Greene Cricket Press 2012 Session 1

The Newspaper of the URJ Greene Family Camp’s Journalism Activity June 2012 – SIVAN 5772 A Volume II - Number 1 A Bruceville-Eddy, Texas A Session I The great cup caper By ZOE TURKEL Camp kicks off the summer with a stock of approximately 1,000 Where are all the cups going? Who’s taking them? And Why? The Greene Cricket-Press had to investigate. GFC assistant director, Scott Braswell, said losing cups at such a rate is a big – and expensive – problem. “We probably lose $100 or more worth of cups a year,” Scott said. He’s found plastic cups in the strangest of places on camp. In the See Cups on Page 6 pool. In bathrooms. He even found one at the top of the After Song Session on Saturday night, June 16, knights in See Maccabiah on the next page By ELIZA GREENBERG plastic cups in the Chadar Ohel. By summer’s end, however, that number drops by several hundred. So many plastic cups go missing by the end of camp that the kitchen staff has to put out Styrofoam ones. colorful armor drew their swords to announce the start of this year’s Medieval-themed Maccabiah. Teams Green, Yellow, Blue and Red ran to their meeting locations to create awesome cheers. The next day, they all fought their way to the top and, by day’s end, earned scores of points for their teams. Judges were pleased with their funny jokes. The last day of the color war competition, a relay took place throughout camp. Though the Blue team was penalized, it won the relay. That night, the teams wowed the judges with their arts skills and talents. Then, the winner of Camp director Loui Dobin and song leaders Jonathan Dobin and Dan Lee led the Maccabiah teams in a competitive Song Session in the Chadar Ohel on Sunday, June 17. Campers Kaela Gisser, Caleb Levit and Isabel Schaffer love playing with the Zoo's new Jack Russell terrier puppies. Zoo by the numbers There are so many cool animals at the GFC Zoo. By SYDNEY HORN There’s a trio of Jack Russell terrier pups who are only about 13 weeks old. One is named Pita and another is Bluebell. Campers will get to name the third one during Session II. There’s also a clutch of baby chicks. The little fuzz balls are only a few weeks old. The sheepish sheep are about a year old. The two white bunnies are also about a year old. GFC Zoo director, Aya Margalit, explained that the horses on camp are used for the horseback-riding See Zoo on Page 4 Thursday night can be crunch time for campers who are Groups are the way to go for Shabbat By MADDIE GALERSTON still searching for a Shabbat buddy. It can be such a big deal that some people can feel left out or feel like a third-wheel. Some might even feel like they’ve lost a friend. Greene Family Camp director, Loui Dobin, thinks that groups of people going as friends on Shabbat is great, but two people going by themselves isn’t a good idea. “It causes people to feel left out and others may even get the wrong idea,” Loui told the Greene Cricket- Press. Niviim camper Sarah Bierner, counselor Danielle Fenson and Avodah Helen Mazella were Shabbat buddies on June 22. See Shabbat on Page 6 M e d i e v a l M a c c a b i a h


Newspaper of the Greene Family Camp Journalism Activity during first session

Transcript of Greene Cricket Press 2012 Session 1

Page 1: Greene Cricket Press 2012 Session 1

The Newspaper of the URJ Greene Family Camp’s Journalism Activity

June 2012 – Sivan 5772 A Volume II - Number 1 A Bruceville-Eddy, Texas A Session I

The great cup caperBy ZOE TURKEL

Camp kicks off the summer with a stock of approximately 1,000

Where are all the cups going?Who’s taking them? And Why?The Greene Cricket-Press had to

investigate.GFC assistant director, Scott

Braswell, said losing cups at such a rate is a big – and expensive – problem.

“We probably lose $100 or more worth of cups a year,” Scott said.

He’s found plastic cups in the strangest of places on camp. In the

See Cups on Page 6

pool. In bathrooms. He even found one at the top of the

After Song Session on Saturday night, June 16, knights in

See Maccabiah on the next page


plastic cups in the Chadar Ohel. By summer’s end, however, that number drops by several hundred. So many plastic cups go missing by the end of camp that the kitchen staff has to put out Styrofoam ones.

colorful armor drew their swords to announce the start of this year’s Medieval-themed Maccabiah.

