Great Grooming Tips for Grooms by Glamour Me Studio

Great Grooming Tips for Grooms by Glamour Me Studio

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Great Grooming Tips for Grooms by Glamour Me Studio

Page 2: Great Grooming Tips for Grooms by Glamour Me Studio

Wash Up

This kind of may seem to be silly, but from the moment you get engaged, start cleaning your face. Properly.

Certainly not just water and cleaning soap, invest in a good cleanser and an each week exfoliator and you should soon notice an extra polish to your complexion.

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Drink Up

Water doesn't just replace your insides, functions magic on your skin as well.

Start a regular eight glasses a day water workout ahead of your wedding and your skin will be clear, clean and an have enough blush to competing a bride, in time for your big day.

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Seasonal Skin care

Carry out you go really red in summertime or do your skin get dry out and flakey in winter? Think about if you are having your wedding and plan accordingly.

Wear sunscreen prior to a summer wedding to avoid looking too purged in the snaps, or avoid the usual starting point of winter skin by introducing moisturizer well in advance.

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Regular Recommendations

We're all for men embracing a new cosmetic regime before a wedding, moisturizer, night cream, face masks? All awesome - but just maintain it regular.

Stopping and starting a regime will wreak mayhem on your skin, and whatever you are doing, don't start trying out new items right before your wedding.

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Practice Makes Perfect (Stubble)

Carry out you love your look on Day 3 of beard growth? Or was it day 5? Trial and error is the only way to examine your beard growth if you're going for that handsome stubble for your wedding day.

Try shaving a few times to be aware of how long, on average, it usually takes that you can get to maximum wedding day stubble.

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Sharper Shave

How come not get together with your guys and choose a hot towel shave in front of your wedding?

A right razor provides the cleanest slice, so should you be after a sharp, clean look for your wedding day, publication set for a professional lather with your boxer of choice.

Once again, speak to your barber about whether you'll want to do this the day before or day of your wedding, depending on your growth, and proneness to irritation.

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Brow Down

Okay so bad, finely plucked brows are not what you want to see in the mirror on your wedding day, but neither is an angry unibrow. Pick any stray hairs between your eyes a few of days before your wedding. Avoid plucking within the brows or inside the lining or outer vision lines.

Ditto on clearing yourself of any criminal ear or nose fur too - but no longer pluck, invest in a trimmer for pain-free tidying.

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Spray Your Strands

Maybe you have tried hairspray? Gels and waxes might be more common among gents, but if you're looking for a lightly styled look for your wedding day, a spray might give you an improved hold without looking hard or shiny.

Try it out ahead of your wedding to see how it looks and retains

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Hands and Feet

A disposable big brand cutting tool is at its best the other time you use it.

Be sure you have fresh set of blades in advance of your wedding, and never use the same blade more than five times or it will eventually cause irritation to the skin.

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