Greene County Education Center - Summer Schedule

Summer 2012 WCCC Credit Classes in Greene County Residential Customer SES- COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CRD SITE DAYS TIME START-END PREREQ- INSTRUCTOR SION & SECTION HRS DATE UISITE Earn college credit close to home. WCCC Greene County Education Center 100 EverGreene Drive, Suite 102, Waynesburg Discover what hundreds of Greene County residents already know, the WCCC Greene County Education Center is a great place to earn college credit close to home. The center offers day and evening classes, transferrable college credits and personal attention from faculty and staff who will help you when you need it. And, if you are considering nursing as a career, the Greene County Center offers an associate degree (RN) nursing program. For a nursing application packet, contact the WCCC Admissions Office at 1-800-262-2103, extension 4077. Student services such as financial aid, academic advising, career counseling and placement are available through the WCCC Youngwood campus. The Greene County Center is located in EverGreene Technology Park, just off Route 21 and adjacent to the Greene County Regional Airport. To reach the Greene County Center, call 724-627-3464. DIRECTIONS Traveling south on I-79: Take Exit 14 ( Waynesburg). At the bottom of the exit ramp, turn left onto Roy E. Furman Highway. Proceed to the second traffic light and make a left onto Progress Drive. Go straight on Progress Drive until the road splits. Bear to the right and follow the road to EverGreene Technology Park. WCCC is located in the first building on the right. Traveling north on I-79: Take Exit 14 ( Waynesburg). At the bottom of the exit ramp, turn left onto Roy E. Furman Highway. Proceed to the first traffic light and make a left onto Progress Drive and follow the directions listed above. Traveling west on Route 21: Make a right onto Progress Drive at the light just after the Greene County Airport and follow the directions given above. Traveling east on Route 21: Proceed under I-79 and follow the directions for I-79 south listed above. Greene Classroom-Based Classes Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Permit No. 20 Greensburg PA WESTMORELAND COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 145 Pavilion Lane Youngwood, PA 15697-1814 WCCC Summer Sessions Enroll today to concentrate on a difficult class or lighten your fall credit load. Then transfer your WCCC credits to your university. Plus, you’ll save on the cost of your degree. WCCC’s tuition is the most affordable in PA! Our summer schedule features — Convenient sessions — 5 1 / 2 -week sessions - starting May 14 & June 20 8-week session - June 4–July 27 11-week session - May 14–July 26 200+ online classes - see inside No Friday classes Close to home location – the Greene County Center Affordable tuition Attention Students from Other Colleges Taking WCCC Classes Before registering for any WCCC classes, be sure that you: Consult with the appropriate advisor, department or chair at your present campus to ensure that you select the proper courses. Notify your present college’s financial aid office that you are enrolling at WCCC; any financial aid must be processed by your present college’s financial aid office. Complete a WCCC Application for Admission. Remember to complete an Official Transcript Request Form before finishing summer classes to ensure that your grades are sent to your home institution. Notice of Nondiscrimination Westmoreland County Community College will not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or em- ployment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry, union membership or any other legally protected classification. Announcement of this policy is in accordance with state law including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and with federal law, including Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 503 and 504 of the Reha- bilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. In- quiries should be directed to the Affirmative Action Officer (presently Sylvia Detar) at 724-925-4190 or in Room 4100D, WCCC Business & Industry Center,Youngwood, PA 15697. Art 1 ART 155-G0 Introduction to Art History 3 GRE TTH 10:15-12:15P 05/15-07/26 Staff Biology 11 BIO 107-G6 Human Biology 3 GRE TTH 06:00-07:50P 05/15-07/26 Staff English 11 ENG 161-G3 College Writing 3 GRE TTH 04:00-05:50P 05/15-07/26 ENG 070+ Staff 11 ENG 164-G0 Advanced Composition (ITV) 3 GRE TH 06:00-09:40P 05/17-07/26 ENG 161 Staff History 11 HIS 156-G0 Modern West. Civilization (ITV)3 GRE MW 10:15-12:05P 05/14-07/25 Staff Mathematics 11 MTH 052-G5 Foundations of Algebra 3 GRE MW 07:00-08:50P 05/14-07/25 Pl Test+ Staff Key 1–First 5 1 / 2 -week session May 14–June 19 Pl Test–Placement Test 2–Second 5 1 / 2 -week session June 20–July 27 •–Lab fee; fees range from $10-$25 8–8-week session June 4–July 27 (ITV)–Interactive Videoconference Class 11–11-week session May 14–July 26 +–See catalog for additional or alternate prerequisites Evening classes are shaded


Information on the courses offerred at the WCCC Greene County Education Center for Summer 2012.