Teams Green, Yellow, Blue and Red ran to their meeting locations to create awesome cheers.

The next day, they all fought their way to the top and, by day’s end, earned scores of points for their teams. Judges were pleased with their funny jokes.

The last day of the color war competition, a relay took place throughout camp. Though the Blue team was penalized, it won the relay.

That night, the teams wowed the judges with their arts skills and talents. Then, the winner of

Camp director Loui Dobin and song leaders Jonathan Dobin and Dan Lee led the Maccabiah teams in a competitive Song Session in the Chadar Ohel on Sunday, June 17.

Campers Kaela Gisser, Caleb Levit and Isabel Schaffer love playing with the Zoo's new Jack Russell terrier puppies.

Zoo by the numbersThere are so many

cool animals at the GFC Zoo.


There’s a trio of Jack Russell terrier pups who are only about 13 weeks old. One is named Pita and another is Bluebell. Campers will get to name the third one during Session II.

There’s also a clutch of baby chicks. The little fuzz balls are only a few weeks old.

The sheepish sheep are about a year old. The two white bunnies are also about a year old.

GFC Zoo director, Aya Margalit, explained that the horses on camp are used for the horseback-riding

See Zoo on Page 4

Thursday night can be crunch time for campers who are

Groups are the way to go for Shabbat


still searching for a Shabbat buddy. It can be such a big deal that some people can feel left out or feel like a third-wheel. Some might even feel like they’ve lost a friend.

Greene Family Camp director, Loui Dobin, thinks that groups of people going as friends on Shabbat is great, but two people going by themselves isn’t a good idea.

“It causes people to feel left out and others may even get the wrong idea,” Loui told the Greene Cricket-Press.Niviim camper Sarah Bierner, counselor

Danielle Fenson and Avodah Helen Mazella were Shabbat buddies on June 22. See Shabbat on Page 6

Medieval Maccabiah

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making memoriesPage 2greene CriCket-Press

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An unscientific poll of current and former campers showed that over the past two decades, there’s a pretty even distribution of wins among the four Maccabiah teams, with the Red team holding only a slight advantage over Green, Yellow and Blue.

GFC senior staff firmly reject rumors that the competition is rigged and maintain that the even spread is pure coincidence. A Greene Cricket-Press investigation confirmed the game's judging process to be honest and fair.

Thanks to Brian Hertz for his remarkable memory in tallying up the wins over the years. Additional thanks to former GFC campers who responded to the poll via social media. R

Is Maccabiah rigged?

S’gnesset murals paintedin memory of camper

Nestled in a nook of shade trees near the new S’ganim cabins is a special memorial to a former camper.

High school freshman Jason Felder was looking forward to his Kibbutz year at Greene Family Camp when his life tragically was cut short in a fatal car accident some 24 years ago.

After converting the old Kibbutz campgrounds into the new S’ganim unit this summer, GFC wanted to pay tribute to Jason’s memory in a meaningful way. The gesture took the form of a series of colorful hand-painted murals on the old stone benches that form the unit’s intimate Beit Knesset – now dubbed the S’gnesset.

There are seven benches total, each with its own scene painted by the inaugural group of S’ganim campers.

“The murals represent the seven days of Creation in the Torah,” said GFC Arts & Crafts director, Michelle Renfrow, who helped lead the project.

S’ganim campers Lily Couldridge and Paige Moskowitz worked together on the first bench, “Heaven & Earth.”

“It’s a special feeling to help create this new memorial,” Paige told the Greene Cricket-Press.

Lily said, “The space hasn’t been used in a long time, so it’s nice to know that it’s going to be used again,

in a special way.”Besides the bench murals, the

memorial will feature a stepping stone archipelago, spelling out Jason’s name and displaying a mosaic of Jason’s life, Michelle said.

By GCP Staff

Bonim unit head, Jude Sloter, is Jason's sister. She was suprised to learn about the new memorial.

