Greetings all ouens and crows, from various Africa ...

Welcome to “THE SITREP” – your RLI RA-Africa newsletter Volume 8, September 2019. Salutation Greetings all ouens and crows, from various Africa branches, to another edition of “The Sitrep”.

Transcript of Greetings all ouens and crows, from various Africa ...

Welcome to “THE SITREP” – your RLI RA-Africa newsletter – Volume 8, September 2019.


Greetings all ouens and crows, from various Africa branches, to another edition of “The Sitrep”.

Prayer-meeting June 2019

The “ouens” supported the annual MOTH 6km walk as usual. This year, medals were awarded, not for

completing the course, and neither for every completed lap. Due to the aging process, that afflicts us

all, medals were awarded for every step taken! Her we see Dave “Bongwe” Russell showing off his

heroic effort whilst his erstwhile BSAP counterpart, Graham Reeves, just managed to put one foot in

front of the other!

Prayer-meeting July and August 2019

These two reunions had no dedicated theme but, attendance at both was noteworthy. The July reading

of the RoH witnessed one of the largest semi-circles to ever gather in front of the Troopie.

And it wasn’t because Bucks Theron thinks he’s good-looking!

A special mention of thanks must go to Butch Galinos (Lovers Cdo) for his continued support at DF

functions with the provision of “oldies music”. Yes – we do see the occasional “chirp” on Facebook

regarding certain choices of the tracks he plays but, at the end of the day… “If you leave me now –

you’ll take away the very heart of me….”. Good job, Butch.

Puma 164 – Op Uric – 40 years on – September 2019.

September 06, 2019 brought with it the 39th anniversary of the loss of 14 Rhodesian and 3 SAAF

servicemen when Puma 164 (call-sign Hotel 4) was shot down just prior to the attack on Mapai,

Operation Uric. It marked the heaviest loss of the bush-war by a single strike – (exceeding the earlier

loss of 12 members of the RAR regimental band when their vehicle overturned into a dam in the Fuller

Forest area near Matetsi, 19 May 1972).

The 29th August 2019 also bought the devastating news of the death of Capt Neill Jackson (Support

Cdo and 2i/c 1 Indep Coy). Not only has the regiment lost a fine soldier but, an outstanding researcher

and author to boot. Copious messages of sadness, condolences and respect were posted on numerous

social media pages and, therefore, the regiment echoes such to Neill’s wife, Johanna, their four

children, Peta (sister) and sole-mate, Elizabeth. This ouen will be sorely missed.

Neill’s memorial service was held in the Sanctuary at Dickie Fritz on the Friday preceding the

anniversary parade of Puma 164. It was a very choking and tearful affair but, punctuated by a

magnificent eulogy delivered by Rick van Malsen. Before we allow Neill to rest, however, there is one

issue, arising from Rick’s speech, that needs to be addressed.

Rick informed us that Neill St John Jackson was born in Malta on 27 September 1953. This is

interesting “int” because, like many Rhodesian friendships, the glue that cements our camaraderie

revolves around banter, chirping and leg-pulling. Let us return to the Independence parade of 2018.

Capt Jackson was forming up, in the ranks, when Marcus Main-Baillie (RhAF) kept striding

backwards and forwards, exuding far more importance than the task he was trying to organise. From

the rear rank, came a chirp from Capt Jackson, “Marcus Main-Baillie, get a bloody haircut – you look

like a damn poodle!”

Sgt Marcus Main-Baillie

“That’s rich, coming from a Kojak”, was the counter chirp voiced by the soldier standing next to Neill.

BUT – it now becomes even richer, or poorer, depending on your point of view because, here we had

a Maltese, with the audacity to call Marcus a poodle - whilst, all the while, Capt Jackson just happened

to be of the same canine family!

With that, Neill, we shall leave you to sleep – safe in the knowledge that the last laugh rests, very

much, with you. Rest easy, soldier.

Capt Rick van Malsen and Capt Neill Jackson have accounted for the Puma 164 tragedy in their book

pictured above. Much of that book reflects on efforts made to contact surviving friends and relatives in

order to report the discovery of the mass graves where these brave men lie at rest, and are not to be

disturbed. At the time of publication, the authors were still searching for three families but, it is

heartening to report that, had the book been delayed by six months, the authors would have reported a

100% success rate in providing some form of comfort and closure to the loved-ones of all 17 men.

Spare a thought for the feelings of these three ouens on this day – a day that they are never likely to

miss, or forget.

In order to make way for extra engineers, and things that go “bang”, Terry Pittaway, Jimmy Gallagher

and Alan Strachan (above) were ordered to leave Puma 164 and to deploy on another chopper. This

resulted in 5 sappers of RhE, 9 ouens of The RLI and three SAAF crew perishing when Puma 164 was

struck by an RPG7. Terry, Jimmy and Alan survived Op Uric as a result of that order. Very few of us

know (and even fewer would comprehend) exactly what thoughts and emotions visit these three

soldiers on the 06 September each year. Three were spared whilst another three perished – not your

fault but, you live with the memories of the sacrifices and we honour your commitment to their yearly


The regiment again assembled at Dickie Fritz, on Saturday 07 September, with 90 men and women on

parade. Having dedicated 2018 to the engineers (RhE) it was the turn of the air force (RhAF) this year.

