Greening Rural Sanitation Paper

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  • 8/13/2019 Greening Rural Sanitation Paper


    Greening Sanitation


    Centre for Science and Environment


  • 8/13/2019 Greening Rural Sanitation Paper



    1. Background and Context for the Stud......................................................................1

    !. Defining "Greening#.................................................................................................$

    $. %he Conce&t of "Greening 'ural Develo&ment#.......................................................$

    (. Potential of %SC for )ddre**ing Environmental +**ue*...........................................$

    ,. ) 'eview of %otal Sanitation Cam&aign..................................................................,

    . Environmental +m&lication* of %otal Sanitation Cam&aign......................................

    /. Ca*e Studie* from +ndia0 Good Practice* of Green %SC........................................!(

    . Conclu*ion* and 'ecommendation*......................................................................!

  • 8/13/2019 Greening Rural Sanitation Paper


    1. Background and Context for the Study

    2o*t of the rural &o&ulation of +ndia de&end* on natural re*ource* for their

    *u3*i*tence and livelihood*. )t the national a* well a* glo3al level*4 there i*increa*ing focu* on environmental i**ue* and *u*taina3le develo&ment acro** variou*

    economic and *ocial *ector*. %he ma5or em&ha*i* of greening of develo&ment

    &rogramme* ha* 3een on 6a7 re*toring and con*erving natural re*ource* and

    eco**tem* 637 develo&ing clean technological *olution* and infra*tructure and 6c7

    innovation* for reducing car3on emi**ion* and environmental &ollution. %he greening

    develo&ment can *timulate rural economie*4 create 5o3* and hel& maintain critical

    eco**tem *ervice* that are vital to the econom and human health and well3eing and4

    al*o *trengthen re*ilience to climate-induced change &articularl of the rural &oor who

    are among*t the mo*t vulnera3le to the im&act* of climate change and natural

    re*ource* degradation1. %he %SC toda i* an effort to achieve thi* well 3eing for rural

    +ndia which align* with the vi*ion of 2ahatma Gandhi for rural +ndia. Em&ha*i8ing

    on the im&ortance of *anitation4 2ahatma Gandhi once *aid that *anitation i* more

    im&ortant that inde&endence. 9e had a dream of total *anitation for all.

    %he Cam&aign wa* launched 3 the De&artment of Drinking :ater and Sanitation4

    2ini*tr of 'ural Develo&ment4 with a vi*ion of creating an environment that i*

    clean4 health and contri3ute* to the economic and *ocial well 3eing of all rural

    citi8en*. ) recent *tud 3 :orld Bank ha* e*timated that the total economic im&act

    of inade;uate *anitation in +ndia amount to '*. !.(( trillion a ear. %hi* further mean*

    '*. !41< &er &er*on annual im&act!.

    %he 2ini*tr of 'ural Develo&ment 62='D7 ha* 3een the ke in*titution for

    effecting change in rural area* through *everal &rogramme* aimed at &overt

    alleviation4 em&loment generation4 infra*tructure develo&ment and *ocial *ecurit.

    +t* main o35ective through the*e &rogramme* i* to alleviate rural &overt and en*ure

    im&roved ;ualit of life for the rural &o&ulation. %he to&ic of thi* &a&er i* the %otal

    1 2u*oki ). 6>une !

  • 8/13/2019 Greening Rural Sanitation Paper


    Sanitation Cam&aign 6%SC74 the flag*hi& rural *anitation &rogramme of the 2ini*tr

    of Drinking :ater and Sanitation$62D:S7. :hile originall envi*aged a* a mean*

    to achieve univer*al *anitation coverage4 it ha* *ignificant &otential for hel&ing

    im&rove the natural re*ource 3a*e and rural environment* 3eond the narrow

    &erceived mandate of toilet con*truction.

    %SC ha* demon*trated a *ignificant &otential for im&roving a com&onent of the rural

    environment. Aor exam&le4 the Communit-?ed %otal Sanitation 6C?%S7 in which

    &eo&le are hel&ed conduct their own a&&rai*al and anal*i* of o&en defecation and

    take their own action to 3ecome o&en defecation free 6=DA7. 2o*t im&ortantl4 C?%S

    focu*e* on 3ehaviour change4 e**ential for achieving and maintaining =DA4 rather

    than 3uilding infra*tructure. %he Government of +ndia 3uttre**ed %SC with an award

    *cheme Nirmal Gram Puru*kar 6NGP7 in which =DA &anchaat* are given a ca*h

    award. )* a re*ult of thi* cam&aign4 there ha* 3een an ex&onential increa*e in acce**

    to *anitation facilitie*. %here ha* 3een almo*t (., &er cent increa*e each ear in

    *anitation coverage com&ared to 1 &er cent coverage each ear 3efore the launch of

    thi* &rogramme(.