"I feel overwhelmed and very honored," Jude said. "It's a pretty amazing gesture, more than 20 years

after the loss of my brother."Avery Simon, a S’ganim camper

who also worked on the murals, said she hopes that her unit will have more opportunities to do mitzvah projects of this nature. R

S'ganim campers Paige Moskowitz and Lily Couldridge worked on the "Heaven & Earth" mural on Wednesday, June 20.

Last summer, Yahel cabin fashioned a coconut into its mascot and named him Wilson.

Maccabiah was announced: Yellow team won!The Greene Cricket-Press asked Maccabiah

participants which is more important: winning the competition or having fun?

“I don’t care about winning or losing Maccabiah,” said Niviim camper Gabbi Levet. “Camp is all about having fun.”

Sportsmanship is important to campers. Gabbi said she’d rather lose with pride than cheat and win.

Though one team is crowned Maccabiah champion, all the teams win points during the contest and thus can be proud of their efforts.

Some campers think the Purple team – staff members who were previous team leaders – should be allowed to compete, as well, for fun. R

Maccabiah From Page 1

Percentage of team wins over the past 20 years

Campers this summer have continued the cabin mascot tradition.

In the cabin of Kinneret there is a beta fish named Caesar. It lives in a bowl near the sinks and campers feed it fish food everyday.

Rehovot cabin has a symbolic mascot – the beet, according to counselor Bayla Pidgeon.

“Everytime there are beets in the salad bar, the campers have to eat them because the beet is our mascot,” Bayla told the Greene Cricket-Press.

The Eilat Chickens also have a mascot: An owl water bottle named Carl.


Cabin mascot crazeCarl is a bit like Wilson the Coconut, who

met his demise in a raid last summer. The Tel-Aviv Turkeys have tried to steal Carl in a raid and break the water bottle several times. A camper from the Eilat Chickens said that the Tel-Aviv Turkeys better back off because they are upset about the way their beloved Carl is being mistreated.

Lotan has a mascot. Actually, it’s been several mascots. Bob the Blue Balloon has been popped twice. So, now Bob the Balloon is really Bob the balloon, III.

The cabin of Sasa Super Ninjas also has a mascot: a penguin. It has yet to be given a name, according to the Ninjas.

GFC campers clearly enjoy having mascots in their cabins. Wilson the Coconut started a tradition that continues. RKinneret's mascot is a beta fish named Caesar.

Blue Yellow

Red Green

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tips & trix Page 3greene CriCket-Press

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Silly staff trix

Niviim campers David Hernandez and Brad Fetter joined in the great cricket round-up across camp on Saturday afternoon, June 23.

Attention GFC campers: This year we have quite the cricket infestation!

The little buggers are everywhere – from cracks in the wall to towels on the cabin porch.

Camper Maddy Gorlie said she’s a pretty good exterminator, but uses her skills with discretion, depending on how annoying the crickets become. She said she feels bad after having to dispatch one – or many.

But, you gotta do what you gotta do. Though Maddy said she’s not too


grossed out by the crickets, many of her bunkmates are.

“They scream a lot,” Maddy said.Her strategy for getting rid of

the pests: Sweep them out of the bunk with a broom. When they amass in the bathroom, she puts them in a box and takes them outside when she’s finished.

The variety of crickets that have invaded camp are known as field crickets. According to Greene Cricket-Press research, females can lay up to 2,000 eggs in a lifetime.

The field cricket will molt up to eight times as nymphs grow into adults. More rain equals more crickets. And we’re getting rain at camp this summer.

The good news is that crickets aren't known to spread fatal

disease to humans.Crickets are very resourceful

because they are omnivores and even will eat other dead crickets. That’s a plus.

Crickets are attracted to light. That’s why so many are found in and around camp cabins. It’s not

unusual in the morning for campers to walk out of their cabins to find dozens of crickets on the porch. Whenever campers go to get their clothes off the railing, they may find a little surprise.

