Gregory Holm, PhD, NP, FAANP · 2015. 12. 4. · HNP on MRI may need semisemi--rigid cervical...

Managing Spine Problems Managing Spine Problems i in in Primary Care Primary Care Gregory Holm, PhD, NP, FAANP Gregory Holm, PhD, NP, FAANP Steamboat Springs, Colorado Steamboat Springs, Colorado Professor: USF College of Medicine: Family & Sports Medicine Professor: USF College of Medicine: Family & Sports Medicine Commissioner: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Commissioner: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification P Program Program

Transcript of Gregory Holm, PhD, NP, FAANP · 2015. 12. 4. · HNP on MRI may need semisemi--rigid cervical...

  • Managing Spine Problems Managing Spine Problems iiin in

    Primary CarePrimary Care

    Gregory Holm, PhD, NP, FAANPGregory Holm, PhD, NP, FAANP

    Steamboat Springs, ColoradoSteamboat Springs, Colorado

    Professor: USF College of Medicine: Family & Sports MedicineProfessor: USF College of Medicine: Family & Sports Medicine

    Commissioner: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Commissioner: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification PPProgramProgram

  • Behavioral ObjectivesBehavioral ObjectivesBehavioral ObjectivesBehavioral Objectives

    At the end of the sessionAt the end of the session At the end of the session, At the end of the session, the practitioner will be able to:the practitioner will be able to:

    –– Perform an accurate physical assessment of Perform an accurate physical assessment of common spine issues found in the primary care common spine issues found in the primary care settingsettinggg

    –– Successfully manage common spine issues found Successfully manage common spine issues found in the primary care settingin the primary care setting

    –– Identify dangerous &/or malignant issuesIdentify dangerous &/or malignant issuesIdentify dangerous &/or malignant issues Identify dangerous &/or malignant issues concerning the spine presenting to the primary concerning the spine presenting to the primary care cliniccare clinic

  • DisclosureDisclosure

    I have no current affiliation or financialI have no current affiliation or financial–– I have no current affiliation or financial I have no current affiliation or financial interest with any grantor or interest with any grantor or commercial interests that might have commercial interests that might have ggdirect interest in the subject matter of direct interest in the subject matter of the CE Program.the CE Program.

  • AgendaAgendagg Important InformationImportant Information

    –– Review of Spine TermsReview of Spine Terms–– Anatomical ReviewAnatomical Review

    ExaminationExamination Differential DiagnosisDifferential Diagnosis Differential DiagnosisDifferential Diagnosis TreatmentTreatment

    –– Lumbar SpineLumbar Spine–– Lumbar SpineLumbar Spine–– Cervical SpineCervical Spine

  • Terms to KnowTerms to Know

  • Lumbar Spine PearlsLumbar Spine Pearls Cord stops @ LCord stops @ L--11

    LL 2 less often2 less often–– LL--2 less often2 less often–– conus medularisconus medularis–– then Cauda Equinathen Cauda Equinat e Cauda qu at e Cauda qu a

    Umbilicus LUmbilicus L--3/4 3/4 –– aortic bifurcationaortic bifurcation

    into illiacsinto illiacs

    Intervertebral disc Intervertebral disc –– annulus annulus –– nucleus pulposanucleus pulposa

    90% f HNP’90% f HNP’–– 90% of HNP’s 90% of HNP’s L4L4--5 or L55 or L5--S1S1

  • Spinal ElementsSpinal ElementsSpinal ElementsSpinal ElementsSpinous processSpinous process



    a s e seprocess

    Pars articularis

    Spinal foramenPedicle

    Spinous Body

  • Neurology of the Lower Neurology of the Lower ExtremityExtremity

    Disc Root Reflex Muscle Sensation_______L3-4 L4 Patellar Anterior Tibialis -Medial leg/foot

    (foot inversion)

    L4 5 L5 N E t h ll i L t l l &/L4-5 L5 None Extensor hallucis -Lateral leg &/or (dorsiflex big toe) -dorsum foot

    L5-S1 S1 Achilles Peroneus -Lateral foot(dorsiflex foot)( )

