Green Up! Workshop Presented at the Ohio Museums Assn. Conference 2010

Going Green


A primer, case-study, and practical how-to for organizations considering going green, delivered at the OMA conference, April 26, 2010.

Transcript of Green Up! Workshop Presented at the Ohio Museums Assn. Conference 2010

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Going Green

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Jennifer Souers ChevrauxPresidentIllumine Creative Solutions

Robert Stockham, LEED APPrincipalGreat Lakes Design Collaborative

Sarah StilgenbauerFoundation & Government Relations ManagerOpera Cleveland

Presenting today

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Green Up!A primer, case-study, and

practical how-to for organizations considering

going green

Ohio Museums Association Conference

April 26, 2010

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Form a Green Team

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Form a Green Team

•Include all departments

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Form a Green Team

•Include all departments•Conduct regular meetings

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Form a Green Team

•Include all departments•Conduct regular meetings

•Identify key areas for improvement

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency»Conduct an energy audit

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency

• Materials and Operations

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency

• Materials and Operations»What can you do without?

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency

• Materials and Operations»Conduct a waste audit

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency

• Materials and Operations

• Occupancy and Maintenance

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency

• Materials and Operations

• Occupancy and Maintenance

»Conduct a water use audit

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency

• Materials and Operations

• Occupancy and Maintenance»Conduct a water use audit

»Use “greener” cleaning products

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency• Materials and Operations

• Occupancy and Maintenance»Conduct a water use audit»Use “greener” cleaning products»Paper or air

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency

• Materials and Operations

• Occupancy and Maintenance

• Suppliers, contractors, caterers

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency

• Materials and Operations

• Occupancy and Maintenance

• Suppliers, contractors, caterers

• Expansion, remodeling, building

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Identify Key Areas for Improvement

• Energy and Efficiency• Materials and Operations• Occupancy and Maintenance• Suppliers, contractors, caterers

• Expansion, remodeling, building»What is the premium for building


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Form a Green Team

•Include all departments•Conduct regular meetings

•Identify key areas for improvement•Craft a Green Policy

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Your Ticket to Success

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Your Ticket to Success

•Set Goals

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Your Ticket to Success

•Set Goals•Short term

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Your Ticket to Success

•Set Goals•Short term •Long term

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Your Ticket to Success

•Set Goals•Short term •Long term•Very long term

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Your Ticket to Success

•Set Goals•Start by picking the low hanging fruit

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Your Ticket to Success

•Set Goals•Start by picking the low hanging fruit•Engage the entire staff

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Sustainability for non-profits

Or how not to blow your endowment on solar panels.

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You want me to do what now?

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What is your Mission Statement?

Let your MISSION Statement guide your sustainable actions.

…not marketing, not development, not grants, but MISSION.

(This is sometimes hard to remember.)

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Understand your Stakeholders:Current and Potential

• Attendees/Beneficiaries• Board & Staff• Funders• Potential markets• The Larger Community

What matters to each of these groups?

How will they perceive the Green message?

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Sustainability MatrixAn easy way to measure if an action is right for your


Solar PanelsUsing reclaimed materials

100% Digital Marketing

Office recycling

Your Stakeholders The


Temperature controlled storage Throwing things away

Traditional Print Media Leaving the lights on



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So we shouldn’t always “Go Green?”

Yes and no. It depends.On…• your budget• your stakeholders• your capacity• your MISSION

Wind turbines and solar panels make a bold statement, but can have a terrible ROI. If those dollars can be better spent elsewhere….

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Questions to get you started.

• What are the things we use?• Where does it come from?• Can we use less of it? • What is our waste stream?• Can we decrease it?• What is the impact of these efforts? • Does it save money? Cost money? • Has someone already started something similar?• How do these actions impact our supporters’

experience with our organization?

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Now can I be Green?

Sure! Start by measuring measurable actions!

• Energy usage• Raw materials• Travel• Landfill avoidance

• For Opera Cleveland, we look to the Broadway Green Alliance for Best Practices and Scorecards.

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Opera Cleveland - What led us to Sustainability

• Opportunity to purchase a “reclaimed” set.

• Opportunity for formal partnership with Philips Healthcare for raw materials.

• Staff interest.• NEOhio focusing on

Sustainability.• Target demographic for ticket

sales is assumed to have interest in “Green.”

• Funder has required informal “Green” audit since 2007.