Crickets are famous this summer for being that little surprise. R

The staff at Greene Family Camp have many hobbies and


secret talents.The Greene Cricket-Press went

around camp interviewing staff members and counselors and found out some interesting and pretty funny things about them.

Counselor Joey Silver said he occasionally sings in the shower. So does Kadeema Woodbyrne, who works at camp’s front desk. The Londoner claims to be a lost member of the Spice Girls.

Joey’s secret talent is winking. So watch out, ladies!

You may have noticed his nasty habit of biting his nails and cracking his knuckles.

Summer education director Sara Silverman’s hobby is hanging out with friends and watching “The Bachelorette.”

Sara started going to GFC as a Bonim camper. Her secret talent: Licking her elbow!

Assistant Niviim unit head, Zoe Bernbaum, is another shower singer. She spends her days off sleeping and shopping. Her hobby is baking – cupcakes, brownies and other desserts.

Counselor Maddy Rosuck hangs out in Austin on her day off. Favorite mumtak snack: Twix, for sure.

Kadeema said she enjoys eating pancakes on her day off. She also likes to read. Her favorite book is “Piece of Cake.”

Bhavini Mehta, who also works the front desk, said she has a phobia of bananas. R

Sara Silverman showed off her elbow-licking talent.

At camp, it’s common for kids to go to the nurse when they

don't feel well. The GFC medical staff has pretty much seen it all by now.

“We see a lot of cuts and scrapes,” said camp’s Dr. Tracey Elliot. “And, campers often come back, saying, ‘My nose is stuffy,’ or, ‘I have another headache.’ ”

Is it true that kids get sick often?“It depends on the time at camp

and the people,” Dr. Tracey said. “If it’s the first week of camp, less so. The longer they’re here, the higher the risk.”

Being safe can even involve sharks, according to Kohanim assistant unit head, Goldie Speyer, who wears a helmet with a toy shark topper.

“I got my shark from the bike shed,” Goldie said. “His name is Murphy.”

It doesn’t take much to avoid injury. Rest assure, the medical staff don’t want to deal with cuts and scrapes and sunburns, which can easily be prevented with a little common sense. Don’t eat bugs, for

Safety first, don't eat bugs

By ARDEN JENKINSexample. They may be poisonous and probably taste nasty.

“Always know what’s going on around you,” said GFC director, Loui Dobin. “Is the place where you’re walking safe? Does it have fire ants? Think before you act,” he advised.

Camp medical staff recommended that campers pay attention to whatever they’re doing, to wear good shoes, to apply and reapply sunscreen, to drink lots of water and to wear a hat out in the sun.

Safety TipsNever ingest sunscreen or bug spray

Travel with a buddy

Stay away from strange plants, objects, people and pointy glass

Don't jump off of high places

Always wear life jackets by the lake and arm guards in archery

Don't feed random animals

Drink lots of water and wear a hat


Murphy the safety shark keeps Kohanim assistant unit head, Goldie Speyer, company. R

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behind the scenesPage 4greene CriCket-Press

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Oddities in the mail

Mail is a massive undertaking at Greene Family Camp. Packages come and go by the


van- and truckload.Sherry Freeman is GFC’s mail

maven. She said the largest packages arrive before camp even begins.

“People ship boxes filled with clothes and stuff like that. The boxes get really big,” Sherry told the Greene Cricket-Press.

During camp, the boxes continue to come. The smallest packages are about the size of a chalkboard eraser. Lots of those get sent.

Parents and loved ones do most of the mailing to camp. Outgoing mail

– mostly letters from kids and staff – fills about half a mail crate each day.

The most popular items that get mailed to kids at camp are stuffed animals, games and clothes, according to Sherry.

The strangest thing that someone recently mailed to camp was an

empty bottle of toothpaste with candy hidden inside the toothpaste box. Trying to sneak candy into camp through the mail is a common occurrence, Sherry said.

Teddy bears that make a “crunchy sound” when you squeeze them are a dead giveaway, she said. R

Sherry Freeman is GFC's mail maven.

Greene Family Camp director, Loui Dobin, lives a mysterious life at camp.