    Adapted from Hoppenfeld p.254Adapted from Hoppenfeld p.254

  • Or simply:Or simply:p yp y Sensory Sensory Knee jerk Knee jerk

    Dermatomes:Dermatomes:–– “3 to the knee”“3 to the knee”

    “4 h i id lf”“4 h i id lf”

    –– usually L4usually L4

    –– “4 to the inside calf”“4 to the inside calf”–– “5 to the outside calf”“5 to the outside calf”

    “S1 to the outer foot”“S1 to the outer foot”

    Ankle jerk Ankle jerk –– usually S1usually S1

    –– S1 to the outer footS1 to the outer foot

    Motor Deficit Motor Deficit (typical)(typical)f t l t &/f t l t &/–– foot plantar &/or foot plantar &/or dorsiflexiondorsiflexion

    –– L 5 / S1 nerve rootL 5 / S1 nerve root5 / S e e oo5 / S e e oo

  • LONG TRACT SIGNSLONG TRACT SIGNS(P th l i R fl )(P th l i R fl )(Pathologic Reflexes)(Pathologic Reflexes)

    SUGGESTSUGGEST H ff ’H ff ’ SUGGESTSUGGESTUpper Motor Neuron Upper Motor Neuron


    Hoffman’sHoffman’sFor cervical spineFor cervical spine Indicates possibleIndicates possibleLesion Lesion

    DTR’s DTR’s 3+ unilaterally; or 4+3+ unilaterally; or 4+

    Indicates possible Indicates possible myelopathymyelopathy

    Significance of Significance of 3 unilaterally; or 43 unilaterally; or 4Ankle clonusAnkle clonus

    dorsiflexion of footdorsiflexion of foot

    ggbilateral Hoffman’s is bilateral Hoffman’s is uncertainuncertain

    Babinski’s Babinski’s


  • LONG TRACT SIGNSLONG TRACT SIGNS(P th l i R fl )(P th l i R fl )(Pathologic Reflexes)(Pathologic Reflexes)

    SUGGESTSUGGEST H ff ’H ff ’ SUGGESTSUGGESTUpper Motor Neuron Upper Motor Neuron


    Hoffman’sHoffman’sFor cervical spineFor cervical spine Indicates possibleIndicates possibleLesion Lesion

    DTR’s DTR’s 3+ unilaterally; or 4+3+ unilaterally; or 4+

    Indicates possible Indicates possible myelopathymyelopathy

    Significance of Significance of 3 unilaterally; or 43 unilaterally; or 4Ankle clonusAnkle clonus

    dorsiflexion of footdorsiflexion of foot

    ggbilateral Hoffman’s is bilateral Hoffman’s is uncertainuncertain

    Babinski’s Babinski’s

  • General Clinical ExamGeneral Clinical Exam Inspection Inspection

    posture gaitposture gait posture, gaitposture, gait café au lait /skin tagscafé au lait /skin tags fauns beard / lipomatafauns beard / lipomata TT--L ROML ROM

    PalpatePalpate PalpatePalpate spasms, spinal process, musclesspasms, spinal process, muscles SI joints, sciatic notch, hipSI joints, sciatic notch, hip abdomen & distal pulsesabdomen & distal pulses

    DTR’DTR’ DTR’sDTR’s:: pathologic reflexes pathologic reflexes

    cord/upper motorcord/upper motor hyper reflex hyper reflex ypyp

    cord/upper motorcord/upper motor hypo reflex hypo reflex

    below conusbelow conus Sharp/Dull discriminationSharp/Dull discrimination Sharp/Dull discriminationSharp/Dull discrimination

    also vibratory sensealso vibratory sense Extremity strengthExtremity strength

    tandem walktandem walk h l d ti t lkih l d ti t lki heel and tiptoe walkingheel and tiptoe walking squat and risesquat and rise

  • Patrick’s ManeuverPatrick’s ManeuverPatrick s ManeuverPatrick s Maneuver Also known as:Also known as: Also known as: Also known as:

    F.A.B.E.R. & La F.A.B.E.R. & La FebereFeberetesttest

    Flex knee & place ankleFlex knee & place ankle Flex knee & place ankle Flex knee & place ankle above contralateral above contralateral kneeknee