Transcript of Greene County Education Center - Summer Schedule

Page 1: Greene County Education Center - Summer Schedule

Summer 2012 WCCC Credit Classes in Greene County

Residential Customer



Earn college credit close to home.WCCC Greene County Education Center100 EverGreene Drive, Suite 102, WaynesburgDiscover what hundreds of Greene County residents already know, the WCCCGreene County Education Center is a great place to earn college credit close tohome. The center offers day and evening classes, transferrable college credits andpersonal attention from faculty and staff who will help you when you need it.

And, if you are considering nursing as a career, the Greene County Center offersan associate degree (RN) nursing program. For a nursing application packet,contact the WCCC Admissions Office at 1-800-262-2103, extension 4077.

Student services such as financial aid, academic advising, career counseling andplacement are available through the WCCC Youngwood campus.

The Greene County Center is located in EverGreene Technology Park, just offRoute 21 and adjacent to the Greene County Regional Airport.

To reach the Greene County Center, call 724-627-3464.

DIRECTIONSTraveling south on I-79:Take Exit 14 ( Waynesburg). At the bottom of the exit ramp,turn left onto Roy E. Furman Highway. Proceed to the second traffic light and make aleft onto Progress Drive. Go straight on Progress Drive until the road splits. Bear to theright and follow the road to EverGreene Technology Park. WCCC is located in the firstbuilding on the right.

Traveling north on I-79:Take Exit 14 ( Waynesburg). At the bottom of the exitramp, turn left onto Roy E. Furman Highway. Proceed to the first traffic light andmake a left onto Progress Drive and follow the directions listed above.

Traveling west on Route 21:Make a right onto Progress Drive at the light just afterthe Greene County Airport and follow the directions given above.

Traveling east on Route 21: Proceed under I-79and follow the directions for I-79south listed above.

Greene Classroom-Based ClassesNonprofit Org.

U.S. Postage

P A I  D

Permit No. 20


145 Pavilion LaneYoungwood, PA 15697-1814

WCCC Summer SessionsEnroll today to concentrate on a difficult class or lighten your fall credit load.

Then transfer your WCCC credits to your university. Plus, you’ll save on thecost of your degree. WCCC’s tuition is the most affordable in PA!

Our summer schedule features —�Convenient sessions —

51/2-week sessions - starting May 14 & June 208-week session - June 4–July 2711-week session - May 14–July 26

�200+ online classes - see inside

�No Friday classes

�Close to home location – the Greene County Center

�Affordable tuition

Attention Students from Other CollegesTaking WCCC Classes

Before registering for any WCCC classes, be sure that you:

� Consult with the appropriate advisor, department or chair at yourpresent campus to ensure that you select the proper courses.

� Notify your present college’s financial aid office that you are enrolling atWCCC; any financial aid must be processed by your present college’sfinancial aid office.

� Complete a WCCC Application for Admission.Remember to complete an Official Transcript Request Form before finishing summer classes to ensure that your grades are sent to your home institution.

Notice of NondiscriminationWestmoreland County Community College will not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or em-

ployment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry,

union membership or any other legally protected classification. Announcement of this policy is in accordance

with state law including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and with federal law, including Titles VI and VII of

the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 503 and 504 of the Reha-

bilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. In-

quiries should be directed to the Affirmative Action Officer (presently Sylvia Detar) at 724-925-4190 or in

Room 4100D, WCCC Business & Industry Center, Youngwood, PA 15697.