The Greene Cricket-Press discovered some weird things behind his smile and glasses.

Zoo From Page 1

activity. The other animals at the Zoo are used to teach campers how to care for animals.

Some of the animals, like the puppies, are used to help campers who are missing home. Campers can adopt the puppies at the end of the summer. Other animals, like the horses, will go back to their owners at the end of camp.

Spending the summer at the GFC Zoo is a vacation for many of the animals. “They get a lot of attention and love here,” Aya said.

The Zoo director said the animals arrived at camp a week before the session started so they’d be here ready for the kids.

Kibbutznik Ben Dickerson lights out for the territory on one of the Zoo's horses. R

Ana Bonnheim is a rabbi and an assistant camp director. She recently added a new

Rabbi, assistant director, new mom

job that’s just as important: Mom!Micah Jake Bonnheim Knight was

born four months ago – Ana’s first child. He’s named after his great-grandmothers and a special rock called mica.

Micah is also a biblical name. In the Bible, the prophet Micah pursues justice. Now he’s here on camp.

What does he do while he’s on camp? “Sometimes it’s just him and me, or other times I take him with me while I work,” Ana told the Greene Cricket-Press.


Niviim campers Sydney Horn and Gabbi Levitt uncovered several mysteries about GFC director Loui Dobin.

Mysteries about


Did you know that Loui’s favorite color is blue?He uses a blue toothbrush and is very particular about his choice of blue-ink

writing pens. He even drives a new dark blue-colored Corvette – it's mostly his summer ride.

Loui said his favorite camp food is fried chicken. His preferred brand of liquid hand soap is Neutrogenia, scented.

The camp director keeps a slide rule – whatever that is – in his desk, along with a multi-bit screwdriver. Those are handy.

Loui said he wanted to become GFC director because he loves camp and gets to experience different things. He enjoys seeing camp filled with people, walking around, playing, singing and having fun.


What’s Loui’s favorite color?a) Pinkb) Greenc) Blued) Chartreuse

What’s Loui’s favorite hand soap?a) Neutrogeniab) Soft Soapc) Doved) Lava Soap

What color is Loui’s new Corvettea) Redb) Blackc) Pinkd) Dark blue

What's Loui's favorite camp meal?a) Grilled cheeseb) Fried chickenc) Tacosd) Brisket R

Test your Loui trivia!

Baby Micah with new mom Rabbi Ana R

When she can’t take Micah with her, they have babysitters working on camp. “Sometimes we do have kids who aren’t camp age yet,” Ana said. “That’s why we have three babysitters working for the camp – Jennifer, Nina and Laura.”

Though Ana has become a new mom, she still is focused on her other jobs, as well.

As an assistant director at Greene

Family Camp, she oversees the Jewish education programs, camp development, the Avodah program and camper care. Fortunately, Ana doesn’t have to do it all on her own. Her husband, Rabbi Asher Knight, comes down from Dallas four days a week to work at camp and helps take take care of Micah.

Next time you see Ana, Asher or Micah, say hi and mazel tov!

Micah is named after his great grandmothers

The biblical prophet Micah pursued justice

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Ever had that panic attack of realizing you lost something at camp? That cold sweat

Camp's Lost & Found table is located outside the Chadar Ohel, just outside the front entrance.


and pang in the chest! If so, you’re not alone.

“The weirdest thing I’ve ever lost that’s showed up later in the Lost & Found was a shirt I lent out to someone else,” said Melachim camper Shira Karp.

At least she found it! Others haven’t been so fortunate.

S’ganim camper Shaina Diamond told the Greene Cricket-Press that she lost

her sunglasses and still hasn’t gotten them back. “I loved those things,” Shaina said.

Avery Simon, also in S’ganim, jokingly said she “lost her dignity.” Unfortunately, there’s nothing the GCP can do for her, but we can figure out what might have happened to others’ lost stuff.

Some campers admitted they’ve commandeered items from the camp’s Lost & Found that weren’t theirs.

“I once took a pink hat,” said a camper who requested anonymity.

