; faster:slower (both are for carrying goods and people)


    ngovernable: Control :: unalienable:transfer

    nflappable: Rile ::


    acillate: Determined


    Water: Swim ::

    Windfall: Untoward :: unexpected fortune: unexpected misfortune. [+- Ant]

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    . There was one on locomotives in the year 1895 which was popular but then its popularity got

    MPEDED/OBVIATE due to high cost of electricity.. something like that.. there was one more

    lank.. don't remember :/

    . Other one was like, an artist drew caricatures of caricatures.. adding

    NNOVATIVE/Uneccessary ideas made it DESULTORY/SUBTLE to understand the meaning of the

    iagram .. something like this..! I cant recollect the whole sentence.

    . An author was describing about 2 people whose thoughts kept changing hence the answer

    was MERCURIAL I guess!

    . The eccentric attitude of an described characteristics of eccentricity

    . A politician who condemned polemical attitude, but his ___ statements later came as a

    urprise. (something like equivocal mi8 be the ans)

    . Steam engines which though had high efficiency, had ___ in attaining popularity because of

    __ in awareness

    . The new illustrations, though they follow the plot, have little to do with the tone of Alice in

    Wonderland; Unchanging ________,they _______ the subtext of a story that is, for all its


    bout the terrifying instability of identity.

    . grim belie

    . contradict

    fanciful reinforce

    . upbeat ... miss

    . cheerful elucidate

    . A simplest unicellular biological organism bacterial cell can live independently. Although its

    tructure is pretty simple, there is a higher _____in contrast to the most intricate piece of themachinery in the world, which is inferior, still seems _____.

    NS : complexity , crude

    . A simplest cell origanism the bacterial cell can support a whole life: Such a _____ makes life

    ystem look like very intricate and _____.

    NS : simplicity, complicated

    0. The Broadway musical business is apparently _________ innovation and experimentation: it

    _______ characters and story lines that have dominated the musical stage for years.

    NS : averse to, recycles

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    1. The evidence that a renounced composer Mendelssohn had published some of his cousins

    works in his name ________ the view that she was actually a _________ talent.

    NS : buttress, significant

    2. The scientist found it puzzling that his rival's theory retained its ____ despite widespread

    uggestions that it was now ____.

    NS : currency moribund or viability untenable

    3. Although the popular TV show attracts more than a few ____ viewers it tends to inspire less

    passionate follower than a ____________ one.

    NS : fanatical contented

    4. Far from being the_________ form of literature, romance novelis the ________of the

    otential of literature to affect the emotions of the reader.

    NS : shallow ...realization

    5. Although the government has already _________ the view of some people regarding the

    ociety being many problems, it also__________ that some disadvantages indeed exist in the


    NS : eliminated recognizes

    6. Scientists' pristine reputation as devotees of the disinterested pursuit of truth has been

    ___ by recent evidence that some scientists have deliberately ____ experimental results to

    urther their own careers.

    A) reinforced ... published

    B)validated ... suppressed

    C) exterminated ... replicated

    D)compromised ... fabricated

    E) resuscitated ... challenged

    7. When theories formerly considered to be ____ in their scientific objectivity are found

    nstead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias , then the presumed neutrality

    f science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are human ____.

    NS : disinterested ... Constructions

    8. Usually the legislator on two sides would _____ any attempt to come to the middle ground,

    ut their recent actions belie that they _______ .. compromise.....

    NS : disavow .. countenance

    9. The employee has a reputation of fractiousness, however, his coworkers see his _______ .

    NS : affable

    0. Money spent on research almost always good investment, although the results of the

    esearch were________.

    NS : controversial

    1. Compared with their parties, politicians are ______: they are considerably less enduring

    han the organizations in which they function.




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    2. Although critics exaggerated that his novel was_____, you don't necessarily think that his

    writing technique was____.

    NS : derivative unoriginal

    3. His witness is very wild and fantasticalso most of people think the event is _____.

    NS : apocryphal

    4. Some politic commentators frequently ____ self-deprecating, minimizing their own

    mportance, in order to ____ accountability,because they think if the commentary remarks does

    ot matter, no issue of accountability arise.

    NS : affect...avoid/escape

    5.Its first _____ capture of the novel to many of the people is hard to understand.

