Graphic Organizer-Photo Reflection

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  • 7/25/2019 Graphic Organizer-Photo Reflection


    Name: ________________________ Date: ______________ Period: _________

    Photo Reflection:

    Student Objective: Students will examine the progression of Jim Crow segregation and

    the civil rights movement through primary sources (photographs/readings) and view

    video footage.


    Photo reflections allow students to identify key aspects of certain topics y grouping and

    displaying interrelated ideas in a visual format. !n this assignment" you will need to

    search for primary source images of Jim Crow segregation and the civil rights

    movement. #hese images can e political cartoons" headlines from ma$or newspapers"

    photographs" and so forth. %fterwards" you will write a paragraph descriing the images.

    &ere is a detailed outline of the assignment'

    . Where do I look for images #he irary of Congressand P*Sare excellent

    sources to egin looking for images (click on the hyperlinks). *oth the irary of

    Congress and P*S provide photo galleries entitled +Photographs ,nforcing

    -acial iscrimination and +0rom Segregation to Selma' 1iew !conic Photos from

    the Civil -ights 2ovement.

    3. !o" man# $ictures do I need Students will search for twoimages illustrating

    Jim Crow segregation and twoimages capturing civil rights activists in action.

    4. %ormatting: Pretend you are at a museum and you are going to display theseimages for an audience.

    a. 5se a poster oard (will e provided in class) to glue your images. Provide a colorful ackground to highlight your imagesc. 6rite a caption underneath each image. #he caption will e an 78sentence

    paragraph descriing the image. #he caption must include'i. #he source where the image was derived fromii. #he name of the photographer (if possile)iii. #he date of pulication (if possile)iv. &istorical ackground86hat is Jim Crow segregation9 6hat is the

    civil rights movement9 (3 sentences)v. escrie the image' 6hat is happening9 (: sentences)

    vi. ;our opinion' 6hat do you think of the image9 (3 sentences)vii. -eview the lecture and guided notes to help you write your caption

    :. &an I "ork "ith a $artner

  • 7/25/2019 Graphic Organizer-Photo Reflection


    Photo Reflection 'rading Rubric ()* Points+












    Caption includes ahistorical


    description of the

    image" and

    opinion of the

    image. Sources

    are included.

    2eets 78sentence


    Caption includes ahistorical


    description of the

    image" and

    opinion of the

    image. Sources

    are included.

    Caption contains >


    Caption includessome aspects of a



    description of the

    image" and opinion

    of the image. Some

    sources are

    included. Caption

    includes :

    sentences or less.

    Caption lacksa historical


    description of

    the image"

    and opinion

    of the image.

    Sources are

    not included.





    Sentencesare not


    or missing

  • 7/25/2019 Graphic Organizer-Photo Reflection



    'rand 4otal: _________5)*

    Sam$le Photo Reflection

    Jim Crow Segregation Images

    Photographer -ussell ee captured the following photograph in July @4@ in Aklahoma

    City" Aklahoma. ee titled the photograph +2an drinking at a water cooler in the street

    car terminal. Jim Crow segregation was enacted etween the end of -econstruction

    (7BB) and the start of the civil rights movement in the @Ds. Jim Crow laws enforced

    racial segregation etween whites and lacks in the South. &owever" eeEs photograph

  • 7/25/2019 Graphic Organizer-Photo Reflection


    revealed that segregation was a greater issue and spread eyond the orders of the

    eep South and into the 2idwest. !n addition" it appears that the sign on the left" +white

    women" colored men categori?es women and people of color as e=uals or second8

    class citi?ens. ) Supreme Court case in which the +separate ut e=ual doctrine was

    constitutional. !n other words" the segregation or separation of whites and lacks was

    legal. ,ven though lacks were segregated in mainstream society" they formed their

    own tight knit communities and estalished their own usinesses. 0or instance" &otel

    Clark claims it provided +the est service for colored only. 0urthermore" lacks assisted

    each other financially through loans. %dditionally" lacks adapted their own suculture of
  • 7/25/2019 Graphic Organizer-Photo Reflection


    the *lues in *eale Street. -egardless of segregationEs emphasis on racial separation

    discrimination" it seems that it rought lacks closer together and estalished a support

    system for each other.

    Source' #he irary of Congress8 +Photographs of Signs ,nforcing -acial


    Civil Rights Activists in Action Images

    !n %ugust 37" @>4" civil rights activists marched on 6ashington" .C. #he full name ofthe photographer or the title of the photograph were not mentioned. &owever" the P*S

    wesite notes it was derived from the irary of Congress and -euters. #he civil rights

    movement was a call to end racial discrimination" segegration" and guranteeing %frican

    %mericans civil and voting rights. Civil rights activists are holding signs that address the

    issues that need to e recogni?ed y the government. 0or example" one states" +we

    march for first class citi?enship" nowF and +we march for intergrated schools" nowF
  • 7/25/2019 Graphic Organizer-Photo Reflection


    !ronically" the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (@) Supreme Court case ruled

    that the +separate ut e=ual docterine of Plessy v. Ferguson (7@>) was

    unconstituional. ;et eight years after the ruling" %frican %mericans are still fighting for

    integrated schools. %ll in all" this image shows that non8violent protests and unity can

    lead to sociopolitcal reform.

    Source' P*S8 +0rom Segregation to Selma' 1iew !conic photos from the Civil -ights


    %ccording to the P*S wesite" a young woman casted her allot at Cardo?a &igh

    School in 6ashington" .C." in

  • 7/25/2019 Graphic Organizer-Photo Reflection


    however" racial discrimination is one of the elements that still lurks in contemporary


    Source' P*S8 +0rom Segregation to Selma' 1iew !conic photos from the Civil -ights
