Graphic work book 1

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  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1



    A R T 2

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    O G R A P H Y

    | project 1

  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


    P R O J E C T

    Project 1 | Letterform Compositions

    In this project we are asked to take Adobe

    Garamond and Helvetica and make 12 sketches of

    each of them, And then continue the re nement

    project by taking three of your best and bringingthem to class for a critique. Then take one of each

    of them and do a re nement on them and make 12

    sketches of them. Then chose your favorite mount

    them on foam board. As well we are to make and

    anatomy pointing out the di ff erent points of the



    A R T 2

    3 0 T Y P

    O G R A P H Y


    Letterform Compositions

    Aaryn Preece

  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


    P R O J E C Tp1.1 | Thumbnails

    thumbnails 01.09.2012

    In this project we where asked to

    sketch 24 sketches that where the

    consistency of Helvetica and Garamond

    letters and numbers. we are not

    aloud to make the sketches look like a

    checker board. and we where asked to

    a then upload the sketches.


    I think that drawing or sketching thumbnails can be so hard. Ifound that it is helpful and de nitely gives you a di ff erent lookon your project when you turn the paper. That is somethingthat I learned while I was working on the project I found that Icould stand and look at the work, turning the paper to di ff erent

    directions to get a better look at the paper. I feel that I hadmore ideas on how to make the sketch look better by doingthat. I also felt limited to Cretin letters. I had it in my mind thatI was only allowed to use the letters that where listed in thelittle graph. When I got past thinking that way the work went alittle easier. I like the Garamond type it looks really good with

    the black background. There was a lot that could be done withthe letters it is a very nice font but not to easy to sketch. TheHelvetica on the other hand is really easy to sketch and it may bea good way to place letters on a rough draft if you have a limitedtime to sketch.


    My overall assumption of the tow fonts was that oneGaramond looks really good in black and is a little harder tosketch, and that Helvetica looks really good in almost anything. Also it dose make it hard to take the di ff erent letters fromany of the fonts and have them overlap. But it dose make for a

    good design.


    A R T 2

    3 0 T Y P

    O G R A P H Y


  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


    Adobe Garamond



    A R T 2

    3 0 T Y P

    O G R A P H Y



  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


    P R O J E C T p1.2 | Computer Sketches

    sketches 1.11.2012

    In this project we where asked todigitally sketch our hand sketches on

    the computer in Adobe Illustrator. We

    where to pick six altogether, Three in

    Helvetica and three in Garamond.RESERCH

    As I worked on sketching in illustrator I started realizing thethings that I could have done better on. Things kept coming tomind of what I should have done to improve them.


    In the proses of putting a clipping mask on my sketches Irealized that I had forgot exactly how to do a clipping mask. SoI went to the media lab and talked with the lab assistant andwe where able to gure it out.

    Steps, rst o ff , after your sketch is done you click on thebottom layer and you hit (command C) that copies that layer,then you hit (command F) that places the same layer on theexisting one. Then you hit (command shift and the rightbracket tool) and that brings it to the front. Then you (mar keyor grab everything together) then you hit (command 7) thatcreates the clipping mask.

    It is always better to ask for help then to struggle threw stu ff .


    I was getting ready to upload every thing to I-learn. I realizedthat the Internet on my computer was not working. So I wasable to upload my information on to my thumb drive and thenplace everything on the blog using the media lab computers.I highly recommend bringing a backup with you of some kind just in case.


    A R T 2

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  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


    Adobe Garamond


    13ayx 4 1 j


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    j R l


    A R T 2

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    O G R A P H Y


  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


    P R O J E C T p1.3 | Re nements

    Re nement 1.17.2012

    In this assignment we where asked tomake 12 re nements of two sketches.


    I really didnt do much research. I did look at other studentswork but that was the only research that I did.


    In this project I went and made some miner changes likechanging letters and then also there directions. Also puttingblack letters on white letters was interesting and it provided afocal point.


    Some things that I learned was that you can place white on

    black as long as it is not making a checker board with theletters. Also Im nding that I really need to apply more thoughtto my size of letters and there placement on the rule of thirds. That is my main concern


    A R T 2

    3 0 T Y P

    O G R A P H Y


  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1


  • 8/12/2019 Graphic work book 1



    This is an introductory paragraph written about

    the project upon completion of Project 1. It shouldrestate the project in the students own words and

    identify major learning objectives.

    The content should be well structured and free of grammar or spelling errors. Itshould be written for an audience that has never seen the project before such as afuture student of this class.

    AARYN PREECE208.870.4152


    A R T 2

    3 0 T Y P

    O G R A P H Y