    NS : arcane

    6. Her first concert appearance was disappointingly perfunctory and derivative, rather than the

    ____ performance in the _____ style we had anticipated.

    NS : inspired ... Innovative

    7.Though environmentalists have targeted some herbicides as potentially dangerous, the

    manufacturers, to the environmentalists dismay, ------the use of these herbicides on lawns.

    NS : defend

    8. The development of American primary education is _____, rather than from the point of

    iew pedagogy, given the evidence that it only concerns the efficiency and reduces narrowness

    NS : expedient

    9. It is imprecisely to say her paint is ____, though people exaggerated that the draw content

    was arcane, there is nothing ___ on his skills.NS : abstruse neophyte

    0. This writer of fiction believed that the novelist should not ____ the narrative, and that such

    nconspicuousness on the part of the author would preserve the illusion of reality.

    A) preconceive

    B) minimize

    C) hasten

    D) agonize over

    E) obtrude into

    1. Although it is sometimes relatively_________, because the content seems to be moreontrast and reveals a Robin's book__________the audience's rewards ..

    NS : obtrusive repays

    2. Critical response to his work is so______ that rattles him enough to______the conclusion in

    ubsequent work.

    NS : scathingsuppress

    3. Though the copy of memorandum that the author obtained was ______, it still had enough

    nformation to support the allegation of conspiracy.

    NS : expurgate

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    4. The childrens ______ natures were in sharp contrast to the even-tempered dispositions of

    heir parents.

    A) mercurial/irascible

    B) blithe

    C) phlegmatic

    D) introverted

    E) artless

    5. Sculpture was little_____by Americans in the 19th century because people think they were

    stentatious, therefore _____

    NS : appreciated criticize

    6. In the ironic, the scientist was criticized by his ______ research method, although others

    aise his absolute impeccable logic in his method.

    NS : specious

    7. As most beloved child to their parents are sometimes________ to them,so is human's

    ehavior towards computer machines___________

    8. In 1885 the car revolution ...... due to cost price increases of fuel.

    NS : impeded

    9. Evidence showing that aspirin can _______ allergies is spare; indeed, it has been known to

    _____ asthma in certain cases. (Something like that)

    NS. palliate...prompt.

    0. X's lackadaisical attitude towards this project belies his ______ nature. (Something like


    1. Although the popular TV show attracts more than a few ____ viewers it tends to inspire lesspassionate follower than a ____________ one.

    NS : fanatical contented

    2. Far from being the_________ form of literature, romance novels are ________ of the

    otential of literature to affect the emotions of the reader.

    NS : shallow ...realization

    3. Scientists cannot progress without depending on each others publications, so it is necessary

    or practicing scientists to have ______

    NS : probity

    4. Political parties reduce the money given to candidates, so candidates needing to search for

    iversifying sources of funding undertake more ______ campaigns and conversely increase the

    _____ of political parties.

    NS : expensive, importance


    o post the RC numbers to me if u find any to my id [email protected] dont forget .plss

    OTE : The ans to the passages may or may not be correct

    C1: Women power in African society in 16th century
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    C2: Solar eclipse

    C3: Hibernation of snake vs hibernation of bear

    C4: Historical artifacts related one

    C5: 135 lines long with 5 ques. The topic is an effect of French Revolution on European trade.

    C6: 25 lines was from Power Prep practice RC session on nuclear fusion with tritium effect,

    ut only 2 questions from there.

    C7: 75 lines was on different scale pattern of tropical and ocean snakes and it had 3


    C8: Medicinal discovery curing a disease, 3 questions 60 lines.

    C9: Erratic conception on World War II, 4 questions, 125 lines.

    C10: Moon and Jupiter, something around 75 lines, 2 questions.

    C11: A peasant revolution of 17th century, 105 lines and 4 questions

    C12: A new drug discovery for fighting alzimers or something like that, 60 lines, 3 questions.

    C13: Psychology and criminal, 85 lines with 2 questions.

    C14: Jupiter's moon Europa .

    C15: A book with traditions or something.

    C16: 60 lines on planetary movement of Jupiter.

    C17: 120 lines on mediaval language.