    Apply downward forceApply downward force Apply downward force Apply downward force onto the flexed knee to onto the flexed knee to stress lower back, SI stress lower back, SI joint & hipjoint & hipj pj p

    Pain points to source of Pain points to source of pathologypathology

  • Patrick’s ManeuverPatrick’s Maneuver

  • Patrick’s ManeuverPatrick’s ManeuverPatrick s ManeuverPatrick s Maneuver Also known as:Also known as: Also known as: Also known as:

    F.A.B.E.R. & La F.A.B.E.R. & La FebereFeberetesttest

    Flex knee & place ankleFlex knee & place ankle Flex knee & place ankle Flex knee & place ankle above contralateral above contralateral kneeknee

    Apply downward forceApply downward force Apply downward force Apply downward force onto the flexed knee to onto the flexed knee to stress lower back, SI stress lower back, SI joint & hipjoint & hipj pj p

    Pain points to source of Pain points to source of pathologypathology

  • Sciatic (Nerve) StretchSciatic (Nerve) Stretch• SLR

    • Straight leg raise• Supine, passive

    • Reproduces radicular pain (below kneepain (below knee paresthesias) if +


  • Sciatic (Nerve) StretchSciatic (Nerve) Stretch• SLR

    • Straight leg raise• Supine, passive

    • Reproduces radicular pain (below kneepain (below knee paresthesias) if +

    • LaSegue’s (aka Bragard’s) g ( g )• “original SLR”

    • Same; but stop at first sign of pain … then lower until pain gone … then dorsiflex foot which stretches onlyfoot which stretches only the nerve (not hamstrings)

  • Sitting Leg ExtensionSitting Leg Extension

    Also a sciatic stretchAlso a sciatic stretch•• Also a sciatic stretchAlso a sciatic stretch•• Aka: SLE , Flip signAka: SLE , Flip sign

    •• OK for follow up OK for follow up examsexams

  • Sitting Leg ExtensionSitting Leg Extension

  • Sitting Leg ExtensionSitting Leg Extension

    Also a sciatic stretchAlso a sciatic stretch•• Also a sciatic stretchAlso a sciatic stretch•• Aka: SLE , Flip signAka: SLE , Flip sign

    •• OK for follow up OK for follow up examsexams

  • Femoral (Nerve) StretchFemoral (Nerve) Stretch• Opposite of the sciatic

    stretches:SLE/SLR/L S• SLE/SLR/LaSegues

    • Tests L- 3:Tests L 3:• femoral nerve• “reverse straight leg

    i ”raise”

    • Best done pronep• Produces L3

    radicular symptoms • (down to the• (down to the

    anterior knee)

  • Femoral (Nerve) StretchFemoral (Nerve) Stretch

  • Femoral (Nerve) StretchFemoral (Nerve) Stretch• Opposite of the sciatic

    stretches:SLE/SLR/L S• SLE/SLR/LaSegues

    • Tests L- 3:Tests L 3:• femoral nerve• “reverse straight leg

    i ”raise”

    • Best done pronep• Produces L3

    radicular symptoms • (down to the• (down to the

    anterior knee)


    InfectionInfectionInfectionInfection septicemiasepticemia

    usually Staph or Strepusually Staph or Strep P tt S d liti (TB)P tt S d liti (TB) Potts Spondylitis (TB)Potts Spondylitis (TB)

    NeoplasmNeoplasmworse while lying downworse while lying down worse while lying downworse while lying down

    AneurysmAneurysm abdominal masses/bruitsabdominal masses/bruits abdominal masses/bruitsabdominal masses/bruits pulsespulses

    Cauda Equina SyndromeCauda Equina SyndromeCauda Equina SyndromeCauda Equina Syndrome

  • What is Cauda Equina Syndrome?What is Cauda Equina Syndrome?