And there are others.Three campers admitted to

“finding” things that weren’t theirs. These included sunglasses and the

book, “Fahrenheit 451.”Opinions differ on how likely it is to

recover a lost item at camp. Some said it’s about 50-50; the bigger the item, the more likely it’ll be found. Others said there’s a less than 5 percent chance of recovery.

If you lose something valuable, get to the Lost & Found as quickly as possible, staff recommended.

What happens to stuff in the Lost & Found that never gets picked up?

Abandoned clothes get washed by the laundry crew and then are featured in a fashion show at the end of the camp session in a last-ditch effort to reunite the lost items with their owners.

Things that still aren’t claimed are checked for names. Those with names are mailed home. Items without names are donated to charity.

The most common items that get lost at camp are water bottles, towels, socks and other clothes items, according to Sherry Freeman, who manages the Lost & Found. The most expensive lost items are digital cameras.

A majority of campers said that most lost things stay lost. Maybe these items never make it to the Lost & Found, or maybe they are found and kept by someone else. The best advice is to keep track of your things and to write your name on everything. R

Laundry is a necessity at camp. It’s a major operation – with more than 300 loads to do each week.

Loads of laundryAnd yet, despite the size of the job, laundry

is mostly a behind-the-scenes operation at Greene Family Camp that transforms endless piles of dirty, stinky camper duds into fresh and clean like-new clothes.

GFC assistant director, Scott Braswell, explained to the Greene Cricket-Press how the laundry operation works.

Camp has about eight people on housekeeping staff who work with a laundry crew of about 12. They are among the hardest working folks on camp. They run 'round-the-clock shifts doing laundry from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Laundry bags are collected on a four-wheeler with a trailer, then driven up to the maintenance shop, near the Alpine Tower, where the laundry room is located. There, the soiled clothes get laundered in 13 industrial-size washer and dryer units.

Scott said each cabin has its own washer and dryer in order to avoid laundry mix-ups.

The operation consumes some 50 pounds of laundry soap per week, Scott estimated. That comes out to about 350 pounds of the sudsy stuff for an entire summer!

Doing camp laundry is expensive, Scott said. It costs between $3 and $4 per load – totalling some $900 to $1,200 per week!

Staff often find other items mixed in with dirty laundry, Scott said. Things like art supplies, keys, headphones, retainers, glasses

and stuffed animals.Despite camp’s best efforts, campers said

they still see the occasional laundry mix-up.Kohanim camper Ethan Weinstein said he’s

lost a couple of socks.Counselor Taylor Weiss said she lost a pair of

Francisca Martinez helps with the laundering of camper clothes using GFC's industrial size washers and dryers.


prized Nike shorts.Lily Barlow, also a Kohanim camper, said a

pair of boy’s boxers turned up one time in her cabin’s clean laundry.

“We hung the boxers outside as our cabin’s mascot,” Lily said. R

Mound of lost & found

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Archery hits the


inside sportsPage 6greene CriCket-Press

session i, 2012


Drake GoldmanEliza Greenberg

Sydney HornEthan KarpelesGabriela Levitt

Erin Solka


Cameron CohenMadison Galerston

Arden JenkinsZakary Morris

Zoe Turkel


Shira KarpAlec Shea

Allison Woittle

Greene CriCket-Press stAFF

Greene Family Camp’s archery activity hits the mark.

Alpine Tower.Scott thinks people take the cups

from the Chadar Ohel and mean to bring them back but get distracted and forget about them.

GFC assistant director, Rabbi Ana Bonnheim, shares a similar theory. She said that the culprits are mostly staff.

A lot of cups end up in the staff cabins, admitted one of the staff members who requested anonymity.

Avodah Helen Mazella suspects that Kibbutz may also have sticky fingers.

She was on Kibbutz in 2010 and said that the plastic cups easily break when hastily washed by hand.

Helen said Kibbutznikim would go on weekly Saturday cup runs, grabbing five, six, even seven cups at a time.

It also may be a top-down problem. GFC senior assistant director, Stefani Rozen, said she’s eyed a number of plastic cups in the office of camp director, Loui Dobin.