    C18: Women French historians 80 lines

    OL : Test 17 of big-book has a RC on status of women

    C19: Literature detective of 19th century, 85 lines, 4 questions

    OL : Test 21 of big book has a RC on literary detectives

    C20: Degrees in English on Griffith or Graffath drama, 50 lines, 2 questions

    OL : It is also there in the link mentioned above and passage number 225

    C21: First world war and a lady names Einstein, 80 lines, 3 questions

    C22: Zoo-plankton algae, 4 questions

    OL : Test16 of big book contains RC on zoo-plankton algae and it is also there in the link

    mentioned above and passage number 218

    C23: African-Asian novel, 2 questions

    C24: Earth and moon, interrelation on axis, orbit, 2 questions

  • 8/4/2019 GREJULY


    C25: Controversy over originality of Shakespeare, 60 lines, 3 questions which came from Q2-


    C26: Students obtaining advance degrees in English, 50 lines, 3 questions, came around Q9 or


    C27: Moon and earth interrelation in spinning of axis, orbit blah blah, 75 lines, 4 questions,

    ame at Q18.

    C28: Ice fishing in the arctics with 105 lines with 5 questions.

    C29: Novel findings Psychology with 75 lines having 2 questions.

    C30: A French novel and its effect on 18th century french society 45 lines with 3 questions.

    C 31: some discovery regarding life in mars

    C 32: Scientific relation between Jupiter and one of its satellites 80 lines

    C 33: Some article like, 2 people's ideas compared about why humans encounter slip of tongue

    while they talk.-25 lines

    C 34: 35 lines it is based on two languages

    C 35: 60 lines one girl named silko conducting research

    C 36: 85 lines based on three diff kinds of animals

    C 37: On Hellen Keller and medieval story


    . "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."

    . "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that

    has become a more important form of documentation than written records."

    . "Censorship is rarely, if ever, justified."

    . "Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the

    ictates of our passions."

    . "When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we

    an never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring

    istory is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit.

    . "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the


    . "It is dangerous to trust only intelligence."

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    . "Many people admire idealism, but it usually leads to disappointment or trouble."

    . "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of


    0. The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of

    uman minds.

    1. About the increment of a professor's income...

    2. Most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously, even when they claim to admire


    3. Restriction on scientific research by government.

    4. Facts are stubborn, they cannot be altered by our wishes , inclinations and the dictates of

    ur passions value of role models is exaggerated.

    5. Technology creating problem than solutions

    6. History do not help to take decision on present times

    7. Dangerous to trust intelligence only.

    8. History and story telling

    9. Idealism leads to disappointment.

    0. Studying history, people become story tellers

    1. Political leaders withholding information from people

    2. About art work that it should be understandable by all.

    3. U can learn more from argument than from similar view.

    4. Government placing restrictions on scientific research and development

    5. In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn

    s much by watching television as they can by reading books.

    6. Parents & communities involving in local school.

    7. To remain vigorous, any academic field needs to be led by truly independent thinkers who

    re willing to ignore established boundaries and challenge long-standing assumptions.


    . Until recently, people in Hiparia did most of their shopping by driving to shopping malls. They

    re beginning, however, to do more of their shopping by ordering merchandise from mail-order

    atalogs and the Internet. These purchases are delivered to them by mail or by a delivery

  • 8/4/2019 GREJULY


    ervice. For many purchases, Hiparians no longer need to drive to and from shopping malls;

    here will therefore be a resulting reduction in the consumption of vehicle fuel in Hiparia.

    . The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a farming publication.

    With continuing publicity about the need for healthful diets, and with new research about the

    armful effects of eating too much sugar, nationwide demand for sugar will no doubt decline.

    herefore, farmers in our state should use the land on which they currently grow sugar cane to

    row peanuts, a food that is rich in protein and low in sugar. Farmers in the neighboring country

    f Palin greatly increased their production of peanuts last year, and their total revenues from

    hat crop were quite high."

    . The following appeared in a memorandum from the owner of Armchair Video, a chain of video

    ental stores.

    Because of declining profits, we must reduce operating expenses at Armchair Video's ten video

    ental stores. Raising prices is not a good option, since we are famous for our special bargains.

    nstead, we should reduce our operating hours. Last month our store in downtown Marston

    educed its hours by closing at 6:00 P.M. rather than 9:00 P.M. and reduced its overall inventory

    y no longer stocking any film released more than two years ago. Since we have received very

    ew customer complaints about these new policies, we should now adopt them at all other

    rmchair Video stores as our best strategies for improving profits."