True to form, Sqn Ldr Bruce Harrison performed an excellent job as master of ceremony, whilst Alf

Herbst conducted the prayers and readings. Col Ian Bate (Patron) opened proceedings – at which, he

informed all that the tyrant, Bob, had met his maker just days earlier. This time, it is true, and Col Bate

received resounding applause long before he managed to conclude his address.

Key speakers from RhAF were John Reid-Rowland and Steve Baldwin, whilst Steve Prophet led the

dedication to Alex Wesson who had been killed (05 Sept 1979) when his Bell chopper was shot down

at Barragem. Next of kin were prominent with Andrew Wesson and Mary Buss unveiling the Puma

cross and unit badges, whilst Fred Wesson read the roll of honour for the Puma victims.

Traditionally, numerous wreaths were laid, plus personal crosses – too numerous to mention but, a

sample of photographs will suffice to give some ambiance of the wonderful event.

A motely RLI crew moments before the RSM appeared.

That's better - now that the RSM has control

Bruce Harrison and Steve Prophet John Reid-Rowland

Steve Baldwin Fred Wesson

Wreath laying

And, hence, to other celebrations, accompanied by prego-rolls prepared by Mr &Mrs Theron and Mr

& Mrs Bowker – and where Mrs Johanna Jackson bade farewell to her late husband – PROPERLY!

Rolls of Honour

The rolls for previous months are as follows:

RLI RoH June

KIA Rank First Name Surname Awards Commando DOD

2LT Fabio Giovanni Falzoi 1 Cdo


Tpr Andre Johan Botes 2 Cdo


Tpr Christopher

Francis "Chris" Lang 1 Cdo


L/Cpl Ewart Francois

"Frans" "Ed" Nel 1 Cdo


Cpl Peter Oliver

"Doc" Rice 1 Cdo



Robert "Robbie"

Francis 14 Tp, 3

Cdo 10-Jun-


Tpr W.E. "Eike" Elsaesser

12 Tp, 3 Cdo


Tpr Bruce John McKend

12 Tp, 3 Cdo



Tpr Robin Rex Ashmead

Signals Depot


L/Cpl Alistair John Kerswell Base Grp


Rct Victor William Wright Base Grp


T Cpl Lucas Gerhardis Klopper 10 Tp, 2

Cdo 19-Jun-


Tpr Rene "Wally" Koellner 2 Tp, 1 Cdo


RLI RoH July

KIA Rank First Name Surname Awards Commando DOD

Cpl John Alan Coey 2 Cdo 19-Jul-75

A Cpl Marthinus Johannes "Jannie"

de Beer 10 Tp, 2

Cdo 19-Jul-75

Tpr Eben “Hennie" Potgieter 2 Cdo 19-Jul-75

Rfn David Ian Ferguson "Dave"

Barclay Spt Cdo 07-Jul-77

Tpr Stephen

Michael "Steve" Dwyer

11 Tp, 3 Cdo


Act Sgt Hugh John McCall

11 Tp, 3 Cdo



Rct Michael Patrick Oosthuizen Base Grp 01-Jul-71


Capt Gerrit Pieter Engela Ex 2 Cdo, I RLI (SchInf)


RLI RoH August

KIA Rank First Name Surname Awards Commando DOD

Tpr Graham Turkington 3 Tp, 1 Cdo


Cpl Gary Arthur O'Driscoll 1 Cdo


Sgt John Conrad

"Coenie" "Marnie"

Marneweck 4 Tp, 1 Cdo 08-Aug-


Tpr Simon John Clark

14 Tp, 3 Cdo



Cpl Gordon Samuel

Bates Higgins A Coy


Pte Neil Martin Timm A Coy


Sgt Benjamin

Thomas (Ben) le Roux 3 Cdo


RLI RoH September

KIA Rank First Name Surname Awards Commando DOD

Tpr Kevin Anthony Donegan 8 Tp, 2 Cdo


L/Cpl Charles Philip Lord Spt Grp


L/Cpl Herman Gustav

"Harry" Pfeil

14 Tp, 3 Cdo


Tpr Jacobus Alwyn

"Koosie" Briel 1 Cdo


Tpr Aidan James Colman 1 Cdo


Tpr Jeremy Mark Crow 1 Cdo


Capt Johannes

Matheus "Joe" du Plooy 1 Cdo


Tpr Brian Louis Enslin 1 Cdo


Cpl Gordon Hugh Fry 1 Cdo


Tpr Stephen Eric King 1 Cdo


Tpr Colin Graham Neasham 1 Cdo


Tpr David Rex Prosser 1 Cdo



Pte R.C. de Haas A Coy


Tpr Krag George Yunker Spt Grp


Tpr M.F.D.C. de Campos 1 Cdo


Maj Bruce Miles Snelgar


OC, 3 Cdo 26-Sep-



WO2 Robert Phillips Base Grp


Cpl Theunis

Johannes du Preez 1 Cdo


Rfn I.R. McCormick Base Grp


Not forgetting the 3 SAAF crew who also paid the ultimate sacrifice that fateful day – and Snr Tech

Alex Wesson (RhAF) whose Bell chopper was shot down the day before at Barragem.