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Lucia di Lammermoor - from Carbon Neutral to “Let’s just see what we use and go from there.”

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Opera Cleveland - From there…• Found few other arts organizations

who were focused on Green.• Received interest and press.• Created a Green Committee.• Got cocky.• Began data collection.• Quickly realized limitations:

– Staff capacity.– Position as renter.– “Green” message did not resonate

with some audiences. – Fundraising for “Green” in a time of

salary decreases and layoffs did not feel right.

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Lucia di Lammermoor - from Carbon Neutral to “Let’s just see what we use and go from there.”

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Opera Cleveland - DATA!After badgering our tech staff for archived

information, we began to understand the full amount of resources required to produce an average opera.

This is called Baselining and is the standard against which you measure the impacts of changes to your organization. (Very important).

Areas we looked at and measured:• Energy usage (stage lighting)• Material usage (wood, paint, fabric)• Marketing materials (content of paper &

ink)• Office (paper, energy usage, kitchen


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Lucia di Lammermoor - from Carbon Neutral to “Let’s just see what we use and go from there.”

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Where we saw impact… Reclaimed lumber - 4,530 lbs = Approx. $4,000 in materials

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Average Opera


3/4” ply 75 sheets 5 sheets

2x4s 12,000’ 56’

1x3s 1,200’ 0

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New friends…This effort has brought positive attention to Opera Cleveland, and allowed us to be a leader and advocate for eco-awareness in the arts.

Awareness…We know more about our impact and our company than ever before, and so do our stakeholders.

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Where we can improve…

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Stage lighting - the average usage for one production is 47,250 kwh*- 4 times an average family’s annual usage.**

LED fixtures would decrease the load significantly, but cost $1,200 - $5,000 each.

There are actually significant grant opportunities for this -But can you get the match?

Afford to have staff focus on this?

*16 hours of rehearsal & 12 hours of performance** US Energy Information Administration,

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Things that continue to vex us…

• Audience travel - over 190,000 mi = 67 tons of CO2. Is that our problem?

• Offsets - mission-related expenditure?

• Organizational Capacity • Limited control over physical

plant• Polarizing issue

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Backlash? Really?

This is why the MISSION is so important.

To keep backlash at bay, make sure your efforts all serve your core programs and your beneficiaries first.

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But we are Museums, not the Opera…

• Programming and initiatives must be mission-driven and resonate with constituents

• Work with similar stakeholders– trustees– foundations– aging benefactors

• Limited staff and funding resources• Constrained by specific endowment

spending rules• Trying to remain relevant in global culture


All of the same planning principles apply, along with many of the unique complications:

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I’m ready, where should I begin?

Green Museums Resource Site•

Green Museums Wiki•

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The Green Museums Accord• non-legally binding commitment to sustainable


• an institution-wide pledge to begin greening your museum

• must be endorsed by museum’s CEO or Executive Director, or board resolution

• pledge certificate will be sent to museums that adopt the Accord

• may list the Accord in promotional materials, communicating your museum's environmental commitment to visitors

• required renewal every 2 years

Information courtesy of the Green Museums Initiative website,

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Join others bein’ greenThe Green Museums Accord:

1. Publicly declare participation in greening your institution as part of the Green Museums Accord.

2. Undertake programs to educate your colleagues, board, visitors, vendors, and other stakeholders about sustainability and sustainable museum practices.

3. Initiate a dialogue with your colleagues and other project team members about the environmental impact and sustainable alternatives on every major project. Carefully consider any new external contracts, and try to favor environmentally responsible vendors and work processes.

4. Begin looking at your museum's ecological footprint, and pledge to work towards measurable reductions.

5. Advance the understanding of environmental issues from a museum’s perspective by contributing actively to the communal knowledge base in this area.

Information courtesy of the Green Museums Initiative website,

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Go home and get started!• Form a green team• Delegate research responsibilities• Measure consumption & project impact of change• Find partners & build a coalition• Ask questions • Share progress via social media

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Where to find us:Jennifer Souers ChevrauxPresidentIllumine Creative [email protected]: 216.849.0721Twitter: @MuseoBloggerBlog:

Robert Stockham, LEED APPrincipalGreat Lakes Design [email protected]: 216.469.1579Twitter: @RobertStockhamBlog:

Sarah StilgenbauerFoundation & Government Relations ManagerOpera [email protected]: 216.575.0903,