    %he %otal Sanitation Cam&aign 6%SC7 aim* at

    1. Bring a3out an im&rovement in the general ;ualit of life in the rural area*.

    !. )ccelerate *anitation coverage in rural area* to acce** to toilet* to all 3 !

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    . Develo& communit managed environmental *anitation **tem* focu*ing on

    *olid li;uid wa*te management

    2. Defining Greening

    +n it* *im&le*t4 the term "green# im&lie* to "environmental friendl#. %herefore4

    "greening develo&ment# im&lie* to the environmental friendl outcome* of


    3. The Concept of Greening Rura De!eop"ent

    %he conce&t of "greening rural develo&ment# im&lie* the kind of develo&ment thatinduce* the de*ired im&rovement* in the environment and al*o at the *ame time

    &rovide* the *u*taina3ilit of livelihood* and income* and mitigation of *carcit.

    %he greening rural develo&ment aim* to im&rove the ;ualit and carring ca&acit

    of eco**tem*4 *trengthen the re*ilience of eco**tem* and4 reduce the ecological

    foot&rint* of develo&ment intervention*. %he %otal Sanitation Cam&aign 6%SC7 i*

    inherentl a green &rogramme that intend* to &romote the livelihood* 3a*ed on

    environmentall *u*taina3le u*e of their local environment and natural re*ource*.

    #. $otentia of TSC for %ddressing &n!iron"enta 'ssues

    %SC4 which i* inherentl a green &rogramme ha* huge &otential to addre** a num3er

    of environmental i**ue* without com&romi*ing the *ocio-economic develo&ment4

    *uch a*:

    +t can *trengthen the livelihood* without ri*king environmental *u*taina3ilit.

    +f a&&lied &ro&erl4 the greening *anitation &rogramme* have a huge &otential

    to *trengthen livelihood* while enhancing the environmental *u*taina3ilit. +t

    i* &o**i3le to eliminate wa*te water and *olid generation 3 converting all

    t&e* of wa*te into u*a3le material which not onl hel& livelihood* financial

    3ut al*o im&rove* the ;ualit of environment. Aor exam&le the excreta i*

    converted to manure and can a&&lied in the field*. Similarl @rine i* collected4

    diluted and a&&lied in the field* for the &ho*&horu* and nitrogen need* of

    cro&*. =rganic *olid wa*te4 which i* the 3ulk of rural gar3age4 i* collected4

    com&o*ted 6or vermin-com&o*ted7 and u*ed a* manure. Aurthermore4 *uch

    environmentall *u*taina3le develo&ment initiative would not onl encourage


  • 8/13/2019 Greening Rural Sanitation Paper


    ecological &ractice* that ena3le meeting the need* of future generation*4 3ut

    al*o &romote change in &roduction and con*um&tion &attern* in an e;uita3le

    manner where3 re*ource* which are currentl 3eing wa*ted are *aved and

    channeled to meeting the need* of everone toda a* well a* the need* of


    %SC can 3e extremel u*eful in reducing ecological foot&rint* of develo&ment

    initiative*. %he greening *anitation &rogramme* have the &otential to enhance

    an efficient u*e of natural re*ource* and increa*e the u*e of renewa3le and

    locall availa3le material to reduce the generation of environmentall

    ha8ardou* *u3*tance*. Aor exam&le4 human excreta and cow-dung can 3e

    com3ined and u*ed in 3ioga* &lant* to re&lace 3ioma**. %hi* can 3e an

    excellent wa to *afel di*&o*e human excreta4 &roviding one or more hou*e*

    with *ome cooking ga*4 which in turn hel&* reducing the car3on dioxide in the

    atmo*&here. %he di*charge from the 3ioga* &lant* can 3e an in&ut for

    com&o*ting and thereafter4 u*e a* fertili8er. %hi* reduce* the need to u*e

    chemical fertili8er* which add to the G9G* in the atmo*&here. :a*te water i*

    u*ed directl in kitchen garden* or collected through drain*4 treated at a

    centrali8ed location and di*charged into a river&ond. %he wa*te ccle

    therefore generate* fertili8er and energ that can 3e u*ed locall to re&lace

    chemical fertili8er* and 3ioma**.