They allegedly are left in Loui's office by other members of the staff.

Surly those get returned. R

Cups From Page 1

Other camp staff members agree that Shabbat buddies shouldn’t become anything more than friends.

GFC assistant director, Scott Braswell, likes the idea of a group of friends enjoying Shabbat together but thinks that there shouldn’t be any romance.

Staffers Ori Tal, Tzafnat Mor, Shani Pereg and Sarah Satinsky agree that having Shabbat buddies can get in the way of appreciating the real purpose of the holiday. They said that you don’t have to have a buddy to have a good time on Shabbat.

Even the camp medical staff weighed in on the Shabbat-buddy debate. Dr. Tracey Elliot said Shabbat

Shabbat From Page 1


The archery range is located between the lake and the zip line. It’s a good hike from main camp, but well worth it, according to campers interviewed by the Greene Cricket-Press.

Parker Tagtmeier said he wanted to try out archery because he thought it would be fun. And it has been. The technique he learned is to use two

fingers to draw back the arrow and keep a steady hand on the bow.

Joshua Gurvey said it’s a pretty good workout. While he likes the challenge of trying to hit a bull’s eye on the paper targets used this summer, he prefers shooting at balloons.

Jeffrey Kapilivsky said he also likes the challenge.

“You try it and you want to get better at it,” Jeffery said. “It’s a lot of fun.”

Benjamin Rozen agreed.“Archery is cool,” he said. “I like

shooting sports.” R

Niviim campers, Avodahnikim and staff let the arrows fly during the archery activity.

Fretting over having a Shabbat buddy can detract from the spiritual experience of the holiday, according to camp staff. R

buddies aren’t necessary and could put pressure on others. Also, she warned that you could spread germs to your Shabbat buddy – things like pink eye, a cough and even a cold.

What do campers think about this problem?

Kohanim camper Maya Anderson is perfectly fine with Shabbat buddies because she, herself, has had them. Another Kohanim camper said that it’s perfectly fine because he doesn’t see what’s wrong with it.

What do the older campers think?Melachim camper Autumn Sparks

said that going as friends is great but no boys. Fellow Melachim camper Cayelin Olson said, “Just go with friends, because boys can ruin friendships.”

Richard Freling is Greene Family Camp’s

In the fitness gadol campers set goals. These are promises to yourself that you are going to fulfill: A promise to build muscle

Fitness is about setting goals ... and achieving themBy SHIRA KARP

or even gain a six-pack.Melachim camper Marlo Olifant, from

Kinneret, said she has several fitness gadol goals. These include to become a better runner and to stay fit.

Marlo said she will achieve her goals by putting her full effort into everything she does

in the gym.Zane Seigel, a Melachim camper from Banyas,

said his goals are to stay in shape. To do so, he aims to work out daily. He also wants to become more like counselor Adam Lyon, the buff fitness specialist.

Joel Herman, also from Banyas, said he wants to be more like the Israeli lifeguard, Tomer Keidan, who is totally ripped.

GFC has a wonderful gym. Campers this summer have many different types of fitness goals and ways of achieving them. Let’s hope they all succeed! R

Weight-training can be part of one's fitness regime.

Freling is a footie aficionado

soccer pro.The Dallas-native started playing

“the beautiful game” when he was a kid and joined a competitive league with a friend.

Richard’s preferred position on the pitch is center midfield – the engine of the team. He’s suffered a few knocks over the years. The worst being torn ligaments and a pair of sprained ankles. Ouch.

He’s considering a try-out for Princeton University’s soccer team, where he’s a student.

Richard is a fan of world-class goalkeeper, Petr Czech, who plays for England’s Chelsea F.C. and for the Czech Republic national team.


His favorite personal soccer moment is winning the 2012 championship with St. Mark’s.

He said the most challenging part about teaching soccer at GFC is trying to evaluate players’ skill levels. R

Richard Freling's team won the championship last year.

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Greene Family Camp offers an abundance of awesome activities. Below is a snapshot survey of some of the more popular things to do on camp during Session I, according to campers questioned by the Greene Cricket-Press.