    Losing use of leg (s)Losing use of leg (s) Bowel or bladder symptoms Bowel or bladder symptoms

    mostly urinary retentionmostly urinary retention

    Saddle numbness &/orSaddle numbness &/or Saddle numbness &/or Saddle numbness &/or tinglingtingling

    Decreased anal sphincter Decreased anal sphincter tone tone

    Hypo reflexiaHypo reflexia

    True emergency:True emergency: referral to Ortho or Neuro spinereferral to Ortho or Neuro spine referral to Ortho or Neuro spine referral to Ortho or Neuro spine

    surgeon (ED)surgeon (ED)

  • Red FlagsRed FlagsR t t Recent trauma

    History of osteoporosis Abdominal pain radiates p

    straight through to back Fever IV drug use IV drug use Unexplained weight loss History of cancer y Pain worse at night

    – pain not relieved in the supine positionp

    – awakens patient from sleep w/o movement

    Bowel/bladder dysfunction Saddle area paresthesia Weakness

  • TREATMENTTREATMENT1.1. Ice:Ice: 20 minutes (Rule of 3)20 minutes (Rule of 3)1.1. Ice: Ice: 20 minutes (Rule of 3)20 minutes (Rule of 3)

    q hour x 3q hour x 3 then 3x/day x 3 daysthen 3x/day x 3 days then moist heatthen moist heat

    2.2. COMMON NSAID ClassesCOMMON NSAID Classes SalicylatesSalicylates

    –– ASA, ASA, SalsalateSalsalate

    Arachadonic Acid Cascade

    ProprionicProprionic acidsacids–– IBP, Naproxen, IBP, Naproxen, KetoprofenKetoprofen

    AlkanonesAlkanones–– NabumetoneNabumetone (Relafen)(Relafen)NabumetoneNabumetone (Relafen)(Relafen)

    HeteroarylHeteroaryl acetic acidsacetic acids–– DiclofenacDiclofenac, , KetorolacKetorolac

    IndoleIndole/Indene Acetic acids/Indene Acetic acidsI d th iI d th i S li dS li d–– IndomethacinIndomethacin, , SulindacSulindac

    OxicamsOxicams (Cox 2 > Cox 1)(Cox 2 > Cox 1)–– PiroxicamPiroxicam, , MeloxicamMeloxicam

    PyranocarboxylicPyranocarboxylic acids acids (Cox 2 > Cox 1)(Cox 2 > Cox 1)y yy y–– EtodolacEtodolac

    COX 2 selectiveCOX 2 selective–– celecoxibcelecoxib

  • Muscle RelaxersMuscle RelaxersCC A tiA ti titi1.1. Common Common AntiAnti--spasmoticsspasmotics

    SedatingSedating–– cyclobenzaprinecyclobenzaprine ((FlexirilFlexiril))

    i d li d l (S )(S ) IIIIII–– carisoprodalcarisoprodal (Soma) (Soma) cIIIcIII•• 11stst pass = pass = meprobamatemeprobamate ((EquanilEquanil: : tranquiliziertranquilizier))

    –– tizanidinetizanidine ((ZanaflexZanaflex))orphenadrineorphenadrine ((NorflexNorflex))–– orphenadrineorphenadrine ((NorflexNorflex))

    –– chlorzoxazonechlorzoxazone ((ParafonParafon Forte)Forte) NonNon--sedating sedating

    –– MetaxaloneMetaxalone ((SkelaxinSkelaxin))MetaxaloneMetaxalone ((SkelaxinSkelaxin))–– MethocarbamolMethocarbamol ((RobaxinRobaxin))

    2.2. AntiAnti--spastics spastics (sometimes used)(sometimes used)Sh ld b d f C P M S tSh ld b d f C P M S t–– Should be reserved for C.P. ; M.S. etcShould be reserved for C.P. ; M.S. etc

    BaclofenBaclofen ((LioresalLioresal)) DantroleneDantrolene ((DantriumDantrium)) BenzodiazepineBenzodiazepine

    •• diazepam (Valium)diazepam (Valium) cIVcIV•• anxiolyticanxiolytic, anti, anti--seizureseizure

  • GlucocorticoidsGlucocorticoidsGLUCOCORTICOID ORAL PULSE

    • Predisone 50 mg daily x 3 daysM th l d i l (D P k)• Methylprednisolone (Dose Pak)