    ) green %SC ha* the &otential to enhance the eco**tem re*ilience. 9uman

    well-3eing and develo&ment 3oth de&end on the eco**tem re*ilience.

    Greening *anitation &rogramme* can 3e extremel u*eful in enhancing the

    ca&acit of eco**tem* to co&e with di*tur3ance* re*ult from climate change4

    &ollution and other human activitie*. B converting the wa*te into u*eful

    re*ource not onl &rotect the nature and it* valua3le re*ource from ex&loitation

    3ut al*o hel&* maintain it* health and re*ilience. Greening %SC can hel&

    &rotect and even augment local water re*ource* *uch a* lake* and &ond* in

    village*. Each village ha* at lea*t one of the*e *tructure*4 and more have 3een

    made under other government &rogramme* *uch a* the 2ahatma Gandhi

    National 'ural Em&loment Guarantee Scheme. %he*e are crucial to local

    water *ecurit and hel&ing communitie* mitigate the effect* of climate


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    varia3ilit. B en*uring &ro&er S?:2 %SC can &re*erve the ;ualit and

    ;uantit of water in the*e water *tructure*.

    Potential of TSC: Waste Analysis Table




    Treat"ent *utput+


    $er ,nit

    Cost -



    9uman Excreta

    Aaece* )naero3ic


    Aertili8er* 6*oil

    im&rovement74 Bioga* 6in

    com3ination with )nimal


    Eco*an toilet

    '* 14

  • 8/13/2019 Greening Rural Sanitation Paper


    *ocio-economic condition* of communitie* 3 allowing them to have acce** to a clean

    and hgienic environment4 &roviding them an o&&ortunit to turn their wa*te into

    income 63 converting their wa*te into fertili8er*7 and &rotect their dignitie*.

    9owever4 the 3a*ic *anitation *till remain* +ndia* foremo*t challenge with 1(

    million &eo&le *till lacking a toilet,H lakh* of village* do not have ade;uate *olid and

    li;uid wa*te management.

    %SC ha* focu*ed on &oint* 1 and ! *ince it* ince&tion in 1 at the ex&en*e of the

    other &oint*. +nformation4 education and communication 6+EC7 i* the ke to

    motivating communitie* and P'+* to ado&t *u*taina3le *anitation 3 creating a

    demand 3ut it ha* never 3een executed *eriou*lH in fact4 +EC ha* alwa* 3een

    excu*ed to *&end the allocation without devi*ing an *trateg. %he re*ult i* an

    incom&lete and ineffective +EC &lan for an *anitation cam&aign4 and little or no

    demand for *anitation from u*er communitie*. %he &erformance of *chool and

    anganwadi *anitation ha* al*o 3een &atch 3ecau*e of an overla& with Sarva Shik*ha

    )3hian 6SS)7 and the +ntegrated Child Develo&ment Scheme 6+CDS74 3ecau*e of

    which the %SC target of &romoting *anitation facilitie* in School* and )nganwadi*

    get* neglected. Even though &er cent *chool* re&ortedl have toilet*4 5u*t $ &er

    cent have *e&arate toilet* for girl* and 3o*H / &er cent anganwadi* have toilet*. Eco-

    *an ha* 3een incor&orated into the %SC guideline* for !

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    gar3age from hou*ehold* and 3in* in the neare*t de&re**ion. %herefore4 5u*t a third of

    the *olid wa*te in rural area* re&ortedl make* it wa to a com&o*ting unit 6+m&act

    )**e**ment of Nirmal Gram Pura*kar )warded Panchaat*4 !

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    weather4 *ea level* and land u*e &attern*. %hi* &henomenon i* commonl a* climate

    change. )t *olid wa*te di*&o*al *ite* 6*uch a* landfill* and wa*te dum&*74 the

    degrada3le organic car3on &re*ent in the wa*te i* decom&o*ed 3 3acteria under

    certain aero3ic and anaero3ic condition* and &roduce green hou*e ga**e* *uch a*


    4. &n!iron"enta '"pications of Tota Sanitation Ca"paign

    %hi* *ection di*cu**e* 3oth the &o*itive and negative im&lication* of total *anitation


