Gravity done

Gravity-how does the location and use of the light and dark depict the emotional landscape of a character? In this scene the space debris is floating at speed towards the space station as the female astronaut is trying to fix the part of the station. The location of the character being in space depicts the character as being alone and far away from safety. E.g. earth. This also makes the character seem vulnerable and open to the space debris this depicts the emotions of the character, as she knows the issue and the danger of the rubbish. This is shown by her facial expressions and her rushing to get back to some sort of same area. However there is non-after the station blows up. During the part of the scene before the explosion the camera is looking down at earth. Earth is blue and very bright. This symbolizes hope for the character. But when the explosion happens the part of the station that the character was trying to fix starts to spin round the chaos and destruction of the station. The background therefor changes so we see only the dark area of nothingness of space. This symbolizes no hope for the character. Further on into the uncontrollable spin the camera turns back into the direction of earth but the stations tattered remains are covering most of it up symbolizing that

Transcript of Gravity done

Page 1: Gravity done

Gravity-how does the location and use of the light and dark depict the emotional landscape of a character?In this scene the space debris is floating at speed towards the space station as the female astronaut is trying to fix the part of the station. The location of the character being in space depicts the character as being alone and far away from safety. E.g. earth. This also makes the character seem vulnerable and open to the space debris this depicts the emotions of the character, as she knows the issue and the danger of the rubbish. This is shown by her facial expressions and her rushing to get back to some sort of same area. However there is non-after the station blows up. During the part of the scene before the explosion the camera is looking down at earth. Earth is blue and very bright. This symbolizes hope for the character. But when the explosion happens the part of the station that the character was trying to fix starts to spin round the chaos and destruction of the station. The background therefor changes so we see only the dark area of nothingness of space. This symbolizes no hope for the character. Further on into the uncontrollable spin the camera turns back into the direction of earth but the stations tattered remains are covering most of it up symbolizing that hope is being lost for the character. After the character is being spun away from the chaos we can hear the distress of her voice and her deep breathing as her helmet mists up. This reminds us that due to her location she is very limited on oxygen supplies because she is now stranded in space. The camera then looks back at the station and its scattered remains. The camera now is looking at mainly the darkness of space; there is a peek of the earth in this shot too. This shows that the hope is nearly completely gone for the character, but not entirely. In conclusion the character decides she doesn’t like space, she even says she doesn’t like space at the end of this scene whilst still heavily breathing.