Art1 ART 155-G0 Introduction to Art History 3 GRE TTH 10:15-12:15P 05/15-07/26 Staff

Biology11 BIO 107-G6 Human Biology 3 GRE TTH 06:00-07:50P 05/15-07/26 Staff

English11 ENG 161-G3 College Writing 3 GRE TTH 04:00-05:50P 05/15-07/26 ENG 070+ Staff

11 ENG 164-G0 Advanced Composition (ITV) 3 GRE TH 06:00-09:40P 05/17-07/26 ENG 161 Staff

History11 HIS 156-G0 Modern West. Civilization (ITV)3 GRE MW 10:15-12:05P 05/14-07/25 Staff

Mathematics11 MTH 052-G5 Foundations of Algebra 3 GRE MW 07:00-08:50P 05/14-07/25 Pl Test+ Staff

Key1–First 51/2-week session May 14–June 19Pl Test–Placement Test

2–Second 51/2-week session June 20–July 27•–Lab fee; fees range from $10-$25

8–8-week session June 4–July 27(ITV)–Interactive Videoconference Class

11–11-week session May 14–July 26+–See catalog for additional or alternate prerequisites

Evening classes are shaded

Page 2: Greene County Education Center - Summer Schedule

How to RegisterIf you’re a new student, you must complete the Application for Admission

which is available online at or by calling the Admissions Office at 724-925-4077 before registering for a class.

Prior to registering, check the prerequisite column in the class schedule. Someclasses have prerequisites that must be completed before you can register for thatcourse. If you are enrolling full-time, you are required to take placement tests. Ifyou’re enrolling part-time, you are required to take placement tests prior to en-rolling in math or English classes.

Register as early as possible because many classes fill to capacity well beforethe beginning of the semester .

A bill will be sent to you after your registration is processed. Payment can bemade by check, MasterCard or VISA. If paying by check, place your Social Se-curity number on the bottom of the check.

By Phone724-925-4204 or 1-800-262-2103, ext. 4204TDD 724-925-4297 (for hearing impaired students)

Online - wccc.eduNew students may apply for admission online by completing the Applicationfor Admission. Returning WCCC students may register online.

Students may register in person at any WCCC location.

Need help paying for college?For information regarding financial aid and scholarship opportunities, contact

the WCCC Financial Aid Office at 1-800-262-2103, ext. 4063.



ONLINE (CONTINUED)11 BUS 260-WA Small Business Management 3 05/14-07/26 St. John

11 BUS 261-WA International Business 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 BUS 262-WA Effective Entrepreneurship 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 BUS 275-WA Organizational Behavior 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 BUS 285-WA Compensation Management 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 CIS 168-WA Prin of Information Security• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 001 Staff

11 CIS 209-WA LAN Security• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 001 Staff

5 CPT 110-WA Exploring Windows• 1 05/14-06/17 Staff

1 CPT 120-WA Intro to the Internet• 1 05/14-06/17 Staff

11 CPT 122-WA Visio 1 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 CPT 145-WA Intro to Comp. Tech.• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 CPT 150-WA Microcomputer Concepts• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 050 Staff

11 CPT 150-WB Microcomputer Concepts• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 050 Staff

11 CPT 151-WA Advanced Office Applications• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 150 Staff

11 CPT 182-WA Operating Systems• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 150+ Staff

11 CPT 183-WA Local Area Networks• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

1 CPT 185-WA PowerPoint• 1 05/14-06/19 Staff

11 CPT 190-WA Word for Windows• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 CPT 195-WA Excel for Windows• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 150+ Staff

11 CPT 196-WA Access for Windows• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 150+ Staff

11 CPT 201-WA Web Design/Web Standards• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 CPT 203-WA XHTML and CSS• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 CPT 206-WA Javascript• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 CPT 235-WA Database Mgmt. Systems• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 151+ Staff