    4.5 $ositi!e &n!iron"enta '"pications of TSC

    %here have 3een *everal &o*itive im&act* of %SC a* well4 e*&eciall where toilet

    con*truction ha* 3een executed well with an effective environmental a**e**ment and

    in coordination to the other o35ective* of %SC. +f *olid and li;uid excreta are collected

    and treated a* a re*ource4 the can 3e a good in&ut for agriculture if *e&arated4

    &roce**ed and a&&liedH the crucial a*&ect i* hgienic collection and *e&aration of

    excreta. ) large &ercentage of *olid wa*te from rural hou*ehold* i* organic and can 3e

    com&o*tedH here again the crucial factor i* *egregation and *u3*e;uent &roce**ing and

    u*e. Gre water4 mo*t of the wa*te water in rural area*4 can 3e u*ed for kitchengarden* or in agriculture. Iillage* generate large ;uantitie* of organic wa*te and gre

    water. %he 2ini*tr of Drinking :ater and Sanitation e*timate* their ;uantit to 3e

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    water 3odie*. En*uring full toilet u*e al*o &revent* &eo&le from defecating

    around &ond*4 that are another direct *ource of water &ollution.

    2) Recycing and reuse. :a*te water i* not allowed to flow on *treet* or drain*

    3ut u*ed for kitchen gardening or diverted to *uita3l con*tructed *oak &it*.

    %hi* reduce* the de&endence on fre*h water *ource* i.e.4 groundwater and

    *urface water for the horticulture. %he wa*te water ha* *ome nutrient* that are

    u*eful for &lant*. Decom&o*ed fKce* from &it toilet* can 3e extracted and u*ed

    a* manure once the toilet &it i* filled. %oilet* im&rove the health and *afet of

    women4 and *chool attendance.

    3) Soid aste co"posting for "anure. 2o*t *olid wa*te &roduced in rural

    +ndia i* wet kitchen wa*te4 ver *uita3le for com&o*ting. Com&o*ting can 3e

    done at the hou*ehold or communit level. %he wa*te i* *egregated into 3io-

    degrada3le and non-3io-degrada3le at *ource4 and the former i* com&o*ted.

    %he latter i* either reccled or *ent to a *uita3l &re&ared landfill. %hi* not

    onl &rovide* manure to local farming 3ut al*o reduce* need for landfill*4

    &rotecting other natural re*ource* *uch a* fore*t* or gra**land* that often

    3ecome rece&tacle* for gar3age. Aurthermore4 the organic material hel&*

    develo& the humu* content of the *oil which enhance* the water retention

    ;ualit of *oil.

    4) $ro!ides eco6friendy fue+energy. 9uman excreta and cow-dung can 3e

    mixed and u*ed a* feed for 3io-ga* &lant*. %here are mental 3lock* to u*ing

    thi* ga* for cooking4 3ut a communit &lant can &rovide ga* for lighting. +n

    *everal ca*e* though &eo&le cook with thi* fuel. %hi* further reduce* the

    3urden on women for fetching firewood4 hel& *aving the natural fo**il

    re*ource* and reduce* air &ollution. %he 3&roduct of thi* &roce** can 3e

    further u*ed a* manure. =ne of the widel acknowledged exam&le of 3io-ga*

    fuelenerg 3enefit* at the communit level i* the Pura communit ex&eriment

    in 1/1

  • 8/13/2019 Greening Rural Sanitation Paper


    convenient wa to *e&arate *olid and li;uid excreta and u*e them for

    agriculture. %hi* i* im&ortant *ince it ha* 3een e*timated that the re*erve

    amount of &ho*&horou* that can 3e extracted economicall will la*t onl for

    another 1

  • 8/13/2019 Greening Rural Sanitation Paper


    agenc again*t a certain fee. Panchaat* have to 3e mandated to collect4 treat and

    di*&o*e *egregated wa*te in a *u*taina3le manner. Suita3le +EC material ha* to 3e

    develo&ed to inform &eo&le the advantage* of gar3age *egregation and treatment4

    what con*titute* 3io-degrada3le and non-3io-degrada3le wa*te4 &utting each in

    *e&arate container* and how the have to 3e handled. Each &anchaat or ward 6in the

    ca*e of large &anchaat*7 need* to have a &lace for *orting dome*tic wa*te and the

    organic or 3io-degrada3le wa*te will 3e com&o*ted u*ing an fea*i3le technolog.

    %he location will 3e fixed 3 the &anchaat. Com&o*t from the &roce**ing unit* will

    3e u*ed 3 the &anchaat* a* manure for agricultureH the &anchaat can *et a &rice for

    thi* manure for *ale to farmer*. %hi* can 3e a *ource of income to cover =2 co*t*.

