Green Tea

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Green tea benefits for you!

Transcript of Green Tea

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Table of Contents

1. Green Tea and Weight Loss

2. Green Tea Benefits for Skin

3. Green Tea can Benefit your Hair

4. Green Tea for Cellulite

5. Great Green Tea Products



Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green tea is great for weight loss. It works on two levels: it

burns fat and boosts the metabolism. Its high polyphenol

content activates an enzyme responsible for dissolving

excess fat. At the same time, the Catechin polyphenols and

caffeine in green tea stimulate the central nervous system

causing fat to be released into the blood stream for the body

to use as fuel.

It has been scientifically proven that green tea helps burn fat;

it blocks the absorption of fat and boosts the metabolism.

These are three reasons why you should start drinking green tea on a daily basis if

you feel like you should lose a few pounds.

A natural plant, with nothing but health benefits, this type of tea has been used for

medical and therapeutic purposes since ancient times. The green tea weight loss

properties have been intensely studied over the last few decades and have been

proven to really have an effect on people struggling to lose weight either through

diet or exercise.

Well, green tea has been proven to increase a process of the body called

thermogenesis. Though it sounds extremely complicated, thermogenesis is the

process by which the body generates heat and increases the metabolism by

burning calories. Many weight loss supplements stimulate metabolism, but

unfortunately most have dangerous side effects ranging from heart attacks to

insomnia, anxiety or frequent urination.

Green tea, on the other hand, is safe. The thermogenic effect of tea was initially

generally attributed to its caffeine content. But studies have shown that green tea is

more efficient than coffee when it comes to burning fat, so this property is now

attributed to the mixture of the tea components: caffeine and catechin-polyphenols.

This means you get the same effects of the metabolism boosting pills, but none of

the heath issues the latter cause. You would be wise to use this natural method to

turn body fat into body heat, because it’s healthy, simple and acts on the long-term.

Green tea lowers the cholesterol and increases energy expenditure. It causes a slow

release of carbohydrates, preventing high blood-insulin levels and encouraging the

burning of fat. Weight is gained because fat and excess sugar get stored on the

body as fat cells. This wonder drink inhibits the movement of glucose into fat cells.

Another benefit of this type of tea, that makes it an excellent help when you want to

lose weight, is the fact that by reducing blood sugar levels it also reduces food

cravings, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet.


Metabolism is a series of biochemical processes within the body to maintain life. The

body is constantly burning calories when you’re eating, drinking, walking, or even

sleeping. It has been scientifically proven that the ingredients in green tea help

boost the metabolism and promote healthy weight loss. Several studies have been

made and they all indicated that green tea consumers managed to lose more

weight than the control group. But how does it work? One of the ingredients in

green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a type of catechin and it is to this

ingredient that the beneficial properties of green tea are attributed.

A study of the University of Geneva proved that EGCG speeds up metabolism by 4%

a day; so the body burns 4% more calories for everyday activities. Green tea

increases thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the process through which the body burns

calories in order to produce heat. This means the body will start burning its fat

reserves for “fuel”.



Green Tea Benefits for Skin

Green tea has been promoted as the miracle drink of

modern times, green tea has become very popular all

over the world. Over the last decades scientists have

uncovered a variety of health benefits attributed to the

natural ingredients of this drink. You may already be

aware that it works wonders when it comes to cancer

and weight loss, but did you know that it is also good for

the skin?

Green tea is full of anti-oxidants and if you are interested

in beautiful skin, you simply cannot ignore the green tea benefits for skin. This type

of tea is a light green drink that originated from China and derived by boiling green

tea leaves in distilled water.

Numerous researchers have, in the past decade, discovered the many green tea

benefits for skin. Green tea contains as many as 200 bioactive compounds - most

important of these are chemical compounds called polyphenols, which contain

flavonoids. Flavonoids are a vital class of anti-oxidants, and this is the major reason

for the many green tea benefits for skin.

Green tea also contains Vitamin B and Vitamin C. An adequate amount of Vitamin B,

especially B12 is key for skin regeneration. Vitamin C is essential in the production of

collagen, a protein which enhances the firmness of skin and helps your skin repair


Green tea benefits for skin have long been treasured as an anti-aging secret in Asia,

where most old people look younger than they actually are. As it is rich in anti-

oxidants, green tea is a great anti-aging remedy that helps you ward off wrinkles by

fighting free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that are formed by exposure to UV

radiation from sunlight. These free radicals are dangerous because they damage

your healthy cells by stealing electrons from them. The anti-oxidants in green tea

also heal damaged cells that may otherwise lead to wrinkles, blemishes, spots and

other similar skin ailments.