    . A recently completed study shows that people dwelling in stairs-only apartment buildings

    that is, buildings without elevators) live an average of three years longer than do people who

    ve in buildings with both elevators and stairs. A second study shows that elderly residents of

    uildings with elevators make, on average, twice as many visits to doctors each year as do

    lderly residents of buildings without elevators. These findings suggest that even a very

    moderate amount of daily exercise, such as that required to use the stairs leading to and from

    ne's apartment, can increase people's health and longevity. The findings also suggest that new

    partment buildings should be constructed with as few elevators as possible.

    . The following appeared in a letter from the mayor of Tudor City.After a major airline chose Yorkville as its regional flight hub, the number of businesses in that

    ty almost doubled and local tax revenue increased by 50 percent. In addition, as travel to

    orkville became easier, most respondents to a survey of the country's top executives identified

    orkville as a desirable place to transact business. To secure efficient transportation for Tudor

    ity and stimulate our local economy, we should build a new airport, like the one in Yorkville,

    hat is suitable for a regional flight hub."

    . The following was written as a part of an application for a small business loan by a group of

    evelopers in the city of Monroe.

    A jazz music club in Monroe would be a tremendously profitable enterprise. Currently, theearest jazz club is 65 miles away; thus, our proposed club, the C Note, would have the local

    market all to itself. Plus, jazz is extremely popular in Monroe: over 100,000 people attended

    onroe's jazz festival last summer, several well-known jazz musicians live in Monroe, and the

    ighest-rated radio program in Monroe is 'Jazz Nightly,' which airs every weeknight. Finally, a

    ationwide study indicates that the typical jazz fan spends close to $1,000 per year on jazz

    ntertainment. It is clear that the C Note cannot help but make money."

    . Mingling with persons have same view is gud than persons with persons with contradictory


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    . Memo of some hazardous waste disposal company.

    : Luxuries vs Necessities.

    0: Astrology and paramormal sciences should be a part of basic science courses, as they are

    much more austere and abstract than the bookish subjects.

    1: Some waiter and waitress receiving tips.

    2: In the past, the body styles of Patrioit Cars have been old fashioned, and our cars have not

    old as well as have our competitor's cars. But now, since many regions in this country report

    apid increases in the number of newly liscenced drivers, we should be able to increase our

    hare of the market by selling cars to this growing population. Thus, we should discontinue our

    ldest models and concentrate instead on manufacturing sporty cars. We can also improve the

    uccess of our marketing campaigns by switching our advertising to the Youth Advertising

    gency, which has successfullypromoted the country's leading soft drink."

    3: On a city names Coalvilles business.

    4: A circulation about establishing a new dormitory as students are increasing and outside rent

    s high

    5: Dr.flaks theory of concluding on observation of nurture of children in tirate island

    6: The following appeared in a Letter to the Editor of the Shady Village newspaper.

    Commuters are complaining that the rush hour traffic on Blue Highway between Shady Village

    nd Bright City has doubled their commuting time. Some commuters have asked that an

    dditional traffic lane be built, but the recent creation of such a lane on nearby Green Highway

    pparently attracted more commuters, judging from the fact that rush-hour traffic jams actually

    ncreased there this past winter. To reduce rush-hour traffic on Blue Highway, a bicycle lanehould be added instead of a traffic lane. This approach will succeed because many citizens of

    hady Village are avid bicyclists; 75 percent of respondents to a recent questionnaire

    istributed there said they would like to bicycle more hours per week than they currently do."

    7. The following appeared as part of a memo from the manager of a hazardous-waste disposal


    Our new plan will help us better protect our staff against exposure to toxic chemicals: We are

    tting each new safety suit with an alarm that will sound in the main control booth when the

    uit is punctured. The control booth will notify the managers on duty, who will then take the

    ecessary steps to ensure employees' safety. In addition to the obvious safety-related benefits,he fast reaction time will ensure minimal work stoppage and thus result in increased worker

    roductivity and company profitability."


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    MP: I will update the meaning as well as antonyms that i know tomorrow If any one knowshen pls mail me [email protected] help our frnds tooo....

    OTE: please dont forget to post the questions after ur exam .. do post them let others learn by

    have a kind and generous heart towards others email id

    [email protected]