    %here are a num3er of environmental4 health and economic 3enefit* of an effective

    *olid wa*te management. %he*e are a* follow*0

    Environmental 3enefit* - B clo*ing the wa*te ccle4 &ro&er *olid wa*te

    di*&o*al &revent* a ma5or &ortion of wa*te from going to landfill*. %hi*

    &revent* water and land contamination through leachate*. 'eccling and reu*e

    reduce* the need for virgin material. Pro&er *olid wa*te di*&o*al al*o reduce*

    the im&act on other natural re*ource* *uch a* fore*t* and gra**land* that either

    turn into dum&* or are affected 3 *olid wa*te

    9ealth 3enefit* - 2anaging wa*te **tematicall reduce* the num3er of

    di*ea*e vector*4 and con*e;uentl4 mor3idit and mortalit

    Climate varia3ilit - ) *mall amount of wa*te to 3e di*&o*ed in landfill*

    reduce* G9G emi**ion*

    +ncome - 2anure from com&o*ting i* a *tead income *ource for the

    com&o*ting agenc4 whether individual or &anchaat

    4.2.5 Soid aste "anage"ent techni7ues

    %here are a num3er of techni;ue* that can 3e a&&lied for *olid wa*te management at

    *maller level*. %he*e include0

    1. =rganic *olution* - Effective microorgani*m* include *&eciall cultured

    3acteria to decom&o*e organic material. Some t&e* are =S1 and Bio*aniti8er.


  • 8/13/2019 Greening Rural Sanitation Paper


    !. Com&o*ting - %hi* i* the lea*t com&licated and ri*k o&tion. +t convert* *olid

    wa*te to a form clo*e to humu*. +t can 3e achieved under natural or accelerated

    condition* in a com&o*ting &lant. %here are four 3road techni;ue*

    !.1. :indrow com&o*ting4 where a mixture of raw material i* ke&t in long

    narrow &ile* called windrow*4 and are turned on a regular 3a*i*. %hi* i* an

    aero3ic &roce**.

    !.!. Pa**ive aerated windrow*4 that eliminate the need to turn 3 *u&&ling

    air through &erforated &i&e*.

    !.$. )erated *tatic &ile4 which take* &i&ed aeration a *te& further. )ir i*

    forced through &erforated &i&e* 3 a 3lower and the &ile doe* not need to

    3e agitated to 3e turned.

    !.(. +n-ve**el com&o*ting4 where com&o*ting material i* &laced in a

    container and a variet of aerationturning method* are u*ed to *&eed u&

    the &roce**.

    !.,. Iermi-com&o*ting in Iermi-com&o*ting4 com&o*ting i* accelerated

    3 the addition of earthworm*4 either the dee& 3urrowing or *urface t&e.

    Iermi-com&o*t from dee& 3urrowing earthworm* retain* food nutrient* a*

    micro-organi*m* 3reak down food encouraged with aeration from the

    3urrow* of the earthworm*. %he*e earthworm* eat *oil4 grind mineral* into

    *oil in their dige*tive **tem* and create new *oil. =n the other hand4

    *urface earthworm* eat the wa*te and com&o*e the excreta4 3ut thi* i* not

    a* u*eful for &lant growth 3ecau*e of it* higher fungal and actinomcete

    count. %herefore4 the nutrient* in vermi-com&o*t from dee& 3urrowing

    earthworm* are of higher value a* the have a higher num3er of micro-

    organi*m*4 nitrifing 3acteria and &ho*&hate *ta3ili*er*. Iermi-com&o*ting

    i* the *econd 3e*t o&tion in term* of *im&licit4 after regular com&o*ting4

    for converting 3io-degrada3le gar3age to manure.

    !.. Com&o*ting with 3ioculture - Bioculum i* a mixture of

    microorgani*m* develo&ed for accelerated aero3ic com&o*ting of organic

    wa*te. +t ha* culture* of 3acteria4 fungi and actinomcete*. %he 3ioculum

    i* *&raed onto the gar3age hea&4 *taked in windrow*. %he have to 3e

    turned weekl for &ro&er aeration4 the tem&erature ha* to 3e ke&t at ,-


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    3e u*ed in hou*ehold* 3ecau*e of the large *i8e of the com&o*t hea&*. +t i*

    more u*eful at gar3age collection *ite*. %he non-3io-degrada3le wa*te ha*

    to 3e further *egregated and *ent either for reccling or di*&o*al in a

    *uita3le landfill. Suita3le landfill* can identified at the di*trict level to

    3ring thi* into the di*trict *anitation &lan and non-3io-degrada3le non-

    reccla3le wa*te from the village* in the di*trict can 3e di*&o*ed there. %he

    landfill ha* to 3e *cientificall *ited and created to avoid inundation and

    groundwater contamination. +t mu*t not di*tur3 an exi*ting natural

    re*ource including fore*t*4 gra**land*4 wetland* or water 3odie*.