~ Arden Jenkins

Camp food favesThe Greene Cricket-Press polled campers on their favorite foods this summer.

Grilled cheese topped the list, followed by breakfast burritos,spaghetti & meatballs and tacos. Runners-up included

burgers, choclate-chip pancakes, pizzabagels and wings.

~Alec Shea

Activities aplenty

Growin' fruits and veggies in the garden

Buildin' a mud oven in the Eco-village

Slip-slidin' at Bonim/Niviim Water Wars

Joustin' during Medieval Maccabiah

Catchin' air on the lake's new rope swing

Climbin' to great heights on Ropes Course

Soapin' up staff rides at the Car Wash

Ridin' the wave while jet-ski tubin' R

Crazy for crittersBy ETHAN KARPELES

The animals at the Greene Family Camp Zoo get all the attention.

This summer, camp is bringing back the original Shabbat dress


High waists are back

code of white. The minimum being a white top and colored bottom, the most basic color blocking.

While GFC shared this news with campers' families earlier this year, many still were a tad taken aback by the “change” – because, really, this rule has always existed, just not followed. With this newly enforced rule, campers and staff have had to get a little creative with what they put together each Friday night.

While white dresses are a classic that all girls have been wearing on Shabbat since the beginning of GFC, what is new to the wardrobe are bottoms that ride a little higher than previous styles. High-waisted shorts, high-waisted skirts all paired with either tucked-in tops or adored cropped tops.

The love for this trend varies. Our parents think back to when they were teenagers and do not

ever want to go back to those days. People in the middle just “don’t get it."

Another wardrobe rule of GFC is that all shoes must have backs.

A regulation many girls have problems with because during the year the question of “do these shoes have backs or not?” is not a daily concern like it is here. Finding the perfect, versatile shoe with a back is a mission any girl who does not regularly wear shoes with backs during the year faces. If you are someone who always wears them you luckily never have this issue!

So, as you are shopping this year and doing some spring-cleaning ... keep the whites, you'll need them next summer! R


But, there are so many other cool critters on camp. You just have to look a little closer to find them.

Field crickets are probably the easiest to spot – they're everywhere on camp this summer.

Crickets will eat pretty much anything – even other bugs, like fire ants, spiders and wasps.

Spiders do the same thing. If it weren’t for them, flies would be buzzing around everywhere.

Grasshoppers are a close cousin

of the cricket. There are a lot of grasshoppers on camp, too.

One of the neatest bugs found at GFC is the longhorned beetle.

Butterflies coexist with flowers and so do bees. They help pollinate.

Camp has both dragonflies and damselflies. Dragonflies have wings that stick out perpendicular to their bodies. Damselflies have thinner bodies and have wings that point backward, parallel to their bodies.

Fireflies light up the night.The best place on camp to seach for

bugs is in the garden. There's lots of vegetation and water. Go check them out. Bugs need love too!

Common Bluetail Damselfly

Differential grasshopper

Phaon Crescent butterfly

Longhorned beetle

Spotted cucumber beetle

Seven-spotted lady beetle RSuperb cicada

Page 8: Greene Cricket Press 2012 Session 1

flash(back) photosPage 8greene CriCket-Press

session i, 2012

Loui Dobin, '88Jessica Huchital, '96 Sarah Beth Gordon, '99Zach Dobin, Scott Braswell, Jonathan Dobin '00

Jessi Swann, '00Stefani Rozen, '03 Sean Passes, '02Brian Hertz, '02

Emily Lunstroth, '00Paul Kleiman, '00 Kevin Solka, '02Zoe Bernbaum, '03

Josh Mantel, '02Ana Bonnheim, '00 Madeline Waggoner, '03Sara Silverman, '02

Rosie Tesson,Sarah Satinsky, '02Jonathan Swann, '02 Nina Stern, '02Jess Dangott, '02

Yearbook candids of 2012 Session I staffers from their early days at Greene Family Camp. Thanks to Emily Lunstroth for her expert sleuthing skills. ~GCP