11 CPT 238-WA Wide Area Networking• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 183+ Staff

11 CRJ 155-WA Intro to Criminal Justice 3 05/14-07/26 Uhrin

11 CRJ 162-WA Police Administration I 3 05/14-07/26 CRJ 155 Uhrin

11 CRJ 180-WA Corrections 3 05/14-07/26 Uhrin

11 CRJ 195-WA Intro to Private Security 3 05/14-07/26 Uhrin

11 CRJ 255-WA Juvenile Delinquency 3 05/14-07/26 Uhrin

11 CRJ 283-WA Inst Treat. of Adults/Juv. 3 05/14-07/26 Uhrin

11 CRJ 287-WA Multiculturalism & CRJ System 3 05/14-07/26 Uhrin

11 CRJ 296-WA Intro to Criminalistics 3 05/14-07/26 CRJ 155 Baric

11 ECE 179-WA Infant & Toddler Development 3 05/14-07/26 Rustic

11 ECE 180-WA Child Growth & Development 3 05/14-07/26 ECE 179+ Rustic

11 ECE 189-WA Early Childhood Lang and Lit 3 05/14-07/26 Rustic

11 ECN 158-WA Elements of Economics 3 05/14-07/26 Santicola

11 ECN 255-WA Macroeconomics 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052+ Santicola

11 ECN 256-WA Microeconomics 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052+ Santicola

11 EDU 200-WA Intro to Instruct Technology• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

1 EGR 105-WA Manufacturing Procedures 3 05/14-06/19 Staff

8 ENG 070-W1 Intermediate Writing 3 06/04-07/27 ENG 030 Staff

11 ENG 070-WA Intermediate Writing 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 030 Krug

8 ENG 161-W1 College Writing 3 06/04-07/27 ENG 070+ Staff

8 ENG 161-W2 College Writing 3 06/04-07/27 ENG 070+ Staff

8 ENG 161-W3 College Writing 3 06/04-07/27 ENG 070+ Staff

11 ENG 161-WA College Writing 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 070+ Hricik

11 ENG 161-WB College Writing 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 070+ Hricik

11 ENG 161-WC College Writing 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 070+ Hays

8 ENG 162-W1 Technical Communication 3 06/04-07/27 ENG 161 Hricik

11 ENG 162-WA Technical Communication 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 161 Hricik

11 ENG 162-WB Technical Communication 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 161 Hricik

8 ENG 163-W1 Business Communication 3 06/04-07/27 ENG 161 Henry

11 ENG 163-WA Business Communication 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 161 Henry

11 ENG 163-WB Business Communication 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 161 Henry

11 ENG 163-WC Business Communication 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 161 Henry

8 ENG 164-W1 Advanced Composition 3 06/04-07/27 ENG 161 Staff

8 ENG 164-W2 Advanced Composition 3 06/04-07/27 ENG 161 Staff

11 ENG 164-WA Advanced Composition 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 161 Hricik

11 ENG 164-WB Advanced Composition 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 161 Hays

11 ENG 164-WC Advanced Composition 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 161 Hays

11 ENG 165-WA Creative Writing 3 05/14-07/26 ENG 161 Staff

1 ENG 255-WA Introduction to Literature 3 05/14-06/19 Toohey

1 ENG 255-WB Introduction to Literature 3 05/14-06/19 Toohey

1 ENG 255-WC Introduction to Literature 3 05/14-06/19 Toohey

1 ENG 255-WD Introduction to Literature 3 05/14-06/19 Henry

1 ENG 255-WF Introduction to Literature 3 05/14-06/19 Henry

1 ENG 255-WG Introduction to Literature 3 05/14-06/19 Henry

1 ENG 255-WH Introduction to Literature 3 05/14-06/19 Staff

1 ENG 255-WJ Introduction to Literature 3 05/14-06/19 Staff

8 ENG 256-W1 20th Century Literary Themes 3 06/14-07/27 Henry

11 EPS 150-WA Astronomy 4 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 EPS 150-WB Astronomy 4 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 EPS 150-WC Astronomy 4 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 EPS 150-WD Astronomy 4 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 EPS 160-WA Earth Science 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 FIN 155-WA Personal Finance 3 05/14-07/26 St. John