    'ag&icker* can 3e em&loed at &anchaat* to remove all reccla3le wa*te

    3efore non-3io-degrada3le wa*te i* taken to a landfill. %hi* will greatl

    reduce the amount of gar3age entering the landfill4 with attendant 3enefit*

    of lower tran*&ort co*t* and G9G emi**ion*. %he reccling will al*o

    reduce demand for virgin material.

    $. Ecological *anitation -%hi* mimic* nature* wa of *e&arating *olid and li;uid

    fKce*. Excreta i* collected in one container and urine in another. %he excreta

    mixed with a*h turn* to manure that i* rich in organic matter and ha* a3out 1iage -Ta"i 9aidu < Case Study of &coogica Sanitation

    %he Lalia&alaam village i* located on the Cauver 'iver4 in the %iru&ur di*trict in

    %amil Nadu. +t i* a&&roximatel a $/( km from Chennai.

    %he ecological *anitation initiative in Lalia&alaam Iillage wa* launched in !reduce water u*e in *anitation4 &revent water &ollution due to o&en defecation 6a* the

    water ta3le i* high74 3 the Societ for Communit =rgani8ation and Peo&le*

    Education 6SC=PE7.

    +nitiall4 the gram *a3ha &a**ed a re*olution to con*truct eco-*an toilet* in 1

    hou*ehold*. %he whole conce&t wa* 3a*ed on the demand driven a&&roach. Arom the

    *election of the model to the con*truction4 all the *takeholder* were con*ulted at each

    *tage of the &ro5ect. %he conce&t wa* welcomed and ;uickl acce&ted 3 the

    re*ident*. +nitiall4 a !-in-1 model wa* ado&ted where the wa*h water and the urine

    were mixed and collected in one cham3er and4 fKce* were collected in the other


    )fter one ear4 a *tud wa* conducted on the view*o&inion* of re*ident* regarding

    the functioning of the toilet*. +t wa* found that the u*er* were generall *ati*fied with

    the **tem. Ba*ed on their feed3ack of the re*ident*4 !-in-1 model wa* re&laced with

    $-in-1 model in which the urine4 fKce* and wa*h water are collected *e&aratel. @rine

    i* collected in a mud &ot with hole* 3uried in the ground and the wa*h water i*

    collected in a filter 3ed. %he human fKce* and the urine are u*ed a* fertili8er and the

    wa*h water i* u*ed for the kitchen garden and &lant*. %he high initial co*t of eco-*an


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    Toilets and Bathing ooms

    Source: !ram "i#as$ %rissa

    toilet i* off*et 3 long-term *ocio-economic and health 3enefit*. :a*h water a&&lied

    to 3anana tree* next to toilet* a**ure* irrigation at no co*t4 while the *ale of manure

    and urine for agriculture contri3uted toward* overall income for the village. %he*e

    3enefit* &rovide !

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    %o achieve an uninterru&ted water *u&&l4 '9EP link* the &eo&le with government

    rural water &rogramme called "Swa5aldhara#. @nder thi* initiative4 the financial co*t

    of the &rogramme4 which include* the co*t of tank and the &i&e network4 i* &rovided

    3 the government. %he familie*hou*ehold* &a a &art of the ca&ital co*t in the form

    of material and la3our. %he u*er*re*ident* &a a monthl maintenance charge to

    cover the o&erational and maintenance co*t of the &rovi*ion. %hi* arrangement not

    onl make* the &rogramme financial fea*i3le 3ut al*o &roved to 3e extremel u*eful

    in enhancing the *en*e of re*&on*i3ilit and owner*hi& among the communit and

    en*ure* that the &rovi*ion will *u*tain. )long with the monthl o&erational and

    maintenance co*t4 each hou*ehold contri3ute T 1

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    Clean drinking water and acce** to *anitation ha* re*ulted in over < &er cent

    reduction in incidence* of water3orne di*ea*e*.1) health communit and ha3itat

    act* a* a catal*t for *u*taina3le develo&ment. %hi* *how* how effective +EC can

    mould even fi**i&arou* rural *ocietie* into a more cohe*ive unit4 working toward* a

    common good. @*ing water and *anitation a* an entr &oint4 the NG= work* toward*

    overall im&rovement* in rural environment and the natural re*ource 3a*e. %hi*

    3enefit* women e*&eciall4 and the whole communit in general.

    Aurthermore4 the*e eco*an initiative* al*o offer the &otential *olution to the &ro3lem

    of manual *cavenging!

