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Natalie Adams Resourceful, Hard-working, and Creativ e Public Relations Student . GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION RELATED EXPERIENCE Content Management and Editorial Inter n , ThinkHR November 2014-Present - Responsible for editing over 2,000 pages of online content for grammar, coding error, and content quality to ensure maximum client experience. - Became proficient with a variety of software including Adobe Acrobat and Dreamweaver through the process of editing and creating online content. -Improved content production skills by working on the analytic and editorial side of content management while gaining professional etiquette in a large HR firm. Senior Beat Reporter, Red&Black Independent Newspaper J une 201 4 - February 2015 - Research ed and wrote 3-6 articles every week in a variety of forms, including long-form, hard news, features, and press releases for print, online, and social media. - P lan ned and implement ed research initiatives for a variety of subjects of intrest in order to create UGA-specific data for article and advertorial purposes. Contributing Writer, May 2014 - Selected as one of 15 students who traveled to Prague, Czech Republic in order to act as travel correspondants . -Researched and completed two pieces : a multimedia tourist guide, and an article about the revival of art and public space in post-communist Prague. EDUCATION Diet Coke Student Ambassador, MRY January 2015 - Present - Work with small team of Coke brand ambassdors to plan 3 large-scale events , a 12- week- long social media campaign, and interpersonal communication initiatives including on- campus partnerships. - Gained experience in time management, event organization, strategic communication campaigns, and working successfully in a team. University of Georgia Bachelor of Arts in Journalism : Public Relations Major, New Media Certificate Intended Graduation: May 2016 Overall GPA: 3.82/4.0 Major GPA: 3.84/4.0 LEADERSHIP & VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Media Committee Member, Relay for Life September 2012-Present - Work as part of a team to create all media, including : graphics, photography, and video , for the philanthropy. Content Editor Intern , HW Creative Marketing Group February 2014-Present - Edit, produce, and generate ideas for creative content for variety of clients. -Attend weekly meetings to increase skills in inbound marketing, client relations, social media branding, and a variety of other topics. Vice President of Intellectual Development, Alpha Chi Omega January 2014-May 2014 - Created and implemented a plan to keep sorority of 240 girls above a 3.53 average GPA - Planned 2 dinner parties for appreciation of professors and faculty of UGA in order to promote AXO's focus on academic superiority. Natalie A. Adams 09 N ovember 19 93 600 N. Thomas Street Apt. 2506 Athens, Ga 30601 MOBILE NO. (336) 906-6549 E-MAIL [email protected] Portfolio Twitter @nadams93 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Adobe Photoshop Adobe Acrobat Adobe Dreamweaver Wordpress HTML Coding SPSS Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word LANGUAGES Spanish Elementary working proficiency ORGANIZATIONS PRSSA, Alpha Chi Omega, National Society of College Scholars, Student Merchandising Association , Whatever it Takes RELATED COURSEWORK Introduction to Journalism, Introduction to Public Relations, News Writing, Photojournalism, Public Relations Research, Public Relations Administration, Communication Law, Travel Writing, New Media Production

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N a t a l i e A d a m sR e s o u r c e f u l , H a r d - w o r k i n g , a n d C r e a t i v e P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s S t u d e n t .




Content Management and Editorial Intern , ThinkHRNovember 2014-Present-Responsible for edit ing over 2,000 pages of onl ine content for grammar, coding error, and content qual ity to ensure maximum cl ient experience. -Became profic ient with a variety of software including Adobe Acrobat and Dreamweaver through the process of edit ing and creating onl ine content. - Improved content production ski l ls by working on the analyt ic and editorial s ide of content management while gaining professional et iquette in a large HR f irm.

Senior Beat Reporter, Red&Black Independent Newspaper

June 2014 - February 2015-Researched and wrote 3-6 art ic les every week in a variety of forms, including long-form, hard news, features, and press releases for print , onl ine, and social media. -P lanned and implemented research init iat ives for a variety of subjects of intrest in order to create UGA-specif ic data for art ic le and advertorial purposes.

Contributing Writer, 36HoursinPrague.comMay 2014

-Selected as one of 15 students who traveled to Prague, Czech Republ ic in order to act as travel correspondants .

-Researched and completed two pieces : a mult imedia tour ist guide, and an art ic le about the rev iva l of art and publ ic space in post -communist Prague.


Diet Coke Student Ambassador, MRYJanuary 2015 - Present-Work with small team of Coke brand ambassdors to plan 3 large-scale events , a 12- week-long social media campaign, and interpersonal communication init iat ives including on-campus partnerships. -Gained experience in t ime management, event organization, strategic communication campaigns, and working successful ly in a team.

University of GeorgiaBache lor o f Ar ts in Journa l i sm : Public Relat ions Major, New Media Cert if icate Intended Graduation: May 2016Overal l GPA: 3.82/4.0Major GPA: 3.84/4.0

L E A D E R S H I P & V O L U N T E E R E X P E R I E N C E

Media Committee Member, Relay for Life September 2012-Present-Work as part of a team to create al l media, including : graphics, photography, and video , for the phi lanthropy.

Content Editor Intern, HW Creative Marketing GroupFebruary 2014-Present-Edit , produce, and generate ideas for creative content for variety of c l ients.-Attend weekly meetings to increase ski l ls in inbound marketing, cl ient relat ions, social media branding, and a variety of other topics.

Vice President of Intellectual Development, Alpha Chi Omega January 2014-May 2014-Created and implemented a plan to keep sorority of 240 gir ls above a 3.53 average GPA -Planned 2 dinner part ies for appreciat ion of professors and faculty of UGA in order to promote AXO's focus on academic superiority.

Natalie A. Adams

09 November 1993

600 N. Thomas StreetApt. 2506

Athens, Ga 30601


(336) 906-6549

E-MAIL [email protected]

Portfol io





Adobe Photoshop Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Dreamweaver Wordpress


Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word


Elementary work ing prof ic iency


PRSSA, Alpha Chi Omega, National

Society of College Scholars, Student

Merchandising Association ,

Whatever it Takes


Introduction to Journalism, Introduction to Public Relations, News Writing, Photojournalism,

Public Relations Research, Public Relations Administration,

Communication Law, Travel Writing, New Media Production

Typewritten Text