Capt Paul Velleman, Lt Nigel Osborne and F/Sgt Dick Retief

Sunset Calls

These extracts have been taken from various postings on social media pages.

We have just been informed that Lt Col John Pierson passed away this morning 19 May 2019 in

London, apparently, he was in hospital with low blood pressure and suffered a heart attack. John was

one of the original pioneers of the RLI at Brady Barracks. Our sympathy goes out to his wife Sue and

children Simon and Emma.

It is with regret that we inform you of the death of Nick Matthee. Nick (ex Support Commando)

passed away in Pretoria in Friday 21 June 2019. Nick is survived by his children Tenielle, Mike and


It is with regret that we inform you of the death of Lochner Constant Slabbert (Lochie). Lochie passed

away on the 26th June 2019 in Perth, Australia. He served in 3 Commando cc1970's.

On 02 August we received the sad news of the passing of Alistair Lubbe (1 Cdo) who died of a heart-

attack in Harare. At the August prayer-meeting, Neil Swart recited a very fitting tribute to Lubbs.

Received from Alan Strachan on 07 September - I have just been advised that Torchy Turner (Recce Troop, Support Commando) passed away yesterday from cancer. RIP, Torchy.

On 19 August, Rudi van Aarde wrote, “It is with great sadness that I announce the death of my nephew

and 1 Cdo soldier, Ed Sundquist, who passed away today. May you rest in peace.”

Received from Brian Lewis on 29th August – “It is with profound sadness that I have today heard that

Neill Jackson has passed away. I have great memories of Neil joining 7 Troop ,2 Commando as a

young officer to learn the ropes, during the early part of our Bush war. Neill served most of his career

with support Commando, and my late Brother, Len, served in the same Troop with Neill. My sincerest

condolences to the family and friends of Neill.

May they all rest in peace.

New Research Project

Ouens and Crows – there is work to be done! (look - everyone is heading for the bogs and desert-


Whilst the RoH is in pretty good shape, the RLI nominal roll is not. Some time ago, a small “troop”

attempted to record the details of every recruit who ever joined the regiment from 1961 to 1980 (yes –

there was an intake in 1980). Only 651 soldiers were “captured” on that database – this being

approximately 10% of the total number who wore the green and silver. Kudos to the “troop” but, a

piss-poor performance on behalf of members who should have contributed with their details.

You are, therefore, not “cordially invited” – you are damn well ORDERED (without a “please”) to

send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

1. First Names:

2. Surname:

3. Nickname:

4. Intake #:

5. Service #:

6. Awards/Medals (above RGSM and Zim Indep):

7. Rank:(highest rank in RLI only):

8. Commando/s (platoon not necessary):

9. Para trained- Yes/No?:

10. Status: STW (survived the war) or DS (died subsequently – provide DoD):

11. Period of service from:

12. Period of service to:

13. Attach a photograph that you do not mind being used with your details

14. Any notes you would like to add:

It does not matter whether you have supplied details in the past – DO IT AGAIN! The researcher will find, and

delete, any duplications.

Many RLI members have passed away subsequent to the war and, therefore, an appeal is made to

relatives/friends for the provision of details of those who have left us.

No matter whether you were a trained jungle-killer, or jam-stealing bottle-washer – if you earned your green and

silver, make sure your name is recorded amongst the finest fighting force in world history.

And please (oh, so there is a “please”?) circulate this message to all the RLI branches, and your mates,

wherever they might be.

Many former RLI members were posted to other units – such was the quality of RLI training. It is imperative that

we capture the details of these former ouens because they served with the regiment. Dave Parker “The King”,

and Ian Robertson are prime examples.

And – not forgetting, of course, those RWS crows who served with the regiment.


Labour issues

For an independent Chairman, to handle all your – Disciplinary, Grievance or Appeal hearings, and

for all your labour and disciplinary issues and queries:

Contact: Stu Grover

083 282 2118

[email protected]

Assistance with, or representation at, CCMA – MEIBC etc. (99%) success rate.

Established in 1999 - References available.

Special rates for RLI guys.

Overnight Accommodation at Dickie Fritz

Contact Jean on +27 0822168386 or [email protected]

Book early because beds are limited and becoming increasingly popular.


Until next time – keep your pecker up – head down – keep well – PAY YOUR SUBS and keep

supporting the RLIRA.