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    to merel change defecation 3ehaviour. %hu*4 %SC need* to move awa from

    con*tructing toilet* and ho&e &eo&le will u*e them to the wider a*&ect* of water*hed

    and natural re*ource* &rotection and management4 3oth of which are intrin*icall

    linked to an water or *anitation &rogramme.

    %he idea i* to leverage %SC#* momentum for *afe handling of human excreta to

    im&rove water*hed management. B 3ringing the *itting of toilet* into a water*hed

    &lanning framework4 it will dramaticall im&rove the ;ualit of groundwater a* well

    a* &rovide a read *ource of manure to im&rove 3iodiver*it. %hi* ha* im&lication* for

    im&roving fore*t* and gra**land*4 3oth critical to 3etter environmental management at

    the local level. +t al*o have im&lication* for eliminating *ource* of water &ollution

    cau*ed 3 &oorl located and 3uilt toilet*4 either 3ecau*e the leach faecal matter into

    groundwater or &eo&le do not u*e them4 &referring o&en defecation. +t al*o extend* to

    eliminating the entr of 3oth *olid and li;uid wa*te into the environment in raw form4

    and converting them to manure or other 3eneficial *tate* 3efore 3eing returned to the


    %d!ocacy@ %areness and Beha!iour Change

    ) 3a*ic in&ut of %SC4 +EC ha* failed to &roduce *ignificant 3ehaviour change. %hi* i*

    largel 3ecau*e of a narrow focu* and em&ha*i* on intangi3le 3enefit* of u*ing toilet*

    that mo*t +EC cam&aign* dwell on. %he*e intangi3le* are higher *ocial *tatu* and

    dignit of women. +EC ha* largel ignored health and livelihood i**ue*4 even though

    there are *tudie* to &rove im&roved *anitation and hgiene dra*ticall reduce the

    num3er of di*a3ilit-linked life ear* 6D)?W*7H the*e are more tangi3le me**age*

    rooted in the everda ex&erience* of the target audience*.

    +t i* therefore *ugge*ted to move awa from intangi3le* and focu* on tangi3le* in

    +EC. %he link 3etween health and livelihood* i* *omething ever &er*on i* familiar

    with4 and &rovide* a *ound 3a*i* for future +EC related to *anitation. +t al*o allow* for

    widening the *co&e of +EC to include *olid and li;uid wa*te management 3 linking it

    to im&rovement* in local natural re*ource* and water ;ualitH in turn the*e allow

    &eo&le more time for either &roductive work or lei*ure. %he im&act on women i*

    &articularl &ronounced *ince the are the &rimar water &rovider* and firewood


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    gatherer*. )n +EC cam&aign ha* to ;uantif the*e at the individual level for &eo&le to

    relate to S?:2 and *anitation.

    Sanitation6 $anning and Construction

    Sanitation mu*t 3e &laced within the larger water*hed context *o that it#*

    environmental and health a*&ect* are under*tood and a&&reciated. Sanitation &lanner*

    have to con*ider *urface and ground water flow*4 *oil condition*4 geolog and climate

    while &lanning the *anitation cam&aign. %he conventional *ingle or twin-&it toilet* are

    un*uita3le for u*e in man &art* of +ndia where the *oil i* rock4 ha* a high &oro*it4

    in hill terrain or in flood-&rone area*. %herefore4 alternative* are needed and the

    need to *erve the &ur&o*e of *afel containing and decom&o*ing excreta without

    coming into contact with groundwater or human 3eing*.

    Iariant* of dr com&o*ting toilet* are &ro3a3l 3e*t for +ndia given the mo*tl hot4

    dr climate a* the will en*ure the fa*te*t decom&o*ition of faece* into manure. %he*e

    al*o need to &rovide ea* acce** to the manure *ince culturall4 +ndian* will never


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    "*too to em&ting out a &it full of excreta even if it ha* decom&o*ed to manure a* &it

    toilet* are *u&&o*ed to do. Containeri8ation i* one *olution4 and can 3e ea*il

    manufactured to a variet of *i8e* for the*e t&e* of toilet*.

    =ne of the ke out come of %SC *hould 3e clo*ing the nutrient loo& 3 dem*tifing

    the value of fKce* and urine a* re&lacement* for chemical fertili*er*4 in &art or whole.