    • taper no longer standard of care


    • Dexamethasone 4 mg/ml injectable


    • Combine Steroids:• Fast onset-short acting

    e.g. dexamethasoneg• Slow onset-long acting

    e.g. depomedrol, triamcinalone• Anesthetic:

    • Fast onset-short acting ge.g. xylocaine

    • Slow onset-long acting e.g. bupivacaine

  • GENERIC TRADE Potency Onset

    Cortisol n/a 1 FastCortisol n/a 1 Fast

    Dexamethasone Decadron 4 Fast

    Methylprednisolone Depomedrol 4 moderateMethylprednisolone DepomedrolD80

    4 moderate

    Triamcinolone acetonide


    5 moderate


    Betamethasone Celestone 25 slow

  • Further Plan of CareFurther Plan of Care Sufficient analgesiaSufficient analgesia

    AcetaminophenAcetaminophen TramadolTramadol KetorolacKetorolac OpiatesOpiates

    Physical TherapyPhysical TherapyPhysical TherapyPhysical Therapy Rest Rest

    –– then home exercisesthen home exercises IMAGING:IMAGING:

    –– XX--ray < 18 and > 50ray < 18 and > 50–– MRI: HNP Cancer AAAMRI: HNP Cancer AAAMRI: HNP, Cancer, AAAMRI: HNP, Cancer, AAA

    Labs?Labs?–– ESRESR

    A happy patient is a trusting patient–– CBCCBC–– CMPCMP

    A happy patient is a trusting patient


    5 C f P i5 C f P i 5 Causes of Pain5 Causes of Pain

    1.1. DiscogenicDiscogenic2.2. RadiculogenicRadiculogenic3.3. MyelogenicMyelogenic4.4. SpondylogenicSpondylogenic5.5. CombinationCombination

  • EXAMINATIONEXAMINATION A tA t Assess motorAssess motor Active range of motion Active range of motion “Pinching between my “Pinching between my g yg y

    shoulder blades”shoulder blades”•• cervical disccervical disc•• hand on head for reliefhand on head for reliefhand on head for reliefhand on head for relief

    Arm/hand Arm/hand paresthesiaparesthesia may be only may be only

    manifestationmanifestationmanifestationmanifestation Occipital headachesOccipital headaches

    DJD @ C3 / C4 DJD @ C3 / C4 muscle spasmmuscle spasm muscle spasmmuscle spasm migraine?migraine?

    R/O fracture R/O fracture i ll / h d i ji ll / h d i j•• especially w/ head injuryespecially w/ head injury


    •• C 5: C 5: •• Deltoid & Deltoid & BicepsBiceps musclemuscle•• BicepsBiceps DTRDTRBiceps Biceps DTRDTR

    •• C6:C6:•• Biceps & Biceps & wrist extensorwrist extensor muscles muscles •• BrachioradialisBrachioradialis DTRDTR

    •• C7: C7: •• TricepsTriceps & wrist flexor muscles& wrist flexor muscles•• TricepsTriceps & wrist flexor muscles, & wrist flexor muscles, •• Triceps Triceps DTRDTR

  • Provocative Cervical TestsProvocative Cervical Tests•• Spurling’sSpurling’s

    •• suspect HNPsuspect HNPlik SLR b t flik SLR b t f•• like SLR, but for like SLR, but for neck issuesneck issues

  • Spurling’sSpurling’s

  • Provocative Cervical TestsProvocative Cervical Tests•• Spurling’sSpurling’s

    •• suspect HNPsuspect HNPlik SLR b t flik SLR b t f•• like SLR, but for like SLR, but for neck issuesneck issues

    •• Distraction & Distraction & CompressionCompression

    •• Suspect HNPSuspect HNP

    Swallowing TestSwallowing Test•• Swallowing TestSwallowing Test•• osteophyte, osteophyte,

    hematoma, hematoma, infection, tumor, infection, tumor, HNPHNP

  • Llhermitte’sLlhermitte’s• Look up - Look down

    • “Touch your chin to your y ychest”

    • Positive if causes electric shocks down spine

    (maybe even into legs)S t HNP t C S i• Suggests HNP at C - Spine• Like SLR for neck

    Mi ht l l t• Might also apply vertex compression simultaneously to s u a eous y oincrease sensitivity of test

