Greeks Discovered the planets Planet is the greek word meaning wanderers Called wanerers because...

Greeks • Discovered the planets • Planet is the greek word meaning wanderers • Called wanerers because they sometimes moved in the opposite direction from the rest of the visible stars in the sky

Transcript of Greeks Discovered the planets Planet is the greek word meaning wanderers Called wanerers because...


• Discovered the planets

• Planet is the greek word meaning wanderers

• Called wanerers because they sometimes moved in the opposite direction from the rest of the visible stars in the sky

• Geocentric - Earth is at the center of the solar system

• all planets, stars and our sun revolves around the Earth

Ptolemy’s model

• Greek astronomer

• Planets move on small circles along their orbit

• animation


• Sun at the center of the solar system

• Copernicus 1473-1543

• Worked out the arangement of the known planets and how they moved around the sun

• (just a way to know where a planet is located at any given time)

• Animation

Galileo 1564-1642• Used telescope to see

moons revolving around Jupiter

• Why was this important?• Also noticed that full

phase of Venus is much smaller than cresent phase of Venus

• Why was this important?• Contradicts previous view

that everything in the solar system revolves around the Earth.

• Venus is further from the Earth at full phase. Therefore, it is smaller in size.

• When Venus is in cresent phase it is close to Earth. Larger.

Venus Phases from Earth

comparison between geocentric and heliocentric models

Tycho Brahe 1546-1601

• Over 20 years of detailed observations recording the location of the planets

Kepler 1571-1630

• Found that the orbit of each planet is an elipse

• Ellipse - Oval shaped, 2-foci

Ellipse vs. Circular Orbit