One of the important benefits is prevention of skin cancer. The harmful enzyme

junk-2 is blocked by green tea. The lemon green tea benefits skin, by boosting the

anti-cancer properties. It by rejuvenating the old skin cells, which are towards the

end of their life cycle. Among the numerous benefits is its property to heal a wound.

It is also used in the treatment of skin conditions like aphthous ulcers, rosacea, and

actinic keratosis.

A study found that green tea, which contains rich anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant

properties may help heal the pre-cancerous scaly keratosis. Scaly keratosis is a skin

ailment that people who are affected by unnecessary and chronic exposure to sun

may develop. It also helps treat skin, keeping it immune to serious damages like skin


tumors. A study conducted in the UK in 2007 discovered that adding lemon juice to

green tea boosts its anti-cancer properties. To obtain green tea benefits for skin, go

ahead and add a few drops of lemon juice to your green tea to help your body

strengthen its anti-cancer properties and prevent skin cancer.

One of the main green tea benefits for skin is in clearing out acne. Many people

have had success in curing their acne with green tea. Green tea contains catechins,

which are natural anti-bacterial agents that suppress acne-causing bacteria. As well,

the anti-inflammatory action of green tea helps reduce any swelling caused by acne.

Green tea helps smooth out your skin, prevent further breakouts and leaves your

skin with that radiant glow, which will leave all your friends envious. A simple face

mask can be made by mixing organic green tea leaves with honey or milk and

applying it gently to your face. Keep for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. This will

flush out the toxins found deep in your skin and leave it feeling softer than ever


Green tea is a natural sunscreen that you can use without having to worry about the

artificial ingredients that may be in manufactured sunscreens. Most of us are

exposed to direct UV rays from the sun during the course of the day. These rays

from the sun loosen the skin causing oxidation to take place by stealing free

electrons from your healthy skin cells. The free radicals lodge between skin cells and

with time weakens the healthy protection system of your skin, which will cause

wrinkles from the sun to form on your skin. This is why one of the major green tea

benefits for skin is its natural shield that protects your skin from harmful UV rays.

Green tea extract can naturally treat skin disorders such as warts, dermatitis,

psoriasis, rosacea among other skin ailments. It nourishes affected skin and heals it

from within. You can apply green tea extract on the affected parts for gradual relief.

Drinking green tea over a long period of time naturally heals the severe sunburn

damages caused to the skin by prolonged exposure to the sun's dangerous UV


Green tea skin benefits includes the fact, that it helps to keep the skin healthy and

look younger. Therefore, along with consuming green tea, it is also now used for

topical application. One of the component of green tea has anti-aging properties.

The antioxidant present in green tea helps to clear damage caused to the skin and

repairs the wrinkles, blemished or any other impurities on the skin.

It fights free radicals in the body. The antioxidants called catechins present in green

tea, helps to fight damage caused by the free radicals in the body. These free

radicals are formed in the body, due to exposure to toxins. It is also a natural

sunscreen, which can easily be used to replace the sun screen, you are using right

now. If your skin has been exposed to a lot of UV radiation, then the chances of the

skin becoming loose are very high. It is caused, because of oxidation moving in

between the cells. Over a period of time and with age, the immune system may not

be as active and cause the skin to wrinkle, due to the effects of the skin. Therefore,

green tea can be used with a sun block to help reduce or completely erase the


damage caused to the skin. With the use of green tea, the cells will become stronger

and they will work together. The UV rays will not have its effect on the skin.

Green tea has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used as a topical

application for sensitive skin. If the skin becomes red often, topical application of

green tea will help in soothing the skin. The anti-inflammatory properties also help

to improve psoriasis and dandruff conditions.

Since green tea is known to work wonders for the skin, it is commonly used to make

makeups, creams and other beauty products. Along with the topical use of green

tea, the benefits can be enhanced by consuming green tea regularly as well. All

modern skin and hair products use green tea as one of their main ingredients.

Used either as a cream, lotion or shampoo, or simply drunk on a daily basis, this

anti-oxidant packed natural product helps fight free radicals that can cause

premature aging or disease.