11 FIN 220-WA Business Finance 3 05/14-07/26 ACC 165+ St. John

11 FIN 246-WA Risk Mgmt. & Insurance 3 05/14-07/26 Santicola

11 FIN 259-WA Investments 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052+ Santicola



ONLINE (CONTINUED)1 FSM 118-WA Sanitation 2 05/14-06/19 Komarinski

1 FSM 159-W1 Nutrition 3 05/14-06/19 Shipley

1 FSM 159-WA Nutrition 3 05/14-06/19 Shipley

11 FSM 159-WB Nutrition 3 05/14-06/19 Shipley

11 GEO 155-WA Intro to Human Geography 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 GEO 160-WA Physical Geo. & Environ. 4 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 HAC 290-WA Refrigeration Recovery 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 HIS 155-W1 Early Western Civilization 3 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 HIS 155-WA Early Western Civilization 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 HIS 156-W1 Modern Western Civilization 3 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 HIS 156-WA Modern Western Civilization 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 HIS 249-W1 The Civil War 3 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 HIS 249-WA The Civil War 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 HIS 255-W1 Early U.S. and Pa. History 3 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 HIS 255-WA Early U.S. and Pa. History 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 HIS 256-W1 Modern U.S. & Pa. History 3 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 HIS 256-WA Modern U.S. & Pa. History 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 HIS 257-W1 The World in the 20th Century 3 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 HIS 257-WA The World in the 20th Century 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 HMS 170-WA Racial & Ethnic Minorities 3 05/14-07/26 SOC 155 Staff

11 HMS 172-WA Drug & Alcohol Dependency 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 HPE 156-WA Health & Physical Education• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 HSM 101-WA Orientation to HSM/Emer. 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 HSM 103-WA Intro Vulnerability Assess. 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 HUM 156-W1 Critical Thinking 3 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 HUM 156-WA Critical Thinking 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 LAS 140-WA Domestic Relations 3 05/14-07/26 LAS 101+ Staff

11 LIS 140-WA Library Administration 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MED 155-WA Introduction to Multimedia 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MED 158-WA History of Cinema 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MED 255-WA Public Relations 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MED 256-WA Advertising 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MKT 242-WA Retailing 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MKT 251-WA Consumer Behavior 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MKT 252-WA Public Relations 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MKT 253-WA Global Marketing 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MKT 254-WA Advertising and Promotion 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 MTH 050-WA Basic Mathematics 3 05/14-07/26 Babilya

11 MTH 050-WB Basic Mathematics 3 05/14-07/26 Babilya

11 MTH 052-WA Foundations of Algebra 3 05/14-07/26 Pl Test+ Kuehne

11 MTH 052-WB Foundations of Algebra 3 05/14-07/26 Pl Test+ Kuehne

11 MTH 100-WA Intermediate Algebra 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052 Kuehne

11 MTH 100-WB Intermediate Algebra 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052 Kuehne

11 MTH 157-WA College Algebra 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 100 Frank

11 MTH 157-WB College Algebra 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 100 Frank

11 MTH 158-WA Precalculus Mathematics 3 05/15-07/26 MTH 157 Kuehne

11 MTH 160-WA Introduction to Statistics 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 050 Padgett

11 MTH 160-WB Introduction to Statistics 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 050 Padgett

11 NGT 101-WA Intro to Natural Gas Industry 4 05/14-07/26 Staff

5 OFT 100-WA Basic Keyboarding• 1 05/14-06/17 Staff

11 OFT 110-WA Document Processing I• 3 05/14-07/26 OFT 100 Lucas

11 OFT 120-WA Document Processing II• 3 05/14-07/26 OFT 110 Lucas

11 OFT 130-WA A&P for Medical Office• 3 05/14-07/26 ALH 122+ Miller

11 OFT 140-WA Office Procedures• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 OFT 145-WA Medical Office Procedures 3 05/14-07/26 Goswick

