Graphic design evaluation

MY DESIGNS COMPARE & CONTRAST PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS My hoodie merchandise design in comparison to the official Temple Run Merchandise are similar in some respects. Both Designs contain the picture in the centre of the design, and the game title placed underneath. Something that mine contains that the other design does not, is the company name underneath, this could perhaps be needed more for my design since my game is more unknown, and temple run is a huge success. I chose to compare my app icon to the temple run design since both contain images that are not particularly relatable directly to the in game play. The temple run design is much simpler yet recognizable. For my design i chose to add in both the game title and company logo. Overall i believe both icons stand out well in different ways, mine using the use of colour, and the temple run design being the use of a striking close up. I am comparing my Captain Cheddar square add banner to them Temple run banner. There seem to be several differences. Mine seems to be much more simpler and does not reflect in game play, although slightly different the Temple Run banner reflects or hints to what the in game play will be like to a certain extent. Perhaps if i was to do this also it would make my banner more interesting and relevant. Otherwise my banner may be seen as bland. Also after seeing the Temple Run banner it’s made me feel as though i should make the title on my banner slightly larger and more bold.
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Transcript of Graphic design evaluation

Page 1: Graphic design evaluation



My hoodie merchandise design in comparison to the official Temple Run Merchandise are similar in some respects. Both Designs contain the picture in the centre of the design, and the game title placed underneath. Something that mine contains that the other design does not, is the company name underneath, this could perhaps be needed more for my design since my game is more unknown, and temple run is a huge success.

I chose to compare my app icon to the temple run design since both contain images that are not particularly relatable directly to the in game play. The temple run design is much simpler yet recognizable. For my design i chose to add in both the game title and company logo. Overall i believe both icons stand out well in different ways, mine using the use of colour, and the temple run design being the use of a striking close up.

I am comparing my Captain Cheddar square add banner to them Temple run banner. There seem to be several differences. Mine seems to be much more simpler and does not reflect in game play, although slightly different the Temple Run banner reflects or hints to what the in game play will be like to a certain extent. Perhaps if i was to do this also it would make my banner more interesting and relevant. Otherwise my banner may be seen as bland. Also after seeing the Temple Run banner it’s made me feel as though i should make the title on my banner slightly larger and more bold.

Page 2: Graphic design evaluation


When i began my design it was simply a picture of my main character and title. After receiving feedback both clients suggested that i should add another image or something extra along my main character, since it appeared slightly bland, to improve this i created and inserted bubbles to the design, after acting upon the peer feedback i am very happy with the result, i think it looks much more appealing, colourful and less bland. Since we’re targeting a younger audience it is important for my designs to look fun and colourful.

I produced 2 mock designs of my app logo in black and white, both having different positioned titles and company logo. Based on my peer feedback my client said the ‘love’ the effect i put on my character and out of the two designs preferred the second option (the design i now have) in contrast the the first design that had the title along the very bottom of the app, the feedback i got is it was not focussed enough and did not draw in enough interest, in order to improve this i replaced the title underneath my character. Another change made on peer feedback is i also repositioned the company logo, originally it has the whole title ‘Big Crown Media’ however i feel as though this took the attention away from the main title, and so did my clients, therefore i reduced it to a simple ‘B’ as the company logo, i feel as though this worked much more efficiently.

Prior to peer feedback my banner designs were simply my main character title and the words ‘Click here for more info’, feedback from one client stated ‘I think you could possibly add more to it, like another picture or information or something’Another said ‘The banner looks slightly plain’To fix this i decided to insert a ‘Available on the App Store’ picture, this gives more information as to what it is, another change i made based on peer feedback was i added several effects to my banners, this made my banners look much more interesting, before they were simply just blue.

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My feedback stated that the positioning of the title when at the bottom of the icon looked out of place, i then repositioned the title underneath my character, and repositioned the company logo and reduced it to a simple ʻBʼ. The feedback helped me to create a logo that was both more eye catching and well positioned.

Every piece of feedback i received suggested that i should add something extra to the design, as it looked slightly bland. In order to fix this i decided to create bubble and add them either side to my character, doing this made my design more colourful, and add to the ocean/fishing theme better, which i believe is ultimately more appealable to my target audience.

Feedback & Amendments

Page 4: Graphic design evaluation

My product is suitable to the pre-teen market since the design is colourful and fun, also choosing a hoodie as a merchandise type was useful since many of the age range would buy and wear hoodies.

My App icon on the right hand side has appeal to my target audience due to the bold colours and fun effect, the use of Captain Cheddar animated gives a hint to what market the game is aimed at.

While creating my final ideas i used Adobe Photoshop, this was a much more time efficient way of doing so in comparison to doing it in a physical copy of my wall papers/poster ect. as i could easily experiment with which colours schemes, lay outs and effects work out best, if i thought something did not work i could easily just re-edit it, if i was to draw it out instead, this would have took much longer.

While creating my designs on photoshop i used a graphics tablet in order to make my designs have a more professional look, using a graphics tablet was also less time consuming.

Target Audience & Software

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