    ) clear linkage reflecting the e;uivalent* to the chemical fertili8er* that can 3e

    o3tained 3 nutrient loo&4 along with the co*t of each alternative mu*t 3e highlighted

    6e.g. a* illu*trated in wa*te anal*i* ta3le earlier in the &a&er74 *o the economic

    3enefit* 3ecome vi*i3le rather than leaving it o&en to inter&retation. %here are

    *cientific evaluation* of the nutrient value of urine and fKce* &roduced 3 different

    food com3ination*. %hi* argument can 3e 3uttre**ed 3 the health argument of u*ing

    toilet*4 that al*o make it ea* to collect4 &roce** and u*e fKce* and urine. +n fact4

    toilet* can 3e &ro5ected a* mechani*m to harve*t nutrient* from human excreta and

    urine with a definite &a3ack &eriod.

    Soid and 8i7uid )aste /anage"ent

    Effective S?:2 will involve *ource *egregation4 treatment and reu*e or reccling.

    Iillage* generate mo*tl wet4 organic *olid wa*te 6not excreta7 that i* *uita3le for

    com&o*ting or vermi-culture. %he end &roduct i* manure4 a re&lacement for chemical

    fertili*er* and a natural *oil enhancer. Com&o*ting technologie* are man and varied4

    and onl tho*e that *uit local agro-eco-climatic condition* *hould 3e *ugge*ted.

    %he tougher one i* to in*titutionali8e *olid wa*te *egregation and collection. %he

    *tarting &oint i* to include thi* in the di*trict water and *anitation &lan *o &anchaat*

    have to al*o include it in their re*&ective *anitation &lan*. %he *econd i* to &rovide areali*tic 3udget that reflect* co*t* of creating and running a gar3age collection

    network4 com&o*ting4 &ackaging and di*tri3ution of manure. :hile it i* ho&ed *ale* of

    manure will &artl off*et the*e co*t*4 it cannot 3e a**umed that the **tem will work

    on a full co*t-recover 3a*i*. %herefore4 ca&ital co*t* have to 3e covered along with a

    com&onent of recurring co*t*. +n*titutional change* are needed at the &anchaat level

    *o that S?:2 3ecome* &art of the work of the village water and *anitation



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    %he *ame goe* for li;uid wa*te management. %he ideal *olution i* u*e at the

    hou*ehold level4 3ut if a hou*ehold ha* not u*e for wa*te water4 it mu*t 3e channeled

    through &ro&erl con*tructed4 lined drain* to a central &oint for treatment. 9ere again4

    it i* nece**ar to allot fund* for ca&ital work*4 including a village *urve4 con*truction

    of lined &rimar4 *econdar and tertiar drain*4 and a *im&le treatment **tem 3a*ed

    on local agro-eco-climatic condition*. )ll gre water mu*t 3e *egregated from *torm

    water and u*ed in agriculturehorticulture4 to reduce the &re**ure on fre*h water

    *ource* and &ollution of *urface or groundwater. Storm water drain* mu*t conve

    rainwater to recharge &oint* and *hould 3e &art of the village water management &lan.

    +n*titutionall and &rocedurall therefore4 the di*trict water and *anitation &lan ha* to

    include a di*tinct water management &lan with *e&arate gre and *torm water

    com&onent*. )* with *olid wa*te4 the financial allotment *hould cover 3oth ca&ital

    co*t* and =2 *ince the *co&e for revenue recover here i* extremel limited.

    Panchaat* *hould 3e *u&&orted to &rovide effective water management in village*. +n

    the water management &lan*4 care ha* to 3e taken to com&letel *e&arate gre or 3lack

    water from *torm water *ince the latter will 3e u*ed without further treatment for

    augmenting local water re*ource* through *urface *torage *tructure* or groundwater



    %SC guideline* mention eco-*an a* one of the o&tion* for im&roving *anitation and

    hgienicall *e&arating fKce* from urine. %he*e need to 3e ela3orated and 3acked 3

    *uita3le financial allotment*. 2uch more work i* needed to make eco-*an acce&ta3le

    3 &eo&le given the different nature of eco-*an toilet*. )n a&&roach i* to &rovide

    *uita3le loan* for eco-*an toilet*4 re&aa3le through the *aving* on fertili*er*. )

    t&ical eco-*an toilet &a* for it*elf over it* lifeccle of /-1< ear* through *aving* onchemical fertili*er*. %hi* &oint mu*t 3e em&ha*i8ed in &romoting eco-*an a* an

    alternative to toilet*.

    )dditionall4 *tudie* have *hown reu*ing the excreta of a famil of ,4 theoreticall

    &roduce* enough excreta to &roduce ade;uate nitrogen and &ho*&horou* to cultivate a


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    rice &lot ranging from (