Green Tea can Benefit your Hair

Green tea is popular worldwide for its health

benefits and it is packed with antioxidants that

fight free radicals, disrupt the production of

bacteria and produce cancer-fighting flavonoids.

The Department of Dermatology at the Seoul

National University College of Medicine reports

that green tea may also stimulate hair growth.

Please note that green tea and green tea extract

have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not

considered a cure or treatment for any condition or disease. If you are experiencing

an excessive amount of hair loss or particularly slow rate of hair growth, please

consult your physician.

Stimulates Hair Follicles

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, a 2007 study by Korean scientists

at the Seoul National University College of Medicine found that epigallocatechin-3-

gallat, or EGCG, present in green tea promoted growth of hair follicles and

stimulated the human dermal papilla cells to boost hair production.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, green tea can increase your

metabolism. A faster metabolism may increase your hair growth rate.

While green tea may stimulate your hair follicles and make your hair grow faster, it is

not necessarily useful for treating androgenic alopecia, which is a genetic hormonal

hair loss condition. The Korean study notes that green tea may have potential to

inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, the scalp pathway that converts testosterone to DHT and

leads to hair loss.

Stronger Hair

Green tea is a good source of panthenol, which is often used in shampoos and

conditioners to strengthen hair and manage split ends. Panthenol, along with the

other antioxidants present in green tea, may help in strengthening the hair and

making it healthier.


The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that green tea contains a high

concentration of potent antioxidants known as polyphenols. Antioxidants protect

the cells from being damaged by free radicals and are also known slow the aging

process. Antioxidants can help keep your hair healthier and growing at an optimal



Potential Regrowth

A study conducted on mice that experienced a spontaneous loss of hair by the

Department of Otolaryngology at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and

Science demonstrated that green tea may potentially help to regrow hair. Many

shampoos formulated to stop hair loss have added "green tea extract" as an

ingredient to help combat alopecia. According to hair restoration physician and

member of the American Hair Loss Association Dr. William Rassman, no clinical

scientific studies confirm that green tea is effective for reducing pattern hair loss.


The Medical College at Georgia reports that green tea holds potential for treatment

of dandruff and excess scalp flaking. Green tea is believed to exfoliate the dry flakes

that are formed as a result of dandruff. Dandruff is a very common scalp condition

and although further research still needs to be conducted, green tea may be

effective for treating dandruff.

You either love it or you hate but there’s always something about this uniquely

flavoured tea that has people attempting to down at least a cup a day. With so many

apparent health benefits permeating within this little pot it was only a matter of time

before someone discovered the advantages could radiate through our scalps. The

latest claim is that drinking several cups of green tea or taking it in capsule form on

a daily basis will reduce the risk of hair loss but is it true or are we sipping on

something unsettlingly familiar to the inside of a dirty dishwasher for nothing?

It was originally believed that the catechins found in the green tea had 5-alpha-

reductase inhibiting properties which means DHT (dihydrotestosterone – the

substance that causes hair loss in men and women) could be repressed and hair

loss could be avoided.* However, more recent studies suggest that it is the anti-

inflammatory properties in green tea that are linked to hair growth, but the bottom

line question remains – does green tea prevent hair loss?

In a study of mice stricken with hair loss, research showed that hair loss was halted

in all mice which received green tea in their drinking water and even triggered new

hair growth in some of the mice. As for the mice who were not invited to the tea

party, their hair loss continued.

“There is abundant evidence that polyphenolic sub-stances are considered as anti-

inflammatory and have stress inhibitory characteristics, and there is evidence that

stress inhibits hair growth,” the study said.

It is true that stress contributes to hair loss, so have we finally found the great green

answer to hair loss? Can a relaxing sip of tea keep the hair on our heads from falling

out? Well, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves…

Interestingly, the same study discovered that green tea does not stop hair loss by

blocking DHT, as previously thought and as we all know, there are genetic factors in

hair loss and no amount of anti-inflammatory tea has yet proven it can work its

magic that deep.

The other thing is that humans are a bit different to mice. The green tea given to the

mice in this study had extremely high concentration levels of polyphenols and to get


results of a similar nature we’d need to be boiling the kettle day and night. There is

the supplement alternative but whether or not the effects are as beneficial as the

real thing is uncertain as much of the research has been done with actual tea.