  • Llhermitte’sLlhermitte’s

  • Adson’s ManeuverAdson’s ManeuverAdson s ManeuverAdson s Maneuver Suggests:Suggests:ggggThoracic Outlet SyndromeThoracic Outlet Syndrome

    Look towards examinerLook towards examiner–– also look awayalso look away

    Head up & look over Head up & look over Head up & look over Head up & look over shouldershoulder

    Take a deep breath & Take a deep breath & hold it:hold it:–– Positive: pulse Positive: pulse

    diminishes in qualitydiminishes in qualityq yq y

  • Adson’sAdson’s

  • Allen’s TestingAllen’s Testing Circulation of handCirculation of hand Pump blood out;Pump blood out;Pump blood out; Pump blood out;

    occlude arterial flowocclude arterial flow–– Release 1 @ a timeRelease 1 @ a time–– Normal: pink in

  • Allen’s TestingAllen’s Testing

  • TREATMENT FOR NECK PROBLEMSTREATMENT FOR NECK PROBLEMS E ti ll fE ti ll f Essentially same as for Essentially same as for

    lumbar spinelumbar spine

    HNP on MRI may need HNP on MRI may need semisemi--rigid cervical collarrigid cervical collar can’t take whiplashcan’t take whiplash can t take whiplashcan t take whiplash NONO soft collarssoft collars

    May use tractionMay use traction May use tractionMay use traction 20# over the door 20# over the door t.i.dt.i.d.. Home Traction CollarHome Traction Collar

    Myelopathy in general Myelopathy in general practice is treated as true practice is treated as true ppemergencyemergency•• burning in palmsburning in palms•• Hoffman’s reflexHoffman’s reflex

  • SUMMARYSUMMARY D l i lD l i l Dorsal spine rarely Dorsal spine rarely

    involved involved well anchored by shoulderwell anchored by shoulder except fall on heels: Texcept fall on heels: T--1212

    Full exam on each new Full exam on each new patientpatient

    Good history is vitalGood history is vital R/O R/O

    neoplasm osteomyelitisneoplasm osteomyelitis neoplasm, osteomyelitis, neoplasm, osteomyelitis, aneurysm, cauda equina aneurysm, cauda equina

    Suspect nonSuspect non--spinal spinal etiologyetiologyetiologyetiology

    Mobilize earlyMobilize early Conservative therapyConservative therapypypy Refer failures, neuro Refer failures, neuro

    deficitsdeficitsThis is killing my back! This is killing my back!

  • Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!

  • Questions???Questions???Questions???Questions???

  • BibliographyBibliography Mercier, L.R., 1995. Practical Orthopedics. Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis Hoppenfeld, S., 1976. Physical exam of the spine & extremities. Appleton & Lange.

    Norwalk, CT Anderson, B.C., 1999. Office Orthopedics for Primary Care. W B Saunders, Philadelphia Moller, T., Reif, E, & Stark, P., 1993. Pocket Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy. Thieme , , , , , , f g p y

    Flexbooks, NY Squire, L.F., Novelline, R.A., 1988. Fundamentals of Radiology. 4th Ed. Harvard Press.

    Cambridge Johnson, T.R., & Steinbach, L.S., 2004. Essentials of Musculoskeletal Imaging. AAOS. , , , , f g g

    Rosemont, Ill. Baxter, RE. 2003. Pocket guide to musculoskeletal assessment. 2nd Edition. WB Saunders,

    Philadelphia Griffin, L.Y. 2005. Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care. 3rd Edition. American Academy G , . . . sse tials of usculos eletal Ca e d d o . e c c de y

    of Orthopoedic Surgeons. Rosemont Illinois BS Williams & SP Cohen, 2010. Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome: A Review of

    Anatomy, Diagnosis and Treatment, Anesthesia & Analgesia (IARS). Kingsette - Taylor et al., Oct 1999. Tendinosis and tears of the gluteus media & minimusKingsette Taylor et al., Oct 1999. Tendinosis and tears of the gluteus media & minimus

    muscles as a cause of hip pain: MR imaging findings. AJR 173, 1123-26 www uhrad comwww uhrad com