11 OFT 150-WA Medical Billing Management• 3 05/14-07/26 OFT 110 Johnson

11 OFT 151-WA Advanced Office Applications• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 150 Staff

11 OFT 155-WA Intro/Electronic Health Recor 3 05/14-07/26 Johnson

11 OFT 165-WA Law & Ethics/Healthcare 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

1 OFT 185-WA PowerPoint• 1 05/14-06/17 CPT 150 Staff

11 OFT 190-WA Word for Windows• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 150 Staff

11 OFT 195-WA Excel for Windows• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 110+ Staff

11 OFT 196-WA Access for Windows• 3 05/14-07/26 CPT 110+ Staff

11 OFT 210-WA Office Technologies• 3 05/14-07/26 OFT 110 Staff

11 OFT 220-WA Transcription and Filing• 3 05/14-07/26 OFT 110 Lucas

11 OFT 225-WA Proofreading• 3 05/14-07/26 OFT 110 Lucas

8 PDV 160-WA Strategies for Academic Succe 1 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 PHL 155-WA Introduction to Logic 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 PHL 160-WA Introduction to Philosophy 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 PHL 160-WB Introduction to Philosophy 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 PHL 161-WA Introduction to Ethics 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 PHL 161-WB Introduction to Ethics 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 PHY 153-WA Introduction to Physics 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052+ Cordle

11 POL 155-WA American National Govern. 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 POL 255-WA Amer. State & Local Govern 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 PSY 160-W1 General Psychology 3 06/04-07/27 Kreinbrook

8 PSY 160-W2 General Psychology 3 06/04-07/27 Kreinbrook

11 PSY 160-WA General Psychology 3 05/14-07/26 McClure

11 PSY 160-WB General Psychology 3 05/14-07/26 McClure

Online Classes1 ACC 120-WA QuickBooks• 1 05/14-06/17 Staff

11 ACC 155-WA Accounting I 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052+ Nicassio

11 ACC 156-WA Accounting II 3 05/14-07/26 ACC 155 Nicassio

11 ACC 165-WA Accounting for Managers 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052+ Nicassio

11 ACC 219-WA Managerial Accounting 3 05/14-07/26 ACC 156 Nicassio

11 ACC 222-WA Principles of Auditing 3 05/14-07/26 ACC 156 Nicassio

11 ACC 230-WA Integrated Acctg. Softwar.• 3 05/14-07/26 ACC 155 Brown

11 ACC 234-WA Payroll & Spreadsheet Soft.• 3 05/14-07/26 Nicassio

11 ACC 255-WA Intermediate Acctg I 3 05/14-07/26 ACC 156 Nicassio

11 ALH 120-WA Pharmacology 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 ALH 122-WA Medical Terminology 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 ART 155-W1 Introduction to Art History 3 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 ART 155-WA Introduction to Art History 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 ART 158-WA American Art 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 BIO 107-WA Human Biology 3 05/14-07/26 Kalup

11 BIO 107-WB Human Biology 3 05/14-07/26 Kalup

8 BUS 120-W1 Mathematics of Business 3 06/04-07/27 MTH 052 Staff

11 BUS 120-WA Mathematics of Business 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052 Nicassio

11 BUS 158-WA Principles of Management 3 05/14-07/26 St. John

11 BUS 160-WA Introduction to Business 3 05/14-07/26 St. John

11 BUS 205-WA Business Law I 3 05/14-07/26 St. John

11 BUS 206-WA Business Law II 3 05/14-07/26 BUS 205 Staff

11 BUS 240-WA Techniques of Selling 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 BUS 241-WA Human Resource Mgmt. 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 BUS 244-WA Business Statistics 3 05/14-07/26 MTH 052 Staff