Still, is there any harm in drinking green tea for hair loss? Of course not, there are

still plenty of other health benefits circulating in a pot of green tea. Many studies

strongly suggests that a regular cup of the green stuff is a practical way of

preventing cancer, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease,

and other illnesses, so there’s no real reason not to drink a cup or two a day. But if

you’re really keen on preventing hair loss there are only a few treatments for hair

loss that are proven to halt the process and generate re-growth and green tea isn’t

currently one of them. So, even if there are a few modest perks in the old cup of tea,

don’t be expecting any miracles.


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Green Tea for Cellulite

Cellulite is a problem that most women

have.Tackling it is quite a task. It is related with

weight gain but can be present in thin women as

well. Cellulite is quite common. It affects the

thighs, hips and the lower abdomen of women

experiencing weight gain. The fat deposits under

your skin make you look chubby, but the sight is

even more unpleasant given the protuberances

on the skin itself. The condition can be treated. It can be treated naturally and

effectively using green tea.

There are several ways in which green tea promotes the reduction of the fat

deposits under the skin and its smoothing. The powerful antioxidants in the leaves

of the plant and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular, increase metabolism.

This allows for the transforming of fat deposits into energy naturally. Basically, by

consuming green tea, you will get rid of the fat that causes cellulite.

There are other green tea antioxidants that remove cellulite when they are topically

applied to the affected areas. Theobromine and caffeine stimulate the release of the

stored fat “on the spot”. When these two antioxidants work together, their

combined effect is even greater. This makes green tea even more effective for

cellulite reduction. Fat melting away and your skin gaining its natural smoothness.

Green tea also has an anti-inflammatory. It reduces the inflammation in skin,

soothing any irritation. This makes the skin even smoother and much softer. The

plant is also rich in various vitamins which nurture the skin and protect it form the

harmful effects of the environment. Vitamin C enhances the reduction of collagen,

which makes the skin more elastic, softer and smoother. Vitamin E protects the skin

from the harmful UV rays of the sun. It is effective against aging and can provide

protection from skin cancer.

The result is smoother and more nurtured and protected skin with green tea. Its

antioxidants can prevent the formation of cellulite as well. The polyphenols

contained in the leaves of the plant stimulate the production of a liver enzyme. In

turn, this enzyme prevents the excess nutrients consumed with food to be stored as

fat deposits.

Consumption of green tea definetely assists in getting rid of cellulite and slimming

down. Appropriate solutions for topical application can aid in obtaining the most

comprehensive results. The benefits of green tea improve skin appearance and

make it look young and healthy.


Great Green Tea Products

Balance Slimming Gel with Green Tea

For immediate toning and slimming, up to 4.5 cm, anti-cellulite

body slimming gel: A powerful combination of condensed

caffeine, green tea and red fruit extracts.

Scientific researches have proven the anti-aging and thermogenic

properties of the catechin EGCG found in GreenTea. EGCG fights

free radicals and prevents premature ageing of the skin while

preventing various forms of cancer.Increased thermogenesis

results in the visual reduction of cellulite and firms the skin.

Simply irresistible.

Bioplasis Tonic Lotion with Green Tea

Bioplasis organic toner is a non-alcoholictonic lotion for all

skin types formulated with nutritional substances given by

nature: green tea*, orange juice*, grapefruit juice*, tillia,

and chamomile*.

This gentle tonic lotion that completes the daily process of

facial cleansing after use of the cleansing emulsion or the

cleansing gel. It is highly rich in antioxidant ingredients

formula, offers soft, fresh and luminous skin.


Bioplasis Revitalizing Shower Gel with Green Tea and Mastic Oil

Organic revitalizing shower gel derived from the perfect

combination of plant extracts is suitable for the whole


Bioplasis revitalizing shower gel is formulated with Chios

mastic oil**, olive oil*, mountain tea*, ginger*, orange*,

green tea* that offer freshness, softness and

rejuvenation to the skin.

Bioplasis Shampoo for Frequent Use

Bioplasis shampoo is formulated with rich nourishing ingredients

such as Chios mastic oil**, olive oil*, wheat germ oil*, mountain

tea*and green tea* which make it appropriate for daily use.

Ideal for sensitive skin types, for scalp xerosis and for children's

hair since it is 100% natural and gentle to the skin.

Most importantly it is rich in vitamins and emollients that nourish

and revitalize the scalp and hair roots. As a result it leaves hair

soft, healthy and shiny.


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