11 BUS 245-WA Principles of Marketing 3 05/14-07/26 St. John

11 BUS 249-WA Labor Relations 3 05/14-07/26 St. John

11 BUS 258-WA Supervisory Management 3 05/14-07/26 St. John



ONLINE (CONTINUED)11 PSY 160-WC General Psychology 3 05/14-07/26 Silverberg

8 PSY 161-W1 Human Growth & Dev. 3 06/04-07/27 PSY 160 Guth

8 PSY 161-W2 Human Growth & Dev. 3 06/04-07/27 PSY 160 Guth

11 PSY 161-WA Human Growth & Dev. 3 05/14-07/26 PSY 160 Guth

11 PSY 161-WB Human Growth & Dev. 3 05/14-07/26 PSY 160 Guth

11 PSY 163-WA Physiologic Psychology 3 05/14-07/26 PSY 160 Silverberg

8 PSY 165-W1 Educational Psychology 3 06/04-07/27 PSY 160 Guth

11 PSY 165-WA Educational Psychology 3 05/14-07/26 PSY 160 Guth

11 PSY 167-WA Death and Dying 3 05/14-07/26 Guth

8 PSY 250-W1 Research Methods 3 06/14-07/26 Staff

11 PSY 260-WA Social Psychology 3 05/14-07/26 PSY 160 Silverberg

11 PSY 265-WA Child Psychology 3 05/14-07/26 PSY 160 McClure

11 PSY 267-WA Psychology of Women 3 05/14-07/26 Guth

11 PSY 268-WA Adolescent Psychology 3 05/14-07/26 PSY 160 McClure

8 PSY 270-W1 Abnormal Psychology 3 06/04-07/27 PSY 160 Kreinbrook

11 PSY 270-WA Abnormal Psychology 3 05/14-07/26 PSY 160 Kreinbrook

8 REL 171-W1 World Religions Survey 3 06/04-07/27 Staff

11 REL 171-WA World Religions Survey 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 REL 181-WA Religion in America 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

1 RLS 101-WA Fundamentals of Real Estate 2 05/14-06/19 Staff

2 RLS 102-WA Real Estate Practices 2 06/20-07/26 Staff

11 RLS 205-WA Property Management 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

8 SOC 155-W1 Principles of Sociology 3 06/04-07/27 Soltis

11 SOC 155-WA Principles of Sociology 3 05/14-07/26 Soltis

11 SOC 155-WB Principles of Sociology 3 05/14-07/26 Soltis

11 SOC 155-WC Principles of Sociology 3 05/14-07/26 Soltis

11 SOC 160-WA Applied Human Relations 3 05/14-07/26 Dupnack

11 SOC 161-WA Marriage and Family 3 05/14-07/26 Soltis

11 SOC 165-WA Cultural Diversity 3 05/14-07/26 Soltis

11 SOC 255-WA Cultural Anthropology 3 05/14-07/26 Soltis

8 SPC 156-W1 Interpersonal Communication 3 06/04-07/27 Culyba

8 SPC 156-W2 Interpersonal Communication 3 06/04-07/27 Culyba

11 SPC 156-WA Interpersonal Communication 3 05/14-07/26 Culyba

1 WEB 102-WA Acrobat Essentials• 1 05/14-06/17 Staff

11 WEB 110-WA Web Design 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 WEB 120-WA Flash• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 WEB 140-WA Dreamweaver - Basic• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 WEB 162-WA Fireworks• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 WEB 201-WA Web Design/Web Standards• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 WEB 203-WA XHTML and CSS• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 WEB 206-WA Javascript• 3 05/14-07/26 Staff

11 WEB 235-WA Interactive Design• 3 05/14-07/26 WEB 110+ Staff

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board and click on Getting Started and Basic Skills and Requirements. GettingStarted contains a Blackboard tour. If you have questions after this, send e-mailto [email protected]

COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS FOR ONLINE COURSESAOL Internet service is not compatible with Blackboard. We recommend

using another Internet Service Provider to access WCCC online courses. If youuse Netscape or Internet Explorer as your browser while connected to theInternet via AOL, you still may be “timed out” of your connection to the Inter-net unexpectedly, such as during a test. In addition, you may not be able toutilize all of the Blackboard tools properly which could cause problems incompleting your course requirements. Some “low cost” ISPs encounter similarproblems.

Minimum Computer Requirements• A computer running Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or

Windows 7; a CD- or DVD-ROM drive, and access to a letter qualityprinter

• Microsoft Word

• DSL or cable connection with an Internet Service Provider, public webaccess such as at a library (ask first about availability ), or the WCCCcomputer labs. Dial-up service is not recommended.

• An assigned email address. A WCCC-assigned student email address isusername To access your email address, go to for your free college email account.

• The use of Internet Explorer 8 or Firefox is strongly recommended. Thesebrowsers may be downloaded free from the Internet. Google Chrome andInternet Explorer 9 are not fully supported by Blackboard. For more infor-mation, visit the Blackboard student website at Check the course syllabus for additional software or plug-inrequirements.